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Woman shot during gunplay at Agricola

Aisha Eversley

A 26-YEAR-OLD woman was injured during a shootout at in Agricola, East Bank Demerara during Saturday night.

The woman is identified as Aisha Eversley of Freeman Street, Agricola, who was shot to her left foot after two men, both armed with handguns, had an argument during which they discharged rounds at each other.

The incident occurred at about 21:00hrs at Fifth Street corner, Agricola. Eversley was caught in the crossfire and shot. She was treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital and sent away.


Another Indo drug dealer dressed up as a black

Man wanted by INTERPOL busted with cocaine, ganja

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Garfield Christopher Parker

A 55-YEAR-OLD minibus driver of Tabatinga, Lethem, was on Sunday morning busted at Mabura Police Outpost, allegedly with a quantity of cannabis and cocaine for trafficking.
Garfield Christopher Parker, whose name appeared on the INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organisation) wanted list since 2016 for international drug trafficking, is currently in police custody and is assisting with the investigation.

The suspected narcotics that was found in the minibus.

According to reports, on Sunday, October 1, about 04:00 hrs, the police acting on information received, stopped minibus BKK 8295 and conducted a search at Mabura Police Station. Two cardboard boxes and a multi-coloured suitcase was found and a quantity of taped parcels were retrieved, containing leaves, seeds and stems suspected to be cannabis, along with a small plastic parcel containing what is suspected to be cocaine.
The drugs were weighed and the cannabis amounted to 24.9 kilograms and the cocaine 200 grams.
Parker, who was the driver, claimed ownership and knowledge of the drugs and told police that he was transporting the drugs for someone in Lethem. He is currently being processed for court.


Man dies after wake-house brawl


– 4 in custody

By Bhisham Mohamed

Days after receiving a sound trashing at a wake-house in Industry, East Coast Demerara, a painter succumbed to his injuries at the Georgetown Public Hospital.
Hetram Ramchand, 39, of Lot 51 Crown Dam Industry, East Coast Demerara, was beaten on Friday evening, and succumbed on Sunday evening.

Dead, Hetram Ramchand

Based on reports received, he had attended a wake in the village, and had been part of a gathering looking at a few men gambling. After the game of cards was over, an argument ensued among the players for money owned to each other. One of the players was a relative of Ramchand’s. This newspaper understands that the argument turned into a confrontation and then a scuffle. Ramchand, in a bid to defend his cousin, was lashed to the head, and fell to the ground.
The mob then turned on him, and dealt him a sound trashing for intervening. The men were subsequently put out of the wake-house.
Based on reports received, the injured Hetram Ramchand was escorted by a nephew to the Sparendaam Police Station to lodge a complaint, but while doing so, the sons of two popular businessmen in the community turned up and claimed that they had been assaulted by Ramchand. The two men were sent to the Georgetown Public Hospital to seek medical attention, but the trashed Ramchand was placed in the lockups.
Speaking with Guyana Times, Pooran Ramchand, father of the late Hetram Ramchand, explained that his son had been kept in the cell until Saturday evening, before he was taken to the hospital.
“Is after he catch a ‘fits’ because of the beating to the head (that) the police chain he and carry he to the hospitalâ€Ķ Meh son dead while they had he chain to the bed,” the distraught man lamented.
The angry father recalled receiving a telephone call from the police at about 03:00h on Saturday, informing him that his son was involved in “lil story” and had been arrested.
“They never tell me that meh son was beaten and that he was at the wake when the fight bruk outâ€Ķ They never tell me that was meh nephew carry he to the police stationâ€ĶThem police know who does give them money, and they got to do everything to protect them people”, he charged.
It was not until he arrived at the police station that he realized how badly his son had been beaten. He contended that although the family had requested for the painter to be sent for medical attention, the Police officer in charge had refused to so do. As such, he is blaming the Police for his son’s death, and is calling on acting Police Commissioner David Ramnarine to look into the matter.
In addition, he is asking Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan to intervene, so that some sort of justice can be given to the aggrieved family.
The Police, in a release, stated that four men have been arrested and are assisting with the investigations.
Ramchand’s body is at the GPHC morgue awaiting a post mortem.
He leaves to mourn his parents and two siblings.


Man clubbed to death by drinking buddy at Industry


A deportee from the United States was on Monday morning beaten to death during a drinking spree with his pal at his Industry Front, East Coast Demerara home. A deportee from the United States was on Monday morning beaten to death during a drinking spree with his pal at his Industry Front, East Coast Demerara home. The dead man has been identified as 44-year-old Bhagwan Ramadhar, also called ‘Alan Bhagwandin’, of Lot 50 Industry, East Coast Demerara. The Guyana Times understands that the two men had been in the habit of consuming alcohol, and on the day in question, they were engaged in a heated argument.During the

