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ksazma posted:

My daughter is terrified of birds. It all stemmed from when she was little and we had gone to the statue of Liberty. We had bought food and the birds would actually pick the fries from your hand. One did that to her and left a lasting impression on her.

You are a very negligent father. Seems like you failed to get her the much needed help to deal with her phobia and irrational fears. There are lots of self-help strategies and therapeutic approaches that can help her break free from her phobia and she can start living the life she wants. Perhaps you could write to Dr. Phil for help. 

Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:

Banna, I did the same and against some family members, so did my sister.  I even got pissed at a friend in NY who told me her (67 years old) ex Sugar-daddy said I will run a thousand miles when she show her true self!

dude, i am a smidgen from 60 and I ain't walking in the footsteps of no 67 year old. You are slipping....get a grip. Shit...join eHarmony or Tinder if you lost your mojo in real life. Damn man...get a grip on it.  You are depriving fishes waiting to be caught not to mention doing a disservice to fishers who are overwhelmed with catching too much!

You have such a fine way with words. I think you have been the GNI anchor that kept this place going through all the years, all the characters and all the dramas.

Base, you taking all that from Storm? Dude, get a grip, join the fishers and find some fishes pronto.  

ksazma posted:

Y’all ease up on Bibi now. We all have our shortcomings. No one is perfect.

All nice and good. Take a good look at all her at all her altercations. She has always been the one to get personal with people. We all have our opinions on Guyana's Politics, religion, race etc. Keep the bickering at a tolerable level. No need to get personal especially when you have to resort to lies.  However should you choose to step into that arena, the gloves come off and it's bare knuckle brawling. She has gotten exactly what she deserves.

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

My daughter is terrified of birds. It all stemmed from when she was little and we had gone to the statue of Liberty. We had bought food and the birds would actually pick the fries from your hand. One did that to her and left a lasting impression on her.

You are a very negligent father. Seems like you failed to get her the much needed help to deal with her phobia and irrational fears. There are lots of self-help strategies and therapeutic approaches that can help her break free from her phobia and she can start living the life she wants. Perhaps you could write to Dr. Phil for help. 

Did I say she is not living the life she wants? Why do you always insist on foolishness?


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