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‘Gun-Butt’ stabbed at Georgetown Magistrate’s Court

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Colvin Johnson [Stabroek News photo]

Thirty-four-year old Colvin Johnson known as ‘Gun-Butt’ is in a critical state at the Georgetown Public Hospital after he was stabbed by another prisoner while in the holding cell of the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court on Thursday morning.

Johnson of East Ruimveldt, Georgetown is on remand for the murder of Paul Rodney and was scheduled to make an appearance before a city Magistrate this morning when the incident occurred.

Details surrounding the incident are still unclear at this time as prisoners refuse to divulge information.


5 in custody for multi-million dollar robbery at NIS branch

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The NIS Pouderoyen Branch where six armed bandits made off with over $4M

FIVE persons are now in police custody after armed bandits made off with more than $4M from the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) Pouderoyen Branch, West Bank Demerara on Thursday.

According to ‘D’ Division (West Demerara) Commander, Leslie James the robbery occurred at around 2:30h on Thursday. He said based on information received, six armed bandits invaded the NIS Branch at Pouderoyen, relieving one of the two guards on duty of his firearm in the process.

The bandits, reportedly, then proceeded to blow-torch a safe, before making good their escape with more than $4M.

“They blow-torched the safe and took out the content,” the Division ‘D’ Commander said, however he was unable to confirm the total amount stolen by the bandits.

James said five persons, including employees of the Insurance Scheme and the two guards who were on duty at the time of the robbery, are in custody assisting with investigations into the multi-million dollar robbery.

When Guyana Chronicle visited the crime scene, the gates were locked as two female Special Constabulary guards watched over the premises.

“We don’t know anything, I only come here 10 o’clock, and I ain’t know what happen. Everybody you should talk to, at the station,” one of the guards told this newspaper.

She was later overheard informing a number of pensioners that the branch was closed for the day. NIS Public Relations Officer (PRO) Dianne Baxter confirmed with this newspaper that the crime had been committed but was unable to give particulars, indicating that the information was not available at the moment.

However, this newspaper understands that that branch had only this week received contributions from businesses for their employees. Additionally, the branch was reportedly scheduled to pay pensioners.


Cops seize rifle from East La Penitence home

Police have detained a 28-year-old technician after finding an unlicensed .45 rifle and a 9mm round at an East La Penitence home. Their find was made around 14.00 hrs yesterday.
A release stated that the ranks, acting on information, also found several ecstasy tablets.

The seized rifle.

Last year, police seized 109 illegal firearms, compared to 115 in 2015.
The firearms comprised 49 pistols, 32 revolvers, 26 shotguns, two rifles and one submachine gun.


You have to give GPF their props here, they got the bastards, back in PPP time they were told by their masters in the PNC not to do their jobs.

