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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

. . . Now they [the people] have even more to be afraid of, the blocking of the specialty hospital and the hydro dam project compounded by the anti money laundering bill fiasco. 

antiman, THIS is your brief against the opposition and in support of the PPP criminals . . .?


what a clueless klown . . . har de har har hr har harrr

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

 People have short memories. Burnham died 30 years ago.



It is just not Burnham times that people remember. They also remember mo fiah slow fiah, Buxton, the FF's, Fineman, Agricola, Lusignan, Bartica and Linden incidents. Now they have even more to be afraid of, the blocking of the specialty hospital and the hydro dam project compounded by the anti money laundering bill fiasco. 


It is up to private investors to determine the level of diversification of Guyana's economy, not some communist government strategy of running and dictating industry.


When the Marriott is developed and stays empty then you can crow. Until then staan quiet. I remember you also cried on the Providence Stadium which now host some of the top stars in the world and World Test series. You people cried white elephant back then, now I don't hear those cries recently except for skeldon. 

Well said BGurd!



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

 People have short memories. Burnham died 30 years ago.



It is just not Burnham times that people remember. They also remember mo fiah slow fiah, Buxton, the FF's, Fineman, Agricola, Lusignan, Bartica and Linden incidents. Now they have even more to be afraid of, the blocking of the specialty hospital and the hydro dam project compounded by the anti money laundering bill fiasco. 


It is up to private investors to determine the level of diversification of Guyana's economy, not some communist government strategy of running and dictating industry.


When the Marriott is developed and stays empty then you can crow. Until then staan quiet. I remember you also cried on the Providence Stadium which now host some of the top stars in the world and World Test series. You people cried white elephant back then, now I don't hear those cries recently except for skeldon. 

Well said BGurd!



Burnham gat DEM FOOLS like that. They cry about progress and encourage DESTRUCTION AKA Mo Fiah Slo Fiah. Burnham really FRIG UP some people.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

 People have short memories. Burnham died 30 years ago.



It is just not Burnham times that people remember. They also remember mo fiah slow fiah, Buxton, the FF's, Fineman, Agricola, Lusignan, Bartica and Linden incidents. Now they have even more to be afraid of, the blocking of the specialty hospital and the hydro dam project compounded by the anti money laundering bill fiasco. 


It is up to private investors to determine the level of diversification of Guyana's economy, not some communist government strategy of running and dictating industry.


When the Marriott is developed and stays empty then you can crow. Until then staan quiet. I remember you also cried on the Providence Stadium which now host some of the top stars in the world and World Test series. You people cried white elephant back then, now I don't hear those cries recently except for skeldon. 

Well said BGurd!



Burnham gat DEM FOOLS like that. They cry about progress and encourage DESTRUCTION AKA Mo Fiah Slo Fiah. Burnham really FRIG UP some people.

drugabeer, rev, now drunken neroo with bucktas round their ankles . . . antiman clusterf*** in progress


what a spectacle


CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Director Says Guyana's Economy Has Made Substantial Progress.




* Economically, Guyana has progressed under the macroeconomic policies and programmes initiated by the PPP government..


* Dr Ram called on Guyana’s private sector to assume the lead position in advocating for growth, adding that based on the current trajectory, Guyana would achieve its Millennium Development Goals (MDG) by the stipulated date (2015) in education, gender and environment.


Click on link for article:





What do the losers and whiners here on GNI have to say about the CDB's glowing praise for Guyana and the substantial progress the country is making ?


* We know poster redux will do what he does best---he'll be cursing, bawling and screaming---"antiman, antiman, antiman...."


* How about the other lunatics and psychos------what do these losers have to say ?



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

. . . We know poster redux will do what he does best---he'll be cursing, bawling and screaming---"antiman, antiman, antiman...."



low functioning, low IQ, low achiever's idea of a 'defensive' (pre-emptive) strike


har de har har har har harr 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

The great physicist Stephen Hawking once said "people who boast about IQ are losers."


There are a lot of LOSERS supporting the PNC/AFC.



o rev, pray tell who here is "boasting" about high IQ (lame straw man) . . . heh heh heh


note to fool: loud, stupid and hapless (that means you rev) is a marker for low IQ

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Those old buildings were designed PRECISELY to reduce the need for the massive central air conditioning.  Do these people ever think about energy conservation.


The heat and humidity in Guyana today is way different from when Ii was growing up there. Those old houses, yes, did not need AC, but today, even these houses offer no comfort.


Three teenage girls arrested after leaving Corentyne orphanage

December 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


â€Ķallegations of ill-treatment surface

Allegations of maltreatment of children at a popular Corentyne Orphanage are surfacing at a time when three teenage girls of the home are being held in the lock-ups at the Albion Police Station. The girls, 12, 14 and 15-years- old (names given) were arrested on November 20, 2013 for “wandering” away from the home, placed before the courts and sentenced to be institutionalized at the New Opportunity Corps (NOC) in Essequibo where they are expected to be deployed shortly.

