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Slackness in crime prevention continue to be a hallmark of the PNC administration as jackass Granger bury his head in the sand.

CG stalker attacks teen girl at Lowlands …mother urges swift action by police


By Alva Solomon

A LOWLANDS, East Coast Demerara mother is worried about the safety of her teenage daughter who was allegedly assaulted by a man in the community on Monday night.According to the woman, her daughter was on her way home around 19:00 hrs on Monday when she was attacked. She said the young woman, who completed secondary schooling last year, had just disembarked a bus close to the “Hope turn” opposite the Hope Secondary School, when a man approached her, asking for directions.
The man told the young lady that he was looking for someone called “Mark” and even provided a description of the individual.
The victim told the Guyana Chronicle that the man continued to follow her into the dark street even after she indicated to him that she was unaware of who “Mark” was. She said that after crossing a narrow bridge at the entrance to Lowlands, the man grabbed her and placed his arm around her throat.
The young lady said that she tried to fight off the man. “He vice me and I don’t know what happened after,” she recounted. She said she woke up in a nearby cemetery which runs parallel to the main road on entry to Lowlands. She said that the man bound her hands behind her while he tore a piece of her garment and tied her mouth.
“The place was dark and I tried to call for help,” she said. She recalled that the man spoke to her “as if he know me.”
The young lady added that after sitting on the ground for several minutes, the man told her that he was ready to leave and he left her sitting in the cemetery.
“He walk away and I started running out the cemetery and end up on the Line Top,” she recalled.
She said that after walking the dark Railway Embankment, residents in the area came to her assistance and telephoned her mother around 21:00hrs.
The young lady’s mother said that she immediately took her daughter to the Cove and John Police Station where a report was made. She said that a detailed description of the man was given to the ranks there and according to her, one of the officers said the assailant is known to the police.
According to the mother, she subsequently took her daughter, who was in a muddied state, to a doctor; the medical report indicated that the young lady was physically but not sexually assaulted. On Tuesday, the teen returned to the Cove and John Police Station where additional information was recorded by the ranks.
“I can’t sleep, because I could have been motherless and that person is still out there,” the distressed mother told this newspaper. The Guyana Chronicle understands that the assailant was seen in the Lowlands area on several occasions prior to Monday’s incident and according to a police source, the man was once arrested on several allegations of rape.
Reports are that in one instance, a young woman whom the man attacked, left the country out of fear.
Residents said yesterday that the assailant rides a Honda CG motorcycle and he would frequent the village of Victoria, which is located near Lowlands.
However, to date, the police are yet to arrest him, even though he is a known character to law enforcement. As such, the mother wants the Police Force to act swiftly in apprehending him, given that the safety of her daughter is at risk.


What a wonderful job the PNC police are doing. According to the propagandists mars, django, gilly et al, crime is dropping rapidly under the PNC.

Home > TOP STORY > Reporters shot at while chasing bandit …another robbed, beaten
Steve Smith shortly after he was robbed
Steve Smith shortly after he was robbed

Reporters shot at while chasing bandit …another robbed, beaten


IT was chaos in the city on Friday afternoon when two journalists decided to chase a gunman who had just robbed a United States (US) based Guyanese man in the vicinity of the St. George’s Cathedral. The journalists who were involved in the high-speed chase have been identified as Kurt Campbell and Iva Wharton. They were shot at by the gunman, but fortunately escaped unhurt. The Guyana Chronicle understands that the two media operatives decided to pursue the yellow get-away taxi with licence plate number HC3085 after witnessing the robbery.
Campbell told this newspaper that he observed the armed man clad in a grey t – shirt, blue pants and orange cap had attacked a man, who later identified himself as Steve Smith. Smith is a Guyanese citizen, who is visiting from the United States.
This newspaper understands that he had just left a city bank and was walking along Carmichael Street when the armed man pounced on him. Smith put up a fight, but was overpowered by the bandit, who managed to escape with $90,000.
According to Campbell, he and Wharton were driving in the vicinity at the time and decided to pursue the vehicle. Campbell recalled that they drove through several traffic lights in order to stay close behind the speeding car and immediately made contact with ‘A’ Division Commander, Clifton Hicken, who alerted police patrols.
But things took a turn for the worse when the armed man, who was at this time wearing a mask, exited the car at Crown and Oronoque Streets and opened fire on the vehicle the journalists were driving. However, the journalists did not stop and continued to trail the men when a police patrol subsequently arrived and took over the chase. Both Campbell and Wharton were commended for their bravery by Commander Hicken.
Meanwhile, another reporter, Leroy Smith, who is attached to the Newsroom, was pursuing a stabbing incident at Plaisance, East Coast Demerara Friday morning when he was reportedly beaten and robbed.
Smith, in a Facebook post, revealed that he was robbed of his cash, cellphone and camera.


