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Granger et al can't even protect his own stronghold of Linden from his own home grown terrorists, much less Venezuela.


Elderly man battered to death at Linden


Police in Linden are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of 82-year-old Andrew Reid, whose body was found in a pool of blood in his house at 543 Canvas City, Linden yesterday.
The shocking discovery was made by his wife, Esther, upon her return from church just after midday.
From all indications, Reid was killed by an intruder whose purpose was to rob him.
His finger rings were missing, as well as pieces of his wife’s jewellery.
According to a police official, Reid’s wife left him home at around 9:00 hours and went to church.
She returned home to find her husband lying on the floor with blood pouring from a wound on the right side of his head.
An alarm was raised and the police were alerted.
There is suspicion that the perpetrator is a close relative.


Looks like an execution by car.


CAPE Student killed in hit and run accident


Seventeen-year-old Denilson Rose, aka Nello, of 15 Fair’s Rust, Mackenzie, Linden, was killed in the wee hours of Saturday morning as he was returning home from a party.

Denilson Rose

Denilson Rose

Rose was hit from the back on the Washer Pond Road and dragged about 200 feet before the vehicle stopped and the driver removed the body, then drove away.
According to a taxi driver, Roydon Harris, aka β€˜Monkey Man’, he alerted the police to the accident. β€œI just do a drop off over de river and was going down de road when on de turn about 3:30 I see this dark thing on de road.
β€œSo I put on me bright lights and see de body lie down and all de blood so I go to de station and tell de police.”
According to Rose’s mother, Elaine Williams, a Special Constable attached to the Mackenzie Police Station, she was in her bed when a car pulled up and asked her if Nello lived there. She said that when she answered in the affirmative she was told that they found him dead on the Washer Pond Road.
She said that she was in shock and even accused them of killing her son.
Rose and his friend β€œBucky” were in the Inter Secondary School sports last Friday and were involved in an argument with another youth who brought two friends who allegedly live in Cayenne and they attacked them.
A wailing Williams said β€œJust last week dey stab meh son and I report it to de police and dem ent do nothing. Now dem kill me baby; dem murder he. Where he friends dem deh now fuh cry wid me?”
Rose left earlier on Friday to attend the Champion of Champion Sports meeting at the Mackenzie Sports Club Ground. According to reports after the sports he was seen with friends in the L and L Social Club.
At the hospital, pandemonium broke out even as the hearse waited to transport the body to the morgue. Rose’s mother held his hand, wailing.
The grieving mother said that her younger daughter called him a few minutes to eleven Friday night and he told her that he was just around the corner and that he would be home soon. She noted that about one hour later she called him again and his phone rang out. She said she called again and the phone was turned off.
Rose’s older brother, Kevin, said that he is puzzled over the fact that his brother ended up on the Washer Pond Road because he doesn’t walk home. β€œMe brother doan walk home, he prefer to beg a drop before he walk.”
Rose turned seventeen on October 3, last. According to his mother he had just completed his CSEC in May/June last at Brickdam Secondary School and was successful in eight subjects. At the time of his death he was a sixth form student at the Mackenzie High School preparing for CAPE 2016.
A broken license plate was found on his body apparently belonging to the car that hit him. The license plate bearing the number PRR 6503 was traced to Marlon β€œBrando” Washington.
Washington, a Special Constable in Georgetown, told investigating ranks that when he hit Rose he was already dead.
Rose’s bag and cellular phone cannot be found. An autopsy will be done on the body on Monday. (Jacquey Bourne)


afc/apnu police sit around idly awaiting their 50% salary increase while murders continue unabated. 


