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Darrell Issa, the man who once said that Guyana is in Africa, will be visiting the South American Republic with a number of other counterparts, from America.  Hopefully, this Republican Congressman, and his colleagues,  would take the correct flight and do not end up  in downtown Timbuktu.  Issa should now be doing lots of research for his next trip.  Take note Darrell - Guyana, once British Guiana, is located on the mainland of South America. Welcome to Guyana Darrell. 

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Inventor, entrepreneur and now tech policy leader,Congressman Darrell Issa represents the 49th District of California in Congress. He is the former CEO of Directed Electronics, a leading auto security technology company he founded and built in Southern California in mid-1990s. The holder of 37 patents and the former Chairman of the Consumer Technology Association, Congressman Issa is the nation’s preeminent voice in Washington advancing smart policy to protect intellectual property, creativity and to keep America at the forefront of the world’s innovation.


Maybe looking to set up business.

Names confirmed for visiting 25-member US congressional delegation

Last edited by Django
Prashad posted:

Chief may claim that Issa is a muslim.

He is a Christian.  His father was a Lebanese Christian. Chief will be sad to know that millions of Christians lived, or used to live, in the Middle East.

Apparently Muslims are allowed to live in relative peace in Christian lands but Christians cannot live in most Muslim nations without fear.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Chief may claim that Issa is a muslim.

He is a Christian.  His father was a Lebanese Christian. Chief will be sad to know that millions of Christians lived, or used to live, in the Middle East.

Apparently Muslims are allowed to live in relative peace in Christian lands but Christians cannot live in most Muslim nations without fear.

Spoken like a true dumb-ass ! You have evidently never been to any country in the middle-east. Take it from me; there are people of all faiths living in every country in the M/East and they are accommodated not only in terms of their religion but by their social practices as well. When I was at high school, I had a teacher who told us 'it is always better to shut your yap and let others think you are a jackass than to open it and remove all doubt' !  

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Chief may claim that Issa is a muslim.

He is a Christian.  His father was a Lebanese Christian. Chief will be sad to know that millions of Christians lived, or used to live, in the Middle East.

Apparently Muslims are allowed to live in relative peace in Christian lands but Christians cannot live in most Muslim nations without fear.

You expose the dismal depths of your ignorance and prejudice when you make statements as asinine as the ones above ! Which countries in the Middle East have you ever been to/in ? I have seen churches, synagogues, cathedrals and convents that put to shame anything you can possibly name or show in the western world ! Furthermore, these buildings and institutions are maintained and supported by the governments in places Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, etc. I am willing to bet that you have never ever set foot in any of these countries  so it would be in your interest to withhold such uninformed comments and opinions until you adequately educate yourself. Buildings and properties used for religious and educational purposes are classified as 'waqf' and are fully maintained and supported by the state in these places ! I have seen cathedrals and seminaries in Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Egypy, Libya, Turkey and Syria which date back more than 150 years but appear to have been built only a few years ago. There is not a country in that part of the world that I have not been in as my work takes me there quite frequently. To the contrary, I suggest you do some serious reading about what your Christian buddies, viz; France, Portugal, Belgium and Holland et al all did under the cloak of colonialism; the plundering and unrestrained theft of billions of dollars worth of petroleum, phosphates and other mineral resources !

Keffer posted:

Spoken like a true dumb-ass ! You have evidently never been to any country in the middle-east. Take it from me; there are people of all faiths living in every country in the M/East 

So name Middle Eastern countries where Christians are treated equitably to Muslims.  Don't say Egypt because the Copts have suffered much there. How many Christians are now left in Syria?  The only country where they have equity is Lebanon and that is because colonial rule ensured that Christians remained a powerful group.  Seeing churches says NOTHING about how these people live or whether they feel safe.

We can also talk of Pakistan and Iran.  I see that you must go back centuries to talk about decent treatment of Christians. Why don't we talk about life for Christians in the Middle East in 2018?

As to plundering.  Please don't fool yourself that Islam wasn't spread by the sword or there wasn't widespread plunder as Muslim empires expanded, both by the Arabs and the Turks.  Certainly many Christians in North Africa were put to the sword as conquering armies of Muslims swept through that region.

Also ask yourself why when in 2018 Muslims get into trouble they seek long term asylum in Christian lands.  I don't see millions trying to get to Saudi or Iran.  Germany alone absorbed almost 1 million two years ago, the vast majority of them being Muslims.  Even many sweltering in refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon would prefer to settle in Europe or North America if that were possible.

Last edited by Former Member
Keffer posted:
Mitwah posted:

Isn't Christianity banned in Saudi Arabia?


No, Christianity is NOT banned in Saudi Arabia !!

There are some gray areas,there are no churches and not allowed to practice their faith openly.

"Currently there are no official churches in Saudi Arabia of any Christian denomination.[7] The small number of Saudi Arabian Christians meet in internet chat rooms and private meetings.[7]

May 2018- Saudi Arabian cultural and social global openness, for the first time in the country’s history it has signed a cooperative agreement with the Vatican to build churches for Christian citizens to advocate the important role of religions and cultures in renouncing violence, extremism, terrorism and achieving security and stability in the world.

