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Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why do you think a good gesture by the president means bullshit?



* Politics is a dirty business my friend.


* If Ramotar took Granger along with him---then the 2 would be perceived as equals in the eyes of Guyanese.


* It would have been kind and thoughtful and generous on part of Ramotar to take Granger along with him.


* But kindness and generosity to your opponent is not good politics.


* Ane lemme be blunt!


* People like Granger---you feed them---offer them drinks---treat them like family---and then they turn around and stab you in your face.




President Ramotar made the wise political decision to leave Granger at home.




May BHagwaan save Guyana from murkhs and bigots like you. Look how the death of a blackman makes you overwhelmed with joy. Are you still walking around with that piece of rope to lynch a black man? Why don't you try with your Irish BF at OP?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

 I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with your logic. That's like making the PPP monster against all kindness. With that in mind, Guyana will never enjoy racial harmony and unity. Our Motto - One people, one nation, one destiny, means nothing. Only Indians destiny means something.



* The Rev is all for kindness and compassion and generosity and empathy.


* The world needs more of that.


* But I maintain that politically it would not have been wise for Ramotar to take Granger along with him.


* Regarding racial harmony, what the f*** is that ?


* Listen! The Rev's mantra is to love everybody and everything---but TRUST very, very, very few.


* You will never have racial harmony in Guyana as long as blacks and Indians live in that country----the 2 groups will love each other from afar---but never trust each other.


SO STOP LIVING IN A FANTASY WORLD COBRA---stop calling for racial harmony--there will never be racial harmony in Guyana---NEVER!



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

 I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with your logic. That's like making the PPP monster against all kindness. With that in mind, Guyana will never enjoy racial harmony and unity. Our Motto - One people, one nation, one destiny, means nothing. Only Indians destiny means something.



* The Rev is all for kindness and compassion and generosity and empathy.


* The world needs more of that.


* But I maintain that politically it would not have been wise for Ramotar to take Granger along with him.


* Regarding racial harmony, what the f*** is that ?


* Listen! The Rev's mantra is to love everybody and everything---but TRUST very, very, very few.


* You will never have racial harmony in Guyana as long as blacks and Indians live in that country----the 2 groups will love each other from afar---but never trust each other.


SO STOP LIVING IN A FANTASY WORLD COBRA---stop calling for racial harmony--there will never be racial harmony in Guyana---NEVER!



Bigots do believe they alone know the nature of race politics as long as they have the boot at some one else's head!


Ramotar's distilled mean spiritedness has lost him another clump of votes. I hope the next elections but them below the forty percent number.

Originally Posted by Danyael:



Ramotar's distilled mean spiritedness has lost him another clump of votes. I hope the next elections but them below the forty percent number.



Ramotar's decision to ignore that loser David Granger and leave his a$$ at home has further solidified his position with the PPP base.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:



Ramotar's distilled mean spiritedness has lost him another clump of votes. I hope the next elections but them below the forty percent number.




Ramotar's decision to ignore that loser David Granger and leave his a$$ at home has solidified his position with the PPP base.



I do not expect clarity of thinking from you or the PPP. You are driven by your prejudices and the PPP for complete domination of the society. That will not happen again. I do not expect you to grasp that fact since you live in your own parochial racist delusion.


As noted previously; the PPP's electoral base is also their ceiling. And that is if all the planets are aligned. They have no option to poach and given our changing demographics and increase willingness of the young not to see race as their only voting cues they are bleeding like the pigs they are.

Originally Posted by Rev:



The evil and dirty PNC has never won a free and fair election in Guyana, and until which time they miraculously do so, the Rev will remain highly confident that the PPP will  continue to lead Guyana.


But you are free to keep on dreaming danyael.





The PNC as a representative of an African identified party had as much chance as an Amerind identified party to win an election given the PPP and its Indian identified base were always numerically superior. The Idea that people are patently evil is a necessary criterion for racist to sustain their racism. That you do not see those corruptocrats in office as evil affirms my view.


Being the profound ignoramus you are you would not see that our Westminster system and its winner take all executive presidency creates of the state an ethnic carrot, an ethnic identified prize. All narration and narratives are established around that understanding so blacks are of course evil and Indian are of course good for the Indian and the flip side goes to the Africa,


We are fortunate the AFC changed all of that. They give the group not particularly enamored with race politics a chance to be heard. The majority in the opposition now is a wedge to PPP hegemony. They will never again recoup that lost ground.