Chinese supermarket bandits nabbed; getaway motorcycle, stolen items retrieved


Swift thinking and good investigating has led to the capture of the two motorcycle bandits who robbed the “Good Life Supermarket” at Belevedere Village on Tuesday night.
The men have been identified as Daniel Grant, 20, of Williamsburg Village, and Shawn Thompson, 19, of Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice.
The robbery was caught on security cameras.
According to reports reaching this publication, two ranks attached to the Rose Hall Town outpost in their bid to catch the perpetrators, swiftly acted on information provided to them and arrested the two youths at their respective homes.
Upon information received the following day that the men were seen at an abandoned house in Rose Hall, the ranks ventured to the location and conducted a search when the motorcycle reportedly used in the daring robbery was discovered along with a helmet that one the men was seen wearing in the surveillance footage that night.
A DVD player was also found, fitting the description of an item that was reported stolen from one Permaul Lachna of Lot 220 Topoo Village, Corentyne, Berbice on New Year’s Day.  Lachna was asked to report to the station to identify the item, and he identified the DVD Player as his.
The motorcycle was identified as his as well since he also had reported that stolen.
Lachna told media operatives that on December 31, last he was working at the Nigg Drainage pump when two men attacked him.
“I was attacked by bandits at Nigg Drainage Pump after four; dem take away my DVD player, my motorcycle, my cell phone. I had $6000 in my pocket; they take that too.”
The man stated that one of the men brandished a gun whilst the other was equipped with a cutlass. “One hit meh with the gun and the other one had a cutlass. When dem finish rob meh dem padlock the doors from outside with the keys and gone”.
The loot from the Supermarket and the cell phone that was stolen was not recovered.
The police source related that there is enough evidence to charge Grant and Thompson for both offences.
It is alleged that on Tuesday. proprietors of the Good Life Supermarket,  located along the Belvedere Public Road was invaded by two men armed with a cutlass and shotgun on a motorcycle.
Huang Jun Xiong, 36, and his partner, 36-year-old Zhang Bi Hang were at the time tending to the remaining customers for the evening, when the men on the motorcycle rode in and ordered them along with three customers who were still in the Supermarket to lie flat, facedown.
The 15-minute ordeal was all caught on the business’s surveillance cameras. The footage showed the men arriving at the premises on a motorcycle, one armed with a cutlass and the other with a shotgun. The perpetrators were seen barging into the supermarket and ordering the couple to lie on the ground along with three customers who were still inside. The male proprietor seemed a bit reluctant to follow their orders and with that received a gun hit to the shoulder that took him down.
The owner’s wife, Zhang, exited the cashier counter to save her husband from being further hit, but as she hovered over Huang she was kicked to her left side by one of the armed men.
The men whose faces were disguised with handkerchiefs tied to their mouth and one with a hoodie over his head and the other, a helmet, continued to hit at the couple with the cutlass. One of the perpetrators left the area where the owners were being held and ventured to another part of the building, he reportedly went upstairs with Huang and collected $350,000.
After about five minutes the man armed with a cutlass returned as the other demanded that they empty the cash register. The sum of $150,000 was allegedly handed over from the register. They were also seen taking a cell phone from Zhang while she was lying on the ground. Both escaped on their motorcycle after receiving the cash and valuables.
The men donned a haversack and wore dark coloured clothing. The owners and customers in the supermarket were seen scrambling to exit the building after the men reportedly escaped with the keys to the automated garage doors. They had tried to lock the customers and owners inside the building.
Divisional Commander, Ian Amsterdam, confirmed that the men escaped with approximately $500,000 in cash, one iPhone 6 and some other valuables. A source disclosed that the men were reportedly staking out the business and waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce on the couple.


Mother stabbed by daughter’s boyfriend

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A security guard is now in critical condition at the New Amsterdam Hospital after being stabbed by her daughter’s boyfriend.
Injured is Nivonne Aubrey Trim of Number 77 Village Housing Scheme, Corriverton, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), who was stabbed to her chest and hand. Reports are the incident occurred on Monday evening in Corriverton, Berbice, when the woman tried to make peace between her 21-year-old daughter and her 48-year-old boyfriend.
Guyana Times was told that at about 19:30h, the man was drinking with friends when he and his girlfriend got involved in an argument.
According to one eyewitness, Trim arrived on the scene and in her daughter’s defence tried to make peace between the feuding couple, when the man who was armed with a knife, stabbed her.
The man’s friends managed to take the knife away from him and Trim was rushed to the Skeldon Hospital and later transferred to the New Amsterdam Hospital because of the extent of her injuries.
Police have since arrested the man. (Andrew Carmichael)


Hard life under Granger making even grannies turning to crime.

Granny jailed for narco trafficking

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A 58-year-old grandmother of New Amsterdam, Berbice, was on Friday jailed for attempting to traffic a prohibited substance into the New Amsterdam Prison.

