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Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Thats what I been saying. That banna spend too much time chasing that bull cow. 

Look closely at the picture. You will see Dharti Gaiyaa. Dharti is the earth, Gaiyaa is the cow. They both represent our survival, sustenance, nourishment, food, means of living, livelihood or income. Not suicide.

Good observation...never looked at it this way. Now we know you a one professor and a pandit too?

I think you are a good person and you are just being wutlis.


Here is a song that is pertinent to this subject. Check Bollywood forum for the lyrics and translation.


Good music...dont know the meaning but it putting me to sleep...I am out. 

CHeck for the meaning here:

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:


It would seem in the 60s Jagan asked the people to trust the PPP and become faithful followers.  To a certain extent the people needs were met.


Then comes the 90s with Jagdeo, whose method of governance  was greed, nastiness and vindictiveness.

The people had a corrupt leader, but remained followers.


This left the people high,dry and more important, with inadequate tools to deal with personal challenges.

Their families were broken and children had their own way, influenced by Jagdeo's leadership.  


Indians in Guyana seems wired for a fight at the least provocation, because they were not taught how to deal with stresses and depression.


Thus Indians commit suicide more than any other race in Guyana.          

Tola, you and I are good friends and I have a high regard for you but I definitely think you're reading the tea leaves the wrong way here.

Politicizing suicides in Guyana is counter-productive and does not target the real causes of this mammoth social problem.

It is true, as your experience in Berbice showed, that certain known PPP officials frustrated well-meaning NGO efforts to educate people on stress management, conflict resolution and suicide prevention. But it is a terribly big blunder to conclude that the PPP has contributed to the rise of suicides.

Tola has lost his marbles. Someone recently rightfully asked if he has spent so much time in Guyana on suicide prevention and cure, if the current condition is not an indictment on him. Seems like he should look into the mirror instead of losing sleep over the PPP.

Thats what I been saying. That banna spend too much time chasing that bull cow. 

Arright, guys, I won't let y'all tek advantage ova me friend Tola. Enuff is enuff. Have some mercy now.

Seriously, we have to put ourselves in Tola's shoes to understand his frustration over what his suicide-prevention group experienced in Guyana. For a number of years Tola and his colleagues took time off their regular professions to do voluntary work in Guyana, particularly in Berbice. In the end they got no thanks and some petty PPP bureaucrats pissed them off. Tola is one of the most socially conscious guys I know. He is a top-rated photographer whose pictures have appeared in Canadian and international publications. Before the last elections, Tola was prepared to volunteer his time and talent to photo-shoot the AFC campaign free of cost. The AFC had other plans, unfortunately.

Thanks Gil. These comments show why suicide prevention in Guyana has a long hard road ahead and might never be resolved.

These 'intellectual posters' also show why Guyanese might never be united and the destruction of young minds might continue.

Does these posters have children of their own ? 

Originally Posted by Tola:


WOW !! What intellectual comments.


This question was posted, because it was discussed and suggested by youth group leaders in Guyana.

Most of these kids only know the PPP government, including two young women who were sexually assaulted by officials, while looking for jobs.

The youth were told about previous governments by their parents, but their question is, what caused so much change in their lives from what their parents told them about the previous PPP.


Two youth were on the phone with me tonight. To say the least, they are disappointed in your response, because they were hoping to learn something from those they perceived as intellectuals.

Some seem to feel, if Guyanese overseas behave this way, it might be better after they graduate, to stay in Guyana, because it seems overseas tend  to corrupt some Guyanese thinking.


They say some of you need to visit Guyana to learn first hand and as a special invite with their parents approval, they would like you to stay at their house and learn about their life. Their parents struggle to make ends meet and they would be happy if you could  assist with groceries, during your stay.


What do you say, any takers ?  They will read your response.


You still have a chance to answer the question on the post heading. What caused so much change in their life, for their family and friends to commit suicide. All they know is how the PPP government treated them.         


Originally Posted by cain:

Vish, let's say the PPP did not cause suicides, no problem. What they did not do was try to curb it, instead they chased away those who wanted to help because they (PPP) couldn't get anything out of it, nothing was in it for $$$$$ passed hands so they want no part it now?


As we read in another thread about a building that should have been used for those seeking assistance but instead went to a PPP crony...with that building there would be a place for someone with mental problems to go...a kind of safe house. Now there's no where for them to go but wind up at the bottom of a creek, a waterfall, or perhaps they take a special drink....


Isn't this something that should be held against the PPP Govt?

Cain, in all the countries we funded sustainable projects, Guyana is the only place they asked for payment to build their own community, after NGO funding is provided.

Bribe was  the norm with the previous government, especially with government officials. When its not paid, these people are nasty and vindictive. In our case their reaction degraded our programs, while kids continue to kill themselves.

What piss me, the parents of these youth voted for these heartless AHs, who hold prominent positions in the PPP.       

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Tola:


It would seem in the 60s Jagan asked the people to trust the PPP and become faithful followers.  To a certain extent the people needs were met.


Then comes the 90s with Jagdeo, whose method of governance  was greed, nastiness and vindictiveness.

The people had a corrupt leader, but remained followers.


This left the people high,dry and more important, with inadequate tools to deal with personal challenges.

Their families were broken and children had their own way, influenced by Jagdeo's leadership.  


Indians in Guyana seems wired for a fight at the least provocation, because they were not taught how to deal with stresses and depression.


Thus Indians commit suicide more than any other race in Guyana.          


I usually used the term loosely, but you are a true knucklehead:


Indians in Guyana seems wired for a fight at the least provocation, because they were not taught how to deal with stresses and depression.


