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Former Member



Prime Minister .............................. $20,580,000

3 Vice Presidents @ $11,135,064 ..... $33,405,192

11 Ministers @ $10,439,124 ...........$114,830,364

8 Junior Ministers @ $8,364,492 .......$66,915,936

          Total ..... $235,731,492


President ....................

Minister J. Harmon ....... $10,439,124

Minister R. Trotman ......   $8,364,492

Minister W. Felix .............$8,364,492

          Total ... $27,168,108


[A] + [B] = $262,899,600



[1] 27 coalition ministers are now paid a combined annual salary of $262,899,600 so that they won't "thief all over the place."

[2] The numbers above represent basic salary, excluding allowances.

[3] I don't know President Granger's basic salary.

[4] In other threads I notice some members are converting these numbers and comparing Guyana's ministers' salaries to Canadian ministers' salaries. How about comparing Guyanese public servants' salaries to Canadian public servants' salaries?

[5] I understand that local government elections will be held next April, after the national budget is passed in parliament. I want to believe that the coalition will give public servants, nurses, teachers, policemen etc big salary increases so they too won't have to "thief all over the place."

Overall, I think the coalition has slipped up here and there but I am hopeful that better must come before 2020.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:



Prime Minister .............................. $20,580,000

3 Vice Presidents @ $11,135,064 ..... $33,405,192

11 Ministers @ $10,439,124 ...........$114,830,364

8 Junior Ministers @ $8,364,492 .......$66,915,936

          Total ..... $235,731,492


President ....................

Minister J. Harmon ....... $10,439,124

Minister R. Trotman ......   $8,364,492

Minister W. Felix .............$8,364,492

          Total ... $27,168,108


[A] + [B] = $262,899,600



[1] 27 coalition ministers are now paid a combined annual salary of $262,899,600 so that they won't "thief all over the place."

[2] The numbers above represent basic salary, excluding allowances.

[3] I don't know President Granger's basic salary.

[4] In other threads I notice some members are converting these numbers and comparing Guyana's ministers' salaries to Canadian ministers' salaries. How about comparing Guyanese public servants' salaries to Canadian public servants' salaries?

[5] I understand that local government elections will be held next April, after the national budget is passed in parliament. I want to believe that the coalition will give public servants, nurses, teachers, policemen etc big salary increases so they too won't have to "thief all over the place."

Overall, I think the coalition has slipped up here and there but I am hopeful that better must come before 2020.


This is comparing apples and oranges. Why dont you people compare Guyana with the rest of poor countries like those in the Caribbean? This will give us a better perspective.


However, the issue is not so much the amount...its the way the coalition has gone about doing so and the defense they mounted to justify their actions. . 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:



Prime Minister .............................. $20,580,000

3 Vice Presidents @ $11,135,064 ..... $33,405,192

11 Ministers @ $10,439,124 ...........$114,830,364

8 Junior Ministers @ $8,364,492 .......$66,915,936

          Total ..... $235,731,492


President ....................

Minister J. Harmon ....... $10,439,124

Minister R. Trotman ......   $8,364,492

Minister W. Felix .............$8,364,492

          Total ... $27,168,108


[A] + [B] = $262,899,600



[1] 27 coalition ministers are now paid a combined annual salary of $262,899,600 so that they won't "thief all over the place."

[2] The numbers above represent basic salary, excluding allowances.

[3] I don't know President Granger's basic salary.

[4] In other threads I notice some members are converting these numbers and comparing Guyana's ministers' salaries to Canadian ministers' salaries. How about comparing Guyanese public servants' salaries to Canadian public servants' salaries?

[5] I understand that local government elections will be held next April, after the national budget is passed in parliament. I want to believe that the coalition will give public servants, nurses, teachers, policemen etc big salary increases so they too won't have to "thief all over the place."

Overall, I think the coalition has slipped up here and there but I am hopeful that better must come before 2020.


Gill..i have the same thoughts,i see you laid you card on

the table regarding your support for AFC,i can see you talk

out what is in your mind and that is good.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:



Prime Minister .............................. $20,580,000

3 Vice Presidents @ $11,135,064 ..... $33,405,192

11 Ministers @ $10,439,124 ...........$114,830,364

8 Junior Ministers @ $8,364,492 .......$66,915,936

          Total ..... $235,731,492


President ....................

Minister J. Harmon ....... $10,439,124

Minister R. Trotman ......   $8,364,492

Minister W. Felix .............$8,364,492

          Total ... $27,168,108


[A] + [B] = $262,899,600



[1] 27 coalition ministers are now paid a combined annual salary of $262,899,600 so that they won't "thief all over the place."

[2] The numbers above represent basic salary, excluding allowances.

[3] I don't know President Granger's basic salary.

[4] In other threads I notice some members are converting these numbers and comparing Guyana's ministers' salaries to Canadian ministers' salaries. How about comparing Guyanese public servants' salaries to Canadian public servants' salaries?

[5] I understand that local government elections will be held next April, after the national budget is passed in parliament. I want to believe that the coalition will give public servants, nurses, teachers, policemen etc big salary increases so they too won't have to "thief all over the place."

Overall, I think the coalition has slipped up here and there but I am hopeful that better must come before 2020.


Gill..i have the same thoughts,i see you laid you card on

the table regarding your support for AFC,i can see you talk

out what is in your mind and that is good.


