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U.N. Body Investigating Guyana’s Ex-President For Crimes Against Humanity

January 19, 2017 Online Editor Bharrat Jagdeo, Frantz Britton, Guyana, Human Rights, IACHR, International Criminal Court

By Ifa Kamau Cush

Seventeen years ago, an African Guyanese citizen, Frantz Britton, aka, Collie Wills, was kidnapped and presumed murdered by Guyana’s Black Clothes police death squad. The government of the recently elected president, Bharrat Jagdeo, covered up that crime. Now, the chickens have come home to roost. The Geneva-based United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances has opened an investigation of that crime, inserting an investigative lens into the decade-long reign of terror unleashed on Guyana’s African community by Bharrat Jagdeo’s People’s Progressive Party [PPP] government....................................................

The Jagdeo regime’s crimes didn’t go unnoticed. A 2001 Organization of American States, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights’ [IACHR] Report #80/01, Petition #12.264 named Jagdeo along with Ronald Gajraj, former Minister of Home Affairs, Laurie Lewis, the former Commissioner of the Guyana Police Force and Leon Fraser, a former superintendent of the Guyana Police Force and head of the dreaded Black Clothes death squad, as ‘responsible for Mr. Britton’s disappearance whilst in police custody.’ 

A spokesperson for the IACHR, Maria Rivero, explained that the Commission’s Merit Report #1/06, Case #12.264, holds the Jagdeo regime both “intellectually and materially responsible” for the disappearance and presumed murder of Frantz Britton. According to Ms. Rivero, the Commission’s report is still valid and will remain so in perpetuity until all complicit parties are held accountable…………………………………..

Starting in 1999, and, continuing until 2008, Guyanese citizens experienced an unprecedented reign of terror at the hands of his government. During that period, hundreds of African Guyanese were murdered, many under the color of law, by members of the Guyana Police Force which was used by the PPP government to enforce its criminal edacity.

Victims and the survivors of the PPP’s murderous criminality were offered no recourse from any of Guyana’s state agencies, including the courts………………

The IACHR concluded, subsequently, in its 2006 Merit Report #1/06, Case #12.264 that ‘agents of the State security forces abducted and/or detained Franz Britton and that during the following six years his whereabouts have not been identified, and that, as a result, Guyana has violated the rights of Franz Britton to life, liberty, personal liberty, judicial protection, arbitrary arrest and due process of law.’………………………….

The IACHR does not reach its conclusions frivolously. In the case of Franz Britton, the Commission conducted an exhaustive investigation into the merits of the case over a five- year period. During that time, it ‘received no information or observations from the State [of Guyana] with respect to the petitioner’s petition, despite repeated requests.’ Consequently, according to the IACHR, ‘the Commission presumes the facts alleged in the petition to be true, and is satisfied that there is no other evidence that could lead to any other conclusion.’

The evidence against Mr. Jagdeo and his cohorts is overwhelming, and damning in its specificity. Under Article 25(3)(a) of the Rome Statute, which governs the International Criminal Court,  Bharrat Jagdeo and Ronald Gajraj, Guyana’s ex-president and ex-minister of home affairs, respectively, can be charged, on the basis of their individual criminal responsibility, and as indirect co-perpetrators, for crimes against humanity, namely, murder – Article 7(1)(a); forcible transfer – Article 7(1)(d); and, torture – Article 7(1)(f).

Irma Wills lamented that for over 17 years “all my efforts here in Guyana to obtain information have been futile. Neither the police nor anyone in an official position would assist me.” At age 74, she hopes that the new Guyana government will cooperate with the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances so that she can finally get closure and be afforded the dignity and human decency of burying her son.



CoCainE man this person related to you bringing in your supplies?

Toronto-bound Guyanese busted with cocaine

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A woman is now in the custody of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) after she was intercepted at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), on Tuesday evening with a large quantity of cocaine in her possession.

According to reports, ranks of the narcotics branch stationed at the Airport arrested the woman who was on a flight headed to Toronto, Canada.

She was found with four parcels of what was suspected to be cocaine in her suitcase.

The parcels were confiscated and weighed, and amounted to 4178 grams, as such, she was arrested and taken into custody as ranks continue with their investigation.

Meanwhile, ranks of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) in Berbice conducted a number of raids in the Fort Ordinance Housing Scheme, East Canje, where a quantity of suspected cannabis was discovered concealed in a red washing tub.

The drugs were weighed and amounted to 7748 grams. Two suspects are said to be in custody assisting with the investigation.


Gunmen pounce on South Ruimveldt supermarket

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The Convenience Supermarket opened its doors less than a month ago

FOUR armed bandits attacked the newly opened Convenience Supermarket, located at Lot 49, Aubrey Barker Street, South Ruimveldt Gardens, on Wednesday morning.An employee of the supermarket, who prefers to have their identity withheld, told this newspaper that the gunmen pretended to be customers and waited until the supermarket was occupied only by staff, before carrying out the robbery. The incident occurred around 09:05hrs and lasted for approximately 25 minutes.

One of the gunmen seen inside the store, after closing the door. [Vanessa Braithwaite photos]
This newspaper was able to view the surveillance footage of the robbery and observed one of the men standing outside of the supermarket, while the other three pretended to shop inside. Once the scene was clear, the one outside closed the grill and entrance door after he pulled out his gun.

The other men, who were also armed with guns, ordered the staff comprising a sales girl and three Chinese nationals, who own the supermarket, to the upper flat of the building where they reside. They were ordered to bring out the cash which amounted to $700, 000. Upon hesitating to do so, one of the Chinese nationals was hit in his head with a gun.
The gunmen then returned downstairs where they ransacked the cashier’s section and also carted off phone cards and cellphones. The police were called to the scene and responded in less than five minutes; they subsequently obtained a copy of the surveillance footage.
One of the gunmen covered his face with a towel, while the others were not masked. Other staff members, who seemed to still be in a state of shock, were unable to comment. The supermarket opened its doors less than a month ago.


Thieves attack Crane family, escape with raw gold


A 24-year-old man and his mother were robbed around 20:20 hrs on Tuesday when four armed bandits barged into their Crane Housing Scheme, West Coast Demerara home.
The victims have been identified as Hanson Forde and 40-year-old Dawn Martin.
The bandits carted off gold jewellery, two ounces of raw gold, two cellular phones and $60,000 in cash.
Two suspects, both 19 years old, have been arrested and are assisting with the investigation.
The police in a release said investigations revealed that the victims were in the bottom flat of their two-storey home conversing, when the suspects pounced on them through an open door.
According to reports, one of the armed men discharged two rounds towards the ceiling, after which they relieved their victims of their valuables and fled.
Two .32 spent shells were retrieved at the scene.


Warlock drive-by shooting leaves one dead, 1 injured

Terror struck the community of Warlock, East Ruimveldt last evening when the occupants of a

Dead: Andrew Fraser aka “Zeggy”

heavily-tinted vehicle opened fire on two men resulting in one being killed and the other injured. According to eyewitnesses, the shooting occurred around 20:15 hrs in front of a food stand on Genip Lane, as the victims were buying porridge.
Dead is 30 year-old Andrew Fraser, a Water Street Arcade vendor of 565 East Ruimveldt. The other man, who was injured, has been identified as 26 year-old Junior Abrams.
According to one male resident, who lives a stone’s throw away from where the shooting took place, he was in his home tending to his son when he heard a cracking sound.
Initially, he believed it to be a ‘squib,’ but the volley of shots which followed confirmed to him that it was a shooting. The man said that he sought cover under his bed and only emerged after he heard police ranks shouting “Look a man lie down deh”.
The man said that from what he heard from other residents is that two suspicious vehicle – a Toyota AT 212 and a Toyota Allion – had passed by the shop and circled the area. He said that the two vehicles returned and the occupants opened fire as the cars drove by.
According to the man, a police patrol took away the injured Abrams in their vehicle and one rank pointed to a spot where the other victim was lying. According to him, after examining Fraser’s body it was difficult to say how many gunshots he received.
Fraser’s body was later taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital with a private car.

The small shop where the two men were shot.

He was pronounced dead on arrival.
Another resident said she was watching the evening news when she heard about 10 gunshots ringing out.
According to reports, Fraser was shot five times while Abrams was shot three times. Based on information received by this newspaper, Fraser might have been mistaken for a close relative who apparently has a questionable background.


These jackasses have their heads in the cloud. They lauding themselves for cleaning up crime while in reality crime continues unabated as people are robbed and killed almost daily.

Smoke out leftover gangs

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Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud

 —police charged to rid country of criminals

IN recalling the horrid past of “gruesome tortures and executions” in Guyana, Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo, who lauded the Guyana Police Force (GPF) for their good work in reducing crime, also called on them to “Smoke out left over gangs.”Nagamootoo was at the time referring to the crime spree during the period 2002-2006 but, with a 16 percent decrease in serious crimes and a 64 percent increase in the number of murder cases, which were cleared up in 2016, the GPF has indeed showed signs of smoking out gangs and earning its worth of being lauded for their good work, said Nagamootoo at the launch of the Police Officer’s Annual Conference held at Eve Leary.

Although officers have done exceptionally well over the past year, it was pointed out that there is much room for improvement, thus at this year’s conference 175 officers will deliberate on current challenges and issues facing the force and seek to derive new strategies which will help in their fight against crime.

Conducted under the theme: “Forging ahead with professionalism and intelligence-led policing in collaboration with stakeholders”, the two-and-a-half-days conference will seek to address major social issues such as gender-based violence and so on, which constitutes and contributes to crime in society, while also moving to enhance its investigation capacity and develop an information command center.

This was according to Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud, who indicated that with their sight set on new goals, it must be noted that in 2016, there was a break-even in reports of murder, with a clear up rate of 64 percent, a percentage decrease in robbery-under-arms where firearms were used, with a 15 percent clear-up rate.

Besides, he made mention of the fact that there was a 17 percent decrease in armed robberies, where other instruments were used by the perpetrators, with a clear-up rate of 23 percent, a 25 percent decrease in robbery-with-violence, with a 27 percent clear up rate and a 9 percent decrease in robbery-with-aggravation with a 32 percent clear-up rate.

It was also stated that the force was also able to crack 37 cases, which included 10 cold cases and were able to arrest 78 persons, who were wanted for committing serious crimes.

During that period the Police Commissioner pointed out that they developed new units in every division which assisted them in achieving their targets. Some of the units which were developed include the gender-based-violence and anti-narcotic units as well as a serial crime unit.

As such, with focus on capacity building and expansion, the force saw an increase of its manpower by 896 new recruits in 2016.

Recruits were given the opportunity to receive training both locally and abroad in all aspects of the force’s operations.


Granger want to take away gun license from the business community so that his angels don't end up dead. 

Bandit shot dead during attempted robbery

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One of two motorcycle bandits who attempted to rob a businessman on Friday afternoon, was shot dead in the vicinity of the Mc Doom Service Station, Greater Georgetown.

The dead man has been identified Gary Koster, 38, of Norton Street, Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara. The incident occurred at about 14:40h on the western

Dead: Gary Koster
Dead: Gary Koster

carriage way along the East Bank Road, opposite the Shell Gas Station in Mc Doom.

According to reports reaching Guyana Times, the suspect was reportedly shot twice as the licenced firearm holder discharged at least five shots in the direction of the bandits.

This newspaper was told that two men on a black and grey CG motorcycle, CH 2167, had trailed a 48-year-old businessman of Anna Catherina, West Coast Demerara, and were about to attack him, but he pulled out his licenced .32 Taurus revolver and fired shots at the bandits.

One of the bullets struck Koster to his left side temple and the other to the back of his neck, killing him almost instantly, while his accomplice fled the scene on foot, heading South along the Mc Doom Public Road before disappearing. Eyewitnesses, who asked to remain anonymous, related to this newspaper that the now dead bandit was fingered in several armed robberies in the area.

Meanwhile, the Police were summoned to the scene and transported the dead man to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre where he was pronounced dead on arrival. ‘A’ Division Commander (Georgetown/East Bank Demerara), Clifton Hicken, was at the scene and based on initial reports obtained by the Police, he told reporters there that the businessman, who owns a supermarket and bar in Annai, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo), was about to conduct business at the Shell Gas Station.

On the other hand, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum told this publication on Friday evening that further reports indicate that the businessman was in a canter truck, bearing registration number GTT 5907, that was being driven by another male, when they stopped in front the gas station, on the western carriage way, to allow vehicles coming out of Rome Access Road, called “Fishery Road”, to cross over to the eastern side.

At this point, the Crime Chief related that two suspects rode up alongside the truck and the pillion rider got off of the motorcycle and approached the businessman. The suspect, later identified as Koster, reportedly reached for a gun and dealt the businessman a cuff to his face before discharging a round at the occupants in the vehicle.

In retaliation, the businessman whipped out his licenced weapon and opened fire at the suspects, hitting the 38-year-old man to the back of his neck and on his back.

According to a Police release, one 9mm and three .32 spent shells were found at the scene by detectives. The truck was examined and a bullet hole was seen on the left side windscreen.

Meanwhile, the motorcycle was impounded by the Police as they hunt for the second suspect.


Was this collusion by the PNC and the bandits to steal the tax payers money? 

Bandits shoot mining official’s wife after trailing her from city bank


-flee with $2M payroll

Bandits shot the wife of a mining company official, Dr Grantley Walrond, and escaped with a $2M payroll, after trailing the victim from a city commercial bank to her Meadowbrook home.
The attack occurred around 14.00 hrs yesterday outside the woman’s Jamoon Drive, Meadowbrook residence.
Barbara Walrond was shot in the right arm by one of two bandits, who attacked just as she was about to drive into her yard.
Grantley Walrond, who is the Head of Roraima Mining Company SILICA Ltd, said, “My wife could have been dead.”
Her right arm heavily bandaged, Mrs. Waldron said that she had uplifted the payroll from the Republic Bank’s Camp Street branch.
She said that she turned into her driveway when a man exited a silver grey hire car, pointed a gun at her and ordered her to hand that over the payroll. He was reportedly joined by another gunman.
One of the men grabbed the bag with the payroll. He reportedly also snatched a bank card from the victim before shooting her.
Mrs. Walrond was treated at a private hospital, but was not admitted, since the bullet had passed through her arm.
An eyewitness to the attack recalled seeing Mrs. Walrond heading home along Jamoon Drive. He said he became suspicious when he saw a silver grey Toyota Premio apparently trailing Mrs. Walrond’s vehicle.
He said that as the woman approached her residence, the occupants in the car accelerated.
Watching from behind a fence, the man said that he heard Mrs. Waldron scream, then heard gunshots.
The robbers escaped in what an eyewitness described as a silver-grey Toyota Premio. The numbers 47 were reportedly the last digits on the getaway car’s number plate.
Shortly after the robbery, the occupants of the Toyota Premio reversed out of the street before driving away.
The eyewitness said that neighbours went to the wounded woman’s aid, bandaged her hand and took her to hospital.
Dr. Walrond revealed that a gunman had scaled his fence and robbed his wife and other guests about two years ago. Since then he installed razor wire around his premises after that attack.
Police have had to deal with a spate of attacks in recent years on individuals who were trailed from various commercial banks.
Police reportedly retrieved a bullet from the scene and checked at residences to ascertain of any security cameras had recorded the attack.
However, they are yet to apprehend any suspects.

Last edited by Former Member

Bandits drop gun and glove after robbing woman


Four armed bandits dropped a .32 revolver, a black toque and a yellow glove after robbing

The gun, glove and toque that were found by police in Middle Road robbery

a 25-year-old woman of $4,500 around 02:00 hrs yesterday.
The gunmen also escaped with a cell phone and a handbag containing documents belonging to the victim, who has been identified as Komattie Kissoon, of Middle Road, La Penitence, Georgetown.
According to reports, Kissoon was in the lower flat of the house, relaxing in a chair when the bandits pounced on her.
Kaieteur News was informed that the woman was held at gunpoint by one of the four bandits, who demanded cash and valuables.
As the bandits were making their way out of the woman’s home, the police responded and gave chase but failed to apprehend the suspects.
In the process, the men dropped a .32 revolver, a black toque and a yellow glove.
Meanwhile, in another case, a woman returned home to her Da Silva Street, Newtown, residence only to find it burglarized.
Sharmila Mohamed said that she went home around 01:30 hrs yesterday to put on her lights but found her door partially opened and her home ransacked.
While the woman’s home was being ransacked, she was at a shop, that she operates along with her husband, about three doors from where she resides.
According to Mohamed, she lost $3M in cash and $1M worth in jewellery along with other documents.
Both cases are being investigated.


Bandits escape with $6M after trailing woman from City bank


A Chateau Margot, East Coast Demerara (ECD), woman was robbed of $6M in cash after two gunmen trailed her from a City bank to her home around 11:00 hrs yesterday.

Indranie Budhu

The woman, Indranie Budhu, of Lot 31 Chateau Margot, and her husband, Moolchand Budhu, operate an upholstery business at their home.
After withdrawing the money from the bank, the woman called a taxi to take her home.
As she was entering her yard, one of two armed bandits rushed in behind her and grabbed the bag.
While the cops are questioning the taxi driver, Budhu said that she is convinced that he played no part in the robbery since she has been using him for a number of years.
In an interview, Budhu explained that they were going to purchase a plot of land so she went to the bank to withdraw the cash.
“My husband was supposed to come pick me up but after I couldn’t get onto him, I called the taxi and when it reached, I tell the driver to come in the bank and collect me because I got money on me,” the woman recalled.
She explained that once she got into the car, she locked the doors and looked around for suspicious movement as she was heading home in the car but noticed nothing unusual.
“I saw nothing suspicious. When the driver dropped me off, I walked in the yard and then this man approached me and tried to grab the bag but my husband was in the work shop and I throw the bag at him, but the gunmen run to him, hit him in the head and collect the bag,” Budhu said.
She explained that as she was running out of her yard, she saw the gunman running behind her with the bag and grabbed onto it.
“He hit me on my hand and he was going to take my bangles but I asked him if he wanted fake gold too and he collect the bag and runaway,” the devastated woman related.
She said the men escaped in a grey Toyota Allion bearing registration number HB 5059.
The gunmen also escaped with two passports, both with US visas belonging to Budhu and her husband.
A report was made and an investigation has been launched.


