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PPP hands out Face Masks at the Parika Market

A TEAM organised by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) distributed some 325 face masks to citizens at the Parika Market, on Sunday, as part of that party’s efforts to help fight the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

According to party candidate, Deodat Indar, the team was organised by PPP/C Presidential Candidate, Irfaan Ali. In a live Facebook video from the market which was densely populated, Indar lamented that market sellers and buyers were not adhering to the guidelines for social distancing set in place by the government.


Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor

Tola posted:

Is this a discussion forum, or a photo forum ? 

Evidence of charity been given out to people in need. You can have a discussion on the photo if you cares to. 

NOTE: I say "Evidence".. you know what i mean. 

Tola posted:

Is this a discussion forum, or a photo forum ? 

"A picture is worth a thousand words."

by - Fred R. Barnard, who used this phrase for using drawings, images and photographs to illustrate issues.

Last edited by Former Member

"A Picture" is worth a thousand words. So why many pictures. Not that I have a problem showing them giving help even though it is made of cloth which does not work.

Tests were done where patients coughed into petri dishes while wearing cloth masks as well as the ones used in woodworking, droplets were found in the dishes and on the outside of those masks.

Tola posted:

Is this a discussion forum, or a photo forum ? 

Ow Tola, as an international photographer you must know the popular saying: "a picture is worth a thousand words."

We post verbal stuff here as discussion starters. Why can't pictures be a discussion starter?

Dave's photos beg the question: is APNU+AFC distributing free masks to citizens as the PPP/C is doing? If so, me want fo see de fotos.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

"A Picture" is worth a thousand words. So why many pictures. Not that I have a problem showing them giving help even though it is made of cloth which does not work.

Tests were done where patients coughed into petri dishes while wearing cloth masks as well as the ones used in woodworking, droplets were found in the dishes and on the outside of those masks.

Every picture carries a message... have a open mind. Thank you.


I saw an "interview" with Volda Lawrence last night. In it she did not deny having the COVID 19 results sent to her nor did she deny keeping the results of the late Jaisingh longer than necc. What she said was there is no treatment for COVID 19 implying early results wouldn't have allowed for a treatment. In this she is being extremely, at best, naive, at worst, recklessly murderous. If this is her view why bother to test in the first place. Testing and knowing results as early as possible, allow for 1. treatment using various means including, but not limited to, the unproven chloroquine, if appropriate. 2. testing and knowing results as early as possible, allow for persons who may have been or become contaminated to take necessary action such as quarantine, isolate etc etc. 3. Testing and knowing results allow for specific relief to be brought to specific areas etc etc.
I am no doctor but all of the above just makes sense given all that we have read and heard. I am sure the doctors can tell her better why they both need to test as well as to get those results as early as possible

cain posted:

Read my post above yours Gilly.

Yes, I've read it. Let's do some logical thinking now. Dave posted 14 photos. That's equivalent to 14,000 words.

As you know, some GNI members post short reports and articles here for discussion. But some also post what are called long reads, ie excessively long things. I haven't seen complaints. 

Dave posted:
cain posted:

"A Picture" is worth a thousand words. So why many pictures. Not that I have a problem showing them giving help even though it is made of cloth which does not work.

Tests were done where patients coughed into petri dishes while wearing cloth masks as well as the ones used in woodworking, droplets were found in the dishes and on the outside of those masks.

Every picture carries a message... have a open mind. Thank you.

Open your mind and read mine and realize it's all for naught if these are made of cloth. Sorry my crayons lost their tips and I dont have a sharpener but I am sure anyone can find the info I posted regarding cloth masks.

Gilbakka posted:
cain posted:

Read my post above yours Gilly.

Yes, I've read it. Let's do some logical thinking now. Dave posted 14 photos. That's equivalent to 14,000 words.

As you know, some GNI members post short reports and articles here for discussion. But some also post what are called long reads, ie excessively long things. I haven't seen complaints. 

14000 words saying the same thing, all for naught.

cain posted:
Gilbakka posted:
cain posted:

Read my post above yours Gilly.