What are your thoughts about the mega salaries, Django ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:



Prime Minister .............................. $20,580,000

3 Vice Presidents @ $11,135,064 ..... $33,405,192

11 Ministers @ $10,439,124 ...........$114,830,364

8 Junior Ministers @ $8,364,492 .......$66,915,936

          Total ..... $235,731,492


President ....................

Minister J. Harmon ....... $10,439,124

Minister R. Trotman ......   $8,364,492

Minister W. Felix .............$8,364,492

          Total ... $27,168,108


[A] + [B] = $262,899,600



[1] 27 coalition ministers are now paid a combined annual salary of $262,899,600 so that they won't "thief all over the place."

[2] The numbers above represent basic salary, excluding allowances.

[3] I don't know President Granger's basic salary.

[4] In other threads I notice some members are converting these numbers and comparing Guyana's ministers' salaries to Canadian ministers' salaries. How about comparing Guyanese public servants' salaries to Canadian public servants' salaries?

[5] I understand that local government elections will be held next April, after the national budget is passed in parliament. I want to believe that the coalition will give public servants, nurses, teachers, policemen etc big salary increases so they too won't have to "thief all over the place."

Overall, I think the coalition has slipped up here and there but I am hopeful that better must come before 2020.


Gill..i have the same thoughts,i see you laid you card on

the table regarding your support for AFC,i can see you talk

out what is in your mind and that is good.


What are your thoughts about the mega salaries, Django ?

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is

wrong i am hoping betterment for the people in the coming

years it's too early to judge the current gov't.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:



Prime Minister .............................. $20,580,000

3 Vice Presidents @ $11,135,064 ..... $33,405,192

11 Ministers @ $10,439,124 ...........$114,830,364

8 Junior Ministers @ $8,364,492 .......$66,915,936

          Total ..... $235,731,492


President ....................

Minister J. Harmon ....... $10,439,124

Minister R. Trotman ......   $8,364,492

Minister W. Felix .............$8,364,492

          Total ... $27,168,108


[A] + [B] = $262,899,600



[1] 27 coalition ministers are now paid a combined annual salary of $262,899,600 so that they won't "thief all over the place."

[2] The numbers above represent basic salary, excluding allowances.

[3] I don't know President Granger's basic salary.

[4] In other threads I notice some members are converting these numbers and comparing Guyana's ministers' salaries to Canadian ministers' salaries. How about comparing Guyanese public servants' salaries to Canadian public servants' salaries?

[5] I understand that local government elections will be held next April, after the national budget is passed in parliament. I want to believe that the coalition will give public servants, nurses, teachers, policemen etc big salary increases so they too won't have to "thief all over the place."

Overall, I think the coalition has slipped up here and there but I am hopeful that better must come before 2020.


Gill..i have the same thoughts,i see you laid you card on

the table regarding your support for AFC,i can see you talk

out what is in your mind and that is good.


What are your thoughts about the mega salaries, Django ?

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is


Thanks for your honesty. 


Here is yuh bai Carl befoe de exchange:


Complaints about lifestyle were the PPP’s hallmark in opposition

March 30, 2015 · By Staff Writer · 4 Comments    Next Article »


Dear Editor,

On March 16 last, the General Secretary (GS) of the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), Clement Rohee, attempted to defend the PPP against criticisms of lavish lifestyles.He claimed that the salaries and benefits enjoyed by current government ministers reflect the principles of the “lean” and “clean” government asserted by the late President Cheddi Jagan. Complaints about lifestyle were the PPP’s hallmark in opposition. Mrs Jagan once stopped Parliament’s business on a point of order to seek information on and then to complain about a “boat” parked in the Speaker’s reserved space in the Parliament car park. The Speaker indicated that he had recently acquired the vehicle. In berating the Speaker, Mr Sase Narine, for his acquisition, she described the situation as a “shame and a scandal.” The Speaker brought the matter to a swift end by pointing out that he had bought it from the Russian Ambassador, one of the PPP’s socialist allies. He added for good measure that it was the same ‘boat’ that Mrs Jagan had unsuccessfully offered to buy from the Ambassador.

Today some PPP ministers have access to as many as three or four vehicles. Some of these are provided by the agencies for which ministers have responsibility.

The current opposition has not made a song and dance about the PPP ministers’ lifestyles as such, although it is obvious that the flaunting of their wealth aggravates the tensions in the society. The public has complained, and the inept explanations offered by the ministers have prompted disgust and outrage.

One Minister explained that barrels from relatives funded their newly built family residence in Pradoville, and there are still questions about the acquisition of land by another who built a grand residence and a swimming pool which led to a public outcry.

More recently, even the very PPP GS, Mr Rohee has had to distance himself from Mr Jagdeo’s facetious attempts to justify his tax-funded extravagant lifestyle which he compared to that of Dr Jagan. The current opposition’s criticisms of the PPP’s assets turn on the manner of acquisition of such property. Much of the assets and wealth, particularly the property and business interests in question cannot be supported by their official incomes. That raises questions about the possible misuse of state resources. The issue latched on to by the opposition has therefore been corruption and executive abuse.

If Mr Rohee believes that those responses are unjust, he could easily put the matter to rest by providing a list of the ministers, including Mr Jagdeo, and their spouses who actually owned either a car or a house prior to their appointment as ministers. We can do the rest.

