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A powerful Pakistani religious body that advises the government on the compatibility of laws with Islam on Thursday declared a new law that criminalizes violence against women to be "un-Islamic."

The Women's Protection Act, passed by Pakistan's largest province of Punjab last week, gives unprecedented legal protection to women from domestic, psychological and sexual violence. It also calls for the creation of a toll-free abuse reporting hot line and the establishment of women's shelters.

But since its passage in the Punjab assembly, many conservative clerics and religious leaders have denounced the new law as being in conflict with the Muslim holy book, the Koran, as well as Pakistan's constitution.

Pointblank posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Pointblank posted:

Thats cultural and has nothing to do with Islam. these c00lies think that they are gods and can do anything women.

Them Mullahs says it's not compatible with know more than them?

Looks like you take their word over the prophet.

It is not what I's what the rest of world thinks...and right now they don't think much of the religion...but, you can continue to be blind to what's going on

RiffRaff posted:
Pointblank posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Pointblank posted:

Thats cultural and has nothing to do with Islam. these c00lies think that they are gods and can do anything women.

Them Mullahs says it's not compatible with know more than them?

Looks like you take their word over the prophet.

It is not what I's what the rest of world thinks...and right now they don't think much of the religion...but, you can continue to be blind to what's going on

Bro I am not. when the fools make these fatwah many also do research, many to confirm that it is Islamic to use it against muslims and the results is that many ends up converting to Islam when they find out the truth, and some are just curious.

Pointblank posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Pointblank posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Pointblank posted:

Thats cultural and has nothing to do with Islam. these c00lies think that they are gods and can do anything women.

Them Mullahs says it's not compatible with know more than them?

Looks like you take their word over the prophet.

It is not what I's what the rest of world thinks...and right now they don't think much of the religion...but, you can continue to be blind to what's going on

Bro I am not. when the fools make these fatwah many also do research, many to confirm that it is Islamic to use it against muslims and the results is that many ends up converting to Islam when they find out the truth, and some are just curious.

that is so much bullshit. I research Islam often enough and the more I do the more I think it is abhorrent mumbo jumbo and as confusing as any of its siblings in the Abraham religions only more silly. I can assert the same...the more one studies that muddled mess with a mind to reason the more the would rush gleefully to atheism. There are also more of us as proof if that matters.

Stormborn posted:
I research Islam often enough and the more I do the more I think it is abhorrent mumbo jumbo and as confusing as any of its siblings in the Abraham religions only more silly.

Stormy, If you would, please list the most silly aspect of Islam when compared to their other two siblings (Judaism and Christianity). Thanks.

Stormborn posted:
Pointblank posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Pointblank posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Pointblank posted:

Thats cultural and has nothing to do with Islam. these c00lies think that they are gods and can do anything women.

Them Mullahs says it's not compatible with know more than them?

Looks like you take their word over the prophet.

It is not what I's what the rest of world thinks...and right now they don't think much of the religion...but, you can continue to be blind to what's going on

Bro I am not. when the fools make these fatwah many also do research, many to confirm that it is Islamic to use it against muslims and the results is that many ends up converting to Islam when they find out the truth, and some are just curious.

that is so much bullshit. I research Islam often enough and the more I do the more I think it is abhorrent mumbo jumbo and as confusing as any of its siblings in the Abraham religions only more silly. I can assert the same...the more one studies that muddled mess with a mind to reason the more the would rush gleefully to atheism. There are also more of us as proof if that matters.

Why do you think that so many is converting to Islam.

Stormborn posted:
Pointblank posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Pointblank posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Pointblank posted:

Thats cultural and has nothing to do with Islam. these c00lies think that they are gods and can do anything women.

Them Mullahs says it's not compatible with know more than them?

Looks like you take their word over the prophet.

It is not what I's what the rest of world thinks...and right now they don't think much of the religion...but, you can continue to be blind to what's going on

Bro I am not. when the fools make these fatwah many also do research, many to confirm that it is Islamic to use it against muslims and the results is that many ends up converting to Islam when they find out the truth, and some are just curious.

that is so much bullshit. I research Islam often enough and the more I do the more I think it is abhorrent mumbo jumbo and as confusing as any of its siblings in the Abraham religions only more silly. I can assert the same...the more one studies that muddled mess with a mind to reason the more the would rush gleefully to atheism. There are also more of us as proof if that matters.

