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Even the top cop brother not immune from Granger's angels.

Top Cop’s brother murdered

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More than one week after a miner was stabbed to death in the vicinity of the Stabroek Market area, he was on Monday positively identified as the younger brother of Police Commissioner, Seelall Persaud.seelall brother

The dead man was identified as Haymant Persaud by the Police Commissioner at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC) mortuary. The Police, on Sunday, sought the assistance of the public to identify the man who was stabbed on February 19 last.

Guyana Times understands that after the photo of the dead man was published, it was only then, the Police Commissioner knew it was his brother.

At the time the man was stabbed to death, he was clad in a pair of long jeans and a blue and white chequered long sleeve shirt, slim built, about six feet in height, low haircut and fair in complexion.

Based on reports reaching the Guyana Times, a woman suspected to be involved in the stabbing to death of Persaud, was arrested but was released since at that time, the Police did not know the identity of the man.

It is believed that Persaud, who had apparently returned from the interior, was sporting in the vicinity of Stabroek Market and was throwing money β€˜wild west’.

The female suspect, who was close by, joined in the drinking spree after which Persaud was reportedly lured to the washroom area at Stabroek Square where he was attacked by two men who attempted to relieve him of his money and other valuables.

The now dead man reportedly put up a fight, but was stabbed by one of the men who whipped out a knife. Several people in the area reportedly witnessed the stabbing incident and believed that it was the female suspect who set up the robbery.

Further, the Guyana Times was told that after the stabbing incident, public spirited citizens ran to the Guyana Fire Service for assistance in taking the injured man to the hospital, but the ranks on duty at the time refused.

The ranks reportedly went to the scene and after they realised he was dead, they left the scene. The ambulance service was then contacted and the man was picked up and taken to the GPHC where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Upon receiving news of the fatal stabbing, Guyana Times contacted the Public Relations Department, but at the time it was not in receipt of any report of the murder.

Nevertheless, the Police are continuing their investigations with the hope that the female suspect would release the names of the men who committed the heinous crime.


Bandits terrorize West Canje teacher during home invasion


A teacher of West Canje Berbice was a victim of armed robbery and attempted sexual assault after four masked and armed men, with guns and cutlasses invaded her home.

The teacher’s home that was invaded.

The men reportedly broadsided her with a cutlass and held her at gunpoint while demanding cash and jewelry. One of the men also attempted to sexually assault the woman, who was home alone at the time of the invasion.
Esther Reid, said that it was around 1:32 am yesterday when she heard her dogs barking and her security guard yelling. β€œI was just about to peep through my window when I heard my security yelling at someone.”
Upon inquiring the woman said that her security told her that two men had just attempted to scale her fence.
Reid told the media that she immediately tried to contact the police who told her that they were on their way. According to her, within minutes she saw three men walking near her home and another standing near a utility pole located next to her home.
Reid further stated that she heard a gunshot and her security guard became quiet, β€œThen I heard another gunshot and I started screaming for the security and I didn’t hear anything, so I started to scream for thief and run to the bedroom,” she said.
She then heard a banging on her back door and a crashing sound at her window, β€œThen I heard glass breaking I didn’t know where it was breaking. I heard when the back door open and I called the police again and screaming into the phone that they were in the house”.
Three of the four men barged in to the house and into my bedroom and began to demand money.
β€œOne of them took my phone, then they asked for money. I told them I don’t have money. β€œ
She said one then exited the house, while the three enquired about the person living downstairs. β€œThey came and they ask me wah happen to the old man that was downstairs, and I said my husband was not here. They say β€˜No, the man from downstairs’ and I said β€˜I’m up here with you guys I can’t know where he is.
β€œHe had the gun to my head and he put me to kneel down on the bed and they search up and they broke up stuff in the house. They didn’t get anything else; they just ransack and take what they wanted to take.”
The woman also disclosed that the men took her downstairs and asked where was the key for the storeroom. All the while holding the gun to her head. β€œThem ask me where me stash the gold and the money and I said I don’t have. The one said strip let me see, so I started to pull down my dress”.
However, one of the men told the others to desist from asking her to remove her clothing.
According to the teacher, while she was searching for the storeroom key in her bedroom, the three men ran downstairs where they left the security guard and started to hit him again.
β€œI heard them beating him and I heard chopping sounds.” They then returned while still attempting to sexually assault her.
β€œI hear them saying boy come along we got to go; police and then they ran out”.
The security guard sustained several injuries about his body, and to his face. The men escaped with two gold rings, a DVR from the security cameras and an E-networks control box. She described one of the men as short and (Amerindian) by decent, while the others were reportedly of African descent.
Law enforcement reportedly arrived a while after the almost 30-minute ordeal.


