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ksazma posted:

I try to not have fights with the ladies but I will make an exception here. I don’t think it is nice to keep demeaning Base over this job issue. Consider the movie Waqt. No one really knows their future and it is more than how we prepare for it. We all go through good times and bad times and none of us is immune to having bad times. It is a good idea to refrain from commenting on Base’ situation for any of us can find ourself in a similar one.

You should also make an exception when he tells dirty lies, belittle women, and drag their names through the gutter.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

I try to not have fights with the ladies but I will make an exception here. I don’t think it is nice to keep demeaning Base over this job issue. Consider the movie Waqt. No one really knows their future and it is more than how we prepare for it. We all go through good times and bad times and none of us is immune to having bad times. It is a good idea to refrain from commenting on Base’ situation for any of us can find ourself in a similar one.

I actually don’t know why she thinks this.  I was on a lucrative consulting assignment when we dated.  She even admitted to me my comp was almost twice hers.  The project finished just when we broke up.  Less than a month later I got another as a corporate controller.  Still on that.  Telling lies long enough and frequently don’t make it truth.

Like I said go and find a job and stop telling lies.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

I try to not have fights with the ladies but I will make an exception here. I don’t think it is nice to keep demeaning Base over this job issue. Consider the movie Waqt. No one really knows their future and it is more than how we prepare for it. We all go through good times and bad times and none of us is immune to having bad times. It is a good idea to refrain from commenting on Base’ situation for any of us can find ourself in a similar one.

You should also make an exception when he tells dirty lies, belittle women, and drag their names through the gutter.

How/what brought me back to this site?   Remember I had my membership canceled!

i think everyone here was witness to what was being peddled by YOU!

Take a cold hard look at yourself!

and you know, nothing I said here are lies.  You denying does not make it so either.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

I try to not have fights with the ladies but I will make an exception here. I don’t think it is nice to keep demeaning Base over this job issue. Consider the movie Waqt. No one really knows their future and it is more than how we prepare for it. We all go through good times and bad times and none of us is immune to having bad times. It is a good idea to refrain from commenting on Base’ situation for any of us can find ourself in a similar one.

I actually don’t know why she thinks this.  I was on a lucrative consulting assignment when we dated.  She even admitted to me my comp was almost twice hers.  The project finished just when we broke up.  Less than a month later I got another as a corporate controller.  Still on that.  Telling lies long enough and frequently don’t make it truth.

Like I said go and find a job and stop telling lies.  

Btw, when will you repay the other half of the money you still owe me?

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

I try to not have fights with the ladies but I will make an exception here. I don’t think it is nice to keep demeaning Base over this job issue. Consider the movie Waqt. No one really knows their future and it is more than how we prepare for it. We all go through good times and bad times and none of us is immune to having bad times. It is a good idea to refrain from commenting on Base’ situation for any of us can find ourself in a similar one.

You should also make an exception when he tells dirty lies, belittle women, and drag their names through the gutter.

Hopefully I do. I remember telling him about the things he was saying about you when he came back.

Stormborn posted:

Cassava bread is as cultural as rotie and the same as piwari. It takes a miserable mind to see a peoples food as a pejorative. But you are a dunce.


The Indo KKK have been known to use cook up rice and Kwekwe as epithets too.  Plus the nation of the Congo.  And Cuffy the first Guyanese to lead a major fight for freedom.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

I try to not have fights with the ladies but I will make an exception here. I don’t think it is nice to keep demeaning Base over this job issue. Consider the movie Waqt. No one really knows their future and it is more than how we prepare for it. We all go through good times and bad times and none of us is immune to having bad times. It is a good idea to refrain from commenting on Base’ situation for any of us can find ourself in a similar one.

You should also make an exception when he tells dirty lies, belittle women, and drag their names through the gutter.

Hopefully I do. I remember telling him about the things he was saying about you when he came back.

True story. Early 90's there was a QC reunion at Flushing Meadow Park. Someone said something disparaging about "Bibi" and I actually defended her. The chap looked at me with a smirk when I said she was a nice person. Now I understand.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

I try to not have fights with the ladies but I will make an exception here. I don’t think it is nice to keep demeaning Base over this job issue. Consider the movie Waqt. No one really knows their future and it is more than how we prepare for it. We all go through good times and bad times and none of us is immune to having bad times. It is a good idea to refrain from commenting on Base’ situation for any of us can find ourself in a similar one.

