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Khemraj Ramjattan
March 9 2019

Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan yesterday said that the police are seeking advice from an overseas expert for their investigation of former government Member of Parliament (MP) Charrandass Persaud.

“Well, the police have asked an expert on matters dealing with these issues to give some advice on all the statements so far taken and whether these can be tantamount to any violations of any sort,” Ramjattan told reporters yesterday following a press conference held in observation of the Community Policing Organisation of Guyana’s 43rd anniversary.

Ramjattan added that the consultation will not only focus on Persaud but also aims at determining what businessman Peter Ramsaroop was doing on the airside of the Eugene F Correia Airport at the time of Persaud’s departure from the country on December 22nd, 2018.

“It does not only include the Charrandass [Persaud] investigation but it also include an investigation as to how people like Peter Ramsaroop can find themselves on the airside of the airport and if there are violations there because we have the video that he was on the airside, which a private member like him ought not to be and what are the violations of conventions or laws and that is what we are investigating,” Ramjattan explained.

Members of the public are typically not allowed access to the airside area at airports.

“We do not want to see people who do not have the authority to be on airside being on airside because it could be an unruly horse if strangers are allowed to be there and that is all part and parcel of getting some expert advice on matters to deal with airports and all of that,” he added.

Ramsaroop was on Tuesday questioned by the police in relation to events leading up to the departure of Persaud from Guyana, one day after the former MP’s critical vote against the government on a motion of no-confidence.

He dubbed the investigation “political harassment.” However, Ramjattan yesterday said, “there is nothing political about that.”

“What was fascinating and appalling and disgusting today is the political involvement in an investigation. I was asked questions, such as ‘What is my political affiliation?’ And ‘What do I do for any political party in Guyana?’ ‘Who is Peter Ramsaroop?’ And ‘Why is Peter Ramsaroop doing what he is doing today?’ Many questions in relation to the Ogle airport events. What I told them basically is that that is political harassment. No questioning should ever happen and my political affiliation has nothing to do with any investigation,” Ramsaroop had said in a live video posted on the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Facebook page after he was questioned.

Since Persaud voted in favour of the opposition-sponsored motion against the government, essentially triggering its collapse, he has come under attack from APNU+AFC MPs, officials of the administration and others.

The motion was debated on December 21st and passed 33 to 32 after Persaud voted with the opposition.Persaud, who said he voted according to his conscience, has denied being bribed for his vote.

He left for Canada the day after the vote.

Ramsaroop had previously explained to the media that Persaud had asked him for security assistance on the day of the vote in Parliament and he provided such.

He also accompanied Persaud to the Eugene F. Correia International Airport, at Ogle, from where Persaud departed the country.

Ramsaroop’s access to the airport had been the subject of investigation.

The police have said that Persaud is the subject of an ongoing investigation stemming from a report of bribery and possible plans to move gold out of the country.

“It’s a report of alleged bribery and perhaps some movement of gold from the state of Guyana,” Police Commissioner Leslie James told a press conference in January.

He also made the point of assuring that the police are conducting “an impartial investigation,” while noting that Persaud is innocent until proven guilty. “What we have are statements which embodied certain things that I would not disclose for obvious reasons. We cannot say about monies, we can’t say about this, we can’t say about that… the person we are investigating, he is innocent until proven guilty and I would not be prejudicial with this investigation. This is an impartial investigation we have undertaken,” he explained, before adding that at the conclusion of the investigation, the police will seek legal advice on the way forward.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I see slop can duties return in full swing after fake hiatus. 

Fouk off shit swallower !!!  troll !!  i do what the fouk i want to do with my time.

Calm down, your conduct is unbecoming of a PNC representative, you are not fit and proper, using foul language.  Now run along and peddle some more pnc propaganda. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I see slop can duties return in full swing after fake hiatus. 

Fouk off shit swallower !!!  troll !!  i do what the fouk i want to do with my time.

Calm down, your conduct is unbecoming of a PNC representative, you are not fit and proper, using foul language.  Now run along and peddle some more pnc propaganda. 

Troll !! as i said fouk off, don't need any interaction with shit swallower !!! address the thread !!!

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:

This will be viewed as international harassment by a govt attempting to hang onto power by all means.  It will backfire on the govt.  