Man released from Suriname prison, prime suspect in father’s murder


Released after a nine-year stretch in a Surname jail, a Linden ex-convict is now the prime suspect in the murder of his 82-year-old father, Andrew Reid, who was battered to death in his Canvas City home on Saturday.
Detectives are trying to locate Mark Reid, who they believe can provide them with details of his father’s death. Police said that Reid, who lives at Amelia’s Ward, has not been seen since his dad was slain.
But Kaieteur News understands that he turned up briefly yesterday afternoon at a Potaro Road, Mackenzie house at which a relative of the murdered man has been staying.
According to a source, the man enquired whether it was true that his father was dead.
β€œHe said β€˜Is wha ah hearing, is wha going on?’ We were afraid because you could see the anger on his face,” a source said.
β€œWe said yes (his father is dead) and he say he has to fly out the country.” The suspect then left, the source said.
Mark Reid was reportedly released less than a year ago from a Suriname prison.
The body of his father, Andrew Reid, of Lot 543 Canvas City, Linden, was found on the floor of his bedroom with a gaping head wound at around noon on Saturday.

Prime suspect, Mark Reid

Prime suspect, Mark Reid

Murdered: Andrew Reid

Murdered: Andrew Reid

His wedding ring was missing, as well as gold chains and two rings belonging to his wife.
While the bedroom was ransacked, there was no sign of forced entry. Indications are that the pensioner could have done little to defend himself, since he was infirm and his legs were badly swollen.
Esther Reid, the murdered man’s reputed wife, told Kaieteur News that she last saw him alive at around 09.00 hrs, when she left for Church. She returned at around 12.45 hrs, and immediately sensed that something was amiss, since someone had loosened all the window blinds.
β€œI would tie the curtains so that fresh air would come in, (but) all the curtains were down and the windows were closed.
She then entered the bedroom and found her husband’s battered body. She recalled that his upper body was on the floor while his feet were on a bench.
Mrs. Reid said that she last saw the prime suspect, who is her stepson, last Thursday. She alleged that on Saturday, the son had contacted Mr. Reid who was a Seventh Day Adventist, and enquired if he was going to church that day. Mr. Reid reportedly told his son that he would be at home, while his wife would be at church
Mrs. Reid said that the suspect had also visited his father on Friday when she was out. Some relatives alleged that the suspect was in the habit of visiting his father and demanding money.
While many canvas City residents were tight lipped when questioned about the murder, several others described it as shocking, especially as the victim could not even defend himself.

The house in which Mr. Reid was slain

The house in which Mr. Reid was slain

β€œThis thing is so shocking right now I can’t even ketch meself,” one woman said.
β€œYesterday (Saturday) I see Miss Esther going out to church early, then a little later I see she passing back down the street crying. So I asked why she was crying and she said she husband dead but I thought he die from natural causes, so you could imaging the shock when I go to the house and see he lying in a pool of blood.
β€œHe face de cover though, but I didnt bother to check to see it because I didn’t want to remember him like that, because he was such a nice person.”
Many others described the victim as a very pleasant person, and said that he seldom moved around as he had to use a walker.



Murders continue while police are clueless.


Crabwood Creek smuggler shot dead


Police are trying to ascertain who put a bullet in a suspected smuggler at Crabwood Creek, Berbice on Saturday.
Shameer Ally, called β€˜Kazac’, 36, a labourer of Grant 1805 Crabwood Creek was found lying in a yard with what appeared to be a shotgun injury.
Police believe he was slain sometime between 19:35 and 20:35 hrs.
According to information, Ally, who lives alone is no stranger to the police and is a known smuggler.
Information revealed that he had a misunderstanding with a number of people, including a man with whose wife he had a relationship.
He also reportedly had a falling out with one of his partners following a sour deal.
On Saturday, Ally reportedly went to a residence at Lot 15, Grant 1805 where he had an altercation with the occupants. He allegedly destroyed a number of windows on the premises and left.
A report was made to the police about the altercation.
Police ranks visited Ally’s home to make an arrest, but after calling for some time and getting no response the police decided to enter the man’s yard.
He was found lying in a pool of blood.
Investigators reasoned that Ally was ambushed while preparing to have a bath.
No one heard anything, including his relatives who live next door and  two security guards who work at a nearby sawmill next door,
Three persons are in custody assisting with investigations.


