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Chief posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

But somebody got double crossed here big time.  Why would Castro support Chandisingh's crossing to the PNC, when the PNC was being orchestrated by the US?  This is some deep seated politics going on here.  In the US this would have been a movie!!!

Burnham made a left turn away from the U.S. at this time. He was in cahoots with Castro and Jagan and they were all taking orders from their Soviet bosses. Castro was the facilitator used by the Russians to bring Burnham and Jagan together in an unholy alliance (Critical Support and later National Front Government) which was used to nationalize the main industries in Guyana.

Until the late great outwitted all of them!!!!!

Burnham was the antithesis of what someone would describe as great in a leader.

In the end he outwitted no one but himself. Castro and Jagan conspired and pulled the ultimate payback on him. He went in to the Public Hospital for a routine operation being carried out by Cuban doctors. He never left under his own steam. Go figure.

Last edited by Mars

I posted in another thread about Moses allegedly wailing at the news of the death of Castro.

Moses was also allegedly taking direct orders from Cuba and crossed the floor (by teaming up with the PNC) to join the PNC just like the rest of Indos who crossed the floor.

Castro wanted a spy in the Granger administration. Judas is a perfect candidate for Havana.

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:
Chief posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

But somebody got double crossed here big time.  Why would Castro support Chandisingh's crossing to the PNC, when the PNC was being orchestrated by the US?  This is some deep seated politics going on here.  In the US this would have been a movie!!!

Burnham made a left turn away from the U.S. at this time. He was in cahoots with Castro and Jagan and they were all taking orders from their Soviet bosses. Castro was the facilitator used by the Russians to bring Burnham and Jagan together in an unholy alliance (Critical Support and later National Front Government) which was used to nationalize the main industries in Guyana.

Until the late great outwitted all of them!!!!!

Burnham was the antithesis of what someone would describe as great in a leader.

In the end he outwitted no one but himself. Castro and Jagan conspired and pulled the ultimate payback on him. He went in to the Public Hospital for a routine operation being carried out by Cuban doctors. He never left under his own steam. Go figure.

Castro delivered the ultimate payback to Burnham indeed.  And let's not forget that his son-in-law Van West Charles was in the room at public hospital when the fatal blow was delivered to Burnham.  Funny how that same son-in-law has re-surfaced in the Granger administration today.

Bibi Haniffa

The accuracy of this story is verified by Feroze and others who were close to the powers that were.  And I think Ralph "had to" wait until Castro died before he spill the beans!  His father was there when all of this happened. Even our own patron saint, Gilbakka, knew about the Castro/Chandisingh deal. 

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I think so!!  But Chandisingh had his own personal agenda and was bought over by cold, hard, CA$H!!  His Harvard education did him no good.

Who knows if Burnham had threatened he rass... 

The Kabaca was capable of doing these stuff... 


I heard that Chandisingh was broke and needed the money.  And Mars answered your question earlier in this thread.  In the end, Castro double-crossed both Burnham and Jagan.  Don't forget whose "Cuban Doctor" put a knife to Burnham's throat at public hospital.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I heard that Chandisingh was broke and needed the money.  

You heard wrong. Chandisingh did not need Castro's money in order to support Burnham. I knew him personally. When the PPP sent him on trips abroad and gave him "per diem" funds, on his return he would submit an expense report that included the cigarettes he smoked and hand back leftover funds. No other person, except perhaps the Jagans, did that.

More importantly, in international circles Chandisingh was regarded as more Marxist-Leninist, more indoctrinated, than Jagan. Not for nothing was he Editor of the PPP theoretical-ideological journal "Thunder".

So, the Cubans said Burnham was anti-imperialist and Marxist-Leninist and Chandisingh concurred. He agreed to give unconditional support, not critical support, to Burnham according to his conscience. That is why he left the PPP after the party officially adopted "critical support", that is, about four months after the meeting with Castro in Havana.

His mind was so saturated with Marxism/socialism that Burnham immediately made him a teacher at the Cuffy Ideological Institute on a modest salary. Even when he bacame Minister of Education he did not earn a super-salary. He continued to live in his ordinary two-storey house on Waterloo Street until his death. 

