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Malaysians Rally Around Activist Who Got Death Threats For Inviting Muslims To Touch Dogs

Posted: 10/28/2014 2:35 pm EDT Updated: 10/28/2014 2:59 pm EDT

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (RNS) Syed Azmi Alhabshi has been labeled a heretic, a closet Christian, a Zionist spy or even a Shiite Muslim. His crime? Inviting other Muslims to touch a dog.


The subsequent death threats and online abuse sent him into hiding, fearing for his life. So when he met reporters here on Saturday (Oct. 25), the 37-year-old social activist spoke from a prepared text, took no questions and left after five minutes.


Nearly 1,000 people attended the Oct. 19 event at a park in the western state of Selangor, aimed at helping Muslims overcome religious stigma and fear of canines, learn permissible ways to touch a dog and how to perform a cleansing ritual, known as “sertu” or “samak.”


The backlash was swift and serious after social media and news reports were flooded with images of Muslim participants — particularly women in hijabs — stroking and hugging their new four-legged friends at the “I Want to Touch a Dog” event.


Muslims here largely subscribe to the Shafi’i school of jurisprudence, which views dogs as unclean. Dogs are not permitted to be reared as pets or handled, cuddled, pet or kissed. The only reason to touch a dog is if it needs help.


Following the uproar, the federal government here issued a religious edict that deemed the touching of dogs went against mainstream Islamic doctrine.


In recent days, an increasing number of moderate Malaysians have gone online to push back against the hate speech and the un-Islamic threats and actions directed at Syed Azmi and the event’s other organizers.

Syed Azmi has long been known for his string of community-based projects. His friend, Aminuddin Ab Kadir, cited his charitable efforts in urging the public to consider Syed Azmi’s “track record” before judging him.

“I wanted to reveal our pattern of thinking in which we all love sensational issues (more so those with religious elements to them) as opposed to community issues which are more isolated and less glamorous,” Aminuddin wrote on Syed Azmi’s Facebook page.


Others defended the event, saying that it benefited Muslims and non-Muslims in understanding the boundaries when it came to handling dogs in Islam. One online group, “Malaysians for Malaysia,” started a campaign to raise support for the initiative.


“Last weekend, Syed Azmi brought hundreds of Malaysians together to help address animal cruelty and overcome prejudice and fear towards dogs. Now, he is under attack by those who seek to perpetuate ignorance and irrationality. Let him know that Malaysians stand by him in support of this wonderful initiative. Stand up and speak out,” read the post, which has since garnered more than 2,400 shares.


The controversy, which has largely played out online, also prompted questions around a lack of freedom accorded to the country’s majority-Muslim population to explore other Islamic schools of thought. In Malaysia, all Malays are Muslim by law.


On Monday, Zaid Ibrahim, a prominent blogger and former cabinet minister, warned that as a result of this dog-petting edict, “Malays are now in danger of being classified as ‘deviant’ if they have slightly more liberal or progressive views about life and the world than those who call themselves ‘ulama'” (or the Muslim scholars).


On Facebook, the local Muslim women’s rights group Sisters in Islam described Islam as a beautiful religion, stating that “touching a dog is not haram (prohibited). The dog is a creature of Allah. Quick condemnation of views with which we disagree is a sign of a narrow mind, of an uncultivated intelligence.”


The group also took its message to Twitter where, in one of many tweets using the hashtag #IWantToTouchADog, it criticized the government’s emphasis on the Shafi’i Islamic code on handling dogs, ”because (issuing) an edict on touching dogs is more important than an edict on joining ISIS’ jihad.”


(While the Shafi’i school takes a traditional position against dogs, others, including the Maliki school, are more lenient.)


On Facebook, cafe operator Zurinna Raja Adam stated that the Quran does not mention that dogs are unclean, but rather that it is subject to differing interpretation of Islamic scholars.


“But for years it has been hammered in us that is it prohibited (to touch dogs). But that’s the thing about religion, it is a never-ending learning process,” she said in an interview, calling the event one of the most “profound” experiences of her life.


And while not everyone agreed with Syed Azmi’s event, some used social media as an opportunity to explain their point of view. Carl Shahrul posted on Facebook: “Animal cruelty has never been an issue to Muslims. We condemn cruelty to dogs and pigs the same way we condemn cruelty to cats or other God-created creatures … I feel ashamed that many Muslims have to go to that extent (of touching and hugging dogs for fun) just to show that our religion treats dogs equally.”


Maszlee Malik, a respected lecturer at International Islamic University Malaysia, said the event reflected the sentiments of young urban Muslims “who would love to see a more inclusive and harmonious Islam that doesn’t compromise the fundamentals of the religion.”


