Cuteness Alert: Tv Celebs And Their Nicknames!
Martini Shots, Bollywood, August 04, 2016, Authors: MiHika SenGupta (Editorial Team),
Nicknames! Something which a person won't like to be called with, if it isn't that fashionable.
Some like to make their pet names public and some don't.
While some llike to be called by their nicknames, as it gives a feeling of being loved and being known, some try to avoid it as much as they can.
But fortunately, our tv celebs couldn't hide from the eyes of their followers, i.e. us. And therefore, here, we bring to you a list of tv celebs with their nicknames.
Whether they are cool or not-so-cool, is upto you to decide and do let us know in the comments section!
Giaa Manek - Jeev
Uploaded by MiHika SenGupta on 04 Aug, 2016