Magistrate Ravindra Singh made the ruling earlier last week at the court.

The girls at the Albion Police Station yesterday.

The girls at the Albion Police Station yesterday.


This has caused outrage from residents and concerned citizens in the Albion area, including one police officer, who spoke with this newspaper. According to reports, the girls are originally from Skeldon and have been at the home for over four years now. Two of them are sisters. They have no parents who are alive nor do they have any close relatives.

A resident of Albion slammed the administration of the orphanage. The administrators, the person claims, ill-treats the children on a regular basis and that this may have been the reason for the three girls leaving the home. “The lady does sell out all them children thing. Like she ain’t really fit to run that home anymore, because she get old and she put responsibility on her daughter-in-law,” claimed the resident.

“There was a time when she grandson and son used to live with all the big girls—as soon as they become mature, they lived with these children them! Let them go and investigate!” the person stated.

“Three girls were going to commit suicide and they had to call the police—and these children break down! But they don’t talk—and the ill treatment!”

A police officer, who spoke to this newspaper, claimed, “She sells out the stuff too. A set of things coming in for her for Christmas and she selling them out—What you think she does when she goes to Canada and America? Her daughter-in-law and son going overseas with orphanage children money!”

The 12- year- old is a student of the Corentyne Comprehensive High School, while the 14- year- old attends Port Mourant Secondary. The 15- year- old does not attend school. Kaieteur News spoke to the teacher of the 12- year-old yesterday who is very concerned at the girls’ incarceration at the Albion Police Station.

The teacher, like many other concerned persons, is also concerned that the girls are being posted to the NOC, and is angry at the Magistrate not having Social Services becoming involved first in the matter.

The teacher is also concerned and wanted to know what the police considered wandering, since she claimed that the girls were just outside the gates of the home on November 20.

“I spoke to the [12- year- old] girl personally and the girl said sometimes she go to school without lunch and the teachers would have to buy lunch for her. We never knew the extent of her sadness. When she was absent, the teachers were trying to get in contact with the home but they were given the royal runaround, that there were two such homes in the county.” The teacher wants the relevant authorities to launch an investigation into the operations at the home. “If someone can [only] go there and do an investigation or call upon the older and younger boys in that place, persons will know about the atrocities that go on in that place.”

But when contacted, Head of the home, (name given) denied all of the accusations.

“They [the three girls] ran away twice. They said nothing but that they wanted to leave!” she said. “It’s the second time they ran away, and I don’t want to keep them anymoreâ€Ķthey want to sport at Skeldonâ€Ķthe Magistrate put them to go and learn something at girls school. We are too strict; we don’t allow them to walk on the road,” the Head said.

As for the allegations of ill-treatment, she said, “Well if the children say they are being ill-treated, they should come and find out from the rest of the children.”

Residents in the area are planning a protest in front of the home.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I disavow nothing, you are the one making claims of money laundering without any evidence. Unlike you who make scandalous remarks, I know for a fact that many of the construction in Guyana are from wealthy expats and long established legitimate businesses. In addition, the Brazilians and Chinese are also building. You just make broad based accusations to merely discredit any progress under the PPP.


The last president for life was your hero Burnham. Jagan, Jagdeo and Ramoutar were elected by the people in contested elections overseen by international organizations. 


Guyana has far more decent roads than under Burnham/Hoyte and the PNC.  You merely glean your information from what you hear from the pedophile crew in the AFC/PNc and Kaiteur which has a political agenda, you need to go look for yourself. I will contribute $1 to your plane ticket. 



I suggest that you debate with Chief and baseman who are deeply opposed to my assertion that Burnham destroyed black people in Guyana.  You look ridiculous in screaming that I am some Burnhamite when I detest him as much as people like Nehru do.

The Brazilians wouldn't be in Guyana without gold.  The Chinese are there as they are every where else and I have already told you about remittances. 


Indeed the Chinese are doing more in Jamaica, where they are in the process of building large harbor facilities with the plan that Jamaica will be used as a transshipment and assembly point with larger ships using the Panama Canal.  Also huge projects in The Bahamas,  Trinidad and Suriname.


You have yet to disclose what specific policies that the PPP has that is responsible for a growing economy, aside from rice, which I will give them credit for.  Much of the investment in real estate is speculative and there are those who claim that there is a strong possibility of a bust.


And you have yet to disclose why you scream that the govt cannot be held responsible for the minimal development of our manufacturing sector (value added processing of our commodity products)  while you endorse their 100% investment in the Marriott.