The ministers’ access to medical services via the Treasury led to a massive public outcry because it is not governed by any defensible formula which is applicable to members of the public. Members of the public are covered by NIS which is compulsory and/or private insurance. To add insult to injury, although the NIS contributions are compulsory many of the contributors are unable to get their benefits. This has been due partly to incompetence on the part of the PPP representatives in relation to questionable investments the NIS has been directed to undertake. In the light of this the levels of expenditure of what appears to include no-critical operations incurred by ministers and their families is not only unprincipled and insensitive but an abuse of power.

Furthermore, Mr Rohee has insisted that current salaries and benefits enjoyed by PPP ministers are in line with what Jagan envisaged.

It is ironic that Mr Rohee and Jagdeo are unaware or chose to overlook the fact that both Mrs and Dr Jagan publicly lambasted Ranji Chandisingh and Vincent Teekah, who joined the PNC, for what they described as extravagant residences. Today, those properties which still stand in Waterloo Street (in the Ram and Mc Rae compound) and in Campbellville/Prashad Nagar, respectively, do not warrant a second look from passing members of the public. They hardly attracted much more then, apart from that generated by the fame of their occupants.

The PPP criticized residences that now appear scandalously modest compared with the palaces of PPP ministers and the quasi village compound of Mr Jagdeo. The Jagans’ residence and those of all PNC ministers stand in complete contrast to the grand residences of PPP ministers built on lands they granted to themselves from public resources (via the instrumentality of NICIL) and which some, such as Mr Jagdeo, have subsequently proceeded to sell at fantastic prices in a very questionable transaction. In the case of Mr Jagdeo he was granted a second piece of state land three or four times the size of lots permitted to ordinary citizens.

What then is the basis for Mr Rohee’s claim that the current ministers enjoy the type of lifestyle the Jagans had in mind?

It is sad that a minister of government would seek to mislead the public so grievously. I invite Mr Rohee to identify the “downward adjustments” in PPP ministerial salaries and emoluments, when they took place and to say which Orders effected these downward adjustments.

Whereas prior to his election Dr Jagan in 1992 promised the Guyanese public that he would attract to government technicians and ministers who would work for “one dollar a month,” within two years of the PPP’s accession to office, he substantially increased ministerial salaries.

So, PPP ministers have always paid themselves higher salaries than existed prior to their assumption of office. The same applies to benefits. In 1992 as a Senior Minister, I earned around G$20,483 per month – US$164 (the G$ exchange rate to the US$ was 125:1). The Prime Minister (PM) earned $28,726/month and the emoluments of Deputy PMs fell somewhere between. Junior ministers earned approximately $15,000/month. It is these emoluments to which first, Dr Jagan and, now duplicitously, all PPP ministers and apologists, refer when they speak of PNC extravagance and squandermania!

In fact, the first significant increase in ministerial salaries after independence was made soon after Dr Jagan took office. In 1993 Dr Jagan approved a 10% increase which moved senior ministers to $25,235/month. The next year an additional 33% hike took them to $33,723. In 2006 a massive increase further moved the ministers to $347,644/month.

By 2014 the Minister of Finance was receiving $579,951, which is not a reduction from G$20,483; nor is the Attorney General’s salary of $1.6 million, which is 35 times the minimum wage. The emoluments of Dr Mohammed Shahabuddeen and Keith Massiah, professionals whose shoes he could not even touch on the basis of merit were less than G$78,100/month. Their pensions would now be less than $90,000. The emoluments of Mr Nandlall and his colleagues, including those like Mr Rohee without a professional or trade skill, is over $300,000/month.

Ministerial allowances were minimal prior to 1992. In 1991 a vacation allowance, equivalent to one month’s salary, was belatedly approved to bring ministers’ emoluments in line with those of public servants, who had all along received a Leave Passage Allowance. That allowance either had to be spent on a vacation-related expense or to be invested in housing – construction or a mortgage. Today, ministers receive $420,000 with, it appears, no conditions attached.

Pre-1992 no ministers received dental treatment at the expense of the state, save for the occasion when the OP organized for a visiting foreign dentist, Dr Walker, to check and treat government ministers. Overseas medical bills were not paid for by the Treasury or the Ministry of Health.

Today the PPP ministers’ vacation allowance at $420,000 is ten times the minimum wage.

There have been no downward adjustments under the PPP so what is Mr Rohee ranting about? Basic ministerial salaries and allowances have increased every year since the PPP came to office in 1992. Far from reductions there have been massive increases even as the government has refused to either negotiate public service salaries or to limit their ministerial adjustments to those they paid to public servants to which ministerial emoluments had been linked under the PNC.

Furthermore, the emoluments of the PM and President have been dramatically and indecently increased. In 2009 after the demise of the Jagans the President’s emoluments were dramatically increased by linking them to those of the Chancellor of the Judiciary. Not satisfied with this sleight of hand, the PPP Cabinet added ‘Other Benefits’ to the presidential pension authorized in the constitution.

Since the former President was already getting a pension closely indexed to the sitting President’s salary, these ‘Other Benefits’ leave us as the only country in the world where the former presidents will receive for the rest of their lives a package of benefits-with-pension close to or in excess of those of the actual and future presidents. Mr Ramotar refused to enact the legislation the APNU laid to prevent this.