Yes, I've read it. Let's do some logical thinking now. Dave posted 14 photos. That's equivalent to 14,000 words.

As you know, some GNI members post short reports and articles here for discussion. But some also post what are called long reads, ie excessively long things. I haven't seen complaints. 

14000 words saying the same thing, all for naught.

There's another popular saying: "one man's meat is another man's poison." What is "naught" to you is a visual feast to me.

cain posted:
Dave posted:
cain posted:

"A Picture" is worth a thousand words. So why many pictures. Not that I have a problem showing them giving help even though it is made of cloth which does not work.

Tests were done where patients coughed into petri dishes while wearing cloth masks as well as the ones used in woodworking, droplets were found in the dishes and on the outside of those masks.

Every picture carries a message... have a open mind. Thank you.

Open your mind and read mine and realize it's all for naught if these are made of cloth. Sorry my crayons lost their tips and I dont have a sharpener but I am sure anyone can find the info I posted regarding cloth masks.

My mind is opened, yours is still clogged. I guess you do not understand why I highlited that section in your comments and I said, "Every picture carries a message"... it has noting to do with the effectiveness of the cloth masks. 

Lets hope it works for them. A N95 mask is G$3500. and is not available. 

Last edited by Former Member

It is so ironic posters are being criticized for posting pertinent information about Guyana's present situation by forum crawlers who would never post anything of value.

 Better run a Sunday School  and preach Jesus.


Let me be clear. Great these people are trying to be helpful BUT knowing what people are like, they will wear these coverings while strolling through crowded markets, they will feel protected when they are not. It will be like wearing a banana leaf on your pecker instead of a condom then when big belly come, say, a"wondah how Dah ah happen?"


cain posted:

Let me be clear. Great these people are trying to be helpful BUT knowing what people are like, they will wear these coverings while strolling through crowded markets, they will feel protected when they are not. It will be like wearing a banana leaf on your pecker instead of a condom then when big belly come, say, a"wondah how Dah ah happen?"


The  most effective  non medical method to combat this virus   is wearing a face mask. The Chinese  made it mandatory and the government provide free to all residents. 

kp posted:

It is so ironic posters are being criticized for posting pertinent information about Guyana's present situation by forum crawlers who would never post anything of value.

 Better run a Sunday School  and preach Jesus.

Guyana's solution might be more Sunday schools and more people believing what they learn in churches and Mandirs. 


Cain you too funny banna!!!! The long and short of these photographs is a shameless infomercial for the PPP laced with racist overtones. Bai, look how abie a give out free masks to poor Blackman. 

You are wasting your time with these nincompoops explaining the lack of effectiveness of cloth masks and risk that it gives a false sense of protection.  

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
cain posted:

Let me be clear. Great these people are trying to be helpful BUT knowing what people are like, they will wear these coverings while strolling through crowded markets, they will feel protected when they are not. It will be like wearing a banana leaf on your pecker instead of a condom then when big belly come, say, a"wondah how Dah ah happen?"

 The  most effective  non medical method to combat this virus   is wearing a face mask. The Chinese  made it mandatory and the government provide free to all residents. 

Yeh, the same Chinese who made the dam virus you listen to. Trump also said to wear cloth bandanas, sure believe him. I done with yall.

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." MLK Jr.

FC posted:

Cain you too funny banna!!!! The long and short of these photographs is a shameless infomercial for the PPP laced with racist overtones. Bai, look how abie a give out free masks to poor Blackman. 

You are wasting your time with these nincompoops explaining the lack of effectiveness of cloth masks and risk that it gives a false sense of protection.  

I done with these guys. I was not even picking on reasons but being a health practitioner when I see wrong I speak out. Perhaps kp should throw on a bandana and take a stroll around town.

FC posted:

Cain you too funny banna!!!! The long and short of these photographs is a shameless infomercial for the PPP laced with racist overtones. Bai, look how abie a give out free masks to poor Blackman. 