It is criminal that the PNC govt send the police out on death trap wooden boats that sink. Now it cost a life.

Police corporal fished out of Ekereku River after boat capsizes


A policeman was yesterday fished out of the Ekereku River, Region Seven, after the boat in

Dead: Belgrave Barthlowne

which he and his colleague were conducting patrol duties, accompanied by a captain, sank.
The dead rank has been identified as Belgrave Bartholomew, a police corporal. His colleague is constable Bess. The boat captain is 37-year-old Devon Williams, a miner of Lot 139 Annandale, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
According to reports, the lawmen were heading across the river from patrol duties when the vessel started taking in water at a fast rate and sank within minutes. Bess and Williams swam to shore but the police corporal did not make.
A source said that they were in a wooden boat propelled by a Yamaha engine.
Kaieteur News understands that upon reaching the middle of the river, the three men observed the boat taking in water. Soon after, the vessel and engine went down.
Reports are that the three men started to swim to shore but only constable Bess who had to let go of his fire arm due to difficulties while swimming and Devon Williams made it to shore.
Upon checking, they discovered Bartholomew was missing along with his firearm.
Several persons were informed and a search party comprising of police constable Rodney and about 20 persons made checks in the river but came up empty handed.
His body floated up yesterday morning.


rum shop story continues in Guyana.

Corentyne labourer stabbed in bar fight


A labourer of No.1 Village Corentyne, Berbice is currently a patient at the New Amsterdam Hospital in a serious condition after being stabbed several times about the body by a childhood friend at a local bar in the village.

Stabbed: Martin Ramsarack

The victim has been identified as Martin Ramsarack, 26, whilst the attacker was identified as Simon Palimgam, 25.
The wife of the injured man, Rohini Persaud, told this publication, “I was in my bed and somebody come and call say Martin get bore up”.
She stated that upon asking him what took place and what led to the incident he didn’t say much. She said that he told her that he ventured to the shop/bar to purchase something. “He and dem had an argument and (his assailant) just pull out a knife and start stab he”.
According to her he was not consuming alcohol with Palimgam.
Meanwhile, Palimgam’s mother, Wellai Sammy, related that her son told her a different story of the incident.
“He de talking with the shopkeeper when Martin come in and ask he who he talking to. He seh I aint talking to you. He start chuck up Simon and Simon pull out the knife. He seh Ramsarack try fuh tek the knife and bore he, and then dem two start scramble.”
She stated that her son told her that the shopkeeper ordered them out the shop but the scuffle did not end there as they continued on the public road where Ramsarack received more stab wounds to his body.
Sammy told this publication that she wants the matter settled and has already spoken to the victim’s relatives about it, but she has not received a response.
The suspect is still at large whilst Ramsarack remains in a serious but stable condition.
Investigations are ongoing.


Albouystown man robbed, shot dead

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Dead: Paul Anthony Daniels

A man was gunned down Thursday morning in Albouystown after two men on bicycle robbed him of his gold chain at Lot 252, Independence Boulevard, after he picked up his girlfriend from work.Dead is Paul Anthony Daniels, 32, called “Dundee” of the aforementioned address. He was shot in the chest and was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital by his fiancé where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
Police say based on their investigation, the bandits entered the dwelling of the couple who were watching television at the time and robbed them of cash, jewellery and other valuables.
Following the robbery, the men were making good their escape when Daniels tried to pursue them and was shot in the chest.
Residents who know Daniels as a footballer and carpenter called on the Guyana Police Force to take swift and condign action against the perpetrators.
At the scene of the shooting, residents expressed frustrations over the incident.

Irate Albouystown residents gathered where the shooting occurred to express their displeasure

The zinc gate that gave access to the home had over two dozen shotgun pellets piercings in one area.
There were blood stains on the ground as well as a pillow which was used to stop the bleeding of the wounded Daniels. Police have since taken statements from persons in the area, as well as the dead man’s girlfriend.
“He went and pick up his wife this (Thursday) morning from Beharry at 6:30am and they follow he for the two big chain he wearing on his neck and they come and shoot he for it; everybody know he as a football player and he don’t trouble nobody, they should have taken the chain and go away,” one resident lamented.
Father of the deceased Charles Daniels called for criminals to be dealt with condignly.
“These things happening over and over and the President needs to make some people examples, because from the minute they get a good lawyer they get off and gone back and do the same or worst crimes. Look at Desmond Hoyte who set the right example and crime instantly decreased. You can’t have people killing out the population and treat criminals like church boy. You have to hang them high!” the senior Daniels said.
He explained that now the family has lost a son in addition to being placed under financial burden to “keep wake” and bury their loved one.
Another resident called for more police in the “Ghettos” since bandits are “coming in your own house to kill you”.
“This boy is an innocent boy, he is a tradesman that worked hard for his money. He get engaged to marry and she is even pregnant for him. Now he dead and leave his innocent child. Who will look after the child? The Government?” she questioned.
Residents expressed fear at the killing, saying that when one person dies in the community, it affects everyone.


Police arrest ‘serial burglar’ in Rose Hall Town – retrieve stolen jewellery, other valuables

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AN alleged ‘serial burglar’ was on Thursday night arrested by police of the Rose Hall Outpost after carting off over $500,000 in jewellery and other items.The Guyana Chronicle understands that the alleged burglar, who has been identified, was caught at approximately 20:30hrs with the items while in Rose Hall Town, moments after raiding the home of Eddie Khan, 56, of 406 Street, Swamp Section, Rose Hall Town
According to 69-year- old Edward Mann, an overseas- based Guyanese who was staying at Khan’s home, he went out and returned home around 21:00hrs. He told the Guyana Chronicle that when he entered the house he noticed that the refrigerator door was open.
The overseas- based Guyanese said he didn’t think much of the opened refrigerator ,since a neighbour who was travelling soon had asked Khan to keep some items in the refrigerator. He believed at that time that the neighbour had collected the items, but forgot to close the door; this was not the case.
“So I start to look around and see the window open and when I go in the bedroom I discovered the DVD, creams and phone chargers missing among other stuff missing… when I went to the station [I] discovered more stuff was missing: a gold wristband, three gold rings, two married rings,” he recounted.
The overseas- based Guyanese said he immediately alerted the police who responded promptly and noted that some 15 minutes after leaving the house, he was notified of the recovery of the stolen items.
Meanwhile, Khan told the Guyana Chronicle that he was at work when he learnt his home was broken into, and said his neighbour had given him $5000 in fish eggs, seven pounds of pork,$3000 worth of sardines , two parcels of fish and two bags of crab to keep, all of which were stolen.
The Guyana Chronicle understands that the suspected thief was seen acting suspiciously while on the street and was stopped and searched. All items, except the frozen food, were found in his possession. He has since been arrested.
It has been reported that the suspect was recently released from prison for committing another robbery in the area and has been frequenting prison over the years.


Gunmen shoot store employee outside bank in foiled robbery


Gunmen shot a 60-year-old worker attached to a store but were forced to flee empty-handed following a robbery attempt on the victim’s employer outside the Citizen’s Bank on Mandela Avenue.
The victim, identified as Christopher Marks, was shot in the right arm, hip and right thigh during the attack, which occurred around 18.00 hrs yesterday.
But Marks, who was armed, returned fire, forcing the gunmen to flee in a silver-grey car. He was admitted to a private hospital and his condition is said to be stable.
Marks is employed by G and J Phone Card store, which provides various phone services and is located a few yards from the bank.
According to reports, Marks had accompanied his employer by car to the bank around 17.00 hrs to make a deposit. The businessman had just deposit the cash when a silver grey car, with three occupants, stopped outside the bank.
An eyewitness said that the men shot in Marks’s direction, and the employee, who had a handgun, returned fire. However, Marks was wounded during the exchange and had to take cover.
The robbers escaped along Mandela Avenue and entered Cross Street, Alexander Village.
Kaieteur News understands that this is the second such attack on the businessman.
Just over a week ago, bandits shot the wife of mining company official, Dr Grantley Walrond, and escaped with a $2M payroll, after trailing her from a city commercial bank to her Meadowbrook home.
Barbara Walrond was shot in the right arm just as she was about to drive into her yard.
She had uplifted a payroll from the Republic Bank’s Camp Street branch.


Businessman arrested for allegedly cutting parking boot on vehicle


Timothy Tucker was yesterday arrested by City Police for allegedly cutting free a boot placed on a vehicle driven by his daughter.
Tucker told Kaieteur News that his 21-year-old daughter had stopped in front of the

Timothy Tucker being taken into custody by City Police.

Outdoor Store on Church Street. He said that she then entered the store to enquire whether pre-paid parking meter cards were being sold.
During this time, her eight year-old brother stood on the bridge leading to the store keeping an eye on the vehicle. According to Tucker, since no parking receipt was on the vehicle, a warden placed a ‘boot’ on it.
His son then called out to his sister who returned and explained the situation. Tucker said he was out of town at the time and quickly returned after receiving a phone call from his daughter.
Upon arriving on the location, Tucker said that he exited his vehicle with a shears. He said that when walking towards his daughter’s car a city constable tapped him on his shoulder and said that he is under arrest.
According to Tucker he then asked the constable what was the charge since he did not cut anything. The man said he returned the shears to his vehicle after which the constable grabbed him.
Tucker said that he was then taken into custody and placed on bail. He is to appear in court of February 10, 2017. The man said that the behaviour of the Smart City Solutions employees and the Police was reprehensible since their bullying cause his children to feel threatened to the extent that his son was already in tears when he arrived on the scene.


Pensioners robbed during home invasions

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– residents call for frequent patrolling

Two pensioners living in Perseverance Village, on the Essequibo Coast, were robbed of cash and a quantity of groceries in two separate incidents. The robberies reportedly occurred on Thursday night while they were both asleep. Following the robberies, residents called on G Division (Essequibo Coast-Islands)

The hammer and torch light that thieves left behind
The hammer and torch light that thieves left behind

Commander Khalid Pareshram, to increase Police patrols in the area.

Eighty-six-year-old Rajkumarie Persaud of Lot K Perseverance related that she was asleep when the robbery occurred.

She explained that when she awoke around 04:00h Friday morning, she discovered that her drawers were open and her house ransacked.

The pensioner, who recently returned from the United States, related that she knew something was amiss and when she ventured downstairs, she discovered that a window was broken. At that moment, the woman said she realised that she had been robbed.

After making checks, Persaud realised that $10,000 along with a quantity of groceries were missing.

The woman also found a hammer and a flashlight, which she assumed were used by the thieves to break into her home. The pensioner said she has lived in the area for the past 62 years and was never robbed.

Meanwhile, another pensioner who lives a short distance from Persaud, also reported that her home was broken into.

Daris Persaud, 85, who lives alone, said thieves carted off with all her groceries and a quantity of cash. Daris said when she awoke on Friday morning, she also discovered that her house was ransacked; the thieves may have gained access from the front of the house.

Police were summoned and fingerprints were taken; however, no one has yet been taken into custody. Both pensioners went to Anna Regina on Thursday to uplift their pension money and they expressed concern that someone might be preying on unsuspecting pensioners.



UN Diplomat robbed in Campbellville

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The UN Resident Coordinator and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative to Guyana, Mikiko Tanaka, was robbed on Thursday evening in Campbellville, Georgetown. Based on information reaching Guyana Times, the diplomat was relieved of her handbag containing important documents and an undisclosed sum of cash.

UN Resident Coordinator to Guyana, Mikiko Tanaka
UN Resident Coordinator to Guyana, Mikiko Tanaka

Reports are the robbery was executed by a lone bandit on a motorcycle who relieved the woman of her bag and rode away. After reaching a short distance, he reportedly fell off the motorcycle eager to escape; leaving the bike behind and escaping on foot.
The motorcycle was taken by Police as an investigation was launched. Attempts to contact Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum on the issue proved futile. Nevertheless, based on a description given to the Police by eyewitnesses, the Police are in pursuit of the suspect.
The Police, however, did not release an official statement on the robbery. It is unclear if the bandit was arrested or any of the woman’s belongings recovered.
The diplomat arrived in Guyana in August 2016 to take up the top UN position here after serving in a similar post in Yemen, Timor-Leste, Pakistan, China and New York.


Homeless man stabbed to death while foiling night club robbery


A homeless man who wrestled a bandit and prevented him and his accomplices from carrying out an early morning robbery at Blue Martini, is now dead after he was repeatedly stabbed about his body.
Dead is 42-year-old Sunil Singh (no fixed place of abode). The labourer succumbed to his injuries at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
Also injured was Charlesdel Valenzuela, 21, of Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, who works as a bartender at the night club.
The suspect is still on the run.
Around 2:45hrs yesterday, three men, one of whom is known to the police, visited the club; a while after a police patrol went to enforce the 02: A.M. curfew. Singh, after observing the men acting suspiciously outside the night club alerted Valenzuela, who refused the men access to the club by telling them it was closed.
An altercation ensued between the bartender and one of the men, who stabbed the bartender to his left arm. Singh intervened and was struck to the head.
An injured Singh then ran north into Owen Street, Kitty, a short distance away from the club and was pursued by the suspect, who caught up with him and stabbed him several times.
A resident of Owen Street, Kitty stated that Singh collapsed in front of a house in the area and was transported to the hospital by public spirited citizens.
However, when Kaieteur News visited the house, an occupant said that the injured man was not removed from in front of his residence.  The occupant stated that he only became aware of the incident yesterday morning from neighbours. He recalled being told that police were in the area conducting investigations.


Bandits cart off $$M after invading storeowner’s home

– four-year-old among victims bound and terrorized

Masked gunmen terrorized and tied up a Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara family, before escaping with millions in cash and jewellery, during a brazen attack last evening at around 20:00 hrs, at R. Gossai and Sons General Store.
The 63-year-old businessman, Rabindranauth Gossai, was gun-butted to the head during the approximately 25-minute ordeal. He had to seek medical treatment.
The store is located in the vicinity of the Demerara Harbour Bridge, but it appears that few persons realised that a robbery had occurred.
The business was closed at the time of the attack, but the gunmen scaled a concrete fence at the northern end after cutting through razor-wire at the top. They then hid in the yard.
At around 20.00 hrs, Joey Gossai, the businessman’s son, came outside and went to the back of the property. Three masked men with guns then pounced on him, and took him into the house.
The bandits were joined by three others, who ordered Joey Gossai, his mother, Phyllis Gossai, his dad and four-year-old son to lie face-down on the kitchen floor. They then began to ransack every area of the two-storey property.
Mrs. Gossai said that they also relieved her of a gold chain, and estimates that the robbers carted off about a million in jewellery along with a Digital Video Recorder.
Kaieteur News understands that the bandits also located a substantial sum of cash, but kept demanding more. Mrs. Gossai said they struck her husband in the head, while telling him to show them “the safe,” and “the gun”.
They eventually fled the scene, though the victims were unable to say what mode of transportation was used.
Mr. Gossai reportedly freed himself and then untied the other victims. He was taken to a hospital.
Police arrived about an hour later. There were no reports of any arrests.


Murder accused stabbed at city court


…after he and four others are committed to stand trial for Professor’s killing

Eighteen-year-old Timothy Paul Chance was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital just after

MURDERED: Professor Pairadeau Mars

noon yesterday, after he was stabbed to the abdomen as he was making his way to the Police Outpost at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
The stabbing occurred minutes after Chance and four co-accused (two male and two female) – two of whom are juveniles – were committed to stand trial in the High Court for allegedly killing Professor Pairadeau Mars on May 12, 2016 at Prashad Nagar, Georgetown.
Chance was stabbed after he was reportedly accosted by the two male accused during which time, one of them dealt him a stab to the belly with an improvised ice pick.
Chance collapsed to the ground and had to be assisted by police ranks, who placed him to sit on a bench outside the police outpost. His attacker was placed on lockdown.
A Guyana Fire Service ambulance was summoned immediately.
A few minutes later, several armed policemen arrived at the court house.
According to reports, there has been an ongoing feud between Chance and the two co-accused.
A source said that the duo have been accusing Chance of leaking information to police, which led to their arrest. The two men have been reportedly planning to harm Chance if they were not freed of the murder charge.
Meanwhile, Chance’s mother wailed uncontrollably as she pleaded with ranks to see her son, who appeared to be in pain. Three policewomen had to be called in to restrain the aggrieved mother who was warned to desist from interrupting court proceedings.
The mother was eventually allowed to see her injured son before he was escorted by police ranks and placed in the ambulance. She accompanied her son on the journey.