Not only do Mr Ramotar and Jagdeo’s emoluments and post-presidency benefits bear no relationship to those of the Jagans and Mr Burnham, but for many years benefits were not provided to the widow of former President HD Hoyte, a fraction of those benefits Mr Jagdeo himself is receiving. Under Messrs Ramotar and Jagdeo payments due to the GT&T pensioners have been blocked. This is the ultimate irony because those pensioners, including some of our most technically skilled former public servants, are eligible for lump sums that are in the vicinity of one month’s salary or pension of each of these two politicians.

As is usual, therefore, Mr Rohee makes up what he does not know and believes that he is such a master of language and debate that he can hide his fabrications by confusing the public.

A recent letter writer to a local newspaper (KN) was kind enough to provide a chart showing that thebasic salary of Guyana’s current President leaves him ranked No 11 in terms of global presidential salaries. The writer justifiably asked whether Guyana could afford this.

It needs to be said that, with two possible exceptions, every single PPP/C Minister dismissed and removed for whatever reason has been kept on the books at the expense of the taxpayer. All have been given sinecures as advisers to the President or diplomatic postings and have retained all their benefits such as official cars and chauffer allowance of over G$100,000/month.

Mr Rohee is also reported to have said that, “being a minister with government since 1992 I haven’t seen any super salary increases…”

The rest of us can see both increases and super salaries because we are looking at how they have increased and we also know what members of the rest of the society receive. We can also find out what their predecessors received.

Jonathan Swift in his ‘Polite Conversation’ (1738) and the 1713 ‘Works of Thomas Chalkley’ have been good enough to elaborate for those of us who are challenged by this olde english:

“There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know.”

The press has a duty to ask all spokesmen, and especially ministers, hard questions. They should not be fobbed off with rubbish and untruths such as those offered by Mr Rohee.

 Yours faithfully,

Carl B Greenidge

Last edited by Former Member

I'm sure if you add the salaries of the ministers during the PPP time along with all the hangers on "political advisors" like Collymore, Teixeira, Kwame, Lumumba, etc., etc., they will far exceed what the current government has as a total payroll for ministerial staff and advisors. 

Originally Posted by Django:

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is

wrong i am hoping betterment for the people in the coming

years it's too early to judge the current gov't.

Too early to judge Django?  6 months is a laaaaang time for a government to put its policies in place.  How many personal and business trips abroad Granger took already?  I bet more than Cheddi over Cheddi's entire presidency and maybe Hoyte also.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Django:

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is

wrong i am hoping betterment for the people in the coming

years it's too early to judge the current gov't.

Too early to judge Django?  6 months is a laaaaang time for a government to put out policies in place.  How many personal and business trips abroad Granger took already?  I bet more than Cheddi over Cheddi's entire presidency and maybe Hoyte also.

Granger paid for his private trips from his own pocket. The man has been travelling abroad to rally international support for Guyana against Venezuelan aggression and doing a great job at it. You can't have it both ways. At least he hasn't taken any trips like Jagdeo running off to Florida to plug up his batty at the taxpayers' expense and taking his boyfriend Bobby on the trip.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Django:

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is

wrong i am hoping betterment for the people in the coming

years it's too early to judge the current gov't.

Too early to judge Django?  6 months is a laaaaang time for a government to put out policies in place.  How many personal and business trips abroad Granger took already?  I bet more than Cheddi over Cheddi's entire presidency and maybe Hoyte also.

Granger paid for his private trips from his own pocket. The man has been travelling abroad to rally international support for Guyana against Venezuelan aggression and doing a great job at it. You can't have it both ways. At least he hasn't taken any trips like Jagdeo running off to Florida to plug up his batty at the taxpayers' expense and taking his boyfriend Bobby on the trip.

BS rallying support against Venezuela.  What the F you have foreign affairs ministers for?  There is no war pending against Venezuela but he could sell that shit to alyuh.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Django:

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is

wrong i am hoping betterment for the people in the coming

years it's too early to judge the current gov't.

Too early to judge Django?  6 months is a laaaaang time for a government to put out policies in place.  How many personal and business trips abroad Granger took already?  I bet more than Cheddi over Cheddi's entire presidency and maybe Hoyte also.

Granger paid for his private trips from his own pocket. The man has been travelling abroad to rally international support for Guyana against Venezuelan aggression and doing a great job at it. You can't have it both ways. At least he hasn't taken any trips like Jagdeo running off to Florida to plug up his batty at the taxpayers' expense and taking his boyfriend Bobby on the trip.

BS rallying support against Venezuela.  What the F you have foreign affairs ministers for?  There is no war pending against Venezuela but he could sell that shit to alyuh.

There is no immediate threat of war but there are necessary meetings which must take place to settle the Venezuela/Guyana border issue once and for all. Are you saying that the border issue is an illusion? Why then was Ban Ki Moon in Guyana today and more meetings planned with UN officials?

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Django:

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is

wrong i am hoping betterment for the people in the coming

years it's too early to judge the current gov't.

Too early to judge Django?  6 months is a laaaaang time for a government to put its policies in place.  How many personal and business trips abroad Granger took already?  I bet more than Cheddi over Cheddi's entire presidency and maybe Hoyte also.

