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The Royal Visit of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip to British Guiana in 1966.

Queen Elizabeth II has just celebrated the 60th year as a monarch. Here we show a short film of her visit to British Guiana in early 1966:

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This item is shot in Technicolor. British Guiana (Guyana).Various shots of the Orinduik Falls in British Guiana. Several shots of large sugar plantation with men working on it. Several long shots of a village, Dogs, chicken, monkeys etc.Several shots of Georgetown, the capital of British Guiana. Royal yacht Britannia in harbour.

Close up shot of Royal Standard. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, arriving on shore and are greeted by the Governor Sir Richard Luyt and wife. Press taking photographs. Several dignitaries presented to the Queen. Queen and Duke driving in the open car through crowded streets, people cheering loudly.

Queen and Prince Philip waving from the balcony of Parliament building. Mass crowd cheering.Queen and Prince Philip unveil portraits of themselves in legislative chamber, dignitaries looking on. Queen and Prince Philip driving in the open car to Promenade Gardens, large crowd cheering.

Various shots of the Queen meeting various dignitaries and their wives at the party at Promenade Gardens.

Train arriving to station in the village of Plaisance, large crowd cheering. Queen, Duke and Prime Minster leaving the train. Calypso band playing. Queen and Duke leaving on the train, they wave, crowd waving and cheering.

Queen Elizabeth in British Guiana, 1966

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Originally posted by Cher:

At vreen en hoop stelling at the back where those big buses use to park had the old trains on the track still...well when I left Guyana. Use to play on it while mom was shopping. Big Grin

I walked on the train tracks everyday to was fun

Then I moved to Berbice and saw a locomotive carry sugar at Blairmont and was like whoa! a train Big Grin

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