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Moruca miner stabbed to death during drinking argument


Dead: Rondee Peters

Police of ‘F’ Division are still investigating the circumstances, surrounding the death of a Moruca, Region One miner.

Dead is 25-year-old Rondee Peters, of Waramuri Mission, Moruca.

According to information filtered to this publication, Rondee was stabbed some time around 00:30hrs yesterday morning.

Kaieteur News was made to understand that prior to his death, Peters was having a drink with five of his associates.

It has not been confirmed whether or not the men had a disagreement, though some neighbours are claiming they heard an argument echoing from the community ground.

Sister of the deceased, Malindra Peters, said that she was made aware of her brother’s death sometime around 01:00 hrs yesterday morning.

“By the time we reach at the ball field where the thing happen, we saw me brother tek he last breath. We try to get he to the hospital but that was already late. We notice that he had four stab wounds to he left side chest, and one in he back.

“One of the boys who was drinking with meh brother said he saw he [Rondee] pick up a wood. He didn’t see if he lash anybody with the wood or so.”

The five men were allegedly arrested and taken to a nearby police station. Kaieteur understands that no murder weapon was found on the scene of the crime.


Bandits rob West Coast farmer of $1M



This Christmas is surely one that a West Coast farmer will remember for the rest of his life, given that he was robbed of $1 million right at the doorstep of his home yesterday afternoon.
The farmer, Ramdhar Singh, 52, of Railway Line, Windsor Forest, West Coast Demerara had just returned from Republic Bank’s, Vreed-en-Hoop, WCD, location.
Investigators believe that the man was traced from the bank by the bandits who were on a motorcycle.
Singh said that he took a taxi after conducting business at the bank and stopped for a few minutes at a shop to purchase bicycle parts.
After leaving the general store, he said his wife and him headed for home in the same taxi.
The man said as he exited the taxi at his home, a motorcycle rode up beside the car with the men who were armed. He added that one of the men had a helmet on, while the other’s face was visible, making him identifiable.
The bandit then pointed the gun at Singh’s head and demanded that he hand over the cash.
“Them tell me fuh give them de money and ask wheh de money deh”. He said he held on to his pocket and the man fired a shot in the air. It was his frightened wife that encouraged him to hand over the money which he did.
Meanwhile, the bandit’s colleague robbed the taxi driver of his cellular phone and relieved him of an undisclosed amount of cash before making good their escape.
The mater was subsequently reported to the Leonora Police Station where investigations are ongoing.
The troubled man told Kaieteur News that the money he had withdrawn from the bank was intended to be paid to somebody from whom he rents the rice farmlands.


Bandits attack auto sales manager

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A MANAGER attached to Yokohama Auto Sales escaped with his life following a daring armed robbery at Carmichael Street, Georgetown, on Thursday night when he was shot at and relieved of $1.4M in cash by two gunmen in a car.

It happened at about 19:00hrs when Deepak Balradj, 24, was driving along Carmichael Street and was forced to stop after he reversed his car into another vehicle when the robbers opened fire at him. His path was however, blocked by a silver Premio motorcar they were in and exited it and discharged rounds at Balradj.

The unsuspecting victim was then confronted by the bandits who took away the money he had in his pockets and in the glove compartment of his car and escaped with the booty along Middle and Carmichael Streets soon after.

Sleuths recovered one 9mm spent shell at the intersection of Carmichael and Middle Streets and one .380 live round was found on the floor of the victim’s car. No arrests have yet been made up to press time.
Meanwhile, in a separate incident, the police are looking for two men who robbed a farmer and his wife of $1M in cash outside their Windsor Forest home on Thursday afternoon, after they had made a withdrawal at a bank on the West Coast of Demerara.
According to reports, the farmer Ramadhar Singh and his wife, Pranpattie Singh had made a withdrawal at a bank at Vreed-en-Hoop after which they went about doing some errands.
It was when they reached their residence that the robbers descended on them while they were unloading from the trunk of the car, some items they had purchased from the car.
The couple were about to enter their home when the bandits discharged a round in the air while ,his accomplice held the 51-year-old man at gunpoint and took away the money. The robber then relieved Singh’s wife of a handbag and a cellphone.


Bandits attack auto sales manager

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A MANAGER attached to Yokohama Auto Sales escaped with his life following a daring armed robbery at Carmichael Street, Georgetown, on Thursday night when he was shot at and relieved of $1.4M in cash by two gunmen in a car.