You are wasting your time with these nincompoops explaining the lack of effectiveness of cloth masks and risk that it gives a false sense of protection. 

It is a false sense of protection, because the people don't see a solution to  the virus and governments wants the short supply medical and N95 masks for medical personnel. So they feel the people might feel better if they suggest cloth masks. For now, only self isolation and social distancing, with hands washing often,  prevents  the virus.   


Funny how small minds think and operates. If you are going to use cloth masks a whole regimen has to be put in place to take care of them. Otherwise, they will end up spreading the virus and infecting more people. 

But I hear you brother.


isn't a cloth mask  better than nothing... 

Surgeon General Jerome Adams, M.D., M.P.H., recommended simple masks that could be made at home or purchased online. The two city health departments advised using common household items like scarves, bandannas, or other cloth. These reusable, washable items are constructed from materials like cloth scraps, and won’t further stress the supply of medical masks.


FC posted:

Funny how small minds think and operates. If you are going to use cloth masks a whole regimen has to be put in place to take care of them. Otherwise, they will end up spreading the virus and infecting more people. 

But I hear you brother.

I previously posted if this virus catches on at Stabroek or Bourda markets, they might have to lock down all of Guyana. With inadequate medical facilities,  I cant even imagine how many might die. 

Dave posted:

isn't a cloth mask  better than nothing... 

Surgeon General Jerome Adams, M.D., M.P.H., recommended simple masks that could be made at home or purchased online. The two city health departments advised using common household items like scarves, bandannas, or other cloth. These reusable, washable items are constructed from materials like cloth scraps, and won’t further stress the supply of medical masks.


Dave, cloth masks might be better than nothing, but there is no proof that they provide full protection.  

The problem with cloth masks is that it provides a false sense of complete protection and people might feel they don't need to do the other things like self isolation, social distancing and constant hands washing, until its too late. 

Last edited by Tola

@ Tola, rest yourself... them Guyanese surviving with what they can afford and get at this time... it woking fo them. Can you help out in a better way.

Any comment for the picture below.... 

Image may contain: 1 person, text

Dave posted:

@ Tola, rest yourself... them Guyanese surviving with what they can afford and get at this time... it woking fo them. Can you help out in a better way.

Any comment for the picture below.... 

Image may contain: 1 person, text

Read my reply on ' All C-19 test results goes straight to VL....'

Tola posted:
Dave posted:

isn't a cloth mask  better than nothing... 

Surgeon General Jerome Adams, M.D., M.P.H., recommended simple masks that could be made at home or purchased online. The two city health departments advised using common household items like scarves, bandannas, or other cloth. These reusable, washable items are constructed from materials like cloth scraps, and won’t further stress the supply of medical masks.


Dave, cloth masks might be better than nothing, but there is no proof that they provide full protection.  

The problem with cloth masks is that it provides a false sense of complete protection and people might feel they don't need to do the other things like self isolation, social distancing and constant hands washing, until its too late. 

So what is your issue?  Einstein, we all know of the measures one should take. No single measure offers totally protection however, together they mitigate the risk substantially.  This goes for masks, cloth of otherwise!

Dave posted:

@ Tola, rest yourself... them Guyanese surviving with what they can afford and get at this time... it woking fo them. Can you help out in a better way.

Any comment for the picture below.... 

Image may contain: 1 person, text

He talk for talk sake!  Maybe it’s estrogen!

Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
Dave posted:

isn't a cloth mask  better than nothing... 

Surgeon General Jerome Adams, M.D., M.P.H., recommended simple masks that could be made at home or purchased online. The two city health departments advised using common household items like scarves, bandannas, or other cloth. These reusable, washable items are constructed from materials like cloth scraps, and won’t further stress the supply of medical masks.


Dave, cloth masks might be better than nothing, but there is no proof that they provide full protection.  

The problem with cloth masks is that it provides a false sense of complete protection and people might feel they don't need to do the other things like self isolation, social distancing and constant hands washing, until its too late. 