There is no dreaming going on here. Racist politics is the evil. It is what people do when they are afraid or let greed get away with their reason in the presence of absolute power. The PPP days are number. We have seen them and they are not nice. We want them gone. Here the we is those of us who do not care for bigots like you,

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The pNC/afc are evil due to their actions, not due to perception of their race. Examine the violence perpetrated by the afc/pnc bandits on Guyana, starting with the freedom fighters, agricola, linden, lusignan, bartica.  People will not forget.

The PPP likewise and they are to date the worse of the mangy dog clan. I can also point you to the 400 dead at the hands of a druglord on hire by the PPP. That at least has a direct nexus to them rather than the rampages of a criminal gang to the PNC.


Agricola and Linden may be to you a gather of criminals because black people stood up for their rights. But a bigot cannot make the distinction from these and Lusignan because you always need your devils to assert your sacred status as victims.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:


There is no dreaming going on here---The PPP days are number---We want them gone.



* Just 2 years ago---in 2011---you were highly confident that the PPP would be defeated, and we all know what happened.




* In 2016, the probability strongly favors incumbent Ramotar being re-elected.


* So it looks like you will be bawling and screaming the PPP days are numbered until 2021.


* By then you'll be 62---hopefully you have a good life expectancy----the Rev wont want to see you kicking the bucket.


*I'd like to see the PPP mentally torture you for decades to come.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:


There is no dreaming going on here---The PPP days are number---We want them gone.



* Just 2 years ago---in 2011---you were highly confident that the PPP would be defeated, and we all know what happened.




* In 2016, the probability strongly favors incumbent Ramotar being re-elected.


* So it looks like you will be bawling and screaming the PPP days are numbered until 2021.


* By then you'll be 62---hopefully you have a good life expectancy----the Rev wont want to see you kicking the bucket.


*I'd like to see the PPP mentally torture you for decades to come.



 Do not invent lies for me. I never said the PPP would be defeated. I said there is significant loss of confidence in them that it is possible they will become a minority government. I listed two ways of winning...beating them outright which I explicitly noted was a stretch and beating them by hobbling them with a minority government.


I even created my list for a 100 days of what to do should the possibility arise. My issues on that list are essentially the opposition has stepped up their advocacy against. Go and tell your lie somewhere else since any one can find out exactly what I said by a simple search.


I own some 1500 acres at home and I do not even bother to concern myself with it because the PPP are there. They will never be a bother to me because I am quite set in life. However, you are in for a shocker. They will lose another 8 points this coming elections and you know what will happen then....? find out.


Last edited by Former Member



* The Rev has confidence in the good people of Guyana---I am highly confident they will keep the PPP in power.


* Listen Danyael! Unlike loonies and screwballs like you----most Guyanese don't trust the evil PNC to rule Guyana again.


* So keep braying---keep hoping---and keep dreaming----you're good at it.


* But when all is said and done the PPP will rule Guyana for another 100 years.





Originally Posted by Danyael:

The PPP likewise and they are to date the worse of the mangy dog clan. I can also point you to the 400 dead at the hands of a druglord on hire by the PPP. That at least has a direct nexus to them rather than the rampages of a criminal gang to the PNC.


Agricola and Linden may be to you a gather of criminals because black people stood up for their rights. But a bigot cannot make the distinction from these and Lusignan because you always need your devils to assert your sacred status as victims.

The PPP under Jagdeo and Ramoutar will be remembered for sharing milk, phantomizing the wicked afc/pnc freedom fighters and bringing unprecedented progress to the nation after decades of suffering under Jagan, Burnham and Hoyte. 


If blacks try what the did in agricola and linden in any other part of the world, they would all be dead. Only in Guyana this type of tolerance for destruction is displayed.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The PPP likewise and they are to date the worse of the mangy dog clan. I can also point you to the 400 dead at the hands of a druglord on hire by the PPP. That at least has a direct nexus to them rather than the rampages of a criminal gang to the PNC.


Agricola and Linden may be to you a gather of criminals because black people stood up for their rights. But a bigot cannot make the distinction from these and Lusignan because you always need your devils to assert your sacred status as victims.

The PPP under Jagdeo and Ramoutar will be remembered for sharing milk, phantomizing the wicked afc/pnc freedom fighters and bringing unprecedented progress to the nation after decades of suffering under Jagan, Burnham and Hoyte. 


If blacks try what the did in agricola and linden in any other part of the world, they would all be dead. Only in Guyana this type of tolerance for destruction is displayed.

They will be remembered as uber crooks. If they shared milk it was among kindred. Hoyte regime was not a bad one even if he stole his way into power.