Looks like Lall is trying to stir up some controversy with a setup of a disabled grenade, the newspaper creating its own news when things slow. 

Grenade thrown at KN publisher’s vehicle


Police were last night summoned to the Kaieteur News Saffon Street offices after unidentified individuals hurled a grenade under a vehicle belonging to owner and publisher Glenn Lall.

The grenade near to the front wheel of Mr. Lall's vehicle

The grenade near to one of the front wheel of Mr. Lall’s vehicle

The incident occurred shortly after 22.00 hrs, and Mr. Lall’s vehicle, a Lexus, was parked on the western side of Saffon Street.
Mr. Lall and other staffers were outside the Kaieteur News building participating in a wake for Assistant Editor Dale Andrews, when a security staffer heard an unusual sound near Mr. Lall’s vehicle.
Thinking at first that someone had shattered one of the windows, the staffer checked the vehicle, but observed no damage. However, on checking the front of the Lexus, the staffer spotted the grenade lying near one of the front tyres.
The police were immediately notified.
At press time, demolition personnel were still to remove the device.


Farmer arrested in shooting incident


POLICE have arrested a 36-year-old male farmer of Moblissa, Linden Highway in connection with the shooting of another farmer around 09:00hrs Sunday.The victim was identified as 56-year-old Cicel Todd who is a cash crop farmer of Moblissa. Police have not recovered the weapon used in the incident.

According to the victim, he left home about 08:30h Sunday for Moblissa Hilltop to collect wood shavings for his chickens and on his way home he heard an explosion and suddenly felt a burning sensation to his left thigh, left arm and penis.

He then fell to the ground but managed to raise an alarm, resulting in his daughter Deslyn Cornelius going to his rescue and rushed him to the Linden Hospital where he was treated and admitted as a patient. He is in a stable condition.

Home > TOP STORY > Miner stabbed to death by cousin
Josepha Alfred, the mother of the dead man
Josepha Alfred, the mother of the dead man

Miner stabbed to death by cousin


A 26-YEAR-OLD resident of Cambelltown, Mahdia, Region Eight was on Monday stabbed to death by his cousin after they got into a heated argument while drinking at a bar there.

The incident reported occurred around 04:00 hrs.“They dey all de drinking and he and he cousin start cuss out one another about each other mother. These boys are two sisters’ children and the argument got very heated,” an eyewitness told the Guyana Chronicle.

The eyewitness, who hailed from the same Amerindian community and requested anonymity, said the incident can divide the families involved and the community as well.

“Nobody wan talk because dem ain’t want no problems as this is a tense situation,” the eyewitness said. The suspect and the victim reportedly live a few houses apart.

Residents, while expressing sadness over the situation, were reluctant to publicly speak on the matter, but they called on the authorities to clamp down on drug and alcohol abuse in the community.

According to reports, the alleged murderer reportedly came out of the backdam the day before with several of his co-workers.

The eyewitness said the victim and the murderer, along with others, were drinking when a heated argument started.

“They were arguing and busing really bad when Romel decided that he will walk away. He left the bar and was walking when, without warning this guy (cousin) came up behind him and stabbed him to his right side.”

The eyewitness added: “The police could have caught this guy had they responded in a very timely manner, but it’s as though because we are living in the bush (Madiha) everybody thinks that we should be treated anyhow. This isn’t right as you can see the very short distance of the police station from here.”

