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* Gilbakka---You and the Rev don't share the same political views and the Rev respects your right to vehemently disagree with his politics and his manner of expressing his opinion.


* But over in SOCIAL---that's a different place.


* I want you to know that the Rev was a tad devious and crafty in the Bubble bath thread---your comment on "DIRTY" was about one tub.

The Rev wickedly switched the tub and had some fun at your expense.


* I know you were peeved.


* Just want you to know I did you wrong in that thread---and commenting that your wit and humor were a tad rusty---that was mean on the Rev's part.


* Hope you return to the Rev's threads on SOCIAL.


* You'll be afforded the respect you deserve.




PS. Let's remain enemies here in Political.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You do not have to invent criminals at will of others. You just need to look at the PPP. Which of them had any significant loot on entering office? Now they all sport obscene wealth and yet on paper they do not make more than a Burger King or Mickeydees manager. Now there are the thieves. Note what is happening to the former VA governor for accepting gifts from constituents. Yet Jagdeo can accept 29 tons of swag from one who later got state assets and he is clean in your eyes. Your morality is that of a goat.

Until you show proof of your claims then you need to stay quiet.  I don't care who has wealth and who don't. The subject at hand is why the PNC/AFC drive away investors while the PPP encourage them.



Rev what say you?

How can a Prez Ramu claim to be representative of all the people of Guyana and he have no respect for their women, their customs, their traditions & taboos of a Guyanese society?


He and Jug-de-hoe were the only President who did a public whine down on a black woman  - shame on them! (Kishan)

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Rev what say you?

* First of all a dignified and classy man like the Rev would not engage in back balling.


* But Jagdeo and Ramotar are politicians---and they know blacks in Guyana would appreciate them back balling.


* And don't forget---the PPP received 12% of the black votes in 2011.


* If back balling will help Uncle Ramo pick up a couple more percent of the black votes----he should keep on back balling.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Rev what say you? Look at that floor. It's a health hazard.

* First of all a dignified and classy man like the Rev would not engage in back balling.


* But Jagdeo and Ramotar are politicians---and they know blacks in Guyana would appreciate them back balling.


* And don't forget---the PPP received 12% of the black votes in 2011.


* If back balling will help Uncle Ramo pick up a couple more percent of the black votes----he should keep on back balling.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mars:

The level of corruption we see today was never present before in Guyana's history.


* Listen up!


* Corruption under the PNC ruined and impoverished Guyana.


* Crony capitalism under the PPP has not harmed economic growth and progress in Guyana.



Since when crony capitalism is a model for economic growth? How about the PNC saying the want in on the action? Would that not be a right of theirs as well? What morons?


You are here daily commenting on the so called penchant for corruption of the PNC and then you turn around to rationalize the corruption of the PPP as good. As noted, there is a term for this; ethical relativist. What immorality you insist are the flaws of others are virtues to you because in your mind you the rules do not apply to you.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You do not have to invent criminals at will of others. You just need to look at the PPP. Which of them had any significant loot on entering office? Now they all sport obscene wealth and yet on paper they do not make more than a Burger King or Mickeydees manager. Now there are the thieves. Note what is happening to the former VA governor for accepting gifts from constituents. Yet Jagdeo can accept 29 tons of swag from one who later got state assets and he is clean in your eyes. Your morality is that of a goat.

Until you show proof of your claims then you need to stay quiet.  I don't care who has wealth and who don't. The subject at hand is why the PNC/AFC drive away investors while the PPP encourage them.

I do not have to prove what is self evident. If the sky suddenly turns black it is black. The proof is in the pudding.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I fully approve them trying to discover what makes you tick by prodding you in various ways.

Ok Danyael!


* So you admit that it is OK with you for posters to attack and insult and denigrate the mothers of others.


* I know the PPP supporters on GNI will never attack the mothers of fellow posters.


* But PNC/AFC supporters are cut from a different cloth---and when they can't win an argument---they will resort to attacking the mothers of posters.





Your mother need the recriminations for your terrible upbringing...provided of course your ethical disconnect is not on account of mental defect.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Since when crony capitalism is a model for economic growth?



* You need to get out from that rock you live under.


* Right here in America Corporate Cronyism is corrupting our political process.


* We all know America was built and made great by free market capitalism---but that is dead today-----we now have corporate cronyism.


* And in nearly all developing countries---Guyana included---Crony Capitalism is the name of the game.


* So get rid of your pious, sanctimonious attitude and face reality Danyael---Crony Capitalism will never disappear.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Since when crony capitalism is a model for economic growth?



* You need to get out from that rock you live under.


* Right here in America Corporate Cronyism is corrupting our political process.


* We all know America was built and made great by free market capitalism---but that is dead today-----we now have corporate cronyism.


* And in nearly all developing countries---Guyana included---Crony Capitalism is the name of the game.


