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Originally Posted by Kari:

The Knicks have time on their side. It's early days yet. Tyson Chandler will return and the pick-n-roll will get rolling, as will the defense. Shooting slumps are not forever. The trading deadline iS a while away. Not time to worry.

Kari aka MLK ... "I have a dream...That one day the Knicks will start winning and win a championship..."

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The Knicks have time on their side. It's early days yet. Tyson Chandler will return and the pick-n-roll will get rolling, as will the defense. Shooting slumps are not forever. The trading deadline iS a while away. Not time to worry.

Kari aka MLK ... "I have a dream...That one day the Knicks will start winning and win a championship..."

It is clear that this Knicks team is flawed - for now. Their Sixth Man JR will be hobbled throughout the season with his knee problem He will shoot a lower percentage and score less points than last year. Iman has had a confidence problem and doesn't have that NY fighting spirit. Kenyon and mare can be a good tag team, but they need a full Amare and Kenyon to back him up; instead you got two backups. Melo will wilt under the pressure.


The Brooklyn team may be stuck in a rut for the rest of the year trying to learn each other.


The real battle in the East is if the Heat can stop the rising Pacers. Paul George is a bona fide superstar. The West is still unsettled with OK trying to improve and the Spurs keep keeping on.


Forget the Knicks this year man.

Originally Posted by raymond:

trade Melo while they can...get a first round pick if possible...get rid of coach...get rid of Felton (he bitches too much)...get rid of JR Smith (waste, they should have never resigned him)


Basically, break this team up...and start over

Ray, didn't they just start over when Amar'e and Melo came like 2-3 years ago?


Even thediehard   Vornado Heavy-Duty Shop Fan CR1-0089-16R like you and  are getting frustrated. I mean, aren't you guys supposed to hold on to whatever is left? Especially  the way he spends on season tiks?

Last edited by Former Member



The team as it is bitches too much...tired ah them...if yuh bitch and win, is ok, but to bitch and getting tiresome


fire the coach, trade the "stars"...time to start over..prefer to lose with youngsters


but since this is NY, they most likely gonna get some additional old farts to keep fans in the seats


Raymond has a point about this Knicks Basketball team. It is without players of much character. It's best player is healthy and playing, but I feel as if the one player with character and basketball IQ and who is not playing - Tyson Chandler - is a big difference maker on this team. When he returns a lot of things will fall in their natural place.


But to Raymond's points - Raymond Felton, like JR Smith, is a  high-maintenance player and pouts when things don't go their way. They are players who lack courage when adversity hits. Amar'e is one guy with character and basketball IQ but he's limited physically. I don't, for the life of me, understand what Metta World Peace (what a freaking name!) is doing on this team. I loved him when he played for the Johnnies. The Knicks have good role players (Bargnani, Prigioni, Hardaway). Iman Shumpert, whom I think can be a good player, will fall into the Felton/JR mode. Tyson Chandler needs to come back quick to discipline these cats, and let Melo be free to play his game. Melo is not the take-charge leader that LeBron is.


Chief, you have to suffer a couple more weeks before the Knicks get back on track. The real drama is Paul George elevating to the superstart stratus and the Indiana Pacers taking hold of this league like the Pistons of old or the San Antonio Spurs of recent.


separately, on a Brooklyn Nets note, after the Orlando debacle in November:


[Jason Kidd to Lawrence Frank] "Sit the (expletive) down! I'm the coach of this (13-letter word) team! When you're on the bench, don't (expletive) move," Kidd said, according to reporter David Aldridge. The report did not offer further details of what the 13-letter word was.


lol lol lol!

Last edited by Former Member

This Knicks team has ended the season already. They look defeated, act defeated and everyone seems like they want out. Too bad they are all seen as damaged goods.


Woody can't seem to get them over their depression.


This is what they need to do:


1. Beg Pat Riley to come back

2. Put up 1000 billboards between here and Miami asking him for forgiveness

3. Make him half owner of the Knicks

4. Rename MSG Pat Riley Garden

5. Buy stock in the hair gel company Riley uses

6. Buy him his own cruise line


Come on Dolan better  do something before Prokarov does.

Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

This Knicks team has ended the season already. They look defeated, act defeated and everyone seems like they want out. Too bad they are all seen as damaged goods.


Woody can't seem to get them over their depression.


This is what they need to do:


1. Beg Pat Riley to come back

2. Put up 1000 billboards between here and Miami asking him for forgiveness

3. Make him half owner of the Knicks

4. Rename MSG Pat Riley Garden

5. Buy stock in the hair gel company Riley uses

6. Buy him his own cruise line


Come on Dolan better  do something before Prokarov does.

Rename 7th Ave/Fashion Ave to Pat Riley Ave......


I don't know what y'all complaining about - my team is the Wizards!!!  We drafted Kwame Brown over Tyson Chandler.  We thought we had partially solved our problems by shiiping Andray Blatche to Brooklyn.  He is as lazy there as he was here and we still gained nothing.


Y'all have quite a few years of suffering to catch up with us.

Last edited by Former Member

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