The agreement was signed by the Secretary-General of the Muslim World League Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdel Karim Al-Issa and the President of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue in the Vatican and the French cardinal of the Catholic Church Jean-Louis Tauran to achieve mutual goals between both sides.

According to the Society of Architectural Heritage Protection Jeddah and the Municipality of Jeddah, a long-abandoned house in Al-Baghdadiyya district has never been an Anglican church, contrary to the "'myth' that had spread on the Internet". There was however still in 1930 a non-Muslim cemetery in Jeddah.[11]

caribny posted:
Keffer posted:

Spoken like a true dumb-ass ! You have evidently never been to any country in the middle-east. Take it from me; there are people of all faiths living in every country in the M/East 

So name Middle Eastern countries where Christians are treated equitably to Muslims.  Don't say Egypt because the Copts have suffered much there. How many Christians are now left in Syria?  The only country where they have equity is Lebanon and that is because colonial rule ensured that Christians remained a powerful group.  Seeing churches says NOTHING about how these people live or whether they feel safe.

We can also talk of Pakistan and Iran.  I see that you must go back centuries to talk about decent treatment of Christians. Why don't we talk about life for Christians in the Middle East in 2018?

As to plundering.  Please don't fool yourself that Islam wasn't spread by the sword or there wasn't widespread plunder as Muslim empires expanded, both by the Arabs and the Turks.  Certainly many Christians in North Africa were put to the sword as conquering armies of Muslims swept through that region.

Also ask yourself why when in 2018 Muslims get into trouble they seek long term asylum in Christian lands.  I don't see millions trying to get to Saudi or Iran.  Germany alone absorbed almost 1 million two years ago, the vast majority of them being Muslims.  Even many sweltering in refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon would prefer to settle in Europe or North America if that were possible.

Contrary to your belief, Islam was NOT spread by the sword/force ! Only a brainless jackass would believe such drivel because anyone with a modicum of common sense will understand and realize that 1) force or duress induces anger and resentment and 2) as soon as such force is removed, people will quickly and readily resort to their previously-held beliefs and practices. Laws in every country in the Middle East apply to people all across the board. I suggest you call the embassies of M/Eastern countries and put your question to them. Instances of Muslims seeking long term assistance in Christian lands are 99.99% based on political reasons and the treachery of nations like USA, England, France, etc., the same nations who plundered and stole everything they were able to get their sticky fingers on in the very countries that they are so quick to debase and criticize ! Why did you leave Guyana; were you persecuted because you subscribe to a particular religion ? Try seeking residence in 'Christian Australia' and see what reception they will give your black, Christian ass ! Have you ever been in or even close to Iran and Saudi Arabia ? As a function of my profession, I have been to both of those countries on numerous occasions and I assure you that if they declare their borders open tomorrow, there will be droves of people seeking entry into both ! Many in the western world; like you, are so quick to criticize and ridicule countries which have different customs and cultures despite the fact that they do not know shit about anything !

Keffer posted:
Mitwah posted:

Isn't Christianity banned in Saudi Arabia?


No, Christianity is NOT banned in Saudi Arabia !!

Walk around in Saudi Arabia with a cross and see how quickly one gets arrested.  Refuse to adhere to their religious rules in that country publicly and see how quickly you get arrested.  In the stifling heat women are forced to cover, supposedly because of Saudi interpretation of Muslim law.

Now everyday I see Muslim women in NYC's stifling heat, some dressed head to toe with those peep holes, and no one tells them a thing and it is NOT against the law!

Keffer posted:

Contrary to your belief, Islam was NOT spread by the sword/force ! 


I suggest that you read the history of Ethiopia and of North Africa and come back again.  Islam was spread by the sword in the same way that Christianity was.  These are the facts.  That you chose not to believe is your choice.

Keffer posted:
. Instances of Muslims seeking long term assistance in Christian lands are 99.99% based on political reasons and the treachery of nations like USA, England, France, etc., 

It is indeed ironic that it is to these nations that Muslims flee to.  They should all be going to Saudi Arabia and not to live in refugee camps either. 

No they want to go to Europe and some even to the USA.  Apparently they prefer to live under the "treachery" of the Christians than under their fellow Muslims.

And look at Africans flocking to Israel.  More than a few are Muslims and Israel doesn't want them but yet they would sooner try their chances there than in Saudi Arabia which just lies across the Red Sea.

And when Somali Muslims starve who is housing and feeding them?  Christian Kenya with the help of Europeans and North Americans.

Last edited by Former Member

Australia has a Muslim population. Now please point out laws that it has to prohibit Muslims from practicing their religion.  They restrict refugees but when last I checked it was across the board.  Why do those Muslims trying to get there not go to Iran instead or Saudi Arabia?  Their Muslim brothers should be helping them and fully incorporating them. Maybe if they tended to that then they wouldn't have time for their intra Muslim proxy war.



I see you beating your drums.

Islam is growing and growing and growing and growing!

I prayed Eid namaaz yesterday in a predominantly African Mosque in Newark.  The sermon was given in English and them was translated into their African language.