Is that is why so many people are converting?

Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:
Pointblank posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Pointblank posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Pointblank posted:

Thats cultural and has nothing to do with Islam. these c00lies think that they are gods and can do anything women.

Them Mullahs says it's not compatible with know more than them?

Looks like you take their word over the prophet.

It is not what I's what the rest of world thinks...and right now they don't think much of the religion...but, you can continue to be blind to what's going on

Bro I am not. when the fools make these fatwah many also do research, many to confirm that it is Islamic to use it against muslims and the results is that many ends up converting to Islam when they find out the truth, and some are just curious.

that is so much bullshit. I research Islam often enough and the more I do the more I think it is abhorrent mumbo jumbo and as confusing as any of its siblings in the Abraham religions only more silly. I can assert the same...the more one studies that muddled mess with a mind to reason the more the would rush gleefully to atheism. There are also more of us as proof if that matters.

Is that is why so many people are converting?

Dude, that is crap. Statistically if " so many were converting" to Christianity or to Islam or to any other religion there would be demonstrable changes in the population numbers. In guyana for example the number of Muslims have been constant since indentureship. In Europe and the US, it has been because of migration. Shifting the population does not mean any big increase. Instead, we see Islam in its home world aggressively attacking those who would abandon the faith or murdering  those of other religion not to mention the prohibition of even building churches. That is the reality

RiffRaff posted:

Also, the increase has to do with an increased birth rate for Muslims...with some averaging 5 kids per family 

The horrible reality that no one care to voice is that Christianity and Islam were horrible in their rage to convert at all cost. Christians did not care that native people had a religion. Islam entire history was one of wars of conquest and conversion through subjugation. We like the myth it is the benevolent tale of Abraham and the generations of his people afterwards that is so convincing to bring people to the religions. But that is the pious lie.

Stormborn posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Also, the increase has to do with an increased birth rate for Muslims...with some averaging 5 kids per family 

The horrible reality that no one care to voice is that Christianity and Islam were horrible in their rage to convert at all cost. Christians did not care that native people had a religion. Islam entire history was one of wars of conquest and conversion through subjugation. We like the myth it is the benevolent tale of Abraham and the generations of his people afterwards that is so convincing to bring people to the religions. But that is the pious lie.

D2 HOW MANY TIMES do  i have to school you?

Islam does not and cannot force anyone to our religion. Agreed ISIS and the other idiots are doing nonsense in the name of Islam but that is not what the boos say.

D2 you can remain an atheist until you die and we cannot do anything about that. However you can be choose to accept that there is one God and none but him.


You need top school yourself. You are the one believing in mullah interpretation of  prophet-speak. I am grounded in reality where human rationalism governs the day.

Islam has a history of coercing people by various strategies ie taxation or castism demmitude, to the religion. You can bet your dalit ancestors did not submit to the faith willingly.



Chief posted:
RiffRaff posted:

So, exactly how many are converting to Islam? 

Much more than to other religions.

Anecdotal poop-speak spewed by Islamicist in praise of the virtues and good sense of the faith. The reality is growth rate is directly proportional to birth rate and conversions vs exit from the faith is constant.

Last edited by Former Member
Pointblank posted:

none of that is evidence. The US census show no such growth. In our country we have a definite growth. Nigeria for example is not 50 percent christian when it was only 25 percent a few decades ago. The same trend of conversion to Christianity persists in all across asia from Vietnam, to Korea to china. These are not evidence that Christianity is really growing rapidly either.

Stormborn posted:

You need top school yourself. You are the one believing in mullah interpretation of  prophet-speak. I am grounded in reality where human rationalism governs the day.

Islam has a history of coercing people by various strategies ie taxation or castism demmitude, to the religion. You can bet your dalit ancestors did not submit to the faith willingly.



You really hard ears.

Islam is the solution o the World's problems.

You open your mouth about taxation, what taxation.

Why don't you speak about Islam's Zakaat. If every Muslim is to pay their correct share of Zakaat then there will be no poor muslims.

Tell me which religion has that? Atheists still trying to figure out how to deall with poor and those that are behind. Take a page from Islam.

Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:

You need top school yourself. You are the one believing in mullah interpretation of  prophet-speak. I am grounded in reality where human rationalism governs the day.

Islam has a history of coercing people by various strategies ie taxation or castism demmitude, to the religion. You can bet your dalit ancestors did not submit to the faith willingly.



You really hard ears.