Bhai wha wrong with you election was May11,today make it 5 months.

Them slow indeed they need to inform the nation about

their plans to move the country foward.



Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Django:

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is

wrong i am hoping betterment for the people in the coming

years it's too early to judge the current gov't.

Too early to judge Django?  6 months is a laaaaang time for a government to put out policies in place.  How many personal and business trips abroad Granger took already?  I bet more than Cheddi over Cheddi's entire presidency and maybe Hoyte also.

Granger paid for his private trips from his own pocket. The man has been travelling abroad to rally international support for Guyana against Venezuelan aggression and doing a great job at it. You can't have it both ways. At least he hasn't taken any trips like Jagdeo running off to Florida to plug up his batty at the taxpayers' expense and taking his boyfriend Bobby on the trip.

BS rallying support against Venezuela.  What the F you have foreign affairs ministers for?  There is no war pending against Venezuela but he could sell that shit to alyuh.

There is no immediate threat of war but there are necessary meetings which must take place to settle the Venezuela/Guyana border issue once and for all. Are you saying that the border issue is an illusion? Why then was Ban Ki Moon in Guyana today and more meetings planned with UN officials?

No it is a legal issue that has to be determined in court.  Running around will not help in court.  It might help improve publicity to show who is backing us but at the end of the day it WILL NOT HELP IN COURT. Once we have USA support that should be it and we have that already.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Django:

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is

wrong i am hoping betterment for the people in the coming

years it's too early to judge the current gov't.

Too early to judge Django?  6 months is a laaaaang time for a government to put its policies in place.  How many personal and business trips abroad Granger took already?  I bet more than Cheddi over Cheddi's entire presidency and maybe Hoyte also.

Bhai wha wrong with you election was May11,today make it 5 months.

Them slow indeed they need to inform the nation about

their plans to move the country foward.



Or rass bai ah missed one whole month 


Sorry, bud there is no vision from this Govt.  They keep stumbling over themselves.  I wished them well in the beginning but I have lost faith.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

Thanks for this piece of information, VP.

It would be great if someone could calculate the cost of government; Ministers and above with all the allowances AND the pension for ex-ministers and above.  I doubt any country in the world (except those like Guyana) carry such a heavy burden compared to GDP.  There is no light at the end of the tunnel for Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Django:

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is

wrong i am hoping betterment for the people in the coming

years it's too early to judge the current gov't.

Too early to judge Django?  6 months is a laaaaang time for a government to put out policies in place.  How many personal and business trips abroad Granger took already?  I bet more than Cheddi over Cheddi's entire presidency and maybe Hoyte also.

Granger paid for his private trips from his own pocket. The man has been travelling abroad to rally international support for Guyana against Venezuelan aggression and doing a great job at it. You can't have it both ways. At least he hasn't taken any trips like Jagdeo running off to Florida to plug up his batty at the taxpayers' expense and taking his boyfriend Bobby on the trip.

BS rallying support against Venezuela.  What the F you have foreign affairs ministers for?  There is no war pending against Venezuela but he could sell that shit to alyuh.

There is no immediate threat of war but there are necessary meetings which must take place to settle the Venezuela/Guyana border issue once and for all. Are you saying that the border issue is an illusion? Why then was Ban Ki Moon in Guyana today and more meetings planned with UN officials?

No it is a legal issue that has to be determined in court.  Running around will not help in court.  It might help improve publicity to show who is backing us but at the end of the day it WILL NOT HELP IN COURT. Once we have USA support that should be it and we have that already.

Of course it is a legal issue which can only be settled in a lawful manner but you need allies on your side and I don't mean the MadBurro like the way the PPP were hugging him up for the last few years. That is why a legal team is currently being assembled to handle the matter in court. We also need as much of the international community on our side as possible starting with Caricom, the UK, Canada and the rest of the Commonwealth. It won't hurt to have some South American countries on our side too like Brazil and Colombia. What good would it be if we have US support and no one else? The diplomatic front has to come from the president and the foreign minister. There is no way around this. Granger is the one who had to address the UN General Assembly and meet with other heads of state who were also there. Greenidge, being the Foreign Minister, is also required to be present.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Django:

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is

wrong i am hoping betterment for the people in the coming

years it's too early to judge the current gov't.

Too early to judge Django?  6 months is a laaaaang time for a government to put out policies in place.  How many personal and business trips abroad Granger took already?  I bet more than Cheddi over Cheddi's entire presidency and maybe Hoyte also.

Granger paid for his private trips from his own pocket. The man has been travelling abroad to rally international support for Guyana against Venezuelan aggression and doing a great job at it. You can't have it both ways. At least he hasn't taken any trips like Jagdeo running off to Florida to plug up his batty at the taxpayers' expense and taking his boyfriend Bobby on the trip.

BS rallying support against Venezuela.  What the F you have foreign affairs ministers for?  There is no war pending against Venezuela but he could sell that shit to alyuh.

VP, lemme be honest with you. Carl Greenidge is still climbing the learning curve as Foreign Affairs Minister. He is a finance and economics man, not a chief diplomat. Considering the serious nature of the current controversy with Venezuela, I am glad President Granger is giving Greenidge a helping hand. After all, Maduro himself has been traipsing around South America and the Caribbean pushing his line and trying to undermine Caricom solidarity. Dis ting serious, pal.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Django:

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is

wrong i am hoping betterment for the people in the coming

years it's too early to judge the current gov't.

