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Former Member

He has been playing scarce lately. And drawing attention to the fact whenever he resurfaces. Come on Bro, you & Gilly have political differences but I value highly your contributions to our dysfunctional forum. Please regularize your status. Each of us will always draw critics. We must recognize that and devise whatever response we deem appropriate. But absence/withdrawal from the arena is not recommended. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gilbakka posted:

He has been playing scarce lately. And drawing attention to the fact whenever he resurfaces. Come on Bro, you & Gilly have political differences but I value highly your contributions to our dysfunctional forum. Please regularize your status. Each of us will always draw critics. We must recognize that and devise whatever response we deem appropriate. But absence/withdrawal from the arena is not recommended. 

Taking a break, upon reflection on some of the rebuttal of posters they are talking for talk sake, nothing of substance when cornered they get personal. It's like mixing with a pack of dunderheads.

Look at Yugi, the man said i am pro PNC, little does he knows i am Pro Country. Posting article for discussion of the gov't achievements makes you a supporter ? well appears his head is empty, on the other hand he was shipped out of the country at a young age and are clueless about politics in the homeland.Noticeably all his post,there is a shout out for Django and Mitwah.

That bhai Dave is another one, the minute i point out the imperfections of the savior and great leader of the East Indians,i am deemed a hater, questions are asked what was stolen from Django etc .Also all pro PPP will crawl out of the crevices, ready to attack i does watch them in amusement.

From my observations, looks like you gone back home, no problem try to straighten them boys and gals.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

He has been playing scarce lately. And drawing attention to the fact whenever he resurfaces. Come on Bro, you & Gilly have political differences but I value highly your contributions to our dysfunctional forum. Please regularize your status. Each of us will always draw critics. We must recognize that and devise whatever response we deem appropriate. But absence/withdrawal from the arena is not recommended. 

Taking a break, upon reflection on some of the rebuttal of posters they are talking for talk sake, nothing of substance when cornered they get personal. It's like mixing with a pack of dunderheads.

Look at Yugi, the man said i am pro PNC, little does he knows i am Pro Country. Posting article for discussion of the gov't achievements makes you a supporter ? well appears his head is empty, on the other hand he was shipped out of the country at a young age and are clueless about politics in the homeland.Noticeably all his post,there is a shout out for Django and Mitwah.

That bhai Dave is another one, the minute i point out the imperfections of the savior and great leader of the East Indians,i am deemed a hater, questions are asked what was stolen from Django etc .Also all pro PPP will crawl out of the crevices, ready to attack i does watch them in amusement.

From my observations, looks like you gone back home, no problem try to straighten them boys and gals.

Don’t back down so easy Massa.  I will be the first to make you Crown Prince as the hardest fighting PNC poster on this site.  You have shown loyalty and perseverance to your cause and there is something to be said for that.  Even though I don’t agree with you, I have accepted the fact that we will never see eye to eye.  You lack political knowledge on most of the issues but You are definitely not a flip flopper and there is something to be said for that.

I suspect one of the reasons you are on this site is to learn from the more experienced and educated posters.  And recently I saw great improvement in some of your posts so that is working well for you.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

He has been playing scarce lately. And drawing attention to the fact whenever he resurfaces. Come on Bro, you & Gilly have political differences but I value highly your contributions to our dysfunctional forum. Please regularize your status. Each of us will always draw critics. We must recognize that and devise whatever response we deem appropriate. But absence/withdrawal from the arena is not recommended. 

Taking a break, upon reflection on some of the rebuttal of posters they are talking for talk sake, nothing of substance when cornered they get personal. It's like mixing with a pack of dunderheads.

Look at Yugi, the man said i am pro PNC, little does he knows i am Pro Country. Posting article for discussion of the gov't achievements makes you a supporter ? well appears his head is empty, on the other hand he was shipped out of the country at a young age and are clueless about politics in the homeland.Noticeably all his post,there is a shout out for Django and Mitwah.

That bhai Dave is another one, the minute i point out the imperfections of the savior and great leader of the East Indians,i am deemed a hater, questions are asked what was stolen from Django etc .Also all pro PPP will crawl out of the crevices, ready to attack i does watch them in amusement.