Surely the Marriott should have been fully funded by the private investors, with at most tax and import duty concessions by the govt in addition to improved sewerage and drainage.


Druggie pull out gold and remittances and there would be no economy and therefore your wealthy expats would not be investing as there would have been no buying power.  Because most of their investment is in the retail and entertainment sectors.


You get your news from the criminal enterprise who are responsible for much of the drug smuggling and money laundering and Guyana, and who today still utilize criminals to achieve their goals.



Just as the death of Mandela will allow some of his successors in the ANC to engage in activities that they would have never dared to when he was alive, so the Jagdeo wing of the PPP has engaged in behavior which must be making Cheddi roll over in his grave.  I didn't personally care for him, but what I do know is that he loved Guyana in the way that this charlatans definitely do not.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Those old buildings were designed PRECISELY to reduce the need for the massive central air conditioning.  Do these people ever think about energy conservation.


The heat and humidity in Guyana today is way different from when Ii was growing up there. Those old houses, yes, did not need AC, but today, even these houses offer no comfort.

All of those buildings with their massive central air systems are probably heating up parts of  G/twn.  I have seen this in islands like St Maarten and St Thomas.  Its also likely that they are blocking normal air flows.

Originally Posted by Rev:

CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Director Says Guyana's Economy Has Made Substantial Progress.




* Economically, Guyana has progressed under the macroeconomic policies and programmes initiated by the PPP government..


* Dr Ram called on Guyana’s private sector to assume the lead position in advocating for growth, adding that based on the current trajectory, Guyana would achieve its Millennium Development Goals (MDG) by the stipulated date (2015) in education, gender and environment.


Click on link for article:





What do the losers and whiners here on GNI have to say about the CDB's glowing praise for Guyana and the substantial progress the country is making ?


* We know poster redux will do what he does best---he'll be cursing, bawling and screaming---"antiman, antiman, antiman...."


* How about the other lunatics and psychos------what do these losers have to say ?



Rev they also gave credit to Hoyte, but you didn't add that.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Those old buildings were designed PRECISELY to reduce the need for the massive central air conditioning.  Do these people ever think about energy conservation.


The heat and humidity in Guyana today is way different from when Ii was growing up there. Those old houses, yes, did not need AC, but today, even these houses offer no comfort.

Kari, abie gat wan house like dah. Abie na need AC. Nite time ah really cool. Daytime hat hat doe.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Guyana is a democracy.


* Elections under the PPP are free and fair.


* If Guyanese voters want to return to the days of long lines and shortages---if they are tired of seeing progress---if they want to see their country ruined and bankrupted---then they will vote the PNC back into power.


* It's that SIMPLE.





Voting in Guyana is not a rational process where candidates are evaluated by a record of their work in the society. It is a race driven system which is a direct consequence of the Westminster system and with autocratic authority vested in the executive. Further, the Executive Candidate is selected by less than 15 people with no rhyme or reason except one may presume he is a perfect political ideologue and embraces completely the party dogma ( democratic centralism in t his instance). In reality, Guyana is not a democracy but an elected oligarchy.

Nonsense, the majority of people in Guyana know that the PNC/AFC punish them in the past and will do so again if elected.  It is a rational process.

You Crows will begin to caw vociferously on the unfairness of the system when ( note it is not if but when)  the PNC gets back in power.  The PPP does not stand a chance in hell to hold on to power more than one more election cycle.

You talk about crow? You will eat crow after the PPP/C win a majority the next exlection. At least there is democracy in Guyana. You love to see the days of PNC thugs riggin' and friggin' again.   

Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev they also gave credit to Hoyte, but you didn't add that.


Listen carib:


* Hoyte is dead and gone.


* Let's focus on today.


* The Caribbean Development Bank, much to the consternation of the leaders of the PNC/AFC and the losers and whiners who support them, has wholeheartedly praised the substantial progress they have seen in Guyana.






Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

My way of looking at progress starts with the people. 

* You are focusing on social progress or lack thereof in Guyana, while the Rev is focusing on economic progress.


* Listen! Both you and the Rev reside in the richest country on the planet---and right here in the great US of A you have nearly 50 million people struggling to put food on the table----they are on food stamps---and you have millions without healthcare.


* So if the USA can fall short when it comes to social progress, it is not surprising that poor Guyana is also facing problems socially.


* But I maintain that the boom in construction in Guyana is a sign of progress---economic progress----and that is good for Guyana.


* By the way cobra, when is the last time you visited Guyana ? Ask sheik to update you on the new schools, clinics, infrastructure projects that have been developed under the PPP----have him update you on the pensions being paid to the elderly and the free health care they are receiving.


* It's OK to complain about the shortcomings of the PPP---and there are many----but once in a while you need to be more broadminded and give genuine praise where it's due.