Too early to judge Django?  6 months is a laaaaang time for a government to put out policies in place.  How many personal and business trips abroad Granger took already?  I bet more than Cheddi over Cheddi's entire presidency and maybe Hoyte also.

Granger paid for his private trips from his own pocket. The man has been travelling abroad to rally international support for Guyana against Venezuelan aggression and doing a great job at it. You can't have it both ways. At least he hasn't taken any trips like Jagdeo running off to Florida to plug up his batty at the taxpayers' expense and taking his boyfriend Bobby on the trip.

BS rallying support against Venezuela.  What the F you have foreign affairs ministers for?  There is no war pending against Venezuela but he could sell that shit to alyuh.

There is no immediate threat of war but there are necessary meetings which must take place to settle the Venezuela/Guyana border issue once and for all. Are you saying that the border issue is an illusion? Why then was Ban Ki Moon in Guyana today and more meetings planned with UN officials?

No it is a legal issue that has to be determined in court.  Running around will not help in court.  It might help improve publicity to show who is backing us but at the end of the day it WILL NOT HELP IN COURT. Once we have USA support that should be it and we have that already.

Of course it is a legal issue which can only be settled in a lawful manner but you need allies on your side and I don't mean the MadBurro like the way the PPP were hugging him up for the last few years. That is why a legal team is currently being assembled to handle the matter in court. We also need as much of the international community on our side as possible starting with Caricom, the UK, Canada and the rest of the Commonwealth. It won't hurt to have some South American countries on our side too like Brazil and Colombia. What good would it be if we have US support and no one else? The diplomatic front has to come from the president and the foreign minister. There is no way around this. Granger is the one who had to address the UN General Assembly and meet with other heads of state who were also there. Greenidge, being the Foreign Minister, is also required to be present.

So what all this running around brought us to date??  Even Caricom only gave us half-ass support that is basically useless. 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Django:

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is

wrong i am hoping betterment for the people in the coming

years it's too early to judge the current gov't.

Too early to judge Django?  6 months is a laaaaang time for a government to put out policies in place.  How many personal and business trips abroad Granger took already?  I bet more than Cheddi over Cheddi's entire presidency and maybe Hoyte also.

Granger paid for his private trips from his own pocket. The man has been travelling abroad to rally international support for Guyana against Venezuelan aggression and doing a great job at it. You can't have it both ways. At least he hasn't taken any trips like Jagdeo running off to Florida to plug up his batty at the taxpayers' expense and taking his boyfriend Bobby on the trip.

BS rallying support against Venezuela.  What the F you have foreign affairs ministers for?  There is no war pending against Venezuela but he could sell that shit to alyuh.

VP, lemme be honest with you. Carl Greenidge is still climbing the learning curve as Foreign Affairs Minister. He is a finance and economics man, not a chief diplomat. Considering the serious nature of the current controversy with Venezuela, I am glad President Granger is giving Greenidge a helping hand. After all, Maduro himself has been traipsing around South America and the Caribbean pushing his line and trying to undermine Caricom solidarity. Dis ting serious, pal.

So what has Granger achieved so far?  Let me hear...I am all ears.


And by the way, since when Granger is a diplomat??  He does not have government experience that Greenidge has.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

my question has to do with the former president's salary


where the hell did i ask u about pension?


stop playing stupid

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by Django:

I mentioned on an earlier thread me lil vex,the timing is

wrong i am hoping betterment for the people in the coming

years it's too early to judge the current gov't.

Too early to judge Django?  6 months is a laaaaang time for a government to put out policies in place.  How many personal and business trips abroad Granger took already?  I bet more than Cheddi over Cheddi's entire presidency and maybe Hoyte also.

Granger paid for his private trips from his own pocket. The man has been travelling abroad to rally international support for Guyana against Venezuelan aggression and doing a great job at it. You can't have it both ways. At least he hasn't taken any trips like Jagdeo running off to Florida to plug up his batty at the taxpayers' expense and taking his boyfriend Bobby on the trip.

BS rallying support against Venezuela.  What the F you have foreign affairs ministers for?  There is no war pending against Venezuela but he could sell that shit to alyuh.

There is no immediate threat of war but there are necessary meetings which must take place to settle the Venezuela/Guyana border issue once and for all. Are you saying that the border issue is an illusion? Why then was Ban Ki Moon in Guyana today and more meetings planned with UN officials?

No it is a legal issue that has to be determined in court.  Running around will not help in court.  It might help improve publicity to show who is backing us but at the end of the day it WILL NOT HELP IN COURT. Once we have USA support that should be it and we have that already.

Of course it is a legal issue which can only be settled in a lawful manner but you need allies on your side and I don't mean the MadBurro like the way the PPP were hugging him up for the last few years. That is why a legal team is currently being assembled to handle the matter in court. We also need as much of the international community on our side as possible starting with Caricom, the UK, Canada and the rest of the Commonwealth. It won't hurt to have some South American countries on our side too like Brazil and Colombia. What good would it be if we have US support and no one else? The diplomatic front has to come from the president and the foreign minister. There is no way around this. Granger is the one who had to address the UN General Assembly and meet with other heads of state who were also there. Greenidge, being the Foreign Minister, is also required to be present.