The resulting fuss wasn’t really about Islamic doctrine, he said.

“Having such a big event was perceived by them as a challenge of the status quo and a form of disrespect to the inherited norms of the majority,” he said.


But Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, former mufti for the northern state of Perlis, said the dog-touching event was too much too soon — especially in a Muslim-majority country that likes to see itself as both traditional and modern. Although Syed Azmi’s intentions may have been good, the activist underestimated the Malay reaction.


“The best thing is to educate people by having a seminar, inviting scholars … because when all of a sudden you ask people to do something they have never done in their life, it will be quite strange for them,” he said. “There should be stages.”


During his brief appearance at Saturday’s press conference, Syed Azmi said the entire episode was a “learning process” and apologized to those who were offended. He stressed that it was never his intention to “distort the faith, alter the laws of the religion, insult the ulamas or encourage liberalism.”


“It was an educational program on respecting Allah’s creature that was being looked upon unfavorably and being abused by our community,” he said, adding: “The program never encouraged dogs as pets.”

Meanwhile, his attorney, Syahredzan Johan, said a police report has been filed on the death threats.


“This is the new age where if you don’t agree with something, you can criticize,” he said. “This is democracy. In fact there is nothing in Islam that says you cannot criticize something.”

Also on The Huffington Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I can never understand this. Dogs are the creatures that saved us. Without them the specie would not have survived. They are also the creatures that knows us best. People who have dogs will notice how completely they know what you want, is about to do, or how  completely they are committed to  give their life to defend you from any danger. I wished I had dogs all my life because since I started living with dogs my life has been better than if I did not have them.

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
you're afterall the PoodleLovinPessimist

Bai Stinga, I gat 2 dags and they are my best friends. I got a Chihuahua-terrier mixed and a toy poodle. They are always happy to see me. 

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
you're afterall the PoodleLovinPessimist

you and de govna got that wrong. I was always Iggi. That poodle dude...may his remains feed a lot of flowers, was a Berkley professor of philosophy I am told. He was very smart.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

People are allowed to have certain beliefs. However, I have seen many, many Muslims in my neighborhood with Dogs. They are Guyanese and Trini so that may explain it.

North Africans pretend they are afraid. There are a few of them working at the Marriott near me and they always scuttle across the streets when they see a dog coming. Once I saw a Muslim girl walking down the middle of the street with cars on going on both sides of her because she said she was afraid of the dogs. I think she was more afraid of the taboo implanted in her head than death. 

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
I'd love to hear our two resident mullahs Chief and Terry take on dis

Chief already told me it was not to his liking. He say dogs as filthy. But I guess he has the idea of the black dog crossing the holy ones path and bringing him bad the western black cat phobia

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I can never understand this. Dogs are the creatures that saved us. Without them the specie would not have survived. They are also the creatures that knows us best. People who have dogs will notice how completely they know what you want, is about to do, or how  completely they are committed to  give their life to defend you from any danger. I wished I had dogs all my life because since I started living with dogs my life has been better than if I did not have them.

Perfectly fine for you to have dogs if you so wish Stormy but not everyone care for dogs as pets. I can't stand their smell (and perhaps they can't stand mine either   My problem is when my neighbors with dogs insist on imposing them on me. My son and I were supposed to be on a daily biking regiment but after he was chased by dogs twice, he gave up. Now he does not get that fresh air and the neighbors don't care to follow our community's rules. Then they don't clean up after themselves. My position, enjoy your pets but don't impose it on others Similar to this case. Many Muslims don't have dogs around them. The guy should not seek to impose it on them. What will he do next. Impose pork eating on them?


Nonetheless, as despicable as this guy's actions are to many Muslims, he should not be threatened by them. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

People are allowed to have certain beliefs. However, I have seen many, many Muslims in my neighborhood with Dogs. They are Guyanese and Trini so that may explain it.

North Africans pretend they are afraid. There are a few of them working at the Marriott near me and they always scuttle across the streets when they see a dog coming. Once I saw a Muslim girl walking down the middle of the street with cars on going on both sides of her because she said she was afraid of the dogs. I think she was more afraid of the taboo implanted in her head than death. 

Dogs like to chase people and bite them. Nothing wrong with being afraid of that. In Guyana, dog bites used to require a tetanus shot.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I can never understand this. Dogs are the creatures that saved us. Without them the specie would not have survived. They are also the creatures that knows us best. People who have dogs will notice how completely they know what you want, is about to do, or how  completely they are committed to  give their life to defend you from any danger. I wished I had dogs all my life because since I started living with dogs my life has been better than if I did not have them.