Guyana is to blacks as the Ukraine is to Ukrainians or Spain is to the Spanish. I do not know why protesting here is any more special that they cannot do what is their right. I suggest you use your GoogleFu to examine what happened in spain and Greece. Note no one shot live ammunition at these people even though their protests were over an extended period and country wide.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The PPP likewise and they are to date the worse of the mangy dog clan. I can also point you to the 400 dead at the hands of a druglord on hire by the PPP. That at least has a direct nexus to them rather than the rampages of a criminal gang to the PNC.


Agricola and Linden may be to you a gather of criminals because black people stood up for their rights. But a bigot cannot make the distinction from these and Lusignan because you always need your devils to assert your sacred status as victims.

The PPP under Jagdeo and Ramoutar will be remembered for sharing milk, phantomizing the wicked afc/pnc freedom fighters and bringing unprecedented progress to the nation after decades of suffering under Jagan, Burnham and Hoyte. 


If blacks try what the did in agricola and linden in any other part of the world, they would all be dead. Only in Guyana this type of tolerance for destruction is displayed.

They will be remembered as uber crooks. If they shared milk it was among kindred. Hoyte regime was not a bad one even if he stole his way into power.


Guyana is to blacks as the Ukraine is to Ukrainians or Spain is to the Spanish. I do not know why protesting here is any more special that they cannot do what is their right. I suggest you use your GoogleFu to examine what happened in spain and Greece. Note no one shot live ammunition at these people even though their protests were over an extended period and country wide.

You and other PPP detractors will remember them as you will, however history will be another story. When you people had the opportunity to prove corruption, you ran away from the debates.


Blacks in Guyana are handled with kids gloves. They burn, loot and kill with impunity because the PPP are weak and depend on a pnc/afc run armed services to enforce the laws. The phantomizing by Jagdeo and company was the best offense they ever had.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The pNC/afc are evil due to their actions, not due to perception of their race. Examine the violence perpetrated by the afc/pnc bandits on Guyana, starting with the freedom fighters, agricola, linden, lusignan, bartica . . .

hmmmmmm . . .? this is drugabeer jerking off and ejaculating on GNI less than a day ago: 


"If blacks try what the did in agricola and linden in any other part of the world, they would all be dead . . ."


"Blacks in Guyana are handled with kids gloves. They burn, loot and kill with impunity"


ow bai, everything started to go psychologically downhill for u the day you failed common entrance nah?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* The Rev has confidence in the good people of Guyana---I am highly confident they will keep the PPP in power.


* Listen Danyael! Unlike loonies and screwballs like you----most Guyanese don't trust the evil PNC to rule Guyana again.


* So keep braying---keep hoping---and keep dreaming----you're good at it.


* But when all is said and done the PPP will rule Guyana for another 100 years.





You are the unstable one here. You are claiming what is inherently most Guyanese vote for the PPP because they trust them. Most voted against them! If one tallies those who did not vote also it accrues to over 60 percent who did not care for them and that is enough of a margin to take the presidency from them through  constitutional amendment to the obscene rule that has them in office as a minority government.


I see your innumeracy is coming to the fore. Statistically,  that the PPP regime can last a hundred years is as likely as an extinction event from an asteroid hit to the planet in the same period. Of the most successful 100 companies in the US over the last 70 years only one remains! The British empire barely lasted a hundred years! As I said, you cannot carry sufficient oxygen to climb such a high mountain! Their fall is inevitable and soon.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The PPP likewise and they are to date the worse of the mangy dog clan. I can also point you to the 400 dead at the hands of a druglord on hire by the PPP. That at least has a direct nexus to them rather than the rampages of a criminal gang to the PNC.


Agricola and Linden may be to you a gather of criminals because black people stood up for their rights. But a bigot cannot make the distinction from these and Lusignan because you always need your devils to assert your sacred status as victims.

The PPP under Jagdeo and Ramoutar will be remembered for sharing milk, phantomizing the wicked afc/pnc freedom fighters and bringing unprecedented progress to the nation after decades of suffering under Jagan, Burnham and Hoyte. 


If blacks try what the did in agricola and linden in any other part of the world, they would all be dead. Only in Guyana this type of tolerance for destruction is displayed.

They will be remembered as uber crooks. If they shared milk it was among kindred. Hoyte regime was not a bad one even if he stole his way into power.