So what is your issue?  Einstein, we all know of the measures one should take. No single measure offers totally protection however, together they mitigate the risk substantially.  This goes for masks, cloth of otherwise!

Hea smart man,  some Guyanese in Guyana or even NY/NJ  are not like other North Americans, who understands all about precautions needed to protect them from  the virus.  You give a Guyanese a cloth  mask and dem think nothing can touch them, till dem drop dead.

You ever see a sneeze tests on  a dish with a cloth mask, try it and see what protection they provide.  


That lady is up for some serious criminal charges. She enquired why black ppl would vote for the PPP when they were murdering black folks. Like this wants to use the covid pandemic to kill off Indians. She going to jail as soon as Jagdeo becomes President. 

Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:

Dave, cloth masks might be better than nothing, but there is no proof that they provide full protection.  

The problem with cloth masks is that it provides a false sense of complete protection and people might feel they don't need to do the other things like self isolation, social distancing and constant hands washing, until its too late. 

So what is your issue?  Einstein, we all know of the measures one should take. No single measure offers totally protection however, together they mitigate the risk substantially.  This goes for masks, cloth of otherwise!

Hea smart man,  some Guyanese in Guyana or even NY/NJ  are not like other North Americans, who understands all about precautions needed to protect them from  the virus.  You give a Guyanese a cloth  mask and dem think nothing can touch them, till dem drop dead.

You ever see a sneeze tests on  a dish with a cloth mask, try it and see what protection they provide.  

Again, what’s your point?  Cloth is the simplest item to make into a mask in the absence of more professional medical grade!  Here people are using scarves or anything else.

What you should question is why Volda creating unnecessary bottlenecks in the process. She does not even have the mandate to do the half job she is doing.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:

Dave, cloth masks might be better than nothing, but there is no proof that they provide full protection.  

The problem with cloth masks is that it provides a false sense of complete protection and people might feel they don't need to do the other things like self isolation, social distancing and constant hands washing, until its too late. 

So what is your issue?  Einstein, we all know of the measures one should take. No single measure offers totally protection however, together they mitigate the risk substantially.  This goes for masks, cloth of otherwise!

Hea smart man,  some Guyanese in Guyana or even NY/NJ  are not like other North Americans, who understands all about precautions needed to protect them from  the virus.  You give a Guyanese a cloth  mask and dem think nothing can touch them, till dem drop dead.

You ever see a sneeze tests on  a dish with a cloth mask, try it and see what protection they provide.  

Again, what’s your point?  Cloth is the simplest item to make into a mask in the absence of more professional medical grade!  Here people are using scarves or anything else.

What you should question is why Volda creating unnecessary bottlenecks in the process. She does not even have the mandate to do the half job she is doing.

Na worries, stay quiet. Me gun ask Bibi you question, cause she smarter dan you and she knows everything.

Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:

Dave, cloth masks might be better than nothing, but there is no proof that they provide full protection.  

The problem with cloth masks is that it provides a false sense of complete protection and people might feel they don't need to do the other things like self isolation, social distancing and constant hands washing, until its too late. 

So what is your issue?  Einstein, we all know of the measures one should take. No single measure offers totally protection however, together they mitigate the risk substantially.  This goes for masks, cloth of otherwise!

Hea smart man,  some Guyanese in Guyana or even NY/NJ  are not like other North Americans, who understands all about precautions needed to protect them from  the virus.  You give a Guyanese a cloth  mask and dem think nothing can touch them, till dem drop dead.

You ever see a sneeze tests on  a dish with a cloth mask, try it and see what protection they provide.  

Again, what’s your point?  Cloth is the simplest item to make into a mask in the absence of more professional medical grade!  Here people are using scarves or anything else.

What you should question is why Volda creating unnecessary bottlenecks in the process. She does not even have the mandate to do the half job she is doing.

Na worries, stay quiet. Me gun ask Bibi you question, cause she smarter dan you and she knows everything.

You are a dirty Old Man haunted to go after a fight. Base should drop your buckta and put lash on your ass.


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