It happened at about 19:00hrs when Deepak Balradj, 24, was driving along Carmichael Street and was forced to stop after he reversed his car into another vehicle when the robbers opened fire at him. His path was however, blocked by a silver Premio motorcar they were in and exited it and discharged rounds at Balradj.

The unsuspecting victim was then confronted by the bandits who took away the money he had in his pockets and in the glove compartment of his car and escaped with the booty along Middle and Carmichael Streets soon after.

Sleuths recovered one 9mm spent shell at the intersection of Carmichael and Middle Streets and one .380 live round was found on the floor of the victim’s car. No arrests have yet been made up to press time.
Meanwhile, in a separate incident, the police are looking for two men who robbed a farmer and his wife of $1M in cash outside their Windsor Forest home on Thursday afternoon, after they had made a withdrawal at a bank on the West Coast of Demerara.
According to reports, the farmer Ramadhar Singh and his wife, Pranpattie Singh had made a withdrawal at a bank at Vreed-en-Hoop after which they went about doing some errands.
It was when they reached their residence that the robbers descended on them while they were unloading from the trunk of the car, some items they had purchased from the car.
The couple were about to enter their home when the bandits discharged a round in the air while ,his accomplice held the 51-year-old man at gunpoint and took away the money. The robber then relieved Singh’s wife of a handbag and a cellphone.


Overseas-based holidaying Guyanese robbed

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A TAXI that stopped on the Craig, East Bank Demerara (EBD) Public Road due to a punctured tyre, resulted in the robbery of a U.S.A-based Guyanese couple Saturday morning.

The victims were identified as Manboad Shivran, 62, and Kamala Shivran, 60, both of Texas, U.S.A.
Reports indicate that the couple was heading to Eccles, E.B.D, when they were attacked by three men, one of whom was armed with a handgun. The men exited a white, tinted Toyota Premio motorcar that reportedly drove up from the opposite direction and stopped alongside them.

The gunman exited the vehicle and held the couple and the taxi driver at gunpoint before relieving them of their valuables. The bandits then made good their escape with the couple’s suitcases.

The couple was robbed of electronic gadgets, jewellery, passports, bank cards and drivers’ licences. Over US$9,000 in cash was also taken, along with over $US6, 000 in valuables. The matter was reported as police continue their investigation.


What a wonderful job being done by the pnc.

Couple robbed of $1M after leaving bank

A man and his wife were attacked and robbed by armed bandits after they were trailed from a bank on the West Coast of Demerara.
Ramadhar and Prampattie Singh of Windsor Forest, both of whom are 51 years old, are now left counting their losses, which are in the sum of $1 million. 
According to information reaching Guyana Times, after withdrawing the money from the bank at Vreed-en-Hoop, the couple were trailed by the gunmen, who waited for the opportune moment to strike.
This publication understands that the duo had just arrived at their residence when they were pounced upon by the gunmen, who managed to cart off the cash along with other belongings their victims were carrying at the time.
Ramadhar was in the process of removing their bags from the taxi in which they returned home when two gunmen on a CG motorcycle reportedly rode up, discharged a round in the air, and held the couple at gunpoint.
They relieved Ramadhar of the money he had in his possession, while they snatched a handbag from his wife as well as her cellular phone. The gunmen then jumped onto their motorcycle and make good their escape.
Shortly affect the attack, the still traumatised couple reported the matter to the Police, and an investigation has started.


Gunmen invade Guyhoc Park home


The Police are now on the hunt for two men who allegedly invaded the home of a Guyhoc Park liquor store owner and escaped with a television set and a mobile phone on Saturday morning.
Minerva Thompson, 40, of Lot 50 Guyhoc Park, Georgetown, told Police that the two men invaded her home at about 03:20h. The woman, who resides in the lower flat of a two-storey building, retired to bed but was awakened by a noise coming from her living room.
Upon checking, she was confronted by the two men, one of whom was armed with a gun. The men allegedly held the woman at gunpoint and instructed her to remain silent. One of the men then unplugged the television set while the other relieved her of her mobile phone.
The television set, the victim told investigators, cost $360,000.
As the men made good their escape, they reportedly discharged several rounds in the air to scare off members of the community who were passing at the time.
The woman subsequently contacted the Police who arrived at the scene and commence their investigations. They have since dusted the house for fingerprints.

Drugb posted:

Looks like the pnc want to shut down this crime tracker. Lilmohan and ray planning sinister actions. 

