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How many of you read the Sunday Jan 8th NY Times article titled "Financial Ruin Of Immigrants Tied To Broker ?"

Click on the link:

NY Times: Ed Ahmed Accused Of Defrauding Guyanese Immigrants

Some highlights:


For years, a self-made real estate magnate named Edul Ahmad personified the collective dreams of Richmond Hill, Queens, which is populated by many immigrants from Guyana, in South America. Mr. Ahmad drove a yellow Lamborghini, sponsored a cricket team and held white-glove parties at a lavish banquet hall that he owned.

In July, it all came crashing down. Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Mr. Ahmad, charging him with masterminding a $50 million mortgage fraud that seemed to exemplify a nationwide phenomenon of celebrated immigrant brokers who were accused of preying on their own.

After Mr. Ahmad’s arrest, the ruling party in Guyana had to explain why his contact information appeared on a flier promoting a fund-raising dinner with the president at the time, Bharrat Jagdeo; the party said Mr. Ahmad was a friend of Mr. Jagdeo’s, but not a campaign donor.


There is a biblical proverb(22:7) that says "a mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses."

Or as they say in Guyana---show me your company and I'll tell you who you are.


Batty and Po ??????


It's easy to understand why thousands of PPP supporters lost confdence in the PPP---the party received nearly 18000 less votes in 2011 than it did in 2006.

2006...PPP received 183867 votes(54.6%)

2011...PPP received 166340 votes(48.6%)

President Ramotar has some serious mending to do inorder to win back the trust and confidence of the nearly 18000 PPP suporters who deserted the party in the 2011 election.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Bruddaman:
I can't wait for him to start calling names. Big guns gonna go down. This keeps getting more and more interesting.

Ed Ahmed will surely land in the slammer---and deservedly so.

President Ramotar says he will not tolerate corruption----talk is cheap---he will be judged by his actions.

In my opinion, Ramotar is a man of character and integrity.

Originally posted by Nehru:
I am not sure Ed Ahmad committed any Crimes. But only a FOOL will sign a Legal Document called a Contract to Buy a House for 8880, 000 at 12 % interest. Dont blame Ahmad, blame the FOOLS that were so eager to own a Property they were willing to take the RISK.


It looks like the Feds are determined to make an example of Ahmed.

MF Global just went bankrupt---8th largest bankruptcy----1.2 billion client money cannot be found---but you can rest assured ceo Jon Corzine and other executives will walk scott free.


The Feds will make an example of him.

Originally posted by Nehru:
I am not sure Ed Ahmad committed any Crimes. But only a FOOL will sign a Legal Document called a Contract to Buy a House for 8880, 000 at 12 % interest. Dont blame Ahmad, blame the FOOLS that were so eager to own a Property they were willing to take the RISK.
You do not go to jail possibly for 15 years for nothing? A person I know is going to jail for 4 years for stealing 400K in his deal. Amhad is said to have stolen 50 million ( as per the indictment)! He is going to jail for sure and it is because he did a bad thing. All of us knew he was doing it. You have to be dumb and deaf in the RH community if you did not know he was on the shady side of these deals. That there are bigger crooks out there doing a 1000 times more damage and getting away with it is another thing. He, alas, is going down.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I am not sure Ed Ahmad committed any Crimes. But only a FOOL will sign a Legal Document called a Contract to Buy a House for 8880, 000 at 12 % interest. Dont blame Ahmad, blame the FOOLS that were so eager to own a Property they were willing to take the RISK.
You do not go to jail possibly for 15 years for nothing? A person I know is going to jail for 4 years for stealing 400K in his deal. Amhad is said to have stolen 50 million ( as per the indictment)! He is going to jail for sure and it is because he did a bad thing. All of us knew he was doing it. You have to be dumb and deaf in the RH community if you did not know he was on the shady side of these deals. That there are bigger crooks out there doing a 1000 times more damage and getting away with it is another thing. He, alas, is going down.

Dem bais tink dem smart, dem tief too lilbit and dem get kech. In America, tief 50 mil you get 15 years, tief 1 bil you get a negotiated settlement.
Originally posted by Rev Al:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I am not sure Ed Ahmad committed any Crimes. But only a FOOL will sign a Legal Document called a Contract to Buy a House for 8880, 000 at 12 % interest. Dont blame Ahmad, blame the FOOLS that were so eager to own a Property they were willing to take the RISK.


It looks like the Feds are determined to make an example of Ahmed.