What does this statement mean? You saying the PPP cause Indians to commit suicide??


Stop being a psychologist...go tend to them cows.

From the comfort of your assram, what do you contribute to suicide in Guyana ? 

I am sure there are lots of reasons that learned people will give...but none will give this silly reason you posted here. Its a complicated issue. You are trivializing the matter, especiallt when we have so many people committing suicide.



By your twisted logic, the PPP would be responsible for the death of Robin Williams. 


You and Mits are so blinded by hatred for the PPP and Jagdeo that you guys seems to get off posting this kind of schupidness.

Hey, we know that you are not the brightest bulb on the Chandelier. Anyway, how do you contribute towards the prevention of suicides in Guyana? Tola was there on the ground with professional help and his group met a lot of push around and demands for bribes for the PPP/Cronies. You write like your IQ starts with a decimal point.

If Tola is an expert and a professional at suicide prevention, I would urge him to get back in there as soon as possible, especially now that his government is running the country. 

Why, because your government failed the youth ? 

When you have abee and alyu governments, you might not even know your ass from hole in the ground. 

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by cain:

Vish, let's say the PPP did not cause suicides, no problem. What they did not do was try to curb it, instead they chased away those who wanted to help because they (PPP) couldn't get anything out of it, nothing was in it for $$$$$ passed hands so they want no part it now?


As we read in another thread about a building that should have been used for those seeking assistance but instead went to a PPP crony...with that building there would be a place for someone with mental problems to go...a kind of safe house. Now there's no where for them to go but wind up at the bottom of a creek, a waterfall, or perhaps they take a special drink....


Isn't this something that should be held against the PPP Govt?

I agree. The PPP did not do much to curb suicide, nor is this govt, so far.

It is indeed a fact that rural Hindus have the highest suicide rate in Guyana.  Why not Christian and Muslim Indians?  Some claim that almost 70% of the suicides are Hindus, who account for around 1/4 of the population.


Is there a cultural difference between how rural Indians who are Christian or Muslim live in comparison to Hindus?


That is a point worthy of examination. If Hindus committed suicide at the same rate as others Guyana would be far from having the world's highest suicide rate.


So while there are overall reasons why people in Guyana commit suicide, it appears as if this is as much of a crisis within the Hindu population as are disorganized single parent families among poorer urbanized Africans.  BOTH need attending to, and its up to the gov't to coordinate work by NGOs to deal with these problems.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Tola:


It would seem in the 60s Jagan asked the people to trust the PPP and become faithful followers.  To a certain extent the people needs were met.


Then comes the 90s with Jagdeo, whose method of governance  was greed, nastiness and vindictiveness.

The people had a corrupt leader, but remained followers.


This left the people high,dry and more important, with inadequate tools to deal with personal challenges.

Their families were broken and children had their own way, influenced by Jagdeo's leadership.  


Indians in Guyana seems wired for a fight at the least provocation, because they were not taught how to deal with stresses and depression.


Thus Indians commit suicide more than any other race in Guyana.          


I usually used the term loosely, but you are a true knucklehead:


Indians in Guyana seems wired for a fight at the least provocation, because they were not taught how to deal with stresses and depression.


What does this statement mean? You saying the PPP cause Indians to commit suicide??


Stop being a psychologist...go tend to them cows.

From the comfort of your assram, what do you contribute to suicide in Guyana ? 

I am sure there are lots of reasons that learned people will give...but none will give this silly reason you posted here. Its a complicated issue. You are trivializing the matter, especiallt when we have so many people committing suicide.



By your twisted logic, the PPP would be responsible for the death of Robin Williams. 


You and Mits are so blinded by hatred for the PPP and Jagdeo that you guys seems to get off posting this kind of schupidness.

Hey, we know that you are not the brightest bulb on the Chandelier. Anyway, how do you contribute towards the prevention of suicides in Guyana? Tola was there on the ground with professional help and his group met a lot of push around and demands for bribes for the PPP/Cronies. You write like your IQ starts with a decimal point.


Dem 'intellectuals' hea na know how fa read.


Even though most of these suicides are shown to be among Hindus I have a difficult time with this. I do not see how a particular religion could be blamed.Are they being forced to do something against their will?


Are these poor areas,no work, no money to enjoy, where everything is stagnant and seems no sense going on?


Is it possible these suicides happen to be in an area where the population is made up mostly of Hindus and not because they are Hindu?



Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:


It would seem in the 60s Jagan asked the people to trust the PPP and become faithful followers.  To a certain extent the people needs were met.


Then comes the 90s with Jagdeo, whose method of governance  was greed, nastiness and vindictiveness.

The people had a corrupt leader, but remained followers.


This left the people high,dry and more important, with inadequate tools to deal with personal challenges.

Their families were broken and children had their own way, influenced by Jagdeo's leadership.  


Indians in Guyana seems wired for a fight at the least provocation, because they were not taught how to deal with stresses and depression.


Thus Indians commit suicide more than any other race in Guyana.          

Tola, you and I are good friends and I have a high regard for you but I definitely think you're reading the tea leaves the wrong way here.

Politicizing suicides in Guyana is counter-productive and does not target the real causes of this mammoth social problem.

It is true, as your experience in Berbice showed, that certain known PPP officials frustrated well-meaning NGO efforts to educate people on stress management, conflict resolution and suicide prevention. But it is a terribly big blunder to conclude that the PPP has contributed to the rise of suicides.

