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Neil MarksFollow

Apparently I am considered high risk just for wanting to use the washroom at the High Court. After much negotiation with security and court marshalls, I was allowed to use the washroom, sparing the beautiful trees outside. This control measure to prevent too many persons accessing the courtroom has to do with covid-19. Guess what? There is no soap or paper towel in the washroom. This is is not a joke. This is Guyana. Somebody slap me

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Today, the Ulita Moore’s case was heard along with a case filed by Bharrat Jagdeo and Reaaz Holladar v Mingo, the Chief Elections Officer and GECOM, along with an Application to have the two matters heard together and an Application for Discovery against GECOM.

Additionally, in the matter filed by Ulita Moore, we have filed our Affidavit in Defence and several Affidavits in Support thereof. We also filed submissions in support our Application for the matters to be heard together.

The Court granted our Application to have the case filed by Ulita Moore to be heard together with the case filed by Bharrat Jagdeo and Reaaz Holladar; the Court Ordered Keith Lowenfield, the Chief Elections Officer, to accept all Court documents on behalf of Clairmont Mingo, the Returning Officer of Region 4, because we have encountered great difficulties in effecting service on Mr. Mingo, whose whereabouts are unknown to us and the Court fixed tomorrow at 10:00 AM for hearing the Application for Discovery.

The Court indicated that at tomorrow’s hearing, directions will be given when written submissions are to be filed by the respective parties.


APNU+AFC supports national recount; says its candidate’s right to court case ought to be respected


Despite one of its candidates securing an injunction blocking the Caribbean Community‘s (CARICOM) supervised recount, A Part for National Unity +Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) says it is in support of the national recount of the votes cast in the March 2 General and Regional elections.

Referring to the Candidate Ulita Grace Moore, an Encoder, of Better Hope, East Coast Demerara, the APNU+AFC coalition said, “A Guyanese citizen has taken issue with the CARICOM supervised recount of votesâ€Ķand is mounting a challenge to it in the Supreme Court and in the interim has obtained an injunction to halt the recount.”

The coalition stated that the right of Moore to take this action cannot be denied and ought to be respected. Further to this, it stated that the case filed by her ought to be welcomed by all stakeholders as the Supreme Court will adjudicate on the legality of the process, which should be a concern for everyone involved.

It, however said it is unfortunate that the Chairman of CARICOM has ascribed ulterior motives to this development; this response from the Chairman could well call into question CARICOM’s status as a “honest broker” going forward in this process.

APNU+AFC coalition partner, the Justice for All Party (JFAP), has already made a call for the national recount. Through its leader and General Secretary C.N. Sharma, the party said, “We believe in the will of the people – irrespective of which party wins.”

JFAP added, “We believe that the recounting process should be permitted and ALL ballots should be immediately recounted in an expeditious and transparent manner. Any party that wins through a transparent process will have our support.”

The Working People Alliance (WPA), a second party in the APNU+AFC coalition, also joined calls for recount of the votes throughout the 10 electoral districts to be made as it is permitted under the Constitution.

“We reiterate our demand that following the examination of the ballot boxes which reveal the credibility of the elections, whichever party wins the most votes forms a government of national unity for an agreed period with a clear mandate to complete constitutional reform and ending the “winner-takes-all” governance system,” the WPA made clear.

Already, six political parties which contested the elections have made a joint call for the CARICOM-supervised recount of all the ballots.

They include the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), Change Guyana (CG), United Republican Party (URP), The New Movement (TNM), A New and United Guyana (ANUG)and The Citizenship Initiative (TCI).


GECOM Chair reaffirms commitment to recount of District Four votes


Justice Claudette Singh, Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GEOM), has again reaffirmed her commitment to a recount of votes cast in District Four, giving that undertaking to the High Court.

In her sworn defence in the case by APNU+AFC regional candidate Ulita Moore seeking to block the recount, Justice Singh gave her undertaking to carry out the recount.

In her affidavit in defence, Justice Singh noted that on Friday, March 13, 2020, she appeared before Chief Justice Roxane George in a Contempt Motion concerning the tabulation by the Region Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo for the March 02 general and regional elections.