From my observations, looks like you gone back home, no problem try to straighten them boys and gals.

Thanks for showing up, Brother. Pick your fights. Don't take on all your critics every day. Navigate the muddy waters skilfully like a gilbakka. Think guerrilla warfare.




This is why DJ is hiding. He was defending the government and claiming that Guyana Times and other credible anti PNC news outlets were lying. Looks like the PNC threw another bucket of slop on DJ.




Nah, he busy washing Batty and cleaning Toilets!!!!

This is how the crew operates and called it debates, noticeably are two likes on Yugi post.
Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I suspect one of the reasons you are on this site is to learn from the more experienced and educated posters. 

You got to be kidding Jenny come lately. All of you jumped in the banana boat sailing to port NY.

Django was there, mixed with the both sides of the fence, i know works inside out.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

He has been playing scarce lately. And drawing attention to the fact whenever he resurfaces. Come on Bro, you & Gilly have political differences but I value highly your contributions to our dysfunctional forum. Please regularize your status. Each of us will always draw critics. We must recognize that and devise whatever response we deem appropriate. But absence/withdrawal from the arena is not recommended. 

Taking a break, upon reflection on some of the rebuttal of posters they are talking for talk sake, nothing of substance when cornered they get personal. It's like mixing with a pack of dunderheads.

Look at Yugi, the man said i am pro PNC, little does he knows i am Pro Country. Posting article for discussion of the gov't achievements makes you a supporter ? well appears his head is empty, on the other hand he was shipped out of the country at a young age and are clueless about politics in the homeland.Noticeably all his post,there is a shout out for Django and Mitwah.

That bhai Dave is another one, the minute i point out the imperfections of the savior and great leader of the East Indians,i am deemed a hater, questions are asked what was stolen from Django etc .Also all pro PPP will crawl out of the crevices, ready to attack i does watch them in amusement.

From my observations, looks like you gone back home, no problem try to straighten them boys and gals.

Come on Django, sorry if I offend you dude you are our brother. 

Hey I gon let you bat first


Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I suspect one of the reasons you are on this site is to learn from the more experienced and educated posters. 

You got to be kidding Jenny come lately. All of you jumped in the banana boat sailing to port NY.

Django was there, mixed with the both sides of the fence, i know works inside out.

Django bai, you take these taunts too seriously. Look, man most of these people you will never meet personally. They will never see your face or know who you are. Stop taking all this fibbing seriously. Be a good sport and laugh with them. Dem bai like red ants attacking you. You need to walk with some kerosene and spray it on them.

skeldon_man posted:
Django bai, you take these taunts too seriously. Look, man most of these people you will never meet personally. They will never see your face or know who you are. Stop taking all this fibbing seriously. Be a good sport and laugh with them. Dem bai like red ants attacking you. You need to walk with some kerosene and spray it on them.

Django Rango is taking a break so that PPP supporters can start threads to get some limelight and strut their stuff. However, the board took a drastic turn and is being dumbed-down as we watch Yugi and friends debate. I can see Dj in his chair laughing at the circus. 

Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django bai, you take these taunts too seriously. Look, man most of these people you will never meet personally. They will never see your face or know who you are. Stop taking all this fibbing seriously. Be a good sport and laugh with them. Dem bai like red ants attacking you. You need to walk with some kerosene and spray it on them.

Django Rango is taking a break so that PPP supporters can start threads to get some limelight and strut their stuff. However, the board took a drastic turn and is being dumbed-down as we watch Yugi and friends debate. I can see Dj in his chair laughing at the circus. 

Amused seeing they talking among themselves.

Drugb posted:

I think dj taking some classes to improve his vocabulary. Every time he disappear and come back, he lash we with new big words.

I believe that when Django read the articles on GNI, he copies and pastes some of it on a cheat sheet. The man emerges as the learned one after he has armed himself sufficiently.

skeldon_man posted:
Drugb posted:

I think dj taking some classes to improve his vocabulary. Every time he disappear and come back, he lash we with new big words.