Murder suspect Mahase Dhanraj

argument, the suspect, Mahase Dhanraj, also called “Crusher,” picked up a piece of wood and dealt Ramadhar one blow to the head. Although the victim fell to the ground in an unconscious state, the suspect continued to hit him to the head. From reports received, Ramadhar’s face was battered.It is not clear what

prompted the argument, but persons in the area, including the suspect’s sister, related that the two men had been ‘drinking buddies’, and would become embroiled in heated arguments from time to time;  but this was the first time an argument had become so violent. At the scene, the suspect’s sister, Sumintra Sugrim, told media operatives that the now dead man had lived alone, and her brother would frequently visit his home to consume alcohol. She explained that Monday morning was no different. Her brother went over to the dead man’s house, and the drinking spree began.However, whilst she was attending to her plants at the back of her yard, she heard the argument between the two men, but rather than enquiring, she continued doing her chores. This, she noted, was because the men would argue whenever they were “drinking rum”.  Nevertheless, as she

The body of Bhagwan Ramadhar being taken away by undertakers

reached to the front of the yard, she saw her brother in a drunken state and he was trembling. Soon after, she heard her neighbours calling out to her, relating that Ramadhar was lying under the house in a pool of blood. She did not attempt to ask her brother what had transpired, but instead the police were summoned. The incident, she added, came as a shock not only to her, but to the residents. The suspect was arrested and has confessed to the murder. The piece of wood suspected to be the murder weapon was collected by investigators to be lodged as evidence. Meanwhile, Guyana Times understands that the now dead man had been deported from the US a few years ago, and had lived alone at his Industry, ECD home, where he plied his trade. His drunken state had persuaded persons not to give him work. As a result, he had resorted to doing odd jobs for people in the area. The murder suspect is expected to make his first court appearance shortly.


Women, 89, 77, found dead in South Road home

Three held with victim’s stolen phone

Constance Fraser, 89

Phyllis Caesar, 77

Police appear to be on the verge of cracking the brutal murder of 89-year-old Constance Fraser, and 77-year-old Phyllis Caesar, whose bound and gagged bodies were found at around 09.00hrs yesterday in their Lot 243 Albert Street and South Road residence.
Detectives reportedly tracked down three young men, who were reportedly using a phone belonging to Mrs. Fraser. At press time, the suspects were being subjected to intense interrogation.
The women were members of the South Road Full Gospel Assembly, located a few doors from their home. Kaieteur News was told that Mrs. Caesar acted as caretaker for the church, and had the code for the church alarm. She also kept the keys for a nearby school in Regent Street.
A resident said that the gruesome crime was discovered when a church member turned up and was unable to gain access to the church since the alarm was on. He then enquired about Mrs. Caesar’s whereabouts. On checking at the Regent Street school, residents found the school locked and children standing outside.
They also observed that the gate to the elderly women’s residence was locked. Residents contacted ranks at the Alberttown Police Station. Detectives, using a ladder, climbed onto the verandah, where they discovered that a door leading to the verandah was open.
On entering the premises, they found the house ransacked, then located the trussed-up and bound bodies of the two elderly women in separate rooms.
It is believed that the killers gained entry to the premises by climbing into the verandah and forcing open the same door that the police found unlocked.
Mrs. Fraser’s son-in-law, Reginald Daniels, said that the women were bound with strips of cloth. He was unable to say what the killers took, but said he was puzzled that items such as a television set was left behind, and a ring was left intact on one of the women’s fingers.
Mr. Daniels said that he last spoke with Mrs. Fraser, whom he called ‘Grandma’, last Friday. He described her as a “God fearing, gentle soul,” who had resided at her Albert and South road home for some 50 years.
Mr. Daniels revealed that thieves had broken into the home about three months ago. Relatives had installed a door and suggested to Mrs. Fraser that an alarm be installed and a guard be employed at nights.
But Mrs. Fraser, a devout Christian, declined the offer.
“She said ‘no, God will protect me,” Mr. Daniels recalled.
Distraught friends and members of the South Road Full Gospel Assembly who turned up at the scene repeatedly questioned why the intruders had killed the elderly women, who had posed no threat to them.
Constance Fraser is said to be survived by eight children, who all reside overseas.
Over the years, several elderly women and men who lived alone have been slain by robbers. Many of the cases remain unsolved.


jackass PNC claimed that Guyana safer under their watch but I don't think so. The evidence says otherwise.

