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Former Member

The most vocal defenders of the corrupt PPP/C regime are running out of sound ideas.

Such was expected; how long could one argue in favor of a corrupt regime?

They have no valid arguments, so they're resorting to frantic antics.

One PPP/C apologist is calling his opponents "Cuffy lovers."

The other is calling his opponents "chamars," adding "we must fight fire with fire." 

I want to let this fellow know that name calling is not a fiery tool. And, all the time he has merely been firing off froth, foam, fume and fart.

The reason why we bother to answer him is that he is stinking up this political forum.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Listen Gilbaka


Like you have become a Cuffy Lover. It is ok to admit it and yuji has no problem with it. After all, I do not drink Coffee.


I do not see you calling out the AFC supporters who use terms like antiman and Bugge**. You are quite comfortable with others using such indecent and vile labels.


I will never allow my beloved Guyana to be ruled by a Cuffy. We had two of those who rigged elections for 28 years and helped by the current leader of the PNC. You have double standards and speak from both sides of your mouth.


My grandfather used to tell me that a Chammar (leather, bag and shoe worker) would eat from your plate and bore a big hole in it. He was right. It seems that you have a hard time handling the truth.


After all, what do you know ? You admitted to being a communist in one of your posts.


I guarantee you that the PPP will win any free and fair election on any day of the week. Get used to being in opposition for a very long time. And please, deal with the truth.

Last edited by Former Member




* Benjamin Disraeli once said, "there is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party or supporters of a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor."


* Don't expect magnanimity on this forum Gilbakka---remember it's a political forum.


* Listen! Those who support the PPP will find the Rev's ideas and his language to be pleasing; those who hate the PPP will be deeply offended by the Rev's language and his viewpoints.


* Over here in political we are enemies Gilbakka---the Rev supports Ramotar and the PPP while you are longing for the opposition to take over the country.


* You are an avid reader Gilly---go back and read what Benjamin Disraeli said.




THIS WAS THE REV'S RESPONSE TO CAIN IN ANOTHER THREAD---gilbakka said supporters of the PPP are running out of sound ideas---he is free to challenge me on anything I said to cain below:





Originally Posted by cain:



After the PPP got into power I really thought things would change for the better but they have become worse than I ever imagined.



* When is the last time you visited Guyana cain ?


* Listen! In 1992 when the PPP took over Guyana was broke, impoverished, destitute and bankrupt.


* Today Guyana is progressing quite nicely.


* Sure there are problems---crime, poverty, corruption, etc


* But no honest person will say Guyana is worse off today than during the PNC days.


* I'll bet you have forgetten the days when Guyanese had to line up for food---and you had shortages in everything---those were the PNC days.


* Listen! If you are pi$$ed off at the PPP ministers for filling their pockets---I have no quarrels with you.


* But like I have said hundred of times---while the PPP officials have been corrupt and deceitful and helped themselves to millions------Guyana has continued to make progress----growth and development continues.


* Just don't tell me things are worse than you imagined---STOP LYING.


* Take a break from freezing your balls in Canada and go visit the old country.





Originally Posted by cain:


Rev started this shit about "Cuffy" so now this creep has to find a way to use "cuffy" in every post...

* The Rev and yuji share the same viewpoint and the same outlook when it comes to Guyana and Guyana politics.


* When it comes to American politics---yuji supported Obama while the Rev supported Romney---so we were enemies back in 2012.hahahaha


* But I have a lot of respect for yuji---he is a decent man---a man of intelligence---a man of integrity---and a man of character.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:

Creep 1 and Creep 2


* You'll need to boost your brain power.


* Gilbakka will be very disappointed in you.


* Creep 1 and creep 2 will appeal to the blowhards and loudmouths supporting the PNC/AFC


* But raise your standards cain---say something sensible.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Listen Gilbaka


Like you have become a Cuffy Lover. It is ok to admit it and yuji has no problem with it. After all, I do not drink Coffee.


I do not see you calling out the AFC supporters who use terms like antiman and Bugge**. You are quite comfortable with others using such indecent and vile labels.


I will never allow my beloved Guyana to be ruled by a Cuffy. We had two of those who rigged elections for 28 years and helped by the current leader of the PNC. You have double standards and speak from both sides of your mouth.


My grandfather used to tell me that a Chammar (leather, bag and shoe worker) would eat from your plate and bore a big hole in it. He was right. It seems that you have a hard time handling the truth.