If that the case ,then shut down GNI. They can't stand to see the extent of the crime in Guyana, maybe both of them have connection with Rumjaat.


Father of six found with throat slit

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Anand Sukhram

A FATHER of six was discovered with his throat slit in his Lot 50, Friendship Village, East Berbice, Corentyne, home on Sunday.

The discovery was made around 07:00 hrs by one of his sons who was visiting him for the holidays.

Dead is Anand Sukhram called “Radesh” and “Halfway”, 42, a labourer, who was last seen alive by one of his brothers around 21:00 hrs on Saturday.

The family is of the view that his murder came at the hands of two known characters who live in the same village.

According to relatives, the suspects are allegedly involved in illegal activities and
“Halfway”, exposed it. Since then, the brothers have been threatening to kill him.

“Just two days ago, the suspect say he gon guh kill am and put him in he grave. A while back one of he (Anand) little son, one of the brothers cut out he ears just because them want he to do them bad work.”

According to a brother of the dead man, Allan Sukhram, 49, a sluice operator, who lives a short distance away, he was leaving for work when he recognised two known brothers “Saltfish” and “Raju” standing by a lamp post armed with a cutlass and a hunting knife.

“Them two persons get problems with meh brother, when I see them with the cutlass and Rambo knife, I back away from them and catch a car fuh go open the koker. Me didn’t think is me brother they would ah attack.”

While in the vehicle, he recalled seeing his brother walking home and asked the driver to slow down to talk to him, but the driver was in a hurry.

On Christmas Eve morning, he received the dreaded news of his brother’s death.

“When I go to the scene I see he on the bed, them cut the throat and from what I see is like them hold down he foot on the bed cause it left plait,” the grieving brother said.

The Christmas holidays for the Sukhram family have now turned into mourning and they are calling on the police for justice.

The family is also seeking the assistance of the public to offset the funeral expenses of their dear one. Persons desirous of helping can contact the family on either of these two numbers: 6870720 or 331-0746.

According to a police source, one of the suspects has been held and is helping the police to find the other.


Taxi driver nabbed in cocaine bust at Parika

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An intelligence-led operation conducted by ranks of the Force’s Narcotics Branch on Sunday at Parika, East Bank Essequibo has resulted in the arrest of a male taxi driver with almost sixty-six kilograms of cocaine.

Police said the operation was conducted between 14:00-16:30h ;first in the thirty-three years old suspect home at Budhoo Housing Scheme,Parika where they came up empty-handed but on searching his motorcar, ranks found an unusually heavy gas cylinder in the trunk.

In the suspect’s presence, the enforcement officials commanded by a Gazetted Officer, cut open the cylinder and found the illicit substance.

Investigations are ongoing.


Jeweller robbed at Independence Boulevard

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TWO armed bandits robbed a jeweller of Independence Boulevard, Georgetown in the wee hours of Wednesday morning of his $500,000 gold chain while he was attending a relative’s wedding in his neighbourhood.

Reports indicate that Dandkumar Jeeboo, 34, was at a family’s house celebrating a wedding, not far from his home, when he was attacked at around 01:00hrs by two armed men.

One of the men reportedly pointed a handgun at him and relieved him of his gold chain. The two bandits then attempted to remove his gold band but were unsuccessful as Jeeboo reportedly resisted.

After their failed attempt, the bandits reportedly escaped in the northern direction of Independence Boulevard. No shot was fired and the matter was reported to the police as investigations continue.


Three injured in Corentyne wedding house shooting


Three men are currently nursing gunshot wounds about their bodies after being shot by armed men at Hampshire Village, Corentyne, Berbice.
The injured have since been identified as Samuel Samaroo, 28, a driver/salesman attached to Banks DIH Ltd; Terry Ramsammy, a labourer of Hampshire Village and Nicholas Beharry also of Hampshire Village.