Tola has lost his marbles. Someone recently rightfully asked if he has spent so much time in Guyana on suicide prevention and cure, if the current condition is not an indictment on him. Seems like he should look into the mirror instead of losing sleep over the PPP.

To start with, you already lost all your 'rainbow' marbles.

The problem with you AHs, you are 'experts' behind a computer.

Get off your ass and come learn first hand. Chicken shit !!   

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Did you write this SHIT yourself or you copied from a RETARDED idiot.???

He seem looking for some missed opportunity.  That banna is a true clown.  The best thing for him is suicide in Guyana, then he get to sound off and air out.  Without that, the gas build-up could result in an explosion.

Quit following losers like Bush, Jagdeo and Trump, or  tagged foreigners in America might come  visiting you at night,without white sheets.   

Originally Posted by cain:

Even though most of these suicides are shown to be among Hindus I have a difficult time with this. I do not see how a particular religion could be blamed.Are they being forced to do something against their will?


Are these poor areas,no work, no money to enjoy, where everything is stagnant and seems no sense going on?


Is it possible these suicides happen to be in an area where the population is made up mostly of Hindus and not because they are Hindu?



Cain, its not only Hindu Indians. Suicide is committed mostly by Indians of all religion, including Christian Indians. But the common theme is Indians.

Many parents don't spend the time required for their kids and the kids get bad directions  from their friends.  


It would seem they don't know how to cope with stress and depression, whereas black kids seem to be more assertive with bullism and how to stand up for their rights, without getting into a fight. Indian kids seem to fight first and ask questions afterwards.  

Black kids tend to talk more to their parents and for example the recent girl over the falls, everyone said she behave normal, even at the falls.

Indian kids seldom talk about their problems. They don't do much after school, because parents might be too strict.

Plus Guyana is not very trusting place for children to be alone. 


I believe many suicides are committed because the victim don't know how to handle what is bothering them and CONFIDENTAL counselling is seldom available. Even the police hot line is not trustworthy, because the police is not trustful.  





Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by cain:

Vish, let's say the PPP did not cause suicides, no problem. What they did not do was try to curb it, instead they chased away those who wanted to help because they (PPP) couldn't get anything out of it, nothing was in it for $$$$$ passed hands so they want no part it now?


As we read in another thread about a building that should have been used for those seeking assistance but instead went to a PPP crony...with that building there would be a place for someone with mental problems to go...a kind of safe house. Now there's no where for them to go but wind up at the bottom of a creek, a waterfall, or perhaps they take a special drink....


Isn't this something that should be held against the PPP Govt?

I agree. The PPP did not do much to curb suicide, nor is this govt, so far.

It is indeed a fact that rural Hindus have the highest suicide rate in Guyana.  Why not Christian and Muslim Indians?  Some claim that almost 70% of the suicides are Hindus, who account for around 1/4 of the population.


Is there a cultural difference between how rural Indians who are Christian or Muslim live in comparison to Hindus?


That is a point worthy of examination. If Hindus committed suicide at the same rate as others Guyana would be far from having the world's highest suicide rate.


So while there are overall reasons why people in Guyana commit suicide, it appears as if this is as much of a crisis within the Hindu population as are disorganized single parent families among poorer urbanized Africans.  BOTH need attending to, and its up to the gov't to coordinate work by NGOs to deal with these problems.

Good points.

Individual NGO efforts are too fragmented and suicide prevention in Guyana to be effective, must be a national effort. It has to be coordinated by the government or a national body,  like the previous Guyana National Suicide Prevention Committee, under MOH and Social Services.     

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Thats what I been saying. That banna spend too much time chasing that bull cow. 

Look closely at the picture. You will see Dharti Gaiyaa. Dharti is the earth, Gaiyaa is the cow. They both represent our survival, sustenance, nourishment, food, means of living, livelihood or income. Not suicide.

Having Tola following that cow around would make that cow want to commit suicide.

You rass lucky the cow is not you.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:


It would seem in the 60s Jagan asked the people to trust the PPP and become faithful followers.  To a certain extent the people needs were met.


Then comes the 90s with Jagdeo, whose method of governance  was greed, nastiness and vindictiveness.

The people had a corrupt leader, but remained followers.


This left the people high,dry and more important, with inadequate tools to deal with personal challenges.

Their families were broken and children had their own way, influenced by Jagdeo's leadership.  


Indians in Guyana seems wired for a fight at the least provocation, because they were not taught how to deal with stresses and depression.


Thus Indians commit suicide more than any other race in Guyana.          

Tola, you and I are good friends and I have a high regard for you but I definitely think you're reading the tea leaves the wrong way here.

Politicizing suicides in Guyana is counter-productive and does not target the real causes of this mammoth social problem.

It is true, as your experience in Berbice showed, that certain known PPP officials frustrated well-meaning NGO efforts to educate people on stress management, conflict resolution and suicide prevention. But it is a terribly big blunder to conclude that the PPP has contributed to the rise of suicides.

Tola has lost his marbles. Someone recently rightfully asked if he has spent so much time in Guyana on suicide prevention and cure, if the current condition is not an indictment on him. Seems like he should look into the mirror instead of losing sleep over the PPP.

Baseman changed him of that.  Tola displaying signs of dementia and hysteria that he beat him chest and today nothing has changed.  Now PPP is out, suicide unabated.  Tola rapidly discovering his working assumption all these years was wrong.  What a waste of time, but he had some good trips to Guyana, etc.  Tola, hang up your hat and kick back, your time has passed on this matter.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:


It would seem in the 60s Jagan asked the people to trust the PPP and become faithful followers.  To a certain extent the people needs were met.