Ramraji Deonarine, a security guard of Lot 257 Mayor and Town Council Scheme, New Amsterdam, pleaded guilty to a charge, which stated that on January 12, she interdicted narcotics into the prison. Deonarine had six grams of cannabis concealed in a bar of soap which she was taking to a convicted prisoner, Anthony

 Ramraji Deonarine
Ramraji Deonarine


Police Prosecutor, Inspector Orin Joseph told the court that on Thursday, Deonarine requested to visit the convicted prisoner and at the time had a bag containing several items she was taking for him. The prosecutor explained that Prison Officer Jennifer James, during an inspection of the items, discovered that a part of the soap was dug out and the drug inserted and then covered with a piece of soap from the same bar.

According to Deonarine, she met Persaud while working as a guard at St Theresa Primary School one year ago, but he was jailed for three years. According to her, over the past year, she had been visiting Persaud in prison.

She said that on the day in question, someone met her at the prison door and asked her to take the bag to him. She said she was unaware of what was in the bag.

Magistrate Marissa Mettelholzer imposed a three-year jail sentence and fined her $15,000.


9 nabbed with date rape drug, ammunition

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Three females and six males were on Friday morning arrested after Police swooped down on an illegal operation at Rasville, Georgetown, where several live rounds of ammunition for two different calibres of weapons and a large quantity of ecstasy pills were unearthed.AMMUNITION FOUND-1
Reports are Police acting on information conducted a search in several apartments, during which they found 16 live rounds of different calibres of ammunition and 180 ecstasy pills.
The Police are working on the theory that the early morning arrest is a direct spin-off with the recent arrest of a Tucville mechanic, who was arrested on Thursday evening with a .45 rifle and one live round of 9mm ammunition.
The suspect, Caesar Gonsalves, of Lot 119 Turn Drive, East La Penitence, Georgetown, was arrested and placed before the courts. He was remanded to prison and will make his next court appearance on January 24.
However, the nine persons in custody following the raid on Friday morning are being questioned and charges are expected to be laid in the new week.


Gunmen rob mother, daughter in front of ECD home

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A woman and her daughter were left traumatised after they were robbed at gunpoint, moments after reaching their Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara home on Friday. The entire episode was captured by surveillance cameras that surrounded the family’s house.

The armed man executing the robbery on Friday
The armed man executing the robbery on Friday

Reports are the two women had visited a city bank earlier in the day and may have been trailed by the perpetrators in a silver-grey car. The surveillance footage posted by the women on social media showed that within a minute after arriving at home, the car pulled up alongside them and two men exited.

The men who were carrying handguns and had their faces covered with handkerchiefs exited and walked towards the parked vehicle belonging to the women. They then relieved the women of an undisclosed sum of cash and escaped in the motorcar that was driven by an accomplice. Persons in the area were in shock and hardly had time to react.

The Police are in possession of the surveillance footage as they continue their investigations. Attempts to contact the women proved futile.


Moruca man stabbed to death during row

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A miner of Moruca Village, North West District (NWD), was in the wee hours of Sunday stabbed to death, during a confrontation with another man in the village.

Dead is Robert “Bobby” Ferreira, 30. Based on information received, Ferreira and two friends, who had travelled to the village, were at a get-together when an

Dead: Robert “Bobby” Ferreira
Dead: Robert “Bobby” Ferreira

argument broke out among the group of men.

The argument quickly escalated, and one of the men broke a bottle and stabbed Ferreira to his leg. The injured man was subsequently picked up and rushed to the hospital, but it was too late.

Speaking with Guyana Times, the dead man’s father, Virgil Ferreira explained that he received a call from his eldest son at about 03:50h informing him that Bobby had been stabbed.

He explained that his son worked in the interior and returned home to spend the holidays. He was accompanied by two friends.

“It was him and these two friends were at a hang when the confrontation occurred… I don’t know if it was a broken bottle or a knife that was used to stab my son… all the information I received was that he was stabbed,” the father related.

He further explained that after his son was stabbed to the leg, his friends ran after the suspect to apprehend him.

“His friends thought that a stab on the foot was not that serious and ran after the suspect, but apparently, due to the stab wound, the main artery was severed causing a blood blot which had directly affected the heart,” he explained.