MURDER ACCUSED: Timothy Paul Chance

Earlier in the morning, Magistrate Leron Daly ruled that she would admit caution statements given by the five murder accused into evidence after ruling that the court is of the opinion that they were freely and voluntarily made. Thereafter, she informed the accused that a prima facie case had been established against them for the offence and she committed them to stand trial in the High Court at the next practicable sitting of the Demerara Assizes.
The Preliminary Inquiry (PI) into the murder had just concluded.
According to reports, Professor Pairadeau Mars also known as ‘Perry’, a remigrant from the United States of America, was found slumped in a chair in the study room of his Lot 395 Bissessar Street, Prashad Nagar home. The hands and feet of the 75-year-old man were bound together with duct-tape, while duct-tape was also wrapped around his mouth.
There were reports that one of the female accused was allegedly known to the professor since she would usually visit his home.
Professor Mars studied History at the University of Guyana. He had specialized in African Studies at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, USA.


Mother shot dead in front of children in Corentyne

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Dead: Lilawattie Mohamed

IT IS a sight two children will never forget – their mother being shot at point black range at their Lot 149 Sixth Street, Tain Settlement Corentyne home.

Lilawattie Mohamed, 45, a domestic worker, was at home with her 19-year-old son and 20-year-old daughter, when two masked gunmen barged into the house at approximately 23:30h on Tuesday night.

They ordered the woman and her son, Ashad Ishack to kneel on the floor, while the daughter hid under a bed. The men asked “where they money at” and when Lilawattie said she did not have any, one of the bandits placed the gun to her throat and fired a shot, killing her instantly.

The still terrified young man recalled that he woke up to loud banging on the front door, which they broke and eventually gained entry. According to Ishack, he and his mother tried prevent the men from entering the bedroom by bracing the door but they were overpowered.

“Them bruk the front door to come and then take the bar from the door and try to break the room to the bedroom. We were all in the room, so my sister hide under the bed, my mother was screaming, then we both try to brace the door so that they wouldn’t come in,” the terrified young man said.

He explained that the only words spoken by one of the intruders were, “here the money at,” after which his mother was shot dead. In tears, the young man said his mother collapsed beside him, covered in blood.

The gunmen immediately escaped by scaling the fence and firing a round in the air. They left empty handed. According to residents, the two men were seen running towards the back of the community.


Cop shoots man, hides ganja

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Assistant Superintendent, Rovin Das

ASSISTANT Superintendent (ASP), Rovin Das is now under close arrest after shooting 46-year-old Bertrand Robertson of Rebecca’s Lust, Mahaica, East Coast Demerara (ECD), on Monday night and for also allegedly hiding a quantity of Marijuana under a tree.

Bertrand Robertson

Police reports indicate that at around 23:30hrs that night, the officer was returning to Georgetown from Berbice when he felt sleepy and decided to park his vehicle in the corner of the Fair Field Public Road, ECD, to rest.

He alleged that he was subsequently awaken by someone knocking on the window glass of the driver side, where he was seated and he lowered the glass and saw the suspect (Robertson), who enquired as to his presence there, to which he explained.

After the explanation was given, the suspect allegedly removed the car key from its ignition and as the officer attempted to retrieve it, Robertson drew a hatchet so the officer immediately drew his service revolver and discharged two rounds hitting him in the left ankle.

Robertson was escorted to the Mahaicony Hospital where he was treated and sent away. The officer is assisting with the investigation. The weapon along with two spent shells recovered at the scene and the hatchet have been lodged.

Meanwhile, it was a twist of tales when the Guyana Chronicle visited the home of Robertson.

Speaking to the Chronicle, the victim disclosed that crime has been on the increase in the area, so along with a few other villagers, he formed a vigilante group.

And, on the night of the incident, he alleged that he was driving when he noticed the vehicle, driven by Das, pulling over to the corner of the road at Fair Field. “We getting a lot of robberies in the area these days, so when the vehicle pulled over, the lights came off and someone came out, I decided to stop and see what the driver’s motive was… after quite some time went by, I went off to get two more of the villagers so that we can go speak to the diver,” said the victim.

However, upon approaching the car, without any questions being asked, the officer allegedly lowered his window and discharged two shots at the men, both of which struck the victim.

The men subsequently ran away from the car and contacted the police, said Robertson, but when they turned to look, Das was allegedly acting “suspicious” and seen hiding a parcel under a nearby “sucker tree.” Later when police visited the scene, they found a parcel of marijuana, which has been lodged at the police station. The officer is being investigated for both the shooting and the discovery of the drug.


Gunmen rob Berbice mechanic

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Three men, two of whom were armed with handguns, on Tuesday morning robbed a Corentyne mechanic of cash and jewellery.
According to reports, about 01:00h, Davindon Reddy was packing up after his daughter’s birthday party when three armed men entered his yard.
The men all had handkerchiefs tied over their faces, in an attempt to conceal their identity.
They relieved Reddy of one gold chain worth $100,000 and $15,000 in cash.
B Division (Berbice) Commander, Assistant Commissioner Ian Amsterdam said the perpetrators then jumped the front fence and made good their escape on foot.
He said the Police were investigating the incident, but, up to press time, have not arrested anyone. Several leads are being followed as the investigations continue.


Gunmen snatch $4M, firearm from flour distributor

Gunmen yesterday afternoon relieved 45-year-old Rudolph Dyal of Station Street, Kitty of $4M in cash and a loaded firearm.
According to Dyal, who is a flour distributor employed with NAMILCO, he had just returned from a delivery on the East Coast of Demerara, around 5pm, when he was cornered by four men in a car.
Dyal said that he was carrying two bags – one containing his laptop and the other had the cash. He said as he was walking along Station Street, a car suddenly stopped immediately in front of him.
“Three of the car doors open and I see the one man at the front passenger seat pointing an AK-47 at me.”
Dyal said that he also saw from the corner of his eye, two other men seated at the back pointing what he believes were 9mm pistols.
A traumatized Dyal said that one of the gunmen that was seated at the back exited the car, while the one with the AK-47 had his weapon trained on him throughout.
“When he come out the car he snatch the laptop bag, then the one at the front said tek the other bag.”
Dyal said that all this time he knew he had his weapon and he thought that they would not have taken it, but to his surprise the AK-47 bandit who seemed to be the leader requested that his accomplice ‘pat him down’. After relieving him of the weapon, the bandit rejoined the others and the vehicle sped away.
Dyal reflected that he was lucky to be alive and throughout the ordeal, that seemed as if it took forever, he was thinking about his wife and his children.
Dyal said that although he was armed it would have been unwise to attempt to defend himself when he saw the weapons that the men possessed.
Police have launched an investigation and were trying to source CCTV footage from nearby cameras. (Brushell Blackman)


Sophia woman raped at gunpoint


A 24-year-old woman was raped at gunpoint around 23:15 hrs on Tuesday while walking through an alleyway in Sophia.
The victim had just come off from work and was heading home when a man on bicycle approached her with a gun and demanded that she remained quiet.
A police source who is familiar with the investigation said that the woman was hysterical when she went to the station to report the incident.
According to the source, the woman said that after leaving work, she took a bus and stopped off at Joe Singh Drive.
“She said she was walking through this alleyway when a chubby, dark-skinned man on bicycle confronted her with a gun,” the source said.
Reports are that the suspect tied a cloth around the victim’s face and demanded that she perform oral sex on him after which he raped her.
“She said that she throw her phone in the grass so that he wouldn’t see it.”
Kaieteur News was told that after raping the woman, the suspect picked up his bicycle and rode away.
The victim then ran further up the alleyway where she saw a group of young men and alerted them as to what had happened but the suspect had disappeared when the men attempted to locate him.
The woman was subsequently taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where a medical examination was done.


Phone card vendor shot dead in Adventure shop


Dead phone card vendor: Danian Jagdeo

A 36-year-old phone card vendor and father of four, was shot dead yesterday afternoon as two armed men robbed him at a shop at Adventure Village, Corentyne, Berbice, just a couple houses away from the Felix Austin Training College.
Dead is Danian Anthony Jagdeo of Williamsburg Village.
The man’s grieving wife, Mary Jagdeo, speaking to the media at the scene, related that she was at work when she received a call from her son.
“I was at school. I had lessons, so I received a call from my son at home, he told me somebody called for him to ‘come quickly because daddy got shot’, so I told him don’t go anywhere. He said it was Chase Soman call, I seh that is Adventure… I hang up and dash out”.
The woman, trying to fight back tears ,broke down as she said “I came and reach him lying on the ground face down, I knew he was dead, all his hands was white and he was on his face and I saw a (bullet) hole on his side and I saw another one”.
According to the devastated woman, the shopkeeper told her that Danian Jagdeo was in her shop when a suspicious man entered. Jagdeo asked her if she knew who the individual was that was entering the shop and she responded in the negative.
In a matter of seconds she saw the individual whip out a gun. The shopkeeper stated that she took evasive action to avoid being hit, when she heard several gunshots. The men reportedly grabbed a bag that Jagdeo had in his possession which contained a quantity of phone cards and cash.
The men reportedly escaped on a black Honda Elite motorcycle bearing registration plates CD 2125. They later reportedly abandoned the motorcycle two villages away and escaped in a car that was waiting.
Commander of B Division, Ian Amsterdam, who responded to the scene minutes after hearing about the incident, told reporters that they received a call at just about 14:20 hrs that there was a robbery at a shop in Adventure Village.
Upon arrival he stated that they were informed that the vendor, who sells phone cards, was shot and had been taken to the Port Mourant Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. According to Amsterdam, based on information received, the motorcycle was found abandoned by two persons along the public road of Friendship village on the Corentyne.
“We received information that they were picked up by a silver grey Toyota Premio and were headed east.”
When Kaieteur News arrived at the area where the motorcycle was left abandoned, detectives were seen dusting it for fingerprints. The Commander confirmed that Danian Jagdeo was shot three times. Police are on the hunt for the suspects.
Jagdeo leaves to mourn his wife, four children and parents.


Charity’s pharmacy suffers burglar attack


Police on the Essequibo Coast are currently investigating a break and enter that occurred some time Wednesday night at the True Value Pharmacy.

True Value Pharmacy at Charity that was broken into.

Owners of the Pharmacy, Henry and Carletta Alphonso, who are currently off the Coast, were shell-shocked yesterday morning when they were alerted that someone had broken into their business located at Lot 119 Charity, Essequibo Coast.
The discovery was made yesterday morning around 7:50 am by the Assistant Manager of the Pharmacy. She noted that a side door that was usually locked was left opened. She then made further investigations around the building only to discover that someone had broken into the building after knocking in the ventilation on top of the wall. Surveillance footage reveals that there was one masked man inside the Pharmacy.
However, it is believed that more persons were involved in the crime.
Kaieteur News understands that the perpetrators made their way onto the Alphonso property after jumping over the western fence. After they tampered with the surveillance cameras outside the building they tried to gain access via the side door.
Realizing that the side door was a dead end they then smashed in the ventilation blocks at the back of the building using a heavy piece of wood. They made their exit through the vent with stolen clothes, hair machines, perfumes, slippers, 3D video games and $167,000 in cash (phone card and c-point money) along with an additional sum of money.
It was discovered six hours later by Mrs. Alphonso herself that the crooks also broke into her home above the
They gained entry through the back window after removing the grill.
Mrs. Alphonso stated: “I noticed the laundry door opened, the bedroom doors open, the cupboard door open and a half drank bottle of water.”
It is believed that the perpetrators found a bunch of keys in the house to gain access to the various rooms. They then exited the house through the back door with a bottle of wine.


Thieves trail, break into US-based Guyanese car


– Escape with US$5000, personal documents
A US-based Guyanese lost US$5000 and personal documents after thieves in a Nissan Bluebird followed him to a business place in Saffon Street, Charlestown around 10:40 hrs yesterday, and broke into his car.
In less than five minutes, the thieves broke the lock on the driver’s side of Balchandra Hardowar’s Toyota 212 and his trunk and escaped with a bag containing documents including his US driver’s licence and land title.
It is believed that the thieves followed the overseas-based Guyanese from a city bank, where he went to make a deposit.
Surveillance footage showed the car trailing Hardowar and when he parked on Saffon Street, the occupants waited on their victim to leave his vehicle after which two men quickly went to the man’s vehicle and broke the lock.
Anyone with information can contact the Ruimveldt Police Station.


Mason stabbed to death in Tabatinga

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THE police have apprehended a man who reportedly stabbed a 50-year-old mason to death in Tabatinga, in the Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo region on Sunday morning.Dead is Cheddi Glasgow of Tabatinga. Police say he was stabbed four times about the body, and was bitten on the forehead. He was stabbed twice in the back, and twice to the right side of his chest.
Reports indicate that the men had a heated argument in Tabatinga when the 30-year- old perpetrator whipped out a knife when the argument got physical and stabbed the mason.
When contacted, Divisional Commander, Ravindradat Budhram, confirmed the death and said that the police were very prompt in their response, since the perpetrator could have escaped across the border if he had not been caught.
He said the police recovered the knife that was used in the stabbing, and that the incident occurred around 09:30hrs.


Bandits terrorise Canal Number 2 family

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The house into which the family recently moved and were attacked by bandits in East Half Middlesex, Canal Number Two

GUN-TOTING bandits carried out a brazen attacked Saturday night on a family who recently moved into a Canal Number Two Polder, West Bank Demerara (WBD) home.
The men escape with a small amount of cash, jewellery and electronics but returned to the home about an hour after firing a few shots in the air before driving away.
Reports indicate that four masked bandits dressed in black descended on the family of four around 20:30hrs Saturday night. The man, his wife and two children were at home at the time the gunmen entered their premises.
During the attack, the family was cleaning up after moving into the house earlier this month as the previous occupants left the country to reside overseas.
The bandits armed with a rifle and handguns confronted the man of the house first and subdued him and his wife with duct tape.
Police said the victims related that one of the bandits held up their nine-month- old baby by the neck threatening to shoot the infant if they were not given the cash and jewellery that were in the house.
The other child was gun-butted in the process. The family related that they are poor and did not have anything much and a search of the property could confirm their claim.
“The men told the family that people said they had cash and money in the house and they came for it, but is only this month they occupy the place,” one relative told the Guyana Chronicle.
“They tape up everybody in the house, then they ask the woman to count to one to a hundred and the bandits ducked out.”
The relative said they family previously lived at Kuru Kururu, Soesdyke/ Linden Highway.
“The husband does not even work because he is sick and not feeling well,” the relative said.


The AFC now wrong and strong, they take justice into their own hands and beat this man to death. 

Alleged purse snatcher beaten to death at Good Hope


– female AFC Councilor, father detained

The beaten suspect.

Police are questioning a female Alliance For Change Councillor and her father, in connection with the vigilante-style beating death of a 22-year-old man at Good Hope, East Bank Essequibo.
The victim, who is said to be a fisherman, was allegedly beaten with pieces of wood at around 16. 30 hrs, shortly after accosting the AFC member.
One report stated that the man, whose surname was given as Nazamadeen, had attempted to snatch the woman’s  handbag while she was walking.
It is alleged that the woman, a 28-year-old dental technician, complained to her father, and the ‘thief’ was pursued, tied and beaten. He succumbed shortly after.
The dental technician and her 48-year-old father were subsequently taken into custody.
Reports indicate that Nazamadeen was slain shortly after seeking refuge in the burnt-out property where elderly rice farmer Mohamed Munir and his wife, Bibi Jamila Munir, were slain in April, 2016.
He is said to be the brother of one of the accused in the murder of the elderly couple.
A photograph provided to Kaieteur News shows the shirtless man standing on a shed in the Munir’s property. Another photograph shows him lying motionless on the parapet.
A resident told Kaieteur News that she was sitting outside her house when she saw the man running into the burnt out property, with occupants in a vehicle in pursuit. The man then clambered up on a shed and began cursing. He eventually climbed down, only to be caught and beaten.
She said that she later learnt that he had died.
Kaieteur news understands that the robbery victim resides at Ruby, East Bank Essequibo.


Porknocker rapes teenager in Arakaka

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The .32 pistol that was used during the alleged rape

Staring at a gun, a woman begged a man to spare her life moments before he raped her at a North West District (NWD) location. Police in “F” Division Wednesday caught the perpetrator, who eventually led them to where he stashed the gun,which he allegedly had while raping the 19 year old woman.
According to reports, the teenager was raped on February, 8, 2017 and a report was subsequently made. Based on police investigations,a 24-year old Porknocker of Port Kaituma (NWD) was arrested. Police said that during questioning,the man confessed to committing the act while using a .32 pistol. Charges are expected to be instituted against the perpetrator today.
In 2016, police statistics from ‘F’ division indicated that there were 23 recorded reports of statutory rape and 24 in 2015, from January to September for both years. They also had five forcible rape cases and four for 2015 for the same period.
When contacted, ‘F’ Division Commander,Rabindranauth Budhram,confirmed the rape allegation.He noted that the police have a Social Crime Prevention Programme in several areas to target early school leavers and unemployed youths who are victims.


Youth beaten to death at Lethem


Police from F Division are questioning several people in connection with the beating death of a 21-year-old man at Takatu, Lethem, at around 01.30hrs yesterday.
Reports indicate that the victim, Lee Anton, of Bon Fim, Brazil, and a brother were walking along a trail after leaving a drinking establishment, when they were attacked by a group of men.
The attackers reportedly threw stones at the siblings. One of the brothers told police that he managed to escape, while Anton was clubbed to death.
Police reportedly found his body on the track, which is some distance from the Takatu Bridge that links Lethem to Brazil.


Gunmen rob Clonbrook supermarket

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You Gou Supermarket which was robbed Monday night was still doing business yesterday (photo by Samuel Maughn)

GUNMEN stormed the Chinese operated ‘You Gou Supermarket’ at Clonbrook, East Coast Demerara, and carted off hundreds of thousands of dollars Monday night.
The proprietors of the business, Chinese nationals, had opened the countryside supermarket months ago, but this is the first time it had been attacked by robbers. An employee of ‘You Gou Supermarket’ Angela said she was attending to a customer around 20:40 hours when three masked men carrying guns showed up.

