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Prison Officer killed, six others injured in Prison fiery unrest


By Feona Morrison

Prison Officer Odinga Wickham succumbed to a gunshot wound to the chest and chop wounds inflicted on him by inmates at the Camp Street Prison, while undergoing treatment at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), last evening.
His colleague, Hubert Trim, who was the Duty Officer at the time, is in a critical state having sustained chop wounds to the head. He was undergoing surgery up to late last night.
Up to press time Prison Officers Simeon Sandy, Errol Daphness, Drexel Gonsalves, Jason Maltoy and Dominic Mingo were also receiving treatment for either gunshot or chop wounds or a combination of both.
Keron Cummings, who escaped from the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court lock-ups in 2014, Mark (only name given) and Mohamed Potham, were some of the inmates injured during the fiery ordeal.
They too were taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital.  Cummings is facing robbery under-arms charges.
During a press briefing around 23:00hrs yesterday, Deputy Director of Prisons Gladwin Samuels said there were no reports of fatalities among prisoners.
Samuels was unable to give an estimate of how many Prison Officers were on duty at the time. Reports reaching this newspaper indicate that the inmates disarmed Prison Officers and shot them. The inmates also used improvised weapons to inflict chop wounds on the Prison Officers.
As the fiery unrest unfolded at the prisons, several ambulances and Prison Service vehicles transported the injured Prison Officers and inmates to the hospital.
Security officials at the hospital cordoned off a section outside the Accident and Emergency Unit and monitored persons coming into the hospital compound.

KILLED: Prison Officer Odinga Wickham

INJURED: Prison Officer Hubert Trim

INJURED: Prison Officer Simeon Sandy

Several Prison Officers and policemen converged at the hospital. Some of them cried as they recounted the heinous ordeal.
According to a prison officer, one of his colleagues was held hostage by a prisoner but miraculously managed to escape by scaling the prison fence.
Relatives of the injured rushed to the hospital but some of them were barred from entering the compound.
This started an uproar as relatives hurled derogatory remarks at security and police officers who bolted the gate at the pedestrian entrance. Persons however, sneaked into the compound when the guards opened the gate for the ambulances to drive in.
Minister of Health, Volda Lawrence, who was present at the GPHC last evening said that the Emergency Unit is well equipped to deal with the situation since all medical supplies are in stock.

Deputy Director of Prisons: Gladwin Samuels

INJURED: Prison Officer Dominic Mingo

INJURED Prisoner: Keron Cummings

Minister Lawrence stated that adequate doctors, specialist and laboratory technicians are on board. “We have called out everyone. So the Emergency Unit is well equipped with the staff to be able to address the situation as it continues.”
In addition, the Health Minister disclosed that there are ample medical supplies in place and the hospital has already sought more suitor kits.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) acting of GPHC, Brigadier Retired George Lewis, said that an emergency medical centre has been set up in the parking lot of the hospital to help out.
“We are not overwhelmed and we won’t be. We have already contacted the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) to procure items for an emergency if a need arises,” the acting CEO disclosed.
Lewis stated that the Guyana Red Cross Society has also been called in for support.
Staff from a party rental company was seen assembling large tents just outside the Psychiatric Clinic for the emergency medical centre last evening.
President David Granger during a press briefing last evening extended condolences to the family of Prison Officer Wickham.


Bandits rob West Bank businessman of gun, cash

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FOUR masked, armed bandits on Sunday robbed a Bagotville, West Bank Demerara (WBD) businessman of his firearm, cash and cell phone.
According to reports, the businessman was relieved of a 9mm pistol, $150,000 in cash and an LG cell phone.

The businessman, who, with his wife, operates a liquor bar at La Grange, WBD, reportedly closed his business around 02:00hrs on Sunday morning.
They left together in their car and headed home, but while exiting the vehicle, firearm in hand, when they got there, the businessman was confronted by the bandits who wore toques over their heads.

One held him at gunpoint and relieved him of whatever valuables he had on him at the time before they both made their escape on foot, without firing a shot.
After the ordeal, the businessman made a report to the La Grange Police Station.


Police accused of stealing money, gold chain in WCD raid


…Force to introduce new raid protocol
– Ramlakhan.

