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Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

TI I think you mean mendonca's all the way  up by near BOURDA'S. Rode with his son. you know Talim and Derrick?

Yeah, I getting forgetful! That's the store.

you are correct.  I remember some of these guys but can't remember the names. You remember a guy called Bruton? The man was a very good sprinter.



Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by alex:

I think you are talking about 'one hand Charlie'.


That was the guy who lost his hand when it got crushed by a cane punt?

Yep, same guy, he was a good rider.


I do remember Bruton, he was another good rider along with Boy Blue (Cumberbatch)

i remember boy blue he use to do stunt with his bike he was good 

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by alex:

I think you are talking about 'one hand Charlie'.


That was the guy who lost his hand when it got crushed by a cane punt?

i think you is right he did get his hand crush with a punt man he use to get off his saddle and kick that bike with his one hand one time he kick my ass at a gymkana


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