Seven ex-Govt. officials got lion’s share of $144M medical aid package

October 26, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Seven former government officials received the lion’s share of government’s medical assistance last year, utilizing more than a third of the total allocation. Government last year expended $144M in medical aid to 505 persons, with seven government officials receiving over $45M. The remaining amount was used to assist over 495 persons. It works out to an average of $198,000 being spent on each of the 498 private individuals assisted by Government last year, while seven of its officials utilized an average of $6.4M each. This information was made public on Thursday last, when the Auditor General’s report on national expenditure was made public. Despite the glaring disparity between the levels of assistance provided to private individuals as against government officials, the Auditor General reported that relevant approvals for expenditure were presented for audit examination. The Audit Office has since recommended that the Ministry formulate a policy with respect to the amount of medical help that should be granted to individual patients.

Former Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai

Former Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai

Among those ex-government officials who benefitted from government’s medical assistance set aside for the poor and vulnerable was former Amerindian Affairs Minister, Pauline Sukhai. Shortly before the May 11 General and Regional Elections, it was disclosed that Sukhai had several million dollars worth of work done to her teeth, an expense which was funded by the state using tax payers’ dollars. She had defended the expenditure as an entitlement, a statement that led to much public outrage. The former Minister had also said that the information was confidential. The report for the activities between 2012 and 2013 lists 942 persons from Regions 1 to 10 who received subsidized and full financial assistance for medical treatment. Those persons received some $361.4M in assistance. Again, government officials received the lion’s share of the medical assistance programme. It was also disclosed that ten cheques had been issued for some $4.2 in dental work. Nine of those were for the former Minister of Amerindian Affairs Sukhai who utilized some $2.1M, the then Minister of Human Services Jennifer Webster used up $1.3M while the then Prime Minister Sam Hinds benefited from $28,240 and his wife Yvonne $788,880. A total of $25,160 was paid for the other person who benefitted from dental assistance. It was found too that the former Attorney General Anil Nandlall was also a beneficiary of the Government’s medical assistance scheme and it was reported that he racked up some $4.9M in medical expenses in September, 2012 in the United States. Nandlall lists β€œmedical support” as the diagnosis. He did claim to have repaid the money he received. The former Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture Ali Baksh also received medical assistance for a coronary artery bypass at a cost of $12.2M. This is in addition to $249,600 for his airfare. Former President Donald Ramotar had promised a review of the medical assistance policy. There is however no evidence that this policy review was ever implemented.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Seven ex-Govt. officials got lion’s share of $144M medical aid package


This thread is to track crimes not allegations. When your govt actually jail the 7 ex govt officials then you should post it here.

PPP ministers steal land 


When they are jailed then you can post here as a crime, that is fair no?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Seven ex-Govt. officials got lion’s share of $144M medical aid package


This thread is to track crimes not allegations. When your govt actually jail the 7 ex govt officials then you should post it here.

PPP ministers steal land 


When they are jailed then you can post here as a crime, that is fair no?

Jesus  make the  blind see and ass like u he ride


Gang of five beat, rob Corentyne couple


A GANG of five bandits on Sunday night invaded the home of an East Berbice couple, beating and robbing them of them of an undisclosed sum of money and other effects. The robbery reportedly occurred around 22:00 hrs at the couple’s Lot 257 Number Two Village, East Coast Berbice home.
Sixty-two-year-old Patrick Mangra told reporters that he and his wife had just returned home from a Chinese restaurant when they were attacked.
β€œWe went in and sit down under the house, not ready to go upstairs as yet, and I see three men running coming from the back with their face tied up,” Mangra said.
As they held on to him, Mangra said, he tried to fight them off, but was unsuccessful.
β€œThey tear off the vest I was wearing, and tied my hands, he said. β€œI fight with them. Then one of them say, β€˜Hit him!’ β€œAfter two hours, I wake up and I see my foot tie, and everything in the house gone.”
He’s not sure whether any of the men had a firearm, as he did not see them with one; so he could not say what they used to hit him with.
His wife, Revina Seeberchan, meanwhile, was accosted by two other masked men who’d entered the yard, and taken into the house where she was told no harm would come to her if she cooperated.
Having gotten her assurance, they proceeded to help themselves to whatever money, local or foreign, they could find; they, however, reneged on their promise not to hurt her, they beat and trussed her up when she was not forthcoming enough about where the jewellery and money were.
Among items the intruders took away were the couple’s passports, three cellular phones, three gold chains and a bracelet, and an 82-inch television set.
According to the couple, the ordeal lasted close to two hours, and that it was the first time they were robbed since returning home for good from neighbouring Suriname back in May.
Following the incident, Mangra was admitted as a patient at the New Amsterdam Hospital, while Seeberchan was treated at the same institution and sent away. Up to press time, the couple was still trying to ascertain what items were taken away. Police are investigating. No arrests have been made as yet.