You should also make an exception when he tells dirty lies, belittle women, and drag their names through the gutter.

Does not take much to verify anything that might be said of you. You are prone to cuss and fuss and take offense to the least of slights or perceived slights. I suggest you ease up in your old age. Nothing is worth fussing about that you take it personally. If you are going to fite with someone do it for fun else you ruin your personality with all that acid formation in the stomach!

ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:

From my park bench ugli...I have a dove nesting on the bench...wanna see it?

Bai, be careful how yuh showing yuh bird.

finicky birds...they flew away and left the babies.  Had to get a friend who works with birds to hand feed them until they fledged. They do not like being watched. 

Now she is back with two more eggs so I have to avoid that favorite for another month. Don't want her to fly away again.

ksazma posted:

Birds get very feisty when people get near their young ones. I once parked next to a tree and the next thing I know a bird was flying at top speed across the parking lot and ended up picking me very close to my eye. 

Apparently doves do not care. They just leave the nest, even if there are babies in them or eggs  and go somewhere else and continue with their business

ksazma posted:

Birds shit too much. 

We have crows....I mean thousands of them...they invade specific areas and simply drive people crazy. Luckily they do not seem to like our trees. I see them over by a large mall area on every tree and every telephone pole or wire and as you say droppings everywhere. They come in the evenings and might be one place for a few weeks and another place after that. As I said, we are full of trees but they have not come our way.

Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:

Birds get very feisty when people get near their young ones. I once parked next to a tree and the next thing I know a bird was flying at top speed across the parking lot and ended up picking me very close to my eye. 

Apparently doves do not care. They just leave the nest, even if there are babies in them or eggs  and go somewhere else and continue with their business

I don't know if this is the same kind of bird but the one that attacked me looks like it.Image result for florida brown birds

Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:

Birds shit too much. 

We have crows....I mean thousands of them...they invade specific areas and simply drive people crazy. Luckily they do not seem to like our trees. I see them over by a large mall area on every tree and every telephone pole or wire and as you say droppings everywhere. They come in the evenings and might be one place for a few weeks and another place after that. As I said, we are full of trees but they have not come our way.

The houses in Florida has these cut outs in the roof where pigeons like to go chill and they are terrible with their droppings. We had to put wire mesh to close off the cut outs so we can keep our driveway clean. We don't have many trees.


I don't know if this is the same kind of bird but the one that attacked me looks like it.Image result for florida brown birds

Cannot identify the bird. Could be anything from a starling to a crackle. I never paid attention to bird species until recently when I began to live in the woods and noticed there are countless kinds of finches and starlings..but only a few kinds of crows. You have to look carefully to notice.

Birds can be mean. I have had a few experience with cardinals among others trying to dive bomb me in the woods.

ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:

Birds shit too much. 

We have crows....I mean thousands of them...they invade specific areas and simply drive people crazy. Luckily they do not seem to like our trees. I see them over by a large mall area on every tree and every telephone pole or wire and as you say droppings everywhere. They come in the evenings and might be one place for a few weeks and another place after that. As I said, we are full of trees but they have not come our way.

The houses in Florida has these cut outs in the roof where pigeons like to go chill and they are terrible with their droppings. We had to put wire mesh to close off the cut outs so we can keep our driveway clean. We don't have many trees.

In Philly we have the Canadian goose. They are mean suckers and produce massive amounts of poop along the Schuylkill River so the river bank is unusable at certain times of the year. They are apt to chase you as you bike the path along Kelly drive or Martin Luther King drive. I do not like t hem

We have a couple in my area in MD that comes to nest but they are not mean. They would stick their heads in your pocket to see if you have anything to eat but they do not try to peck the hell our of you. I guess they learned to do that by people feeding them.

Stormborn posted:

I don't know if this is the same kind of bird but the one that attacked me looks like it.Image result for florida brown birds

Cannot identify the bird. Could be anything from a starling to a crackle. I never paid attention to bird species until recently when I began to live in the woods and noticed there are countless kinds of finches and starlings..but only a few kinds of crows. You have to look carefully to notice.