She stated that at that time she indicated to the court that the tabulation process was in progress and should there be discrepancies in the Statements of Poll as called by the Returning Officer and those held by political parties then the discrepancy should be noted and at the end of the process, if they could not be addressed then she would “endeavour to facilitate a recount at the level of the Commission.”

“Therefore, I hereby respectfully wish to bring this undertaking which was accepted by the Honourable Chief Justice to the attention of this Honourable Court,” Justice Singh stated in the affidavit. She is represented by attorney Kim Kyte-Thomas.

Dave posted:

GECOM Chair reaffirms commitment to recount of District Four votes


Justice Claudette Singh, Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GEOM), has again reaffirmed her commitment to a recount of votes cast in District Four, giving that undertaking to the High Court.

In her sworn defence in the case by APNU+AFC regional candidate Ulita Moore seeking to block the recount, Justice Singh gave her undertaking to carry out the recount.

In her affidavit in defence, Justice Singh noted that on Friday, March 13, 2020, she appeared before Chief Justice Roxane George in a Contempt Motion concerning the tabulation by the Region Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo for the March 02 general and regional elections.

She stated that at that time she indicated to the court that the tabulation process was in progress and should there be discrepancies in the Statements of Poll as called by the Returning Officer and those held by political parties then the discrepancy should be noted and at the end of the process, if they could not be addressed then she would “endeavour to facilitate a recount at the level of the Commission.”

“Therefore, I hereby respectfully wish to bring this undertaking which was accepted by the Honourable Chief Justice to the attention of this Honourable Court,” Justice Singh stated in the affidavit. She is represented by attorney Kim Kyte-Thomas.

The bitch has already lied and she is lying here again. How many times did the parties tell the RO and DRO that the fake numbers they were announcing did not match the official SOPs and Singh still didn't walk in there with a whip and whip Mingo into compliance. Now she lying to the court again. They should drag her old ass in for perjury.


De PNC black don’t care bout Guyana dem want powa. Is a disgrace is a black GECOM chairman, is a black commissioners, black police all rigging together infront of de world 

Dem give all Black people bad name and look how Dem behave like animals in court. 
Me feel shame how Dem behaving. 

Blackman Burnham, blackman Hoyte and a bigger rigger Blackman Granger. Dem bring shame on Black Guyanese. Is sheer rass pass and disgrace to all blacks in Guyana. 
diss na done yet dem black police get more powa now. Is a police state we leader creating now. 


The GPF comes out with a shitshow of a Press Statement.

No mention of why we were forced out of the GECOM tabulation area when we had all right to be there.

They assured no one would access the area only to allow the hands at GECOM to remove the controversial SOPs which we have never seen again.

No mention of why they kept a heavy guard around the GECOM officials, preventing them from being served with recount requests and court orders.

No mention of the the heavily armed riot Police rank making negative remarks about the PPP/C as he was forcing us out the building.

No mention of why the ranks stood beside thugs sent by APNU/AFC officials armed with cutlasses as they were attacking residents of Bath and other areas.

No mention of the results GPF would have obtained as they had ranks/CPGs at each Polling station who took and fed them the info after all the SOPs were signed off and posted.

No mention as to whose order they were working on that led to them physically attempt to remove GECOM Commissioner Robeson Benn from the ACCC which resulted in him being injured.

No mention as to who ordered them to reject reps of political parties standing guard of containers.

No mention as to who ordered them to send a rank to intimidate the owner of Giftland, telling him his cameras pointed at the ACCC where the containers with ballot boxes were being stored were illegal.

I can go on and on but the entire world saw what the management of the Guyana Police Force has been doing over the past few weeks.

There is still time to vindicate themselves.

Last edited by Former Member




UPDATE: Ranks to see Leslie tomorrow morning.

So guess what? Simona Brooms went into to East LaPenitence Station and the police did not salute her, and one of the Ranks said she is not a minister. She reported them to the Commissioner and he sent for all of them, I'm not sure of the outcome.

Dave posted:




UPDATE: Ranks to see Leslie tomorrow morning.