Guyana is to blacks as the Ukraine is to Ukrainians or Spain is to the Spanish. I do not know why protesting here is any more special that they cannot do what is their right. I suggest you use your GoogleFu to examine what happened in spain and Greece. Note no one shot live ammunition at these people even though their protests were over an extended period and country wide.

You and other PPP detractors will remember them as you will, however history will be another story. When you people had the opportunity to prove corruption, you ran away from the debates.


Blacks in Guyana are handled with kids gloves. They burn, loot and kill with impunity because the PPP are weak and depend on a pnc/afc run armed services to enforce the laws. The phantomizing by Jagdeo and company was the best offense they ever had.

 You and the PPP are as jaybirds. One does not go to a forum to prove corruotion. One asks those suspected of corrupt practices to validate their management of the states assets by providing to the regulatory bodies the required statements of debits and credits. I think any fool know that is the usual measure of how money balances out in an enterprise. To debate the issue is for fools like you.


The kind of pernicious demagoguery and coded racist messages  about blacks looting and burning  encouraged by the PPP and practiced by their  will not salvage them from the understanding that they are savagely corrupt. This is a strategy of arguing the reasonableness of reprehensible ideas and even among the most gullible it still stinks as racism by benighted bigots.Avarice driven by a compunction to treat the state assets as private property has undermined that faith even among their following of loyal sheep

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 You and the PPP are as jaybirds. One does not go to a forum to prove corruotion. One asks those suspected of corrupt practices to validate their management of the states assets by providing to the regulatory bodies the required statements of debits and credits. I think any fool know that is the usual measure of how money balances out in an enterprise. To debate the issue is for fools like you.


The kind of pernicious demagoguery and coded racist messages  about blacks looting and burning  encouraged by the PPP and practiced by their  will not salvage them from the understanding that they are savagely corrupt. This is a strategy of arguing the reasonableness of reprehensible ideas and even among the most gullible it still stinks as racism by benighted bigots.Avarice driven by a compunction to treat the state assets as private property has undermined that faith even among their following of loyal sheep

Your braying of corruption is unjustified as your leaders ran away from the corruption debates. I can't think of a more transparent forum than a public debates for the airing out of issues. In the US this is the norm, this is why political candidates debate each other in a public forum rather than hide behind a newspaper owned by a hardened criminal. Why do you think the afc/pnc bandits ran away from the debates? Let me refresh your conveniently forgetful memory, when the afc/pnc bandits started their accusations and the PPP rebutted, it was licks like peas and they opposition began to appear foolish to the public. It was a public relation tactic to withdraw from the debates. The blows were too much and exposed their incompetence. I don't doubt that their is corruption in the PPP, however the afc/pnc failed to expose it when they had a wonderful opportunity on NCN. They ran with their tail between their legs back to the safety of the dirt rag Kaiteur and Stabroek, where they can hurl accusations without the need for proof.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 You and the PPP are as jaybirds. One does not go to a forum to prove corruotion. One asks those suspected of corrupt practices to validate their management of the states assets by providing to the regulatory bodies the required statements of debits and credits. I think any fool know that is the usual measure of how money balances out in an enterprise. To debate the issue is for fools like you.


The kind of pernicious demagoguery and coded racist messages  about blacks looting and burning  encouraged by the PPP and practiced by their  will not salvage them from the understanding that they are savagely corrupt. This is a strategy of arguing the reasonableness of reprehensible ideas and even among the most gullible it still stinks as racism by benighted bigots.Avarice driven by a compunction to treat the state assets as private property has undermined that faith even among their following of loyal sheep

Your braying of corruption is unjustified as your leaders ran away from the corruption debates. I can't think of a more transparent forum than a public debates for the airing out of issues. In the US this is the norm, this is why political candidates debate each other in a public forum rather than hide behind a newspaper owned by a hardened criminal. Why do you think the afc/pnc bandits ran away from the debates? Let me refresh your conveniently forgetful memory, when the afc/pnc bandits started their accusations and the PPP rebutted, it was licks like peas and they opposition began to appear foolish to the public. It was a public relation tactic to withdraw from the debates. The blows were too much and exposed their incompetence. I don't doubt that their is corruption in the PPP, however the afc/pnc failed to expose it when they had a wonderful opportunity on NCN. They ran with their tail between their legs back to the safety of the dirt rag Kaiteur and Stabroek, where they can hurl accusations without the need for proof.

You do not debate corruption. You demand a balance sheet as per the law and if those whose duty it is to present such declines of obfuscates one asks why. When this is repeated one sees that it assumes the character of habit. When that is accompanied with rapid rise to fat cat status the conclusion is inevitable. The PPP are pernicious crooks.