So what all this running around brought us to date??  Even Caricom only gave us half-ass support that is basically useless. 

The ABC countries are on board and Brazil and Colombia from the South American countries are winnable but we have to get out there and make the pitch. The UN is on board at least listening to our case. Sitting on our asses and doing nothing will not win the case for us. Saying that there is no pending war will not help us to utilize oil and other resources from the Essequibo either. Venezuela will frustrate any significant development in the Essequibo if we do not have this issue resolved. Some of the Caricom countries are sitting on the fence because they are locked into the Petro Caribe deal with Venezuela and are benefiting from cheap fuel. T&T is on board with Guyana because we reached out to them and they do not need Venezuelan oil. You have to make alliances to win support. Take note that the MadBurro has been leading delegations to several Caricom states along with his foreign minister, press and an entourage. They don't even have toilet paper for their citizens but their president is making sure that he sells his case and trying to win allies to his side. We have to do the same to support our legal fight.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

my question has to do with the former president's salary


where the hell did i ask u about pension?


stop playing stupid

Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly!  What is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  % increase of Jagdeo's salary as president is a different question.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

my question has to do with the former president's salary


where the hell did i ask u about pension?


stop playing stupid

Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly?  What is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  % increase of Jagdeo's salary as president is a different question.

jagdeo's pension is not "remuneration" arite!


i understand your sophomoric dodge in attempting to avoid answering my question


but look it up . . . and you'll not embarrass yourself next time

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

my question has to do with the former president's salary


where the hell did i ask u about pension?


stop playing stupid

Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly?  What is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  % increase of Jagdeo's salary as president is a different question.

jagdeo's pension is not "remuneration" arite!


i understand your sophomoric dodge in attempting to avoid answering my question


but look it up . . . and you'll not embarrass yourself next time

So you talking about % increase over Jagdeo's remuneration as "opposition leader?" 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

my question has to do with the former president's salary


where the hell did i ask u about pension?


stop playing stupid

Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly?  What is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  % increase of Jagdeo's salary as president is a different question.

jagdeo's pension is not "remuneration" arite!


i understand your sophomoric dodge in attempting to avoid answering my question


but look it up . . . and you'll not embarrass yourself next time

So you talking about % increase over Jagdeo's remuneration as "opposition leader?" 

he declined that in favor of his pension


nice try

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

my question has to do with the former president's salary


where the hell did i ask u about pension?


stop playing stupid

Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly?  What is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  % increase of Jagdeo's salary as president is a different question.

jagdeo's pension is not "remuneration" arite!


i understand your sophomoric dodge in attempting to avoid answering my question


but look it up . . . and you'll not embarrass yourself next time

So you talking about % increase over Jagdeo's remuneration as "opposition leader?" 

he declined that in favor of his pension


nice try

So he declined his remuneration as opposition leader; so what you call his service?  Okay I think we need to calculated the increase over $0, what do you think?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

my question has to do with the former president's salary


where the hell did i ask u about pension?


stop playing stupid

Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly?  What is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  % increase of Jagdeo's salary as president is a different question.

jagdeo's pension is not "remuneration" arite!


i understand your sophomoric dodge in attempting to avoid answering my question


but look it up . . . and you'll not embarrass yourself next time

So you talking about % increase over Jagdeo's remuneration as "opposition leader?" 

he declined that in favor of his pension


nice try

So he declined his remuneration as opposition leader; so what you call his service?  Okay I think we need to calculated the increase over $0, what do you think?

incoherence is not a good tactic when you have been proven illiterate on the thread already

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

my question has to do with the former president's salary


where the hell did i ask u about pension?


stop playing stupid

Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly?  What is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  % increase of Jagdeo's salary as president is a different question.

jagdeo's pension is not "remuneration" arite!


i understand your sophomoric dodge in attempting to avoid answering my question


but look it up . . . and you'll not embarrass yourself next time

So you talking about % increase over Jagdeo's remuneration as "opposition leader?" 

he declined that in favor of his pension


nice try

So he declined his remuneration as opposition leader; so what you call his service?  Okay I think we need to calculated the increase over $0, what do you think?

incoherence is not a good tactic when you have been proven illiterate on the thread already

Okay crack man the thread is here for everyone to read.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

my question has to do with the former president's salary


where the hell did i ask u about pension?


stop playing stupid

Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly?  What is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  % increase of Jagdeo's salary as president is a different question.

jagdeo's pension is not "remuneration" arite!


i understand your sophomoric dodge in attempting to avoid answering my question


but look it up . . . and you'll not embarrass yourself next time

So you talking about % increase over Jagdeo's remuneration as "opposition leader?" 

he declined that in favor of his pension


nice try

So he declined his remuneration as opposition leader; so what you call his service?  Okay I think we need to calculated the increase over $0, what do you think?

incoherence is not a good tactic when you have been proven illiterate on the thread already

Okay crack man the thread is here for everyone to read.

well . . . i am not the one who had no idea what "remuneration" meant

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

my question has to do with the former president's salary


where the hell did i ask u about pension?


stop playing stupid

Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly?  What is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  % increase of Jagdeo's salary as president is a different question.

jagdeo's pension is not "remuneration" arite!