MF Global just went bankrupt---8th largest bankruptcy----1.2 billion client money cannot be found---but you can rest assured ceo Jon Corzine and other executives will walk scott free.


The Feds will make an example of him.

i hope he know to fight,or else he will bugger,we will call it pay back time,lot of ppp crime family will have to pay back one way or another
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Rev Al:


It looks like the Feds are determined to make an example of Ahmed.

MF Global just went bankrupt---8th largest bankruptcy----1.2 billion client money cannot be found---but you can rest assured ceo Jon Corzine and other executives will walk scott free.


The Feds will make an example of him.

i hope he know to fight,or else he will bugger,we will call it pay back time,lot of ppp crime family will have to pay back one way or another

Eh eh, an' wah bout all dem surviving criminals and tiefs in da new PNC. Ah wenn a dem pay back time, or is payback only fa coolies? Mi tell yuh, alyuh prapa bareface. But nah mek worries, abie coolies gatt nuff good memories.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Rev Al:


It looks like the Feds are determined to make an example of Ahmed.

MF Global just went bankrupt---8th largest bankruptcy----1.2 billion client money cannot be found---but you can rest assured ceo Jon Corzine and other executives will walk scott free.


The Feds will make an example of him.

i hope he know to fight,or else he will bugger,we will call it pay back time,lot of ppp crime family will have to pay back one way or another

Eh eh, an' wah bout all dem surviving criminals and tiefs in da new PNC. Ah wenn a dem pay back time, or is payback only fa coolies? Mi tell yuh, alyuh prapa bareface. But nah mek worries, abie coolies gatt nuff good memories.
fool let me tell you what to do,round up all the pnc and ppp thief and lock them up,i will help you turn the key.then guyana might get a little more tourist,and for the collie you trying to defenf is collie he rob in i say it will be fun if people like you can be on the reciving end so you will get a little honest.i do not tell me about indian,i am more indian than you
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by warrior:
i hope he know to fight,or else he will bugger,we will call it pay back time,lot of ppp crime family will have to pay back one way or another

Eh eh, an' wah bout all dem surviving criminals and tiefs in da new PNC. Ah wenn a dem pay back time, or is payback only fa coolies? Mi tell yuh, alyuh prapa bareface. But nah mek worries, abie coolies gatt nuff good memories.
fool let me tell you what to do,round up all the pnc and ppp thief and lock them up,i will help you turn the key.then guyana might get a little more tourist,and for the collie you trying to defenf is collie he rob in i say it will be fun if people like you can be on the reciving end so you will get a little honest.i do not tell me about indian,i am more indian than you

Bai nah sweat, me deh hay in lil GT don't give waan shyte who Ed Ahmad is. If da man tief den he get lak up, da he business, good foa he rass. Me don't tief, me wuk and gatt no care for tiefman and con-man, coolie or no coolie.


In a report in today’s edition, the New York Times said that scores of Guyanese, if not more, face financial ruin because of loans brokered by real estate magnate Ed Ahmad who has been charged over a US$50M mortgage fraud.

The NYT said that for years Ahmad personified the collective aspirations of Richmond Hill, Queens, with many immigrants from Guyana.

Ed Ahmad (Internet photo)

β€œMr. Ahmad drove a yellow Lamborghini, sponsored a cricket team and held white-glove parties at a lavish banquet hall that he owned.

β€œAt a prominent intersection near the border of Richmond Hill and South Ozone Park, his smiling face looked down from a large billboard that promoted his real estate services. Many residents responded, taking out high-risk mortgages that they were told they could readily afford”, the NYT said.

It noted that in July, it all collapsed when agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Ahmad and charging him with being the linchpin of a US$50 million mortgage fraud.

β€œNow, scores, if not hundreds, of Guyanese immigrants are facing financial ruin because of loans said to have been arranged by Mr. Ahmad, and the repercussions from the case have extended from Queens to Washington to Guyana”, the NYT said.

Noting that Ahmad is currently locked in intensive plea-bargain negotiations with federal prosecutors, the NYT said it appears that the impact of the loans will last for years. It reported that Richmond Hill has been hit harder by the mortgage crisis than most other neighbourhoods in the city. It sourced this information to officials and analysts.

Ahmad’s plight has also entangled two politicians whom he considered friends: United States Representative Gregory W. Meeks, a Queens Democrat, and John L. Sampson of Brooklyn, the Democratic leader of the State Senate.