Meanwhile, in another incident, a cane harvester was severely beaten by bandits during an attack at Rose Hall on Saturday, police have confirmed.
Seenarine Kalimuldon is now a patient at the New Amsterdam Hospital, nursing fractures to both of his arms. Kalimuldon told this newspaper that he was in New Amsterdam to do shopping with his family when the bandits pounced on him around 18:45 hrs.
β€œWe went together, and then I stop to buy credit,” the 53-year-old of Chesney, Corentyne related. According to him, as soon as he left the shop, the two men who were following him on bicycles began closing in on him.
β€œI start to ride fast, but they catching me up, so I decide to turn through one of them fine street to meet up with meh children faster, but they ride straight behind me.
β€œI don’t know where they get a piece ah wood so fast, and clap one lash pon me and break mi hand two places.”
The man said he collapsed, and one of the bandits ran through his pocket and took away $20,000 along with a cellular phone and his bicycle. He said by the time he got up, the bandits had already escaped.
He said he tried chasing behind them, but to no avail. The matter has since been reported to the police.


The Indians continue to pay the price of afc/apnu supporters aggression. It appears that they party has legalized robbing and killing as we have seen them free prisoners and remain unapologetic as the Indo Guyanese bear the brunt of these actions. 


Crabwood Creek businessman shot in home

– two in custody while police hunt three more suspects

Police are on the hunt for three persons as investigations into the fatal shooting of a Corentyne businessman intensifies.
Investigations revealed that Shameer Ally, also called β€˜Kazac’, 36, was shot and killed. An autopsy performed by Government Pathologist Dr Vivekananda Bridgmohan on Monday revealed that he died as a result of haemorrhage and multiple internal injuries due to a gunshot wound.

Shamer Ally

Shamer Ally

Ally’s body was discovered by Police lying in a pool of blood at his Grant 1805 Weld Tank Damn, Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, Region Six home.

Reports are that Police were investigation a report of threatening language and damage to property and had gone to Ally’s home. After calling for some time the Police officers ventured into the yard and made the discovery.

Earlier a man with whom Ally had a long-standing dispute reported to Police that Ally had gone to his home at Lot 15, Grant 1805 and damaged several windows.

As Police continue to investigate the murder, two men were taken into custody and are assisting with investigation. Police have not released the identity of those in custody but have stated that they are searching for three other persons in relation to the murder.

Initial investigations suggest that no one heard the gunshot although two security guards are stationed at a nearby sawmill.
Relatives who live nearby also claimed not to have heard anything. Residents say there was a barbeque a few houses away and the music was loud. They also claim persons were lighting small explosives (squibs) which made loud explosive sounds earlier in the evening.

Ally leaves to mourn relatives including his seven-year-old daughter.


Another Indo pay the price of merely being Indian in a society where hatred of Indians is now fashionable. CaribJ and his cohorts must be euphoric at this onslaught. 

Cane cutter beaten, robbed

– hand broken during robbery

A cane cutter attached to the Albion Sugar Estate is now a patient at the New Amsterdam Hospital nursing a broken arm after being attacked by two bicycle robbers at Rose Hall Town.