i understand your sophomoric dodge in attempting to avoid answering my question


but look it up . . . and you'll not embarrass yourself next time

So you talking about % increase over Jagdeo's remuneration as "opposition leader?" 

he declined that in favor of his pension


nice try

So he declined his remuneration as opposition leader; so what you call his service?  Okay I think we need to calculated the increase over $0, what do you think?

incoherence is not a good tactic when you have been proven illiterate on the thread already

Okay crack man the thread is here for everyone to read.

well . . . i am not the one who had no idea what "remuneration" meant

Jackass what what is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  That's the basis of your question.  If he has no remuneration how could you ask the question if you want to be technically correct?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

my question has to do with the former president's salary


where the hell did i ask u about pension?


stop playing stupid

Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly?  What is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  % increase of Jagdeo's salary as president is a different question.

jagdeo's pension is not "remuneration" arite!


i understand your sophomoric dodge in attempting to avoid answering my question


but look it up . . . and you'll not embarrass yourself next time

So you talking about % increase over Jagdeo's remuneration as "opposition leader?" 

he declined that in favor of his pension


nice try

So he declined his remuneration as opposition leader; so what you call his service?  Okay I think we need to calculated the increase over $0, what do you think?

incoherence is not a good tactic when you have been proven illiterate on the thread already

Okay crack man the thread is here for everyone to read.

well . . . i am not the one who had no idea what "remuneration" meant

Jackass what what is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  That's the basis of your question.  If he has no remuneration how could you ask the question if you want to be technically correct?

i'm not playing your game desperate one



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

my question has to do with the former president's salary


where the hell did i ask u about pension?


stop playing stupid

Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly?  What is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  % increase of Jagdeo's salary as president is a different question.

jagdeo's pension is not "remuneration" arite!


i understand your sophomoric dodge in attempting to avoid answering my question


but look it up . . . and you'll not embarrass yourself next time

So you talking about % increase over Jagdeo's remuneration as "opposition leader?" 

he declined that in favor of his pension


nice try

So he declined his remuneration as opposition leader; so what you call his service?  Okay I think we need to calculated the increase over $0, what do you think?

incoherence is not a good tactic when you have been proven illiterate on the thread already

Okay crack man the thread is here for everyone to read.

well . . . i am not the one who had no idea what "remuneration" meant

Jackass what what is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  That's the basis of your question.  If he has no remuneration how could you ask the question if you want to be technically correct?

i'm not playing your game desperate one



Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly.


Goolsarran condemns 50% salary hike for ministers

-calls for its withdrawal

Former Auditor General Anand Goolsarran has condemned the 50% wage hike approved by the Granger administration for its Cabinet ministers and called for its rescinding.
In his accountability column which will appear in tomorrow’s edition of Stabroek News, Goolsarran said there had been quite justifiably, a tsunami of criticisms and condemnation from all sections of the Guyanese society.

He said that while there was some anticipation that there would be some adjustment to the salaries of Ministers in recognition of the fact that there are now two categories of Ministers and three Vice-Presidents, “one is alarmed at the extent of the increase”. Goolsarran argued that ministers also enjoy a range of benefits, including duty-free concession on a motor vehicle by virtue of being Members of Parliament; chauffeur-driven State vehicle(s); housing allowance or the provision of free accommodation; free electricity, telephone and internet services; 24-hour guard service; a gardener/handyman; and maid services. He argued that when one places a value on these benefits, it is not difficult to consider that a Minister’s total monthly compensation package is in the order of millions of dollars.

“Citizens who aspire to hold political office do so because of the felt need to make a contribution to the public good and the public interest. They are not motivated by financial rewards. If that were the case, the wrong persons will be attracted to political office. This column joins in condemnation of the Government’s move, and calls on the Government to rescind its decision to grant Ministers a 50% increase in salaries.  If there is going to be an increase, it should not exceed that which has been given to public servants. After all, Ministers in a general sense are also public servants, and there should therefore be no discrimination between them and the regular public servants in this regard”, he declared.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Gil, the President salary is US$120,000 per year without allowance that is about GY$24,600,000.

please indicate what %age increase on Jagdeo's remuneration this reflects



Jagdeo gets 7/8 of that plus what the rass is your real question?

my question has to do with the former president's salary


where the hell did i ask u about pension?


stop playing stupid

Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly?  What is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  % increase of Jagdeo's salary as president is a different question.

jagdeo's pension is not "remuneration" arite!


i understand your sophomoric dodge in attempting to avoid answering my question


but look it up . . . and you'll not embarrass yourself next time

So you talking about % increase over Jagdeo's remuneration as "opposition leader?" 

he declined that in favor of his pension


nice try

So he declined his remuneration as opposition leader; so what you call his service?  Okay I think we need to calculated the increase over $0, what do you think?

incoherence is not a good tactic when you have been proven illiterate on the thread already

Okay crack man the thread is here for everyone to read.

well . . . i am not the one who had no idea what "remuneration" meant

Jackass what what is Jagdeo's remuneration today?  That's the basis of your question.  If he has no remuneration how could you ask the question if you want to be technically correct?

i'm not playing your game desperate one



Stop smoking crack and learn to write properly.

noun: remuneration; plural noun: remunerations
  1. money paid for work or a service.
    synonyms:payment, pay, salary, wages



consider yourself schooled . . . lol

Last edited by Former Member

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