A House ethics panel is probing Meeks for failing to disclose that he received US$40,000 from Ahmad and Sampson – who has Guyanese connections – worked as Ahmad’s attorney and was censured by the New York secretary of state for notarizing a document for Ahmad without a licencee.

Noting the repercussions in Georgetown, the NYT said that after Ahmad’s arrest, the PPP/C had to explain why his contact information appeared on a flier promoting a fund-raising dinner with the president at the time, Bharrat Jagdeo. The NYT noted the PPP/C’s explanation that Ahmad was a friend of Jagdeo’s, but not a campaign donor. The dispatch of a container of goods by Ahmad to Jagdeo had also raised questions in Georgetown.


Ahmad has been charged with luring buyers into subprime mortgages, inflating the values of their properties and hiding his involvement by employing straw buyers, like his wife. The NYT said that reached by telephone recently, Ahmad would not comment.

The report said that since 2009, more foreclosures have been filed in Queens than in any other borough, according to the Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy Project.

β€œFive of the hardest hit ZIP codes in Queens are within a 15-minute drive of the office of Mr. Ahmad, who community leaders say once held about 75 percent of local real estate listings.

The report cited the case of Paban Saha and Syed Husain, friends and former business partners. They said they contacted him in 2006 after seeing his newspaper advertisements. They said he gained their confidence at their first meeting, when they watched him write a cheque to a charity.

Ahmad and one of his brokers, according to the report offered Husain and Saha a three-family house for US$880,000 but warned of another bid, Husain said. They related that Ahmad demanded that they close the deal within a week and insisted that they use his lawyer, his appraiser and his mortgage officer. The latter pushed to finance 95 percent of their home at a 12.5 percent rate.

β€œWithin two years, their finances were devastated, they said. The property was on the brink of foreclosure, the souvenir store that their families owned together went bankrupt, and they depleted savings they had accumulated since emigrating from Bangladesh in the 1990s.”

Husain has since filed has filed a civil lawsuit against Ahmad.

The NYT said that some Guyanese relating their foreclosure arrangements with Ahmad’s services said they were so scared of his powerful ties that they did not want their names publicized.

The NYT said that a private portion of his Facebook profile, accessible by more than 250 of his friends on the Web site, states that Ahmad earned degrees from Baruch College in Manhattan. β€œHowever, the college has no record of him”, the NYT said.

The NYT said that Ahmad created a public brand and residents flocked to him.

It said that when Ahmad opened a new office, the police blocked traffic as about 300 people, including Representative Meeks and Senator Sampson, attended a ceremony and listened to a calypso singer offer a tribute: β€œEd Ahmad! Ed Ahmad! That dynamite businessman. Ed Ahmad! Ed Ahmad! A sexy, handsome young man.”

As he gathered wealth β€” the NYT said that one former friend said he was worth at least US$20 million in liquid assets and poured money into charitable and other causes. He also raised money for politicians like Meeks and Sampson.

β€œEd used to go around saying he’s befriended politicians, and if he’s ever caught, they’ll help him get off,” said Chuck Mohan, who is the president of a Guyanese civic group in Queens and a friend of Sampson’s.

The NYT said that in Queens, many people who once jockeyed for Ahmad’s attention, like radio and television talk show hosts, are keeping their distance. His defenders still question, however, why the government was prosecuting immigrant brokers even as it rescued banks.

β€œWe are innocent victims of the economic frenzy and implosion that America is going through,” Kawal Totaram, a real estate lawyer and friend of Ahmad’s told the NYT.

Some housing advocates disagreed that Ahmad was in hot water because of forces outside his control. Mamta Gurung, a manager at Chhaya, a Queens-based housing organization that caters to South Asians, told the NYT that half of her foreclosure clients were Guyanese, including some who had loans from Ahmad.

She said most of her clients could not identify their mortgage documents and some could not even spell their names.
Originally posted by Nehru:
I am not sure Ed Ahmad committed any Crimes. But only a FOOL will sign a Legal Document called a Contract to Buy a House for 8880, 000 at 12 % interest. Dont blame Ahmad, blame the FOOLS that were so eager to own a Property they were willing to take the RISK.

Then why is he plea baigaining.

It's not rocket science, he is plea bargaining because .... HE BROKE THE LAW! You don't plea bargain when you are innoncent, you fight the case.

With $20M in personal assets, don't you think he could afford a lawyer? It is evident the feds have the goods on him,and his lawyer has told him there's no escape. Now he is willing to sing like a canary.