Head of SWAT team loses gun in carjacking

– Vehicle later found abandoned

Investigators are probing a carjacking involving one of their own, Deputy Superintendent, Lonsdale Withrite, the head of the Guyana Police Force (GPF)’s SWAT team. The incident occurred on the Kitty, Georgetown seawall around 21:00hrs on Monday night.
According to reports, Withrite reported that he stopped at the seawall to urinate when a vehicle pulled alongside his parked car and someone jumped into his vehicle and sped away. The officer’s gun and laptop were in his bag in the back seat of the car.
An alarm was raised and ranks from Sparendaam Police Station were alerted of the incident. This newspaper was informed that a roadblock was immediately set up and the officer’s car was spotted at Ogle, ECD.
Kaieteur News was informed that upon spotting the cops, the suspects turned at Ogle main road and headed back to Georgetown. The ranks lost the suspects when they turned on Sheriff Street, Georgetown. The vehicle was later found abandoned at Ogle seawall.
No one has been arrested.
Meanwhile, the police are on the hunt for three men, who reportedly robbed 36-year-old Seon Clarke of his silver-grey Toyota Premio, PTT 8405 on North Road, Bourda around 19:10 hrs on Monday.
Clarke of Bent Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown, was about to park his car on North Road, Bourda to go into the market with three of his male friends. When they exited the car, they were confronted by three men, one of whom was armed with a handgun.
The men demanded the key for the motorcar and gun-butted Clarke when he refused. Clarke’s friends ran away while the gunmen collected the car keys and the victim’s cellular phone
The car has not been recovered.


According to some, it is Indians dressed up as Blacks that are committing these murders in Guyana. My eyes must be deceiving me.

Teens remanded for Freeman Street robbery/murder


Two teenagers were yesterday remanded to prison for the murder of 55-year-old Fazal Shaheed who was shot and killed after bandits stormed a house at Lot 194 Freeman Streets, East LaPenitence, Georgetown.
Shawn Da Santos, 19, and Stephen Howard, 18, both of Freeman Street, Georgetown were not required to plead to the indictable charge which alleged that on September 24, last, they murdered Shaheed during the course of a robbery.
The two unrepresented murder accused were remanded to prison until October 19, by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan.
During his address to the court, Howard told the court that he was beaten by the police to confess to the killing. He also alleged that police forced him to implicate Da Santos in the crime.
Howard is the brother of Jason Howard, who is on remand for the murders of Mohamed Munir and his wife, Bibi Jamila Munir, who were allegedly burnt to death by bandits in their Good Hope, East Bank Essequibo home in April 2016.
Shaheed, of Lot 61 Cropper Street, Albion, Berbice, was shot four times after gunmen stormed the home where he and other relatives were preparing a memorial service for their father.
His younger brother Talim Shaheed, 50, of Toronto, Canada was shot in the back.
Shalim Shaheed, 53, of New York was shot in the back.

MURDER ACCUSED: Stephen Howard and Shawn Da Santos making their way into the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts

DEAD: Fazal Shaheed

Police said that three bandits gained entry to the concrete structure via the southern door which was left open and exited through the north western bedroom. Detectives recovered three spent shells and three bullets from the scene.
According to the eldest brother, Raymon Shaheed, some of his relatives who came from overseas, were gathered at the premises in preparation for a memorial service to mark their dad’s first death anniversary.
He recalled that he and his wife, along with some other relatives, left for his residence at Subryanville, Georgetown, before the attack.
He said that about an hour later, he received a phone call from his sister, who told him that his three brothers were shot and that he needed to return to the East La Penitence residence.
Shaheed said that he drove as fast as he could. But upon arrival at the home he was informed that a taxi had already transported his brothers to the hospital.
He said that he barged into the triage room where he saw his brother, Fazal lying motionless on a bed with about four gunshot wounds—one in the region of his heart.


Bandits beat caterer, escape with his car


TWO bandits on Monday night robbed a 36-year-old caterer of Bent Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown, on North Road between Alexander and Bourda streets.

Police said the incident occurred about 19:10hrs.

Enquiries disclosed that the victim and his three male friends were heading to Bourda Market. Upon arrival the victim parked his motorcar on North Road and he and his friends exited at which point they were confronted by the three men. According to the police one of the bandits who was armed with a handgun demanded the key for the motorcar of which the driver refused to give.

The bandit proceeded lash him to his head with the gun and subsequently he fell to the ground at which point his friends ran away. The armed bandit picked up the car key entered the vehicle with his other accomplices and escaped with the victim cellular phones heading west of North Road. No arrest made.


Bandits beat caterer, escape with his car

TWO bandits on Monday night robbed a 36-year-old caterer of Bent Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown, on North Road between Alexander and Bourda streets.

Police said the incident occurred about 19:10hrs.

Enquiries disclosed that the victim and his three male friends were heading to Bourda Market. Upon arrival the victim parked his motorcar on North Road and he and his friends exited at which point they were confronted by the three men. According to the police one of the bandits who was armed with a handgun demanded the key for the motorcar of which the driver refused to give.

The bandit proceeded lash him to his head with the gun and subsequently he fell to the ground at which point his friends ran away. The armed bandit picked up the car key entered the vehicle with his other accomplices and escaped with the victim cellular phones heading west of North Road. No arrest made.