After the two men returned with the suspect, they placed the injured man into a vehicle and took him to the hospital. Unfortunately, within a few minutes of his arrival at the medical facility, he succumbed.

The grieving father confirmed that the suspect hailed from the village and was in Police custody assisting with the investigations. Meanwhile, the father is calling on the relevant authorities to ensure that the post-mortem examination is done in a timely manner so that his son can be laid to rest.

The reason for this request, he explained, is that bodies are often kept for long durations at the mortuary with no pathologist to perform the post-mortem. Eventually, the bodies are buried without family members knowing the cause of death of their loved ones.

Ferreira leaves to mourn his parents, and 11 siblings. The Police are continuing their investigations into the murder.


West Berbice Mandir vandalised

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– Dharmic Sabha calls for swift justice


Members of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha are now appealing to the Police for justice after their West Coast Berbice Mandir was broken in to Saturday night.
According to reports, a member of the Number Three Vishnu Mandir on the West Coast of Berbice made the discovery. Several Murtis were damaged and it was reported that several microphones were also stolen.

The Mandir was vandalised and the perpetrators destroyed several Murtis
The Mandir was vandalised and the perpetrators destroyed several Murtis

The Sabha, in a Facebook post Sunday morning, said: “It is our hope that those who committed this violation of this Mandir be dealt with by the law.”
Investigations are ongoing.


NY-bound Guyanese busted with cocaine

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AN overseas-based Guyanese leaving Guyana after enjoying the Christmas season here was busted Saturday night at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) with over one kilogramme of cocaine. The 45-year-old construction worker, who was returning to New York, was arrested by Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) officers after the illegal substance was discovered in false walls of his suitcase.
The drug-enforcement agency made its first bust for the year on January 4, when a 24-year-old Guyanese woman, said to be a frequent traveller, was arrested with 4.2 kilogrammes of cocaine at the Eugene F. Correia International Airport at Ogle.
The drug was stashed in a suitcase belonging to the woman, who was preparing to board a flight to Antigua and Barbuda.


Home invader wears victim’s maternity dress


In what can be described as “strange” cases of break and enter, residents from various villages had an experience to talk about.
On Saturday night at just about 23:20 hours Mellesa Narine, a seven-months pregnant mother of a two-year old was awakened by a male figure dressed in her maternity dress with one of her blankets wrapped around his face and a cutlass to her neck.
Narine told this publication that the man was shining a flashlight in her face, with the cutlass to her neck and demanding cash and jewelry. “I see a guy with a cutlass at my neck and he was flashing a torchlight in my eye. He had on ma pregnant dress, he ask me where the money deh and I tell he I don’t have any money”.
The woman stated that she normally sleeps with her fan on so this would’ve prevented her from hearing any sounds. She related that she pushed the individual away and he slammed the door on her foot, ripping a toenail out in the process. Narine further told this publication that the man ran downstairs and escaped on her bicycle she had parked in the yard.
Upon venturing downstairs she discovered her bottom flat ransacked, her hand bag on the ground, jewelry missing and carbonated and non-carbonated drinks also missing from her refrigerator. According to her, upon checking her purse she noticed $20,000 missing from her bag, three gold chains and a gold ring. The perpetrator also escaped with her maternity dress and her bicycle.
According to the Commander of B Division, Ian Amsterdam, a medical examination was conducted on the woman after she reported that she was sexually assaulted, the results of the examination showed no indication of sexual assault.
Amsterdam stated that Narine’s husband is currently wanted by the police for rape of an eight year old so they are looking at the possibility that it might have been him who broke into the home.
Meanwhile, just a village away, the said night, at approximately 12:30 AM, an intruder attempted to break and enter Soamatti Pertab’s home. The 77-year-old pensioner who lives with her 79-year-old husband told this publication that they heard a noise at the bottom flat of their home; she stated that her husband got up and switched on the lights to scare the intruder away. This apparently was successful since he was deterred.
Pertab related that after venturing to the bottom flat she screamed for help and neighbours rushed to her assistance, but by then the man was long gone. A blanket was found at the window, an indication that it was being used to open the window. The woman stated that she is still scared for her life after such an experience.
At 11:30 PM that said night the home of Kirpaul Damar, a businessman was also the victim of break and enter. Damar told Kaieteur News that his wife got up to tend to his grandson when she noticed a bicycle parked at their gate. “My wife woke me and told me someone parked their bicycle at our gate.
“Since I was not sure, I took out my firearm and loaded it. I then waited on my bed to see who would collect the bike”. The businessman stated that after some time while on the lookout he heard the dogs barking and then he noticed someone dressed in dark clothing jumping his gate.” I saw someone jump my gate and walking at the side of the truck so I fired a shot in the air to scare him, I fired two more in the sky but he jumped on the bicycle and rode away”.
He stated that he contacted his son and went out as well to see if they would’ve possibly caught up with the intruder but they were unsuccessful.
Damar related that upon returning home he noticed his downstairs kitchen was ransacked, “I saw my place ransacked downstairs in the kitchen. When I check like the man mix tea and eat biscuits. It had apple and grapes in the fridge; he eat some too and the man gone with my two bottles of pepper sauce I had in the cupboard.”
He stated that he had approximately $4000 in his bus that was parked downstairs and was left unlocked.
No- one has since been arrested.


