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@Mitwah posted:

So why does Guyana need a Vice President?

Dey meking the same mistakes all over again. The country has a constitution and the PPP has its own constitution.

Suh really, there isn't a country. Only the Party. Dey use to complain about PNC paramountcy.

I know we are not going to build anything, we juss goan operate like a cake-shop, cream off the profits and pocket it.   

@seignet posted:

Dey meking the same mistakes all over again. The country has a constitution and the PPP has its own constitution.

Suh really, there isn't a country. Only the Party. Dey use to complain about PNC paramountcy.

I know we are not going to build anything, we juss goan operate like a cake-shop, cream off the profits and pocket it.   

You are so naive.  With all the things the PPP did for this country, you are so brazen and so? what the heck?  What the hell do you know about running a country?

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are so naive.  With all the things the PPP did for this country, you are so brazen and so? what the heck?  What the hell do you know about running a country?

You know them things you enjoy living in Canada, well dem same things I expect from any Guyanese government. The PPP perhaps patch up things, not to say the PNC was any better. Dem din do anything to build like I see in the West. I enjoy good things and good standard of living, a well ran country makes it possible for every citizen and I enjoy it in Canada. Suh, maybe I know how to.

I wonder about Jagdeo and Irfaan, how much dey know bout running a country. Crime increased, corruption increased, lawlessness increased even by ministers-the last time they had a government .

@Former Member posted:

Siggy is losing his marbles ?

nah. I expect good things to happen even being forced by external expectations. I want to see Asian Style development, multi-laned highways, manicured gardens, brand new government buildings, industrial parks, full employment, urban & rural planning, water water everywhere. I want to see Singapore in South America. We have plenty money, enough to tempt even the most honest, imagine how the corrupt will be tempted.

@seignet posted:

nah. I expect good things to happen even being forced by external expectations. I want to see Asian Style development, multi-laned highways, manicured gardens, brand new government buildings, industrial parks, full employment, urban & rural planning, water water everywhere. I want to see Singapore in South America. We have plenty money, enough to tempt even the most honest, imagine how the corrupt will be tempted.

You forget the Moon and the Stars.  One day at a time.

@seignet posted:

You know them things you enjoy living in Canada, well dem same things I expect from any Guyanese government. The PPP perhaps patch up things, not to say the PNC was any better. Dem din do anything to build like I see in the West. I enjoy good things and good standard of living, a well ran country makes it possible for every citizen and I enjoy it in Canada. Suh, maybe I know how to.

I wonder about Jagdeo and Irfaan, how much dey know bout running a country. Crime increased, corruption increased, lawlessness increased even by ministers-the last time they had a government .

Jagdeo and Ali are not responsible for the anarchy of your mind.

Jagdeo ran the country for 12 1/2 years. He completed over 3000 projects and he will do it again. So stop trying to pretend that you are stupid and give the boys a break from your pathetic bytching.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Jagdeo and Ali are not responsible for the anarchy of your mind.

Jagdeo ran the country for 12 1/2 years. He completed over 3000 projects and he will do it again. So stop trying to pretend that you are stupid and give the boys a break from your pathetic bytching.

He gave us the Skeldon Factory and the 3000 projects were get rich schemes for his cronies.

@seignet posted:

You know them things you enjoy living in Canada, well dem same things I expect from any Guyanese government. The PPP perhaps patch up things, not to say the PNC was any better. Dem din do anything to build like I see in the West. I enjoy good things and good standard of living, a well ran country makes it possible for every citizen and I enjoy it in Canada. Suh, maybe I know how to.

I wonder about Jagdeo and Irfaan, how much dey know bout running a country. Crime increased, corruption increased, lawlessness increased even by ministers-the last time they had a government .

You said that they didn't build anything. Go to Guyana and see for yourself the transformation of the country from 1992 to 2015.   Rip Van Winkle slept for 20 years and when he woke up he said he saw great changes. But you didn't see anything because you are bias and blind toward progress and prosperity. During the last 5 years, there was no progress and still, you claimed that there was.  Name one thing they did for Guyana. Don't compare gooseberries to mangoes.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You said that they didn't build anything. Go to Guyana and see for yourself the transformation of the country from 1992 to 2015.   Rip Van Winkle slept for 20 years and when he woke up he said he saw great changes. But you didn't see anything because you are bias and blind toward progress and prosperity. During the last 5 years, there was no progress and still, you claimed that there was.  Name one thing they did for Guyana. Don't compare gooseberries to mangoes.

infrastructures combats lawlessness, peoples minds are changed because they see changes. Why is Guyana a lawlessness country?

@seignet posted:

infrastructures combats lawlessness, peoples minds are changed because they see changes. Why is Guyana a lawlessness country?

The black Police Force didn't do their jobs and that is why 100 police officers were indicted. They refused to go after the so-called Black Freedom fighters. There are laws in Guyana but the black police force didn't know how to uphold them. In the last 5 years, they did nothing to improve the situation.  Today, if they don't do their jobs they are gone, fired. 

The PPP will have to rebuild the infrastructure that the PNC neglected. They will create an atmosphere of trust in order for Overseas Guyanese to come back home and invest in businesses to create jobs and wealth so that we can live in harmony once again under the PPP.


Irfaan will create double of that figure given that the unofficial rate of unemployment under PNC is now standing at 80 percent. 

Imagine Granger told University graduates to go sell foo foo and cook up rice. 

Good thing PNC lost.

Bai, you were on the wrong side of History and your hate for Kulie was crystal clear as you defended the racist thug Granger and his illegal cabal. 

Last edited by Former Member

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