Two friends – Rajesh and Sherman were sitting at a table on the lawns of the supermarket and Sherman walked into the store and ordered another round of Guinness. “I was in the cooler (freezer) at the said time because a boy come and he buy some Guinness…when I pack this thing back, the man (Rajesh) outside who went outside sitting down, all me see a man coming in with he, put the gun on the man and bringing he in the supermarket. And say ‘everybody on the floor don’t move’,” Angela recalled.

She said a quick thought of securing her wedding band came and she hid the ring. “When I see that, by time I see he I had on these things right and I slipped off these things and pelt it in the cooler… and then I lie down on the ground,” she said showing the Guyana Chronicle reporter three rings on her finger.
Angela’s husband, who was also in the supermarket at the time, was already lying face down on the floor after the gunmen ordered everybody down. There were at least two other employees at the supermarket and some customers. The men began tumbling for money but when they found only about over a hundred thousand dollars, they began to shout and display threatening behavior.

“When they came in and they start to tumble up and they find some money, they ask whey the rest of money deh, and they seh ‘you come here cause you working here’. Whey the money is? I say wha yuh see there that is all the money because we buy a lot of stocks today and that is all the money.”
It was then that they robbed her husband of a gold ring he was wearing and a mobile phone. However, both their wedding bands were on her hands and she was able to save them. They also robbed Sherman of his mobile phone and car keys.

But the bandits refused to leave with the money and items they had and demanded more, placing a gun to her chest. “When they start to pull out the money, they say this can never be all the money. They ask for the chest in which the money is hid. So when the Chinee girl see that they put the gun on my stomach and say ‘you need to tell we whey the money deh’, she raise up the black thing so that they could tek out the rest.”

Though the exact sum of money is undisclosed, she said it would amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Angela said she had since been traumatized and is afraid to work again after realizing how easily both she and husband could have lost their lives. “This morning they call me back because the CID went here and when they start run back the footage and so on, like me whole body just get cold,” she said, confirming reports that she also fainted.
Meanwhile, the woman’s husband told the Guyana Chronicle he was sitting closer to the cashier when he saw his wife’s facial expression changed. He knew then that something was amiss.

“Me see she turn and watch and she skin up she eye…. That is when the gunman bring Rajesh inside wid the gun… the man seh ‘nobody move, everybody lie down flat’ and me throw down meself. And then them carry she to the cashier and seh ‘you, you know whey the chess deh’. Me lie down deh and me nah know wha go on after that,” he explained.
They said the men carried both big and small guns.

“Them man had big gun. It look like them AK. One of them had a big gun and the rest had small gun.” After collecting the booty, the men ran into a parked white car in which one other man, the driver, was waiting, and they sped north out of the Ann’s Grove/Cloonbrook road. A customer and one of the proprietors of the supermarket ran and cried for help and the police were called. Police have collected video footage of the robbery and are investigating the matter.


Armed bandits hit Leonora poultry business for $900,000


Four men, armed with guns, stormed a poultry business located at 205 Parafield, Leonora, West Coast Demerara, and made off with some $900,000 in cash and jewellery.
The robbery occurred at around 18:30 hours yesterday. No one was injured.
According to information received, two of the gunmen went to the premises and requested to purchase 50 pounds of live chicken. However, when an occupant in the home turned his back to render to them, the two bandits barged into the home and forced its occupants to lie face down.
Rohit Toolram who was a visitor at the time said that two other bandits stormed into the home after and took his friend Abdool Rassaq to the upper flat of the building.
Toolram related that while upstairs, the gunmen demanded valuables from his friend.
He said the bandits ransacked the home and escaped with a quantity of cash, gold and diamond jewellery and several mobile phones. The bandits made off in a white heavily-tinted motor vehicle bearing a PSS series number plate.
Abdool J Rassaq and Rahana Rassaq are the proprietors of the business, which they have been operating for close to four decades.
According to the friend, some of the intruders wore masks.
“I see their face, but this thing (robbery) happen so fast I don’t even know who is who.” Up to last evening, police were at the home conducting investigations.


Gunmen rob GTU employees

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Employees of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) were left traumatised after two gunmen stormed the premises and held them at gunpoint before carting off with their valuables.
The incident occurred at about 13:30h on Wednesday. According to reports, two neatly dressed young men approached the security checkpoint in the compound of the GTU and politely informed the guard that they were there to see a “Mr Baptiste.”
The men were sent into the building when a staff member, who had just reentered the building and was making her way up the flight of steps, was the first to be held at gun point and robbed.
The men then entered the office area and brandished their guns at the staff members as they demanded cash and other valuables.

GTU staffs outside of the building following the incident
GTU staffs outside of the building following the incident

General Secretary of GTU, Coretta McDonald, who was in a meeting in the upper flat of the building at the time said that she was alerted by a staff member who signalled to her that gunmen were in the premises.
She relayed that upon checks, she saw the men leaving the building with bags in their hands. They reportedly entered an awaiting white Premio and drove away.
“I ran to the window and then I saw these two young men going through the gates with the bags, they then hopped into a white Premio. But when we ran downstairs then we realised that the staff downstairs they were robbed too. The supervisor was robbed of her jewellery and monies were taken from the other staff. Other officers that were downstairs, guns were pointed at them too,” she explained to Guyana Times.
It is suspected that the gunmen were after a staff member who had just returned from a city bank.
Additionally, officials from the Guyana Technical Institute, which is opposite the GTU, recalled that they saw the two men arrive just behind the woman in a blue Premio motorcar.
Meanwhile, McDonald is calling for Police intervention as a number of robberies have occurred in the area in recent months. She related that were also several break-ins at the GTU.
The matter is currently being investigated. No arrests were made.


Even the top cop brother not immune from Granger's angels.

Top Cop’s brother murdered

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More than one week after a miner was stabbed to death in the vicinity of the Stabroek Market area, he was on Monday positively identified as the younger brother of Police Commissioner, Seelall Persaud.seelall brother

The dead man was identified as Haymant Persaud by the Police Commissioner at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC) mortuary. The Police, on Sunday, sought the assistance of the public to identify the man who was stabbed on February 19 last.

Guyana Times understands that after the photo of the dead man was published, it was only then, the Police Commissioner knew it was his brother.

At the time the man was stabbed to death, he was clad in a pair of long jeans and a blue and white chequered long sleeve shirt, slim built, about six feet in height, low haircut and fair in complexion.

Based on reports reaching the Guyana Times, a woman suspected to be involved in the stabbing to death of Persaud, was arrested but was released since at that time, the Police did not know the identity of the man.

It is believed that Persaud, who had apparently returned from the interior, was sporting in the vicinity of Stabroek Market and was throwing money ‘wild west’.

The female suspect, who was close by, joined in the drinking spree after which Persaud was reportedly lured to the washroom area at Stabroek Square where he was attacked by two men who attempted to relieve him of his money and other valuables.

The now dead man reportedly put up a fight, but was stabbed by one of the men who whipped out a knife. Several people in the area reportedly witnessed the stabbing incident and believed that it was the female suspect who set up the robbery.

Further, the Guyana Times was told that after the stabbing incident, public spirited citizens ran to the Guyana Fire Service for assistance in taking the injured man to the hospital, but the ranks on duty at the time refused.

The ranks reportedly went to the scene and after they realised he was dead, they left the scene. The ambulance service was then contacted and the man was picked up and taken to the GPHC where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Upon receiving news of the fatal stabbing, Guyana Times contacted the Public Relations Department, but at the time it was not in receipt of any report of the murder.

Nevertheless, the Police are continuing their investigations with the hope that the female suspect would release the names of the men who committed the heinous crime.


Bandits terrorize West Canje teacher during home invasion


A teacher of West Canje Berbice was a victim of armed robbery and attempted sexual assault after four masked and armed men, with guns and cutlasses invaded her home.

The teacher’s home that was invaded.

The men reportedly broadsided her with a cutlass and held her at gunpoint while demanding cash and jewelry. One of the men also attempted to sexually assault the woman, who was home alone at the time of the invasion.
Esther Reid, said that it was around 1:32 am yesterday when she heard her dogs barking and her security guard yelling. “I was just about to peep through my window when I heard my security yelling at someone.”
Upon inquiring the woman said that her security told her that two men had just attempted to scale her fence.
Reid told the media that she immediately tried to contact the police who told her that they were on their way. According to her, within minutes she saw three men walking near her home and another standing near a utility pole located next to her home.
Reid further stated that she heard a gunshot and her security guard became quiet, “Then I heard another gunshot and I started screaming for the security and I didn’t hear anything, so I started to scream for thief and run to the bedroom,” she said.
She then heard a banging on her back door and a crashing sound at her window, “Then I heard glass breaking I didn’t know where it was breaking. I heard when the back door open and I called the police again and screaming into the phone that they were in the house”.
Three of the four men barged in to the house and into my bedroom and began to demand money.
“One of them took my phone, then they asked for money. I told them I don’t have money. “
She said one then exited the house, while the three enquired about the person living downstairs. “They came and they ask me wah happen to the old man that was downstairs, and I said my husband was not here. They say ‘No, the man from downstairs’ and I said ‘I’m up here with you guys I can’t know where he is.
“He had the gun to my head and he put me to kneel down on the bed and they search up and they broke up stuff in the house. They didn’t get anything else; they just ransack and take what they wanted to take.”
The woman also disclosed that the men took her downstairs and asked where was the key for the storeroom. All the while holding the gun to her head. “Them ask me where me stash the gold and the money and I said I don’t have. The one said strip let me see, so I started to pull down my dress”.
However, one of the men told the others to desist from asking her to remove her clothing.
According to the teacher, while she was searching for the storeroom key in her bedroom, the three men ran downstairs where they left the security guard and started to hit him again.
“I heard them beating him and I heard chopping sounds.” They then returned while still attempting to sexually assault her.
“I hear them saying boy come along we got to go; police and then they ran out”.
The security guard sustained several injuries about his body, and to his face. The men escaped with two gold rings, a DVR from the security cameras and an E-networks control box. She described one of the men as short and (Amerindian) by decent, while the others were reportedly of African descent.
Law enforcement reportedly arrived a while after the almost 30-minute ordeal.


The Granger police are involved in crime, this is no surprise as we see robberies all over the nation with ex police involved. Now in this scenario an active police is involved in securing arms for nefarious purposes. 

Cops nabbed trying to steal AK-47

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FOUR ranks attached to the Tactical Services Unit (TSU) was placed under close arrest after an intelligence-led investigation found they were instrumental in facilitating the smuggling of an AK-47 assault rifle out of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Headquarters, Eve Leary, on Tuesday.
An official statement from the Guyana Police Force on Wednesday noted that on February 28, ranks from the Criminal Investigation Department Headquarters conducted an operation, during which a motor car was intercepted and one AK 47 rifle was discovered in the said vehicle. The driver was promptly arrested.
According to the statement, detectives acting on further information, contacted four ranks from the Tactical Services Unit and placed them under close arrest. “Earnest efforts are underway to trace the origin of the high-powered rifle. The probe is ongoing,” the police statement noted.
However, this newspaper was reliably informed that a private vehicle drove into the CID compound on Tuesday evening and stayed there overnight. This was observed by ranks in the compound and they decided to place the vehicle and its occupants under surveillance.
When the vehicle attempted to drive out the CID head office compound, a search was carried out and a force issued AK-47 was found. This newspaper understands that a Police Corporal was immediately placed under close arrest while his civilian friend was detained for questioning.
In addition, several other ranks, including a senior officer,are being grilled by their colleagues as the probe widens. Senior officers of the GPF,including the Public Relations Officer,were tight-lipped about the incident yesterday.


Pirates terrorise fishermen at Waini River

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Several fishing boats were on Sunday last attacked and robbed of their outboard engines and other items by suspected pirates operating in the Waini Area of the North West District (NWD) of Region One.
The fishermen were also terrorised and beaten by the group of pirates, who had painted their faces as a disguise and were reportedly speaking English and Spanish.
One of the boat owners, a resident of Annandale, East Coast Demerara who requested not to be named, told Guyana Times during a telephone interview that he received a call from his captain at about 4:00h on Sunday, relating what occurred. He explained that, based on reports received, the men pulled up in a boat propelled by a 75-horsepower engine and painted in red, blue and yellow, and made their way into his boat, where they held the captain and four workers at gunpoint.  Thereafter, several of their numbers took off his boat’s two-48 horsepower Yamaha outboard engines and placed them into their boat. One worker was struck to the head and other parts of the body as he attempted to resist the pirates, who then boarded their boat and left the scene.
The victims managed to make their way to the Waini police outpost, where an official report was made. The boat owner posited that police in the area searched the water top, but found no sign of the boat fitting the description that the victims gave the police. The victims had gone to fish in the area six days ago, and were due to return home in a few weeks’ time.
This East Coast resident has been in the fishing business for the past six years, and has never previously been robbed by pirates. He recounted that he had once been attacked, by the attackers had left without taking anything.  Meanwhile, in order for his crew to continue working in the Waini area, he has made arrangements to send them another outboard engine that he had at home.
The businessman is calling on the relevant authorities to looking into the issue of piracy. He claims that while it is not being perpetrated on a large scale, small fishermen are targeted. Since taking office, Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan has focused heavily on piracy in the Corentyne area, and from all indications, a decline in this illegal activity has been recorded.


Even PNC strong hold in Sophia not immune from crime.

Woman shot in attempted home invasion


Twenty-five year-old Marieseo George of 175 Block ‘E’, South Sophia, was shot in the

The wounded arm of Marieseo George.

arm when a bandit attempted to invade her home sometime around 01:00h (1a.m.) yesterday.
The woman said she was awakened by an unusual noise coming from the back of her house and upon checking she was confronted by a man who was halfway through a window that was left open. George said that upon seeing the man she screamed. At this point the bandit pulled back.
The woman said that she quickly closed the window and went to the front of the house to see if the man, whom she described as brown-skinned and tall, had fled the premises. George said to her surprise when she peered through her front window, the brazen individual was standing just outside the window.
George said that for some unknown reason she attempted to open the door to confront the man, but thought better of the situation and did not do so. The woman said that all this time,

The smashed window from where the woman was shot.

a female friend of hers was asleep in their room.
Realizing that it was now a tall order to enter the house, the bandit whipped out what the woman described as a ‘black’ gun and smashed the glass of the front window. George said she then went into retreat mode and before long she could see the man pushing his hands through the window. He then fired one shot. The round struck George in her lower right arm.
The woman said that soon after her arm began to feel ‘numb’ and it was then that she saw blood flowing profusely from the wound.
“I start to holler thief! thief! And I ran back to the room.” The shaken woman said her screams alerted neighbours who came to her aid, and by this time the gunman had fled.
George was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where she was treated and sent home. The police have since visited her home and statements were taken. Up to press time no one was arrested.
George’s home had been burglarized previously when she was out. Jewellery, appliances and other items were stolen. The woman believes that it is the same person that attempted to invade her home yesterday. She said that she is thankful for life, since the gunshot could have been fatal. (Brushell Blackman)


Lot of private vengeance going on in Guyana as people, frustrated at the corrupt police and court system, seek their own justice. .

Security cameras record man torching Berbice businessman’s vehicles


Police in ‘B’ Division are hunting for a lone arsonist who set fire to two vehicles belonging to Berbice businessman Feroze Mohammed during the wee hours yesterday. According to reports received, the incident occurred around 02:30hrs at Mohammed’s supermarket at Main and Pope Streets, New Amsterdam.
Mohammed was at home with his wife, daughter and his parents when they were awoken by shouts of fire from the security guard.
Upon responding, the owner, who was awake watching movies at the time, saw both of his vehicles engulfed in flames. The man quickly removed the vehicles from under the shed where they were parked in an effort to prevent the fire from spreading to nearby gas bottles and the building.
The vehicles, valued at an estimated US$70,000, were damaged beyond repair.
It was disclosed that fire tenders responded 30 minutes after they were summoned but it was too late to save the vehicles.
Surveillance footage captured the perpetrator dressed in a white shirt, blue pants and a white hat carrying a white bottle containing what is believed to be a flammable fluid, suspected to be gasoline.
It was shown that the suspect threw some of the liquid on the man’s Toyota Camry (PNN 2263) and his Prado Land Cruiser (PKK 2035). The suspect then used a lighter to ignite the substance and made good his escape.
It was then that the security guard awoke and alerted the businessman.
According to sources close to the investigation, the police are looking at one suspect said to be the main culprit behind the act.
Although the family remains tightlipped about the incident, this was not the first attack on Mohammed. In October 2015, bandits attempted to torch the businessman’s gas station but were thwarted.
Investigations are ongoing.


Gunmen rob customer outside Diamond bank

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… suspect on bail for $9M casino robbery – Crime Chief

A suspect in the Princess Hotel Casino $9 million heist, along with four other suspected accomplices, was on Saturday nabbed moments after committing a robbery at Diamond, East Bank Demerara. Richard Junior Stewart, who was granted bail for the casino heist, is presently in Police custody assisting with this investigation.