So, take money out of the equation. Ranji Chandisingh always lived a modest and quiet life, his two weaknesses being books and cigarettes.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I heard that Chandisingh was broke and needed the money.  And Mars answered your question earlier in this thread.  In the end, Castro double-crossed both Burnham and Jagan.  Don't forget whose "Cuban Doctor" put a knife to Burnham's throat at public hospital.

I understand that Chandisingh was not corrupt even under Burnham.  He is/was not a gold digger like Nemakharam Moses.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I heard that Chandisingh was broke and needed the money.  

You heard wrong. Chandisingh did not need Castro's money in order to support Burnham. I knew him personally. When the PPP sent him on trips abroad and gave him "per diem" funds, on his return he would submit an expense report that included the cigarettes he smoked and hand back leftover funds. No other person, except perhaps the Jagans, did that.

More importantly, in international circles Chandisingh was regarded as more Marxist-Leninist, more indoctrinated, than Jagan. Not for nothing was he Editor of the PPP theoretical-ideological journal "Thunder".

So, the Cubans said Burnham was anti-imperialist and Marxist-Leninist and Chandisingh concurred. He agreed to give unconditional support, not critical support, to Burnham according to his conscience. That is why he left the PPP after the party officially adopted "critical support", that is, about four months after the meeting with Castro in Havana.

His mind was so saturated with Marxism/socialism that Burnham immediately made him a teacher at the Cuffy Ideological Institute on a modest salary. Even when he bacame Minister of Education he did not earn a super-salary. He continued to live in his ordinary two-storey house on Waterloo Street until his death. 

So, take money out of the equation. Ranji Chandisingh always lived a modest and quiet life, his two weaknesses being books and cigarettes.

Thanks Gil.  The man was not corrupt.  People need to understand that and stop implying that because he worked for Burnham he was corrupt.


I am not saying he was corrupt, I don't know as much as Gil to determine that.  I did hear that he had money problems and his wife wanted to go back to Trinidad where he was born, and I have no way to verify that.

What I do know is that he empowered Burnham to bring Guyana to its knees and eventually crumbled the economy.  So from my vantage point he is not a good man.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not saying he was corrupt, I don't know as much as Gil to determine that.  I did hear that he had money problems and his wife wanted to go back to Trinidad where he was born, and I have no way to verify that.

What I do know is that he empowered Burnham to bring Guyana to its knees and eventually crumbled the economy.  So from my vantage point he is not a good man.

What was critical support?  Did that empower Burnham?


Gil knows this better than me.  (Age before Beauty!!).  But "critical support" was a policy by the PPP (Cheddi) to support the PNC (Burnham) because they share the same Communist Ideology.  As advised by Castro.


Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Gil knows this better than me.  (Age before Beauty!!).  But "critical support" was a policy by the PPP (Cheddi) to support the PNC (Burnham) because they share the same Communist Ideology.  As advised by Castro.


I guess you didn't get my drift.  I am saying that the PPP empowerd Burnham as much as Chandisingh.  However I must say that i did believe critical support was a good thing at the time even though I was young at the time. 

No use Monday morning quarterbacking at this point.  I leave that up to Caribny and company.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Chief posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

But somebody got double crossed here big time.  Why would Castro support Chandisingh's crossing to the PNC, when the PNC was being orchestrated by the US?  This is some deep seated politics going on here.  In the US this would have been a movie!!!

Burnham made a left turn away from the U.S. at this time. He was in cahoots with Castro and Jagan and they were all taking orders from their Soviet bosses. Castro was the facilitator used by the Russians to bring Burnham and Jagan together in an unholy alliance (Critical Support and later National Front Government) which was used to nationalize the main industries in Guyana.

Until the late great outwitted all of them!!!!!

Burnham was the antithesis of what someone would describe as great in a leader.

In the end he outwitted no one but himself. Castro and Jagan conspired and pulled the ultimate payback on him. He went in to the Public Hospital for a routine operation being carried out by Cuban doctors. He never left under his own steam. Go figure.

Castro delivered the ultimate payback to Burnham indeed.  And let's not forget that his son-in-law Van West Charles was in the room at public hospital when the fatal blow was delivered to Burnham.  Funny how that same son-in-law has re-surfaced in the Granger administration today.

Dr. Roger Forbes Luncheon was also in the room when Burnham died .


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