Don't joke bhai, if there is a ploy it will be revealed, follow the dots. I man all for fair play.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:

This will be viewed as international harassment by a govt attempting to hang onto power by all means.  It will backfire on the govt.  

Is this like presidential harassment that Donald spews all the time?


Rumjaat is pulling dead weed so as presenting himself relevant.Ramsaroop was accompanied by the Canadian diplomat to the door of the aircraft.

What is embarrassing , after the NCV Rumjaat dispatched police to the Cheddie Jagan Airport to prevent Charrandas from leaving the country, not knowing Charran did a bait and switch, he boarded a plane at Ogle Airport and flew to Barbados and from there he changed to a larger aircraft and flew to Canada. What Rumjaat is doing is saving FACE and fighting very hard to save his job. For the next election him and Moses are out.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

This will be viewed as international harassment by a govt attempting to hang onto power by all means.  It will backfire on the govt.  

Don't joke bhai, if there is a ploy it will be revealed, follow the dots. I man all for fair play.

This will backfire of the PNC.  Charandass was exercising his constitutional and democratic rights.  This will prove his case why fleeing was necessary.  

kp posted:

Rumjaat is pulling dead weed so as presenting himself relevant.Ramsaroop was accompanied by the Canadian diplomat to the door of the aircraft.

What is embarrassing , after the NCV Rumjaat dispatched police to the Cheddie Jagan Airport to prevent Charrandas from leaving the country, not knowing Charran did a bait and switch, he boarded a plane at Ogle Airport and flew to Barbados and from there he changed to a larger aircraft and flew to Canada. What Rumjaat is doing is saving FACE and fighting very hard to save his job. For the next election him and Moses are out.

Their dictatorial tendencies are being exposed daily.   

kp posted:

Rumjaat is pulling dead weed so as presenting himself relevant.Ramsaroop was accompanied by the Canadian diplomat to the door of the aircraft.

What is embarrassing , after the NCV Rumjaat dispatched police to the Cheddie Jagan Airport to prevent Charrandas from leaving the country, not knowing Charran did a bait and switch, he boarded a plane at Ogle Airport and flew to Barbados and from there he changed to a larger aircraft and flew to Canada. What Rumjaat is doing is saving FACE and fighting very hard to save his job. For the next election him and Moses are out.

KP, correct me here. But Didn't Charrandas stated in one of his many videos that Ramjattan offered him protection out of Parliament after the NCV?  Which he refused...Kinda wondering why would he then send the Police to CJIA to prevent Charrandas from leaving. Immigration could have done that job easily.Then there's the other thing. Did Charrandas commit a crime with his vote?.

alena06 posted:

PNC still on this case, clutching at straws and wasting taxpayers money.  Charandass dealt them a text book shot!!

It was Guyatolla Jagdeo who played the shot!  Don’t you remember?

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I see slop can duties return in full swing after fake hiatus. 

Fouk off shit swallower !!!  troll !!  i do what the fouk i want to do with my time.

What de rass.... Django bai, yuh know fuh cuss.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

This will be viewed as international harassment by a govt attempting to hang onto power by all means.  It will backfire on the govt.  

Don't joke bhai, if there is a ploy it will be revealed, follow the dots. I man all for fair play.

You are not for fair play. For you fair play is anything the PNC wants.  Don’t pretend to want fairness!  You don’t!!

Sheik101 posted:
kp posted:

Rumjaat is pulling dead weed so as presenting himself relevant.Ramsaroop was accompanied by the Canadian diplomat to the door of the aircraft.

What is embarrassing , after the NCV Rumjaat dispatched police to the Cheddie Jagan Airport to prevent Charrandas from leaving the country, not knowing Charran did a bait and switch, he boarded a plane at Ogle Airport and flew to Barbados and from there he changed to a larger aircraft and flew to Canada. What Rumjaat is doing is saving FACE and fighting very hard to save his job. For the next election him and Moses are out.

KP, correct me here. But Didn't Charrandas stated in one of his many videos that Ramjattan offered him protection out of Parliament after the NCV?  Which he refused...Kinda wondering why would he then send the Police to CJIA to prevent Charrandas from leaving. Immigration could have done that job easily.Then there's the other thing. Did Charrandas commit a crime with his vote?.