The Granger police are involved in crime, this is no surprise as we see robberies all over the nation with ex police involved. Now in this scenario an active police is involved in securing arms for nefarious purposes. 

Cops nabbed trying to steal AK-47

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FOUR ranks attached to the Tactical Services Unit (TSU) was placed under close arrest after an intelligence-led investigation found they were instrumental in facilitating the smuggling of an AK-47 assault rifle out of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Headquarters, Eve Leary, on Tuesday.
An official statement from the Guyana Police Force on Wednesday noted that on February 28, ranks from the Criminal Investigation Department Headquarters conducted an operation, during which a motor car was intercepted and one AK 47 rifle was discovered in the said vehicle. The driver was promptly arrested.
According to the statement, detectives acting on further information, contacted four ranks from the Tactical Services Unit and placed them under close arrest. β€œEarnest efforts are underway to trace the origin of the high-powered rifle. The probe is ongoing,” the police statement noted.
However, this newspaper was reliably informed that a private vehicle drove into the CID compound on Tuesday evening and stayed there overnight. This was observed by ranks in the compound and they decided to place the vehicle and its occupants under surveillance.
When the vehicle attempted to drive out the CID head office compound, a search was carried out and a force issued AK-47 was found. This newspaper understands that a Police Corporal was immediately placed under close arrest while his civilian friend was detained for questioning.
In addition, several other ranks, including a senior officer,are being grilled by their colleagues as the probe widens. Senior officers of the GPF,including the Public Relations Officer,were tight-lipped about the incident yesterday.


Pirates terrorise fishermen at Waini River

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Several fishing boats were on Sunday last attacked and robbed of their outboard engines and other items by suspected pirates operating in the Waini Area of the North West District (NWD) of Region One.
The fishermen were also terrorised and beaten by the group of pirates, who had painted their faces as a disguise and were reportedly speaking English and Spanish.
One of the boat owners, a resident of Annandale, East Coast Demerara who requested not to be named, told Guyana Times during a telephone interview that he received a call from his captain at about 4:00h on Sunday, relating what occurred. He explained that, based on reports received, the men pulled up in a boat propelled by a 75-horsepower engine and painted in red, blue and yellow, and made their way into his boat, where they held the captain and four workers at gunpoint.  Thereafter, several of their numbers took off his boat’s two-48 horsepower Yamaha outboard engines and placed them into their boat. One worker was struck to the head and other parts of the body as he attempted to resist the pirates, who then boarded their boat and left the scene.
The victims managed to make their way to the Waini police outpost, where an official report was made. The boat owner posited that police in the area searched the water top, but found no sign of the boat fitting the description that the victims gave the police. The victims had gone to fish in the area six days ago, and were due to return home in a few weeks’ time.
This East Coast resident has been in the fishing business for the past six years, and has never previously been robbed by pirates. He recounted that he had once been attacked, by the attackers had left without taking anything.  Meanwhile, in order for his crew to continue working in the Waini area, he has made arrangements to send them another outboard engine that he had at home.
The businessman is calling on the relevant authorities to looking into the issue of piracy. He claims that while it is not being perpetrated on a large scale, small fishermen are targeted. Since taking office, Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan has focused heavily on piracy in the Corentyne area, and from all indications, a decline in this illegal activity has been recorded.


Even PNC strong hold in Sophia not immune from crime.