Dhanpaul (only name given), a businessman of Lot 45 Uitvlugt Pasture, WCD, is accusing Guyana Police Force (GPF) ranks of removing more than $300,000 in cash and jewelry from his place of business following a raid conducted by more than 20 plainclothes ranks on the premises late Friday night.
According to the businessman, at about 20:30hrs on Friday, the GPF swooped down on, and searched, his business place for approximately two hours, informing him that they were acting on information that he had drugs and guns stashed at his home and business place.
Dhanpaul owns and operates the Colombian Gold Night Club; Dhanpaul and Sons Pawn Shop; and a Cambio at the lower flat of the building, while he lives at the upper flat. On June 07, three bandits ambushed two men drinking at Dhanpaul’s club, shot one person, and escaped with an undisclosed sum of cash, licensed firearm, cell phones and jewelry. Twenty-one-year-old Jifon Gulliver was arrested and charged for the crime.
“When I come in, they say that they are searching for cocaine and guns, so I ask them who is in charge of the raid, and a short rank (name provided) said he is responsible for the search; and he said that they are going to do the search on a camera, and I did not object,” he related.
He explained that the officers went into the upper flat, and while searching his bedroom, he questioned the lack of a camera to record the search. The man said he then proceeded to switch on his security cameras, and the officers objected to this course of action.
“Whilst (searching) the house, they (officers) carry away some money (approximately $20,000) my wife give to my son to put up before they came. I picked up my money I had stashed downstairs, but a chain I wear earlier in the day was down on the lower flat and I didn’t find that chain too. That chain was 36 pennyweight and it is valued (at) over $300,000,” the father of three related.
The man said he is angry because the police would regularly target the family, and all their searches have turned up empty. He added that, in 2013, the Police conducted a similar search on his premises and more than $800,000 went missing. A report was made, but no progress has been made in the investigation. To date, there have been no headway in that matter.
Dhanpaul said that following the discovery on Friday night, made after the police had left, he travelled to the Leonora Police Station and made a report of the missing cash and items.

The Colombian Gold Night Club

The frustrated businessman said he is tired of the police frequenting his home and business place without any proper information. “I am sick and tired of this here. Every time Police come here, it affecting the business, because people think there is something illegal going on here. I went to the station and (lodged) a complaint (in relation to the missing cash and jewelry). I just hope that this doesn’t happen again, because is like these people targeting me and my family. When we do need the police they does never come, and we are fed up,” Dhanpaul complained.
Contacted, ‘D’ Division (West Demerara/East Bank Essequibo) Commander Leslie James confirmed the raid and said it was executed by ranks from Georgetown. However, he was unable to say whether anything illegal was recovered or whether an investigation would be launched to ascertain the truth behind Dhanpaul’s allegations.
The GPF Public Relations Officer Jairam Ramlakhan has said that in order to combat the allegations of officers stealing, the Force would be introducing a new system, wherein the raid party would be required to lodge every item seized before leaving the raid site. He added that both the rank in charge and the person whose premises is being raided would be required to document the items being confiscated and sign the list, each party receiving a copy thereof.
“This new system is to restore the public’s trust in the police, and it is also safeguarding both parties, so these allegations do not come up,” he posited.


Bus driver shot dead trying to save passengers from bandits


– Agricola twins among suspects

A Route-32 (Parika/Georgetown) Minibus driver is now dead after he was shot trying to save his passengers from three bandits yesterday.
The dead man has been identified as 38-year-old Tedroy Neil James of Suddie,

The area where the shooting took place being cordoned off. The minibus that Tedroy Neil James  (inset) was driving can also be seen.

