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Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by warrior:

ask skeltonman what he do with guysuco money that he steal



 What he stole is his business. If he worked as a welfare officer...they do not pay six figures there so he is most likely a candidate for welfare if he did not squirrel away half of what he earned for the past 20 years. Getting old in this country is a bitch

Hey Danyaela the sakiwinki birdlady,

I ignore reading your garbage, verbose diatribe.

You educated idiot! Think, you moron!  Not because someone worked in the welfare system, he/she is/was a welfare officer. Where is your logical thinking? You come on this site and want to impress the rest of us with your vocabulary. Granted you do have a rich vocabulary. However, the rest of your skills are worthless. End of conversation.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by warrior:

ask skeltonman what he do with guysuco money that he steal



 What he stole is his business. If he worked as a welfare officer...they do not pay six figures there so he is most likely a candidate for welfare if he did not squirrel away half of what he earned for the past 20 years. Getting old in this country is a bitch

Hey Danyaela the sakiwinki birdlady,

I ignore reading your garbage, verbose diatribe.

You educated idiot! Think, you moron!  Not because someone worked in the welfare system, he/she is/was a welfare officer. Where is your logical thinking? You come on this site and want to impress the rest of us with your vocabulary. Granted you do have a rich vocabulary. However, the rest of your skills are worthless. End of conversation.


What an ass. You are here making claims about me. I care less about you. Further, how do you know any of what I wrote above is true? I could be making the whole thing up. The pont is you do not know.


I wonder who you were trying to impress by saying I am on welfare? Is that not a comparative to insinuate you are high on the hog and I am a loser? I have not once in our interaction insinuated you are lesser than me. You did that with me with every damn post to me to date. So much for being insecure!


Iis the reason I  call you a dalit. I do that to remind you that the category was established to give our ancestors a place an identity in a society where they were shut out. In India, that social category is now a trap and a different layer of oppression. We in Guyana managed to escape that trap. When I see fools like you insinuating that somehow you have achieved status, I call you a dalit to remind you of the social status trap of caste and useless categorization that misses individual worth.


I do not try to impress you with my vocabulary. It is a natural outcome of thinking and expressing thought. Try it. To think you need the tools of thinking. To express thought you need the vocabulary in some language to detail the modes of thought. Further, despite your protestations, the words  used are common place so if you have problem that is not my fault but yours.


My skills? I can list them, I am an engineer, I can fix anything electronic or mechanical; from computer to cars. I can program in lots of languages and being an apt mathematics  I am hired for that capacity to capture different scenarios. My last job was to summarize technical docs and prep oil industry execs and currently, I organize the interface and data collection application to catalog and track fish species( among other things) across the worlds oceans for a private company.


By the way I also paint, I do calligraphy, I make pens, bind books play  a mean guitar and ride off road with the abandon of  a 10 year old. Most of all I am a great parent so I think I got lots of worthy and much in demand skills. What are your skills that you so easily say mine does not matter?


Now go and have a conversation with your self.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Hey Danyaela the sakiwinki birdlady,

Granted you do have a rich vocabulary.


Danny Boy with a rich vocabulary???


It's not what you have or know it's what you DO with it. I get amused at the diction and syntax of Danny Boy because it borders comically on malapropism.

 A thing is what it is or it is not. Malapropisms do not have "close to a malapropism" except for a scalawag like you intending to leave the air with an aroma of something amiss.  Get off your ass and point to one misused word, one errant grammatical or syntactical habit of mine and then you can, with some credibility,  say you are on to something.


As I noted above, when you left your other poison pill;  no one asked you if you forest gumped yourself into your life ( and hopefully it is good) yet you have the audacity to level that at me. Well, grow the hell up and use what you clearly have to express what you think you know. I am eager to learn from your excellent understanding.


Did you remember the meaning of the word circumlocution from the other thread where you deposited another of your bilious snide comments implying its  use was somehow improper? It applies here as well.  Either you have a feather up your ass or is too bloody lazy to truly take me to task for all of these hideous mutilation of the English language you think is evident in what I write.


Do not pretend to be amused with no direct illustration of what you mean. That is the dunce way out. I am looking forward to you helping me improve my writing. I would be community work as well since I do write a lot.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by chameli:

this place gat meladee

som ppl not reading other ppl post but dem know wha go on

gyal, i ent think is de place, it's the people in this place..