Birds can be mean. I have had a few experience with cardinals among others trying to dive bomb me in the woods.

The one that attacked me actually drew my blood and I am just thankful it didn't pick my eyes.

ksazma posted:

My daughter is terrified of birds. It all stemmed from when she was little and we had gone to the statue of Liberty. We had bought food and the birds would actually pick the fries from your hand. One did that to her and left a lasting impression on her.

 Birds are are our friends. They are not only beautiful but gets rid of lots of little nasty things that really would hurt us from insects to parasites.    they attack when guarding their nests or young.

Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:

My daughter is terrified of birds. It all stemmed from when she was little and we had gone to the statue of Liberty. We had bought food and the birds would actually pick the fries from your hand. One did that to her and left a lasting impression on her.

 Birds are are our friends. They are not only beautiful but gets rid of lots of little nasty things that really would hurt us from insects to parasites.    they attack when guarding their nests or young.

I don't think she will believe you though. Her mind has been made up for nearly two decades now. 

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

I try to not have fights with the ladies but I will make an exception here. I don’t think it is nice to keep demeaning Base over this job issue. Consider the movie Waqt. No one really knows their future and it is more than how we prepare for it. We all go through good times and bad times and none of us is immune to having bad times. It is a good idea to refrain from commenting on Base’ situation for any of us can find ourself in a similar one.

You should also make an exception when he tells dirty lies, belittle women, and drag their names through the gutter.

Hopefully I do. I remember telling him about the things he was saying about you when he came back.

Why did I came back?  Why did you not say something when she was slandering me?  Further more, I will deal with her as I see fit as I am her prime target!

GTAngler posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

I try to not have fights with the ladies but I will make an exception here. I don’t think it is nice to keep demeaning Base over this job issue. Consider the movie Waqt. No one really knows their future and it is more than how we prepare for it. We all go through good times and bad times and none of us is immune to having bad times. It is a good idea to refrain from commenting on Base’ situation for any of us can find ourself in a similar one.

You should also make an exception when he tells dirty lies, belittle women, and drag their names through the gutter.

Hopefully I do. I remember telling him about the things he was saying about you when he came back.

True story. Early 90's there was a QC reunion at Flushing Meadow Park. Someone said something disparaging about "Bibi" and I actually defended her. The chap looked at me with a smirk when I said she was a nice person. Now I understand.

Banna, I did the same and against some family members, so did my sister.  I even got pissed at a friend in NY who told me her (67 years old) ex Sugar-daddy said I will run a thousand miles when she show her true self!

caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:

Cassava bread is as cultural as rotie and the same as piwari. It takes a miserable mind to see a peoples food as a pejorative. But you are a dunce.


The Indo KKK have been known to use cook up rice and Kwekwe as epithets too.  Plus the nation of the Congo.  And Cuffy the first Guyanese to lead a major fight for freedom.

I like Black people cook-up rice.  They do it the bast.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

You should also make an exception when he tells dirty lies, belittle women, and drag their names through the gutter.

Hopefully I do. I remember telling him about the things he was saying about you when he came back.

Why did I came back?  Why did you not say something when she was slandering me?  Further more, I will deal with her as I see fit as I am her prime target!

I would say run..take the side street if you see her walking your way. Acid burns...that is a fact jack.

antabanta posted:
Leonora posted:
Riff posted:

ayuh date, then split up, now ayuh fight like man and wife

must still have the hots for each other

Remember ICIP and The New Yorker?  

Eh-eh... you been around here a while.

She was here when the system came on line...or as long as I have been here...she has been here longer than Amral!

Baseman posted:

Banna, I did the same and against some family members, so did my sister.  I even got pissed at a friend in NY who told me her (67 years old) ex Sugar-daddy said I will run a thousand miles when she show her true self!

dude, i am a smidgen from 60 and I ain't walking in the footsteps of no 67 year old. You are slipping....get a grip. Shit...join eHarmony or Tinder if you lost your mojo in real life. Damn man...get a grip on it.  You are depriving fishes waiting to be caught not to mention doing a disservice to fishers who are overwhelmed with catching too much!

Last edited by Former Member

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