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Former Member

There has been a lot of debate here about Dirty PNC Indians. Those who embrace the PNC lash out when this definition is used. Let me state very clearly what my definition is:


A dirty PNC Indian is one who longs for the return of the days when the PNC governed Guyana under a brutal dictatorship. A nation where no freedom of expression existed and where the PNC controlled the army to RIG every election.


A nation where shortage of basic food items, gas and blackout was the norm. A nation where you had to carry a PNC membership card to get foodstuff. A nation where overseas relatives had to ship barrels of food to Guyana.


What is yours ?

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

There has been a lot of debate here about Dirty PNC Indians. Those who embrace the PNC lash out when this definition is used. Let me state very clearly what my definition is:


A dirty PNC Indian is one who longs for the return of the days when the PNC governed Guyana under a brutal dictatorship. A nation where no freedom of expression existed and where the PNC controlled the army to RIG every election.


A nation where shortage of basic food items, gas and blackout was the norm. A nation where you had to carry a PNC membership card to get foodstuff. A nation where overseas relatives had to ship barrels of food to Guyana.


What is yours ?

jailing all the good ppp honest thief

Originally Posted by yuji22:

There has been a lot of debate here about Dirty PNC Indians. Those who embrace the PNC lash out when this definition is used. Let me state very clearly what my definition is:


A dirty PNC Indian is one who longs for the return of the days when the PNC governed Guyana under a brutal dictatorship. A nation where no freedom of expression existed and where the PNC controlled the army to RIG every election.


A nation where shortage of basic food items, gas and blackout was the norm. A nation where you had to carry a PNC membership card to get foodstuff. A nation where overseas relatives had to ship barrels of food to Guyana.


What is yours ?

Your father and mother are Dirty PNC Indians.


A Dirty PNC Indian is any Guyanese East Indian who severely dislikes the PPP and is consumed by envy, hatred, contempt, malice, bitterness, and ill will against the PPP.  


The dirty ones, the dirty PNC Indians are longing for the rotten, ruthless, brutal, and incompetent PNC to rule Guyana again. But the barbaric PNC cannot rule Guyana unless they win a free and fair election, and thankfully the PNC can never, ever win a free and fair election in Guyana.



Originally Posted by Rev:

A Dirty PNC Indian is any Guyanese East Indian who severely dislikes the PPP and is consumed by envy, hatred, contempt, malice, bitterness, and ill will against the PPP.  


The dirty ones, the dirty PNC Indians are longing for the rotten, ruthless, brutal, and incompetent PNC to rule Guyana again. But the barbaric PNC cannot rule Guyana unless they win a free and fair election, and thankfully the PNC can never, ever win a free and fair election in Guyana.



Your mother and father were Dirty PNC Indians.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Folks, please add your definition of a dirty PNC Indian. Please ignore the AFC spokespersons who are in fact dirty PNC Indians.


They are bitter and envious of the PPP since the AFC failed and the party imploded after allegations and revelations of corruption and fraud in the AFC.

Your mother and father are nasty dirty PNC Indians. They fit your definition most perfect. No?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Folks, please add your definition of a dirty PNC Indian. Please ignore the AFC spokespersons who are in fact dirty PNC Indians.


They are bitter and envious of the PPP since the AFC failed and the party imploded after allegations and revelations of corruption and fraud in the AFC.


Your mother and father are nasty dirty PNC Indians. They fit your definition most perfect. No?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Folks, please add your definition of a dirty PNC Indian. Please ignore the AFC spokespersons who are in fact dirty PNC Indians.


They are bitter and envious of the PPP since the AFC failed and the party imploded after allegations and revelations of corruption and fraud in the AFC.

you sound like a pretty ***** in a ugly ***** house

Originally Posted by Rev:




Envy, hatred, contempt, malice, bitterness, and ill will against the PPP---it's written all over their faces.



I also see a sense of desperation. Imagine these Dirty PNC Indians have to answer to Nigel and performing Dhobi (washer) duties for Cathy and the All For Cathy party.