Businessman executed at Port Kaituma


A 48-year-old businessman was executed on Tuesday at Log Pond, Oronoque, Port Kaituma, just after leaving his home to meet with the suspected gunman, who had requested a meeting during a telephone call.
The incident occurred around 18:45 hrs.
The deceased has only been identified as Khemraj, called “Coolie” of Water Front, Port Kaituma. His body bore three suspected gunshot wounds, two to the lower abdomen and once to the right side head. The suspect, who has been identified as Gavin Bidder has not been arrested as yet.
According to information received, the deceased was at home with his wife, Renika Poon, when he received a phone call from the suspected shooter.
Poon, a 23-year-old housewife, told investigators that she overheard her husband telling the caller that he would meet with him at Log Pond.
Poon said that her spouse then left home in his boat and went to Log Pond where he reportedly met with Bidder, a 42-year-old miner, who based on the police’s report, was clad in a cream jacket, grey three-quarter pants, black boots and wearing spectacles.
The suspect allegedly had a handgun tucked in his pants waist.
Kaieteur News was informed that on arriving at the location, the victim greeted the suspect and they proceeded to walk east along the road.
Shortly after, residents informed the police that they heard about seven gunshots and saw Khemraj lying in a pool of blood. The suspect fled the scene.
The body was taken to the Port Kaituma Hospital where the victim was pronounced dead. His wallet with $5000, Identification and TIN cards were found about seven feet from the body but his phone has not been recovered.


Policewoman hacked to death

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Sgt. Kennesha Sheriff- Fraser

â€Ķassailant hangs self

A 39-YEAR-OLD policewoman sergeant who lived at #30 Village, West Coast Berbice, was hacked to death in her home by a male acquaintance who committed suicide shortly after.

The dead policewoman was identified as Sgt. Kennesha Sheriff- Fraser, while her assailant who later hanged himself from a Courida tree on the Atlantic foreshore was identified as Clayton Anthony, known as Woody, also of # 30 Village. Anthony lived in the bottom flat of a two storeyed building at Lot 370 and the dead woman lived on the upper flat of the building.

Clayton ‘Woody’ Anthony

Reports are that Anthony was a close acquaintance of the dead woman and her relatives and at one time lived with them in the upper flat of the building before moving to the lower flat of the building, which became vacant some time ago. Sgt Fraser, popularly known as “Tekkie”was the Deputy Supervisor of the Registry at the Central Police Station at New Amsterdam. The murder occurred around 09:00hrs and Anthony took his own life about twenty minutes later.

Shocked neighbours said yesterday that they had little or no inkling that something serious had occurred at the house. “I didn’t hear any quarreling; any raised voices. I heard her cry out once but I thought that maybe she had had some bad news and had shouted in distress,” one neighbour said.

They realised that something was amiss when they saw Anthony soaked in blood and holding a rope in his hand and running towards the northern section of the village which is close to the Atlantic Ocean. “I see he running and looking back and running and looking back and then I suspected that something was wrong,” a neighbour who was among those who made the discovery of the woman’s mutilated body said. Another neighbour disclosed that both Ms. Fraser and her attacker were alone in the house at the time; she upstairs and he downstairs, since the adults in the home had gone to work and the children had left for school.

Reasons for the savage attack baffled many neighbours. “This chap lived with this family off and on for many years; only God knows why he had do such a savage act on someone he knew.” Another source disclosed that shortly before the attack, the now dead woman had called her mother, also a policewoman to query about the whereabouts of her cellphone, since it could not be found. The mother had replied that she did not know where her cellphone was. Another source who was on hand to witness when Anthony’s body was cut down, said that when he was searched he was found to have two cellphones in his trouser pocket; one belonged to him and the other belonged to the dead woman.
Rumors about motive abounded.

Residents gathered outside of the house of the victims (Nakasia Logan photo)

The dead woman’s husband lived with her in the upper storey of the building where her murderer also lived with them before moving downstairs. “They all lived together in the upper flat of the building at one point in time, but her husband was in the bush most of the time,” she said. Another neighbour averred that the killing and suicide was premeditated, since Anthony had invited him to take a drink with him “for the last” Wednesday afternoon. “Those were his words. He said: “Well boy, come leh we take a drink for the last. He didn’t say why he said that,” the neighbour said.

Anthony was said to be a prosperous miner at one point in time but had apparently fallen on hard times, since he had been living on the coast for the longest while eking out an existence on farming and occasional construction work, one neighbour said. The man who had been married at one time was reportedly said to have violently chopped his wife while he and she lived in New Amsterdam and had been shot in the leg by police during an investigation into that offence some time ago.