Woman shot in attempted home invasion


Twenty-five year-old Marieseo George of 175 Block β€˜E’, South Sophia, was shot in the

The wounded arm of Marieseo George.

arm when a bandit attempted to invade her home sometime around 01:00h (1a.m.) yesterday.
The woman said she was awakened by an unusual noise coming from the back of her house and upon checking she was confronted by a man who was halfway through a window that was left open. George said that upon seeing the man she screamed. At this point the bandit pulled back.
The woman said that she quickly closed the window and went to the front of the house to see if the man, whom she described as brown-skinned and tall, had fled the premises. George said to her surprise when she peered through her front window, the brazen individual was standing just outside the window.
George said that for some unknown reason she attempted to open the door to confront the man, but thought better of the situation and did not do so. The woman said that all this time,

The smashed window from where the woman was shot.

a female friend of hers was asleep in their room.
Realizing that it was now a tall order to enter the house, the bandit whipped out what the woman described as a β€˜black’ gun and smashed the glass of the front window. George said she then went into retreat mode and before long she could see the man pushing his hands through the window. He then fired one shot. The round struck George in her lower right arm.
The woman said that soon after her arm began to feel β€˜numb’ and it was then that she saw blood flowing profusely from the wound.
β€œI start to holler thief! thief! And I ran back to the room.” The shaken woman said her screams alerted neighbours who came to her aid, and by this time the gunman had fled.
George was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where she was treated and sent home. The police have since visited her home and statements were taken. Up to press time no one was arrested.
George’s home had been burglarized previously when she was out. Jewellery, appliances and other items were stolen. The woman believes that it is the same person that attempted to invade her home yesterday. She said that she is thankful for life, since the gunshot could have been fatal. (Brushell Blackman)


Lot of private vengeance going on in Guyana as people, frustrated at the corrupt police and court system, seek their own justice. .

Security cameras record man torching Berbice businessman’s vehicles


Police in β€˜B’ Division are hunting for a lone arsonist who set fire to two vehicles belonging to Berbice businessman Feroze Mohammed during the wee hours yesterday. According to reports received, the incident occurred around 02:30hrs at Mohammed’s supermarket at Main and Pope Streets, New Amsterdam.
Mohammed was at home with his wife, daughter and his parents when they were awoken by shouts of fire from the security guard.
Upon responding, the owner, who was awake watching movies at the time, saw both of his vehicles engulfed in flames. The man quickly removed the vehicles from under the shed where they were parked in an effort to prevent the fire from spreading to nearby gas bottles and the building.
The vehicles, valued at an estimated US$70,000, were damaged beyond repair.
It was disclosed that fire tenders responded 30 minutes after they were summoned but it was too late to save the vehicles.
Surveillance footage captured the perpetrator dressed in a white shirt, blue pants and a white hat carrying a white bottle containing what is believed to be a flammable fluid, suspected to be gasoline.
It was shown that the suspect threw some of the liquid on the man’s Toyota Camry (PNN 2263) and his Prado Land Cruiser (PKK 2035). The suspect then used a lighter to ignite the substance and made good his escape.
It was then that the security guard awoke and alerted the businessman.
According to sources close to the investigation, the police are looking at one suspect said to be the main culprit behind the act.
Although the family remains tightlipped about the incident, this was not the first attack on Mohammed. In October 2015, bandits attempted to torch the businessman’s gas station but were thwarted.
Investigations are ongoing.


Gunmen rob customer outside Diamond bank

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… suspect on bail for $9M casino robbery – Crime Chief

A suspect in the Princess Hotel Casino $9 million heist, along with four other suspected accomplices, was on Saturday nabbed moments after committing a robbery at Diamond, East Bank Demerara. Richard Junior Stewart, who was granted bail for the casino heist, is presently in Police custody assisting with this investigation.

Robbery suspect: Richard Junior Stewart
Robbery suspect: Richard Junior Stewart

Guyana Times was told that a customer, having just withdrawn $330,000 from a commercial bank at Diamond, East Bank Demerara, was departing the bank’s premises at about 11:00h when he was pounced upon by Stewart and his four accomplices and relieved of the bag containing the money. Thereafter, the five men jumped into a car and fled the scene. The Police were contacted, and based on the description given to them by the victim, intercepted the getaway vehicle and arrested Stewart and the four other men, who are all characters known to the Police. When contacted, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed both the occurrence of the robbery and the arrest of the five suspects. He also related that Stewart had been released on bail in connection with the Princess Hotel heist, which occurred on April 29, 2016 at Providence, East Bank Demerara. In addition, Stewart is on bail on illegal possession of firearm and ammunition charges that were brought against him.
Stewart, Wayne Griffith of Bagotville, West Bank Demerara and Andrew Blackman of 60 Middle Street, McDoom East Bank Demerara were arraigned in connection with the casino robbery. It was reported that the trio, along with others, robbed the Princess Hotel cashier of a total sum of $8,951,000. During the robbery, several workers and patrons of the casino were shot and injured. In addition, Lance Corporal Andrew Richardson was shot during a gunfight with the men while responding to a report of the robbery.
It was reported that Stewart and three other men, all armed with guns, entered the casino and discharged rounds in the air. The men held up the security guard who was on duty, and took away his shotgun and ammunition before ordering everyone to lie on the ground. They then took the security guard to the cashier’s cage, where they held up the cashier and took away the money. Police ranks responded to a report received and confronted the bandits at the hotel; and in the ensuing gunfight, the police rank was shot.
The five men are, in the new week, expected to be charged in connection with this robbery which occurred on Saturday at Diamond, EBD.