I believe that when Django read the articles on GNI, he copies and pastes some of it on a cheat sheet. The man emerges as the learned one after he has armed himself sufficiently.


that's for Nehru, still he fumbles.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I think dj taking some classes to improve his vocabulary. Every time he disappear and come back, he lash we with new big words.

You r@ss think my schooling was under the bottom house. In my days our schooling was top class, British Schooling.

Not the half-ass pick a,b,c or d and can't show how answers were derived .

At least you not like d2, when he first came to this forum, de man use big words like Mike Tyson without understanding its meaning, even if it didn't fit in context of the discussion. Now he ease off as the blows over the years wear him down.  

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I think dj taking some classes to improve his vocabulary. Every time he disappear and come back, he lash we with new big words.

You r@ss think my schooling was under the bottom house. In my days our schooling was top class, British Schooling.

Not the half-ass pick a,b,c or d and can't show how answers were derived .

bai Django, I hate to burst your bubble. The British taught us what to think and not how to think. I remember the days when we mindlessly repeated spelling words and memorizing almost everything. As I reflect on those days, I ask myself, "was I learning or just repeating and memorizing what we needed to pass"?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I think dj taking some classes to improve his vocabulary. Every time he disappear and come back, he lash we with new big words.

You r@ss think my schooling was under the bottom house. In my days our schooling was top class, British Schooling.

Not the half-ass pick a,b,c or d and can't show how answers were derived .

bai Django, I hate to burst your bubble. The British taught us what to think and not how to think. I remember the days when we mindlessly repeated spelling words and memorizing almost everything. As I reflect on those days, I ask myself, "was I learning or just repeating and memorizing what we needed to pass"?

Wouldn't consider that as such, your answers to questions are written hence the memorization of the subject.In Mathematics you have to prove how the answers were derived, remember we didn't use calculator, one of the reasons were taught tables up to 20 times.

Most of the old schooled cracked the NA system of education easily.

When i did the oral test for my State Electronics Trade License, the answer to one of the questions surprised the examiner, he said all the people who took the exam,no one give a precise answer to the question.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

remember we didn't use calculator, one of the reasons were taught tables up to 20 times.

More than that, in high school we learned how to use logarithm tables for complex calculations. I finished high school in 1969 and first saw a handheld calculator in 1974 on Cheddi Jagan's desk. Three years afterwards I saw a pocket scientific calculator in the home of a student attending Guyana Technical Institute.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

remember we didn't use calculator, one of the reasons were taught tables up to 20 times.

More than that, in high school we learned how to use logarithm tables for complex calculations. I finished high school in 1969 and first saw a handheld calculator in 1974 on Cheddi Jagan's desk. Three years afterwards I saw a pocket scientific calculator in the home of a student attending Guyana Technical Institute.

I remember doing logarithm and square root manually. Saw the first calculator in 1968 at Skeldon Local Accounts Office (big ass calculator too)..

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

remember we didn't use calculator, one of the reasons were taught tables up to 20 times.

More than that, in high school we learned how to use logarithm tables for complex calculations. I finished high school in 1969 and first saw a handheld calculator in 1974 on Cheddi Jagan's desk. Three years afterwards I saw a pocket scientific calculator in the home of a student attending Guyana Technical Institute.

I remember doing logarithm and square root manually. Saw the first calculator in 1968 at Skeldon Local Accounts Office (big ass calculator too)..

 Logarithm Tables,remembered using for calculations.

Last edited by Django
Leonora posted:
kp posted:
Drugb posted:

I think dj taking some classes to improve his vocabulary. Every time he disappear and come back, he lash we with new big words.

Django playing dead to what funeral he is going to get.

Na, he was protesting Mitwa's suspension.

Me thinks Mitwah got a raw deal, the suspension is too long.

Amral should re-consider and pardon him for an early release.

Leonora posted:
kp posted:
Drugb posted:

I think dj taking some classes to improve his vocabulary. Every time he disappear and come back, he lash we with new big words.

Django playing dead to what funeral he is going to get.

Na, he was protesting Mitwa's suspension.

Mit who wa!! He will show up to bring you Xmas greetings, hopefully a convert.