Injured, Seenarine Kalimuldon

Injured, Seenarine Kalimuldon

The injured man was identified as Seenarine Kalimuldon of Chesney, Corentyne, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne).
Speaking with this publication about the incident, the 53-year-old man related that he had taken his children shopping in Rose Hall about 18:45h when he was attacked and robbed.

According to Kalimuldon, he went into a shop to purchase phone credit and as he was leaving the entity, he noticed that he was being followed by two teenagers on bicycles.

β€œI start to ride fast but they catching me up so I decide to turn through one of them fine streets to meet up with me children faster, but they (the robbers) ride straight behind me. I don’t know where they get a piece of wood so fast and clap one lash on me and break me hand two places,” the cane cutter related.

He said that he fell to the ground and one of the teens emptied his pocket of $20,000 along with a cellular phone worth $7000. Kalimuldon said he attempted to fight back, but they continued lashing him with the piece of wood. The teens also escaped with his $30,000 bicycle.

He said he subsequently reported the incident to the Rose Hall Police Outpost.

β€œThey told me that they will make contact with me. I am surprised that up to now [Monday midday] the Police have not come back to take a statement from me. I told them that I could identify the two boys,” the injured man related from his hospital bed.

Meanwhile, a source at the Rose Hall Police Outpost confirmed that the incident was reported, but said it was expected that officers from Central Police Station in New Amsterdam were going to follow up by taking statements. The source noted that no one has been arrested in relation to the matter. However, the incident is being investigated.




Bharrat Jagdeo criminal charge fixed for High Court ruling on November 6


The high court decision in the criminal charge against former President Bharrat Jagdeo on whether Magistrate Charlene Artiga has the jurisdiction to hear the matter has been fixed for decision on November 6. Justice Navindra Singh is hearing the matter in the Georgetown High Court.
The original matter was set to continue yesterday in the Whim Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Artiga.  However due to the challenge in the High Court the matter was further put down for report.
When the matter was called, Jagdeo’s lawyers Mursalene Bacchus and Adrian Anamayah had asked for another date for the report since the matter in the High Court has been stalled due to the fact that Justice William Ramlal who was assigned to hear the case is ill. The matter was subsequently assigned to Justice Singh.
Magistrate Artiga had put the matter down for report on Monday. However when the matter was called, the court heard that no decision was made since the Judge was still ill and that the matter was reassigned to Justice Singh.
Magistrate Artiga has since set November 30, for report at the Whim Magistrate’s Court.
The Magistrate had already started hearing the private criminal charge against former President Bharrat Jagdeo when the High Court order came down from Justice William Ramlal. The case had been called three times before it was stopped.
Legal minds are now saying that the precedent set by this case is likely to spark other High Court actions that can see cases before Magistrates being halted.
The Order/Rule Nisi of Certiorari is directing Magistrate Artiga to show cause why a Writ/Order of Certiorari should not be issued against her, and to quash her decision or ruling in the private criminal proceedings.
Attorney-at-Law Christopher Ram had filed the charge against Jagdeo at the Whim Magistrate’s Court, Corentyne, Berbice. The charge is that Jagdeo uttered words causing racial or ethnic hatred, contrary to Section 139 D (1) (a) of the Representation of the People’s Act, Chapter 1:03.
Jagdeo’s lawyers applied to the Berbice High Court for the writs and order, contending that the Magistrate’s orders in the case are β€œirrational, unreasonable, erroneous, in law and is null, void and of no legal effect”.
Magistrate Artiga, on May 25, had already started the case, warning that if Jagdeo did not turn up, she would be issuing an arrest warrant. He later showed up at that Berbice court, rushing from his Pradoville Two home, East Coast Demerara. Standing in the dock, he was placed on self-bail after the charge was read to him. He was also restricted from travelling unless he sought the court’s permission.
Jagdeo’s lawyers in late May successfully approached the High Court asking that the travel restriction be overturned.
On Monday, it was announced by Magistrate Artiga that she could not proceed because of the High Court order. She set the matter down for a report yesterday.
The lawyers are arguing also that the charge is fundamentally defective and legally invalid and that the continuation of the criminal proceedings is an abuse of the processes of the court.
The Magistrate now has to show good and sufficient cause why the order of prohibition should not be made absolute.
Jagdeo’s case is closely watched as it would be one of a first against a former leader of the country.
Ram, in addition to being a lawyer, is an auditor and critic of the previous PPP Government. He is accusing Jagdeo of breaking the laws when he uttered statements on Sunday March 8, at Babu Jaan.
Ram charged that the statements β€œcan result in racial or ethnic violence or hatred among the people”.
At the first hearing, Jagdeo’s lawyers had argued that the charge was frivolous, vexatious and without any basis in law. They requested that it be dismissed.