Several other residents echoed similar sentiments.

After committing the act, the alleged assailant reportedly got into a bus that was heading out of Madiha and has not been seen since.
Residents believe that the suspect might be hiding out in one of the camps as he knows the interior terrain well.

Romel was the fifth of six children and used to live with his mother Josepha Alfred, 53. When this newspaper visited, his mother was in a state of shock.

She related that she has been hearing different versions of the incident that led to the stabbing.

“I am too weak to even know what happened as I am hurting badly,” the woman said.

Alfred related that her son “was a good child and to loose he like this ain’t easy” as she wept.

Village Toshao Ivan Pio said he is very disappointed about what happened, noting that the killing was a senseless act.

“This is a case of yet another life being stuffed out senselessly. It’s time that the youths realise that drinking and smoking will only make their lives more complicated and challenging. I continue to speak to them as the toshao but unfortunately it’s as though they are not listening as every day several young men can be seen drinking all day, thus resulting in increased social problems,” he said.

Police are investigating the murder.


Paradise under the PNC/AFC.

Bandits target East Berbice Chinese restaurant


SLEUTHS in ‘B’ Division are investigating a robbery under arms committed on a Chinese national residing at Edinburgh, East Bank Berbice, between 01:30h and 01:45h yesterday.Investigations have so far revealed that Lin Yu Qiang, 33, who operates a “Chinese Restaurant” on the lower flat of the two-storey building, was awoken by a noise in the eating house, and upon checking was confronted by four masked men, one of whom was armed with a handgun and another with a cutlass.

The robbers, having demanded cash and valuables – the sum of $50,000, two laptop computers and a phone were handed over to them.

Not satisfied with what they were given, however, the men proceeded to ransack the premises, and even gun-butted the victim to the back of his head before making good their escape.

The police reportedly responded promptly, but no arrests have yet been made. The victim was taken to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital, where he was treated and sent away.


Bandits invade Farm home, take $$$ in items including dentures


To say Maywah Jaisingh feels violated would be an understatement. The distraught man

Three of the broken vaults.

Three of the broken vaults.

yesterday visited this publication to share how troubled he is over the fact that persons, thus far unknown, broke into his home and carted off almost $10 million worth of items.

“They nearly clean me out,” said the man as he showcased on his phone photographs of how bandits left his place “trashed” as they had removed items of value from his Lot 10 Bougainville, Farm, East Bank Demerara home.
In addition to removing appliances, the bandits also broke into three vaults to gain access to millions of dollars in jewellery. They even carried away Jaisingh’s dentures and underwear. The bandits, according to Jaisingh, also took a quantity of foreign liquor and even drank a few beers and snacked while carrying out their dastardly act.
“They drink; they even made cheese sandwiches and what they couldn’t eat they just throw away in the house,” the man related.
During a visit to the Saffon Street, Georgetown office of this publication, Jaisingh in the company of his wife, Babita Kumarie, said that while he lived abroad for a number of years he returned eight years ago.
The re-migrant, however, would travel to the US for short periods. It was during a recent visit to the US that his home was invaded. According to the man he and his family (including two children) left for the US on May 25 with the intent of returning on June 2.
But something untoward was observed a few days after the family left. According to Jaisingh, he was informed that his newspaper man, while dropping off papers, last week Tuesday discovered that his front door and gate were ajar. The newspaper man relayed his concerns to a neighbour who in turn got someone to make contact with Jaisingh in the US.

A jacket left behind by the bandit [s).

A jacket left behind by the bandit (s).

