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Now the all-knowing US CDC has 'updated its COVID-19 guidelines to include the risk of airborne spread in November'! Reminds me of what Jesus said (Matthew 12: 42)! I said this ages ago, but my brain-washed countrymen refuse to believe as I'm not a doctor so I can't think! Only doctors can think about your body! Hell, they can't even think about what's happening to their own bodies!


Why have so many of them died from the 'virus'? A doctor once ordered that I be held for observation because I had told him that I had cured myself of cancer without drugs, chemotherapy or doctors! When he asked me how, I asked him why I should tell him? He then asked to be excused and sent 4 hospital goons to escort me to a holding room for the insane! Despite a psychiatrist nurse telling him to let me go home! A few years later, after I was made to fall and gash my forehead against the front wall of my home, I refused to be treated by him in Emergency, so he assaulted me saying "You're going nowhere!" (because I'd told him I didn't want to be treated by him, I was going home!) and had the emergency staff assist him in tying me down while he tried to 'saw' my hand off at the wrist on the bedrail! I aimed a kick at his goddamned head but he dodged it! I'm only sorry I missed! I didn't care if I'd killed him! When I told the idiot EMS that he had no right to hold me in hospital, they all said in unison, "You insulted the doctor!" because I had said while tryng to kick his head off, "You're no doctor! You're just a goddamned piece of shit"!

You f ing cowards! But then again, I'm my father's son! The kant has said I'm not Indian! But I doubt if he ever had the honour of having an Indian emigrant say that she will dance in honour of the boss's son! Me! Not even my discriminating and thieving half-brethren, full Indian dalits, like their horny dalit mother, or the dalit kant, ever had that honour, although I was a half-breed! Not even my eldest sister, a full high caste Indian, who loved me, as I loved her!

@Former Member posted:

Aka metemgee:  a big pot of sweet potatoes, ripe plantains, eddoes, cassava, dumplings, in a coconut milk sauce, and I added fried lamb. Delicioso!       

Yeah! And fattens you like all the black women I see who eat that mess and are too lazy to use it in exercise! Too much calories!

Last edited by Former Member

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