Perfectly fine for you to have dogs if you so wish Stormy but not everyone care for dogs as pets. I can't stand their smell (and perhaps they can't stand mine either &nbsp My problem is when my neighbors with dogs insist on imposing them on me. My son and I were supposed to be on a daily biking regiment but after he was chased by dogs twice, he gave up. Now he does not get that fresh air and the neighbors don't care to follow our community's rules. Then they don't clean up after themselves. My position, enjoy your pets but don't impose it on others Similar to this case. Many Muslims don't have dogs around them. The guy should not seek to impose it on them. What will he do next. Impose pork eating on them?


Nonetheless, as despicable as this guy's actions are to many Muslims, he should not be threatened by them. 

The owners are wrong not the dogs fault,they should be fined for having their dogs run wild if its a habit.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I can never understand this. Dogs are the creatures that saved us. Without them the specie would not have survived. They are also the creatures that knows us best. People who have dogs will notice how completely they know what you want, is about to do, or how  completely they are committed to  give their life to defend you from any danger. I wished I had dogs all my life because since I started living with dogs my life has been better than if I did not have them.

Perfectly fine for you to have dogs if you so wish Stormy but not everyone care for dogs as pets. I can't stand their smell (and perhaps they can't stand mine either &nbsp My problem is when my neighbors with dogs insist on imposing them on me. My son and I were supposed to be on a daily biking regiment but after he was chased by dogs twice, he gave up. Now he does not get that fresh air and the neighbors don't care to follow our community's rules. Then they don't clean up after themselves. My position, enjoy your pets but don't impose it on others Similar to this case. Many Muslims don't have dogs around them. The guy should not seek to impose it on them. What will he do next. Impose pork eating on them?


Nonetheless, as despicable as this guy's actions are to many Muslims, he should not be threatened by them. 

The owners are wrong not the dogs fault,they should be fined for having their dogs run wild if its a habit.

And that is my point Cainsta. Contrary to popular beliefs here, I don't care how anyone live or what they do. I do acknowledge my right to resist anyone imposing their ways on me. I would have reported it since I am very friendly with the association management and security but my son is afraid of repercussion at school if I did. So I let it go because I don't want his schooling to suffer.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I can never understand this. Dogs are the creatures that saved us. Without them the specie would not have survived. They are also the creatures that knows us best. People who have dogs will notice how completely they know what you want, is about to do, or how  completely they are committed to  give their life to defend you from any danger. I wished I had dogs all my life because since I started living with dogs my life has been better than if I did not have them.

Perfectly fine for you to have dogs if you so wish Stormy but not everyone care for dogs as pets. I can't stand their smell (and perhaps they can't stand mine either &nbsp My problem is when my neighbors with dogs insist on imposing them on me. My son and I were supposed to be on a daily biking regiment but after he was chased by dogs twice, he gave up. Now he does not get that fresh air and the neighbors don't care to follow our community's rules. Then they don't clean up after themselves. My position, enjoy your pets but don't impose it on others Similar to this case. Many Muslims don't have dogs around them. The guy should not seek to impose it on them. What will he do next. Impose pork eating on them?


Nonetheless, as despicable as this guy's actions are to many Muslims, he should not be threatened by them. 

Many dogs do not smell. The few that do are working dogs and they do get into things. Note there would be no mutton without dogs! Sheep dogs are outside all the time caring for the sheep so they smell like sheep. If you eat mutton you will also smell like the dog!


Beagles, Rotties etc do not have an odor more than another human would. But as dogs are hunters they instinctively will roll in the dirt to cover their scent profile from other   animals. They they will end up funky if you do not take care of them


Dogs that chase others have bad owners


The Somali cab drivers here once refused to take in eye seeing dogs or any other dog in their cabs. The City threatened them with revoking their permits. I think it's a culture thing.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

The Somali cab drivers here once refused to take in eye seeing dogs or any other dog in their cabs. The City threatened them with revoking their permits. I think it's a culture thing.

It is most likely a Cultural rather than a Religious thing. As I said, many Muslims in my area have Dogs.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

People are allowed to have certain beliefs. However, I have seen many, many Muslims in my neighborhood with Dogs. They are Guyanese and Trini so that may explain it.

North Africans pretend they are afraid. There are a few of them working at the Marriott near me and they always scuttle across the streets when they see a dog coming. Once I saw a Muslim girl walking down the middle of the street with cars on going on both sides of her because she said she was afraid of the dogs. I think she was more afraid of the taboo implanted in her head than death. 

Dogs like to chase people and bite them. Nothing wrong with being afraid of that. In Guyana, dog bites used to require a tetanus shot.