Berbice bandits raid MoneyGram, terrorize vendor

The MoneyGram section of Spready’s Supermarket, Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice was yesterday afternoon robbed by a lone bandit. The daring daylight robbery took place at approximately 15:00 hrs.
According to a staff member attached to the snackette located in the said building, the man entered the MoneyGram outlet with a black helmet on.
“The man come in, a kinda dougla man, and he go inside and rest he hand on the counter. He see the girl over the counter counting money and then he stretch he hand and pull her hair and lash her head on the counter.”
According to the staff member, the man scaled the counter and took the money in the two drawers that were open and dumped the cash in a black bag he had in his possession. She stated that the bandit then scaled the counter and escaped with the loot.
From reports gathered, the armed man had his motorcycle parked outside. He reportedly rode a short distance away but his motorcycle gave up and he escaped on foot. The bike was left not too far away from the supermarket- it was later removed by police.
The perpetrator had escaped with approximately $800,000 in cash.
The injured staffer was taken to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital for a medical examination and was treated and sent away.
Meanwhile, as the MoneyGram robbery was in progress, the home of Nirmala Devi Persaud, 50, a vendor who operates a stall at her home at Lot 17 Kildonan Village, Corentyne, Berbice was invaded by three men- two of them masked. One man allegedly brandished a handgun whilst another had in his possession a roll of duct tape.
A traumatized Persaud, at her home, disclosed that the ordeal that took place at just about 15:00hrs.
“Meh binna clean fish ah back and three man come in meh yard from the back and start chuck meh up. Dem tie meh hand and dem bring meh inside the house and dem tie meh up more with the duct tape…All meh head, hand and foot.”
According to the woman, the bandits began to ransack a room in the bottom flat of her home in search of cash and jewelry. She told this publication that all along, the men demanded cash from her.
“Dem ask meh fuh meh money and gold and me tell dem me nah get. Me had one lil bob earing pon meh ears and the one with the gun tek am.”
She stressed that she told them that she had nothing more to give but handed over her purse in which she had a mere $80.
Persaud also disclosed that the men took her upstairs and ransacked the upper flat of the home but came up empty handed.
They reportedly exited the rear entrance of the house and ran towards the front. “Wan gal come fa buy carrot and she binna call and call. Dem na had noway fa guh and when she gan dem run out the back door and run out the front yard.”
The woman stated that she could identify the unmasked man if seen again. No one has been arrested in connection with the said robbery.
A police source stated that ranks are currently combing the Corentyne area for the suspects in connection with both robberies.


Even jackass Granger can't stop robbery of fellow PNC supporters.