I do not know the paper is owned by a hardened criminal or not. You evidence can be the of the same flavor of the one that insists I am a white man or that I am a dollar store clerk. You do have an aptitude for fantastic inventions.



Originally Posted by Danyael:

You do not debate corruption. You demand a balance sheet as per the law and if those whose duty it is to present such declines of obfuscates one asks why. When this is repeated one sees that it assumes the character of habit. When that is accompanied with rapid rise to fat cat status the conclusion is inevitable. The PPP are pernicious crooks.


I do not know the paper is owned by a hardened criminal or not. You evidence can be the of the same flavor of the one that insists I am a white man or that I am a dollar store clerk. You do have an aptitude for fantastic inventions.



As the NCN debates revealed, the opposition were making unsubstantiated accusations. Whatever document they demanded were provided, and more. Maybe you should reprimand the afc/pnc for not being properly prepared  when they agreed to debate the PPP on NCN. Maybe they should enlist your help, a white man with little knowledge of Guyana, to solicit the documents you claim are crooked. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You do not debate corruption. You demand a balance sheet as per the law and if those whose duty it is to present such declines of obfuscates one asks why. When this is repeated one sees that it assumes the character of habit. When that is accompanied with rapid rise to fat cat status the conclusion is inevitable. The PPP are pernicious crooks.


I do not know the paper is owned by a hardened criminal or not. You evidence can be the of the same flavor of the one that insists I am a white man or that I am a dollar store clerk. You do have an aptitude for fantastic inventions.



As the NCN debates revealed, the opposition were making unsubstantiated accusations. Whatever document they demanded were provided, and more. Maybe you should reprimand the afc/pnc for not being properly prepared  when they agreed to debate the PPP on NCN. Maybe they should enlist your help, a white man with little knowledge of Guyana, to solicit the documents you claim are crooked. 

Silly man, an agreement to attend a public forum to speak to the matter is not a definitive assessment of the facts. That can only arise if the PPP followed the protocol and explained why many of the states assets ended up in the hands of their friends and family.


Were I a member of the opposition with influence I would not agree that they participate in such a useless exercise. How could we know the circumstance where Brassington, the agent for the state acts as the agent of his brother to shift state assets to his brother except if we see the paper trail.


That the textile factory and its assets ended up in the hands of Jagdeo friend is also another point in question. The nature of the financial transaction and decision making process that allowed PPP party members to group themselves in a high priced enclave, while odious, can only be explained in detain with a display of paper work.


As previously stated if it walks, waddles and quacks is not a platypus. If state assets predictably end up in the hands of friends and family of the PPP it is definitely not on account of their astute financial acumen...thievery is definitely in the mix

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
I don't doubt that their is corruption in the PPP, however the afc/pnc failed to expose it when they had a wonderful opportunity on NCN. They ran with their tail between their legs back to the safety of the dirt rag Kaiteur and Stabroek, where they can hurl accusations without the need for proof.

Worldwide, corruption exists in all political parties and organizations.


The PNC cum AFC opposition political group indeed has missed various opportunities to address the issues in the open process for the Guyanese public.


While indeed the PPP/C has faults, it is still the best political organization which will continue; for a long time; to win the elections and form the Government.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
I don't doubt that their is corruption in the PPP, however the afc/pnc failed to expose it when they had a wonderful opportunity on NCN. They ran with their tail between their legs back to the safety of the dirt rag Kaiteur and Stabroek, where they can hurl accusations without the need for proof.

Worldwide, corruption exists in all political parties and organizations.


The PNC cum AFC opposition political group indeed has missed various opportunities to address the issues in the open process for the Guyanese public.


While indeed the PPP/C has faults, it is still the best political organization which will continue; for a long time; to win the elections and form the Government.

You are such a genius! The PPP running the store and you are asking the customer to explain their financial dealings!

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
I don't doubt that their is corruption in the PPP, however the afc/pnc failed to expose it when they had a wonderful opportunity on NCN. They ran with their tail between their legs back to the safety of the dirt rag Kaiteur and Stabroek, where they can hurl accusations without the need for proof.

Worldwide, corruption exists in all political parties and organizations.


The PNC cum AFC opposition political group indeed has missed various opportunities to address the issues in the open process for the Guyanese public.


While indeed the PPP/C has faults, it is still the best political organization which will continue; for a long time; to win the elections and form the Government.

You are such a genius! The PPP running the store and you are asking the customer to explain their financial dealings!