Essequibo Coast.
The shooting occurred in the vicinity of Middle Street Mc Doom, East Bank Demerara sometime around 11:30hrs.
According to reports, James was driving minibus BTT 976 north along the East Bank Demerara Public Road – presumably heading to Georgetown – when he was instructed by a male passenger whom he had picked up on the West Coast of Demerara, to stop at Middle Street Mc Doom.
As the male passenger was about to disembark the vehicle, two male suspects, one armed with a handgun, pounced on the unsuspecting passengers and began to rob them.
James upon noticing the ruckus, attempted to drive away, apparently to create some distance between the robbers and his passengers. The father of two was fatally shot by one of the men in the process.
The suspects then made good their escape by hopping the median before running into a nearby street.
Public-spirited citizens subsequently took James to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The police in a press release stated that James was shot in the back.
The release also stated that one of the suspects is in police custody.
Kaieteur News was later informed that two men were being held in connection to the shooting. They have been identified as the Vasconcellos twins from Agricola.
One of the brothers is Curtis Vasconcellos. He is currently out on bail for robbery and an attempted murder.
Curtis Vasconcellos was one of the two men that led the police on a high-speed chase in Georgetown last November after allegedly robbing accountant, Baldeo Seegobin at the Tower Suites Hotel.
Meanwhile, the James family is now contemplating their next move.
The dead man’s sister, Aniki James, said that her brother was a hard worker and would have recently procured the minibus. She said that her brother’s death came months after she would have lost another sibling.


Guns, ammo found in barrel

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The GNSC wharf where the barrel containing the guns and ammunition was discovered

…smuggling ring involving bikes suspected

INVESTIGATORS have reportedly cracked a gun-smuggling ring involving big bikes, following a discovery of guns and ammunition in a barrel on a popular wharf in the city on Tuesday.
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) was summoned to the Guyana National Shipping Corporation (GNSC) wharf at Lombard Street, La Penitence, Georgetown, after two guns, a

An image of a GLOCK 45 handgun

GLOCK 45 pistol and a GLOCK 47 pistol, and a box of matching ammunition were found concealed in the engine of a CBR motorcycle. The motorbike was in a barrel at the time of the discovery. That barrel was reportedly addressed to Shenella Welcome of Lot 42 West Ruimveldt, Georgetown.

A source close to the investigation told the Guyana Chronicle that the shipment had arrived in the country last week, but it was only this week that OG Shipping and Delivery Service had acquired the requisite documents from the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) to clear its shipment of barrels.
OG Shipping and Delivery Service, located at Lot 7, Public Road, La Penitence, ships barrels and other containers to Guyana for its customers utilising the GNSC wharf.
The barrel with the contraband was scheduled to be delivered to Welcome’s West Ruimveldt residence, but not before it was cleared by Customs. “It was a door-to-door delivery,” the source told this newspaper.

According to the source, when the barrel was opened around 11:00hrs on Tuesday by Customs in the presence of Welcome, and a search conducted, the contraband weapons and ammunition were

Business in full swing at OG Shipping and Delivery Service. One of the many barrels that were collected by the company for delivery

discovered. Officers from GRA’s Drug Enforcement Unit, which has an office on the wharf, were also present when the discovery was made. It was following the discovery that police investigators were called in. Welcome was taken to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) to assist with the investigation.
According to a source, enforcement authorities have been trying to crack the case for some time now. “It is a big ring smuggling guns in bikes, and most of them end up at a known carwash on Mandela Avenue. So we have been tracking these movements,” the source explained.

It is believed that the U.S. Embassy has been contacted for assistance in the investigation in an effort to trace the origin of the guns.
When this newspaper visited the GNSC wharf, authorities there distanced themselves from the discovery. “Customs deal with it! Our employees had nothing to do with that,” Head of Admin, Pauline Goodridge, posited. Tight- lipped on the situation, Goodridge wasted no time in directing the Guyana Chronicle to OG Shipping and Delivery Office.
Over at O.G Shipping, business was in full swing. A company representative there told this newspaper that he was out of the district at the time of the discovery, however, he was told that the barrel was sent to Guyana from Brooklyn, New York.

The information provided by an officer appeared sketchy as it contradicted greatly with information provided by a source working closely with the investigation. However, according to the OG Shipping employee, the barrel had arrived in Guyana since last year and it was only on Tuesday that a woman came to uplift it. According to him, the barrel was sent to a man, but a woman came instead. When asked to speak with the person in charge at the shipping company, the employee said that person, whom he identified as “Shenella,” was at the Police Headquarters assisting with the investigation.