According to Jaisingh, on learning of the development he contacted his maid who visited the home and reported the break-in to the police. The man informed that although no one is ever asked to stay in the house, this is the first time that such an incident has ever occurred.
Upon his return, the man said that he was shocked to see his house ransacked. The man said that he observed that the bandits got access by removing the bolts of a grill in order to get through a window. The man said that a lock on the front door was also broken. This might have been how the bandits exited with their booty.
“They probably tried to carry out the vaults but couldn’t and so they broke them right in the house…they couldn’t open the door big enough to carry out the television otherwise those might have been gone too,” said Jaisingh.
According to the man, the police, as part of their investigation, visited his home took photographs and dusted for finger prints. “They told me that they think they got at least three sets of finger prints,” said Jaisingh who expressed disappointment that his DVR for his Closed Circuit Television Camera (CCTV) was destroyed by the bandits.
“They cut the DVR and they put it in a sink and they open the water on it…the police said that they would have to check it in the crime lab,” said Jaisingh who revealed that a jacket was left behind which he hopes could help police to determine who the perpetrators are.
While the incident has stirred Jaisingh suspicion, he noted that he will give the police force a fair chance to solve the case.


Body with stab wound found on Mahdia roadway


Police are investigating what appears to be a seventh murder at an interior location for the year.

The body of Romel Daniels, 25, of Campbelltown, Mahdia, was found around 03.40 hrs on a roadway at Mahdia.
The corpse bore what appeared to be a stab wound.
A release stated that police made the discovery after responding to reports that a man was lying motionless on a roadway in the vicinity of Dadagoo Shop in Mahdia.
Homicide detectives and crime scene investigators responded to the scene to collect evidence and canvas the area for potential witnesses.
No arrests have been made and investigators are asking for the community’s help for any information pertaining to the homicide.
The body is at the Mahdia Hospital Mortuary awaiting a post-mortem.
There have been seven murders so far in ‘F’ Division.
The victims include Police Sergeant 16934 Leonard La Rose, 52, who was stabbed to death at Matthew’s Ridge Hospital, while attempting to arrest a suspect.


Man wrests gun from shooter, hands it to cops


Police are in possession of a .38 snub-nosed revolver and two spent shells they recovered from one of two men who were involved in a fight at Kanaruk, Mahdia.

The incident reportedly occurred yesterday.
A police release stated that Festus Benn and Gary Boucher had an argument that escalated into a fight, during which Boucher, who allegedly had the firearm, discharged two rounds. He missed.
Benn managed to take away the weapon and promptly handed it over to the law enforcers. Boucher is currently in custody.
Meanwhile, police on Sunday recovered a firearm from a minibus passenger at Providence, East Bank Demerara.
A release stated that at around 14.10hrs, police, acting on information intercepted a route 42 mini bus, on Providence Public Road.
During a search of one of the occupants, the ranks found a .32 pistol along with eight live .32 rounds tucked in the passenger’s pants waist.
The man was taken into custody and charges will be instituted shortly.


This is Granger's paradise:

Home > NEWS > Ruthless thieves killing Dorie’s house-ownership dreams
Ramdai Janet Dorie, 64, stands in front of her incomplete home
Ramdai Janet Dorie, 64, stands in front of her incomplete home

Ruthless thieves killing Dorie’s house-ownership dreams


By Telesha Ramnarine

SIXTY-four-year-old Ramdai Janet Dorie could not hold back the tears as she reflected on how hard she worked to save every dollar towards building her own home. These were not tears of joy however – they represented the anguish she felt in her heart over those who have been ruthlessly stealing materials off of her house. Dorie’s house is located at Block B, Mocha Road Third Bridge, Herstelling Housing Scheme, on the East Bank Demerara; an area that is still being developed so there are tall bushes, no street

The virtually impassable street leading to Dorie’s house

The virtually impassable street leading to Dorie’s house

lights and few houses that people have actually occupied.

Since there is hardly anything that Ms. Dorie can do about this unfortunate situation and she cannot think of any agency that might be willing to provide any practical assistance to her; she then resorted to writing to President David Granger and to a few news agencies, including the Guyana Chronicle.

In addition, another option she explored was finding a company that may be able to install a security system at her house that can monitor the activities there when she is not around. This proved too costly and Dorie had no choice but to abandon the idea.

The elderly woman, in an interview at the Chronicle on Tuesday, expressed her hopelessness in tears, along with some amount of optimism that something good may come out of the fact that her plight is being highlighted.