Nehru learn the laws of the USA before you talk nonsense. This isn't Guyana bai ... this is the gerat USofA where we kick ass and take names. No matter how much money you have.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I am not sure Ed Ahmad committed any Crimes. But only a FOOL will sign a Legal Document called a Contract to Buy a House for 8880, 000 at 12 % interest. Dont blame Ahmad, blame the FOOLS that were so eager to own a Property they were willing to take the RISK.

Then why is he plea baigaining.

It's not rocket science he is plea bargaining because .... HE BROKE THE LAW! With $20M in assets don't you think he could afford a lawyer? It is evident the feds have the goods on him ao he is willing to sing like a canary.

Oow bai, yuh prapa hate abie coolie. Yuh ga geh real frustrated cazz coolie nah goa no way. Mi lil advise, wach out before yuh get heart prablims.
Originally posted by Wally:
Baruch College is claiming that Ed was never a student there. I think the newspaper mixed up colleges. I think Ed may have graduated from Brandeis University not Baruch College.

Hmmm . . . a CUNY college vs. an expensive private university in (Waltham) Massachusetts . . .

That's not a mix-up . . . dat's a conspiracy, LOL

Originally posted by Wally:
Baruch College is claiming that Ed was never a student there. I think the newspaper mixed up colleges. I think Ed may have graduated from Brandeis University not Baruch College.
Brandeis is in Waltham Mass. I know Ed didn't attend school there. I could easily find out cause I have friends who are faculty members there.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Oow bai, yuh prapa hate abie coolie. Yuh ga geh real frustrated cazz coolie nah goa no way. Mi lil advise, wach out before yuh get heart prablims.
I hate crooks ... not a race of people.

It's folk like you who defend criminals that makes me realise you have no shame. Even Jagdeo is trying to distance himself from Ed.
Is John Corzine in Jail. Is the Chairman of AIG in Jail??? You need to learn about American Laws. Is Goldmas Casks Chairman in Jail??? I can go on and on but you still will NOT get the drift!!!
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Nehru:
I am not sure Ed Ahmad committed any Crimes. But only a FOOL will sign a Legal Document called a Contract to Buy a House for 8880, 000 at 12 % interest. Dont blame Ahmad, blame the FOOLS that were so eager to own a Property they were willing to take the RISK.

Then why is he plea baigaining.

It's not rocket science, he is plea bargaining because .... HE BROKE THE LAW! You don't plea bargain when you are innoncent, you fight the case.

With $20M in personal assets, don't you think he could afford a lawyer? It is evident the feds have the goods on him,and his lawyer has told him there's no escape. Now he is willing to sing like a canary.

Nehru learn the laws of the USA before you talk nonsense. This isn't Guyana bai ... this is the gerat USofA where we kick ass and take names. No matter how much money you have.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Is John Corzine in Jail. Is the Chairman of AIG in Jail??? You need to learn about American Laws. Is Goldmas Casks Chairman in Jail??? I can go on and on but you still will NOT get the drift
They have better lawyers than Ed can afford.

Big difference is people reported Ed. All those indos he sold properties to are now crying the blues. Don't forget we are talking in excess of 300 hundred questionable property sales.

These are indos crying bloody murder about Ed ... not black folk.
What the BLOODY HELL it has to do with Black, White or Blue???? Or I am sorry I am having a discussion with a RACIST PIG!!!!
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Is John Corzine in Jail. Is the Chairman of AIG in Jail??? You need to learn about American Laws. Is Goldmas Casks Chairman in Jail??? I can go on and on but you still will NOT get the drift
They have better lawyers than Ed can afford.

Big difference is people reported Ed. All those indos he sold properties to are now crying the blues. Don't forget we are talking in excess of 300 hundred questionable property sales.

These are indos crying bloody murder about Ed ... not black folk.
Originally posted by Nehru:
What the BLOODY HELL it has to do with Black, White or Blue???? Or I am sorry I am having a discussion with a RACIST PIG!!!!
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Is John Corzine in Jail. Is the Chairman of AIG in Jail??? You need to learn about American Laws. Is Goldmas Casks Chairman in Jail??? I can go on and on but you still will NOT get the drift
They have better lawyers than Ed can afford.

Big difference is people reported Ed. All those indos he sold properties to are now crying the blues. Don't forget we are talking in excess of 300 hundred questionable property sales.

These are indos crying bloody murder about Ed ... not black folk.
It has a lot to do with black, white and blue because as soon as I responded ... the peanut gallery came out saying that I propper hate indian people.