Dogs do not chase people instinctively. That is poor behavior learned from poor owners. If one step on a nail one should get a tetanus shot. Tetanus is why the pour an antibacterial solution in newborn eyes etc. Tetanus is all around us and we should get vaccinated against it The reason many people do not die of it these days is they are a susceptible to common antibacterial drugs


Dogs are not banned in Islam, as a matter of fact Muslims used them to hunt and guard throughout history. The issue of some Muslims not wanting to touch dogs comes from a Hadith saying that you must wash your plate if a dog eats from it.  As so result many Muslims believe dogs are unclean. On the other hand, Muslims have to be kind to animals, and there are many stories in the Hadith of people promised heaven for giving water to thirsty dogs. In one instance, the prophet assigned a soldier guard a dog that had just given birth to pups.


One of the flaws of religion is that many of the masses never read their holy books or cannot read or understand what they read, so they listen to a "learned scholar" and then follow blindly what he says.

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Stormy dat bai Govnah gat a serious fascination wid u jus de odda day he seh how yuh bin by Peg poolside wid a yung ting

I thought he almost died in the interior? Anyway it was not me he saw.

Originally Posted by TI:

Dogs are not banned in Islam, as a matter of fact Muslims used them to hunt and guard throughout history. The issue of some Muslims not wanting to touch dogs comes from a Hadith saying that you must wash your plate if a dog eats from it.  As so result many Muslims believe dogs are unclean. On the other hand, Muslims have to be kind to animals, and there are many stories in the Hadith of people promised heaven for giving water to thirsty dogs. In one instance, the prophet assigned a soldier guard a dog that had just given birth to pups.


One of the flaws of religion is that many of the masses never read their holy books or cannot read or understand what they read, so they listen to a "learned scholar" and then follow blindly what he says.

I think this is the case with ALL Religions. You nailed it.

Originally Posted by TI:

Dogs are not banned in Islam, as a matter of fact Muslims used them to hunt and guard throughout history. The issue of some Muslims not wanting to touch dogs comes from a Hadith saying that you must wash your plate if a dog eats from it.  As so result many Muslims believe dogs are unclean. On the other hand, Muslims have to be kind to animals, and there are many stories in the Hadith of people promised heaven for giving water to thirsty dogs. In one instance, the prophet assigned a soldier guard a dog that had just given birth to pups.


One of the flaws of religion is that many of the masses never read their holy books or cannot read or understand what they read, so they listen to a "learned scholar" and then follow blindly what he says.

Turkey has one of the most beautiful and fierce protective dog, the Kangal. They are known to fight anything even lions and cheetah. Actually the cheetah conservation society uses them in Namibia to protect sheep.I always wanted one and almost bought a puppy but I think he would have grown to be  such a massive dominant dog he might not be a best fit for my rottie. They come in at 150 lbs as adults

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chameli:

wonder what religion bans cats


we are going to see this one


My cat was found by my dogs as a kitten at a rest top on the highway. His name is Indy Too. I had a cat named Indy that died so I did not want to call this one Indy II so I called him Indy Too. Indy was short for Independent.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chameli:

wonder what religion bans cats


we are going to see this one


My cat was found by my dogs as a kitten at a rest top on the highway. His name is Indy Too. I had a cat named Indy that died so I did not want to call this one Indy II so I called him Indy Too. Indy was short for Independent.

Sorry to hear about Indy. I can tell you enjoy having Pets.

Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
you're afterall the PoodleLovinPessimist

Bai Stinga, I gat 2 dags and they are my best friends. I got a Chihuahua-terrier mixed and a toy poodle. They are always happy to see me. 

are you muslim? 

is it haram to own a dog?


where's the Riffstah?

i believe he has  a dog...

oh wait, maybe his better half owns it

I am not Muslim. I was born a hindu and my parents belonged to an Aryan mandir. From my earliest recollection, we always owned dogs in Guyana. I am an animal rights person. My dogs are my best buddies.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chameli:

wonder what religion bans cats


we are going to see this one


My cat was found by my dogs as a kitten at a rest top on the highway. His name is Indy Too. I had a cat named Indy that died so I did not want to call this one Indy II so I called him Indy Too. Indy was short for Independent.

Sorry to hear about Indy. I can tell you enjoy having Pets.

Indy lived for 12 years....he was abandoned by people who moved and left him in behind and my wife found him. He possibly was a lot older.

Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I had 5 dogs in Guyana

i thought u said u have a dog in NY

nope...I aint pickin up I want worry free vacations

Guyana is fine...they run free....too much work in NA


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