One of Granger's angels from Sophia was the culprit in the killing of the top cop brother. What a country where even the brother of the highest ranking police is not safe.

Teen admits to killing Top Cop’s brother

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The teenager who was positively identified as the prime suspect in the stabbing to death of Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud’s brother has admitted to his involvement in the heinous act.Top Cop - Brother
The teen, who hails from C Field, Sophia, Greater Georgetown, during interrogation, reportedly gave a detailed account of how he murdered 51-year-old Haymant Persaud of Essequibo Coast, on February 19, 2017.
Guyana Times was told that on the morning of the murder, the suspect was at a friend’s stand at Stabroek Market Square when he saw the now dead man at another vendor attempting to purchase an item. His friend, also a vendor, was asleep and the suspect was looking over the business.
The teenager reportedly told detectives that as he looked closer, he noticed Persaud wearing a β€œfat” gold chain. As the man was finished with his purchase, the teenager admitted that he followed Persaud and in the vicinity of the washroom area, he carried out the attack.
During the confrontation, the teenager and Persaud were engaged in a scuffle and it was during this time, the suspect whipped out a knife and inflicted the fatal blow on Persaud’s body. After the miner fell to the ground, the teenager reportedly ran to the Sophia bus park where he boarded a minibus and went home.
Persaud was picked up and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. At that time, the identity of the dead man was unknown. However, almost a week after the Police decided to publish the photo of the dead man and it was then, Police Commissioner, Seelall Persaud who is on annual leave recognised it was his brother.
An investigation was launched during which the Police received information and went to the house of the teenager where he was arrested. Upon his arrest, he was positively identified as the killer by persons, who witnessed the murder.
The young man is expected to be charged this week. The Police are in the process of wrapping up the case file to be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions, Shalimar Ali-Hack for legal advice.


Butcher stabs butcher in Bourda Market brawl

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One butcher attempted to butcher another butcher in a violent altercation that occurred on Monday at Georgetown’s Bourda Market, and one man has been hospitalized following that stabbing incident.

One butcher attempted to butcher another butcher at the Bourda Market in Georgetown
One butcher attempted to butcher another butcher at the Bourda Market in Georgetown

Reports are that during a heated argument which erupted between the two butchers in the vicinity of the Hack’s Butchery inside the Bourda Market at about 08:00 hrs on Monday, one of the butchers grabbed a knife and stabbed the other, even as traumatized patrons looked on helplessly.
This newspaper was told that after he was stabbed, the injured man was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital in an unconscious state. His identity has not been disclosed to this publication; and late Monday afternoon, two senior ranks of the Guyana Police Force indicated that they were not aware of the incident. Hospital sources have, however, confirmed that the injured butcher is a patient at that facility.


Burglar escapes with almost $300,000 in cash, phone cards from pharmacy


Poonai’s Pharmacy and Animal Health Care in Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice was burgled yesterday morning after a lone intruder cut open the locks to the business and made off with close to $300,000 in cash and

The pharmacy that was burgled.

phone cards.
Pusmattie Bhigroog, who stays with her son Poonai Bhigroog, proprietor of Poonai’s Pharmacy, told Kaieteur News that they all retired to bed on Monday after closing up, like any other day, but during the early morning hours yesterday, someone passed and saw the pharmacy’s front door open.
”In the morning when someone pass on the road they call on Mr. Poonai, my son, and they told him that his store is open…his shop door is open, so the person ask if he close it, and he said yes.”
The woman said that upon hearing this, her son and her daughter-in-law ran downstairs to check on the premises when it was discovered that all the locks to the front entrance had been cut open. According to her, the intruder managed to break the cashier’s booth, where it was discovered that money that was left there had been removed.
She also pointed out that on that evening the security systems failed them, since the alarm did not go off, β€œwe have an alarm and if any little thing pass across it goes off, but it didn’t”.
An estimated $250,000 in cash was stolen along with $30,000 in phone cards.