The injured, Samuel Samaroo

Two of the gunmen were identified as Devindra Harricharran well known as ‘Bara’ and Tameshwar Khemraj alias ‘Rambo’.
Both men were previously slapped with multiple robbery under arms and attempted murder charges.
Kaieteur News understands that Harricharran and Khemraj in the company of two others turned up at a wedding house in Hampshire Village with a motive to cause a ruckus and shoot.
“I was sitting with some of my friends in front my yard after I come home from work around 10:30 hrs and like around 11:30-12:00, two vehicle pull up (a 192 and a Premio) in both direction of the street and they switch off they lights. This guy ‘Rambo’ and ‘Bara’ and two other fella’s exit the vehicle and stand up in front the wedding house…it had a argument between them and some other fellas there and dem two other boys dat get shoot was standing up nah far from me,” one of the injured explained.
An eyewitness told this publication that at that point in time, ‘Bara’ walked up to Beharry and fired two shots in his direction.
“Nicholas turn around fuh run, and I hear two gunshots fire and Nicholas run and fall inside a yard so when I check and see what going on. I see ‘Bara’ facing the other bai (Ramsammy) and discharge two more rounds. Another guy come out the car with a shotgun and the man discharge a next round.”
Meanwhile, Samuel Samaroo, one of the injured men relayed that he saw ‘Bara’ standing with the gun in hand and at that moment decided to attempt to un-arm him when a scuffle ensued between the two resulting in him being shot in the right arm.
“After he shoot me on my hand, he point the gun back at me and when he pull the trigger the gun empty but by that time dem de already start up they vehicle and they jump in and speed away,” Samaroo divulged.
He also disclosed that the shooting is allegedly as a result of an old grievance between one of the gunmen and the brother of Nicholas Beharry.
“They came for a next guy but they shoot the guy’s brother. Only last week, dem same men had an argument at another wedding house and that argument was from another incident that happen couple months back. Rambo went at a wedding house and dem (Nicholas brother) chop he up… is an ongoing thing”, a source said.

One of the cars used to transport the gunmen.

According to Samaroo since the shooting, the suspects have since gone into hiding but they have been issuing threats.
“Rambo and Bara passing message around that they gon come and finish off the job,” Samaroo said.
Ramsammy reportedly was shot four times about his body and is currently at the New Amsterdam Public Hospital in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) preparing for surgery whilst Beharry is listed as stable with two gunshot wounds. Samaroo is recovering and out of the hospital with a gunshot to the right arm.
Divisional Commander, Lindon Alves confirmed that police are on the hunt for the suspects identified in the shooting.


Man loses eye on Xmas Day after bottle hurled in face


Injured: Dwayne Small

Dwayne Small, 24, of Plaisance lost his left eye on Christmas Day after individuals who were fighting at a shop accidentally hurled a bottle in his face.

The incident occurred around 17:00 hrs on Monday on Plaisance Main Road, East Coast Demerara.

The victim said that he was standing near a shop when a man began to slap a youth for ‘disrespecting’ the man’s uncle. The youth who was assaulted returned with a knife and a bottle. His father, who arrived shortly after, began to punch the individual who had slapped his son.

Small said that it was then that someone threw a bottle that struck him in the face. He recalled lying on the ground with blood streaming from his left eye.

A friend took him to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, where he underwent surgery.

Police have reportedly detained the youth who hurled the bottle. His father was also arrested, but was later released.


Drug addict says he mistakenly killed Sophia man, injured fiancé


Dead: Celwin Allen

A drug addict has told police investigators that he mistook 35-year-old Celwin Allen for a man who attacked him earlier on Christmas Day and fatally stabbed him around 19:35 hrs at ‘C’ Field Sophia, in the vicinity of “Fine man” shop.

He also stabbed the fiancée of the now dead Allen. Celwin Allen, a labourer of Lot 1342 Cummings Park, ‘E’ Field, Sophia, who was stabbed to the neck, chest and back died at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

His fiancée, Nalydiah Henry, was treated for minor stab wounds and sent away. The police said that the victims were attacked and stabbed multiple times by the suspect, who goes by the alias, “Kevin” who was armed with a knife.

“Kevin” was held hours after escaping from the scene. He reportedly told the police that he was “high” and mistook Allen for someone who had attacked him earlier in the day. The suspect claimed that he was the boss for the area and he felt disrespected when he was attacked.

Yesterday, the dead man’s mother, Judy Allen, said that her son and his fiancée went to her home to collect food and as they were returning to their home, they were attacked and beaten by the suspect, who was drinking at a shop.

“I heard he beat my son and throw him in a drain and then pulled him out and beat him again. He stabbed him all over his body and when he finished, he (suspect) turned to Nalydiah and started jucking her with the knife,” the older Allen said.

She added, “My son does not trouble anyone. When he drinks, he comes home and torments me.” The woman said that she was informed that the suspect killed her son because he mistook him for another man, who goes by the alias, “Black Boy.”

“My son dark so I don’t know if that is why he mistook him for the other person,” Allen said. The suspect will be charged some time this week.


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