Robbery suspect: Richard Junior Stewart
Robbery suspect: Richard Junior Stewart

Guyana Times was told that a customer, having just withdrawn $330,000 from a commercial bank at Diamond, East Bank Demerara, was departing the bank’s premises at about 11:00h when he was pounced upon by Stewart and his four accomplices and relieved of the bag containing the money. Thereafter, the five men jumped into a car and fled the scene. The Police were contacted, and based on the description given to them by the victim, intercepted the getaway vehicle and arrested Stewart and the four other men, who are all characters known to the Police. When contacted, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed both the occurrence of the robbery and the arrest of the five suspects. He also related that Stewart had been released on bail in connection with the Princess Hotel heist, which occurred on April 29, 2016 at Providence, East Bank Demerara. In addition, Stewart is on bail on illegal possession of firearm and ammunition charges that were brought against him.
Stewart, Wayne Griffith of Bagotville, West Bank Demerara and Andrew Blackman of 60 Middle Street, McDoom East Bank Demerara were arraigned in connection with the casino robbery. It was reported that the trio, along with others, robbed the Princess Hotel cashier of a total sum of $8,951,000. During the robbery, several workers and patrons of the casino were shot and injured. In addition, Lance Corporal Andrew Richardson was shot during a gunfight with the men while responding to a report of the robbery.
It was reported that Stewart and three other men, all armed with guns, entered the casino and discharged rounds in the air. The men held up the security guard who was on duty, and took away his shotgun and ammunition before ordering everyone to lie on the ground. They then took the security guard to the cashier’s cage, where they held up the cashier and took away the money. Police ranks responded to a report received and confronted the bandits at the hotel; and in the ensuing gunfight, the police rank was shot.
The five men are, in the new week, expected to be charged in connection with this robbery which occurred on Saturday at Diamond, EBD.


One of Granger's angels from Sophia was the culprit in the killing of the top cop brother. What a country where even the brother of the highest ranking police is not safe.

Teen admits to killing Top Cop’s brother

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The teenager who was positively identified as the prime suspect in the stabbing to death of Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud’s brother has admitted to his involvement in the heinous act.Top Cop - Brother
The teen, who hails from C Field, Sophia, Greater Georgetown, during interrogation, reportedly gave a detailed account of how he murdered 51-year-old Haymant Persaud of Essequibo Coast, on February 19, 2017.
Guyana Times was told that on the morning of the murder, the suspect was at a friend’s stand at Stabroek Market Square when he saw the now dead man at another vendor attempting to purchase an item. His friend, also a vendor, was asleep and the suspect was looking over the business.
The teenager reportedly told detectives that as he looked closer, he noticed Persaud wearing a “fat” gold chain. As the man was finished with his purchase, the teenager admitted that he followed Persaud and in the vicinity of the washroom area, he carried out the attack.
During the confrontation, the teenager and Persaud were engaged in a scuffle and it was during this time, the suspect whipped out a knife and inflicted the fatal blow on Persaud’s body. After the miner fell to the ground, the teenager reportedly ran to the Sophia bus park where he boarded a minibus and went home.
Persaud was picked up and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. At that time, the identity of the dead man was unknown. However, almost a week after the Police decided to publish the photo of the dead man and it was then, Police Commissioner, Seelall Persaud who is on annual leave recognised it was his brother.
An investigation was launched during which the Police received information and went to the house of the teenager where he was arrested. Upon his arrest, he was positively identified as the killer by persons, who witnessed the murder.
The young man is expected to be charged this week. The Police are in the process of wrapping up the case file to be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions, Shalimar Ali-Hack for legal advice.


Butcher stabs butcher in Bourda Market brawl

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One butcher attempted to butcher another butcher in a violent altercation that occurred on Monday at Georgetown’s Bourda Market, and one man has been hospitalized following that stabbing incident.

One butcher attempted to butcher another butcher at the Bourda Market in Georgetown
One butcher attempted to butcher another butcher at the Bourda Market in Georgetown

Reports are that during a heated argument which erupted between the two butchers in the vicinity of the Hack’s Butchery inside the Bourda Market at about 08:00 hrs on Monday, one of the butchers grabbed a knife and stabbed the other, even as traumatized patrons looked on helplessly.
This newspaper was told that after he was stabbed, the injured man was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital in an unconscious state. His identity has not been disclosed to this publication; and late Monday afternoon, two senior ranks of the Guyana Police Force indicated that they were not aware of the incident. Hospital sources have, however, confirmed that the injured butcher is a patient at that facility.


Burglar escapes with almost $300,000 in cash, phone cards from pharmacy


Poonai’s Pharmacy and Animal Health Care in Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice was burgled yesterday morning after a lone intruder cut open the locks to the business and made off with close to $300,000 in cash and

The pharmacy that was burgled.

phone cards.
Pusmattie Bhigroog, who stays with her son Poonai Bhigroog, proprietor of Poonai’s Pharmacy, told Kaieteur News that they all retired to bed on Monday after closing up, like any other day, but during the early morning hours yesterday, someone passed and saw the pharmacy’s front door open.
”In the morning when someone pass on the road they call on Mr. Poonai, my son, and they told him that his store is open…his shop door is open, so the person ask if he close it, and he said yes.”
The woman said that upon hearing this, her son and her daughter-in-law ran downstairs to check on the premises when it was discovered that all the locks to the front entrance had been cut open. According to her, the intruder managed to break the cashier’s booth, where it was discovered that money that was left there had been removed.
She also pointed out that on that evening the security systems failed them, since the alarm did not go off, “we have an alarm and if any little thing pass across it goes off, but it didn’t”.
An estimated $250,000 in cash was stolen along with $30,000 in phone cards.


Things so bad in Guyana that even University students are harboring criminals.

UG student charged with harbouring wanted man


Aliscia Dennelle Simon, a third-year Business Management student at the University of Guyana (UG)

Charged: Aliscia Dennelle Simon

has been charged with harbouring a man wanted by police for trafficking narcotics.
Simon, 23, of 2785 Community Lane, South Ruimveldt Park, Georgetown was indicted yesterday before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
Particulars of the charge against her alleged that between February 2 and 8 at Community Lane, South Ruimveldt Park, Georgetown, she harboured Shawn Neblett, whose name and photograph were published by police in connection with trafficking in narcotics.
Simon who was represented by Attorney Tiffany Jeffrey in association with Keoma Griffith, pleaded not guilty to the charge. She was released on $100,000 bail and ordered to report to Superintendent of Police Wayne De Hearte, Head of the Police Narcotics Branch, Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Eve Leary.
Police Prosecutor Arvin Moore did not oppose bail for the defendant. He disclosed that the prosecution intends to call a total of six witnesses.
Simon was instructed to return to court on March 15, before Magistrate Dylon Bess.


Back in PPP time the afc/pnc would be protesting police brutality, now they all quiet like lamb.

Bandit killed during attempted robbery

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Abotched robbery executed in the wee hours of Tuesday morning has resulted in the shooting death of one of three male bandits. According to information received, the would-be robbers invaded the premises of the Guy Gas Complex at Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara just before 02:00h Tuesday.

The scene of the robbery, Guy Gas Complex at Land of Canaan
The scene of the robbery, Guy Gas Complex at Land of Canaan

Reports are that an armed security guard observed the suspicious movements of the three men at about 01:30h, who at the time were making their way into the complex via the western fence. The men armed with a cutlass and a knife approached the security guard who in response discharged several rounds at them.

One of the men fell to the ground a short distance away, while the two others ran towards a nearby creek which leads to the Demerara River. The Police were summoned and a knife and cutlass were discovered at the scene. The dead bandit’s body was discovered with two gunshots wounds and was found in the vicinity of the western fence.

Guyana Times understands that up to late Tuesday afternoon Policemen were still combing the waterways in pursuit of the other two bandits. Up to press time, this publication did not ascertain the identity of the bandit who was fatally shot.


Overseas-based Guyanese robbed by gun-toting nephews

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The Police are on the hunt for three East Coast Demerara residents, who carried out a brazen robbery on an overseas-based Guyanese, mere hours after arriving in the country on Tuesday evening last.
Two of the wanted men are nephews of the victim, while the third in a known bandit in the area. The robbery was committed on Ganesh Looknauth of Lancaster Housing Scheme, Unity, East Coast Demerara.
Reports reaching Guyana Times indicate that as the man drove his motor vehicle into the garage, he was confronted by the three men; one of whom was armed with a handgun. They reportedly held him at gunpoint and relieved him of the suitcases he was carrying. The trio then demanded cash and jewellery among other valuables. The man was relieved of a large quantity of cash he had in his possession.
This publication understands the money was proceeds from a property he sold recently. Looknauth was also relieved of close to US$3500, a wedding band, a quantity of clothing and several pairs of footwear. The clothing and footwear were reportedly emptied from the suitcases.
After committing the robbery, the men made good their escape after which the victim raised an alarm. The neighbours ran to the scene and after realising that the man was robbed, they immediately contacted the Police.
Police are continuing their investigations.


Dead bandit identified as Covent Garden resident

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The suspected bandit who was shot and killed while attempting to commit a felony on the Guy Gas main office at Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara (EBD), was identified as Troy Simmons of Covent Garden, EBD.

Guyana Times understands that the dead man’s reputed wife positively identified the body at the Lyken Funeral Home on Wednesday.
A Police source told this publication that the woman claimed that after her reputed husband did not return home, she decided to check at the mortuary since she saw the news about an unidentified man being shot and killed.
It was reported that an armed security guard attached to the gas company observed the suspicious movements of the three men at about 01:30h on Monday morning, who at the time were making their way into the complex via a fence.
The men were armed with a cutlass and a knife and approached the security guard who in response discharged several rounds at them.
One of the men fell to the ground a short distance away, while the two others ran towards a nearby creek which leads to the Demerara River.
The Police were summoned and a knife and cutlass were discovered at the scene. The dead bandit’s body was discovered with two gunshots wounds and was found in the vicinity of the western fence. The Police however, are still hunting the two other suspects.


Bandits pounce on overseas-based couple, relatives

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An East Bank Demerara (EBD) family is now terrified after three armed men invaded their property and executed a brazen daylight robbery on Wednesday afternoon.
Their intended target, however, was two overseas-based Guyanese who arrived in the country hours prior to the robbery, leaving investigators to believe that the robbery was set up by the taxi driver, who transported the couple to the Lot 1 Brickery, EBD house from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.

Edwin Persaud and his wife Nazeema Persaud were relieved of their jewellery they were wearing at the time but not before being gun butted and beaten. Persaud’s elderly father, Anand Persaud, was also beaten and relieved of his jewellery and so was the housekeeper, who was in the house at the time of the ordeal.
Daughter of the overseas couple, Simone Lall told Guyana Times that her brother travelled to the airport to collect her parents but as he was waiting on them to clear immigration, he went to purchase a cup of coffee.
Whilst there, her parents, she explained, came through the arrival section and did not see her brother and thought that he did not show up to collect them. They were, however, approached by a “tall slim guy” who enquired if they needed a taxi.
They started to converse with the guy and after waited for some time and not seeing her brother, they boarded the taxi. The taxi, she recalled, dropped off her parents at her grand parents’ home and receiving his payments, he left. It was a white car, the terrified couple told investigators.
At about 15:30h, the daughter explained that her father and grandfather were sitting in the veranda when they saw a dark brown Toyota Primo motorcar pull up in front of the house and three armed men exited.
Upon exiting, the men, all who were armed with handguns rushed to the veranda and held the elderly man at gunpoint while instructing the occupants of the house not to raise an alarm. Nevertheless, one of the bandits whose face was covered with a handkerchief discharged a round shattering a glass table.
“They then took my father into the house, put him to kneel on the ground and demanded money… as they were asking for money, they were relieving him of the jewellery he was wearing… they then turned to my mother and asked her for the money and again they took off her jewellery,” Lall noted.
After relieving the couple of their gold jewellery, they demanded money. Lall further explained that the men ransacked the bedrooms with the intention of getting the suitcases but came up empty handed. The suitecases, she said, were kept in another room that was not easily accessible.
After the 10-minute ordeal, the men jumped into the car they arrived in and fled the scene. Her father, grandfather and mother were taken to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre where they were treated and later sent away.
The Police were contacted and an investigation was launched. No arrests have been made.


Even the mayor's son ain't safe in crime infested Guyana.

Georgetown Mayor’s son shot, robbed


Richard Mittleholzer, 46, the son of Georgetown Mayor Patricia Chase-Green was shot and robbed around 1:00 AM yesterday at a bar at Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara.

Richard Mittleholzer

According to ‘D’ Division Commander Leslie James, Mittleholzer was having a few drinks at a popular night spot in the area when he was approached by a lone male carrying a firearm. James said that the gunman accosted Mittleholzer who resisted and was shot in the abdomen. He was also robbed of a chain and a wrist band.
The Commander said that the injured man was transported to West Demerara Hospital and was later transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he was listed in a serious but stable condition. James said that the bandit fled and no one has been arrested as the police continue to investigate the incident.
Speaking to Kaieteur News, Ms. Chase-Green said she was informed about the incident around 1:30 AM yesterday and was told that her son was with a female companion and another friend when the incident occurred. She said that Mittleholzer was celebrating his birthday and having a few drinks when he was approached by male demanding valuables.
According to the Mayor, Mittleholzer is not in a critical condition, but he is still not out of danger. According to reports, emergency surgery was performed on the injured man to remove the bullet that was lodged in his abdomen.
Chase-Green said that she is worried as any parent but has to stay strong and is hopeful for her son’s speedy recovery.


Even the jackass police shooting each other accidentally, much less the bandits.

Cop accidentally shoots policewoman


A policeman accidentally shot a policewoman yesterday morning when he attempted to clear a weapon taken from a supernumerary constable during a routine stop and search exercise.
According to 36-year-old Glenroy Skeete, a supernumerary constable attached to a gold and diamond trading company, around 10:30 am yesterday he was driving his vehicle along Vlissengen Road in the vicinity of Camp Ayangana when he was stopped by a police patrol vehicle.
Skeete said that the police signaled him to stop and instructed him to exit his vehicle. He complied. The man said that the three officers that comprised the patrol asked if he was carrying a firearm and he answered in the affirmative.
It was at that point that Skeete indicated to the officers that he was license to carry the weapon because of the nature of his work. One of the officers then instructed him to hand over the weapon and as he was attempting to clear the breach of his 9MM pistol he was advised against doing so.
The weapon was subsequently taken from him by the officer sitting in the front passenger seat of the vehicle and handed over to another officer identified only as Constable Singh sitting in the back seat of the vehicle.
It was at this point that Singh attempted to clear the weapon when it accidentally went off hitting the driver, a policewoman in the buttocks. “All I hear is pow”, Skeete said at this point he heard the driver exclaimed “Singh you shoot me; wha you shoot me for”. Unaware of his actions the officer responsible for the shooting said, “No; me ain’t shoot you”.
When it was realized that the woman was indeed shot an attempt was made to take her to the hospital, but the other two officers could not drive. Skeete said he parked his car and drove the injured woman and the other officers to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC).
He opined that had the officers heeded the request for him to clear the weapon the woman would not have been shot. He believes that the over exuberance of the officer to clear the weapon could have resulted in the death of his colleague. The man said that it must have been that the attempt to clear the weapon was not done according to normal procedures.
Had the officer cleared the weapon training it downwards or upwards as in standard operating procedure the accident would not have occurred.
At the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC), the police officers there were mum on the issue. A staff at the hospital said that the woman was being treated and was not in a serious condition. According to reports the police have since taken a statement from the officer who accidentally fired the weapon. (Brushell Blackman)


Cop shoots taxi driver while chasing bandits who robbed him


A police corporal has been detained after he shot a man twice while in pursuit of two bandits who robbed him of gold jewellery in Saffon Street, Charlestown yesterday.
Kenneth Hoyte, 46, a taxi-driver of Tucville, Georgetown was shot to the left hand and knee during the confrontation and was admitted to the Georgetown Hospital in a stable condition.
Kaieteur News understands that the police rank of Better Hope, East Coast Demerara, was driving  south along Saffon Street in the busy La Penitence Market traffic, when he was confronted by two males; one on a bicycle and the other on foot. The rank has alleged that the cyclist held him at gunpoint, while the other robber snatched his gold chain and a gold band and escaped.
According to information, the police corporal claimed that he exited the vehicle and pursued the suspects, who discharged several rounds in his direction. The rank said he returned fire.
Shortly after, it was discovered that Hoyte, who was in the vicinity, received two gunshot wounds. He was transported to the hospital by the same policeman.
Police in a release said that a female passer-by found the jewellery which purportedly belonged to the police rank and handed it over to him. Nine spent shells were recovered from the scene.
There however has been conflicting information surrounding the shooting and the ranks’ firearm has been lodged.


Teen shot twice in minibus


A nineteen year old man is now hospitalised after he was shot twice Saturday night while travelling in a route 41 minibus.

SHOT: Leon Blake

Leon Blake of Lot WW3 North East La Penitence, Georgetown was shot to the left hand and thigh during a confrontation with two men who boarded the minibus after him.
The injured man’s mother, Carlotta Lynch said that she received a call around 22:00hrs on Saturday, during which she was informed that, her son had been shot.
According to the mother, her son left home for Stabroek Market Square, where he was “playing Phagwah with some girls.” He then reportedly boarded a bus for home.
The mother said she was told that two men entered the same bus. She added that one of the men stepped on her son’s foot, which resulted in an exchange of words.
Lynch stated that one of the men pulled out a gun and called her son a “*****” before discharging two rounds at him. Blake, a trader was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital.
When asked if her son had any problems with anyone, Lynch said the shooting might have stemmed from grievances her son had with persons he played football with.


Guyana under the PNC crooks is not a safe place.