Things so bad in Guyana that even University students are harboring criminals.

UG student charged with harbouring wanted man


Aliscia Dennelle Simon, a third-year Business Management student at the University of Guyana (UG)

Charged: Aliscia Dennelle Simon

has been charged with harbouring a man wanted by police for trafficking narcotics.
Simon, 23, of 2785 Community Lane, South Ruimveldt Park, Georgetown was indicted yesterday before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
Particulars of the charge against her alleged that between February 2 and 8 at Community Lane, South Ruimveldt Park, Georgetown, she harboured Shawn Neblett, whose name and photograph were published by police in connection with trafficking in narcotics.
Simon who was represented by Attorney Tiffany Jeffrey in association with Keoma Griffith, pleaded not guilty to the charge. She was released on $100,000 bail and ordered to report to Superintendent of Police Wayne De Hearte, Head of the Police Narcotics Branch, Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Eve Leary.
Police Prosecutor Arvin Moore did not oppose bail for the defendant. He disclosed that the prosecution intends to call a total of six witnesses.
Simon was instructed to return to court on March 15, before Magistrate Dylon Bess.


Back in PPP time the afc/pnc would be protesting police brutality, now they all quiet like lamb.

Bandit killed during attempted robbery

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Abotched robbery executed in the wee hours of Tuesday morning has resulted in the shooting death of one of three male bandits. According to information received, the would-be robbers invaded the premises of the Guy Gas Complex at Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara just before 02:00h Tuesday.

The scene of the robbery, Guy Gas Complex at Land of Canaan
The scene of the robbery, Guy Gas Complex at Land of Canaan

Reports are that an armed security guard observed the suspicious movements of the three men at about 01:30h, who at the time were making their way into the complex via the western fence. The men armed with a cutlass and a knife approached the security guard who in response discharged several rounds at them.

One of the men fell to the ground a short distance away, while the two others ran towards a nearby creek which leads to the Demerara River. The Police were summoned and a knife and cutlass were discovered at the scene. The dead bandit’s body was discovered with two gunshots wounds and was found in the vicinity of the western fence.

Guyana Times understands that up to late Tuesday afternoon Policemen were still combing the waterways in pursuit of the other two bandits. Up to press time, this publication did not ascertain the identity of the bandit who was fatally shot.


Overseas-based Guyanese robbed by gun-toting nephews

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The Police are on the hunt for three East Coast Demerara residents, who carried out a brazen robbery on an overseas-based Guyanese, mere hours after arriving in the country on Tuesday evening last.
Two of the wanted men are nephews of the victim, while the third in a known bandit in the area. The robbery was committed on Ganesh Looknauth of Lancaster Housing Scheme, Unity, East Coast Demerara.
Reports reaching Guyana Times indicate that as the man drove his motor vehicle into the garage, he was confronted by the three men; one of whom was armed with a handgun. They reportedly held him at gunpoint and relieved him of the suitcases he was carrying. The trio then demanded cash and jewellery among other valuables. The man was relieved of a large quantity of cash he had in his possession.
This publication understands the money was proceeds from a property he sold recently. Looknauth was also relieved of close to US$3500, a wedding band, a quantity of clothing and several pairs of footwear. The clothing and footwear were reportedly emptied from the suitcases.
After committing the robbery, the men made good their escape after which the victim raised an alarm. The neighbours ran to the scene and after realising that the man was robbed, they immediately contacted the Police.
Police are continuing their investigations.


Dead bandit identified as Covent Garden resident

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The suspected bandit who was shot and killed while attempting to commit a felony on the Guy Gas main office at Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara (EBD), was identified as Troy Simmons of Covent Garden, EBD.