Perhaps the customer - PNC cum AFC hoping to become the government - indeed have little or no knowledge of ongoing government issues and are vociferously bellowing nonsense.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
I don't doubt that their is corruption in the PPP, however the afc/pnc failed to expose it when they had a wonderful opportunity on NCN. They ran with their tail between their legs back to the safety of the dirt rag Kaiteur and Stabroek, where they can hurl accusations without the need for proof.

Worldwide, corruption exists in all political parties and organizations.


The PNC cum AFC opposition political group indeed has missed various opportunities to address the issues in the open process for the Guyanese public.


While indeed the PPP/C has faults, it is still the best political organization which will continue; for a long time; to win the elections and form the Government.

You are such a genius! The PPP running the store and you are asking the customer to explain their financial dealings!

Perhaps the customer - PNC cum AFC hoping to become the government - indeed have little or no knowledge of ongoing government issues and are vociferously bellowing nonsense.

I guess gimpex U is an accredited economic institute and it turned out sheer genius that we see not leeching off the state.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
I don't doubt that their is corruption in the PPP, however the afc/pnc failed to expose it when they had a wonderful opportunity on NCN. They ran with their tail between their legs back to the safety of the dirt rag Kaiteur and Stabroek, where they can hurl accusations without the need for proof.

Worldwide, corruption exists in all political parties and organizations.


The PNC cum AFC opposition political group indeed has missed various opportunities to address the issues in the open process for the Guyanese public.


While indeed the PPP/C has faults, it is still the best political organization which will continue; for a long time; to win the elections and form the Government.

You are such a genius! The PPP running the store and you are asking the customer to explain their financial dealings!

Perhaps the customer - PNC cum AFC hoping to become the government - indeed have little or no knowledge of ongoing government issues and are vociferously bellowing nonsense.

I guess gimpex U is an accredited economic institute and it turned out sheer genius that we see not leeching off the state.

Your point is ... Honourable Danyael?

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You do not debate corruption. You demand a balance sheet as per the law and if those whose duty it is to present such declines of obfuscates one asks why. When this is repeated one sees that it assumes the character of habit. When that is accompanied with rapid rise to fat cat status the conclusion is inevitable. The PPP are pernicious crooks.


I do not know the paper is owned by a hardened criminal or not. You evidence can be the of the same flavor of the one that insists I am a white man or that I am a dollar store clerk. You do have an aptitude for fantastic inventions.



As the NCN debates revealed, the opposition were making unsubstantiated accusations. Whatever document they demanded were provided, and more. Maybe you should reprimand the afc/pnc for not being properly prepared  when they agreed to debate the PPP on NCN. Maybe they should enlist your help, a white man with little knowledge of Guyana, to solicit the documents you claim are crooked. 

Silly man, an agreement to attend a public forum to speak to the matter is not a definitive assessment of the facts. That can only arise if the PPP followed the protocol and explained why many of the states assets ended up in the hands of their friends and family.


Were I a member of the opposition with influence I would not agree that they participate in such a useless exercise. How could we know the circumstance where Brassington, the agent for the state acts as the agent of his brother to shift state assets to his brother except if we see the paper trail.


That the textile factory and its assets ended up in the hands of Jagdeo friend is also another point in question. The nature of the financial transaction and decision making process that allowed PPP party members to group themselves in a high priced enclave, while odious, can only be explained in detain with a display of paper work.


As previously stated if it walks, waddles and quacks is not a platypus. If state assets predictably end up in the hands of friends and family of the PPP it is definitely not on account of their astute financial acumen...thievery is definitely in the mix

Don't waste your breath with these retarded PPP supporter will never accept that they are corrupted. They are now calling on Transparency International to "debate" their methodology, sources used by  to arrive at Guyana’s CPI ranking....






Originally Posted by Danyael:

Silly man, an agreement to attend a public forum to speak to the matter is not a definitive assessment of the facts. That can only arise if the PPP followed the protocol and explained why many of the states assets ended up in the hands of their friends and family.


Were I a member of the opposition with influence I would not agree that they participate in such a useless exercise. How could we know the circumstance where Brassington, the agent for the state acts as the agent of his brother to shift state assets to his brother except if we see the paper trail.


That the textile factory and its assets ended up in the hands of Jagdeo friend is also another point in question. The nature of the financial transaction and decision making process that allowed PPP party members to group themselves in a high priced enclave, while odious, can only be explained in detain with a display of paper work.