Bandits snatch $1.5M, loaded firearm from businesswoman


– Taxi driver shot; One suspect held

By Brushell Blackman

In a daring midday robbery yesterday, bandits snatched a bag containing $1.5M, a loaded

The robbery victim, Elda Belle, providing details to a detective.

firearm and three smartphones, from 41-year-old Elda Belle of Queenstown Georgetown outside Jialing Motors at Charlotte and Oronoque Streets, Georgetown.
Taxi driver, Richard Bellamy, who was transporting the woman, was shot in the left leg and is now a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.
According to information received by this publication, Belle, a businesswoman in the mining sector, along with her regular taxi driver, Bellamy, left her Queenstown home sometime around 10am yesterday to collect a cheque from a mining company at another location in the city.
The distraught woman related that upon leaving there, she and her driver proceeded to Republic Bank on Water Street to cash the cheque. She said she spent some time in the bank and when her business there was completed she proceed to Jialing Motors.
It was upon arrival at the location that the less than two-minute ordeal began to unfold.
The woman said that as soon as she exited the taxi, someone behind her asked her something which she couldn’t recall what the question was. According to her, when she turned around she was looking into the barrel of a gun. It is believed that the taxi driver upon seeing this attempted to come to the aid of the woman and was shot in the leg. According to a female eyewitness, she only realized that something serious was happening when she heard what sounded like a ‘big truck’ slamming its door.
But she quickly realized it was a gunshot.
“When I looked over I saw the guy (bandit) with the gun in the air. He was tall and slim, and he wore a sky blue jersey with a short blue pants.”
The woman said that one bandit carried out the robbery while a blue Toyota AT 212 car, with what turned out to be fake number plates, HB 5918, was parked close by with an accomplice.

‘A’ Division Commander Clifton Hicken at the scene

The eyewitness said that the woman struggled fiercely with the bandit, with one of the four-wheel All-Terrain Vehicles located in front of the store, leaning on her. The bystander said the men were very calm and they did not conceal their faces.
After snatching the victim’s bag, the bandit walk briskly back to the getaway car and it sped away south along Oronoque and turned east onto South Road and disappeared.
A security guard attached to Jialing Motors said that when he saw the men and realized they were armed, he initially retreated from the doorway where he stood, because he was unarmed.
“I wasn’t armed, so when I see the gun I quickly went inside and tell me boss.”
The guard recounted that shortly after the taxi driver stumbled into the store clutching his leg, with blood pouring down, and he was quickly rushed to the hospital.
Meanwhile, ‘A’ Division Commander Clifton Hicken, who was quickly on the scene, told the media that a .32 calibre warhead and spent shell were recovered inside the establishment. He also said that the police will be looking at CCTV footage from the cameras around.
The police later arrested an Albouystown man in connection with the robbery. From all indications the woman had been staked out and trailed from the bank. This is a worrying trend and adds to the list of robberies where victims were apparently followed from banks. It was on December 15, 2016, that a Security guard was shot and $2.5M stolen after the man was trailed from the bank. Another man was shot and robbed of $3M in the Finance Ministry compound after he too was followed from a bank.


For those afc/pnc supporters like django, kari, caribj, gilly and T with romantic ideas of going back to the homeland to kickback. This is what awaits you.

Elderly man jumps off balcony to escape bandits

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A SEVENTY-THREE-year-old man jumped off his balcony to flee three bandits who were trying to invade his home late Wednesday night. In the end, Lalta Mohabir, called “Lutch,” of 13 Alness Village, East Berbice-Corentyne, suffered a broken ankle. According to reports, around 23:30hrs on Wednesday, Mohabir, who lives alone was awakened by the sound of glass breaking. As he got up, he armed himself with a cutlass to ward off the three bandits. However, the noise intensified coming from an eastern side door and his widows on the said side being broken.
Fearing for his life, the overseas-based Guyanese hurriedly exited through a western side door and then jumped off his balcony injuring his ankle in the process. However, this did not stop him as he continued to run through his yard then scaled his neighbour’s fence and raised an alarm. The neighbours upon hearing his shouts called the police, by which time the bandits made good their escape after being unable to enter the heavily grilled house. Mohabir was taken to the Port Mourant Hospital, where he was referred to the New Amsterdam Hospital. He was later treated and sent away.