Then comes the 90s with Jagdeo, whose method of governance  was greed, nastiness and vindictiveness.

The people had a corrupt leader, but remained followers.


This left the people high,dry and more important, with inadequate tools to deal with personal challenges.

Their families were broken and children had their own way, influenced by Jagdeo's leadership.  


Indians in Guyana seems wired for a fight at the least provocation, because they were not taught how to deal with stresses and depression.


Thus Indians commit suicide more than any other race in Guyana.          

Tola, you and I are good friends and I have a high regard for you but I definitely think you're reading the tea leaves the wrong way here.

Politicizing suicides in Guyana is counter-productive and does not target the real causes of this mammoth social problem.

It is true, as your experience in Berbice showed, that certain known PPP officials frustrated well-meaning NGO efforts to educate people on stress management, conflict resolution and suicide prevention. But it is a terribly big blunder to conclude that the PPP has contributed to the rise of suicides.

Tola has lost his marbles. Someone recently rightfully asked if he has spent so much time in Guyana on suicide prevention and cure, if the current condition is not an indictment on him. Seems like he should look into the mirror instead of losing sleep over the PPP.

Baseman changed him of that.  Tola displaying signs of dementia and hysteria that he beat him chest and today nothing has changed.  Now PPP is out, suicide unabated.  Tola rapidly discovering his working assumption all these years was wrong.  What a waste of time, but he had some good trips to Guyana, etc.  Tola, hang up your hat and kick back, your time has passed on this matter.

The unabated suicide epidemic is what the Alliance for Unity has inherited from the incompetent PPP/C who did nothing to curb it during the past 23 years. 


The focus should be on mental health

November 24, 2015 | By | Filed Under Editorial, Features / Columnists 

In the wake of the most recent death at Kaieteur Falls, people seem to be saying that the waterfalls may be at the root of the problem. So we see that the Ministry of Tourism has closed the falls and we hear of plans to monitor the people who go there on tours. The truth is that people have been going to the waterfalls ever since Barrington Brown discovered it nearly 150 years ago, in 1870. Before hinterland flights became so prevalent people visited the falls on foot. This was a routine way to visit the splendorous waterfalls. Scores would talk about travelling to Bartica then continue on along the Bartica-Potaro Road to Kangaruma before journeying up the Potaro River to the foot of the falls at Tukeit. But even before the tourists pork knockers made that trek a common feature. Indeed people would have died going over the edge of the falls and many such deaths would have gone unreported. Three years ago a pork knocker went over the falls when the engine on his boat failed. He had been drinking. His death did not make the news as much as the young woman who many want to believe is the first jumper from the top of the falls. Instead of putting all the planned security measures in place, the country should first develop its mental health treatment capacity. While the rest of the world recognizes that depression is a serious problem, Guyana ignores this fact. We do not see depression as a problem and would simply advise the person to take a rest. And Guyana is a place where depression flourishes. As a poor country people tend to become depressed pretty easily. For one, the more some people work the less they seem able to cope with the needs of daily life. This fuels divorces which in turn fuel depression. Many an individual have failed to cope with these pressures with the result that Guyana has earned the sobriquet of the suicide capital of the world. The most recent Kaieteur jumper is reported to have been suffering from depression, perhaps sparked by the suicide of her teenage paramour five years earlier. She must have confided in someone since she was not hesitant in posting her views on social media. Yet because we do not readily understand depression and because we are a people who do not set store by mental illness the problem experienced by others are ignored. Hardly anyone who demonstrated all the signs of suicide has been offered professional help simply because the professional help is not there. And besides, there is a stigma attached to mental illness. While people routinely go to a psychiatrist for help in the developed world we tend to shy away from therapy. If we do seek psychiatric help, we hide to do so for fear of ridicule and criticism. This may very well explain why there is a paucity of psychiatrists in this country. The former Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy had set about training a number of psychiatric nurses to aid in the treatment of mental ailments. He had also talked about training some specialists in the area of psychiatry. This programme is still underway even as the established psychiatrists are shutting shop either through old age or infirmity. There is one way to maximize the services of the few who are in existence. Government agencies and departments can sponsor group sessions for their employees. During these sessions the most needing of the lot would surface. As simple as this seems many lives would be saved and many situations averted. For example, this latest case of suicide by jumping off Kaieteur Falls, would have been saved had she been part of the group therapy. It is time the nation considers embracing psychiatric help. There is no stigma.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:


It would seem in the 60s Jagan asked the people to trust the PPP and become faithful followers.  To a certain extent the people needs were met.


Then comes the 90s with Jagdeo, whose method of governance  was greed, nastiness and vindictiveness.

The people had a corrupt leader, but remained followers.


This left the people high,dry and more important, with inadequate tools to deal with personal challenges.

Their families were broken and children had their own way, influenced by Jagdeo's leadership.  


Indians in Guyana seems wired for a fight at the least provocation, because they were not taught how to deal with stresses and depression.


Thus Indians commit suicide more than any other race in Guyana.          

Tola, you and I are good friends and I have a high regard for you but I definitely think you're reading the tea leaves the wrong way here.

Politicizing suicides in Guyana is counter-productive and does not target the real causes of this mammoth social problem.

It is true, as your experience in Berbice showed, that certain known PPP officials frustrated well-meaning NGO efforts to educate people on stress management, conflict resolution and suicide prevention. But it is a terribly big blunder to conclude that the PPP has contributed to the rise of suicides.

Tola has lost his marbles. Someone recently rightfully asked if he has spent so much time in Guyana on suicide prevention and cure, if the current condition is not an indictment on him. Seems like he should look into the mirror instead of losing sleep over the PPP.