Dorie is eager to have the house completed, having saved enough to secure a bank loan with which she started works. But the project is stalled every time the thieves break in.

$1.6M in LOSSES
For the four times that the bandits have broken in so far, Dorie estimates her losses to be around $1.6M. “Many other persons have the same problem in the area. About two streets away from me, a woman lost 52 sacks of cement. I’m confused at the moment. I’m trying to see how much I can save in the meantime so I can resume work.”

The last time the bandits struck was on the night of the jubilee celebrations and after the police were summoned, they told Dorie that they could not obtain fingerprints as they were smudged. “They caught one of the thieves but the people in the area don’t want to come forward; they don’t want to become a target.”

Although Dorie is an educator, poet, writer, author, and ardent sports personality who has played cricket at an international level, she said she currently sells a few items on the streets, including clothing, to make a living.

“Sometimes I don’t buy clothes and food for myself. I make sacrifices like the old people say, ‘Cut your eye and tie your belly.’ I sell little things on the streets. Sometimes I help a friend do some work and she gives me some money. I have been saving, saving all my money and I went to the bank and they gave me a loan so I was able to build my house.”

Dorie is also a diabetic and has issues with her cholesterol. “I have to pay for my own medical bills and I don’t go in anyone’s way to beg or thief. I work assiduously to save my money. I have been saving for the house over 20 years and working very hard. If you see my hands; they are hard, corny.”

Meanwhile, in a letter to the editor, Dorie said in part that she worked along with the contractor through blood, sweat and tears until thieves started stealing doors, windows, and many other items off of the house.

“The stress has now become extremely unbearable. Apart from losing materials, risking to lose my house to the bank, my life is at risk for I am a senior citizen who has numerous medical conditions. In addition, I have no husband, no children, and even no neighbour. Only bushes and more bushes and I am desperate!

“People are seeing but are helpless, since there is no telephone line, no street light, and only bushes where thieves take refuge. I had to put on my own street light and should you visit me, you can feel the hauntedness around the area.

“During the day, you can see a lot of strange faces ‘susing’ out their victims. It seems as though they speculate during the day and they strike during the night with their waiting vehicles. It is alleged that they sell stolen articles to those who are building. As such, I suggest that heavier penalties be levied to those buyers.

“I call upon all those in position to look into this matter as early as possible. Upon reading this letter, I wish that someone may call me and see how they can help, for I have lost far more than I can afford to deal with the bank. I am desperate. Please. I plead for help.”

Home > NEWS > Hijackers beat taxi driver, car recovered
Police at the scene where the car [right) was found
Police at the scene where the car (right) was found

Hijackers beat taxi driver, car recovered


A GEORGETOWN taxi was Tuesday night hijacked and the driver severely beaten; the car was later found abandoned in Plum Park, Sophia. Two persons who were in a house opposite to where the vehicle was discovered were detained by the police for questioning.
The driver of the car, a Toyota Allion with licence plate number HC 6253, was identified as 44-year-old Gladwyn Brandis of 1170 Pigeon Place, South Ruimveldt Park. He is attached to the Green Ice Taxi Service.

Police escort two persons for questioning from a house opposite to where the vehicle was found abandoned

Police escort two persons for questioning from a house opposite to where the vehicle was found abandoned