East Coast NDC robbed

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three armed bandits tied up and robbed three security guards attached to a Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) office on the East Coast of Demerara, after breaking into the entity in the wee hours of Thursday.

According to one of the security guards, Seeraj Beemsingh, at approximately 12:45h, he noticed a white 212 motor car on the road in front of the Mon Repos-

Investigators at the NDC robbery
Investigators at the NDC robbery

La Reconnaisance NDC, while he was conducting his routine checks.

“What happen is the car left, so while I was doing my routine checks and so forth, everything seemed to be okay and I came back to my location and about 10 minutes after, I heard the dog barking. I see the dog look at the southern direction, and I just came out back to make a second check and I confront two of the bandits,” Beemsingh recalled.

He told this publication that one man held a gun in his hand, and instructed him not to scream. The second bandit was reportedly armed with a crowbar, while the third emerged from behind a tractor. The second and third bandits, according to Beemsingh, had kerchiefs over their faces, while the one with the gun was unmasked.

The security guard related that his attackers were of East Indian descent, and he provided a description to Guyana Times.

“[The one with the gun] lil fair and he weighs about 135lbs and he was about 5’4″, and the next two of them – they was 5’7″, 5’8″ and thin,” he said.

Beemsingh further related that the perpetrators tied his legs and hands, and then enquired as to how many other guards were on duty. He stated that the men then informed him that they came for “some money inside the office”.

“’Don’t scream’, they cuss up and thing and so, they bond my hands at the back and tie my feet and said don’t scream, don’t say a word, put your face down at the bottom,” the security guard related, noting that the bandit with the gun stayed with him, while the other two scanned the premises and brought two other security guards to be tied up as well.

The man recalled that shortly after, he heard the men breaking into the NDC. However, they reportedly came back to the three security guards empty handed and they were overheard saying “the girl wired them and tell them that they have $16 million and they ain’t get nothing from there. No money at all.”

In what appeared to be an effort to leave with something of value, the three bandits took the brush cutter which was on the premises, and proceeded to rob the security guards of $1500 in cash, two cellular phones, and a bag of medication. They then fled in the same vehicle they arrived in. The Police were contacted and they responded promptly. Investigations are ongoing


Tattoo artist stabbed to death

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… minibus conductor arrested

A tattoo artist was on Friday evening stabbed to death during an alleged robbery in the vicinity of Demico House, Stabroek Market, Georgetown. Raul Rodrigues, 40, also called “Tattoo Man” of Lot 64 Leopold Street, Georgetown, was attacked and stabbed once to his chest by two men during the robbery.

Dead tattoo artist: Raul Rodrigues
Dead tattoo artist: Raul Rodrigues

Reports are Rodrigues, who is also a mason, was consuming alcohol in Leopold Street, Georgetown earlier in the day but reportedly left to collect his child’s mother, who was getting off from work at 20:00h.

However, Guyana Times understands that while walking in the vicinity of Dairy Bus Park, he was attacked by two males where he was stabbed. In an attempt to escape from his assailants, he collapsed in front of Demico House. The perpetrators reportedly relieved him of an iPhone he was carrying at the time.

He was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC) where he reportedly died while receiving medical attention.

Annastacia Rodrigues, a sister of the dead man told Guyana Times that she was at home in Campbell Street, Albouystown, when she received a telephone call informing her that her brother was stabbed. As she was hurrying out, another friend told her that he was dead and that the family must rush to the hospital.

Upon arriving at the medical facility, she was restricted from seeing her brother although she pleaded with the security guards to be allowed to see him.

“About an hour and a half later, they come out and tell us that he was dead,” she related. Again, she requested to see her bother but that request was denied. However, she returned to the Police Station on Saturday morning where she was told that someone was arrested for the murder.