Look .... Ed is on trial for bribing two black NY politicians and robbing hundreds of indos. It's the indos who want to see justice done, it's not the black race against Ed. I just want to clarify that.

It's his own mattie who want to see him brought before the courts claiming they will sue him.
In a nutshell. Ed robbed hundreds of indos and the banks of millions of dollars, he took those same millions of dollars he stole and bribed politicians in the USofA and in Guyana to get exactly what he wanted .... more wealth and power.

Soon he will become a tenant of the state of NY ... NY taxpayers will now give him free room and board for a few years.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Inqubus:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by TI:
Most Guyanese are crooks. Ask Kidmost if you don't believe me.[/QUOTE. Most coolies in RH are crooks

They can't be too smart if they allowed themselves to be conned into parting with their money that they probably stole from guyana and ran away to RH.

Hey Jacka55,

I was fortunate to have come from a family of means which they acquired on their own - not handouts from political tiefing. At the tender age of 12 I was in business for myself in Guyana with a small tile business and at 16 I was in NY doing my own business while attending school . When I returned to Guyana in 1973 I was already owned income property in NY . For 5 generations my family including me have assisted all kinds of people to progress . I myself I made major contributions towards helping people get up in life the fair honest and decent way .

Only a jacka55 would/could accuse any members of my family in Guyana , Trinidad or Suriname of rascality and skullduggery . You have no class and I dont mean money or honey I mean class as in common deceny but then whosoever sucks PPP nuts are classless .

Like I said before and I say again the PPP rendered east Indians classless , no morals no ethics no common decency , a suit , tie , money , degree and profession dont make a man .

There are more millionaires in Queens than anywere else in the USA but you dont hear about them because they are not seeking to become the stars of their communities .

You are an idiot ! Many people complained to me about being fleeced by brokers and lawyers in RH but you know why they cannot make reports ? because they agreed to fudge their documents to get approved so as you can see these men who are arrested are only the tip of the iceberg. The entire community reeks of skullduggery and rascality and it is something honest community leaders are afraid to discuss for fear these pirates and buccaneers will withdraw financial and other support . The RH indian community is all about sucking each others balls and licking each others a55. I talk about it because it is true and real while most indians will keep sweeping it under the rug ,cringe when it is brought up and shrink when it is published in the newspapers . Do you know how many indo guyanese would love to say they are not guyanese ? Too much scum in the community - the PPP has reached across oceans and continents to maintain their hold on their patients and casualties of Guyana politics .
I agree with almost EVERYTHING you stated but please tell me how the PPP are the reason for Thiefing, Skullduggery, immorality and all the ills of the Richmond Hill Scamps????
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Inqubus:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by TI:
Most Guyanese are crooks. Ask Kidmost if you don't believe me.[/QUOTE. Most coolies in RH are crooks

They can't be too smart if they allowed themselves to be conned into parting with their money that they probably stole from guyana and ran away to RH.

Hey Jacka55,

I was fortunate to have come from a family of means which they acquired on their own - not handouts from political tiefing. At the tender age of 12 I was in business for myself in Guyana with a small tile business and at 16 I was in NY doing my own business while attending school . When I returned to Guyana in 1973 I was already owned income property in NY . For 5 generations my family including me have assisted all kinds of people to progress . I myself I made major contributions towards helping people get up in life the fair honest and decent way .

Only a jacka55 would/could accuse any members of my family in Guyana , Trinidad or Suriname of rascality and skullduggery . You have no class and I dont mean money or honey I mean class as in common deceny but then whosoever sucks PPP nuts are classless .

Like I said before and I say again the PPP rendered east Indians classless , no morals no ethics no common decency , a suit , tie , money , degree and profession dont make a man .

There are more millionaires in Queens than anywere else in the USA but you dont hear about them because they are not seeking to become the stars of their communities .

You are an idiot ! Many people complained to me about being fleeced by brokers and lawyers in RH but you know why they cannot make reports ? because they agreed to fudge their documents to get approved so as you can see these men who are arrested are only the tip of the iceberg. The entire community reeks of skullduggery and rascality and it is something honest community leaders are afraid to discuss for fear these pirates and buccaneers will withdraw financial and other support . The RH indian community is all about sucking each others balls and licking each others a55. I talk about it because it is true and real while most indians will keep sweeping it under the rug ,cringe when it is brought up and shrink when it is published in the newspapers . Do you know how many indo guyanese would love to say they are not guyanese ? Too much scum in the community - the PPP has reached across oceans and continents to maintain their hold on their patients and casualties of Guyana politics .

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