Sergeant Kennesha Sheriff-Fraser leaves to mourn her three children: Rinson Rose 18, Dacuan Fraser 11 and Danara Fraser 5. The bodies are at the Anthony’s Funeral Parlour at Fort Wellington, West Coast Berbice, awaiting post-mortems


Police slow to act on rape of nine-year-old



– File with La Grange Police Station for more than two weeks

The mother of a nine-year-old girl is upset that ranks in ‘D’ Division appear to be dragging their feet in investigating the rape of her daughter, allegedly by a 34-year-old mini bus driver, more than two weeks ago.
The incident allegedly occurred at the woman’s home.
The woman has claimed that the suspect went to the family’s home on September 21, last, to meet with the child’s grandfather and noticed that the girl was home alone. He allegedly climbed onto the veranda, entered the home and raped the child.
“My brothers and him does drive bus together and when they get problems, he does complain to my father, so on that day, one of my brothers and him got into an argument and he told my brother that he will ‘F#%$&k up his family and he left the Number 32 bus park,” the child’s mother alleged.
The woman added that her daughter was sick with the flu and diarrhea and had stayed home from school with her grandfather but the grandfather had to leave home to run an errand.
“My daughter said she heard the guy calling and when she went out he asked where was her grandfather and my daughter informed him that he was not at home so he asked she and who home, and my daughter said she alone, so she went in back the house and continued watching television,” the mother recounted.
She added that her daughter told her that shortly after she went inside, the 34-year-old driver confronted her from the veranda and threatened to kill her if she made any noise.
“She said that the man took off her clothes and raped her on the chair and when the pain became too much, she started crying and he put his hands over her mouth but she managed to bite him and push him off and run and lock herself in the toilet.”
The terrified mother said that the driver, who is a father himself, then banged on the toilet door for the child to come out. After she remained inside, he put on his clothes and left.
“She said she wait a while and then she barely open the door and see him putting on his clothes—a green jersey, black pants, brown boots, blue hat and black shades. He jump down the veranda and walked at the back of the yard,” the mother said.
The woman said that the child’s grandfather arrived shortly afer the suspect left.
“My father called and ask me if I can come home now that something happen, so I left work and went home.”
The woman said that her daughter was so terrified of her attacker that she did not want to tell her what had happened.
“When she told us we went to the station to report the matter and we went for a medical which confirmed that she had been raped.”
Initially, the family had no idea who had raped the child. “Two days after she was raped my father had to cut his hair (at a West Coast Demerara barber shop), so he took her and my brother (who was also there) told her to watch around just in case she sees the person who attacked her.”
The mother said that her daughter spotted her attacker at a bus park, and he who was wearing the same attire he was dressed in when the attack occurred.
The child’s relative apprehended the suspect and took him to the Vreed-en Hoop Police Station where he was released on $100,000 bail after two days.
The girl’s mother said that on the day the suspect was released, she went to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) after being instructed to do so by the Child Care and Protection Agency.
According to the woman, the DPP’s office called the division to request the file. Later that day, a female police rank allegedly visited the scene of the crime.
“Imagine, they didn’t do all this before, but only when the DPP called they come, and the officer asked me why I had to go to the DPP.”
This newspaper has been informed that the officers at the La Grange Police Station are still preparing the file for the Commander, Leslie James. The file will then be sent to the DPP


Soesdyke woman beaten unconscious


Thirty-year-old mother of three, Savita Persaud is now clinging to life following a beating which left her unconscious, reportedly at the hands of her reputed husband, Naresh Dass.

Savita Persaud was beaten unconscious

Guyana Times understands that the altercation took place at the couple’s Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara home and Persaud’s relatives are calling for the relevant authorities to conduct thorough investigations into the matter.
The injured woman’s sister, Sally Persaud, explained that on Saturday last, the 30-year-old left with her three daughters and her reputed husband’s sister to visit the creek. Dass’ sister is on vacation from Trinidad.
Reports are that the accused became enraged, and upon his sister’s return, reportedly threw her suitcase and other belongings out of his house. Guyana Times was informed that the brother and sister argued for a short while before the still fuming Dass proceeded to the upper flat of the home to throw out his wife’s belongings.
“He then rushed upstairs to throw Savita’s belongings outside [but] she followed him to stop him. As she was going up the stairs, he grab her by the neck, lift her up and throw her down on the concrete,” Persaud’s sister said.
This publication was told that the mother of three was unconscious for some time and was rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre by her sister-in-law. However, when the doctors reportedly enquired as to how Persaud was injured, her husband’s sister allegedly told the medical officials that she [Persaud] was involved in an accident.
“They [Doctors] took some blood test and sent her home. His [Dass’] sister then got her some medicine from the pharmacy that has ibuprofen in it so that she can sleep it off. His sister told me that she has to sleep it off then she’ll be okay,” Sally Persaud explained on Thursday.
Shortly after returning home, the injured woman’s other siblings reportedly attempted to take her away to be treated at another medical facility. However, Dass attempted to stop them, but this proved futile.
“My sister was taken to Best Hospital [West Demerara Regional Hospital]â€Ķ The doctors have examined her and put on her record that she needs an MRI and that she has ‘Spine damage’. She’s currently in the hospital waiting for an answer from the doctors as to the extent of the spinal injury. Currently she’s not moving and needs attention as it seems so severe,” Guyana Times was told.
Persaud’s relatives explained that the duo has been together for several years, but it only became known to them recently that their loved one was an alleged victim of domestic abuse. Relatives added that on a few occasions, the now injured woman had attempted to leave her husband but would always return based on Dass’ reported promises to change the error of his ways.
“Together they have three daughters and my sister thinks of them mostly, as they keep asking for their dad when she takes them away. He makes promises to her that he won’t hit her ever again but still he does it,” a relative claimed.
This newspaper was told that a report of the incident was made at the Diamond/Grove Police Station as well as the Timehri Police Station. However, Dass is yet to be apprehended.
“The Police have to start stepping up and take actions against those men who find it necessary to beat their wivesâ€Ķ What are the laws doing to protect us as women or anyone who is facing domestic violence?” a female relative of Persaud questioned.
Incidents of domestic violence by both male and female parties have been recorded in the past months and years, with women being the primary victims of such attacks. As recent as August, 25-year-old Ryan Singh was remanded to prison on allegations that he slit the throat of his 16-year-old live-in girlfriend who was attacked on July 29. The two were reportedly arguing over his lack of interest in finding a job.
The girl, Rosana Lakhpal, was a former Berbice Educational Institute (BEI) student and she met Singh on the social media website, Facebook. Neighbours said they had made numerous complaints to Lakhpal’s mother that Singh was abusing her daughter when they were alone but the teen denied this was happening. Their relationship commenced before she turned 16.
Before that incident, Central Amelia’s Ward, Mackenzie, Linden resident Michael London, 35, was also remanded to prison days after being implicated in the brutal murder of his 37-year-old wife, Shenika London, in their Linden home. The accused fatally stabbed his wife after contending that she was unfaithful to him.
Police had indicated that at the time of her murder, London rushed out of their home and into the neighbour’s yard, drenched in blood and calling for assistance. However, she collapsed just before she could reach the door. The blood-stained knife used to carry out the gruesome act was found at the crime scene. (Romona Luthi and Shemuel Fanfair