Guyana Times understands that the dead man’s reputed wife positively identified the body at the Lyken Funeral Home on Wednesday.
A Police source told this publication that the woman claimed that after her reputed husband did not return home, she decided to check at the mortuary since she saw the news about an unidentified man being shot and killed.
It was reported that an armed security guard attached to the gas company observed the suspicious movements of the three men at about 01:30h on Monday morning, who at the time were making their way into the complex via a fence.
The men were armed with a cutlass and a knife and approached the security guard who in response discharged several rounds at them.
One of the men fell to the ground a short distance away, while the two others ran towards a nearby creek which leads to the Demerara River.
The Police were summoned and a knife and cutlass were discovered at the scene. The dead bandit’s body was discovered with two gunshots wounds and was found in the vicinity of the western fence. The Police however, are still hunting the two other suspects.


Bandits pounce on overseas-based couple, relatives

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An East Bank Demerara (EBD) family is now terrified after three armed men invaded their property and executed a brazen daylight robbery on Wednesday afternoon.
Their intended target, however, was two overseas-based Guyanese who arrived in the country hours prior to the robbery, leaving investigators to believe that the robbery was set up by the taxi driver, who transported the couple to the Lot 1 Brickery, EBD house from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.

Edwin Persaud and his wife Nazeema Persaud were relieved of their jewellery they were wearing at the time but not before being gun butted and beaten. Persaud’s elderly father, Anand Persaud, was also beaten and relieved of his jewellery and so was the housekeeper, who was in the house at the time of the ordeal.
Daughter of the overseas couple, Simone Lall told Guyana Times that her brother travelled to the airport to collect her parents but as he was waiting on them to clear immigration, he went to purchase a cup of coffee.
Whilst there, her parents, she explained, came through the arrival section and did not see her brother and thought that he did not show up to collect them. They were, however, approached by a β€œtall slim guy” who enquired if they needed a taxi.
They started to converse with the guy and after waited for some time and not seeing her brother, they boarded the taxi. The taxi, she recalled, dropped off her parents at her grand parents’ home and receiving his payments, he left. It was a white car, the terrified couple told investigators.
At about 15:30h, the daughter explained that her father and grandfather were sitting in the veranda when they saw a dark brown Toyota Primo motorcar pull up in front of the house and three armed men exited.
Upon exiting, the men, all who were armed with handguns rushed to the veranda and held the elderly man at gunpoint while instructing the occupants of the house not to raise an alarm. Nevertheless, one of the bandits whose face was covered with a handkerchief discharged a round shattering a glass table.
β€œThey then took my father into the house, put him to kneel on the ground and demanded money… as they were asking for money, they were relieving him of the jewellery he was wearing… they then turned to my mother and asked her for the money and again they took off her jewellery,” Lall noted.
After relieving the couple of their gold jewellery, they demanded money. Lall further explained that the men ransacked the bedrooms with the intention of getting the suitcases but came up empty handed. The suitecases, she said, were kept in another room that was not easily accessible.
After the 10-minute ordeal, the men jumped into the car they arrived in and fled the scene. Her father, grandfather and mother were taken to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre where they were treated and later sent away.
The Police were contacted and an investigation was launched. No arrests have been made.


Even the mayor's son ain't safe in crime infested Guyana.

Georgetown Mayor’s son shot, robbed


Richard Mittleholzer, 46, the son of Georgetown Mayor Patricia Chase-Green was shot and robbed around 1:00 AM yesterday at a bar at Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara.

Richard Mittleholzer

According to β€˜D’ Division Commander Leslie James, Mittleholzer was having a few drinks at a popular night spot in the area when he was approached by a lone male carrying a firearm. James said that the gunman accosted Mittleholzer who resisted and was shot in the abdomen. He was also robbed of a chain and a wrist band.
The Commander said that the injured man was transported to West Demerara Hospital and was later transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he was listed in a serious but stable condition. James said that the bandit fled and no one has been arrested as the police continue to investigate the incident.
Speaking to Kaieteur News, Ms. Chase-Green said she was informed about the incident around 1:30 AM yesterday and was told that her son was with a female companion and another friend when the incident occurred. She said that Mittleholzer was celebrating his birthday and having a few drinks when he was approached by male demanding valuables.
According to the Mayor, Mittleholzer is not in a critical condition, but he is still not out of danger. According to reports, emergency surgery was performed on the injured man to remove the bullet that was lodged in his abdomen.
Chase-Green said that she is worried as any parent but has to stay strong and is hopeful for her son’s speedy recovery.


Even the jackass police shooting each other accidentally, much less the bandits.