“The Police tell me that they arrested a man, but they could not say if he was the one who stabbed my brother, but they tell me that investigations are continuing,” she noted.

Nevertheless, she recalled that her sister was also stabbed and killed six years ago but no one was ever charged for the murder. She however, vowed to seek justice for her brother this time around.

While at Rodrigues’ house, her mother fainted several times as she cried out “they kill him… they kill him… no body nah do nothing to save he life.”

Meanwhile, the mother of the dead man’s child reportedly told Police that she left work and was heading to the minibus park when she saw someone lying on the ground and upon checking, she realised that it was Rodrigues. She noted that from all indications, he was already dead.

The Police in a release stated that Rodrigues was involved in an altercation with two men when one of them armed himself with an object and dealt him one blow to the region of his heart. Guyana Times understands that a 28-year-old minibus conductor was arrested and is being questioned in relation to the murder.

Rodrigues leaves to mourn his mother, siblings and three daughters.


Clearly this(Denis Jones) is a PNC operative sacrificed as a pappy show meanwhile the senior pnc/afc druglords continue to peddle their trade unabated. 


Convicted cocaine mule nabbed for Toronto consignment

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A 63-year-old convicted cocaine mule from South Ruimveldt, Georgetown, who was recently release from prison for drug trafficking, was nabbed by agents of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) for allegedly attempting to ship 22 pounds of cocaine to Toronto, Canada.CONVICTED COCAINE MULE NABBED FOR TORONTO CONSIGNMENT
Reports are Denis Jones, who was deported from the United States for cocaine possession, was arrested at his West Ruimveldt, Georgetown home by members of the drug enforcement agency.
It was reported that Jones was listed as the sender of a package to Canada, which contained 22 pounds of cocaine hidden among several bottles of wine, a quantity of custard powder and other products.
The package was intercepted as it was being loaded onto a Fly Jamaica flight destined for Toronto. Guyana Times understands that the members of the drug enforcement unit suspected something was amiss when they saw the name of the sender.
Upon opening the box, the ranks conducted a thorough search and it was at this time that the cocaine was found in the custard powder packets. They immediately pulled the package and it was taken to CANU’s Headquarters, where several small packets of cocaine were extracted and weighed.
The agents then went to the man’s home on Thursday where he was found and arrested. Charges are expected to be laid as soon as Monday. In 2012, Jones pleaded guilty to trafficking 700 pounds of cocaine in soap powder packets to Niger, Africa.


Horse thief evades arrest

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…injures pedestrian, cyclists in process

A horse thief managed to evade arrest after Police gave chase in Tucville, Greater Georgetown, with a horse he had stolen some two weeks ago from a Better Hope, East Coast Demerara man.
According to a friend of the horse’s owner, he was in the Tucville area around 11:30h on Sunday when he saw a man riding the stolen horse.
He immediately alerted a Police mobile patrol passing at the same time.
However, when the bandit observed the Police, he attempted to escape with the horse, colliding with a pedestrian and cyclists in the process.
This collision resulted in an elderly man suffering injuries to his head and damage to the rear wheel of the cycle.

The friend of the horse’s owner taking the animal to the Police Station [Carl Croker photos)
The friend of the horse’s owner taking the animal to the Police Station (Carl Croker photos)
Public-spirited citizens assisting the injured pedestrian to the waiting Police patrol vehicle
Public-spirited citizens assisting the injured pedestrian to the waiting Police patrol vehicle

The bandit then dismounted the horse and made good his escape by scaling a nearby fence, and plunging into a canal.
The Police were forced to abandon the chase as they transported the injured pedestrian to a medical facility.
The owner of the horse, Rohan (only name given) of Better Hope, made a report to the Sparendaam Police Station about two weeks ago.  It is alleged that the perpetrator is a known felon called “Gunzie”, who was wanted for other criminal activity.
The horse was taken to the East La Penitence Police Station.


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