Since when a MP commits a crime by voting in a democracy ? How come his vote was valid for other bills in parliament ? 

Lame excuse from a pack of dictators. 

Shyte hits the fan on March 21.

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

This will be viewed as international harassment by a govt attempting to hang onto power by all means.  It will backfire on the govt.  

Don't joke bhai, if there is a ploy it will be revealed, follow the dots. I man all for fair play.

You are not for fair play. For you fair play is anything the PNC wants.  Don’t pretend to want fairness!  You don’t!!

You got it all wrong.

Imagine you are agreeing, Peter Ramsaroop a Private Citizen was on the tarmac of Ogle Airport.

Now tell what you call that way of thinking.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I see slop can duties return in full swing after fake hiatus. 

Fouk off shit swallower !!!  troll !!  i do what the fouk i want to do with my time.

Watch you mouth bai. Who added spoilt milk to your tea this morning ?

Sheik101 posted:
kp posted:

Rumjaat is pulling dead weed so as presenting himself relevant.Ramsaroop was accompanied by the Canadian diplomat to the door of the aircraft.

What is embarrassing , after the NCV Rumjaat dispatched police to the Cheddie Jagan Airport to prevent Charrandas from leaving the country, not knowing Charran did a bait and switch, he boarded a plane at Ogle Airport and flew to Barbados and from there he changed to a larger aircraft and flew to Canada. What Rumjaat is doing is saving FACE and fighting very hard to save his job. For the next election him and Moses are out.

KP, correct me here. But Didn't Charrandas stated in one of his many videos that Ramjattan offered him protection out of Parliament after the NCV?  Which he refused...Kinda wondering why would he then send the Police to CJIA to prevent Charrandas from leaving. Immigration could have done that job easily.Then there's the other thing. Did Charrandas commit a crime with his vote?.

That was a claim that Ramjattan made, that he offered security . Well, why would he do so if he instructed the police chief to seek and investigate Charrandas. Ramjattan had wanted to know Charrandas where abouts after the vote by offering the police trailing him.  Charrandas had arranged his own security through Ramsaroop on that day.

Charrandas will not return to Guyana until after the elections and only if the AFC/APNU is voted out of office,although he is  in Canada he is receiving death threats .


Charandass made the correct decision to leave Guyana the way he did. Did Ramjattan ask the police to charge the PNC MP who was identified in Parliament for uttering a death threat to Charandass ?

I can see Ramjattan going to jail for some of his illegal actions.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

This will be viewed as international harassment by a govt attempting to hang onto power by all means.  It will backfire on the govt.  

Don't joke bhai, if there is a ploy it will be revealed, follow the dots. I man all for fair play.

You are not for fair play. For you fair play is anything the PNC wants.  Don’t pretend to want fairness!  You don’t!!

You got it all wrong.

Imagine you are agreeing, Peter Ramsaroop a Private Citizen was on the tarmac of Ogle Airport.

Now tell what you call that way of thinking.

Nothing is illegal for Peter Ramsaroop to be on The tarmac of OGLE AIRPORT if he’s clear by security.

Personally, I have been on The tarmac numerous occasions when we shipped stuff to our customers in the interior ( and I did not clear security. Almost inside the plane. 

Crazy stuff happened at Cheddi Jagan Airport .. there is no alarm bell, so what the heck about Ogle. 

Like KP said, it was an embarrassment to Cockey .. he’s now trying to prove some efficiency which is further embarrassment to him. 

Django, when last have you been at Ogle airport. 

Dave posted:

Nothing is illegal for Peter Ramsaroop to be on The tarmac of OGLE AIRPORT if he’s clear by security.

Personally, I have been on The tarmac numerous occasions when we shipped stuff to our customers in the interior ( and I did not clear security. Almost inside the plane. 

Crazy stuff happened at Cheddi Jagan Airport .. there is no alarm bell, so what the heck about Ogle.

There are possibilities, you may not be able to do that in the future.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:

Bai DJ, I see that you’re pushing PNC slop again in full swing.

Seriously what am i pushing for the PNC, highlight it, while thinking tell what you are pushing.

BY the way try to be yourself, don't be a follower.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

Nothing is illegal for Peter Ramsaroop to be on The tarmac of OGLE AIRPORT if he’s clear by security.