Cop accidentally shoots policewoman


A policeman accidentally shot a policewoman yesterday morning when he attempted to clear a weapon taken from a supernumerary constable during a routine stop and search exercise.
According to 36-year-old Glenroy Skeete, a supernumerary constable attached to a gold and diamond trading company, around 10:30 am yesterday he was driving his vehicle along Vlissengen Road in the vicinity of Camp Ayangana when he was stopped by a police patrol vehicle.
Skeete said that the police signaled him to stop and instructed him to exit his vehicle. He complied. The man said that the three officers that comprised the patrol asked if he was carrying a firearm and he answered in the affirmative.
It was at that point that Skeete indicated to the officers that he was license to carry the weapon because of the nature of his work. One of the officers then instructed him to hand over the weapon and as he was attempting to clear the breach of his 9MM pistol he was advised against doing so.
The weapon was subsequently taken from him by the officer sitting in the front passenger seat of the vehicle and handed over to another officer identified only as Constable Singh sitting in the back seat of the vehicle.
It was at this point that Singh attempted to clear the weapon when it accidentally went off hitting the driver, a policewoman in the buttocks. β€œAll I hear is pow”, Skeete said at this point he heard the driver exclaimed β€œSingh you shoot me; wha you shoot me for”. Unaware of his actions the officer responsible for the shooting said, β€œNo; me ain’t shoot you”.
When it was realized that the woman was indeed shot an attempt was made to take her to the hospital, but the other two officers could not drive. Skeete said he parked his car and drove the injured woman and the other officers to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC).
He opined that had the officers heeded the request for him to clear the weapon the woman would not have been shot. He believes that the over exuberance of the officer to clear the weapon could have resulted in the death of his colleague. The man said that it must have been that the attempt to clear the weapon was not done according to normal procedures.
Had the officer cleared the weapon training it downwards or upwards as in standard operating procedure the accident would not have occurred.
At the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC), the police officers there were mum on the issue. A staff at the hospital said that the woman was being treated and was not in a serious condition. According to reports the police have since taken a statement from the officer who accidentally fired the weapon. (Brushell Blackman)


Cop shoots taxi driver while chasing bandits who robbed him


A police corporal has been detained after he shot a man twice while in pursuit of two bandits who robbed him of gold jewellery in Saffon Street, Charlestown yesterday.
Kenneth Hoyte, 46, a taxi-driver of Tucville, Georgetown was shot to the left hand and knee during the confrontation and was admitted to the Georgetown Hospital in a stable condition.
Kaieteur News understands that the police rank of Better Hope, East Coast Demerara, was driving  south along Saffon Street in the busy La Penitence Market traffic, when he was confronted by two males; one on a bicycle and the other on foot. The rank has alleged that the cyclist held him at gunpoint, while the other robber snatched his gold chain and a gold band and escaped.
According to information, the police corporal claimed that he exited the vehicle and pursued the suspects, who discharged several rounds in his direction. The rank said he returned fire.
Shortly after, it was discovered that Hoyte, who was in the vicinity, received two gunshot wounds. He was transported to the hospital by the same policeman.
Police in a release said that a female passer-by found the jewellery which purportedly belonged to the police rank and handed it over to him. Nine spent shells were recovered from the scene.
There however has been conflicting information surrounding the shooting and the ranks’ firearm has been lodged.


Teen shot twice in minibus


A nineteen year old man is now hospitalised after he was shot twice Saturday night while travelling in a route 41 minibus.

SHOT: Leon Blake

Leon Blake of Lot WW3 North East La Penitence, Georgetown was shot to the left hand and thigh during a confrontation with two men who boarded the minibus after him.
The injured man’s mother, Carlotta Lynch said that she received a call around 22:00hrs on Saturday, during which she was informed that, her son had been shot.
According to the mother, her son left home for Stabroek Market Square, where he was β€œplaying Phagwah with some girls.” He then reportedly boarded a bus for home.
The mother said she was told that two men entered the same bus. She added that one of the men stepped on her son’s foot, which resulted in an exchange of words.
Lynch stated that one of the men pulled out a gun and called her son a β€œ*****” before discharging two rounds at him. Blake, a trader was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital.
When asked if her son had any problems with anyone, Lynch said the shooting might have stemmed from grievances her son had with persons he played football with.


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