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Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

1962-1964 at Central High School I was in C House, orange badge. I think it was also called Murray House. To play cricket matches and participate in athletics, my classmates and I had to walk from the school's Smyth Street premises to Thomas Lands.

damn...I was born in 1963

Truth be told, I didn't excel in school sports. I was a book man.

I remember scoring 3 runs in cricket one time, and 8 runs another time. I won a few table tennis games. Really, I learned to play table tennis at Central, with 2 long desks as a table. My racquet was a small hard cover book "FIRST STEPS IN LATIN". That's how the guys practised.

Originally Posted by Freaky:
Ray yuh went to Indians right? Remember crossin over de muddy trench to play pon de immaculate QC ground? Ours was a rale cow pasture

but focusing on Primary school, I still have such vivid memories some 40 yrs ago

I think them men had stands on they ground too...if I remember correctly


Like country bai  Amral, we did not have houses. The only class name we had was dunsee and the others were forms.


One strong memory of my school days was playing so much sports that my pants butt would wear off. I remember going to school with a nicely starched and ironed brown uniform with ragged butt cheeks.

Me late sister Elaine who washed and pressed  my uniform had a saying


"Bai you skin like hion'.


I went to school to play sports and often wonder how I graduated.

Our clothes was starched by duking it in bucket of starch, which needs a crow bar to remove it from the clothes line.

It had to be sprinkled with water to soften it for ironing and the kerosene pump-iron would sometimes flare up.      

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I played cricket for by class...on Fridays, games will be scheduled in the afternoon against other times

Sometimes I look all seems like a blur, like it was not me doing all that stuff...sighhhh...where have all the years gone

If not happened yet, wait til your kids get married. You might look at the adult and wonder where 25/30  years went.

Sometimes that could also be a blur, if you don't slow down and enjoy their childhood. I look at home movies and don't remember all the stuff we did together.   

Originally Posted by ball:
Originally Posted by Riya:

I was in Pugsley House at Berbice High School.


I took part in the 100 meters dash, relay, and rounders. Surprisingly, I was very athletic back then I was also on the debate team in third form.

So is which school you went to in G/T

Rama Krishna Dharmic Maha Sabha Primary School

Whew, what a mouth full


From Freaky, a house was named after Giglioli:


This was interesting:

Working in Guyana from the 1920s, Giglioli developed a passion for researching

the causes of malaria. His identification of A. darlingi as the sole vector of malarial infection, and the astounding eradication of the dreaded disease in the colony, between 1946 and 1948, constitute an epic in tropical medicine. It was an achievement with revolutionary potential - economically, socially and politically. In eradicating the dreaded malarial disease, Giglioli helped to transform Guyana “â€Ķfrom one of the world’s foremost fever-ravaged countries to the place where the deathdealing disease was first checked, then beaten back until today, victory over malaria has become one of the glorious achievements in the history of Guyana’s progress against disease and death.”




Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by ball:
Originally Posted by Riya:

I was in Pugsley House at Berbice High School.


I took part in the 100 meters dash, relay, and rounders. Surprisingly, I was very athletic back then I was also on the debate team in third form.

So is which school you went to in G/T

Rama Krishna Dharmic Maha Sabha Primary School

Whew, what a mouth full

I think yo is put in maha in the name of the school, as I know it, but I could be wrong  


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