Originally Posted by Mars:

Bharrat Jagdeo criminal charge fixed for High Court ruling on November 6


The high court decision in the criminal charge against former President Bharrat Jagdeo on whether Magistrate Charlene Artiga has the jurisdiction to hear the matter has been fixed for decision on November 6. Justice Navindra Singh is hearing the matter in the Georgetown High Court.
The original matter was set to continue yesterday in the Whim Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Artiga.  However due to the challenge in the High Court the matter was further put down for report.
When the matter was called, Jagdeo’s lawyers Mursalene Bacchus and Adrian Anamayah had asked for another date for the report since the matter in the High Court has been stalled due to the fact that Justice William Ramlal who was assigned to hear the case is ill. The matter was subsequently assigned to Justice Singh.
Magistrate Artiga had put the matter down for report on Monday. However when the matter was called, the court heard that no decision was made since the Judge was still ill and that the matter was reassigned to Justice Singh.
Magistrate Artiga has since set November 30, for report at the Whim Magistrate’s Court.
The Magistrate had already started hearing the private criminal charge against former President Bharrat Jagdeo when the High Court order came down from Justice William Ramlal. The case had been called three times before it was stopped.
Legal minds are now saying that the precedent set by this case is likely to spark other High Court actions that can see cases before Magistrates being halted.
The Order/Rule Nisi of Certiorari is directing Magistrate Artiga to show cause why a Writ/Order of Certiorari should not be issued against her, and to quash her decision or ruling in the private criminal proceedings.
Attorney-at-Law Christopher Ram had filed the charge against Jagdeo at the Whim Magistrate’s Court, Corentyne, Berbice. The charge is that Jagdeo uttered words causing racial or ethnic hatred, contrary to Section 139 D (1) (a) of the Representation of the People’s Act, Chapter 1:03.
Jagdeo’s lawyers applied to the Berbice High Court for the writs and order, contending that the Magistrate’s orders in the case are β€œirrational, unreasonable, erroneous, in law and is null, void and of no legal effect”.
Magistrate Artiga, on May 25, had already started the case, warning that if Jagdeo did not turn up, she would be issuing an arrest warrant. He later showed up at that Berbice court, rushing from his Pradoville Two home, East Coast Demerara. Standing in the dock, he was placed on self-bail after the charge was read to him. He was also restricted from travelling unless he sought the court’s permission.
Jagdeo’s lawyers in late May successfully approached the High Court asking that the travel restriction be overturned.
On Monday, it was announced by Magistrate Artiga that she could not proceed because of the High Court order. She set the matter down for a report yesterday.
The lawyers are arguing also that the charge is fundamentally defective and legally invalid and that the continuation of the criminal proceedings is an abuse of the processes of the court.
The Magistrate now has to show good and sufficient cause why the order of prohibition should not be made absolute.
Jagdeo’s case is closely watched as it would be one of a first against a former leader of the country.
Ram, in addition to being a lawyer, is an auditor and critic of the previous PPP Government. He is accusing Jagdeo of breaking the laws when he uttered statements on Sunday March 8, at Babu Jaan.
Ram charged that the statements β€œcan result in racial or ethnic violence or hatred among the people”.
At the first hearing, Jagdeo’s lawyers had argued that the charge was frivolous, vexatious and without any basis in law. They requested that it be dismissed.