As previously stated if it walks, waddles and quacks is not a platypus. If state assets predictably end up in the hands of friends and family of the PPP it is definitely not on account of their astute financial acumen...thievery is definitely in the mix


Hiding behind Kaiteur, hurling accusation via shoddy journalism is not an assessment of the facts either. In fact the public forum giving both sides the opportunity to rebut the others accusations has always been the best forum in the world to present charges to the public. This is why dummy, we have public debates in the US whenever officials are running for office, from the presidency all the way down to the state level.


If shyte had wings it would fly also. The fact is, you as a Howard graduate with substandard education and thought process. Like Kaiteur, you jump to erroneous conclusions, slander women(Manikchand, Dr Chehil, Venessa Narine). Even the evil opposition in Guyana would reject a dimwit like you as you would further damage their already damaged image.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


Hiding behind Kaiteur, hurling accusation via shoddy journalism is not an assessment of the facts either. In fact the public forum giving both sides the opportunity to rebut the others accusations has always been the best forum in the world to present charges to the public. This is why dummy, we have public debates in the US whenever officials are running for office, from the presidency all the way down to the state level.


If shyte had wings it would fly also. The fact is, you as a Howard graduate with substandard education and thought process. Like Kaiteur, you jump to erroneous conclusions, slander women(Manikchand, Dr Chehil, Venessa Narine). Even the evil opposition in Guyana would reject a dimwit like you as you would further damage their already damaged image.

I am at a loss to comprehend your suggestion that anyone is hiding behind keiteurnews. But you rabid PPP shills are apt to rattle off any of a number of abject nonsense in an attempt to avoid a head on intellectual discussion.


Again, a public forum is to speak of general things. The state of the nations affairs are not secured by public forums. These are to air the issues after they were detailed in the nations parliament.


The PPP has consistently avoided a standard accounting report on all of the nations business. Apparently only those crooks in office are to see the details since explaining them will set to big a fire under their asses.


And fool, point out to me one forum you know of that was aired on TV where the accounting for US misspending was analyzed and determined to be finalized.   Congress sets up commissions or hold independent hearings on these issues. They are not settled on TV. Further, there are over sight committees everywhere where that is discussed. Get it, you alone believe these people are not stealing us blind.


As for your ignorant attempt to derail the discussions with lies; I will not entertain you. Priya is a plump thing so if you are her Sir Galahad here and feel her sensibilities are aggrieved if the truth be told; be my guest. It will not make her unplump. The other issue is your own personal need for a crutch. I cannot for the life of me see where I insulted the lady

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I guess gimpex U is an accredited economic institute and it turned out sheer genius that we see not leeching off the state.

You seem confused about Ramo's biography. I am no fan of the man but your vile towards him is unjustified. It happens that we attended the same primary school. You take 9 years of his work history(1966 to 1975) and define the man. This is unfair.

Here, let me educate you so you will have a point of reference for future ramblings:

Mr Ramotar was born in Guyana, South America on the 22ndOctober, 1950 in the village of Caria Caria (in the county of Essequibo) on the Essequibo River, to Mr Sam Ramotar and Ms Olive Constantine.  His father was a Timber Grant operator and his mother a housewife.  He is the fourth of nine children.
An economist by training, Mr Ramotar, received his primary education at Caria Caria Congregational School and the St. Andrews Primary School in Georgetown, the Capital City.  He later pursued studies at the Government Technical Institute and went on to become a graduate of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Guyana.  Mr Ramotar also pursued studies in the Former Soviet Union.
Mr Ramotar began his working career on his father’s Timber Grant, after which he worked at the Guyana Import and Export Co. Ltd. (GIMPEX) the commercial arm of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) between 1966 and 1975.   In 1975 he was appointed to be the Manager of Freedom House, the Party’s Headquarters, a position which he held for eight years.  From 1983 to 1988, he served as a member of the Editorial Council of the magazine “Problems of Peace and Socialism”.  He also served as the International Secretary of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union (GAWU) between 1988 and 1993.
Having joined the PPP in 1967, he has been in the Party’s leadership since 1979 after his election to the Central Committee of the Party.  Mr Ramotar became a member of the Executive Committee of the Party in 1983 and assumed the position of Executive Secretary one year after the PPP/Civic was elected to form the Government in 1992.  He became the General Secretary of the Party in March 1997 after the death of the then General Secretary Dr Cheddi Jagan, and retains that position today.   Mr Ramotar has had extensive experience within the party and has represented the party on numerous occasions overseas.
Mr Ramotar has published a number of articles in the local Newspapers and he was a regular columnist for the Mirror Newspaper a publication of the People’s Progressive Party.  He has served on Corporate Boards, and was also a member of the African Caribbean and Pacific – European Union (ACP-EU) Joint Parliamentary Assembly and served as the Vice President and a Bureau Member of that Organisation.  Mr Ramotar has been a member of Guyana’s Parliament since 1992.

