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In my opinion, Jagdeo was very fair, cooperative and patient when he presented his three lists of candidates for the post of GECOM chairman. Granger behaving like a jackass rejected all of them with a blanket comment about them not being fit and proper. Then he arrogantly and now proving ignorantly appointed a half dead idiot who couldn’t even tell which end of the pen dispenses the ink. Now with his tail between his legs he will have to take one of those candidates or risk the CCJ doing it.

ksazma posted:

In my opinion, Jagdeo was very fair, cooperative and patient when he presented his three lists of candidates for the post of GECOM chairman. Granger behaving like a jackass rejected all of them with a blanket comment about them not being fit and proper. Then he arrogantly and now proving ignorantly appointed a half dead idiot who couldn’t even tell which end of the pen dispenses the ink. Now with his tail between his legs he will have to take one of those candidates or risk the CCJ doing it.

GECOM Chairman – a look at previous lists

January 11, 2017

The issue of the appointment of a new Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission has recently been brought into national focus following the announcement this week by His Excellency, President David Granger that he had found the list of names submitted to him by Opposition Leader Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo to be unacceptable.

The list submitted by Mr. Jagdeo is:

1. Ramesh Dookhoo
2. Lawrence Latchmansingh
3. Maj. Gen. Rtd Norman McLean
4. Christopher Ram
5. Prof. James Rose
6. Rhyaan Shaw

Since the Carter formula was implemented prior to the 1992 elections and subsequently enshrined in the constitution, there have been no prior instances of a President having found the list submitted him to have been unacceptable. We are therefore now in unchartered territory as a nation.

The list submitted by Jagdeo however can be reasonably deemed unusual and noticeably different from those which were previously submitted by opposition leaders which resulted in GECOM Chairmen who presided over General and Regional elections.

In 1991, then Opposition Leader Dr. Cheddi Jagan submitted the following list to then President Desmond Hoyte.

1. Ambassador Rudy Collins
2. Jules DeCambra
3. Joey King
4. Edward Luckhoo
5. Bryn Pollard
6. David Yankana

Ambassador Rudy Collins was named GECOM Chairman by President Hoyte.

In 1995 when the tables had turned the then Opposition Leader Hoyte submitted the following list to then President Dr. Jagan.

1. Justice Rudolph Harper
2. Edward Hopkinson
3. Randolph Kirton
4. Ambassador Charles Liburd
5. Justice James Patterson
6. Doodnauth Singh

Mr. Singh was nominated by Dr. Jagan and sworn in as GECOM Chairman.

In 2000, Mr. Hoyte once again submitted a list to Mr. Jagdeo who had been elevated to the presidency. This list was as follows:

1. Prof. Dennis Craig
2. Harold Davis
3. Dr. Gem Fletcher
4. Brig. David Granger
5. Justice Rudolph Harper
6. Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Joe Singh

Maj. Gen. Singh was named as GECOM Chairman by Mr. Jagdeo.

After the resignation of Maj. Gen. Singh following the March 2001 elections, Opposition Leader Hoyte submitted another list to then President Jagdeo.

This list was identical to the one previously submitted, save for one change – Maj. Gen. Singh’s name was replaced by Dr. Steve Surujbally who was appointed GECOM Chairman by then President Jagdeo.

1. Prof. Dennis Craig
2. Harold Davis
3. Dr. Gem Fletcher
4. Brig. David Granger
5. Justice Rudolph Harper
6. Dr. Steve Surujbally

Justice Harper, a former Chief Justice, puisne judge and Justice of Appeal, features on all three lists submitted by Mr. Hoyte.

In 1991, the list submitted by Dr. Jagan included attorneys-at-law Edward Luckhoo, Bryn Pollard (who is also a former Chief Parliamentary Counsel) and Joey King.

The list submitted by Jagdeo therefore is historic and unusual in that it is the only such list which does not include a former judge or a Senior Counsel who would have been qualified to be appointed as a judge (though it does include the eminent accountant Mr. Ram, who was also admitted to the bar as an attorney-at-law on October 5, 2009).


Here is a refresher.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Long piece of irrelevant CRAP as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The list submitted by Mr. Jagdeo is:

1. Ramesh Dookhoo
2. Lawrence Latchmansingh
3. Maj. Gen. Rtd Norman McLean
4. Christopher Ram
5. Prof. James Rose
6. Rhyaan Shaw


You see nothing wrong with this list ?

I don’t see anything wrong with this list bai. Especially since it included Ram who had just taken Jagdeo to court on a charge of racial something (can’t remember) πŸ˜€



Jagdeo had, last April, submitted to President David Granger a second list of six nominees for the post of Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission.

They are

retired Justice of Appeal BS Roy;

retired Justice William Ramlall;

former Magistrate Oneidge Walrond-Allicock;

Attorneys Kashir Khan

and Nadia Sagar;

and businessman and aircraft Captain Gerald Gouveia.