When the Guyana Chronicle visited CID, officers there refused to speak on the matter; a request to speak with Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum was also denied.
Last February, a Guyanese, who had resided in Georgia, was sentenced to five years in a federal prison after pleading guilty to smuggling dozens of guns to Guyana.

According to the Associated Press, federal prosecutors in Atlanta said 39-year-old Jermine Prosper, who lived in Conyers, legally purchased about 50 guns in Atlanta and smuggled them in shipping barrels to Guyana, where they were sold on the streets. According to the prosecutors, Prosper bought the guns between October 2013 and November 2015. They included 34 x 9 mm pistols, eight x.380-calibre pistols and six x.25- calibre pistols.


Bandit injured during shootout with cops

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…pensioner grazed by bullet

A BANDIT was shot and injured, while his accomplice escaped during a blazing gun battle with police in Agricola onTuesday afternoon. An elderly woman who was also accidentally grazed by a bullet during the crossfire is currently receiving medical attention at a private hospital.

In a statement police said acting on information ranks went to 4th Street, Agricola about 15:15h Tuesday where on arrival they were confronted by two armed male suspects, one in possession of a shotgun with its barrel sawn off and the other with a handgun.
“They opened fire on the lawmen who adapted tactical positions and returned fire,” police said in a statement. According to the police, during the exchange the suspect with the shotgun was injured and was apprehended and the weapon retrieved. However, the other suspect managed to elude the ranks, the police statement added. The injured suspect was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he is being prepared to undergo surgery.

Meanwhile, police said 63-year-old housewife, Parmaldai called Galo, of 124 Caesar Street, Agricola who was resting in a hammock next to where the shooting took place was grazed by a stray bullet. She was taken to the East Bank Demerara (EBD) Public Hospital at Diamond) where she was treated and sent away. However, her relatives took her to a private hospital where she is admitted. “The Police Force wishes her a speedy recovery,” the release stated.
The injured suspect was wanted for discharging of a loaded firearm at Grove EBD, on July 5,2017.

Mitwah posted:

Django, it could have been your aunt Lucille in that hammock. Guyana is a dangerous place. 

Guyana became a more dangerous place,never was like that when i was living there,too many guns in the wrong hands,the country is like the old Wild West.

The country needs trusted undercover law officers to rat out the miscreants,Bear in mind this branch of undercover law officers should not be used for Political purposes.

Burnham had one they were spying on the People and Politicians,one of my friend brother [an Indian] was with the branch,also experience their activities [in the 80's] while with a Political Party holding meetings in Berbice.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Django, it could have been your aunt Lucille in that hammock. Guyana is a dangerous place. 

Guyana became a more dangerous place,never was like that when i was living there,too many guns in the wrong hands,the country is like the old Wild West.

The country needs trusted undercover law officers to rat out the miscreants,Bear in mind this branch of undercover law officers should not be used for Political purposes.

Burnham had one they were spying on the People and Politicians,one of my friend brother [an Indian] was with the branch,also experience their activities [in the 80's] while with a Political Party holding meetings in Berbice.

Can we say Gajraj and the likes of Rajah Khan?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Django, it could have been your aunt Lucille in that hammock. Guyana is a dangerous place. 

Guyana became a more dangerous place,never was like that when i was living there,too many guns in the wrong hands,the country is like the old Wild West.

The country needs trusted undercover law officers to rat out the miscreants,Bear in mind this branch of undercover law officers should not be used for Political purposes.

Burnham had one they were spying on the People and Politicians,one of my friend brother [an Indian] was with the branch,also experience their activities [in the 80's] while with a Political Party holding meetings in Berbice.

Can we say Gajraj and the likes of Rajah Khan?

"Bear in mind this branch of undercover law officers should not be used for Political purposes."


Did you miss the above ??

Wha yuh saying Gagraj [Minister of Gov't] swore in Roger[Convicted Drug Dealer] as a law officer ?? and Ramsammy [Minister of Gov't] assist to get the spy equipment.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Django, it could have been your aunt Lucille in that hammock. Guyana is a dangerous place. 

Guyana became a more dangerous place,never was like that when i was living there,too many guns in the wrong hands,the country is like the old Wild West.

