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@Django posted:


Two and half term Former President Bharat Jagdeo ,sworn in as Vice President on August 2,2020 .

Guyana Constitution allows for an individual to service two terms as president.

Indeed, an individual can serve two terms as president of Guyana.

While Bharrat Jagdeo is currently a Vice President, there are no indications that he will become President of Guyana.

The succession to the president position is the Prime Minister.

@Ramakant-P posted:

How many times you want to be told.  There is a loophole in the constitution that allows a former President to become vice president.

In the PPP constitution, the Prime Minister cannot become or act as the President because he or she is chosen from the CICIC side of the party.

Shut you chupid mouth---you know less than nothing about the constitution.   You simply regurgitate  phrases you find on Goolge.

@Former Member posted:

Hypocrite Django, how does your heading reflect the content you posted.

 You persecuted posters like Dave and others and changed their headings to reflect the lead article claiming that’s the new standard under Kabaka Django, then you blatantly violated your own standard. 

You are typical PNC gangster mindset, not even sanctimonious!

Always getting hysterical ,the first post  and heading is my creation  ,excepting the picture of the diplomats taken from an article in Stabroek News.

I am not interested in past members ,that like talking name. Watch the words when addressing the Admin.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Hypocrite Django, how does your heading reflect the content you posted.  You persecuted posters like Dave and others and changed their headings to reflect the lead article claiming that’s the new standard under Kabaka Django, then you blatantly violated your own standard. 

You are typical PNC gangster mindset, not even sanctimonious!

Why are calling the owner and Admin a hypocrite? This is beyond raas paas. You should be banned.

You are wrong about your assertions /analogy concerning Dave et al.

Last edited by Mitwah
@Django posted:

Defenders of Democracy and Dictatorship ,they got their man let's see if he will deliver.

Sit back and relax and watch what President Irfaan will do. He's well aware of the high expectations and challenges of his new job and he's not notorious for making false promises. His chief task is to ensure that the PPP/C Manifesto plans are executed and accomplished. I shall assess his performance on that basis.

@Former Member posted:

Sit back and relax and watch what President Irfaan will do. He's well aware of the high expectations and challenges of his new job and he's not notorious for making false promises. His chief task is to ensure that the PPP/C Manifesto plans are executed and accomplished. I shall assess his performance on that basis.

He can't be his own man ,VP Jagdeo calling the shots. Hope they deliver on the promises or Uncle Sam will cut them down .I mentioned their are something bigger than what the common man knows.

@Django posted:

Doesn't exist .

It's a form of principle which the Indo Guyanese fearless leader doesn't have. Everyone knows he will lead the pack .

I have no problem with that. Jagdeo is an efficient, effective and experienced administrator. He will be a great asset to President Irfaan Ali's team just as he already proved to be a godsend to the PPP/C.

@kp posted:

Django don't be so bitter, give it a break and yes the PPP in government.

 I am sure you have some Indian family in Guyana, they are very happy with the victory, you are in Cunny, US enjoy Trump good living. What you have to lose????

Not bitter bhai ,i know what leadership qualities Guyana needs ,not a bunch of kleptocrats .

@Former Member posted:

I have no problem with that. Jagdeo is an efficient, effective and experienced administrator. He will be a great asset to President Irfaan Ali's team just as he already proved to be a godsend to the PPP/C.

I heard that there were some very talented people in the AFC. Imagine how beneficial they could have been to the Granger government had he not sidelined them in favor of his PNC paramountcy. 


Bai, I remember how Baseman used to warn Carib about PNC shoving aside the AFC but he insisted that AFC brought nothing to the table.

The racist PNC and Granger destroyed his coalition by raping the AFC and stripping them of any real power. That was PNC's fatal mistake. Had AFC push back, it would have benefited both parties but Granger's obsession with power and stripping Kulies of power was his ultimate downfall.

PNC will NEVER govern again, they are no different than AFC dead meat.

Smaller parties will split the Black votes. 

Last edited by Former Member

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