After all, what do you know ? You admitted to being a communist in one of your posts.


I guarantee you that the PPP will win any free and fair election on any day of the week. Get used to being in opposition for a very long time. And please, deal with the truth.

Listen you pathetic moron; cuffy's name is remembered not because fools like you can massage your hate. He is remembered because he is a real hero and did for his country what you mealy mouthed bigots ought to be thankful for.


Imagine like coffee so you are exempted from your hate speech! I wonder who your ship Brahmin grandfather was speaking about when he spoke of chamars. I guess he forget lohars, doms, dossas etc...some 85 percent of who make up Indians! You are not only an ass you are one of those asses who thinks themselves wise but when you open your mouth you can only bray.


Gil never said he was a communist. He said he was a socialist and that comes in many hues. The top ten nations on the planet that experiences the most favorable living conditions have socialized economies.


And Guyana is not yours. Let me be frank. Slaves created the space. Freed Blacks subsidized the coming of indentured with their taxes, suffered from onerous laws like the homesteading laws that bound them to the plantocracy. Then as contract workers, the British conned our fore parents by abandoning them here to avoid the cost of returning them to their home.


This  house that is guyana accommodated you and you cannot dictate the tenancy of the rooms! Get it into your head fool, this is a shared house and we all get to sit at the table as equals. No punk assed ship Brahmin gets to define the rules.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:





* Benjamin Disraeli once said, "there is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party or supporters of a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor."


* Don't expect magnanimity on this forum Gilbakka---remember it's a political forum.


* Listen! Those who support the PPP will find the Rev's ideas and his language to be pleasing; those who hate the PPP will be deeply offended by the Rev's language and his viewpoints.


* Over here in political we are enemies Gilbakka---the Rev supports Ramotar and the PPP while you are longing for the opposition to take over the country.


* You are an avid reader Gilly---go back and read what Benjamin Disraeli said.



Another moron taking one quote and deciding it defines the field.... Etymologically, politics is about best practices for the polis. It is not about massaging hate. As I mentioned to another of the three morons now presiding here with this racist bilge; we live and strive for the best and when there is bickering and fight, it is not because that is who we are. We are what we constantly set as the bar for acceptable behavior.  I guess no one ever told you that in the fictive elite school you attended. I suggest you go back and read your Plato, your Kant  your Nietzsche your Montesquieu and your Lock and not selectively cull a quote from one person and think you have the Rosetta stone to political behavior.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:

Cuffy, the latest euphemism for n***er. It's understood because we know that it's coming from a sick mind.

These morons need to read and find out who he was. With all his faults and his mistakes none of these bigots come close to his shadow. That we still remember him is not on account he is some caricature in these morons heads.


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by cain:

Creep 1 and Creep 2


* You'll need to boost your brain power.


* Gilbakka will be very disappointed in you.


* Creep 1 and creep 2 will appeal to the blowhards and loudmouths supporting the PNC/AFC


* But raise your standards cain---say something sensible.




Rev, Cain is a man of few words, but those words carry big punches.

Do not berate Cain.

For me, it is enough that Cain has a hatred for racism, corruption and apologists of corrupt  ones. It is enough that he desires good and clean governance.

I prefer 1 cain to 100 of your racist yuji22s.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I prefer 1 cain to 100 of your racist yuji22s.




* It looks like you and my friend yuji are both members of the mutual admiration society.hahaha


* The Rev prides himself in having a wicked sense of humor, and I must admit that I am rather enjoying the daggers you boys are plunging into each other.hahahaha




* We don't share the same political views but I respect his right to be wrong----and he is dead wrong in his belief that the rotten and dastardly PNC will be less corrupt than the wicked PPP.







Originally Posted by Danyael:

Another moron taking one quote and deciding it defines the field.... Etymologically, politics is about best practices for the polis. It is not about massaging hate.



* What's with the name calling ?


* By the way, your rambling and your long-windedness may impress the haters of the PPP on this forum----but you have to do better when you choose to address an esteemed gentleman like the Rev----you have to raise your standards and demonstrate greater intelligence.




* Lemme remind you Danyael----you are a graduate of that glorified black high school----HOWARD UNIVERSITY.



* Your formal education is pi$$ poor Danyael---know your limitations.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Another moron taking one quote and deciding it defines the field.... Etymologically, politics is about best practices for the polis. It is not about massaging hate.