According to reports, the taxi was seen parked on the roadside around 20:00 hrs and residents became suspicious after noticing it there for hours.
Wednesday morning, upon closer inspection, it was discovered that there was an injured man inside the vehicle and a call was made to the taxi base, which in turn contacted the police.
The police subsequently arrived and discovered a muddied, bewildered and injured Brandis. The father of five was then taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was admitted for treatment.
At the scene where the car was abandoned, there were blood marks on a large brick and drops of blood were seen leading to a nearby canal as if Brandis was dragged there after being beaten.
Police are working on a theory that two men accosted Brandis in his vehicle and after realising what was happening, he pelted his keyless remote car starter out the window causing the vehicle to automatically shut down on the roadway since it was discovered in “D” gear. The men, after beating him in the head, then dragged him towards a nearby canal where they threw him hoping that he would have drowned. They then walked away from the scene. He managed to crawl back into his vehicle where he was discovered without his cellphone and car keys.
Residents in the area recalled seeing two men at the vehicle but they later walked away, leaving the car behind.
According to fellow drivers of the service, Brandis has been working for the Green Ice taxi service for almost a decade and he usually does not work in the nights nor pick up random passengers.
“Whoever he picked up was not assigned by the base, because the base has a record of all pick-ups,” one driver said.
Taxi drivers of the Green Ice base are willing to support the police to apprehend the perpetrators.
According to the injured driver’s wife, Nicola Brandis, she last spoke to her husband at 15:30hrs Tuesday after he left home. She said as the night stepped in, she became worried, since he was supposed to attend a cricket game at the National Stadium and when she called at about 21:30 hrs, she realised his cell phone was turned off.
“This [Wednesday] morning I started making an alarm after I didn’t see him home; his brother started looking around and he received a call stating that he was found in Sophia and badly beaten, a lot of lacerations [cuts] to the head,” she said.
After receiving that dreadful information, Mrs. Brandis said she rushed to hospital in time to see her husband being taken out of the police vehicle. “He was covered in mud all over, his entire face was swollen and he was slipping in and out of consciousness.”
When questioned if her husband was ever a victim of hijacking before, she said not to her knowledge, this was the first occasion.

Police released this image of the cocaine in the frozen fish.
Police released this image of the cocaine in the frozen fish.

Cocaine found in fish cargo; 10 arrested


The police have arrested ten persons in connection with the discovery of six kilograms and forty four grams of cocaine in a cargo shipment of frozen fish at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri.

A police release noted that the shipment consisted of several boxes; the discovery was made at about 02:10 hrs on June 08 by ranks of the Police Narcotics Branch.

According to the release, the bust comes as the Guyana Police Force is intensifying its efforts to clamp down on the scourge of drug trafficking. The cargo was destined to be shipped to the United States of America.

Home > TOP STORY > Young mechanic murdered in bedroom
Dead: Puranand Andrew Baljit
Dead: Puranand Andrew Baljit

Young mechanic murdered in bedroom


THE police are investigating the gruesome murder of 23-year-old mechanic, Puranand Andrew Baljit, who was fatally stabbed several times while in his bedroom at Lot 57 Timehri, East Bank Demerara, on Thursday night.According to reports reaching the Guyana Chronicle, the perpetrator (s) apparently grabbed him by the neck through his bedroom window and stabbed him several times about the body and in the region of the heart.

Detectives examining the track adjacent to the house where they believe the killer[s) escaped

Detectives examining the track adjacent to the house where they believe the killer(s) escaped

His father and stepmother heard loud screams coming from the room but could not gain access since his door was locked. They subsequently managed to get inside and found him in a bloodied state.
He was pronounced dead on arrival at the East Bank Demerara Regional Hospital after being taken there by his stepmother, Simone Baljit. Detectives spent the entire day combing the area and taking statements based on the circumstances under which the body was discovered. They also recovered a 12-inch knife from the scene, believed to be the murder weapon.
Divisional Commander Clifton Hicken said they are working on a lead. Father of the dead man, Harichand Baljit, known as ‘Jackie,’ recalled hearing his son screaming but could not get into the room, since the door was locked.
He then exited the house, climbed through his son’s bedroom window and found him lying in a pool of blood. The young man’s window is not grilled and is located on the northern section of the flat concrete house.
One of the theories by investigators is that the perpetrator(s) grabbed him by the head while he was sitting next to the window and stabbed him several times before escaping on foot.
Residents in the area said they learnt of the stabbing after 22:00hrs and decided to search the area in the hope of finding the attacker. Described as a quiet and isolated individual with few friends, one resident said that Baljit was always easygoing and was always seen on his cellphone texting away.
“Sometimes even if he is on his bicycle, he was on his phone; he also fixes cellphones for people in his quiet time when he is not doing mechanic work,” one resident related.
A visit to the scene revealed that there was a fresh booth print in a mud trail that led to the public road. The police discovered that a concrete block was used for the person to climb on in order to gain full access to Baljit’s window, while there were cellphones and strands of female hair in his room.
Residents believe that the attacker(s) know the young man personally. “He could not fight anyone who grabbed him from the back, he is a little guy and whoever did it take advantage of him.”
One visibly upset resident said, “We have a lot of youths in the area in Soesdyke and Timehri who do not do anything but smoke drugs all day. Police should have locked all of them up until the investigation finish, we need help in these villages to get jobs or put these youth to work somewhere.”
The young mechanic operated from his father’s property, where the murder took place.