Baseman changed him of that.  Tola displaying signs of dementia and hysteria that he beat him chest and today nothing has changed.  Now PPP is out, suicide unabated.  Tola rapidly discovering his working assumption all these years was wrong.  What a waste of time, but he had some good trips to Guyana, etc.  Tola, hang up your hat and kick back, your time has passed on this matter.

You starting with dis shit so early, like the dog piss in you dhall dis morning.

Wha happen wid your sidekicks in frenzy, dem scared of knocking down people, when dem not here to defend themselves.

Betta  check with the G-HLLC and see how the PPP also screwed them.

Wha happen, Nandalla na visit any more ? Like women scared.


Bai, wha you gun do when they drag Jagdeo ass to Camp street, find another Guyana hero, like lame brain Rohee ?

Lets see if Hack grown any balls to charge her boss in corruption, before they dump her ass also in jail.   

Originally Posted by cain:

Even though most of these suicides are shown to be among Hindus I have a difficult time with this. I do not see how a particular religion could be blamed.Are they being forced to do something against their will?


Are these poor areas,no work, no money to enjoy, where everything is stagnant and seems no sense going on?


Is it possible these suicides happen to be in an area where the population is made up mostly of Hindus and not because they are Hindu?



Interesting observation. I do not think this is really a Hindu problem. It might just be an Indian problem, but I am no expert on this. The NGOs and government need to do some studies on this and come up with solutions. Buy last I heard, I think we number on the world suicide list.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:


It would seem in the 60s Jagan asked the people to trust the PPP and become faithful followers.  To a certain extent the people needs were met.


Then comes the 90s with Jagdeo, whose method of governance  was greed, nastiness and vindictiveness.

The people had a corrupt leader, but remained followers.


This left the people high,dry and more important, with inadequate tools to deal with personal challenges.

Their families were broken and children had their own way, influenced by Jagdeo's leadership.  


Indians in Guyana seems wired for a fight at the least provocation, because they were not taught how to deal with stresses and depression.


Thus Indians commit suicide more than any other race in Guyana.          

Tola, you and I are good friends and I have a high regard for you but I definitely think you're reading the tea leaves the wrong way here.

Politicizing suicides in Guyana is counter-productive and does not target the real causes of this mammoth social problem.

It is true, as your experience in Berbice showed, that certain known PPP officials frustrated well-meaning NGO efforts to educate people on stress management, conflict resolution and suicide prevention. But it is a terribly big blunder to conclude that the PPP has contributed to the rise of suicides.

Indirectly you admit to the "the PPP causing suicide" by admitting that they neglected or prohibited rather than facilitated aid to help lessen the problem. I think, government must take the blame for neglect.


The present government has not seen fit to be serious in retraining the police to handle domestic violence, has not allocated monies for mental health counseling and still lack a sex crimes unit or a sex offender registry. The cops still treat rape lightly and no rape kits are present on site at hospitals.


We still  have some 3000 girls leaving school on account of pregnancies, incest, abuse and neglect. These are all factors contributing to hopelessness and despair. It is culture from within ethnic group and communal culture of neglect in the general population.


We are all part of this disease expression. Yes the PPP helped add to the suicide problem and this present regime will pile on if they do not get their act together and treat this as a serious mental disease.


Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by cain:

Even though most of these suicides are shown to be among Hindus I have a difficult time with this. I do not see how a particular religion could be blamed.Are they being forced to do something against their will?


Are these poor areas,no work, no money to enjoy, where everything is stagnant and seems no sense going on?


Is it possible these suicides happen to be in an area where the population is made up mostly of Hindus and not because they are Hindu?



Interesting observation. I do not think this is really a Hindu problem. It might just be an Indian problem, but I am no expert on this. The NGOs and government need to do some studies on this and come up with solutions. Buy last I heard, I think we number on the world suicide list.

It is as society wide problem. The emphasis is on Indians but Black people and Amerindians are not trailing far behind. In general it is a guyanese problem. It is group specific in that indians for example treat their women as the guardian of their cultures and invest in them the heavy burden to be the foundation of morality. Meanwhile indian men drink their asses to the dirt, must have an outside woman, and hardly care to help out at home.  Black and Amerindian men also have this stupid notion that there are women's work and there are men's work. And Guyanese in general feel they can beat up their women at their discretion with no society or legal sanctions intervening.


Domestic violence is a prime cause and this covers more than man women relationship but parents to child, sibling to sibling and neighbor to neighbor. I passed through the villages for example and one can see the abject lack of neighborly cooperation in helping out each other. Old women living alone are especially abused by their neighbors who have all sorts of taboos for them to endure. One would think with all this stupid ethnic pride at election time we would have it expressed among our selves and neighbors.


Helping out at home is not men's work. Consequently, you have hyper stressed poor women, and  confused young people due to to culture norms that are shackles rather than liberating. Girls in Guyana still cannot freely choose a mate. Note in nature that is what the female gender does all the time. The society in general needs to reorient itself to ease suicide. It is not merely an Indian problem but all of us contribute.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Tola:

To start with, you already lost all your 'rainbow' marbles.

The problem with you AHs, you are 'experts' behind a computer.

Get off your ass and come learn first hand. Chicken shit !!   

You are 'doing something' but nah doing nothing. Look in the mirror. You are failing in your mission because you are obsessed with the PPP instead.

Originally Posted by cain:

Even though most of these suicides are shown to be among Hindus I have a difficult time with this. I do not see how a particular religion could be blamed.Are they being forced to do something against their will?