It is interesting to note that Guyana's past president is listed on CRIME TRACKER GUYANA.

Jagdeo fits in well with Bouterse in Suriname and his son in a NY jail, for smuggling arms and drugs.   

Jagdeo  might occupy a permanent logie at Camp street.

Greed kill, while the poor suffer.


Guatemala's comedian and new president Jimmy Morales, might be better suited to lead the PPP.   

Originally Posted by Tola:

It is interesting to note that Guyana's past president is listed on CRIME TRACKER GUYANA.

Jagdeo fits in well with Bouterse in Suriname and his son in a NY jail, for smuggling arms and drugs.   

Jagdeo  might occupy a permanent logie at Camp street.

Greed kill, while the poor suffer.


Guatemala's comedian and new president Jimmy Morales, might be better suited to lead the PPP.   

I can't stop you clowns from mucking up this topic which is meant to track crime in Guyana, not political allegations. I already told the detractors only to post political witch hunt upon conviction.


LaPenitence men remanded for robbery at A. N. Electronics


Two La Penitence men were yesterday remanded to prison after denying four counts of armed robbery when they appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
Alfred Hescott, 17, of 155 Middle Road La Penitence and Kenton Vallet, 20, of Lot 47 Middle Road La Penitence, appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan and pleaded not guilty the charges.
The charges against the men stemmed from the October 23 robbery committed on A.N Electronic Store located on Croal Street, Georgetown.
The court heard that Hescott and Vallet robbed Kapil Hariprashad of 34 cell phones valued $1.5M-property of Neshal Ramnarine. The defendants also robbed Kevin Moonsammy of one cellular phone and $20,000 cash -total value of $65,000.
Further, the  defendants were accused of robbing Lawrence Figueira of a laptop computer valued $85,000, a mobile phone worth $80,000, a finger ring and $160,000 cash- all totaling $345,000.
And finally, it was alleged that they robbed Hariprashad of $250,000 cash and US$400.
The charges come three days after the police swooped down on a house at Middle Road, La Penitence and arrested six men in connection with the robbery. During a search conducted on the premises, the police found several cellular phones and an unlicensed .32 revolver along with ammunition.
Police Prosecutor, Corporal Deniro Jones told the court that although some of the phones were recovered, the police file is incomplete. However, Jones did not disclose any information on what transpired that day.
According to reports, gunmen stormed the Electronic Store around 15:30 hrs on the day in question.
It was reported that one of them approached a staffer, whom he claimed had recently sold him a cell phone.
Because the store had not sold that brand recently, that staff became suspicious. However, before an alarm could have been raised, two other men joined their accomplice and ordered the employees to lie on the ground.
The men, two of whom are believed to be Hescott and Vallet, held up the employees and escaped with computers and other items in a silver-grey Toyota Runx.
The unrepresented Hescott and Vallet will return to court on November 19, for statements.



apnu/afc supporter let criminal go, following the leader Granger.


Police Constable charged for prisoner’s escape

A Police Constable was on Tuesday placed on $40,000 bail when he appeared before Magistrate Ann McLennan, charged for allowing a prisoner to escape from lawful custody.
Noel Trotman of Anna Catherina, West Coast Demerara pleaded not guilty to the charge.
It is alleged that on September 17, 2015, the 54-year-old Constable who was stationed at Mahdia Police Station, Region Eight (Potaro-Siparuni), through his negligence allowed prisoner David Peter to escape from custody.
According to the Prosecution’s case, Peter was charged with trafficking narcotics and was being held at the Mahdia Police Station when he escaped.
Trotman was represented by Attorney-at-Law Adrian Thompson. In a bail application, Thompson told the court that his client was married with five children and has been a serving member of the Guyana Police Force for over 36 years.
The lawyer stated that it was unfortunate that his client was being charged for the offence since he was nearing retirement.
Meanwhile, Police Prosecutor Deniro Jones did not object to bail but requested that it be substantial.
The case will continue at the Mahdia Magistrate’s Court on January 19, 2016.