So guess what? Simona Brooms went into to East LaPenitence Station and the police did not salute her, and one of the Ranks said she is not a minister. She reported them to the Commissioner and he sent for all of them, I'm not sure of the outcome.

James better keep his eyes on those ballot boxes before people open them and start counting those votes.

Bibi Haniffa

"The United States is closely monitoring the tabulation of votes in Guyana, which took – the election took place back on March 2nd. We join the OAS, the Commonwealth, EU, CARICOM, and other democratic partners in calling for an accurate count. We commend CARICOM’s role in seeking a swift, democratic resolution, and it’s important to note that the individuals who seek to benefit from electoral fraud and form illegitimate governments, regimes will be subject to a variety of serious consequences from the United States."â€Ķ/

SECRETARY POMPEO: Good afternoon, everyone. As you all know, the Trump administration continues to put an enormous amount of energy into combating the Wuhan virus and protecting the American people. We’re highly engaged here at the State Department on that critical mission. I’ll talk about that ...

A post from Patricia Wooldford, the partner of Enrico Wooldford was made on asking Guyana to sign a petition demanding that Granger swear himself in without the recount. And the reason given by PAT is that it is for the betterment of Guyana.

Who appointed Pat into GOD to decide unilaterally what is good and what is not good for Guyana?

But these are the people who talk about the 10 commandments the most, but they seem to conveniently forget the basics - "thou shall not steal/thief".

These 2020 elections were stolen by a Gang inside GECOM and in the PNC. Is this what Pat is supporting?

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More votes than ballot papers issued. In Box 4082, at a village on the East Bank of Demerara - Herstelling, the Statement of Polls had APNU 14 votes, but GECOM called 114 votes for APNU. Because of that fraud on the part of the GECOM RO's team, it was deemed that 339 person voted at BOX 4082 when the voters' list had only 303 eligible electors on it; an excess of 36 votes.

How do I know this FACT? I was in the room with the US Ambassador, former PM Bruce Golding and several other international observers when it happened and it is captured on a video. After seeing this massive act of fraud on the part of GECOM which is nothing but an extension of the PNC, PM Golding from Jamaica instructed that the OAS Team withdraw from this bogus process as being perpetuated by the small gang of crooks at GECOM.

Terrence Blackman, Tracy Carter, Carlton Joao, Carlton Everton Semple, John Sumner, John English, David Yhann, David Hinds, David Jeetlall, David Sawh, Sara Bharrat, Saran Nurse, Juan Anthony Edghill, Honnette Goodluck, Harold Hopkinson, Harry Gill, Harry Parmesar, Nirupa Latchman, Lalta Gainda, Teshawna Lall, Capt.Gerry Gouveia, Gerhard Ramsaroop, Tarron Khemraj, Mikel Puran, Mike Singh, GUYANESE DIASPORA ONLINE FORUM, Wayne Forde, Wilfred Cameron, Susan Persaud

Dave posted:

A post from Patricia Wooldford, the partner of Enrico Wooldford was made on asking Guyana to sign a petition demanding that Granger swear himself in without the recount. And the reason given by PAT is that it is for the betterment of Guyana.

Who appointed Pat into GOD to decide unilaterally what is good and what is not good for Guyana?

But these are the people who talk about the 10 commandments the most, but they seem to conveniently forget the basics - "thou shall not steal/thief".

These 2020 elections were stolen by a Gang inside GECOM and in the PNC. Is this what Pat is supporting? 

Link not directing to petition.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

A post from Patricia Wooldford, the partner of Enrico Wooldford was made on asking Guyana to sign a petition demanding that Granger swear himself in without the recount. And the reason given by PAT is that it is for the betterment of Guyana.

Who appointed Pat into GOD to decide unilaterally what is good and what is not good for Guyana?

But these are the people who talk about the 10 commandments the most, but they seem to conveniently forget the basics - "thou shall not steal/thief".

These 2020 elections were stolen by a Gang inside GECOM and in the PNC. Is this what Pat is supporting? 

Link not directing to petition.

I send a message to Sase . 


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