Are these poor areas,no work, no money to enjoy, where everything is stagnant and seems no sense going on?


Is it possible these suicides happen to be in an area where the population is made up mostly of Hindus and not because they are Hindu?



Hindus aren't worse off than are other Guyanese.  They don't face any social or politican discrimination more than other Guyanese.


Yet they commit suicide at 3X the rate of non Hindu Guyanese.  So there must be something about how Hindu Guyanese live which is causing such disproportionate patterns of suicide.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:


It would seem in the 60s Jagan asked the people to trust the PPP and become faithful followers.  To a certain extent the people needs were met.


Then comes the 90s with Jagdeo, whose method of governance  was greed, nastiness and vindictiveness.

The people had a corrupt leader, but remained followers.


This left the people high,dry and more important, with inadequate tools to deal with personal challenges.

Their families were broken and children had their own way, influenced by Jagdeo's leadership.  


Indians in Guyana seems wired for a fight at the least provocation, because they were not taught how to deal with stresses and depression.


Thus Indians commit suicide more than any other race in Guyana.          

Tola, you and I are good friends and I have a high regard for you but I definitely think you're reading the tea leaves the wrong way here.

Politicizing suicides in Guyana is counter-productive and does not target the real causes of this mammoth social problem.

It is true, as your experience in Berbice showed, that certain known PPP officials frustrated well-meaning NGO efforts to educate people on stress management, conflict resolution and suicide prevention. But it is a terribly big blunder to conclude that the PPP has contributed to the rise of suicides.

Indirectly you admit to the "the PPP causing suicide" by admitting that they neglected or prohibited rather than facilitated aid to help lessen the problem. I think, government must take the blame for neglect.


The present government has not seen fit to be serious in retraining the police to handle domestic violence, has not allocated monies for mental health counseling and still lack a sex crimes unit or a sex offender registry. The cops still treat rape lightly and no rape kits are present on site at hospitals.


We still  have some 3000 girls leaving school on account of pregnancies, incest, abuse and neglect. These are all factors contributing to hopelessness and despair. It is culture from within ethnic group and communal culture of neglect in the general population.


We are all part of this disease expression. Yes the PPP helped add to the suicide problem and this present regime will pile on if they do not get their act together and treat this as a serious mental disease.


Storm is 1000 Percent accurate here.


If only the current administration can consult with or at least reach out to the likes of Storm for his input for a solution to this social epidemic.


Yes, the PPP failed to address this issue but the current administration has a golden opportunity to address this social epidemic.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
. I do not think this is really a Hindu problem. It might just be an Indian problem,

Some who wrote to KN, having analyzed the suicides, claiming that 69% had Hindu names. Hindus are now at 25% of the population, or about 60% of the Indian population.  I don't think that it is statistically possible for the non Hindu 40% to be committing suicides at the same rate as Hindus.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by cain:

Even though most of these suicides are shown to be among Hindus I have a difficult time with this. I do not see how a particular religion could be blamed.Are they being forced to do something against their will?


Are these poor areas,no work, no money to enjoy, where everything is stagnant and seems no sense going on?


Is it possible these suicides happen to be in an area where the population is made up mostly of Hindus and not because they are Hindu?



Interesting observation. I do not think this is really a Hindu problem. It might just be an Indian problem, but I am no expert on this. The NGOs and government need to do some studies on this and come up with solutions. Buy last I heard, I think we number on the world suicide list.

It is as society wide problem. The emphasis is on Indians but Black people and Amerindians are not trailing far behind. In general it is a guyanese problem. It is group specific in that indians for example treat their women as the guardian of their cultures and invest in them the heavy burden to be the foundation of morality. Meanwhile indian men drink their asses to the dirt, must have an outside woman, and hardly care to help out at home.  Black and Amerindian men also have this stupid notion that there are women's work and there are men's work. And Guyanese in general feel they can beat up their women at their discretion with no society or legal sanctions intervening.


Domestic violence is a prime cause and this covers more than man women relationship but parents to child, sibling to sibling and neighbor to neighbor. I passed through the villages for example and one can see the abject lack of neighborly cooperation in helping out each other. Old women living alone are especially abused by their neighbors who have all sorts of taboos for them to endure. One would think with all this stupid ethnic pride at election time we would have it expressed among our selves and neighbors.


Helping out at home is not men's work. Consequently, you have hyper stressed poor women, and  confused young people due to to culture norms that are shackles rather than liberating. Girls in Guyana still cannot freely choose a mate. Note in nature that is what the female gender does all the time. The society in general needs to reorient itself to ease suicide. It is not merely an Indian problem but all of us contribute.

Another accurate and skilful analysis to this epidemic by Storm.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Tola:

To start with, you already lost all your 'rainbow' marbles.

The problem with you AHs, you are 'experts' behind a computer.

Get off your ass and come learn first hand. Chicken shit !!   

You are 'doing something' but nah doing nothing. Look in the mirror. You are failing in your mission because you are obsessed with the PPP instead.

I been saying the same thing over and over.

If Tolaram was a real leader, the cow should be following him rass, not the other way around with him following the bull cow! 

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Tola:

To start with, you already lost all your 'rainbow' marbles.

The problem with you AHs, you are 'experts' behind a computer.

Get off your ass and come learn first hand. Chicken shit !!   

You are 'doing something' but nah doing nothing. Look in the mirror. You are failing in your mission because you are obsessed with the PPP instead.

People like Tola are attempting to score political points on this social epidemic. SMH.


