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Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Sorry, Rev, I humbly decline your recommendation to heed that man Disraeli.



* You disappoint me.


* I asked you to read a quote by Benjamin Disraeli---here it is again:


"there is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party or supporters of a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor." Benjamin Disraeli


* It doesn't matter whether Disraeli was a crook, a murderer, a vagabond, a British Prime Minister----the fact is there is a lot of truth in what he stated above.


* You'll need to raise your standard Gilbakka.


* Maybe your intention in starting this thread was to take a cheap shot at yuji.


* Read that Disraeli quote again---there is a meanness in political parties and in political supporters.


* The truth is the truth---no matter who says it---Disraeli stated a truth.



He did not. He is merely a jackass like you.

Please don't insult that breed of animals. They are very loyal to mankind. Christ rode one.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

And, Rev, feel free anytime to post a "truth" quote from Adolf Hitler too.

* You want truth gilbakka ?


"To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens." Adolph Hitler


* You see that--even scumbags like Hitler tell the truth sometimes.




* Now, let's return to Disraeli:


"there is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party or supporters of a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor." Benjamin Disraeli


* That is a truth.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

And, Rev, feel free anytime to post a "truth" quote from Adolf Hitler too.

* You want truth gilbakka ?


"To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens." Adolph Hitler






Rev, there is truth and there is truth.

Hitler's truth turned out to be a big lie, as the real world showed him.

When the real truth knocked at his bunker, he killed himself.

Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

And, Rev, feel free anytime to post a "truth" quote from Adolf Hitler too.

* You want truth gilbakka ?


"To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens." Adolph Hitler


* You see that--even scumbags like Hitler tell the truth sometimes.




* Now, let's return to Disraeli:


"there is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party or supporters of a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor." Benjamin Disraeli


* That is a truth.





You probably picked that up from Rush Limbaugh repertoire of of wise sayings!. The fact a persons mind is their most formidable weapon means you will have to do a lot of killing to disarm all the people.


One does not have to point out the consequence of a people armed foremost with a mindset ( good or bad) who have turned nations on its head.


Your statement by Disraeli, is merely his pessimistic view of people. Indeed they can be convinced to do great evil on false beliefs and purely out of being defective humans. We continue in this world to pursue order and fairness for all in everything not because we know we can conqueror all ills. Everywhere, in the world, even in the bad places, that is what we do. It is who we are.  We are not that vile, pessimistic, morally deformed person you think we are.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

And, Rev, feel free anytime to post a "truth" quote from Adolf Hitler too.

* You want truth gilbakka ?


"To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens." Adolph Hitler






Rev, there is truth and there is truth.

Hitler's truth turned out to be a big lie, as the real world showed him.

When the real truth knocked at his bunker, he killed himself.

This fellow is not very smart. He fail to realize that statements like "sugar is good for you" and "sugar is responsible for as many deaths as cigarettes" can both be truths. Hitler focused on power through the instrument of corrupted brute force. He lost the war, as you said, died and with him 50 million as he tried to focus on taking away guns and not on a sound vision that could have captured their minds. His statement about winning was clearly false.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Rev, there is truth and there is truth.




A better come back from you could have been:


"Rev, there is no truth. There is only perception."



the idea that you know what is perception and that the deep layered mental and physical mechanisms that produces it is the same in all of us is truly remarkable. We would not need the Bishop Barkley ( it is all mind) or Hume ( it is all matter) or Schopenhauer ( it is all will) or Kant ( it is all filter) or Nietzsche ( competing will to power). That does not even begins to speak to the fact that "truths" are merely statements  about facts in some language ( be it mathematical or logical or some human language) and that these facts are what philosophers call "noumenon" as opposed to "phenomenon" ( the ground of perception)





* This may come as a huge shock to you Danyael.


* But you are actually one of the Rev's favorite posters on GNI.


* I can always count of you for a little ribbing---you never disappoint.hahaha


* By the way Danny---in the past I have teased you about your formal education at Howard.


* But lemme give you some credit----you are a well read man----good for you.


* We surely don't agree----but I respect your general knowledge.



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