Lawd have marcy! some people would never change..some people just born miserable, they live miserable and gonna die miserable. they feel the need to prove that they are better than others..who gives a rat azz????? even asking for others to give about educated jackazz. it's the things that comes out their mouth that makes them a friggin low-life, insecure azzwhole.

Originally Posted by Kari:

deposited another of your bilious snide comments





How pathetic! You truly are a disappointment. I expected a robust defense of your opinion and here you are taking a perfectly good sentence ( minus a comma) and with a pair of non informational smilies pretend you are onto something. One gets the distinct aroma of a performing seal. Save yourself the humiliation and on the next go around, find something real to be critical of. I write a lot so you are not deprived of a rich source for foraging. Get to work.

Originally Posted by Marcy.:
Originally Posted by chameli:

this place gat meladee

som ppl not reading other ppl post but dem know wha go on

gyal, i ent think is de place, it's the people in this place..

Lawd have marcy! some people would never change..some people just born miserable, they live miserable and gonna die miserable. they feel the need to prove that they are better than others..who gives a rat azz????? even asking for others to give about educated jackazz. it's the things that comes out their mouth that makes them a friggin low-life, insecure azzwhole.

Lady, I only get miserable when I come down with a cold. Come to think of it I have not had one in quite some time. So misery is a vague memory.


I never said I was better than anyone. You are again projecting haplessly. As for the education bit; you were the one showing a lacking by calling me ignorant on an issue where you were clearly the errant party.Don't get mad at me for trying to jump farther than you can climb.


I do not need reference. I know exactly who I am; a little bit of an alpha dog, a lot of swagger and a wit to back it up. You got the insecurity bit wrong also. Useless rants will not make it so.


Now go play with your toys.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Kari:

deposited another of your bilious snide comments





How pathetic! You truly are a disappointment. I expected a robust defense of your opinion and here you are taking a perfectly good sentence ( minus a comma) and with a pair of non informational smilies pretend you are onto something. One gets the distinct aroma of a performing seal. Save yourself the humiliation and on the next go around, find something real to be critical of. I write a lot so you are not deprived of a rich source for foraging. Get to work.


a pair of non informational smiles    


the distinct aroma of a performing seal    



The ghost of Prem Misir is alive and kicking!!!!!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Kari:

deposited another of your bilious snide comments





How pathetic! You truly are a disappointment. I expected a robust defense of your opinion and here you are taking a perfectly good sentence ( minus a comma) and with a pair of non informational smilies pretend you are onto something. One gets the distinct aroma of a performing seal. Save yourself the humiliation and on the next go around, find something real to be critical of. I write a lot so you are not deprived of a rich source for foraging. Get to work.


a pair of non informational smiles    


the distinct aroma of a performing seal    



The ghost of Prem Misir is alive and kicking!!!!!

Now you are really being unusually cruel. Misir writes like a clown, is dry as a bone, lacking in rhythm and laced with his particular skill; dubious if not  air-headed philosophical references. And that is not even referencing his attempts at using peculiar statistical strategies as the scaffold for his arguments.  Likening me to him, while truly hurtful, will not get you off the hook for empty headed comments.


Show me the malapropisms, persistent erroneous grammatical and syntactic structures and then we have a conversation going. Otherwise, you are more kindred to that clown misir.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

I know exactly who I am; a little bit of an alpha dog, a lot of swagger and a wit to back it up.


Meh belly ah buss.... mo....had enuff laff for a month...

I could easily imaging you as one of those pot-bellied, rumshop denizens ( I hope you are not), holding your distended gut and laughing raucously. Unfortunately, it would not be because you get the joke but because you were informed you are the butt of a joke.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Marcy.:
Originally Posted by chameli:

this place gat meladee

som ppl not reading other ppl post but dem know wha go on

gyal, i ent think is de place, it's the people in this place..

Lawd have marcy! some people would never change..some people just born miserable, they live miserable and gonna die miserable. they feel the need to prove that they are better than others..who gives a rat azz????? even asking for others to give about educated jackazz. it's the things that comes out their mouth that makes them a friggin low-life, insecure azzwhole.

Lady, I only get miserable when I come down with a cold. Come to think of it I have not had one in quite some time. So misery is a vague memory.