Django posted:
Leonora posted:
kp posted:
Drugb posted:

I think dj taking some classes to improve his vocabulary. Every time he disappear and come back, he lash we with new big words.

Django playing dead to what funeral he is going to get.

Na, he was protesting Mitwa's suspension.

Me thinks Mitwah got a raw deal, the suspension is too long.

Amral should re-consider and pardon him for an early release.

Talk the truth, other than the two of you belonging to the same party, what did you miss of him? What are his positive contributions on this site??

kp posted:

Talk the truth, other than the two of you belonging to the same party, what did you miss of him? What are his positive contributions on this site??

Don't know where the half-truths comes from, I have stated many times unaffiliated.

Mitwah isn't not a bad guy, he needs to be strategic when you guys gang up on him.

Last edited by Django
Leonora posted:
kp posted:

Talk the truth, other than the two of you belonging to the same party, what did you miss of him? What are his positive contributions on this site??

Who died and made you forum police? It pays to be friends with Admins, you can gang up against members.

How profound , a question for a question. I did not direct the question to you, Pot Salt, but can you be brave to answer?

Django posted:
kp posted:

Talk the truth, other than the two of you belonging to the same party, what did you miss of him? What are his positive contributions on this site??

Don't know where the half-truths comes from, I have stated many times unaffiliated.

Mitwah isn't not a bad guy, he needs to be strategic when you guys gang up on him.

The problem with Mitwah is , he approaches the subject by attacking the poster personally . I never go after him personally unless he starts first. He is the one that harps about me looking for Free food and rum,and refers to my kids and more. Anyway, I can take it, but if you give ,you must be willing to receive.

MDjango posted:
kp posted:

Talk the truth, other than the two of you belonging to the same party, what did you miss of him? What are his positive contributions on this site??

Don't know where the half-truths comes from, I have stated many times unaffiliated.

Mitwah isn't not a bad guy, he needs to be strategic when you guys gang up on him.

Mitwah bit the forbidden fruit 🍎 and bitee ran over the top seeking revenge.  So they sat back and waited for a minor infraction to nail him.  It was orchestrated.  Even Amral admitted recently order came from higher up.   Im sure bitee will seek to be admin and make the site into him/her liking in due course!  Then the canecutters can prattle amongst themselves!

kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:

Talk the truth, other than the two of you belonging to the same party, what did you miss of him? What are his positive contributions on this site??

Don't know where the half-truths comes from, I have stated many times unaffiliated.

Mitwah isn't not a bad guy, he needs to be strategic when you guys gang up on him.

The problem with Mitwah is , he approaches the subject by attacking the poster personally . I never go after him personally unless he starts first. He is the one that harps about me looking for Free food and rum,and refers to my kids and more. Anyway, I can take it, but if you give ,you must be willing to receive.

Most of you guys are guilty, it's countless how many times such was made toward me. I fend them off and move on.I can get nasty, that's not my forte.

Django posted:
kp posted:

Talk the truth, other than the two of you belonging to the same party, what did you miss of him? What are his positive contributions on this site??

Don't know where the half-truths comes from, I have stated many times unaffiliated.

Mitwah isn't not a bad guy, he needs to be strategic when you guys gang up on him.

Mitwah is downright dirty and nasty. He needs to know when to draw the line and gets carried away most of the time.

He was AFC mud fighter during the last election campaigned. 

He throws punches but bellyaches and cries to admin when posters dish it out back. 


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Mitwah is downright dirty and nasty. He needs to know when to draw the line and gets carried away most of the time.

He was AFC mud fighter during the last election campaigned. 

He throws punches but bellyaches and cries to admin when posters dish it out back. 


Look at this lil turd! Mitwah gave as good as he got. Dirty and nasty? You are a nasty, congenital racist. A dirty, slimy panty sniffing lil bytch who pays for information on posters hay and "tracking" dem. You are a sick mofo!

And who hay "bellyaches and cries to admin" mo dan you? You are a nasty lil punk always pushing the "report" button  because yuh kyant keep up yuh lil wuss. No poster hay worse dan you. You are the lowest of the low! Now gwan suh wid yuh fake bramananananananana shit.


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