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Do those PPP delegates think the PPP owns Guyana

Bharrat Jagdeo secured the most votes in the PPP congressional election. Those votes at every congress are never above board. It would be the destruction of Jagdeo’s career if he didn’t beat the pack or had barely squeaked in. So his victory by over a hundred votes to his nearest competitor should not surprise anyone.
If you do research on the PPP congress you will discover whoever was the head of the credentials committee for the congress always comes within the first four. Ralph Ramkarran in the nineties was the credential committee head and he was always near to the top. So was Frank Anthony. One has to check to see if any of the top vote getter was the head of the credential committee. Aubrey Norton once told me the credential committee is the key to party election results
The strangest thing about that election was the poor showing of Dr. Vindya Persaud. As head of the Dharmic Sabha and her role in the annual Diwali celebrations, I doubt she could have polled so lowly. But don’t forget the fixers of the election must have vividly remembered that she came out forcefully and advised Jagdeo and company to accept the 2015 election results.
Jagdeo on day one of the Congress lashed out against people for saying that the dinosaurs in the PPP should bow out or be thrown out. Is it not intriguing that those same ancient creatures were the top vote getters? Something stink and nasty went into that congressional voting.
But even if the election wasn’t arranged Jagdeo would still have come in as numero uno. The reason for that is the activists of the PPP believe that only the PPP can administer Guyana and that the PPP has a God-given right to rule this country. Jagan believed that so did Janet Jagan so did family members. Perhaps the best example of such a lost mind is that of Nadira Jagan who told the Chronicle that she cannot help but hate people who criticize her mother. Translated in Freudian language, this means that she accepts her mother was infallible and perfect.
It is naïve to think that those delegates chose to put on the top of the list people like Jagdeo, Teixeira, Rohee, and Ramotar based on the speeches they gave at the congress. There are deeply held beliefs of those delegates – young and old- that the current PPP leadership is morally fit to run Guyana again. Those hundreds of delegates cannot be that stupid not to know that Jagdeo ran a corrupt show for fifteen years. Those very delegates read the Kaieteur News and have been reading it this past fifteen years. They know about Kaieteur News’s relentless exposure of corruption.
They know that billions of dollars were siphoned off from contracts and ended up in the pockets of PPP leaders. One of the person they voted to be on the Central Committee is before the courts on a criminal charge of stealing more than half a billion dollars. If you examine the first ten names at the top of the list, none of them could retain a place in politics in any other country on Planet Earth. At the top of the pyramid is Jagdeo.
Shortly after coming to power, and by that I mean months, the new government should have devoted extensive energy to prosecuting Jagdeo. The constitution only gives Jagdeo immunity in certain areas. Jagdeo should have been probed for his relationship to extra-judicial forces that were involved in a bloody rampage from 2002 to 2006.
There is Frank Anthony at second. This man was a pathetic failure as Minister of Sports and Culture. We are talking about the Durban Park project at the moment but Anthony had defaulted on payment of dozens of small business people that are owed an enormous sum for CARIFESTA. One of these people almost brought tears to my eyes when he told me he is still owed $900,000 for stationery and goods delivered to Anthony’s Ministry, for Carifesta. One of Guyana’s leading artists is still to collect part of his money.
Gail Teixeira came in third. To think we could be criticizing the Mayor, for being around since 1994. But what about Teixeira? She has been around forever Donald Ramotar made it at number four. Why would the delegates of the PPP retain an abysmal political failure like De Donald? Clement Rohee came in at number six. Not only has he been around forever but he was never a ministerial achiever. If those delegates think the PPP will return to power, they better wake up.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

 The demented Freddie can rant and rave against the PPP as much as he can and this won't change  a thing. All of this so called Political Scientist analysis are flawed. During his time at UG he did not produce one paper. He is a disgrace to academia. No wonder anyone takes him seriously.


randolph posted:

 The demented Freddie can rant and rave against the PPP as much as he can and this won't change  a thing. All of this so called Political Scientist analysis are flawed. During his time at UG he did not produce one paper. He is a disgrace to academia. No wonder anyone takes him seriously.