The country needs trusted undercover law officers to rat out the miscreants,Bear in mind this branch of undercover law officers should not be used for Political purposes.

Burnham had one they were spying on the People and Politicians,one of my friend brother [an Indian] was with the branch,also experience their activities [in the 80's] while with a Political Party holding meetings in Berbice.

Can we say Gajraj and the likes of Rajah Khan?

"Bear in mind this branch of undercover law officers should not be used for Political purposes."


Did you miss the above ??

Wha yuh saying Gagraj swore in Roger[Convicted Drug Dealer] as a law officer ?? and Ramsammy assist to get the spy equipment.

This did not stop the PNC before. Why is it different now? Maybe your memory is failing.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Django, it could have been your aunt Lucille in that hammock. Guyana is a dangerous place. 

Guyana became a more dangerous place,never was like that when i was living there,too many guns in the wrong hands,the country is like the old Wild West.

The country needs trusted undercover law officers to rat out the miscreants,Bear in mind this branch of undercover law officers should not be used for Political purposes.

Burnham had one they were spying on the People and Politicians,one of my friend brother [an Indian] was with the branch,also experience their activities [in the 80's] while with a Political Party holding meetings in Berbice.

Can we say Gajraj and the likes of Rajah Khan?

"Bear in mind this branch of undercover law officers should not be used for Political purposes."


Did you miss the above ??

Wha yuh saying Gagraj swore in Roger[Convicted Drug Dealer] as a law officer ?? and Ramsammy assist to get the spy equipment.

This did not stop the PNC before. Why is it different now? Maybe your memory is failing.

Watch how the "Jail break Crisis" is managed,Military man is dealing with it.

This conversation should have been on a different thread.

Last edited by Django

Escapee nabbed at Canal #1

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Recaptured escapee, Desmond James

Police on Friday night arrested prison escapee, Desmond James on a dam at Canal Number 1 Polder, West Bank Demerara.

Police said at around 22:50hrs Friday acting on information ranks proceeded to an abandoned house on a access dam at Canal # 1 WBD where Desmond James was arrested. He indicated that he was heading to Essequibo and was found with a knife and a few pieces of clothing, police said in a brief statement.

Security forces were able to confirm on Thursday that six Georgetown Prison escapees were on the run. With James being arrested the five now on the lam are: Mark Royden Durant called Royden Williams or “Smallie”; Uree Varswyck known as Malcolm Gordon; Stafrei Hopkinson Alexander; Cornelius Thomas and Cobena Stephens, called “OJ.” Police believe that the first four mentioned are travelling together while the other two are separate.
The Georgetown Prison, which was built to accommodate 600, was holding 1,018 inmates on Sunday. But after fire ripped through the correctional facility that day, authorities were forced to relocate more than 1000 of them to a walled field neighbouring the Lusignan Prison on the East Coast.

For much of Friday there was heavy police presence in Victoria, East Coast Demerara where it is believed some of the escapees might be hiding out. A Guyana Defence Force helicopter provided aerial cover while ground troops patrolled the forested backlands. Up to late Friday afternoon no one was arrested, but ranks are convinced that the men might be lurking somewhere in the area.

On Friday Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan sought to assure the nation that every effort is being made to recapture the escapees – all of whom are murder accused and/or convicts. “Every effort is going to be made to catch those six escapees. The joint services will be doing their best to hunt them down and bring them in” the minister said.
This was also the assurance of Police Commissioner, Seelall Persaud, who shared that the joint services are currently conducting several operations to recapture the escapees. “…at a joint services level, we have embarked on several operations which are consistent with the plan,” he said. That plan which he referenced, is an operational plan developed by the joint services to be presented to the National Security Committee. The objectives of the plan are to ensure: security of the prisoners; security of the prisons; to recapture the six escapees; and to restore order in the prisons.
According to Persaud, that operation, along with the others, is intelligence-led.
Anyone with information on the whereabouts of the escapees are asked to contact the nearest police station. It is a criminal offence to harbour fugitives.


Thieves escape with granny’s gold-plated teeth after brutal beating


A 78-year-old woman was subjected to a brutal beating early yesterday- all because the two men who broke into her home wanted her gold plated teeth—and they did take them.