* So get rid of your pious, sanctimonious attitude and face reality Danyael---Crony Capitalism will never disappear.



Why would I need to be under a rock? Also, I do not have to accept Crony capitalism in Guyana because it exists elsewhere?Further, why complain about bad governments if you are going to accept what is clearly unethical principles. I see the US prosecuting business men and politicians left and right for these sorts of behavior so surely they also know it is wrong. I also understand we have insider trading laws and that would not be necessary if we see these sorts of things as normal.  My pious sanctimonious attitude is the finger in the dyke against anarchy and social apocalypse in general. We cannot have assho'les like you thinking  greed is good as normal.



Originally Posted by Danyael:

Why would I need to be under a rock? Also, I do not have to accept Crony capitalism in Guyana because it exists elsewhere?


Danny Bwoy!


* You are living in a fantasy world.


* Lemme remind you what Crony Capitalism is.


* Crony Capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials.


* Now Danyael, as long as businesss people aspire to grow their businesses in developing countries and as long as politicians/government officials have power---there will forever be an unholy alliance between business people and government officials----Crony Capitalism





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Why would I need to be under a rock? Also, I do not have to accept Crony capitalism in Guyana because it exists elsewhere?


Danny Bwoy!


* You are living in a fantasy world.


* Lemme remind you what Crony Capitalism is.


* Crony Capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials.


* Now Danyael, as long as businesss people aspire to grow their businesses in developing countries and as long as politicians/government officials have power---there will forever be an unholy alliance between business people and government officials----Crony Capitalism





I see you are exercising your google fu to the max. Well, you missed the point. Crony is the adjective and it would not be necessary were t his not a special case. It defines not merely the close relationship but the unfair, unethical and morally reprehensible practice of giving an edge to associates through subverting fair practices and best practices strategies one is obliged to obey. Crony Capitalism would be taught in our business schools as methodological if it were deemed a beneficial or admirable business practice. This might be your real world but it is not mine. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
.and they are not foreign investors.  If the PNC can assure investors that they can call off their criminals who rob and kill and control the afc criminals similarly, then after a few years investors might take a chance with a PNC govt. 

Its interesting that you don't blame the PPP for ebing in power for 21 years as still being unable to deal with crime.


Crime in Guyana is WORSE than it has ever been.


Don't come back with your normal nonsense that the police are pnc/afc, because then you will have to admit that the folks trying to smuggle guns into the jail are PPP.  Instead of pure common criminals who the PPP doesn't care the slightest about because the Indo elites get their protection by using black criminals.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You do not have to invent criminals at will of others. You just need to look at the PPP. Which of them had any significant loot on entering office? Now they all sport obscene wealth and yet on paper they do not make more than a Burger King or Mickeydees manager. Now there are the thieves. Note what is happening to the former VA governor for accepting gifts from constituents. Yet Jagdeo can accept 29 tons of swag from one who later got state assets and he is clean in your eyes. Your morality is that of a goat.

Until you show proof of your claims then you need to stay quiet.  I don't care who has wealth and who don't. The subject at hand is why the PNC/AFC drive away investors while the PPP encourage them.

I do not have to prove what is self evident. If the sky suddenly turns black it is black. The proof is in the pudding.


Is this what you told your professors in Howard when you wrote term papers?  You didn't cite your sources? You told them it is self evident? Yes, perception is your greatest source. Meanwhile you make claims that people were poor and now rich. Do you really have evidence of this or are you applying the Howard method of citation?  No wonder the Howard Grads didn't invite you to visit Guyana.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You do not have to invent criminals at will of others. You just need to look at the PPP. Which of them had any significant loot on entering office? Now they all sport obscene wealth and yet on paper they do not make more than a Burger King or Mickeydees manager. Now there are the thieves. Note what is happening to the former VA governor for accepting gifts from constituents. Yet Jagdeo can accept 29 tons of swag from one who later got state assets and he is clean in your eyes. Your morality is that of a goat.

Until you show proof of your claims then you need to stay quiet.  I don't care who has wealth and who don't. The subject at hand is why the PNC/AFC drive away investors while the PPP encourage them.

I do not have to prove what is self evident. If the sky suddenly turns black it is black. The proof is in the pudding.


Is this what you told your professors in Howard when you wrote term papers?  You didn't cite your sources? You told them it is self evident? Yes, perception is your greatest source. Meanwhile you make claims that people were poor and now rich. Do you really have evidence of this or are you applying the Howard method of citation?  No wonder the Howard Grads didn't invite you to visit Guyana.

Is the above evidence of some intellectual brilliance? It is sheer nonsense. Self evidence and citation are different categories things dummy. One is a proposition by merely stating the proposition and the other is attribution of source.  I do not have to cite the fact that the PPP are a corrupt lot who used the nations resources to their enrichment. Their appropriation of the nations lands to build their party elites to build exclusive communities are evidence enough.


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