* What's with the name calling ?


* By the way, your rambling and your long-windedness may impress the haters of the PPP on this forum----but you have to do better when you choose to address an esteemed gentleman like the Rev----you have to raise your standards and demonstrate greater intelligence.




* Lemme remind you Danyael----you are a graduate of that glorified black high school----HOWARD UNIVERSITY.




* Your formal education is pi$$ poor Danyael---know your limitations.



I am of the inclination you believe these lists, cartoons and crayola landscape ( granted you only got the 8color box) is impressive evidence of  your vast intellect. Maybe it is, that is why they are so annoyingly, childishly three-years-old with no less an endless flow of nonsensical gibberish.


Every time you attempt to gather quotes and post them as examples of our cutting edge wit, you  delimit  its scope to its rightful place of that of a nit. The above exhortation to Gilly that he read so he can understand your view of politics is one. I was reminding you,( not him since he knows) that you are a nitwit thinking yourself the brain with schemes to conquer the world. If you imagine the world is contained in your living room then maybe you are right.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I am of the inclination you believe these lists, cartoons and crayola landscape ( granted you only got the 8color box) is impressive evidence of  your vast intellect.


* I see you're in a rare good mood this morning Danyael.



you do not see far so I would advise you not to trust your sight or insight.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

you do not see far so I would advise you not to trust your sight or insight.





* Would that be a more apt description of your mood today Danyael ?



Of course you would miss what was said. Let me reiterate, do no attempt to argue for or against anything until you first procure the tools of understanding and thinking. You are looking for work and you have no tool!

Originally Posted by JB:

So this board continue to make Rev post his anti Black racism? Interesting...

* You JB are a man pretending to be a woman on this GNI forum.


* Now JB! Do you have anything intelligent to say on gilbakka's thread.


* I would also challenge gilbakka to make a few interesting and intelligent posts on his thread----looks like he is more keen on taking shots at yuji.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by JB:

So this board continue to make Rev post his anti Black racism? Interesting...

* You JB are a man pretending to be a woman on this GNI forum.


* Now JB! Do you have anything intelligent to say on gilbakka's thread.


* I would also challenge gilbakka to make a few interesting and intelligent posts on his thread----looks like he is more keen on taking shots at yuji.




If it makes you feel better by all means go ahead and call me a man. After all you are knoan for inventing strawmen to beat up and knock down. Coward! 

Originally Posted by Rev:



* Benjamin Disraeli once said, "there is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party or supporters of a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor."


* You are an avid reader Gilly---go back and read what Benjamin Disraeli said.



Rev, thank you for the quote from the conservative British politician Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881).

You are entitled to adopt Disraeli's political credo embodied in that quote.


While you seem to admire Disraeli, however, his contemporaries thought otherwise.

An Irish MP named Daniel O'Connell in 1835 described Benjamin Disraeli as "a reptile ... just fit now, after being twice discarded by the people, to become a Conservative. He possesses all the necessary requisites of perfidy, selfishness, depravity, want of principle, etc., which would qualify him for the change. His name shows that he is of Jewish origin. I do not use it as a term of reproach; there are many most respectable Jews. But there are, as in every other people, some of the lowest and most disgusting grade of moral turpitude; and of those I look upon Mr. Disraeli as the worst."

Sorry, Rev, I humbly decline your recommendation to heed that man Disraeli.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Benjamin Disraeli once said, "there is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party or supporters of a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor."


* You are an avid reader Gilly---go back and read what Benjamin Disraeli said.



Rev, thank you for the quote from the conservative British politician Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881).

You are entitled to adopt Disraeli's political credo embodied in that quote.


While you seem to admire Disraeli, however, his contemporaries thought otherwise.

An Irish MP named Daniel O'Connell in 1835 described Benjamin Disraeli as "a reptile ... just fit now, after being twice discarded by the people, to become a Conservative. He possesses all the necessary requisites of perfidy, selfishness, depravity, want of principle, etc., which would qualify him for the change. His name shows that he is of Jewish origin. I do not use it as a term of reproach; there are many most respectable Jews. But there are, as in every other people, some of the lowest and most disgusting grade of moral turpitude; and of those I look upon Mr. Disraeli as the worst."

Sorry, Rev, I humbly decline your recommendation to heed that man Disraeli.

