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Gotta admit it. I felt genuinely sorry for Melo the other night as the Heat beat them. Trouble is they are all friends and 'brothers' and Melo is a really nice guy and don't deserve the people around him. 'Mare was a complete waste of time and money and I am glad that we did not end up with him back in 2010. It may just be my mind but at the end of the game, I saw Melo look over to the Heat bench area perhaps to come over to greet James/Wade but because the game had gotten so out of hand, his teammates began their trip back to the locker room and it never happened. I saw Melo's eyes full of innocence and admiration for the guys at the other end. Like I said, it is easy to feel sorry for Melo because he is a really nice guy. The rest of the Knicks team outside of Hardaway Jr. are all bums.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Have to agree with you Kaz. 

The Knicks have to find a way to dump "Mare and his stifling contract and find talents to put around Melo. Maybe even a guy like Curry who seem to like MSG. In 2010, the talk down here was that we were paying Beasley 14M for mediocre talent. Riley was able send him and his contract to Minneapolis and just add 2 more million to enjoy services of LBJ. Now we have LBJ and still have Beasley who has really good moves when he gets to play. The Knicks have to do something similar. But from the comments in the article, it looks like Dolan is way way far from being anything like Riley.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

Dolan knows squat about BBall. He should follow Mickey and leave the bball stuff to a bball guy. Get PJax to be team president and run the day-to-day ops. Dolan should just sit back and relax like Prokorov.


From reports it looks like CButler is likely to join the Thunder and Granger joined the Clips.



We have the same problem here with the Dolphins. The dumbass owner meddles in everything while he knows nothing about football. Today, the only undefeated team in NFL history is the laughing stock of the league.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

NY beeds to do buyouts with Amare, Chandler and a few other players. Sure it cost you but you will not have that stress anymore and you could probably get some decent players while showing Melo that you want to improve the team.

I agree. All of Kari's disciples turned up for the game last Thursday and lost their joy in the third quarter.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

NY beeds to do buyouts with Amare, Chandler and a few other players. Sure it cost you but you will not have that stress anymore and you could probably get some decent players while showing Melo that you want to improve the team.

I agree. All of Kari's disciples turned up for the game last Thursday and lost their joy in the third quarter.

Lokk how the Pacers will suck the joy out of LeHeats in a couple of months' time.....


Kari, Miami has played about 10-12 games without Wade and they still have the second or third best record in the NBA. Not the EC, the NBA. The Pacers meanwhile have been playing with their full crew and are only 2 games ahead. The Heat are not afraid of the Pacers. The Pacers are looking over their shoulders constantly because of the pressure they feel to beat the Heat this year. That pressure will make them fail. Mark my words.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

NY beeds to do buyouts with Amare, Chandler and a few other players. Sure it cost you but you will not have that stress anymore and you could probably get some decent players while showing Melo that you want to improve the team.

I agree. All of Kari's disciples turned up for the game last Thursday and lost their joy in the third quarter.

Lokk how the Pacers will suck the joy out of LeHeats in a couple of months' time.....

Did I miss it. I though you said the Pacers would beat the Heat LAST year.


The Pacers missed that ingredient called experience last year. This year if you look at upswing factors, I see this for Miami - Wade is playing a lot more healthy, but we'll see when late Spring comes; LeBron continus to play at his high level but is not better than he was last year; Bosh's play has stayed pretty much the same - what he lost in interior play he has made up with outside shooting, though in late Sprig he won''t have the luxury of the real estate he gets now.


On the Pacers upswing you have - last year's experience (both coaching and playing); Paul George has taken his game to super star level (he might be below LeBron and KD, but he's in their conversaton); Stevenson has gotten more maure; and Hibbert is more seasoned. Put those three agains t miami's three and there is not much advantage to the SoBe guys. But look at the Pacers defensive discipline and you will see that their bench makes the difference.


And note, I have no reason to bring the OKC fellahs into this discussion as SoBe won't get past Indi

Originally Posted by Kari:

The Pacers missed that ingredient called experience last year. This year if you look at upswing factors, I see this for Miami - Wade is playing a lot more healthy, but we'll see when late Spring comes; LeBron continus to play at his high level but is not better than he was last year; Bosh's play has stayed pretty much the same - what he lost in interior play he has made up with outside shooting, though in late Sprig he won''t have the luxury of the real estate he gets now.


On the Pacers upswing you have - last year's experience (both coaching and playing); Paul George has taken his game to super star level (he might be below LeBron and KD, but he's in their conversaton); Stevenson has gotten more maure; and Hibbert is more seasoned. Put those three agains t miami's three and there is not much advantage to the SoBe guys. But look at the Pacers defensive discipline and you will see that their bench makes the difference.


And note, I have no reason to bring the OKC fellahs into this discussion as SoBe won't get past Indi

Last year, yuh seh dem had all dose ingredients bai.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

Chief love to watch Titanic too. Any ship that's sinking for that matter.

That ship sunk already. The salvaging company named Jackson (with the 11 rings) is being summoned to lift it from the bottom of the ocean. Lots of water in SoBe.....inviting for a ship or two to go under......this spring maybe.....


Knicks season done - so no danger of playing a Pacers team that is in a funk right now. They better start getting back to playing with their early-season verve or they may not make it past the second round if they have to meet up the Nets. I've said it before and I'll repeat it here, The Nets and Ppacers have the type of team that gives the SoBes trouble. If Russel Westbrook can't remain healthy the one team that can play Miami's game, OKC, may not pan out. The Clips may need another year of seasoning, but there is always the Spurs lurking. Knicks- huh!


Eight was enough.


Heat and Pacers are strategizing right now. They don't mind losing a few going into the last month giving their main guys more rest and their bench more minutes. Time to get everyone on board so when duty calls you're fresh and ready not rusty.


Personally LeBron don't like this losing business and it seems like DWAde strong play of late with 20+ points per game is throwing Bron off his rhythm. This was according to Bron. But he sees the final goal and trust Riley's video coordinator.


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