You seem to


Jagdeo on day one of the Congress lashed out against people for saying that the dinosaurs in the PPP should bow out or be thrown out. Is it not intriguing that those same ancient creatures were the top vote getters? Something stink and nasty went into that congressional voting.
But even if the election wasn’t arranged Jagdeo would still have come in as numero uno. The reason for that is the activists of the PPP believe that only the PPP can administer Guyana and that the PPP has a God-given right to rule this country.

Mitwah posted:

It would be the destruction of Jagdeo’s career if he didn’t beat the pack or had barely squeaked in.

The delegates were always told whom to vote for before they cast their ballots.  That's nothing new, it's always the norm in the PPP,  Jagan did it.

Ramakant-P posted:
Mitwah posted:

It would be the destruction of Jagdeo’s career if he didn’t beat the pack or had barely squeaked in.

The delegates were always told whom to vote for before they cast their ballots.  That's nothing new, it's always the norm in the PPP,  Jagan did it.

All couple thousand of them were told who to vote for?????

Bibi Haniffa
RiffRaff posted:

who is dr randolph?

You have to learn who your posters are Riff.

Dr. Randolph was educated at a secondary school in Georgetown, Guyana, Queens College, where he authored his first publication on the World Cup Cricket match. Pursuing an interest in international relations, he went on to matriculate at York University in Toronto, Canada, earning a bachelor’s degree in political science and history with honors in 1984. Dr. Randolph remained at the university to pursue his graduate and postgraduate studies in political science, receiving a master’s degree in 1986 and a doctor of philosophy in 1996.


Bibi Haniffa
Ramakant-P posted:
The delegates were always told whom to vote for before they cast their ballots.  That's nothing new, it's always the norm in the PPP,  Jagan did it.

Ssshhhhh, Rama. Don't let dis ting out, man. It look baaaaadd.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
RiffRaff posted:

who is dr randolph?

You have to learn who your posters are Riff.

Dr. Randolph was educated at a secondary school in Georgetown, Guyana, Queens College, where he authored his first publication on the World Cup Cricket match. Pursuing an interest in international relations, he went on to matriculate at York University in Toronto, Canada, earning a bachelor’s degree in political science and history with honors in 1984. Dr. Randolph remained at the university to pursue his graduate and postgraduate studies in political science, receiving a master’s degree in 1986 and a doctor of philosophy in 1996.


how would I know all that...

BTW, if he is indeed a Doc, kudos to him...although I still think he does talk some nonsense

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I cannot walk in the shoes of Dr. Randolph.   But my IQ is much higher than Mitwah 

I second that. 

NOTE TO MITWAH: Gilly gotta suck up to Bibi to stay in the RiffRaff coalition.

Gilbakka posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
The delegates were always told whom to vote for before they cast their ballots.  That's nothing new, it's always the norm in the PPP,  Jagan did it.

Ssshhhhh, Rama. Don't let dis ting out, man. It look baaaaadd.

Several thousand people voted.  Please explain to me how this works.  Everyone of them were told who to vote for?  And everybody kept it a secret???

Bibi Haniffa
Ramakant-P posted:
Mitwah posted:

It would be the destruction of Jagdeo’s career if he didn’t beat the pack or had barely squeaked in.

The delegates were always told whom to vote for before they cast their ballots.  That's nothing new, it's always the norm in the PPP,  Jagan did it.

That is called campaigning, members would solicit the votes from delegates not personally ,but through their supporters.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
The delegates were always told whom to vote for before they cast their ballots.  That's nothing new, it's always the norm in the PPP,  Jagan did it.

Ssshhhhh, Rama. Don't let dis ting out, man. It look baaaaadd.

Several thousand people voted.  Please explain to me how this works.  Everyone of them were told who to vote for?  And everybody kept it a secret???