Guyana needs a non political solution in addressing this problem. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
. I do not think this is really a Hindu problem. It might just be an Indian problem,

Some who wrote to KN, having analyzed the suicides, claiming that 69% had Hindu names. Hindus are now at 25% of the population, or about 60% of the Indian population.  I don't think that it is statistically possible for the non Hindu 40% to be committing suicides at the same rate as Hindus.

the hindu leaders have more important thing to do like which date to light up guyana the hindu leaders fail the hindu population 

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Tola:

To start with, you already lost all your 'rainbow' marbles.

The problem with you AHs, you are 'experts' behind a computer.

Get off your ass and come learn first hand. Chicken shit !!   

You are 'doing something' but nah doing nothing. Look in the mirror. You are failing in your mission because you are obsessed with the PPP instead.

I been saying the same thing over and over.

If Tolaram was a real leader, the cow should be following him rass, not the other way around with him following the bull cow! 

Imagine a man following a cow and claiming to be a leader. This is funny stuff.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
. Girls in Guyana still cannot freely choose a mate. Note in nature that is what the female gender does all the time. .

BINGO. This is a feature of RURAL Indian culture. NOT true of other Guyanese groups.


African youth are as free to select their mates as are people of any culture. The parents mightn't approve, but its regarded as too bad for the parents if they disapprove. Maybe loud arguments, and people getting tossed out of the homes.  But leading to righteous indignation (how dare my parents tell me what to so) then suicidal thoughts. 


The Indian culture is much more regulated, the extended family bonds are much tighter, and a connection to the family much more important. The consequences for defying the family is much more drastic among Indians. Hence Indian youth face more pressures when they defy their elders, and are more likely to feel that they have no choices.


Domestic abuse is a major problem among all Guyanese. It is NOT worse among Hindus, so that will not explain why Black Bush Polder is ground zero for suicides.


So next time some ageing rural Hindu talks about "training" their kids, when they actually mean demanding that young adults follow the COMMANDS of their parents, folks ought to know what they are risking.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Another accurate and skilful analysis to this epidemic by Storm.

And when Stormborn writes of Indian cultural attitudes I am sure that you don't think him as skilful. 



Look at the rankings of Caribbean nations with large Indian populations. Guyana ranks #1, Suriname #5, and Trinidad & Tobago #41.


The Caribbean nations with small Indian populations are DR #139, Haiti #153, Belize #155, Bahamas and Barbados tied for #158, and Jamaica #166.


Please don't suggest to me that Haitians don't have more pressures of life than do Guyanese.  Jamaicans living in their notorious inner city communities suffer far more stress than do Guyanese.


What this ranking shows isn't which group faces more problems. But how people from different groups DEAL WITH stress. Haitians seem more equipped than Hindu Caribbean people.

Last edited by Former Member

An additional factor in Guyana is that African females are far more empowered within their family and social structures. Networks of females dominate Afro Caribbean families.


Indo Caribbean families are more patriarchal, so one can wonder how much support women get.


This might explain the much lower rates of suicide rates among Jamaican and Haitian women, when compared to the Guyanese, Surinamer, and Trinidadian counterparts.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by cain:

Even though most of these suicides are shown to be among Hindus I have a difficult time with this. I do not see how a particular religion could be blamed.Are they being forced to do something against their will?


Are these poor areas,no work, no money to enjoy, where everything is stagnant and seems no sense going on?


Is it possible these suicides happen to be in an area where the population is made up mostly of Hindus and not because they are Hindu?



Hindus aren't worse off than are other Guyanese.  They don't face any social or politican discrimination more than other Guyanese.


Yet they commit suicide at 3X the rate of non Hindu Guyanese.  So there must be something about how Hindu Guyanese live which is causing such disproportionate patterns of suicide.

Hindu as a 'religion' don't seem to be  the cause of suicide in Guyana. 'Indians', including Indians of other religions also committed suicide.  


It would seem the structure of the Indian family in Guyana has deteriorated to an extent that trust and respect is lost. It is not unusual to see children swearing at their parents and parents swearing back, sometimes resulting in a fist fight.

I have seen drunken mothers at birthday parties giving their ten-year old son a bottle of beer to drink. While the children carry on a vulgar conversation with their friends, in the presence of their parents.


Men, especially youth, lack of respect for women and seniors is a big issue.

I was at a rice test site where some senior women were cutting the rice. The young government officials were extremely vulgar towards the women, who could easily be their grandmothers, but there was no respect.    

Excessive drinking, substance abuse and domestic violence also contribute to suicide.


The youth are as confused and concern in the change of their lifestyle and are searching for answers,  thus this thread, until it was derailed by 'experts'. The youth are disappointed that they don't have any role model in leadership to guide them. This seems to be the government and community responsibility.

The trust in religious/political  leaders also seems to be missing, especially for young women, who are often sexually abused.


Stronger emphasis needs to be placed on national social services  and mental health, before any significant change might be seen in suicide reduction.          

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Tola:

To start with, you already lost all your 'rainbow' marbles.

The problem with you AHs, you are 'experts' behind a computer.

Get off your ass and come learn first hand. Chicken shit !!   

You are 'doing something' but nah doing nothing. Look in the mirror. You are failing in your mission because you are obsessed with the PPP instead.

I been saying the same thing over and over.

If Tolaram was a real leader, the cow should be following him rass, not the other way around with him following the bull cow! 

Imagine a man following a cow and claiming to be a leader. This is funny stuff.

You people are not looking close enough, the cow might look like some in your house wearing a skirt.   

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Tola:

To start with, you already lost all your 'rainbow' marbles.

The problem with you AHs, you are 'experts' behind a computer.