I will never touch a Dirty PNC Indian, not even with a yardstick.


And here are the Bosses of the Dirty PNC Indians in the AFC:

The rest of the Dirty PNC Indians are spokespersons (yard dog) and vice chairman Dhobi - Washerpersons. This is as far as they will get in the AFC.


Guess who made the most financial contributions to the AFC ? Guess who brought the most votes to the AFC ? Guess who campaigned the hardest for the AFC ? Go figure.








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Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

There has been a lot of debate here about Dirty PNC Indians. Those who embrace the PNC lash out when this definition is used. Let me state very clearly what my definition is:


A dirty PNC Indian is one who longs for the return of the days when the PNC governed Guyana under a brutal dictatorship. A nation where no freedom of expression existed and where the PNC controlled the army to RIG every election.


A nation where shortage of basic food items, gas and blackout was the norm. A nation where you had to carry a PNC membership card to get foodstuff. A nation where overseas relatives had to ship barrels of food to Guyana.


What is yours ?

Lookie here;  the aphorism that if you leave a man to himself he soon reaches his highest level of incompetence ( in this case idiocy) proves itself correct once again!


We do not live in a relativist world where we chose views or coin words on the fly and they will immediately be grasp. Everything has context.There is a default prescient understanding that more or less locates ideas and people in the world.


You did not begin to use the term because you are a genius birthing new understanding. You are a mentally crippled thinker grasping at  clichÃĐ nastiness  because it has resonance in the racist political culture that we all understand.


If one cannot from  context or by analysis of events,the usage plumbs a tragic and oppressive historical social legacy. It culls from our ancestral understanding  of 6000 years at the boot of nasty Brahmanism tradition that there can be "clean" or "dirty" Indians.


We are from the "dirty" ie "unclean" caste, sudras. You are merely reestablishing your mental caste system by utilizing a nasty and injurious tradition to recaste of those with whom you disagree. The system kept India backward so why do you think it will help here?




Here comes the resident welfare Bum D2 who lives off handouts with his usual nonsense posting from a public computer. This is the most vile poster who has an intense hate for Indo Guyanese, especially Indo Guyanese women. He calls us Rice and Roti eater.


He needs to take a writing course, then again he cannot afford one.


These are the fleas and bugs of the PNC/AFC. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Here comes the resident welfare Bum D2 who lives off handouts with his usual nonsense posting from a public computer. This is the most vile poster who has an intense hate for Indo Guyanese, especially Indo Guyanese women. He calls us Rice and Roti eater.


He needs to take a writing course, then again he cannot afford one.


These are the flees and bugs of the PNC/AFC. 

he left out you is a cocksucker

Originally Posted by yuji22:

And here are the Bosses of the Dirty PNC Indians in the AFC:

The rest of the Dirty PNC Indians are spokespersons (yard dog) and vice chairman Dhobi - Washerpersons. This is as far as they will get in the AFC.


Guess who made the most financial contributions to the AFC ? Guess who brought the most votes to the AFC ? Guess who campaigned the hardest for the AFC ? Go figure.








Originally Posted by yuji22:




I also see a sense of desperation. Imagine these Dirty PNC Indians have to answer to Nigel and performing Dhobi (washer) duties for Cathy and the All For Cathy party.


I will never touch a Dirty PNC Indian, not even with a yardstick.



Their conscience must be torturing them---they deserve the torment---the photo doesn't lie---dirty PNC Indians Moses and Khemraj are miserable, distressed and defeated men.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:




I also see a sense of desperation. Imagine these Dirty PNC Indians have to answer to Nigel and performing Dhobi (washer) duties for Cathy and the All For Cathy party.


I will never touch a Dirty PNC Indian, not even with a yardstick.



Their conscience must be torturing them---they deserve the torment---the photo doesn't lie---dirty PNC Indians Moses and Khemraj are miserable, distressed and defeated men.





Someone should donate a piece of rope to these rotten and Dirty PNC Indians. Then again, they have become servants to their new masters Nigel and Cathy. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Lookie here;  the aphorism that if you leave a man to himself he soon reaches his highest level of incompetence ( in this case idiocy) proves itself correct once again!