I never said I was better than anyone. You are again projecting haplessly. As for the education bit; you were the one showing a lacking by calling me ignorant on an issue where you were clearly the errant party.Don't get mad at me for trying to jump farther than you can climb.


I do not need reference. I know exactly who I am; a little bit of an alpha dog, a lot of swagger and a wit to back it up. You got the insecurity bit wrong also. Useless rants will not make it so.


Now go play with your toys.

trust me ole man.  That is sooo much more fun and pleasure than reading ur crap.

It seems like i really have to call ask him how big is that stick you have ur up azz.  Gosh! do u  ever smile or have a laff now and then???  Do u even have a sense of humour? are u always this serious? darn!

oh..and PLEASEEEEE  dont reply to each and every question I a matter of fact, dont reply to this period...i beg yuh!

Originally Posted by Marcy.:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Marcy.:
Originally Posted by chameli:

this place gat meladee

som ppl not reading other ppl post but dem know wha go on

gyal, i ent think is de place, it's the people in this place..

Lawd have marcy! some people would never change..some people just born miserable, they live miserable and gonna die miserable. they feel the need to prove that they are better than others..who gives a rat azz????? even asking for others to give about educated jackazz. it's the things that comes out their mouth that makes them a friggin low-life, insecure azzwhole.

Lady, I only get miserable when I come down with a cold. Come to think of it I have not had one in quite some time. So misery is a vague memory.


I never said I was better than anyone. You are again projecting haplessly. As for the education bit; you were the one showing a lacking by calling me ignorant on an issue where you were clearly the errant party.Don't get mad at me for trying to jump farther than you can climb.


I do not need reference. I know exactly who I am; a little bit of an alpha dog, a lot of swagger and a wit to back it up. You got the insecurity bit wrong also. Useless rants will not make it so.


Now go play with your toys.

trust me ole man.  That is sooo much more fun and pleasure than reading ur crap.

It seems like i really have to call ask him how big is that stick you have ur up azz.  Gosh! do u  ever smile or have a laff now and then???  Do u even have a sense of humour? are u always this serious? darn!

oh..and PLEASEEEEE  dont reply to each and every question I a matter of fact, dont reply to this period...i beg yuh!

 Old? you are no primrose so ease up on that plumpie and deal with the real and tangible here.


As one of our philosopher said ( and knowing you will just grasp a glimpse of this) you can either be the good Brahmin or the lady wishing to bathe in the Ganges. To each his own pleasure preference.


I certainly do have a sense of humor. I am getting a hell of a laugh watching you fume over nonsense. I am awaiting the amateur psychological analysis and crude cuss down that is the refuge of the humorousness.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Marcy.:

You don’t need to fill the hole with a new person in order to feel complete.

seems like you are doing awesome, Congratulations! At the end of the day it does not matter what I or anyone else think..

Thank you my dear kalamity   


that is exactly my motto, at de end is wah make me happy 


shhhhh....i goin and look fuh me toy as suggested above   

dem blasted toys i tell ya...I give he one inch, he gimme hmm..enough inches, now he tek a yard 

Originally Posted by Kari:

.....peculiar statistical strategies as the scaffold for his arguments.....


.....the amateur psychological analysis and crude cuss down that is the refuge of the humorousness.....



Oh gaddo laddo.....alyuh spare meh meh belly ah buss.... 


Give this man an Oscar for comedian of all time.....


A GNI icon......

Let me get the picture - you are apparently attempting to convey with these crude guffaws and punctuated creole that there something is inherently amiss in my writing and imagery and you are pure genius!  Sorry- being stuck in a Cro-Magnon literary state may elicit a compulsion to laugh but that is your unfortunate predicament and not mine.


Further, in merely assuming your buffoonery is informative, you laugh at yourself then again, such an inevitable logical conclusion could never arise in your mind.


 BTW- you know well the last word is humorless and not the artifact of auto correction….humorousness. 


you don't say Chami!!


I am thinking that I should feel 31 days we will be celebrating our 38th anniversary!!


but.....some marriages work and some don't.

i have seen it within my own very large family


when it doesn't, for whatever pick yourself up and move on....and if you can do so without the hate and anger and bitterness....then you are far ahead!


As we all do in different situations.....Marcy has done what is best for her.....and I am sure it wasn't an easy decision especially with her kids involved!



Last edited by Villagebelle

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