Bibi, I have a feeling you won't like my explanation but, as you ask, here goes briefly. When in the early 1970s I attended my first PPP congress I observed some comrades discreetly passing around lists of names. I consulted an older West Demerara comrade named Mannie Kuppan and he "wise" me up. Further, he pointed out, that was why Dr Fenton Ramsahoye had blurted out at the 1962 congress: "The PPP works in devious ways." 

Outwardly, the PPP always appeared as a homogeneous party but internally there are always separate groupings or cliques. Each clique has its own preferences for Central Committee positions. So, at later congresses up to the last one I attended at the Empire Cinema in 1988 I saw lists passing from hand to hand. 

Finally, last weekend congress in Essequibo. I've been told by my usual contacts that some delegates were unhappy with what they observed. Hundreds of Amerindians were brought from Regions 1 and 9 to congress. They were allegedly quarantined at Irfaan Ali's mansion in Leonora before being transported to Cotton Field. They were given a list at congress and advised to vote accordingly. The same thing had happened at the 2013 congress when party delegates had observed an unusually large group of Chinese "delegates".

kp posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
Mitwah posted:

It would be the destruction of Jagdeo’s career if he didn’t beat the pack or had barely squeaked in.

The delegates were always told whom to vote for before they cast their ballots.  That's nothing new, it's always the norm in the PPP,  Jagan did it.

That is called campaigning, members would solicit the votes from delegates not personally ,but through their supporters.

You are right, KP. The problem occurs when some innocent candidates' names are slandered in the process by competitors. Things like: don't vote fo he. He does carry news to PNC. Or, don't vote fo she. She is opportunist.

Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
Mitwah posted:

It would be the destruction of Jagdeo’s career if he didn’t beat the pack or had barely squeaked in.

The delegates were always told whom to vote for before they cast their ballots.  That's nothing new, it's always the norm in the PPP,  Jagan did it.

That is called campaigning, members would solicit the votes from delegates not personally ,but through their supporters.

You are right, KP. The problem occurs when some innocent candidates' names are slandered in the process by competitors. Things like: don't vote fo he. He does carry news to PNC. Or, don't vote fo she. She is opportunist.

No different than N/A they throw everything at each other and hope something will stick.


When the PNC attacks protesters on the streets  aren't they acting like they own Guyana??? Freddie is full of contradictions when he writes.  Sometimes he slips up and tell the truth about the hard times he experienced under the rule of the PNC. He bashes the PPP because he has a personal grouse with some PPP leaders, including Bharat Jagdeo.  The PPP was never a perfect party nor ran a perfect government. The problem of corruption existed; however, we had significant economic growth and improvement in the living standard of all Guyanese. The present government is involved in corruption at a higher level and in a more brazen way. The economic growth we have been experiencing over the last two decades are now slipping as pointed out by the finance minister.  The Private Sector and other sections of civil society have been incensed by the slow down and the horrible VAT being applied to other goods and services. Mythway can't see the impact this government's budget will have on business and the economy as a whole.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
The delegates were always told whom to vote for before they cast their ballots.  That's nothing new, it's always the norm in the PPP,  Jagan did it.

Ssshhhhh, Rama. Don't let dis ting out, man. It look baaaaadd.

Several thousand people voted.  Please explain to me how this works.  Everyone of them were told who to vote for?  And everybody kept it a secret???

Bibi, I have a feeling you won't like my explanation but, as you ask, here goes briefly. When in the early 1970s I attended my first PPP congress I observed some comrades discreetly passing around lists of names. I consulted an older West Demerara comrade named Mannie Kuppan and he "wise" me up. Further, he pointed out, that was why Dr Fenton Ramsahoye had blurted out at the 1962 congress: "The PPP works in devious ways." 

Outwardly, the PPP always appeared as a homogeneous party but internally there are always separate groupings or cliques. Each clique has its own preferences for Central Committee positions. So, at later congresses up to the last one I attended at the Empire Cinema in 1988 I saw lists passing from hand to hand. 