Roohnee Mithuram at the hospital yesterday.

Roohnee Mithuram of Lot 357 Eccles, East Bank Demerara (EBD) was choked, punched, slapped and had a pillow placed over her face around 03:00 hrs yesterday when two men in their mid-twenties to early thirties gained entry to her home from a kitchen window.
To wake her, the men placed a pillow on her face for several minutes and when she got up, she was punched in the face.
They tied her feet and continued hitting her in the face while asking where she had the money and jewelry.
In the end, the men escaped with the elderly woman’s teeth—even the ones that did not have gold, $6,000, three gold rings and personal documents.
A police source said that the men escaped after the pensioner fainted and a possibility exists that they thought she was dead.
Yesterday, one of the woman’s relatives, Chandra Katwaroo, said that after she heard about the incident, she went over to the woman’s home where she met her. The woman’s face was swollen and had black and blue marks.
Mithuram was rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre where she was treated and sent home to rest.
The pensioner related that she was in bed sleeping when the men went into her bedroom and put a pillow on her face to wake her.
When she got up, they demanded that she tell them where the valuables were as they beat her.
Not satisfied with what they had gotten and upon realizing that the woman had gold plated teeth in her mouth, they started punching her to get them out.
“She had six teeth in her mouth. Now she has none and I am not finding any in the house so like they take all, even the ones that did not have gold,” an angry Katwaroo posited.
The woman added that the thieves did not spare the 78-year-old woman—they kicked her in the ribs, choked her and cuffed all over her face.
“They really brutalize her. They take her passport and ID (Identification card) and even her wedding band that she wore for 62 years,” Katwaroo said.
The elderly woman even passed out and when she got up, she realized that the men had gone. “She untied her feet and went to call out for neighbours but no one responded,” Katwaroo noted.
She added that someone who would usually check on the woman found her crying sometime after 06:00 hrs yesterday while sitting in her yard.
The police was contacted and finger prints were taken.
Katwaroo is annoyed at the fact that the thieves brutalized such an elderly woman for money when in fact she lives on her pension.
Since the passing of her husband, the 78-year-old woman has been living by herself.


Teen inmate stabbed in Lusignan Prison brawl


A misunderstanding between three inmates at the Lusignan Prison has left one prisoner nursing stab wounds about his body.
Eighteen-year-old Allan Basdeo of Lot 4030 Zeelugt Squatting Area, East Bank Essequibo was on Saturday evening stabbed to his lower back and abdomen after he was attacked by two inmates, with whom he had an argument. The attackers used improvised weapons to inflict the wounds.
According to information, the 18-year-old who is incarcerated on a simple larceny charge got into an argument around 20:45 hrs which resulted in him receiving several stabs wounds about his body.
Basdeo was treated at the prison by a nurse.


Suspected bandit shot dead at Tuschen

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Eon Currency, 33, called ‘Muscle’ and ‘Slingerz Outlaw’ who was killed execution-style on Sunday evening at Tuschen (News Room Photo)

SUNDAY evening ended tragically for 33-year-old Eon Currency, called “Muscle” and “Slingerz Outlaw” of Tuschen Housing Scheme, East Bank of Essequibo (EBE) after he was found dead with a gunshot wound to his head.
The man’s shirtless body was found tangled on a red bicycle which he was reportedly riding up to the time of his death. He was shot to the forehead and reportedly collapsed along the roadside where he died.
The man, who some claimed to be a vendor, was well known in the village. According to reports, Currency used to collude with other notorious characters and robbed persons at the ‘Blacka’ dam at Tuschen New Scheme.
Muscle was reportedly involved in a robbery sometime back, during which a policeman’s gun was stolen.
“Oh S#%^! His name is muscle. He is a big time bandit. Dem does rob people at the Blacka at night and he does deh selling back their jewellery at Stabroek,” one resident, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, shared.
Investigators have indicated that they will not be ruling out the possibility of robbery as the motive for the killing.