Dataram’s ex-wife held in ganja bust


THE Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) on Thursday evening seized 170 pounds of marijuana and arrested four persons including the ex-wife of self-confessed drug-trafficker, Barry Dataram, during a raid at Versailles,West Bank Demerara. The quartet will make their first court appearance on Monday. Head of CANU, James Singh, confirmed to the Guyana Chronicle that the raid was conducted on a house in a gated community at Versailles. He said ranks acted on a tip-off when they conducted the raid. Dataram’s ex-wife, Sheleza had gained notoriety in December 2007 when she and her three-year-old daughter were kidnapped by two Venezuelans, one of whom was later shot dead in a confrontation with the police. The incident had occurred at Ruimzeight Gardens, West Coast Demerara.


Policeman among three in custody

A policeman is under close arrest and is among three persons in custody as investigation continues into the shooting of a New Amsterdam man. The victim was shot in both legs above the thighs by a gang of men who allegedly took him from his home and interrogated him over some missing drugs.

Andrew Adams, 21, a labourer of Penitentiary Walk, New Amsterdam was shot in both legs above the thighs by a gang of men after he was accused of stealing a quantity of drugs from them some time before.
Adams, a labourer, was allegedly collected from his home around 07:00 hrs Tuesday morning and first taken to New Forest, East Canje before being taken to Calabash Creek where he was brutalized by the men and shot before being dumped out of the car.
The matter was reported and the police went in search of the injured man who was located and rushed to the New Amsterdam hospital where he was admitted for surgery before being transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital for further medical intervention.
Investigations are ongoing and the police are looking for the mastermind.


Family of thieves spread misery at Good Hope

– car stolen

Michael Basdeo of Good Hope Village on the East Coast of Demerara got the shock of his life when he got out of bed at 05.00 hrs yesterday and found that his house was emptied of valuables and his car was missing.
Noticing also that his back door was open, Basdeo said that he immediately picked up a cutlass and headed downstairs.
Basdeo showed this publication the gap in a window where the burglars had removed three panes.
Basdeo indicated that he raised an alarm in the street but no one responded to his calls for help. This he intimated was because the “Salt Fish” gang would normally use sleeping gas to put their intended victims out cold.
The gang he said, is a family of thieves, who have been doing these types of burglaries for years. According to him, he noted that the thieves robbed six houses in the same street in one night.
Basdeo continued that he rounded up some friends and searched the village but saw no sign of his car or the thieves. He then made a report at the Vigilance Police Station.
He said that detectives lifted prints from the point of entry and a window pane that was left behind.
He stated that after the detectives left, acting upon a hunch, he went to Annandale, East Coast Demerara, where the gang resides, and enquired from the villagers about their whereabouts.

The wrecked car

The wrecked car

The window through which the thieves gained entry.

The window through which the thieves gained entry.

He eventually found his car abandoned in Market Street, Annandale after it was crashed into about six market stands. When this newspaper visited the man’s home, the car was parked under the house and was severely damaged.
After Basdeo discovered his car, he summoned the police and together they went to the home of the suspected thieves. Upon searching the premises they subsequently discovered several of the stolen articles and more loot from other houses.
Basdeo said that the gang comprised about 10 siblings whose ages range from 18-25 and opined that their mother condones their criminal activities.
The police reportedly arrested the mother of the “Salt Fish” gang but the main perpetrators are still at large.
Basdeo told Kaieteur News that while he was able to recover two laptops, some of the other articles are missing, including his flat screen television.
He vowed to take this matter to the highest level in pursuit of justice and compensation.
“My car is how I am able to provide for my family,” he lamented.
Basdeo is a sales executive employed at Sueria Distributors.