Mr Ramotar is married to Mrs Deolatchmee Ramotar and is the father of three children.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I guess gimpex U is an accredited economic institute and it turned out sheer genius that we see not leeching off the state.

You seem confused about Ramo's biography. I am no fan of the man but your vile towards him is unjustified. It happens that we attended the same primary school. You take 9 years of his work history(1966 to 1975) and define the man. This is unfair.

Here, let me educate you so you will have a point of reference for future ramblings:



You may presume the intellect to educate others but that is a swell headedness of a fool. 


The man never managed a the sale of eggs from a hen house so any exaltation of his supreme capacity for the job is farcical. His lack of consolidating any of what are key elements of leadership since in office is also illustrative of his role as a party hack. We have the same bench warming lot in office being recycled like old baggage and the only reason for that is the administration is a formalized scheme composed of a den of entrenched crooks.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I am at a loss to comprehend your suggestion that anyone is hiding behind keiteurnews. But you rabid PPP shills are apt to rattle off any of a number of abject nonsense in an attempt to avoid a head on intellectual discussion.


Again, a public forum is to speak of general things. The state of the nations affairs are not secured by public forums. These are to air the issues after they were detailed in the nations parliament.


The PPP has consistently avoided a standard accounting report on all of the nations business. Apparently only those crooks in office are to see the details since explaining them will set to big a fire under their asses.


And fool, point out to me one forum you know of that was aired on TV where the accounting for US misspending was analyzed and determined to be finalized.   Congress sets up commissions or hold independent hearings on these issues. They are not settled on TV. Further, there are over sight committees everywhere where that is discussed. Get it, you alone believe these people are not stealing us blind.


As for your ignorant attempt to derail the discussions with lies; I will not entertain you. Priya is a plump thing so if you are her Sir Galahad here and feel her sensibilities are aggrieved if the truth be told; be my guest. It will not make her unplump. The other issue is your own personal need for a crutch. I cannot for the life of me see where I insulted the lady

It is not surprising that you find yourself lost and confused, a Howard education does have this effect.  


You see in a public forum all is exposed for the world to see, no conniving behind strategic opinions and innuendos void of the burden of proof. I suggest that you folks do a better job of your homework before rushing to conclusions. I am all for exposing govt if they are crooked, but you and the people you support are doing a pisspoor job of this task. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I am at a loss to comprehend your suggestion that anyone is hiding behind keiteurnews. But you rabid PPP shills are apt to rattle off any of a number of abject nonsense in an attempt to avoid a head on intellectual discussion.


Again, a public forum is to speak of general things. The state of the nations affairs are not secured by public forums. These are to air the issues after they were detailed in the nations parliament.


The PPP has consistently avoided a standard accounting report on all of the nations business. Apparently only those crooks in office are to see the details since explaining them will set to big a fire under their asses.


And fool, point out to me one forum you know of that was aired on TV where the accounting for US misspending was analyzed and determined to be finalized.   Congress sets up commissions or hold independent hearings on these issues. They are not settled on TV. Further, there are over sight committees everywhere where that is discussed. Get it, you alone believe these people are not stealing us blind.


As for your ignorant attempt to derail the discussions with lies; I will not entertain you. Priya is a plump thing so if you are her Sir Galahad here and feel her sensibilities are aggrieved if the truth be told; be my guest. It will not make her unplump. The other issue is your own personal need for a crutch. I cannot for the life of me see where I insulted the lady

It is not surprising that you find yourself lost and confused, a Howard education does have this effect.  


You see in a public forum all is exposed for the world to see, no conniving behind strategic opinions and innuendos void of the burden of proof. I suggest that you folks do a better job of your homework before rushing to conclusions. I am all for exposing govt if they are crooked, but you and the people you support are doing a pisspoor job of this task. 

Quit the self approbation of your aptitude to whip anyone. That exists in your head and nowhere else. As I said, before you can rattle off about Howard, let us know of the illustrious institution that produced you. I am sure even if it is in the bottom ten of American colleges they would be ashamed of their progeny. You are, sir, a profound ass. What is not clear to you is certainly clear to others. My response was a point counter point to you stupid assertions.





Last edited by Former Member

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