Bandits invade vendor’s home

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A New Amsterdam Market vendor (who has requested not to be named) awoke from slumber at about 04:20h on Monday last; and as per normal, opened the door leading to the lower section of her two-storey home – only to be pounced upon by three masked men!

The vendor’s bag found along the cane field dam
The vendor’s bag found along the cane field dam

“I just open the door and come outside, and I see this red pants coming up to me; and when I raise up, the man got a gun,” the incredulous vendor detailed. She said the shirtless man was masked and was accompanied by two other masked men, both carrying knives.
The vendor said she screamed, and a neighbour responded. “She asked, ‘What happening?!’ (as she started) running over; and the one with the gun run inside and pick up my bag from the wall, and another (bag) that was lying down.”
That alarm alerted family members, and they rushed to the woman’s aid. The men fled the scene by jumping a fence and then traversing a canal as the vendor’s neighbours gave chase. The men then made their way into the cane field and disappeared.
Later, nearly one mile away, residents discovered a handbag lying along a dam with a few documents scattered beside it. According to the market vendor, there were mostly medical documents in the bags, along with an identification card. The Police were subsequently alerted and an investigation has been launched.
Divisional Commander, Assistant Commissioner Ian Amsterdam, on Monday said that Police are searching for members of a gang that fit the description of the men who had attacked and robbed the vendor.


Gunman placed gun to driver’s neck, hijacks car


Kevin Prince, the driver of HC 6287, a black Fielder wagon is lucky to be alive after the motor car he was driving was hijacked by a man who allegedly placed a gun to his neck.

The stolen vehicle.

According to the owner of the vehicle, Barbra James, 57, of South Sophia, around 01:00hr yesterday, the driver called her and informed her that the car was hijacked .The woman also stated that the driver told he was on his way to the Sparendaam Police Station to make a report.
The woman said that she was informed that Prince picked up a female passenger at the Demico outlet, Stabroek Square.
The passenger, she said, was going to Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara.
According to reports the woman said that while the driver was heading to the destination, the female passenger told him to stop and picked up her husband whom she observed standing on the road.
The driver then picked up the male passenger. Upon arrival at the location the male passenger paid with a $5,000 bill.
However, when the taxi driver turned his back to make change, the male passenger placed a gun to his head and demanded that he exit the vehicle. Prince being fearful for his life, complied.
According to reports the driver jump out the vehicle while the man drove away with his wife sitting in the front passenger seat.
The woman further stated that Prince has been driving the car for the past six months and she recently had to pay over $300,000 to repair the said vehicle which was involved in an accident last year December.
The woman said that after the incident she went and made a report at the Sparendaam Police Station.


MMA-ADA head office robbed

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A Police investigation is now in full swing after the Mahaica/ Mahaicony/Abary Agriculture Development Association (MMA-ADA) main office in Number 27 Village, Onverwagting (Region Five) was ransacked by bandits during the wee hours of Thursday.

MMA-ADA head office in Number 27 Village, Onverwagting was ransacked during the wee hours of Thursday
MMA-ADA head office in Number 27 Village, Onverwagting was ransacked during the wee hours of Thursday

General Manager of the establishment, Aubrey Charles related to the press that the incident reportedly occurred at approximately 00:30h; however, he explained that he was only made aware around 02:30h.
The General Manager expressed his reluctance to impart any information given the premature stage of the investigation.
This newspaper understands that no one was injured during the robbery. Details surrounding the stolen articles remain undisclosed.
Efforts made by the media to contact the Divisional Commander proved futile.


Moruca farmer hacked to death


-suspect in custody

The mutilated body of a 52-year-old man was found on the trail to his farm yesterday morning in the Moruca Sub-district, Region One (Barima/Waini).

The body of Ganga Persaud Changa on the trail yesterday.

The deceased has been identified as Ganga Persaud Changa of Santa Rosa Village, North-West District.
According to the Divisional Commander, Senior Superintendent Ravindradat Boodram, the incident occurred sometime around 9am, and the suspect has been taken into custody.
The suspect, according to another source, has been identified as a 31-year-old resident of Koko Island, North West District.
According to reports, Changa was heading to his farm at Koko Island, when he was approached by the suspect who was armed with a cutlass.
The man reportedly began assaulting the Persaud who was dealt multiple chops about his body. His left hand and both feet were severed, reports have indicated. He also received wounds to the neck and back.
The alleged assailant was found sometime later and a cutlass with bloodstains was recovered.
Commander Boodram told this publication that investigators are yet to narrow down what would have led to the attack and subsequent death of the farmer.
Boodram asserted that the suspect is believed to be of unsound mind. However, there was no way to immediately verify this claim.
“We will have to await maybe a certificate to confirm whether or not this is true,” Boodram explained.
Meanwhile, Persaud’s body is at the Kumaka District Hospital Mortuary awaiting a Post Mortem Examination.

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Robbers strip car to shell

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The bandits completely stripped the car

A TAXI driver is counting his losses after robbers stole his silver grey 212 motorcar from in front of his Lot 28 East Meten-Meer-Zorg, West Coast Demerara home last week.
Surujlall Mamass, known as “Dave”, said at around 13:45hrs on Monday, he heard when someone drove off with the car, but by the time he made it outside, it was too late.
The man placed an advert in the newspapers and with the help of a resident; found the shell of this car HB 5488 aback Herstelling, East Bank Demerara, on Thursday, March 16.

Surujlall Mamass, known as “Dave”

“I found the car in the bare shell alone. Everything strip from the car; the door, bonnet, engine, everything gone,” the frustrated taxi driver told the Guyana Chronicle.
According to Mamass, surveillance cameras in the area captured two men stealing his car; however, due to the place being dark at the time, it was difficult to see the faces of the perpetrators.
The driver said even though the police set up road blocks at Vreen-En-Hoop, La Grange and at the Demerara Harbour Bridge, when the incident occurred, he is not satisfied with the pace of the investigations.
“Up to now, the police them nah do nothing to assist me in searching. All wah them tell me, go and search, when me find the car, give them a call. They tell me to go and search,” Mamass lamented.
He believes that if the police were more proactive, the car could have been found the same day it was stolen.


Chinese businessman beaten, robbed

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Ke Toung Wu was assaulted by the bandits [Fareeza Haniff photos]

KE TOUNG Wu woke up early Saturday morning to start his daily chores but as soon as he opened his door, he was greeted by two armed men, who immediately attacked him.
The 45-year-old Chinese businessman resides at Lot 36 Meten-Meer-Zorg, West Coast Demerara, where he owns and operates the ‘Lucky Supermarket.’

The ‘Lucky Supermarket’ where the incident occurred

Commander of ‘D’ Division, Leslie James, confirmed to the Guyana Chronicle that the robbery occurred approximately 06:45hrs on Saturday.
He said the businessman was attacked by two men who were armed with a metal bar. According to the Commander, Ke received a laceration to the head and received five stitches after visiting the Leonora Diagnostic Hospital.
This newspaper understands that the bandits managed to cart off $600,000 in cash, and according to reports, they demanded that the businessman hand over the keys to the gate, after which they opened the padlock and escaped in a minibus.
During the course of the robbery, the businessman panicked and scaled the fence to his neighbour’s yard, where he sought help.

The bandits were captured on surveillance cameras

When this newspaper arrived at the scene, investigators were still trying to figure out how the bandits gained entry. The men were not masked as investigators managed to secure surveillance video from a resident in the area.
While no one has been arrested as yet, the Guyana Chronicle was reliably informed that one of the bandits was identified as “Spanna Toe” while the other is known as “Tattoo Boy” from Parika, East Bank Essequibo.
This is the third time that the Chinese businessman has been robbed.


Looks like d2 and company killing each other off and the ppp is not to blame.

Corpse of man shot with arrow found in shallow grave at Rupununi


– cousin is prime suspect
Police are on the hunt for a 28-year-old man who allegedly clubbed and shot his cousin with an arrow last Thursday before burying the body in a shallow grave.
The body of Arnold Gordon, 24, a labourer of Crapaud Pond, Kumu Village, Central Rupununi, was found in a grave around 16.30hrs on Friday in an area known as Tiger Plate, Central Rupununi.
The victim was shot with an arrow under his right arm-pit. An iron rod was also found near the murder scene.
The sole eyewitness to the killing is said to be a six-year-old boy, who is the slain man’s cousin.
According to reports, Gordon and his six-year-old cousin left home around 17:00hrs on Thursday to fish at a pond next to the Tiger Plate area. While in the area, Gordon encountered the 28-year-old cousin, who is unemployed, and an argument ensued.
It is alleged that the suspect picked up a piece of wood and a metal rod and struck Gordon.
The six-year-old, who was with Gordon, ran back home and told his grandmother.
When Gordon failed to return home the following day, Gordon’s mother reported the matter to a Toshao, who informed the police. The Toshao and a team conducted a search for Gordon and eventually located what appeared to be a shallow grave in some bushes about twenty feet from the suspect’s camp.
After a few minutes of digging, they saw a hand protruding from the grave. They notified police, who dug up the grave, which was about two feet deep, and found Gordon’s corpse.
The body was taken to the Lethem Hospital. The suspect was still at large yesterday.
There have reportedly been five murders, all due to disorderly behaviour, so far in F Division.


Bandit killed in botched robbery –accomplice flees scene

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The .32 Beretta pistol that the bandit used in the commission of the holdup

AN armed bandit was shot dead in the wee hours of the morning on Sunday during a confrontation with a businessman in suburban Bel Air.
Fortunately for the businessman, he was not injured in the shootout, but a friend of his, the driver of the vehicle in which he was travelling, was and is currently hospitalised at a private institution.
The fallen bandit, who is yet to be identified, was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
According to reports, the businessman had just seen one of two friends home in Belvoir Court after a night out at the movies when the incident occurred.
It happened around 00:30hrs as the friend was about to secure the gate to his premises, where he was accosted by two men, one of whom brandished a firearm and ordered him to ‘Freeze!’
The driver, sensing that something was amiss, decided to reverse the vehicle to check on his friend, and came under a hail of bullets as the armed bandit opened fire. In the fusillade, the front windscreen of the vehicle was shattered and the driver was hit on his arm.
The businessman, who was seated in the rear of the vehicle, immediately drew his licensed .32 Taurus pistol and returned fire, hitting the bandit squarely in the chest. His accomplice, not wanting to wait around, took to his heels, leaving his fallen accomplice behind.
The police were subsequently informed of the shooting, and upon arriving at the scene, found a .32 pistol believed to have belonged to the deceased suspect.
They also found seven .32 calibre spent shells and a cellular phone.
The police are reportedly reviewing footage from several CCTV surveillance cameras in the neighbourhood to build their case.
The body of the slain bandit, meanwhile, is currently at the Lyken Funeral Home awaiting identification. A post-mortem is expected to be done today.


Bandits target East Bank Berbice homes over the weekend


Several families of Glasgow, New Housing Scheme, East Bank Berbice were left traumatized and fearing for their safety after a suspected gang of serial robbers wreaked havoc in the small community early Sunday morning.

Two of the Glasgow homes that were targeted by bandits over the weekend.

Kaieteur News understands that the gang allegedly split themselves up and targeted four homes, only being successful on their last attempt.
Clement John, a gold miner of Lot 1724 Crack Ville stated that at around midnight, he was awoken by his sister who informed him that someone was in their home.
According to John, the man gained entry into the home by prying open a grill to his back window.
“She was not sleeping at the time and the house was in darkness, so he had a small torch light, and she saw the shadow and ask is who, and they didn’t say nothing, so she ask back again and turn on the light and then is when he run.”
The man relayed that checks were made in home but nothing was missing.
John explained that all of the rooms in the house are sealed; hence, no one heard when it was being broken into.
Another member of the suspected gang then targeted the home of a Provision vendor.
Sohan Ramdeen, of 890 Glasgow Housing Scheme told this publication that he had retired to bed around midnight, but minutes later was alerted by the sound of his dog barking.
Reports are that a tin of sardines was punctured and put into the yard to distract the dog. According to Ramdeen, it was not until sunrise that he discovered that a louvre pane was missing.
“I don’t know if is because of the dog bark hard or what, but when I come downstairs, I see that they remove my window and that is it. Nothing ain’t missing or suh. But this place nah safe bai. Is nuff thing going on in this community and people nah safe.”
Meanwhile, at about 00:30hrs, the bandits tried to hammer their way into another house despite screams from the occupants.
The traumatized woman who operates a small grocery parlour in the lower flat stated that she heard a loud banging sound coming from the lower flat and immediately awoke her son.
“I wake he and we listen for hear if anything else gon’ happen, but like they stop lil bit and he say mussy cat, and me say no this nah cat sound. Then is when we hear the big pounding and realize is thief. So right away we start holler, and dem still trying to break the grill, but it nah budge. And me daughter and me mother was sleeping downstairs, but the room seal, so they ain’t hear the noise. And we holler and holler til a neighbour come out with he cutlass and then is when they run.”
According to the woman, neighbours allegedly saw three men running from the direction of her home.
The final attack was at a teacher’s home.
According to Debra Ward, at about 02:30h there was at least one person in her home.
She explained that the person pushed open her bedroom door and when she recognized that it was an intruder, she jumped out of bed and armed herself with a cutlass, but the man escaped through the front door.
It was later discovered that one Government laptop computer, a cellular phone and about $5000 in cash was missing.
Ward mentioned that a crowbar was used to prize open the backdoor and the grill.
Meanwhile, last Wednesday, two other houses were also targetted.
A businessman in the community told Kaieteur News that the men only made it to the lower flat and removed close to $1M worth in equipment.
As police responded to that report, three masked men went into another home, a few blocks away.
Reports are that the shop owner and her school-aged daughter were at home when the building was broken into. The men reportedly took $200,000 in cash and a similar amount worth in jewellery before fleeing the scene.
Commander of ‘B’ Division Mr. Ian Amsterdam in an invited comment disclosed that police are currently on the hunt for a male resident in the community fingered to be the main suspect in crimes.
Investigations are ongoing.


Gunmen wreak havoc in Providence

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ON Tuesday night, the silence at Parker Street, Providence on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD), was shattered after two gun-toting bandits robbed several persons.
Reports are that around 23:00hrs, two men launched an attack on several residents along the street, robbing anyone they encountered. According to a resident, her brother was sitting outside a shop and while he chatted with friends, a car pulled up a corner away from her home and two men emerged.
She said the men, both of whom were armed and had their faces covered with pieces of cloth, attacked her brother and robbed him of an undisclosed sum of money. She said the men also robbed her brother’s friends and later turned their attention to other persons in the vicinity.
The men then walked along Parker Street in a northerly direction and robbed at least three persons, some of whom were on their way home. According to another resident, the two men threatened to shoot persons as they were being robbed and she noted that persons in the area dialed the 911 police response number but received no response.
Residents noted that a report was made to the police following the incident. It is unclear if any arrests were made. Meanwhile, residents in the area called on the police to place patrols along Parker Street as well as other streets within Providence.
It was noted by a resident that the “four corner” along Parker Street is usually a hot-spot for drug-users and persons engaged in other illicit activities. She said that there are several persons who are involved in gang –related activities, noting that some persons had thrown laced-shoes atop the electrical wires as a sign that there were gangs in the area.
This newspaper observed several pairs of shoes hanging from the wires along the streets adjoining Parker Street. Residents called on the authorities to remove the shoes as a means of sending a message to those engaged in criminal acts.


Sheep thief hits WBD village

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…residents count their losses

More than 20 sheep were on Saturday stolen from a La Grange, West Bank Demerara (WBD) herder, who is now left counting his losses.

In tears, Mohammed Rafeek, 50, of Independent Street, La Grange, that the incident occurred between 01:00h and 03:00h.

The man, who is also a part-time vendor, explained that he and his family retired

Mohammed Rafeek

to bed a little after midnight.

However, when he awoke around 04:00h and checked on the sheep only three were in the pen.

Rafeek related to Guyana Times that a rope suspected to have been used to tie the sheep was in the pen.

The herder is uncertain where the robbers entered his yard from, but said they exited through the backyard as footprints of the thieves and sheep were seen on the dam.

Rafeek said in shock he left his home and reported the matter to the La Grange Police Station where a report was taken.

He added that the officers came to his home where a brief investigation was carried out and the rope that was left in the pen was taken into evidence.

However, it was also reported to this publication that Rafeek was not the only person to be robbed of recent. Two other herders also had sheep stolen from them; one lost 16 and the other 18.

Rafeek said it was also disclosed to him by the Police Officers that numerous reports of similar incidents were made at the Police Station.

He is calling for assistance from the public to find his sheep as that is his livelihood.

He is offering a $100,000 reward for anyone who could assist him with his plight. Persons with information are asked to contact 610-7152 and 686-6310


Newspaper vendor beaten, wife shot during home invasion


A 64-year-old man was brutally beaten and his wife was shot to the foot when two armed men stormed into his home around 03:30 hrs, yesterday, and carted off a laptop, jewelry and an undisclosed sum of cash.