By the time you stop beating your drums there will be more Mosques than Churches in certain cities across America.I wonder what guns are being used in this growth.

caribny posted:

Australia has a Muslim population. Now please point out laws that it has to prohibit Muslims from practicing their religion.  They restrict refugees but when last I checked it was across the board.  Why do those Muslims trying to get there not go to Iran instead or Saudi Arabia?  Their Muslim brothers should be helping them and fully incorporating them. Maybe if they tended to that then they wouldn't have time for their intra Muslim proxy war.

When Burnham kicked your ass in Guyana, why did you not seek refuge in Africa and don’t get into the proxy race war in the USA?  

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

Australia has a Muslim population. Now please point out laws that it has to prohibit Muslims from practicing their religion.  They restrict refugees but when last I checked it was across the board.  Why do those Muslims trying to get there not go to Iran instead or Saudi Arabia?  Their Muslim brothers should be helping them and fully incorporating them. Maybe if they tended to that then they wouldn't have time for their intra Muslim proxy war.

When Burnham kicked your ass in Guyana, why did you not seek refuge in Africa and don’t get into the proxy race war in the USA?  

Base like you send Carib under his bed.

Chief posted:


I see you beating your drums.

Islam is growing and growing and growing and growing!


Tell you what next time a Muslim country gets into a crisis tell them to limit the pleas for aid to other Muslims.  Leave non Muslims out of it. Also Muslims should also help non Muslim countries when they fell into crisis.

When this happens then you can wail that Islam is superior to Christianity.

In the interim its Kenya which feeds the famine stricken victims of Somalia and houses them in a huge refugee camp even though Kenya has some serious problems. Among which are Muslims attacking Christians in Kenya.

Baseman posted:

When Burnham kicked your ass in Guyana, why did you not seek refuge in Africa and don’t get into the proxy race war in the USA?  

Baseman I know that I am your intellectual superior with sharper cognitive and analytical skills.  So stop illustrating this by engaging in meaningless personal attacks.  It demeans you.

Chief posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

Australia has a Muslim population. Now please point out laws that it has to prohibit Muslims from practicing their religion.  They restrict refugees but when last I checked it was across the board.  Why do those Muslims trying to get there not go to Iran instead or Saudi Arabia?  Their Muslim brothers should be helping them and fully incorporating them. Maybe if they tended to that then they wouldn't have time for their intra Muslim proxy war.

When Burnham kicked your ass in Guyana, why did you not seek refuge in Africa and don’t get into the proxy race war in the USA?  

Base like you send Carib under his bed.

Chief those Muslim Africans prefer life in Christian Europe than in the Muslim regions of North Africa.  Why don't North African Muslims help their fellow Muslims out instead of forcing them to beg from Christians in Spain, Italy, France and Germany. 

As a proud Muslim this should embarrass you.  After all you love to wail that the best religion on this planet is Islam merely because of passages in the book.  Given that the 3 Middle Eastern religions are all the same I am amused by this conclusion that you reach.

caribny posted:
Chief posted:


I see you beating your drums.

Islam is growing and growing and growing and growing!


Tell you what next time a Muslim country gets into a crisis tell them to limit the pleas for aid to other Muslims.  Leave non Muslims out of it. Also Muslims should also help non Muslim countries when they fell into crisis.

When this happens then you can wail that Islam is superior to Christianity.

In the interim its Kenya which feeds the famine stricken victims of Somalia and houses them in a huge refugee camp even though Kenya has some serious problems. Among which are Muslims attacking Christians in Kenya.

Kindly point out where I ever mention that Islam is superior to Christianity. 

I said that I slam is growing and growing and growing and growing.


Chief posted:

Kindly point out where I ever mention that Islam is superior to Christianity. 

I said that I slam is growing and growing and growing and growing.


Several times.  You made extensive quotes from the Koran to establish that fact.  This isn't the first time that we are speaking of this.

IMHO Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all the same. We just call the Almighty with a different name.  And in all of these religions devils have done unmerciful stuff in the supposed name of their "All Merciful".

caribny posted:
Chief posted:

Kindly point out where I ever mention that Islam is superior to Christianity. 

I said that I slam is growing and growing and growing and growing.


Several times.  You made extensive quotes from the Koran to establish that fact.  This isn't the first time that we are speaking of this.

IMHO Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all the same. We just call the Almighty with a different name.  And in all of these religions devils have done unmerciful stuff in the supposed name of their "All Merciful".

Yes they are all the same.  It is about the Jewish peoples' experience with the environment around them.  I was reading the Quran then I realize it was about mostly Jewish people and their experiences.  Even the Prophet was married to a Jewish Princess who converted to her husband's religion which was Islam.  Now if God loves all of us.  Then the question for me is how come those Jewish people experiences are seen as being so important.  How come the experiences of yours truly Prashad, brown East Indian man from British Guyana, is not seen as being important.

Last edited by Prashad
Chief posted:
Prashad posted:

Chief trying really hard to get a King Abdul Aziz medal just like his hero Trump. 



I ain't need no medal from no man nor country.. What I need is God's  mercy. 

Mannin Chief. I thought you had God's mercy when you went to Hajj. 


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