Third List

1. Major General Joseph Singh;
2. Mr. Teni Housty;
3. Mr. Sanjeev Datadin;
4. Mrs. Annette Arjoon-Martins;
5. Mr. Onesi La Fleur;
6. Mr. Krishnadatt Persaud;

Last edited by Django

The three list of names submitted by Mr. Jagdeo for GECOM Chairman

First List

1. Ramesh Dookhoo
2. Lawrence Latchmansingh
3. Maj. Gen. Rtd Norman McLean
4. Christopher Ram
5. Prof. James Rose
6. Rhyaan Shaw

Second List

1. B.S Roy – Justice of Appeal
2. William Ramlall - Justice
3. Oneidge Walrond-Allicock - Magistrate
4. Kashir Khan - Attorney
5. Nadia Sagar - Attorney
6. Gerry Gouveia - Businessman

Third List

1. Major General Joseph Singh
2. Mr. Teni Housty
3. Mr. Sanjeev Datadin
4. Mrs. Annette Arjoon-Martins
5. Mr. Onesi La Fleur
6. Mr. Krishnadatt Persaud

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:

See Django. Jagdeo in full cooperation submitted candidates who were judges after Granger insisted on such and the fool still rejected them. Now he is screwed as the CCJ whoop his ass. πŸ˜€

Ha..ha.. check some of the names CV, are they impartial ? start striking out see how many left.

You should read what the CCJ said about nominating GECOM Chairman.

Post are the three list above.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

See Django. Jagdeo in full cooperation submitted candidates who were judges after Granger insisted on such and the fool still rejected them. Now he is screwed as the CCJ whoop his ass. πŸ˜€

Ha..ha.. check some of the names CV, are they impartial ? start striking out see how many left.

You should read what the CCJ said about nominating GECOM Chairman.

Post are the three list above.

Bai, Ole man Patterson nah impartial either. Yet Granger said  he was fit and proper. This clearly proves that Granger is not fit and proper. πŸ˜€

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

See Django. Jagdeo in full cooperation submitted candidates who were judges after Granger insisted on such and the fool still rejected them. Now he is screwed as the CCJ whoop his ass. πŸ˜€

Ha..ha.. check some of the names CV, are they impartial ? start striking out see how many left.

You should read what the CCJ said about nominating GECOM Chairman.

Post are the three list above.

Bai, Ole man Patterson nah impartial either. Yet Granger said  he was fit and proper. This clearly proves that Granger is not fit and proper. πŸ˜€

Always got some plaster, do lil work and eliminate the names nuh, some of them got close links to FH.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

See Django. Jagdeo in full cooperation submitted candidates who were judges after Granger insisted on such and the fool still rejected them. Now he is screwed as the CCJ whoop his ass. πŸ˜€

Ha..ha.. check some of the names CV, are they impartial ? start striking out see how many left.

You should read what the CCJ said about nominating GECOM Chairman.

Post are the three list above.

Bai, Ole man Patterson nah impartial either. Yet Granger said  he was fit and proper. This clearly proves that Granger is not fit and proper. πŸ˜€

Always got some plaster, do lil work and eliminate the names nuh, some of them got close links to FH.

Bai, everyone in Guyana has link to some party. Even people in the diaspora have links to parties in Guyana. πŸ˜€

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Long piece of irrelevant CRAP as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The list submitted by Mr. Jagdeo is:

1. Ramesh Dookhoo
2. Lawrence Latchmansingh
3. Maj. Gen. Rtd Norman McLean
4. Christopher Ram
5. Prof. James Rose
6. Rhyaan Shaw


You see nothing wrong with this list ?

Yes Django, I do not agree with the list. I will strike off the name of Maj. GE. Norman McLean because he is a thief man and that makes him a criminal. He practiced this in the 70 & 80s while he was employed in the disciplinary forces, by stripping cars on the East Coast and selling the parts to workshops and dealership. This was so rampant it was beyond one’s imagination. 

The other name I will strike off is Captain Gerry Gouveia who aided by transporting Dr. Walter Rodney’s assasin to the interior where arrangements were made to have him escape from Guyana.

i don’t want to see these two criminals on the list.

In their place, I would like to see the name:

Retired Justice Charles Ramson and Sanjeev Datadin or Justice Navindra Singh.


Dondadda posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Long piece of irrelevant CRAP as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The list submitted by Mr. Jagdeo is:

1. Ramesh Dookhoo
2. Lawrence Latchmansingh
3. Maj. Gen. Rtd Norman McLean
4. Christopher Ram
5. Prof. James Rose
6. Rhyaan Shaw


You see nothing wrong with this list ?

Yes Django, I do not agree with the list. I will strike off the name of Maj. GE. Norman McLean because he is a thief man and that makes him a criminal. He practiced this in the 70 & 80s while he was employed in the disciplinary forces, by stripping cars on the East Coast and selling the parts to workshops and dealership. This was so rampant it was beyond one’s imagination. 

The other name I will strike off is Captain Gerry Gouveia who aided by transporting Dr. Walter Rodney’s assasin to the interior where arrangements were made to have him escape from Guyana.

i don’t want to see these two criminals on the list.

In their place, I would like to see the name:

Retired Justice Charles Ramson and Sanjeev Datadin or Justice Navindra Singh.

You got to be kidding with the two replacement persons, don't know much about Navindra so no comment.

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:

Major General is the MOST qualified of them all so what was his friggin beef???

Nehru, be careful bhai. There are two Maj.Gen being recommended Singh and McLean. He probably meant McLean. Don’t you remember him stripping cars in Lusignan and Success etc. Next morning you see the srap lying in a pasture by Vryheid’s Lust.

Mitwah posted:
Dondadda posted:
Leonora posted:
Mitwah posted:

Davikah, like you gat none common sense?

Who's that, Devika Rani the former Bollywood star?

Leonora, Devika Rani was an old movie star. You know your stuff my friend.

Post her picture nuh! 

Google it nuh man. She born in 1908 and died in 1994. Was married to actor Himanshu Rai and they left then she got married to a Russian painter. Her father was Major.General Chaudhuri. She was the first recipient of the Dada Phalke Award.



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