Gunmen escape with DVR after robbing Sueria Manufacturing


Three armed bandits early yesterday stormed the office of Sueria Manufacturing and escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash and cheques.
The gunmen entered the entity’s Eccles Industrial site, East Bank Demerara (EBD) business place around 08:15 hrs and spent about five minutes ransacking the office.
According to information received, as soon as the men entered the business place, they demanded the workers to lie on the floor. They then began searching for valuables.
While the business has surveillance cameras, the bandits escaped with the DVR (digital video recorder). The business has been robbed three times in the last two years.
Proprietor of the company, Frank Sanichara, is offering a substantial reward for information leading to the arrest of the suspects. Anyone with information can contact Sanichara on telephone number 604-6108 or the Providence Police Station.


Men remanded for robbing hotel patrons


Two men who allegedly robbed some men as they exited John’s Hotel which is located

From left Kennard Persaud and Derrick Favourite

at George Street, Werk-en-rust, Georgetown, were on Friday remanded to prison by Principal Magistrate, Judy Latchman after they appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
Kennard Persaud, 28; a mason of Lot 119 B Field Sophia and Derrick Favourite, 28, a vendor, of Lot 127 Albert Street , Albouystown, both denied the charge which alleged that on October 3, last, at George Street, Werk-en-rust, Georgetown, armed with knives, robbed Romaine Spencer and Ramraj Persaud, of $200,000 cash, a wallet and one haversack valued $4,000, property of the virtual complainants Romaine Spencer and Ramraj Persaud.
Police Prosecutor, Shawn Gonsalves, objected to bail being granted to the defendants citing the prevalence of the offence. The serious nature of the offence and the fact that a dangerous weapon was used to carry out the offence.
The prosecutor also added that if bail is granted to the defendants they would not return to court for the trial.
According to the facts presented by the prosecutor, on the day in question, about 02:45 hrs the virtual complainants were exiting the John’s Hotel when they were confronted by the defendants who placed knives to their necks and demanded that they hand over their valuables.
The victims, being fearful for their lives handed over the articles mentioned in the charge. The defendants then made good their escape.
The matter was then reported to the Brickdam Police Station and the defendants were caught on CCTV footage carrying out the act. The court heard that the defendants were arrested and positively identified by the victims.
They will make their next court appearance on September 27.


Stolen Iphones found on Linden man


A 20-year-old Lindener who police allegedly caught after tracking one of four stolen Iphones was yesterday ordered to post $150,000 bail after he denied a simple larceny charge.

Charged Lester Drakes

Lester Drakes, of Lot 161 Half Mile, Wismar, Linden, appeared before Principal Magistrate Judy Latchman in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts and denied the charge, which alleged that between September 24 and September 25, last, at Lot 1675 Central Amelia’s Ward, Mackenzie, Linden, he broke and entered Lawrence Fitz’s dwelling place and stole a quantity of Iphones and computers.
The man was represented by Attorney-at-Law Tiffany Jeffery, who asked that bail be granted to her client.
The lawyer added that her client was previously charged for a similar offence but that matter was dismissed.
On the day in question, about 22:10 hrs, Fitz secured his home and went to bed.
The next day he discovered a window open and the articles missing. A report was made to the station and a party of police officers tracked one of his Iphones which was stolen. The instrument was found in Drakes’s possession.
Drakes was instructed to make his next court appearance on October 20 when he will make an appearance before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan.