* The PPP has its flaws---but Guyana is a much better place, socially and economically, under the PPP than when it was run by the PNC---those cretins actually ruined and bankrupted the country.







And you daddy Cheddi just stood by and looked on. What a freaking shame. That man had no backbone. At least the AFC and PNC calling out the ruling party. You gotta give them praise for that. Cheddi and his followers should be ashamed to know that the PNC was thiefing so much and they did nothing. Nothing. What a shame!!!

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

And you daddy Cheddi just stood by and looked on.



* When is the last time you visited Guyana ?


* Take a weekend off from your struggles in New Jersey and go visit Guyana.


* You will find out that the Caribbean Development bank is dead right---there is substantial progress being made in Guyana today.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev they also gave credit to Hoyte, but you didn't add that.


Listen carib:


* Hoyte is dead and gone.


* Let's focus on today.


* The Caribbean Development Bank, much to the consternation of the leaders of the PNC/AFC and the losers and whiners who support them, has wholeheartedly praised the substantial progress they have seen in Guyana.






Rev you can scream and rant and wail as much as you want.  The biggest difference between Guyana today and Guyana 30 years ago is that it is no longer dominated by state owned corporations run by party hacks.  It wss HOYTE who began the transformation of the economy to a free enterprise system.  Had Cheddi followed Burnham he would have kept the same poorly run state corporations.  Would have replaced PNC hacks with PPP hacks whose main competencies were quoting Marxism that they learned in Moscow.


And Guyana would be in a mess.


You scream about Burnham who died 30 years ago, and yet you want to ignore Hoyte who came AFTER that, and began the process of cleaning up Burnham's mess, and preventing Cheddi from implementing his communist nonsense.


The CDB contrasts the economies of Guyana AND Suriname, which are commodity based, with the service based economies.  There is no evidence that the PPP has done a better job than say Barbados. The CDB makes no mention of that.


The difference is that Guyana has gold and Barbados doesn't.  Guyana is dirt poor so was able to get most of its debt canceled.  Barbados has to pay back every dime that it borrowed.  So yes the CDB gives the PPP credit for being able to cancel much of Guyana's debt which has given them much more budgetary flexibility than most other CARICOM countries have.


But others say that Guyana is the most corrupt nation in the English speaking Caribbean, and has the lowest human development indices, and the highest rates of child labor.  So why no comments from you?  The PPP has been in power for 21 years and you don't like to talk about the past, so what say you.

Last edited by Former Member



Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, has acquired even more prime real estate, this time in the posh Queenstown, Georgetown neighbourhood.

The lot 299 Church Street property...






The lot 300 New Garden Street property where the Bharrat Jagdeo Foundation is located






GUYANA IS BOOMING UNDER THE PPP----even a former President is investing in the BOOM---buying up properties in Queenstown.





Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev It was HOYTE who began the transformation of the economy to a free enterprise system. 



* Desmond Hoyte was an even bigger crook, a more shameless thief and a more blatant election rigger than Burnham.



Take a look at the rigged 1985 election results in Guyana:


PNC: 78.5%

PPP: 15.8%

UF :   3.4%



You ought to be deeply ashamed carib to come here and bray about Desmond Hoyte's economic program.




The PNC ruined and bankrupted Guyana; the PPP has slowly put the country back on the right track.







Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev It was HOYTE who began the transformation of the economy to a free enterprise system. 



* Desmond Hoyte was an even bigger crook, a more shameless thief and a more blatant election rigger than Burnham.



Take a look at the rigged 1985 election results in Guyana:


PNC: 78.5%

PPP: 15.8%

UF :   3.4%



You ought to be deeply ashamed carib to come here and bray about Desmond Hoyte's economic program.




The PNC ruined and bankrupted Guyana; the PPP has slowly put the country back on the right track.







Hoyte might have stolen votes.  The current band of crooks are stealing millions of dollars and attempting to make ordinary Guyanese pay the bill.


1.  Amaila Falls DRY yet they wanted Guyana to assume debt of hundreds of millions of dollars.


2.  CJIA.  8 gateways and yet the cannot justify why this expense.  Another US $150 million.


3.  Marriott.  No private investors have materialized, and yet it is known that hotels are usually only 50% occupied.


And others can furnish more bogus projects designed only to siphon off money into the hands of the PPP cabal and their friends.


This while large numbers of Guyanese suffer on less than US $200/month.


And Guyana will not be able to write off any debt incurred. Be glad that APNU has blocked most of these projects.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev It was HOYTE who began the transformation of the economy to a free enterprise system. 




The PNC ruined and bankrupted Guyana; the PPP has slowly put the country back on the right track.







What is the current debt status of Guyana compared to when the PNC was last in office?


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