Camp Street prison unrest… Another escapee recaptured


…four more to go

Wanted: Bartica and Lusignan massacre killer Mark Royden Williams, ex-cop Uree Varswyck, Stafrei Hopkinson, and Cobena Stephens

Cornelius Thomas, one of the prisoners who escaped during the fire at the Camp Street prison two Sundays ago has been recaptured.
The 32-year-old of Lot 36 Guyhoc Gardens was arrested around 15:00 hrs at ‘C’ Field Sophia, Georgetown.
Kaieteur News was informed that the police on receiving information that the escapee was hiding out there, went to the location and arrested him. He was on remand for murder.
On Friday, another prison escapee, Desmond James was arrested in an abandoned shack at Canal Number One, West Bank Demerara (WBD).
He was caught with a knife and a few pieces of clothing and told the police that he was heading to Essequibo.
Those still on the run are Bartica and Lusignan massacre killer Mark Royden Williams, ex-cop Uree Varswyck, Stafrei Hopkinson, and Cobena Stephens, 26, of Buxton. Based on information, Uree, Williams and Hopkinson are together and are hiding out in the backlands.
Just before 17:00 hrs last Sunday, the Camp Street prison surveillance cameras picked up five prisoners exiting the facility and making their way towards Bent Street, Georgetown, while opening fire on Tactical Service Unit (TSU) ranks that were guarding the compound.
It is suspected that Thomas and Stephens slipped away while they were being transported to the Lusignan Prison.
Following the unrest, prison officer Odinga Wickham succumbed to gunshot wounds inflicted on him by inmates at the prison. His colleague, Hubert Trim, who was the Duty Officer at the time, is in a critical state having sustained chop wounds to the head.
Prison officers Simeon Sandy, Errol Daphness, Drexel Gonsalves, Jason Maltoy and Dominic Mingo were also injured.
Meanwhile, the Guyana Police Force, in its efforts to recapture the prisoners, is appealing to members of the public, relatives and friends to give any relevant information as to the whereabouts of these escapees so that they can be captured and returned to the prison.
Also, an appeal is being made to the escapees to surrender to the police or relevant authority, to avoid any serious confrontation that is likely to result in the use of force.
All information will be treated with a high degree of confidence and also the rights of those escapees will be respected and upheld, the police said.


Heavily armed gunmen rob Cuyuni mining camps


Up to press time, police ranks were in the hinterland location waiting on transportation to

Henry’s camp that was attacked.

get to Kartuni, Cuyuni River, Region Seven where it is alleged that at least six heavily armed gunmen are targeting mining camps and brutalizing the workers. This has been going on for the past five days.
Yesterday, Divisional Commander, Rabindranauth Budhram, confirmed that the report has been received and that ranks were on their way to Kartuni.
He said that there is no information as to how many camps were robbed by the bandits, who were reportedly speaking fluent Spanish and Portuguese.
There is information that the gunmen are carrying high powered guns and they reportedly took away weapons belonging to at least two onsite security guards. The men escaped with raw gold, firearm, phones and at least six tractors.
While workers have been attacked, there are no reports of fatalities. At each camp the men attack, they reportedly destroyed the communication system, making it difficult for ranks and even the owner for the camps to get information.
Sheriff Mining Company owned by Mohamed Sheriff Henry was attacked on Monday afternoon.
The gold miner told reporters the bandits escaped with his guard’s weapons and an undisclosed amount of gold after beating his workers.
Henry noted that he heard that bandits were in the area and made contact with the police at the Bartica Police Station on Friday. He said that he was informed that the ranks were already aware of the issue.
He added that on Friday, the police made contact with him and informed him that his camp had been attacked.
“I ask the police how they know and they said that one of my workers were heading to the camp when he saw what was happening and immediately went to the other camp where he called the police at the Landing,” Henry noted.
He said that he had been told that the bandits took a female cook and another woman who were at his camp hostage but when contacted, Budhram said that he had not received that information and will only divulge what had been reported to him.
“Like all the camps these men go to, they destroying the communication system so we don’t know what is happening and there is no mode of transportation to get in because they took all the tractors,” Henry said yesterday.
It is unclear when the ranks will be able to get to the backdam. This newspaper was told that they were waiting at the Guyana Gold Fields.
Reports are that the division is expecting the Guyana Defence Force to help them get in by helicopter.