I can see why you were a solid C student.  Now Go back and read what thePeter Principle is all about--and then learn how to apply it.hahahaha



Anyway, keep up with your usual drivel Danny boy.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Lookie here;  the aphorism that if you leave a man to himself he soon reaches his highest level of incompetence ( in this case idiocy) proves itself correct once again!




I can see why you were a solid C student.  Now Go back and read what thePeter Principle is all about--and then learn how to apply it.hahahaha



Anyway, keep up with your usual drivel Danny boy.





I guess because of your cartoon pilfering you are a genius. Tack on pedestrian to that when thinking is being evaluated.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I guess because of your cartoon pilfering you are a genius. Tack on pedestrian to that when thinking is being evaluated.


ha ha ha ha ha


Next time Danyael---apply the Peter Principle properly.


Now run along and post your usual



Dude, the idea is captured in its essence and that is the foundation of the thought. Ones highest degree of incompetence is achieved eventually. Yours appear to be a little above the threshold of moron. Pretensions and constrains  your mind. 


Here is the real meaning and intention of Yuji and Rev. Black people are dirty. Therefore East Indians who support blacks and the black majority party APNU are also dirty. Imagine the managers of this board allows this level of racism. Mr CaribJ is right. I am sure black American politicians and Caribbean politicians must be taking notes. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, the idea is captured in its essence and that is the foundation of the thought. Ones highest degree of incompetence is achieved eventually. Yours appear to be a little above the threshold of moron. Pretensions and constrains  your mind. 



The Rev will refrain from getting into an argument with you---as you know arguments always end up vulgar.


Now Danny boy---you have deluded yourself into thinking you are always right----but what you wrote here was bullspit:


if you leave a man to himself he soon reaches his highest level of incompetence..


That is complete hogwash!


It is when you get promoted beyond your highest level of competence---that's when idiocy and incompetence step in.


Anyway Danny boy---keep braying----it's always a delight reading the ramblings of a solid C







Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, the idea is captured in its essence and that is the foundation of the thought. Ones highest degree of incompetence is achieved eventually. Yours appear to be a little above the threshold of moron. Pretensions and constrains  your mind. 



The Rev will refrain from getting into an argument with you---as you know arguments always end up vulgar.


Now Danny boy---you have deluded yourself into thinking you are always right----but what you wrote here was bullspit:


if you leave a man to himself he soon reaches his highest level of incompetence..


That is complete hogwash!


It is when you get promoted beyond your highest level of competence---that's when idiocy and incompetence step in.


Anyway Danny boy---keep braying----it's always a delight reading the ramblings of a solid C







But all your degrees are fake.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, the idea is captured in its essence and that is the foundation of the thought. Ones highest degree of incompetence is achieved eventually. Yours appear to be a little above the threshold of moron. Pretensions and constrains  your mind. 



The Rev will refrain from getting into an argument with you---as you know arguments always end up vulgar.


Now Danny boy---you have deluded yourself into thinking you are always right----but what you wrote here was bullspit:


if you leave a man to himself he soon reaches his highest level of incompetence..


That is complete hogwash!


It is when you get promoted beyond your highest level of competence---that's when idiocy and incompetence step in.


Anyway Danny boy---keep braying----it's always a delight reading the ramblings of a solid C







I do not need vulgar diction to impress on you what I intend to say. That is a hapless excuse for highlighting the manacles your pretensions have on your mind. 


A saying is a saying and not a law in physics to be pedagogically regurgitated in use. It is the sentiment it conveys, ie its essential meme that matters; in this case, one inevitably ascends to one's highest level of incompetence with the liberty to do so.You are achieving yours with this stupid pretentious rambling that if thing is not said exactly you know it in popular parlance it's efficacy is muted or lost.


You can delight yourself in whatever common fare that pleases you; after all; one is entitled to their preference and taste however base or idiotic it is as long as no explicit prohibitions restrains them. Now, go find another windmill to fight.


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