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However, I have no issue with him accusing me of using the replanting of Conversation Tree for my own purposes.  After all, all he knows is PPP/PNC politics.  And these kinds of things are but occupational hazards for me as a politician.  In time, most people will know who I am and what I stand for, and that will be good enough.


As to his assertion that I am a divisive figure and have blood on my hands in reference to the Linden murders, all I have to say is that it reveals his own racism and narrow thinking.  Hopefully, in time too, he will realise how wrong he is.


Originally Posted by Freaky:
Hey bro you continue to do your wonderful work in GY, you're a true patriot of our beloved GY Screw the naysayers! Btw, I heard someone crashed into the newly planted tree last night & mashed it up badly


Are these savages so mindless that they destroy even trees for no apparent reason?


Thank you , I hope the plant dies as it is a bad omen for many. Even Sunil I believe was fare game to be robbed under that tree when sheltering for rain.  

That boy don't remember the original conversation tree that most of us remember, a relatively large 25 ft tree. He was in the fatherland being indoctrinated in Nazi teachings which he then applied to Linden and Agricola to the detriment of many Guyanese. 

Even recently as 2011 there were robberies associated with this tree.


Businessmen robbed of $4M in Conversation Tree ambush

Two businessmen are lucky to be alive and without serious injuries after they were robbed by armed bandits while transporting $4M to Georgetown.

Police in a press release said that at around 6:20 pm on Tuesday, while in a vehicle in the vicinity of Conversation Tree,

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

Sorry to hear the tree keeps dying.I remember sheltering under the tree as a kid on my way to QC in the mornings.

So Bulby used to call you up on stage when u late...blame it on conversating under the conversation tree..



A couple of days ago a come back Guyanese or visitor, used the word conversating in between his twang when we were talking about the tree

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


Businessmen robbed of $4M in Conversation Tree ambush

Two businessmen are lucky to be alive and without serious injuries after they were robbed by armed bandits while transporting $4M to Georgetown.

Police in a press release said that at around 6:20 pm on Tuesday, while in a vehicle in the vicinity of Conversation Tree,

What a stretch!  It happened in the vicinity of Conversation Tree.  In 2011 it would still have been but a sapling.



The grill was knocked down yesterday. (Arian Browne photo, Stabroek News)


And we put it up back the same day, finishing the painting and replacement of some of reflectors today. We still have some more reflectors to replace, and paint to clean off of the others.

TAKE THREE!!!! And Action <click>

Only a dead man can miss these reflectors!

Take Three. A Hauler can pass through there but a car can't...?


It looks a bit gaudy for now but that will change over time as the tree grows with some TLC.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hahahahahah, my prophesy comes true. This tree is in a ill conceived spot. Note that it is at an intersection with a stoplight, clearly posing an encumbrance to vision and potential danger.  But it is indicative of the thought process of the opposition afc/pnc, no vision.  

Conversation Tree was planted in 1876 during the time of the British (Ralph Ramkarran).  When the PNC built the Rupert Craig (East Coast) Highway (1980s), they left Conversation Tree in place.  When the PPP later installed a median and expanded the junction (1990s) and later again installed traffic lights (2000s), they left Conversation Tree in place.  I merely replanted the tree in its existing place.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hahahahahah, my prophesy comes true. This tree is in a ill conceived spot. Note that it is at an intersection with a stoplight, clearly posing an encumbrance to vision and potential danger.  But it is indicative of the thought process of the opposition afc/pnc, no vision.  


Mornin Shitabatty,


How tings nah?

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hahahahahah, my prophesy comes true. This tree is in a ill conceived spot. Note that it is at an intersection with a stoplight, clearly posing an encumbrance to vision and potential danger.  But it is indicative of the thought process of the opposition afc/pnc, no vision.  

Conversation Tree was planted in 1876 during the time of the British (Ralph Ramkarran).  When the PNC built the Rupert Craig (East Coast) Highway (1980s), they left Conversation Tree in place.  When the PPP later installed a median and expanded the junction (1990s) and later again installed traffic lights (2000s), they left Conversation Tree in place.  I merely replanted the tree in its existing place.

Pleading the 5th is not an excuse for poor judgment. Give it a rest and if you want to remember your father you should have cherished the moments you had together rather than overcompensating after the fact. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Pleading the 5th is not an excuse for poor judgment. Give it a rest and if you want to remember your father you should have cherished the moments you had together rather than overcompensating after the fact. 

Do you even know what that means?  It means refusing to answer.  Have I refused to answer you?