Siblings remanded over cocaine in frozen fish

Following the discovery of over 18 pounds of cocaine in frozen fish at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), a minibus driver and his younger sister were yesterday, remanded to prison after they denied a drug trafficking charge.

Lazena Imrazie

Lazena Imrazie

Shafur Alli, 27, of Lot 27 La Jalousie, West Coast Demerara and Lazena Imrazie, 22, of Lot 8 Goed Fortuin, West Bank Demerara are accused of having 9.044 kilograms of cocaine in their possession on June 8, last, for the purpose of trafficking.
According to reports, ranks of the Police Narcotic Branch intercepted and seized the cocaine in a cargo shipment of frozen fish at the airport. Court facts revealed that the defendants declared 33 boxes of fish to be exported. Routine checks were done on the cargo by the ranks and the cocaine was found concealed inside of the seafood.
Alli and his sister are being represented by Attorneys Peter Hugh and Bernard DaSilva.
Both lawyers made applications for their clients to be released on reasonable bail citing that police have no evidence against them.
The Attorneys are claiming that Alli and Imrazie had no knowledge or possession of the prohibited drug. Hugh told the court that Alli rents a fish plant that is operated by a third party and asserted that he plays no part in the processing of the fish.
Hugh pleaded with Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan to consider bail for the duo citing the fact that the police file is still incomplete and that no indications were given to the court as to when the file will be completed.
Hugh said that the female defendant was merely clearing a package on the day in question.

Shafur Alli

Shafur Alli

During his address to the court, DaSilva also pleaded for bail to be granted to Imrazie, because she had not signed any declaration form associated with the alleged narcotic shipment.
However, Police Prosecutor Deniro Jones strongly objected to bail for the two. He pointed out that no special reasons were provided by the defence counsels for bail to be considered by the court. Jones said that Imrazie provided conflicting addresses.
Jones explained that at the time of the woman’s arrest she told police she was residing at the same address as her brother. The Prosecutor stressed that there is a likelihood that she might not return to court for trial if released on bail.
But Attorney DaSilva explained that the housewife would frequently visit her brother’s house but has her matrimonial home located at Goed Fortuin, where she resides with her husband and five-month-old baby.
According to the lawyers, none of the defendants have previous or pending matters before the court.
Prosecutor Jones indicated that investigations are still ongoing in relation this matter.
His bail objections were upheld by the Chief Magistrate who ordered that the defendants be remanded to prison until July 7, when the matter will be called for report and fixtures.


Businessman accused of bribing police to release seized narcotics


– released on $200,000 bail

A businessman was yesterday charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice after he allegedly offered police a bribe to secure the release of narcotics seized.
Tazim Gafoor, of Menzies Street, Windsor Forest, West Coast Demerara is accused of committing the offence on June 8, at Craig, East Bank Demerara.
He pleaded not guilty to the charge and was released on $200,000 bail.
Attorney Glenn Hanoman told the court that his client operates an automotive store at Vreed-en-Hoop, West Bank Demerara. The Attorney petitioned for Gafoor to be admitted to bail citing the fact that he had been kept in custody beyond the 72-hour period.
Hanoman explained that his client was arrested last Wednesday and police insisted on keeping him in custody although he was indicted on a bailable offence.
The lawyer said that he reminded the police of his client’s constitutional rights and signaled his intentions to seek compensation.
However, Police Prosecutor Deniro Jones opposed bail for the defendant citing the gravity of the charge. Jones said that George is still being investigated by police as they believe he is the mastermind behind trafficking in narcotics.
The prosecutor pointed out that the defendant attempted to bribe police on a sting operation.
Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan admitted Gafoor to bail and instructed him not to go within 50 feet of the witnesses until the completion of the matter.
This matter will be called again on July 6.


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