Personally, I have been on The tarmac numerous occasions when we shipped stuff to our customers in the interior ( and I did not clear security. Almost inside the plane. 

Crazy stuff happened at Cheddi Jagan Airport .. there is no alarm bell, so what the heck about Ogle.

There are possibilities, you may not be able to do that in the future.

What and who can stop Django from boarding his private airplane with his friend in Guyana. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Nothing is illegal for Peter Ramsaroop to be on The tarmac of OGLE AIRPORT if he’s clear by security.

Personally, I have been on The tarmac numerous occasions when we shipped stuff to our customers in the interior ( and I did not clear security. Almost inside the plane. 

Crazy stuff happened at Cheddi Jagan Airport .. there is no alarm bell, so what the heck about Ogle.

There are possibilities, you may not be able to do that in the future.

What and who can stop Django from boarding his private airplane with his friend in Guyana. 

Boarding an aircraft is different, than accompanying some one to the aircraft.


They should question the person or persons who allowed Ramsaroop to be where he was. If they are contend with just commenting about it, then it is no more than a political stunt by the Coalition government bais.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

This will be viewed as international harassment by a govt attempting to hang onto power by all means.  It will backfire on the govt.  

Don't joke bhai, if there is a ploy it will be revealed, follow the dots. I man all for fair play.

You are not for fair play. For you fair play is anything the PNC wants.  Don’t pretend to want fairness!  You don’t!!

You got it all wrong.

Imagine you are agreeing, Peter Ramsaroop a Private Citizen was on the tarmac of Ogle Airport.

Now tell what you call that way of thinking.

So what.  The man’s life was in danger. He sought protection and witness.  That’s not a crime!

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Nothing is illegal for Peter Ramsaroop to be on The tarmac of OGLE AIRPORT if he’s clear by security.

Personally, I have been on The tarmac numerous occasions when we shipped stuff to our customers in the interior ( and I did not clear security. Almost inside the plane. 

Crazy stuff happened at Cheddi Jagan Airport .. there is no alarm bell, so what the heck about Ogle.

There are possibilities, you may not be able to do that in the future.

What and who can stop Django from boarding his private airplane with his friend in Guyana. 

Boarding an aircraft is different, than accompanying some one to the aircraft.

Bhai you is a stubborn chap ... and you refused to accept what goes on in Guyana and what can be done  .. you don’t live there 


The situation is quite simple ...

1. Charrandass Persaud exercised his right to vote in December 2018; similar to how he voted on previous matters in parliament.

2. Charrandass Persaud left Guyana after the parliamentary session.

Question ...

Is is a criminal matter for an MP to vote against the direction of her/his political organization in Guyana??

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:

The situation is quite simple ...

1. Charrandass Persaud exercised his right to vote in December 2018; similar to how he voted on previous matters in parliament.

2. Charrandass Persaud left Guyana after the parliamentary session.

Question ...

Is is a criminal matter for an MP to vote against the direction of her/his political organization in Guyana??

Why worry?

yuji22 posted:

Charandass made the correct decision to leave Guyana the way he did. Did Ramjattan ask the police to charge the PNC MP who was identified in Parliament for uttering a death threat to Charandass ?

I can see Ramjattan going to jail for some of his illegal actions.

The man did the right thing. Ramjhaat could have planted drugs or gold in the man's luggage and arrest him, charge him and kept him in prison. He got outsmarted and he feels like a Packoo now. 

Baseman posted:

This will be viewed as international harassment by a govt attempting to hang onto power by all means.  It will backfire on the govt.  

There is no harassment here as the government is pursuing constitutional means to correct a flaw in the system. The only harassment is from the PPP whose GS is touting a take it or else attitude.

alena06 posted:

PNC still on this case, clutching at straws and wasting taxpayers money.  Charandass dealt them a text book shot!!

It was not a text book shot as Charranras was illegally sitting in parliament , and this is not because he was a dual citizen but according to the same constitution everybody and their grandfather is quoting states that a member of parliament is a member by virtue of him/her being sponsored by a party. If someone disagrees with his sponsoring party's position that member is bounded by law to resign. It is sad that the acting CJ did not interpret that section of the constitution accurately and truthfully. Was she bucking for a confirmation if the PPP should be voted back in ?


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