‘Small Man’ busted with over 16lbs ganja at road block – court hears


A taxi driver who was transporting a passenger to Linden was busted with over 16 pounds of marijuana hidden in compartments and in the trunk of the vehicle which was intercepted by ranks from the Customs Anti Narcotics Unit

REMANDED: Glenmore Mc Bean

This is according to CANU Prosecutor, Konyo Sandiford, who opposed bail being granted to alleged drug trafficker, Glenmore Mc Bean, 34, a taxi driver, of Lot 78 Wismar Housing Scheme, Linden.
Mc Bean, also known as ‘Small Man’, was arraigned before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan and denied the allegation that on July 16, last, at Soesdyke Junction, East Bank Demerara, he had 7.388 kilograms of cannabis sativa (marijuana) in his possession for the purpose of trafficking.
Prosecutor Sandiford related to the court that on July 16, CANU ranks received certain information at Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara and as a result set up a road block at Soesdyke Junction, East Bank Demerara.
Prosecutor Sandiford said that motorcar HC 7963 which was being driven by Mc Bean was intercepted at the roadblock during which he admitted to having a bag of marijuana in the vehicle.
However, upon searching the vehicle the prosecutor said that ranks found parcels of marijuana hidden in a compartment and in the trunk of the vehicle.
Mc Bean is the registered owner of the vehicle, Sandiford disclosed.
Attorney-at-Law Bernard DaSilva who represented Mc Bean petitioned for him to be released on bail citing that special reasons arise from the circumstances under which his client was arrested.
DaSilva stated that on the day in question, Mc Bean was transporting a passenger to Linden when the car was stopped and searched and the alleged narcotics unearthed.
According to the lawyer, prior to the vehicle being stopped and searched, the passenger who was seated in the back disembarked the vehicle a few yards from the road block after receiving a phone call. DaSilva pointed out that the alleged narcotics were found in the passenger’s side compartment of the vehicle and also in the trunk.
The lawyer stated that his client should be granted pre-trial liberty since the alleged narcotics was not found in his possession but rather in the vehicle which had a passenger before it was stopped and searched.
Prosecutor Sandiford contended that Mc Bean provided CANU ranks with certain oral statements admitting that the drug was indeed in the vehicle.
But DaSilva argued that caution statements are subject to being tested by the court since the court is well aware of how they are sometimes extracted from an accused.
The Chief Magistrate refused bail for the defendant citing that no special reasons were raised by the defence to satisfy the court. Mc Bean will make another court appearance on July 13, for statements.


Note a black and a Portuguese are the crooks, not IndoGs as the slopcan crew would have us believe 

Duo charged in $85M cocaine bust

Kevin Fitzroy

TWO Essequibo residents who were arrested following an $85M cocaine bust made by the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Coast Guard on a vessel on the Pomeroon River, were on Thursday charged.
John DaSilva, a 45-year-old farmer of Grant Strong Hope, Pomeroon and Kevin Fitz Gordon, 34, of Jim Housing Scheme, Essequibo were jointly charged with drug trafficking before Chief Magistrate, Ann McLennan.

John DaSilva

Particulars of the charge alleged that the duo on July 17, 2017 at Pomeroon River trafficked 94.954 kilograms of cocaine. The men pleaded not guilty to the allegations. They were represented by Attorney-at-law Mark Waldron. An official of the Custom Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) explained to the court that investigation into the matter is incomplete.
The Chief Magistrate remanded the two men and transferred the matter to the Charity Magistrate’s Court for August 28, 2017.
According to reports DaSilva and Gordon were intercepted on July 17, while heading to Georgetown on a vessel but when they saw the Coast Guard boat they decided to turn around and tried to escape. A substance suspected to be cocaine was found in the vessel.
They were intercepted about four miles off the mouth of the Pomeroon River. The men, vessel and suspected narcotics were handed over to CANU officers. Gordon was previously charged and placed before the court in 2015 for the possession of 1.0854 kg of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. He was acquitted on the charge but in June 2017 he was arrested by CANU ranks for possession of a large quantity of US currency and handed over to the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU)


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