Finally, last weekend congress in Essequibo. I've been told by my usual contacts that some delegates were unhappy with what they observed. Hundreds of Amerindians were brought from Regions 1 and 9 to congress. They were allegedly quarantined at Irfaan Ali's mansion in Leonora before being transported to Cotton Field. They were given a list at congress and advised to vote accordingly. The same thing had happened at the 2013 congress when party delegates had observed an unusually large group of Chinese "delegates".

"They were allegedly quarantined at Irfaan Ali's mansion in Leonora before being transported to Cotton Field. They were given a list at congress and advised to vote accordingly."

So then Irfaan get double-crossed because dem vote for Frank Anthony!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:



"They were allegedly quarantined at Irfaan Ali's mansion in Leonora before being transported to Cotton Field. They were given a list at congress and advised to vote accordingly."

So then Irfaan get double-crossed because dem vote for Frank Anthony!!!!

Not unusual, Your Excellency. Whenever possible, feel free to ask Ralph Ramkarran how his longstanding buddy Feroze Mohamed had double-crossed him.

With regard to the info above on the Essequibo congress, me sell um to you how me buy um.

Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

Why is that man named Frank Anthony he should get a proper South Asian name.Ridiculous.

Bhai, I am surprised at the poor showing of Dr. Vindya Persaud.

Vindya got real support not danyael support.

randolph posted:

 The demented Freddie can rant and rave against the PPP as much as he can and this won't change  a thing. All of this so called Political Scientist analysis are flawed. During his time at UG he did not produce one paper. He is a disgrace to academia. No wonder anyone takes him seriously.


Does he have a PhD??

Prashad posted:

Why is that man named Frank Anthony he should get a proper South Asian name.Ridiculous.

Do all of your kids have 100% South Asian names, and did you force your wife to adopt one as well?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

When the PNC attacks protesters on the streets  aren't they acting like they own Guyana???

Can you discuss when the PPP shoots down protesters DEAD you have no comment?  Discuss also why this violence is only directed against black crowds. When Indians protest the most that happens is being stripped naked.

Seriously for either the PPP or the PNC to scream that they don't have a violent past is really hilarious.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Why is that man named Frank Anthony he should get a proper South Asian name.Ridiculous.

Do all of your kids have 100% South Asian names, and did you force your wife to adopt one as well?

No response to the carib.


Gail Teixeira came in third. To think we could be criticizing the Mayor, for being around since 1994. But what about Teixeira? She has been around forever. Donald Ramotar made it at number four. Why would the delegates of the PPP retain an abysmal political failure like De Donald? Clement Rohee came in at number six. Not only has he been around forever but he was never a ministerial achiever. If those delegates think the PPP will return to power, they better wake up.

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

When the PNC attacks protesters on the streets  aren't they acting like they own Guyana???

Can you discuss when the PPP shoots down protesters DEAD you have no comment?  Discuss also why this violence is only directed against black crowds. When Indians protest the most that happens is being stripped naked.

Seriously for either the PPP or the PNC to scream that they don't have a violent past is really hilarious.

Can you discuss when Nigroes burn an loot in Wismar, Linden and Buxton?

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

When the PNC attacks protesters on the streets  aren't they acting like they own Guyana???

Can you discuss when the PPP shoots down protesters DEAD you have no comment?  Discuss also why this violence is only directed against black crowds. When Indians protest the most that happens is being stripped naked.

Seriously for either the PPP or the PNC to scream that they don't have a violent past is really hilarious.

Violent protesters who threatened the lives of police officers were killed.  Peaceful Indo protesters have always been attacked and harrassed by PNC supporters in full view of the police.  Clips were shown of protesters in front of parliament being harassed by black women.  Your comments on that incident was hideous and arrogant.  No condemnation. You support harassment of Indians.

Billy Ram Balgobin

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