‘Smallie’ nabbed at last

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Mark Royden Durant, aka Smallie, in the police vehicle after being apprehended at Weldaad on Monday night

–in minibus at Weldaad, after four long months on the run

COMMISSIONER of Police (ag), David Ramnarine has confirmed that prison escapee, Mark Royden Durant, aka Smallie and Royden Williams, was captured on Monday evening.
According to Ramnarine, the wanted man was intercepted in a minibus which was heading east along the public road at Weldaad, West Coast Berbice (WCB) around 20:00hrs.
Durant, who escaped from the Camp Street Prison during a riot on July 9, 2017, had been on the run for over three months.
The wanted man reportedly adopted a new look by removing his dreadlocks, and was living among the residents of West Coast Berbice.
According to a statement from the police, Durant was travelling alone and unarmed when he was apprehended during an intelligence-led operation.

CAPTURED: Mark Royden Durant (DPI photo)

Reliable police sources confirmed that Durant was taken to a holding facility in Georgetown.
Before his escape, he was on death row. The condemned prisoner was jointly charged with Michael Caesar for the murders of Fazil Hakim, called “Boyie”, and Rajesh Singh, called “Rabbit” at a liquor bar on Agriculture Road, Triumph, East Coast Demerara in December 2007.

He was also convicted for his involvement in the February 17, 2008 Bartica Massacre of Lance Corporal Zaheer Zakir, Constables Shane Fredericks and Ron Osborne, civilians Edwin Gilkes, Dexter Adrian, Irving Ferreira, Deonarine Singh, Ronald Gomes, Ashraf Khan, Abdool Yasseen, Errol Thomas, and Baldeo Singh.
He was also convicted on eight counts of murder, and four counts of manslaughter, and was sentenced to death by Justice Roxane George SC, now Chief Justice. As it relates to the Bartica Massacre, Williams has a second indictment for terrorism, and three counts for break and enter and larceny.
Last month, the convict was allegedly with fellow prison escapee, Uree Varswyck in the Amelia’s Ward area. The pair reportedly opened fire on members of the Joint Services, who returned fire which resulted in Varswyck, who was wearing a military vest and boots, being killed.
Meanwhile, the search is still on for Cobena Stephens, called OJ and Paul Goriah, who escaped in a separate prison break at the Lusignan prison.


Looks like the pnc looking to keep the poor out of their community.

Vandals burn Goedverwagting bridge a second time

The Goedverwagting-Pradoville access bridge after last Thursday night’s fire

–residents suspect ‘Pradoville’ people

RESIDENTS of the East Coast Demerara Community of Goedverwagting are feeling the squeeze after an access bridge on which they heavily depend was set alight last Thursday night.

According to the residents, it is the second such occurrence. The bridge in question reportedly connects Goedverwagting with neighbouring ‘Pradoville’.
They told the Guyana Chronicle that early in September, the Plaisance Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) had cause to lodge a complaint with the police in their community regarding the wanton destruction of the bridge by persons unknown.
While investigations into that fire were still ongoing, residents moved to have the bridge rebuilt last Monday. However, three days after it was reconstructed, it was again set alight.

Rodwell Leonard who resides in the community, said that last Thursday around 02:00hrs, he and his fellow villagers “had to come out again and out the fire.”
He said they have every reason to suspect that it is the residents of Pradoville who have been vandalising the bridge, as they have long had an issue with Goedverwagting people passing through their community.
This has been going on since the Pradoville community was established back in 2002, Leonard said, adding that while the police are still doing their investigations, they have two suspects on their radar.
He hopes the footage from the CCTV camera overlooking the bridge would be of help to the police, as the issue is becoming overbearing.
“It is becoming very frustrating for the residents,” Leonard said. “This is a bridge that children use to access the ‘line-top’, and people who going to work at the Ogle Airport use it to get to work.”
He said while the bridge was out of commission following the fire last month, schoolchildren had to use the “very busy” Railway Embankment Road.

Back then when the incident occurred, Goedverwagting residents had told the Guyana Chronicle that they believed their Pradoville neighbours had finally succeeded in keeping them out of their community.
That bridge was said to be a “saviour” for many schoolchildren attending the Bladen Hall Primary and Cummings Lodge Secondary Schools, as it helped keep them off the busy Railway Embankment Road.
Leonard said the bridge had been in existence long before ‘Pradoville’ was established.

Before the fire last month, residents in Pradoville had allegedly attempted to burn the bridge on two occasions. “But we always see smoke and run out to out it,” one Goedverwagting resident said.


Pnc police set up poor buckman while d2 and crew stay silent.

