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Famed physicist, Stephen Hawking, says black holes don't exist. Hawking earned his scientific reputation back in the 1970's based off his theory of black holes as cosmic vacuums, with a gravitation pull so strong, not even light could escape. In a new paper, Hawking says matter can escape from black holes. He says black holes only temporarily trap whatever enters it.

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Originally Posted by TI:

Famed physicist, Stephen Hawking, says black holes don't exist. Hawking earned his scientific reputation back in the 1970's based off his theory of black holes as cosmic vacuums, with a gravitation pull so strong, not even light could escape. In a new paper, Hawking says matter can escape from black holes. He says black holes only temporarily trap whatever enters it.

It is not mine but originated in Newton's theory of gravity and Suggested by Einstein. I know they exist because everyone saw what happened to cloud G2 In Sagittarius A* last year.


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