There is a huge difference with the crimes posted here and those that occured during PPP's reign.

If you take a good look you will see the perps are being caught, this never happened when the PPP were in Govt, never. Matter of fact during the PPP's reign there were many killings done by their own people as we all know.


So I say, carry on with these articles showing the police finally doing their work without hindrance.


Good ting PPP lost.


Ruimzigt man beaten to death, 3 in custody

Three drinking buddies are facing possible murder charges after they reportedly beat another drinking partner to death on Monday last at Ruimzigt, West Coast Demerara (WCD).

The dead man has been identified as Anil Shiwraj of Lot 13 Back Street, Ruimzigt, WCD. He was severely beaten about the body and also sustained head injuries. Shiwraj was reportedly beaten by the trio who accused him of talking too much.
According to reports, at about 20:30h on Sunday last, the four people were imbibing when an argument ensued resulting in the now dead man being dealt several blows to the head.  He was then left to die in an unconscious state in a yard at Middle Street, Ruimzigt.

Based on additional information received, the argument stemmed from a suspected case of infidelity. Guyana Times was made to understand that the three men were taken into Police custody and are expected to be charged shortly.

Meanwhile, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum has confirmed that the men are still in custody assisting with the investigations. However, he noted that much more work needs to be done by investigators before charges can be instituted against the suspects.


Guns guns everywhere under the afc/apnu regime.

Linden shopkeeper shoots at woman


– court hears

Attorney-at-law Peter Hugh secured bail in the sum of $230,000 for his client, Randolph Williams, who denied firing a gun at a woman, when he made an appearance in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts yesterday.
Williams, 26, of 214 Half Mile Linden, is accused of discharging a loaded firearm at Natasha Watson, with intent to maim, disable, disfigure or cause her grievous bodily harm.
It was also alleged that the father of two unlawfully and maliciously assaulted Diana Edwards, so as to cause her actual bodily harm.
Both of the incidents allegedly occurred on October 25, at Omai Backdam, Essequibo River.
Williams pleaded not guilty to the charges after they were read to him by Magistrate Ann McLennan and was ordered to return to court on January 19, 2016, at the Mahdia Magistrates Court.
He was granted bail in the sum of $200,000 for discharging the loaded firearm with intent and $30,000 on the assault charge.
Attorney Hugh, during his bail application, asked for his client to be granted bail in a reasonable sum, because he has no pending or previous matters. The lawyer told the court that his client operates a shop in the interior. He pointed out that one of the complainants in the matter owes his client money and has refused to pay him.
Hugh said that on the day in question, Willams had a confrontation with the woman, during which an argument ensued. He added that the woman left and returned with a group of people and another confrontation ensued.
The lawyer claimed that his client was shot to the left leg during the altercation.
Further, Hugh pleaded with the Magistrate to release his client on bail due to the fact that there are no facilities in the Camp Street prison to accommodate him. In explaining this, the attorney told the court that Williams was recently discharged from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) after receiving treatment for the gunshot wound.
He also urged the court to consider bail for the defendant after noting that his client would not be given a trial within a reasonable time.
In this regard, Hugh argued that the matter will have to be transferred to the Mahdia Magistrates Court which will have its next sitting in January 2016.
But Police Prosecutor, Corporal Deniro Jones strongly objected to the defendant being granted pre-trial liberty citing the gravity of the charge.
Jones argued that the victim’s safety would be jeopardized should the defendant be granted bail. He also disclosed that several spent shells were recovered from the crime scene.
Additionally, Jones stated that Williams assaulted Diane Edwards which resulted in her sustaining injuries.
Jones said that public spirited persons in the area saw the defendant β€œbeating” the woman and intervened. In response, the prosecutor   added that the defendant fired several shots, hitting Watson.
According to the prosecutor, Williams is alleging that he was shot by a man called β€œGaza”. The court heard that β€œGaza” pursued Williams after he had shot the woman.

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