Get off your ass and come learn first hand. Chicken shit !!   

You are 'doing something' but nah doing nothing. Look in the mirror. You are failing in your mission because you are obsessed with the PPP instead.

I been saying the same thing over and over.

If Tolaram was a real leader, the cow should be following him rass, not the other way around with him following the bull cow! 

Imagine a man following a cow and claiming to be a leader. This is funny stuff.

You people are not looking close enough, the cow might look like some in your house wearing a skirt.   

You are now in the same gutter as Mitwah.


You have no shame whatsoever in claiming to champion cause the poor and underprivileged.


I now wonder if they were subject to any form of abuse by you. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Tola:

To start with, you already lost all your 'rainbow' marbles.

The problem with you AHs, you are 'experts' behind a computer.

Get off your ass and come learn first hand. Chicken shit !!   

You are 'doing something' but nah doing nothing. Look in the mirror. You are failing in your mission because you are obsessed with the PPP instead.

I been saying the same thing over and over.

If Tolaram was a real leader, the cow should be following him rass, not the other way around with him following the bull cow! 

Imagine a man following a cow and claiming to be a leader. This is funny stuff.

You people are not looking close enough, the cow might look like some in your house wearing a skirt.   

You are now in the same gutter as Mitwah.


You have no shame whatsoever in claiming to champion cause the poor and underprivileged.


I now wonder if they were subject to any form of abuse by you. 

I am no champion, Jagdeo is your  champion of the dirt.

You want to see shame, bring your kids to Guyana, the youth here gun teach dem a thing or two, that they learned from your champion of no shame.    

Originally Posted by Tola:

Hindu as a 'religion' don't seem to be  the cause of suicide in Guyana. 'Indians', including Indians of other religions also committed suicide.  


It would seem the structure of the Indian family in Guyana has deteriorated to an extent that trust and respect is lost.

Hindus are taking their lives at a higher rate than are other Guyanese.


Guyanese males commit suicide at 35X the rate of Haitian and Jamaican males.  


There is no doubt that migration (both external to North America and the Caribbean/South America) and internal to the gold/timber fields has adversely impacted the family structure.  So many of the traditional mores and family supports no longer exist.


But this impacts the African, as much or even MORE than it does the Indian. This given that the legacy of slavery has rendered it weaker.  Yet  Guyanese men kill themselves at more than THIRTY FIVE times the rate of Jamaican men.


BTW Guyanese MEN kill themselves at THREE TIMES the rate of Guyanese females.


It is Guyanese MEN who are most successful at finding escape through suicide.  The question should be why Hindu MEN seem less able to cope with stress than are other Guyanese, male and female.


It turns out that the much beleaguered Hindu women, despite the pressures of domestic abuse, and existing within a patriarchal culture which often reduces them to being subjects of their fathers, and then their in-laws are LESS likely to commit suicide than her male counterpart!


I think that many of the ills are due to the patriarchal family structures. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Hindu as a 'religion' don't seem to be  the cause of suicide in Guyana. 'Indians', including Indians of other religions also committed suicide.  


It would seem the structure of the Indian family in Guyana has deteriorated to an extent that trust and respect is lost.

Hindus are taking their lives at a higher rate than are other Guyanese.


Guyanese males commit suicide at 35X the rate of Haitian and Jamaican males.  


There is no doubt that migration (both external to North America and the Caribbean/South America) and internal to the gold/timber fields has adversely impacted the family structure.  So many of the traditional mores and family supports no longer exist.


But this impacts the African, as much or even MORE than it does the Indian. This given that the legacy of slavery has rendered it weaker.  Yet  Guyanese men kill themselves at more than THIRTY FIVE times the rate of Jamaican men.


BTW Guyanese MEN kill themselves at THREE TIMES the rate of Guyanese females.


It is Guyanese MEN who are most successful at finding escape through suicide.  The question should be why Hindu MEN seem less able to cope with stress than are other Guyanese, male and female.


It turns out that the much beleaguered Hindu women, despite the pressures of domestic abuse, and existing within a patriarchal culture which often reduces them to being subjects of their fathers, and then their in-laws are LESS likely to commit suicide than her male counterpart!


I think that many of the ills are due to the patriarchal family structures. 

My understanding of suicide in Guyana is by INDIANS, because all are not Hindus. Isn't Hindu a religion ? INDIANS from other religion also commit suicide.

I see INDIANS committing suicide in Guyana and not all are Hindus.   

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Tola:

To start with, you already lost all your 'rainbow' marbles.

The problem with you AHs, you are 'experts' behind a computer.

Get off your ass and come learn first hand. Chicken shit !!   

You are 'doing something' but nah doing nothing. Look in the mirror. You are failing in your mission because you are obsessed with the PPP instead.

I been saying the same thing over and over.

If Tolaram was a real leader, the cow should be following him rass, not the other way around with him following the bull cow! 

Imagine a man following a cow and claiming to be a leader. This is funny stuff.

You people are not looking close enough, the cow might look like some in your house wearing a skirt.   

You are now in the same gutter as Mitwah.


You have no shame whatsoever in claiming to champion cause the poor and underprivileged.


I now wonder if they were subject to any form of abuse by you. 

I am no champion, Jagdeo is your  champion of the dirt.

You want to see shame, bring your kids to Guyana, the youth here gun teach dem a thing or two, that they learned from your champion of no shame.    

You are exhibiting even more disgraceful behaviour.


Thank god that any government do not trust individuals like yourself in assisting the young people of Guyana with your gutter mentality.

Last edited by Former Member

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