Sebastian Ramsuchit

Up to press time, preparations were being made for 58-year-old Joyce Ramsuchit of Lot 21 CC Third Avenue, Eccles, East Bank Demerara (EBD) to undergo surgery to have the bullet removed from her right foot.
Her husband, Sebastian Ramsuchit, who sells newspapers in and around the village, was treated and sent away from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). He had gone to the hospital after he was gun-butted four times by the bandits.
At the time of the robbery, the couple’s son, Cheddi Dev Ramsuchit, was at home but was not terrorized by the armed men, who demanded valuables throughout the 15-minute ordeal which has left his father traumatized.
Yesterday, the 64-year-old man recalled that he got up from bed and started making preparation as usual to leave home to purchase his supply of newspapers when the tragedy started.
“Before I opened the door, I hear the parrot gave a different sound but I didn’t know people were in the yard, and as soon as I opened the door, someone hit me in my head. I see two of them,” the paper vendor explained.
He revealed that the men took him in the house and ransacked everywhere in search of valuables. “They beat my wife and then they shoot her when she said she didn’t have money. Eventually she showed where she had some change.”
The paper vendor said that during the ordeal, he had never been so scared and wished he was dead as a result of the way the bandits were treating his wife. “I thought that they would have hurt my son but they didn’t.”
Ramsuchit said that it is heart-rending that the bandits went into his home and tormented his family when the commission he receives for selling newspapers is only $12,000 over a period.
The matter is being investigated by ranks at the Providence Police Station.


Taxi driver shot during robbery attempt


A 50-year-old taxi driver was shot Saturday night during an attempted robbery at North East La Penitence, Georgetown.
Gayford Cordinton of Lot 737 La Parfaite Harmony, West Bank Demerara (WBD) was treated and discharged from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) after being shot in the lower left leg.
According to information received, the taxi driver received a call around 22:15hrs on Saturday to do a pickup at Hadfield and Hardina Streets, Georgetown.
When he arrived at the location, two men entered the back seat of the car and requested to be taken to North Sophia.
Reports are that while in the vicinity of North East La Penitence, the two suspects requested Cordinton to stop the vehicle.
When the taxi driver stopped, both suspects exited and one of them placed a gun to the driver’s head and demanded that he also exit the vehicle.
According to information received, the victim refused and one of the two men shot him to the foot and they both escaped through an alleyway.
No one has been arrested as yet.


Teen on the run after stabbing Sophia schoolboy


– female relative of suspect allegedly also in hiding

A 14-year-old school boy is now a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) after he was stabbed to his abdomen Saturday evening by another youth over a bitter feud.
Andrew Clarke of Lot 201 C Field Sophia was allegedly attacked by a lad from the same community who confronted him over a scuffle they had in an Internet Cafe three days prior.
Police are still to apprehend the 16-year-old suspect, and a female relative of the assailant, who allegedly participated in the attack, is reportedly also in hiding.
The victim, who spoke with this publication from his hospital bed, recounted how the ordeal unfolded on Saturday evening at approximately 19:30 hrs.
Clarke said that he and one of his cousins whose name was given as Ezekiel, had on Thursday visited an internet cafe which is located at ‘Fourth Corner’ in C Field, Sophia to do some research on a school project.  Clarke said that while at the internet cafe he and his cousin got into a scuffle with a boy, identified only as ‘Joe’ after Joe claimed that Clarke had deliberately hit him on his shoulder.

Andrew Clarke on his hospital bed

“I passed close to the boy because plenty persons were in the café, and my shoulder jam Joe and he turn around and slap me,” the schoolboy said.
Clarke further stated that his cousin and Joe got into a fight at the shop and afterward they went home.
He said that on Friday evening, he and the cousin were heading home when ‘Joe’ and a group of his friends confronted them.
“While me and my cousin walking, Joe and his friends walked up to me and my cousin and (Joe) turned to me and asked if I wanted me and him to cuff it out in the street and finish the matter.”
The lad said that he and his cousin continued walking but Joe allegedly picked up a piece of wood and struck him before walking away with his friends.
Clarke said that after Joe and his friends left, he and his cousin walked and went home, but he did not tell his mother what had transpired between him and Joe.
Clarke said that on Saturday evening he was on his way to a shop to buy plantain chips, when he saw ‘Joe’ and another male standing at the corner.
The teen said that he took a different route, then bought the chips and went home.  He claimed that he was sitting outside his home when he saw ‘Joe’ and a female relative approaching.
He alleged that the woman “hold me down and start to hit me all over my body,” then told ‘Joe’ to  “come and deal with me.” He said that ‘Joe’ then stabbed him in the stomach.
“When I lift up my jersey the blood started to spray out so I manage to open the gate and called my mother.
The mother of the injured lad, Jennifer Dharundan, stated that after she heard her son called out for her she rushed to him and saw him holding his abdomen. “When I reach in front I saw blood gushing out from the wound.” The woman stated that she along with other family members rushed him to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he underwent emergency surgery.
The woman said that after the incident she made a report at the Turkeyen Police Station.
One family member lamented that if two young boys in the community have a problem it should not get to the point to turn violent.
“Even if the parent wanted to get involve she should have taken her son to the home and let both parents sit down with their son and find a solution;  not holding a child down so that the other one could get the opportunity to beat the next one up. That’s not the way parents should think and act.”


Essequibo bar owner shot by security guard

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Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the shooting of Wilfred Tennyson, 20, a businessman of 37 Adventure, Essequibo Coast, which occurred at about 01:00hrs Thursday morning.

Reports indicate that the young businessman was shot by a Supernumerary Constable attached to a Security Service. Police investigation revealed that the male suspect, who was armed with a handgun belonging to the Security Firm he works with, left his place of duty and ventured into Tennyson’s shop (License Liquor Restaurant) where they engaged in playing pools; the suspect was said to be imbibing during that process.

Later an argument erupted after the bar owner won a game and the suspect allegedly whipped out his firearm and shot the victim to his right side abdomen.

Tennyson was taken to the Suddie Public Hospital where he is in a stable condition. The suspect, who is 32-years-old, and hails from Adventure, Essequibo Coast has since been taken into custody and the firearm lodged.


Businessman robbed, shot while assisting robbery victim


A businessman is nursing a gunshot injury to his upper right thigh after he went to assist another man who was being robbed by three armed men in front of his business place.
Injured is Ulborne Parker, 35, of Garnette Street, Newtown Kitty, Georgetown. He is said to be in a stable condition.
Reports are at about 19:30h on Tuesday evening, a welder of West Ruimveldt, Georgetown, was standing in front of a business place at Garnette Street, Kitty, when he was confronted by three men on pedal cycles.
He was subsequently relieved of the two gold chains he was wearing at the time. Upon seeing this, Parker went to the young man’s assistance and was also attacked and relieved of his gold chain but not before putting up a fight.
During the scuffle, one of the suspects whipped out a handgun and discharged a round, hitting the businessman to his upper right thigh after which the bandits fled the scene.
Parker was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was treated and admitted a patient. The Police are however hunting the three suspects who were caught in the act on surveillance cameras in the area.


Student shot in foiled robbery


An Indian national was shot and injured during an attempted robbery at First Street, Cummings Lodge, East Coast Demerara.
Reports are at about 23:50h on Tuesday, Brianard Revival, 28, a foreign student, was in the company of his friends when he stopped his car at an intersection and another car drove up in front of his and stopped.
As the car came to a halt in front of his own, a male existed from the back seat with a gun in his hand. The suspect approached the victim and his friends and demanded cash and other valuables.
The Indian national upon realising what was happening stepped on his accelerator and in retaliation; the bandit discharged a round in the direction of the victim’s car hitting him to the upper left arm.
The foreigner was rushed to a private medical facility where he underwent emergency surgery and is presently in a stable condition. The matter was reported to the Police but no arrests have been made so far.
Police are continuing their investigations.


Bandits terrorise father, daughter in home invasion


A Chateau Margot, East Coast Demerara (ECD) family is now left traumatised after members were terrorised and robbed by two armed men.
The robbery occurred about 19:30h on Tuesday at the family’s Lot 4C Section B Chateau Margot home and lasted for some 45 minutes.
According to reports, 49-year-old Mohan Lall, along with his 24-year-old daughter, Salomie, and three-year-old granddaughter, was at home sitting in the living room,

Mohan Lall

in the lower flat of the two-storey house when the two bandits, one armed with a gun and the other with a pair of scissors, stormed into their home and held them up.
In an effort to save their lives, Lall handed over a quantity of cash to the bandits, but not before he was beaten in his head and face. The perpetrators also escaped with a laptop, two cellular phones and several watches.
Speaking with Guyana Times on Wednesday morning, Lall recounted the ordeal, relating that his wife had gone out and did not secure the padlock on the grill door unbeknownst to them. He added that about an hour later, the bandits gained entry into the house through the door after scaling the fence along the western side of the yard.
“Two men walked in, an Indian one and a negro one – he start beat me since he reach in the house. He ain’t ask me or tell me anything, he just start beat me and punch me in my face and then after, he say he want the money or else he gon kill we. Me turn and say ‘Oh friend, is money you want, take the money, nah kill we’,” the man, whose face was swollen, recalled.
He said his daughter handed over about $105,000 in cash to the perpetrators but they were unsatisfied and one of them said they knew Lall had money. At this point, Lall said he complied with the bandits, who escorted the three of them upstairs and one of them took him into the room where he handed over some US currency to them.
“I had $617 US dollars under the mattress and I take it and give him. They then take the three of us and push us in a room and lock the door. Then like them come downstairs and them check around and carry way the computer, couple phones and some watches that went in a bag. After that, they come out and jump over the (eastern) fence and get away,” he related.
Lall added that about 10 minutes later, after they were sure the bandits had left, they came out of the room and contacted the Police, who came sometime after. He was then escorted to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he was treated for a wound on his head and bruises to his face, before being sent away.
Nevertheless, the man noted that the following morning they discovered a pair of slippers in the yard which they believe belonged to one of the bandits, who may have lost them after scaling the western fence to enter the yard. Additionally, they also found a band from one of the wristwatches that were stolen.
Meanwhile, in a release on Wednesday, the Police said that no arrests have been made.


Gun-toting “Granny” shoots hotel handyman


Twenty-three-year-old Brandon Collins, a maintenance worker attached to the Alpha Hotel at Ogle, East Coast Demerara, was Thursday morning shot by Leila Jagdeo, a 69-year-old woman who is known in the area as “Granny”. She reportedly told law enforcement officials after the incident that she had thought Collins was a thief.

According to staff attached to the hotel, the incident occurred at about 06:50h on Thursday, when the man was cleaning the weeds off of a zinc fence which separates the hotel’s premises from the yard in which the elderly woman lives.

The elderly woman’s home behind the fence through which the man was shot

Jagdeo was not available to speak to media operatives, but Guyana Times was told that the woman told Police that she had thought Collins was a bandit who was trying to jump into her yard, so, being a licensed firearm holder, she picked up her revolver and fired one shot in the direction of the young man.

The bullet pierced the zinc fence and hit Collins to his abdomen.

Staff from the hotel ran to the young man’s aid after realising what had transpired. They subsequently called the Police, and the injured man was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he is presently in a stable condition.

Staffers attached to the hotel questioned the elderly woman’s reason for shooting at the maintenance worker, since, according to them, Jagdeo knew the man.

“She tell Police that she thought he was a thief, but she know Brandon. She does ask he fuh help she do things around she yard, and he help couple times,” a hotel staff told this media house.

Collins reportedly hails from Berbice, but currently lives in Republic Park on the East Bank of Demerara. He is said to have been employed with Alpha Hotel for approximately three years.

Jagdeo is presently assisting Police with investigations. (Ramona Luthi)


Businessman shot during row over pool game


A businessman was in the wee hours of Thursday morning shot and injured during an argument over a game of pool at Adventure, Essequibo Coast.

The injured man has been identified as Wilfred Tennyson, also called Lawrie, 32, of 37 Adventure, Essequibo Coast.

Based on reports received, a Supernumerary Constable attached to a Security Service was armed with a handgun belonging to the security firm to which he is employed. He left his place of duty and ventured into the victim’s shop, and they engaged in a game of pool.

However, an argument erupted after the victim won a game, and the suspect allegedly whipped out his firearm and shot Tennyson to his right side abdomen.

The victim was taken to the Suddie Public Hospital, where he was treated and admitted. He is said to be in a stable condition. The 20-year-old suspect from Adventure, Essequibo Coast has since been taken into custody, and his firearm has been lodged.

But speaking with the Guyana Times at the Suddie Hospital, the injured man refuted claims which suggest that the incident stemmed from an argument, but said rather that the suspect’s firearm accidently went off while he playing pools.

“I genuinely feel it was an accident, there was no argument; and besides, we are friends…the shot just went off by accident,” the victim claimed. Tennyson has undergone emergency surgery to remove the bullet from his abdomen. Police are continuing their investigations.



Cop accused of stealing money from man he was about to arrest


A rank of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) attached to B Division (Berbice) is now under investigation after he allegedly stole money from a house at which he went to make an arrest.
Reports indicate that the incident occurred on February 25, 2017 at a Lot 39 Stanleytown, Berbice home. The home is reportedly the dwelling of Tyrone Griffith, who was at the time being arrested.
It is understood that after Griffith – who was in the process of being arrested – accused the specific officer, the other ranks who had accompanied him [the accused officer] reportedly left without completing the arrest.
However, Griffith followed them and demanded that the officer return his money.
The complainant said he later visited the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and was directed to the Police Complaints Department after which he met with the Deputy Commander, Errol Watts and laid his complaint.
B Division Commander Ian Amsterdam has confirmed that the Police are investigating the matter. According to him, when the matter was first reported to him, the officer at the centre of the investigation was on leave.
Amsterdam explained that upon approaching the officer, who is said to be attached to the CID, he [the said officer] had assured him [Amsterdam] that he would repay the ‘stolen’ money.
However, the accused lawman’s position on the matter quickly changed and he began to deny ever stealing the money from Griffith’s home.
Amsterdam said he ordered an investigation into the matter and a file containing statements has since been sent to Police headquarters in Georgetown.
Since the incident, Griffith told Police that the specific officer had indicated to him that he [officer] wanted money for the Berbice Mash celebrations. The complainant disclosed that the stolen money belonged to his 76-year-old mother.


Ganja bust at John Fernandes Wharf

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(File Photo)

— drug found in container of perishable goods

ANTI-narcotics agents on Saturday morning intercepted a quantity of compressed marijuana in a container at the John Fernandes Wharf, Water Street, Georgetown during a joint operation.

Reports are that the drug, which was still being quantified at midday, was discovered in a container among perishable goods.
The container arrived recently from Jamaica. Investigators believe the container was tampered with before it arrived at Port Georgetown.
Officers from the Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) of the Guyana Revenue Authority, and Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) were engaged in the operation on Saturday morning.
It is unclear if any arrest was made.

Last December, the Government unveiled a four-year National Drug Strategy Master Plan. The key elements of the plan include the establishment of the National Anti-Narcotics Agency (NANA) to counter all aspects of the illicit drug trade, a court to deal with special cases, and reduced sentences and treatment for some offenders.


Pnc operative got robbed by one of her own, karma is  bytch.

Rights activist robbed at gunpoint

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Rights activist, Ms Jean LaRose

RIGHTS activist, Ms Jean LaRose was on Monday robbed at gunpoint after making a transaction at a city bank.

LaRose, who serves as the Programme Administrator at the Amerindian People’s Association (APA), shared her experience via a Facebook post following the incident.
According to her, she was “traced from the ATM [automatic teller machine]” by a man who pushed his way past three other customers in the line waiting to transact their business. She said that the man entered the room with the ATMs, but even after she had completed her transaction, he was still in the room.
“He was not at any machine when I noticed him, but appeared to be doing something just a bit off. I’m recalling all of this in hindsight,” LaRose related.
She said that once she made her way out of the ATM, she drove off, and subsequently stopped to make a purchase.
“While reaching for my bag on the car floor after parking to make a purchase, a man pushed a gun at my temple and told me he was going to shoot me if I did not let go of the bag which I was holding on to,” she recounted.
Fearful and terrified, she said she let go of the bag, while the man continued pointing the gun at her and saying he would shoot her if she only screamed.
The woman said she did eventually scream when he hopped into a car that was parked just behind hers and drove off.
“Everything happened so fast! I’m still shaken!” Ms LaRose said, adding: “I’m posting this so you people can be even more careful.”
She later told the Guyana Chronicle that all of her personal belongings, including her house keys, work information, various cards and an undisclosed sum of money were in the bag.
With the loss of these personal items, Ms LaRose said she’s now left feeling very vulnerable.
She has since made a report to the police.
Ms LaRose, who has been a prominent leader in the Indigenous Peoples struggle for their rights, is also a former chair of the Board of Directors of the Guyana National Newspapers Limited (GNNL).


The jackass Granger administration encouraging child rape, no action taken to jail the perpetrator.

Teen reportedly raped by stepfather -accused threatened to kill family, released on station bail

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A 13-YEAR-OLD girl of Corentyne, Berbice was reportedly raped four times by her stepfather and is now living in fear after he threatened to kill her and her family.

The man was in police custody for some six days and was released on $100,000 station bail, pending advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). This newspaper understands that the 43-year-old Carpenter allegedly raped the teenager four times between August 2016 and February 2017. The teen did not tell anyone about the first three instances but decided to tell her mother on February 23, 2017 after the incident occurred the fourth time.

According to the mother, her daughter told her she cannot live in the house anymore and after she inquired the reason for such a decision, the teenager made the revelation. The teen pleaded with her mother not to confront the alleged rapist, since he threatened to kill the family if she told anyone.

The 40-year-old mother of four explained that when she confronted the accused about what her daughter related, he initially denied it and accused the teen of lying. However, when the mother continued to press the issue, the man reportedly whipped out a cutlass and threatened to kill her and the entire family.

“When she tell me about what happened, he wasn’t at home so I called but he didn’t answer so when he came home I confronted him. I said [name withheld] you troubled her but he turn and say she lying but I said to him I believe her because she said you did it to her bigger sister and your daughters too,” the tearful mother said.

