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Quote by DJ in addressing DrugB. This is shameless, yet he runs and knocks on Admin's door.

Quote from Django:


i am not interested in making more money.I have seen it and contended.

Noticeably you are trolling Django from thread to thread,pasrayiny on the goady,while making your idiotic post from the polluted brain, which became infected by shit water swallowed,trying to accomplish one of your feat."

End of Quote

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yuji22 posted:

Quote by DJ in addressing DrugB. This is shameless yet he runs and knocks on Admin's door.

Quote from Django:


i am not interested in making more money.I have seen it and contended.

Noticeably you are trolling Django from thread to thread,pasrayiny on the goady,while making your idiotic post from the polluted brain, which became infected by shit water swallowed,trying to accomplish one of your feat."

End of Quote

eh eh ....look how de Yugli man tek up fire rage fuh he lova boy Drugb.....LOL

yuji22 posted:

So all you stop crying when it is dished back out.. This election time, man up and stop crying at Admin's doorstep when Cannons are fired back at you.

aw shaddup you effeminate worm! You're the only one starting threads buzing and crying about this. Everyone takes it. I cuss Seignet and he cuss me. Skeldon man duz try fuh cuss me but he duz stammer too much. fu fu fu he asking fuh foo foo. 

Most alyuh hay duss cuss me. So shut yuh lil pouty lips and buzz off. That you are universally hated here shud tell you something about yuhself.

yuji22 posted:


Listen man, you are vile, nasty and mercilessly attack posters and then you and Mitwah run to Admin's door at 4:00 am complaining and whining about personal attacks.

This is election time, be prepared to take it back when you dish it out.


Please Sir,

you claimed to be a religious man,started a thread to expose attacks made by Django.

Don't cop out continue.

Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mitwah and DJ are knocking at Admin's door every day at 4:00 am and start crying when posters dish it out back at them.

I think that Admin should create a Soft Ball Political Forum and Mitwah and DJ should hang out there.

I don't why Admin is allowing your personal Attacks?

The word is KNOW, take a rest ,EH!

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mitwah and DJ are knocking at Admin's door every day at 4:00 am and start crying when posters dish it out back at them.

I think that Admin should create a Soft Ball Political Forum and Mitwah and DJ should hang out there.

I don't know why Admin is allowing your personal Attacks?

The word is KNOW, take a rest ,EH!

I don't know why Admin is allowing your personal Attack eh?

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:


Listen man, you are vile, nasty and mercilessly attack posters and then you and Mitwah run to Admin's door at 4:00 am complaining and whining about personal attacks.

This is election time, be prepared to take it back when you dish it out.


Please Sir,

you claimed to be a religious man,started a thread to expose attacks made by Django.

Don't cop out continue.

I don't get the point of this thread. This Yugli man cussed out a WOMAN (Varshnie Jagdeo) in the most vile manner, insomuch that admin had to delete the thread to prevent charges of defamation. Now he wishes to point out "personal attacks"? I don't get it. Dis Yugli man hold de record.

And lest we forget bretheren, sisteren and in betweeneren, dis is de same Yugli man dat offend most ALL alyuh indian ancestors by calling dem "weeder gang" people and black pat. He nastiness about black people deh in de archives. Dis is de nasty lil racist creature we dealing wid hay.

Suh ah don't know why he bytchin' now. unless he gat he period or something.

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mitwah and DJ are knocking at Admin's door every day at 4:00 am and start crying when posters dish it out back at them.

I think that Admin should create a Soft Ball Political Forum and Mitwah and DJ should hang out there.

I don't know why Admin is allowing your personal Attacks?

The word is KNOW, take a rest ,EH!

I don't know why Admin is allowing your personal Attack eh?

If you repeat the correct sentence TEN times then Admin may listen.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mitwah and DJ are knocking at Admin's door every day at 4:00 am and start crying when posters dish it out back at them.

I think that Admin should create a Soft Ball Political Forum and Mitwah and DJ should hang out there.

I don't know why Admin is allowing your personal Attacks?

The word is KNOW, take a rest ,EH!

I don't know why Admin is allowing your personal Attack eh?

If you repeat the correct sentence TEN times then Admin may listen.

Thanks for easing up on your personal attacks. Assalaamu Aleykum!

yuji22 posted:

Well, it is good that this thread was started because PPP posters were being penalized and this is evidence that the AFC Estate Gutter Rat Gang are the most vulgar, biggest culprits, whiners and complainers at GNI. 

10 hrs ago thumped your chest,jumped like a Gorilla,clap yuh chimpta,knack yuh drum.

All you have come up with one nasty post from Django.This is your second attempt seems you coming up empty.Anyway yuh exposing yourself.

Django posted:
cain posted:
kp posted:
cain posted:

So in other words yugi...shut yo cuny.

Boy go eat your turkey, you want to get mud on yuh skin.

Iman doan eat no meat.

One person I not  cleaner dan is yugiski who doan even do jiggy jiggy because he say it too dirty.

plus there is a chant to clean the dutiness,Mits know what it is.

Ok Mits tell us the chant, Django said so.

Drugb posted:

I don't follow why django is not being banned for referring to me in derogatory terms and making personal attacks about me having a goady and drinking shit water. Clearly a double standard. I did not even respond to this poster and he/she began attacks on me.

Suh Django must throw back and allow your adjectives to fly.

You think you is wan sly fox,there are many threads where your remarks are directed to Django.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I don't follow why django is not being banned for referring to me in derogatory terms and making personal attacks about me having a goady and drinking shit water. Clearly a double standard. I did not even respond to this poster and he/she began attacks on me.

Suh Django must throw back and allow your adjectives to fly.

You think you is wan sly fox,there are many threads where your remarks are directed to Django.

Where did I address you in any post? You are too vain, you believe that the world revolves around you. Get a life and please desist with the personal attacks.


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