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Pleading the 5th is not an excuse for poor judgment. Give it a rest and if you want to remember your father you should have cherished the moments you had together rather than overcompensating after the fact. 

Do you even know what that means?  It means refusing to answer.  Have I refused to answer you?

What--f'in-- Tack!  ...and it goeoooeeeesssss right outta da ballpark


"Conversation Tree was planted in 1876 during the time of the British (Ralph Ramkarran).  When the PNC built the Rupert Craig (East Coast) Highway (1980s), they left Conversation Tree in place.  When the PPP later installed a median and expanded the junction (1990s) and later again installed traffic lights (2000s), they left Conversation Tree in place.  I merely replanted the tree in its existing place."




Doan bother with that arsewipe, he constantly criticizies anything you or the other "good guys" do, he's all for giving the PPP a free reign to carry on with their corrupt ways even though the truth stares him square in the face.

It was okay with the British, it was okay with the PNC, it was okay for the PPP, BUT the goadieman needs to be different.


There are others here I disagree with but would never call them such names. Their thinking may be a bit skewered but they are still decent human beings.


Goadie bhim on the other hand, oh well,it shows in his writings,...hence, arsewipe.


I urge Gerhard to honor his father properly by not making a dedication at a place of death and destruction. It is a bad omen.


Conversation Tree accident fatality was boat pilot in training
Wendy Morris yesterday mourned her son who was killed early Saturday evening in a road accident
describing 22-year-old Orlando Augustus as a “good son” who was a boat pilot in training.


Another story in 2010:
A security guard identified as Leroy Benjamin was struck and killed at Conversation Tree last night
under circumstances still unknown.
Reports are that a minibus was involved in the accident. Sources at the
Georgetown Public Hospital said that Benjamin,
who was attached to the Professional
Guard Service (PGS) was pronounced dead on arrival at around 11:15 pm.

Originally Posted by cain:

I'm sure you can pull out hundreds of pictures showing accidents, so stop being a butthead for a while nuh man.


There are many who also lose their lives on the roads.


Should they pull up those roads?

If you were a friend of Gerhard you too would join me in warning him.  With friends like you who needs enemies?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:

I'm sure you can pull out hundreds of pictures showing accidents, so stop being a butthead for a while nuh man.


There are many who also lose their lives on the roads.


Should they pull up those roads?

If you were a friend of Gerhard you too would join me in warning him.  With friends like you who needs enemies?


My Dear Big Goady Seed,


Do you occasionally read the mental excretions which you regularly daub on this forum?


Do you understand how ridiculous and asinine you look when displaying a total lack of civil decorum even to a political opponent over an effin tree?


If I was a PPP operative, I'd muzzle mudheads like you because you just embarass the party when you open your dhall hole.


BGurd_see, none of these accidents you have posted here have anything to do with the tree.  My dad had first replanted the tree in 2008, and since then, none have made it to maturity.  These accidents date from after 2008.  Before then, I do not recall the tree ever being massive, nor as being the direct cause of an accident.  As I said to you before, the area is a junction, where accidents will occur, regardless.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Do you occasionally read the mental excretions which you regularly daub on this forum? 


In high school, I was voted most likely to be either a politician or a comedian 

You ended up being both!  


I believe you need the same skill set for both professions

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

BGurd_see, none of these accidents you have posted here have anything to do with the tree.  My dad had first replanted the tree in 2008, and since then, none have made it to maturity.  These accidents date from after 2008.  Before then, I do not recall the tree ever being massive, nor as being the direct cause of an accident.  As I said to you before, the area is a junction, where accidents will occur, regardless.

Now that Boyo is in the hereafter I can guarantee that he is the one pulling out that tree every time you plant it.  The victims of that corner do not want the tree and Boyo don't want to be haunted by their memory.  Take warning from this bad omen or continue to see ill luck follow you. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

BGurd_see, none of these accidents you have posted here have anything to do with the tree.  My dad had first replanted the tree in 2008, and since then, none have made it to maturity.  These accidents date from after 2008.  Before then, I do not recall the tree ever being massive, nor as being the direct cause of an accident.  As I said to you before, the area is a junction, where accidents will occur, regardless.

Now that Boyo is in the hereafter I can guarantee that he is the one pulling out that tree every time you plant it.  The victims of that corner do not want the tree and Boyo don't want to be haunted by their memory.  Take warning from this bad omen or continue to see ill luck follow you. 


That's pretty low even by GNI standards.


I ask you to apologize. You went too far dude. Even I would never do that to you. And I detest you.


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