She continued, “He say ‘I gonna murder all of ya’ll in here today!’ My other children were in the house too and when they hear that they run out the house. He had a cutlass in his waist and he pulled out to fire but my 16-year-old son see when he pull it out and we both wrestle with he.”

The woman related amidst tears that as the struggle continued, the cutlass fell out of the man’s hand and she made a dash for the bedroom as her son ran out the house in a bid to escape the enraged man.

“After me son and he scramble and the cutlass fall down my son run out de house and I try fuh run in the bedroom but he pick up the cutlass and start firing chops at me but he keep missing. The fuss one catch the fridge or that would a chop off me neck cause I duck and the second one catch me on the shoulder,” the mother said.

The woman recalled that she started to scream, after which neighbours gathered and took her to the police station in her bloodied state, where she was made to wait for over an hour before anyone took her report.

She was then referred to the Port Mourant Hospital where she received six stitches for the wound. Police eventually arrested the accused and he was detained for six days before being released on station bail.

This newspaper confirmed that the file was sent to the DPP for legal advice last week.

Meanwhile, with tears streaming down her face, the woman told the Guyana Chronicle that she and her family are living in fear since the man is walking freely on the streets.

“One time he threatened saying he gonna chop me up and put me in a septic tank and nobody would know,” the mother said. She related that her daughter detailed the first time the man raped her.

According to the mother, her daughter said she was in the shower when the step-father attempted to force his way in but she managed to push him away; however he later made his way into her bedroom where he forced her to have sex.

“She told me when he came in the bedroom she begged him not to do it but he told her its ok he did it to her older sister and two of his daughters, even as she pleaded with him to stop.”

The teenager is visibly traumatised and according to the mother, she [the daughter] is suicidal, since she blames herself for what happened.

“I told her I believe you and we will get through this. She’s a really bright girl and in class she wasn’t concentrating. I had to go into school a few times…she tell me ‘mommy I gonna kill myself’ when she had to help me clean the cut.”

The mother accused the police and the Child Care and Protection Agency of not taking the issue seriously and called on the relevant authorities to ensure justice is served.



Armed bandits attack, rob Good Hope family …escape with Prado, millions of dollars

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The house where the robbery occurred

A GOOD Hope, East Coast Demerara (ECD) family is left traumatised after four armed men attacked them, minutes after arriving home from the Mandir. This is the seventh time that the family has been robbed by bandits.

The bandits pounced on 64-year-old Mahadeo Shiwpal, along with his wife and daughter in front of their lot 36 Good Hope, East Coast Demerara home at about 21:30hrs Sunday night and escaped with millions of dollars in cash, along with the family’s Prado Jeep – PKK 3132.

The jeep was subsequently found abandoned two streets away on the Good Hope Line Top. The elderly businessman and his wife own a stall in the Mon Repos and Plaisance Markets. The wife, Mrs Shiwpal, told the Guyana Chronicle that the family had just returned from the Mandir and she was about to open the gate, when four masked men emerged from a silver Toyota Primo and rushed into the yard. The driver of the Primo was waiting on the gunmen outside.

The distraught woman said that her gold rings and watch were taken away by one of the gunmen, while her 23-year-old daughter and husband were physically assaulted. According to the businesswoman, two of the gunmen then jumped into her husband’s jeep and drove away with it while the other two bandits joined the waiting Premio and escaped.

This is the first time that the family has been robbed at home but they were attacked on six other occasions by bandits at their market outlets. Mrs Shiwpal said that her husband applied for a firearm license but the process has been unsuccessful thus far. The Shiwpals have been operating their business since 1987.


Woman forced to drive around city with gunman in car


– Relieved of cash, cell phone; two children unharmed

With a gun held to her head, a 31-year-old woman was forced to drive around Georgetown on Saturday night with her two children, after a lone bandit managed to break into her car while it was parked at Camp and Middle Streets, Georgetown.
Luckily, Suzette Peters, a teacher of Melanie Damishana, East Coast Demerara, and her children were not harmed, but the suspect escaped with the victim’s money and cellular phone.
According to information received, Peters’ car developed some problems and she called for a friend’s assistance. When the friend left, she and her children went into a fast food outlet which is located in that area and spent some time.
It was upon their return to the vehicle that they were confronted by the gunman, who was already in the car, waiting on them.
Kaieteur News was informed that the individual, who brandished his weapon, demanded that the trio get into the vehicle and requested Peters to drive.
Reports are that the woman drove around Georgetown before the bandit exited her vehicle in Alberttown with her cash and cell phone.
A police report was made but no one has been arrested.


Bandits shoot Cuban national


A 60-year-old Cuban national is nursing a gunshot wound to the abdomen, after he was attacked by robbers on Sunday.
A hospital source identified the victim as Arregelto Jorge. He is said to be staying at a city hotel.
According to reports, Jorge and his wife were walking along Regent Street at around 07.00 hrs when robbers attacked and shot him.
He was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, and has since been admitted to the Male Surgical Ward.
His condition is listed as stable.


Pork-knocker killed during fight

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ONE man is in custody as police in “F” Division investigate the death of a pork-knocker, who was killed Monday in Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Region Seven.

Dead is Phillip Cort, 53, of 32 Queen Street, Courtland Village, Corentyne Berbice. His body was discovered Monday night after police received a call about a fight between two men close to Armu Landing in Cuyuni-Mazaruni.

Police responded quickly and managed to apprehend a suspect, who was involved in the confrontation with the porknocker. The suspect is a 35-year-old gold miner from Wismar Hill, Linden. Investigations have so far revealed that about 15:00hrs on Sunday, April 02, 2017, Cort had an altercation with a male suspect, who is also said to be a miner, over some missing raw gold, during which he was allegedly beaten by the suspect and subsequently died.

The body is presently at the Bartica Hospital Mortuary awaiting a post-mortem. Police said the body was found with multiple marks of violence.

When contacted, Commander of “F” Division, Ravindradat Budhram, confirmed the death, noting that ‘disorderly murders’ have always been a problem in the hinterland. According to the Commander, miners imbibe heavily and get into drunken brawls over women, among other things, which ultimately lead to death. The Commander related that the leading contributors are alcohol abuse, domestic violence and worksite disputes.


Army investigating grenade find at Timehri school

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THE Guyana Defence Force (GDF) is investigating how one of its smoke-grenades came to be in the possession of a 10-year-old, while at school on Monday.

The discovery was made during school hours at the Timehri Primary, on the East Bank, and the child’s uncle, an army sergeant, was on Monday night pulled in by the police for questioning.

According to reports, police were called in to the school around 13:30 hrs on Monday after a teacher saw the 10-year-old walking up the school’s stairs with the grenade in his hand.

It is alleged that when asked by the teacher what he had in his hand, the child replied that it was “a spark” he got from his seven-year-old cousin, who lives at Timehri.

The sergeant, who is stationed at Special Forces Base Camp Stephenson, reportedly told investigators that on March 10, he uplifted 50 smoke grenades with which to train ranks.

He is reported to have said that of the lot, only 46 grenades were used for the training, and that three of the remaining four were diffused. The other, he said, was inadvertently left in his travelling bag.

He said that upon returning home, his seven-year-old son must have taken the grenade out of the travelling bag and given it to his cousin, mistakenly thinking it was some sort of toy.

Police subsequently searched the sergeant’s home and found nothing else.


Gunmen escape with DVR after robbing goldsmith


– “Bandit mek I making fish cake and egg ball to pay 2012 debt” – victim

Armed bandits escaped with over $500,000 in cash and 90 pennyweight of gold after robbing a goldsmith at his Lot 160 Uitvlugt, West Coast Demerara home around 14:00 hrs last Friday.
The three armed bandits attacked 35-year-old Seenan Deru and tied his uncle, Radha Krishna Chandra while demanding cash and gold.
According to information received, the three men called out for Deru, the goldsmith, and told him that they wanted to make a band, similar to what one of the suspects was wearing.
When Deru went into his workshop for a scale to weigh the band, one of the men confronted him with a gun.
Deru’s aunt, Toolsidas Chandra said that her husband, Radha Krishna Chandra left their home to go visit her nephew. Deru’s workshop is located at the back of his home.
Chandra said that Deru left her husband in the workshop and went over to a shop next door to purchase something. On exiting the shop to go home, he saw two men in front of his yard calling out for “the goldsmith.”
“He (Deru) said that one of the guys tell him that he wants to make a band that is similar to the one he wearing so he (nephew) tell him to come in and wait under the house while he go for the scale,” Chandra said.
The woman explained that when her nephew returned with the scale, one of the men told him that he had something to show him and pulled out a gun from his pocket.
“He (bandit) put my nephew to lie down and then he see my husband in the workshop and they tied him up. They took him upstairs and ask him where the gold and money were, but my husband tell them that he didn’t live there,” the woman said.
She further related that one of the bandits returned downstairs and took her nephew up in the house and demanded money and gold.
“My nephew gave them the money and gold and they took other things like phone and the DVR,” the woman related.
A frustrated Chandra said that she reported the matter but the police failed to contact her with any developments.
“This is three times we get robbed. Bandit mek I making fish cake and egg ball to pay out my debts in 2012 when they robbed us,” Chandra said. She explained that after being robbed so many times, she moved from her home and gave her business to her nephew to run.
Divisional Commander, Leslie James could not be reached for a comment on the status of the investigation.


Knife-toting bandit robs pensioner


An elderly woman of Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara (WBD) has been left traumatised following an encounter with a knife-toting bandit who had broken into her home.

The broken window through which the bandit entered Ramsamooge’s home

Speaking with this newspaper, Chan Ramsamooge said she awoke at about 23:45h on Sunday after hearing a loud noise in the bottom flat of her home. Upon inspection, she saw a man in her kitchen with a knife in his hands. Ordering her not to raise an alarm, the man said, “Don’t move, and don’t scream!”
Ramsamooge told Guyana Times that she managed to flee from the house and seek refuge at a neighbour’s house, from where the Police were contacted.
Public-spirited persons, upon learning of her predicament, went in search of the lone bandit and gave chase, but he made good his escape with the woman’s laptop among other valuables.
When the Police arrived on the scene, eyewitnesses told them that they knew who the bandit was, alleging that he resides at Bella Dam, West Bank Demerara and is a known drug user in that area. The man had reportedly gained access into the woman’s house through a window which he broke.
The Police are hunting for the suspect as investigations continue.


Miner killed at Mahdia Landing

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TWO men have been arrested in connection with the murder of 30-year-old Reginald Charles, who was stabbed during the wee hours of Wednesday at 111 Miles Mahdia, Region 8.

According to the police, the miner was walking in the vicinity of a night club at about 02:00hrs when he was engaged in a confrontation with the suspects, during which he was stabbed to his neck and chest with a broken bottle.
Charles managed to run to the Mahdia Hospital where he succumbed whilst receiving medical attention. Swift action by ranks resulted in the arrest of the duo, one of whom reportedly confessed to the crime; he is 24-years-old and hails from Surama Village, Lethem.
The body of Charles is at the Mahdia Hospital Mortuary awaiting a post-mortem examination. Meanwhile, on Monday police within the division also apprehended another suspect in connection with the death of a pork-knocker in Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Region 7.
The dead man was identified as Phillip Cort, 53, of 32 Queen Street, Courtland Village, Corentyne,Berbice. His body was discovered Monday night after police received a call about a fight between two men close to Armu Landing in Cuyuni-Mazaruni. The suspect is a 35-year-old gold miner from Wismar Hill, Linden.
Commander of ‘F’ Division, Ravindradat Budhram, said that the police will be sending the file for legal advice to the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). According to the Commander, within the last few weeks, police within the division were able to apprehend and solve multiple murders, largely due to cooperation from the public.


Parika man on the run after reportedly killing wife

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Dead: Dhanwantie Ram [Photo taken from Newsroom]

Police ranks in ‘D’ Division are making stringent efforts to apprehend a male suspect who allegedly strangled his reputed wife, in his Parika, East Bank Essequibo home, about 07:30hrs Wednesday.

According to the police, Dhanwantie Ram, 29, was found by a relative motionless, in a sitting position with a bed sheet tied around her neck. The suspect was seen fleeing his house towards the backdam.

The victim was rushed to the Leonora Cottage Hospital and was pronounced dead on arrival. Her body is presently at the Ezekiel Funeral Home awaiting a post-mortem examination.

Investigations have so far revealed that four days ago, Dhanwantie decided to end the abusive relationship she shared with the man for several years; she left his house with her three children and went to live at her residence at Parika Façade.

On Tuesday evening, 28-year-old suspect, a Labourer, went to the victim’s house and demanded that she return to his home to which she refused and he allegedly abused her and left.

At about 06:00hrs Wednesday, the victim was on her way to the Parika Police Station to lodge a report against the suspect, when he intercepted and took her to his home where he allegedly killed her.

Drugb posted:

People pocket so dry under jackass granger's administration that there is very little pickings for the thiefmen. 

LOL.....when people pocket full no need to thief,added to that the police seems to have the bad boys in check.


Church members robbed at gunpoint on Regent Street

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One of the CG motorcycles left at the scene of the crime by the bandits

-two in police custody

TWO men are in police custody after several church members were attacked and robbed Monday night on Regent Street, Georgetown by bandits on two CG motorcycles.

Police later confiscated two motorcycles – HC 4146 and CH 9013. Reports indicate that the robbery occurred at around 21:55hrs when approximately 20 persons were attending a farewell and were sitting on the northern pavement on Regent Street. The victims are all members of House of Prayers church located at Mocha, East Bank Demerara.

Police said the suspects arrived from the western direction and came off their motorcycles, pointed their guns at the victims and robbed them. Some persons resisted and the gunmen fired about six shots in the air and made good their escape south along Oronoque Street.

This newspaper understands that two of the bandits escaped on a motorcycle, while the other bandit escaped on foot and left his motorcycle, HC 4146 at the scene. One of the gunmen was identified and police later visited his residence on Durban Street, Georgetown but he was not found.

However, a motorcycle allegedly used in the robbery was seized. Police subsequently arrested two men and they were swabbed for gun powder residue as investigations continue.

The persons who were robbed included Lester Andrews, 38, a clothes vendor of North Ruimveldt; he was robbed of one Samsung phone value $160,000. Quincy Waldron, 33, a High Priest of William Street, Mocha, EBD  was robbed of one Blu cellular phone, valued $30,000; Daidree Liverpool, 57, a Bishop of Nelson St Mocha was robbed of two gold chains valued $300, 000 and Robin Firebrace, 56, of East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, was robbed of three gold chains value $185,000 and one Samsung cellular phone.

Police said no one was injured at the scene but they are reviewing CCTV cameras in the area.


Hard times under the pnc forcing the people to resort to smuggling once again a la pnc pre 1992. 

Smugglers escape as GEA seizes boats, illegal fuel in Mahaica operation


Some of the drums of fuel seized by GEA

Inspectors of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), with support from the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), on Monday conducted an operation in the Mahaica area, seizing two boats of illegal fuel.
According to GEA yesterday, during the course of the operation, officers observed two boats, linked together, containing several drums in the area of Helena Number One.
The agency said that the occupants of the vessels refused to comply with instructions issued by the officers for them to come ashore.
However, shortly after, they abandoned the vessels by jumping into the river and escaping.
Efforts by officials to pursue them proved futile.
A public spirited citizen assisted by swimming and pulling the boats ashore. Upon retrieving the vessels, it was discovered that there were efforts by the occupants to sink the larger of the two vessels.
The officials discovered 38 drums containing fuel which is estimated to be 1,900 gallons.
Field tests carried out by GEA’s inspectors revealed that the fuel was illegal as the marker concentration was below the legal level.
As a result, all 38 drums of fuel were seized along with both vessels, an outboard engine and a gasoline powered pump. Investigation into the incident is ongoing, GEA said.
“The GEA lauds the efforts of its inspectors and Field Operation Coordinator for their diligence and commitment in managing the operation.
Thanks is also extended to the GRA and GPF for their support and partnership which aided in making the operation a success.


PNC fund raiser?

Gunmen snatch cash from paint company employees


Two employees attached to Automotive Arts on Croal Street, Georgetown were on Wednesday relieved of a bag containing close to $1 million in cash by two armed men. The incident occurred just after 13:00h.

The workers, according to reports, had just returned from a commercial bank and as they exited their motor car, a black car pulled up alongside them and stopped. As the black car came to a halt, one man who was carrying a hand gun exited and grabbed the bag that contained the money.

The gunman then reportedly discharged a round into the air and hurriedly entered the waiting motor car, which fled the scene. By this time, several persons from within the building rushed out and immediately summoned the Police.

An official of the paint company told media operatives that two workers went to the bank to collect “change money” and confirmed that it was less than $1 million. A Police source told Guyana Times that they were up to late Wednesday evening reviewing the surveillance footage captured by the business place.

He noted that the man who exited the getaway car was not wearing a mask and the Police would check their database to see if there was a match.

The manager of the company was happy no one was hurt during the robbery, but related that the two employees were traumatised.


And the beat goes on as PnC operatives continue to be involved in criminal activities out of Sophia.

Duo busted with illegal firearms, ammo


The Police in A Division (Georgetown-East Bank) , acting on intelligence, stopped a motor car on Land of Canaan Public Road, East Bank Demerara about 12:25h on Thursday and conducted a search during which two illegal weapons (.44 Revolver and a 9mm Pistol) with 11 live matching rounds were found.

The two illegal weapons

The occupants of the vehicle, a 41-year-old resident of Bel Air Park, Georgetown and a 22-year-old resident of North Sophia, Greater Georgetown, were taken into custody and were assisting with the investigation.


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