Impressive! Mr Gilbakka exposed what a dunce the REV is really. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Benjamin Disraeli once said, "there is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party or supporters of a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor."


* You are an avid reader Gilly---go back and read what Benjamin Disraeli said.



Rev, thank you for the quote from the conservative British politician Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881).

You are entitled to adopt Disraeli's political credo embodied in that quote.


While you seem to admire Disraeli, however, his contemporaries thought otherwise.

An Irish MP named Daniel O'Connell in 1835 described Benjamin Disraeli as "a reptile ... just fit now, after being twice discarded by the people, to become a Conservative. He possesses all the necessary requisites of perfidy, selfishness, depravity, want of principle, etc., which would qualify him for the change. His name shows that he is of Jewish origin. I do not use it as a term of reproach; there are many most respectable Jews. But there are, as in every other people, some of the lowest and most disgusting grade of moral turpitude; and of those I look upon Mr. Disraeli as the worst."

Sorry, Rev, I humbly decline your recommendation to heed that man Disraeli.

Impressive! Mr Gilbakka exposed what a dunce the REV is really. 

rev is not really dunce he is mostly evil so it explain why he will quote people will ill dispute and justify them as his mentor 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Benjamin Disraeli once said, "there is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party or supporters of a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor."


* You are an avid reader Gilly---go back and read what Benjamin Disraeli said.



Rev, thank you for the quote from the conservative British politician Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881).

You are entitled to adopt Disraeli's political credo embodied in that quote.


While you seem to admire Disraeli, however, his contemporaries thought otherwise.

An Irish MP named Daniel O'Connell in 1835 described Benjamin Disraeli as "a reptile ... just fit now, after being twice discarded by the people, to become a Conservative. He possesses all the necessary requisites of perfidy, selfishness, depravity, want of principle, etc., which would qualify him for the change. His name shows that he is of Jewish origin. I do not use it as a term of reproach; there are many most respectable Jews. But there are, as in every other people, some of the lowest and most disgusting grade of moral turpitude; and of those I look upon Mr. Disraeli as the worst."

Sorry, Rev, I humbly decline your recommendation to heed that man Disraeli.

Impressive! Mr Gilbakka exposed what a dunce the REV is really. 

rev is not really dunce he is mostly evil so it explain why he will quote people will ill dispute and justify them as his mentor 

Rev is sly. He has lots of gaps in his knowledge. He is good at googling for info and have excellent skills at copying and cropping GIFS and presenting quotable quotes to distract from the PPP corruption and skulduggery..

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Sorry, Rev, I humbly decline your recommendation to heed that man Disraeli.



* You disappoint me.


* I asked you to read a quote by Benjamin Disraeli---here it is again:


"there is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party or supporters of a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor." Benjamin Disraeli


* It doesn't matter whether Disraeli was a crook, a murderer, a vagabond, a British Prime Minister----the fact is there is a lot of truth in what he stated above.


* You'll need to raise your standard Gilbakka.


* Maybe your intention in starting this thread was to take a cheap shot at yuji.


* Read that Disraeli quote again---there is a meanness in political parties and in political supporters.


* The truth is the truth---no matter who says it---Disraeli stated a truth.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Sorry, Rev, I humbly decline your recommendation to heed that man Disraeli.



* You disappoint me.


* I asked you to read a quote by Benjamin Disraeli---here it is again:


"there is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party or supporters of a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor." Benjamin Disraeli


* It doesn't matter whether Disraeli was a crook, a murderer, a vagabond, a British Prime Minister----the fact is there is a lot of truth in what he stated above.


* You'll need to raise your standard Gilbakka.


* Maybe your intention in starting this thread was to take a cheap shot at yuji.


* Read that Disraeli quote again---there is a meanness in political parties and in political supporters.


* The truth is the truth---no matter who says it---Disraeli stated a truth.



He did not. He is merely a jackass like you.

Originally Posted by Rev:

"there is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party or supporters of a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor." Benjamin Disraeli


* It doesn't matter whether Disraeli was a crook, a murderer, a vagabond, a British Prime Minister----the fact is there is a lot of truth in what he stated above.


* The truth is the truth---no matter who says it---Disraeli stated a truth.



Rev, tell that to your partner yuji22.

Tell him that the truth is the truth no matter if Ramjattan or Nagamootoo or Granger says it.

And, Rev, feel free anytime to post a "truth" quote from Adolf Hitler too.


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