Man pawns bullet for groceries; shop owner jailed for two years


Jailed for two years, Seth Raymond

A shop owner who knowingly accepted a bullet from his friend in exchange for a quantity of groceries to provide meals for his family, was yesterday sentenced to two years’ imprisonment and fined $50,000.
Thirty-one-year-old Seth Raymond, of Quarrie Village, Central Rupununi, appeared before Chief Magistrate, Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts and pleaded guilty to the charge which stated that on October 3 at the aforementioned location, he had in his possession one live bullet, without being a licenced firearm holder.
When asked by the magistrate why he had the bullet in his possession, the defendant said, “I had it because I get a shop and I does sell grocery.
On the day in question, my friend came to get some groceries for his family and he had no money to pay, so he pawned the bullet to me.”
The man added that his friend told him that he would return the next day to pay for the groceries and to collect the bullet.
The man went on to tell the court that after he received the bullet, he took it and put it in one of his pockets for safe keeping. “I went and drop the bullet in my pants, by time I go back in the shop, the police came and arrest me.”
Police Prosecutor, Arvin Moore stated that on the day in question police conducted a search on the defendant’s home and the bullet was found in one of his pants pockets, in his bedroom.
The court heard that the police showed the bullet to the defendant and he told the police that he had purchased it from a friend.
Raymond was then arrested and taken to the Lethem Police Station where he was told of the offence and charged.
Magistrate McLennan sentenced the accused to two years’ imprisonment based on the fact that he pleaded guilty on his first appearance and did not waste the court’s time.


Police neglect their duties, maybe this is why crime continues unabated. Under the PPP the did the same thing, now under PNC, police continue to be belligerent and prefer to lime rather than investigate crime.

“Police didn’t help us find my sonâ€Ķthey refused to help search”


Shocked family: (From left) Razack Ghanie, brother; father, Fazil Ghanie, and mother, Indranie Seenarine

The parents, siblings and other relatives of 21-year-old murdered blockmaker, Mahendra Ghanie whose burnt remains were unearthed in a shallow grave located aback of his employer’s house at the Number 55 Cemetery, are incensed at the actions of the ranks attached to the Whim and Number 55 Police Stations.
The relatives are claiming that ranks attached to both stations were very reluctant in joining with them to search for their now dead loved one. The dead man’s mother, Indranie Seenarine, explained that after her son went missing last Monday (October 2), they decided to make a missing person report two days later (October 4) at the Number 51 Police Station.
“They told me to go home, they will callâ€Ķ they never called. The same evening, I went to Whim (Police Station) instead, but when I go they send me back to 51 Station. When I go there, they tell me they can’t take the report because the man nah belong to 51, he belong to Bloomfield. So I ask the officer why you pushing me around so? And they didn’t answer”.
The woman stated that on Thursday last, she and her eldest son decided to visit her son’s employer, well known as ‘Bobby’. She said when she arrived she saw ‘Bobby’ and asked him about her son’s whereabouts and he replied “I don’t know”. The woman said they left and returned to Whim, but were again denied, and told to make the report at Central Police Station in New Amsterdam. They were however sent back to Whim Police Station.
She said it was not until 16:00 hrs on Thursday that a police rank, in the company of Seenarine, ventured to the employer’s property. “Dem go and hold ‘Bobby’. Dem ent search or nothing,” Razack Ghanie, the dead man’s sibling, told Kaieteur News.
He claimed that a female rank, while placing the accused under arrest told him “don’t worry you is a good man, morning yuh gon get loose and yuh gon go and look after yuh stock”. There was still no search initiated by ranks up until that time, relatives claim.
With another day added to the timeline, since Mahendra Ghanie went missing, the young man’s siblings and other relatives launched a search, but opted to visit the 51 Police Station to request a rank to join the search party. They were allegedly refused assistance. “They told me to go and search,” Razack Ghanie said.
He stated that he returned to the ‘cemetery house’ but saw “â€ĶBobby son running, so I go back to the station again, and while I was waiting, I see the son come and making report that I went and run him with cutlass, but that is when the police arrested he. After that I ask if I can go back and deh seh yes. Is when I go back and search, is then I find the grave with the bones and call the police”.

Murdered: Mahendra Ghanie

The Police, he said, arrived an hour and a half later. He stated that when they arrived, he continued digging on his own, while the ranks watched on. “I find another bone and one of the Police (name provided) seh, “boy you is a idiot, that is a piece of wood”, when I dig more I find pieces of me brother phone and then dem call more police and then dem come and search for more”. The man’s mother also claimed that a policeman said to her, “Why you crying, yuh think yuh son so good?”
The relatives disclosed that they are not pleased with the manner in which ranks treated their case and are asking for justice to be served for the abhorrent death of their relative, “he did not deserve to go like that”, the grieving mother muttered.
The main suspect, his son and a worker were all arrested and have since confessed to the brutal murder of the 21-year-old.
They reportedly told investigators that they clubbed Ghanie with a piece of wood on his head, rendering him unconscious, then dragged his body aback the house – some 200 yards away – located in the Number 55 Cemetery, and dumped his body in an already dug shallow grave.
They then set the corpse alight. Upon returning the next day, the corpse was not completely burnt, so they burnt the remains a short distance away.


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