Islam is the solution o the World's problems.

You open your mouth about taxation, what taxation.

Why don't you speak about Islam's Zakaat. If every Muslim is to pay their correct share of Zakaat then there will be no poor muslims.

Tell me which religion has that? Atheists still trying to figure out how to deall with poor and those that are behind. Take a page from Islam.

Chief, you rass ah sound like Warria now. Why only "no poor muslims"? Why not no more poor people?

Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:

You need top school yourself. You are the one believing in mullah interpretation of  prophet-speak. I am grounded in reality where human rationalism governs the day.

Islam has a history of coercing people by various strategies ie taxation or castism demmitude, to the religion. You can bet your dalit ancestors did not submit to the faith willingly.



You really hard ears.

Islam is the solution o the World's problems.

You open your mouth about taxation, what taxation.

Why don't you speak about Islam's Zakaat. If every Muslim is to pay their correct share of Zakaat then there will be no poor muslims.

Tell me which religion has that? Atheists still trying to figure out how to deall with poor and those that are behind. Take a page from Islam.

Zakaat is good, but who says that the money is going to the poor, a few years ago a Masjid in Toronto was caught sending money[Zakaat} to a terrorist organization. Money is the root of all evils.

baseman posted:
Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:

The horrible reality that no one care to voice is that Christianity and Islam were horrible in their rage to convert at all cost. Christians did not care that native people had a religion. Islam entire history was one of wars of conquest and conversion through subjugation. We like the myth it is the benevolent tale of Abraham and the generations of his people afterwards that is so convincing to bring people to the religions. But that is the pious lie.

D2 HOW MANY TIMES do  i have to school you?

Islam does not and cannot force anyone to our religion. Agreed ISIS and the other idiots are doing nonsense in the name of Islam but that is not what the boos say.

Islam is known to Convert by the sword!!

ISIS is Islam not too long ago.  Today in places like Saudi, they just deny you any rights, even to pray, if you are non Wahab Sunni!!  Those who don't comply, are molested, beaten, or worse, executed on trumped up (Sharia) charges.  The way out is to convert!!

So, Islam does force people to convert today!!


Let's lay some ground rules. I f I am to engage into any discussion with you you then I ask that you be civil and stop speaking nonsense when you do not know anything about me.

First of all I am not short, secondly I do not own a food cart business, thirdly and more importantly not because I am a Muslim that makes me a terrorist sympathizer.

If you can stick to those rules then and only then we can have a conversation. If you noticed rarely do I respond to you.

kp posted:

Zakaat is good, but who says that the money is going to the poor, a few years ago a Masjid in Toronto was caught sending money[Zakaat} to a terrorist organization. Money is the root of all evils.

That may be so however the system is not bad. It is the people who abuse the system.

Welfare are meant for people who are not doing good but then there are cheats and fraudsters.

Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:

You need top school yourself. You are the one believing in mullah interpretation of  prophet-speak. I am grounded in reality where human rationalism governs the day.

Islam has a history of coercing people by various strategies ie taxation or castism demmitude, to the religion. You can bet your dalit ancestors did not submit to the faith willingly.



You really hard ears.

Islam is the solution o the World's problems.

You open your mouth about taxation, what taxation.

Why don't you speak about Islam's Zakaat. If every Muslim is to pay their correct share of Zakaat then there will be no poor muslims.

Tell me which religion has that? Atheists still trying to figure out how to deall with poor and those that are behind. Take a page from Islam.

The Islamic  world is an example of that we do not want for the world. They are the quintessential do nothing people. Those that have money simply build to the sky and live vicariously while consuming the resources and the labor of millions of poor in semi slavery condition.

They manufacture nothing, have created no think tanks or development mecca. All they do is pontificate like you on the after life. Even their own in their time of supreme need know implicitly that  their hearts are hard and do not seek the benefaction of the supposed munificent zackat driven culture. That has meaning only in sitting rooms and hookabars.

The poor and destitute take refuge to christiandom for charity. They move in such vast numbers that even Christians are numbed to the overwhelming deluge of destitute all at the hands of their own.

Western europe is principally Christians but governed by the the rational conclusions of  secular humanism. That is the athiestic creed. It is the basis of everything that is good in their world. It is the center of every drive to scholorship, to know to produce to move humanity into a better place. If they were religious they would like Muslims  manufacture every mullah interpreted prophet speak dictat to bar entry of the kufars,

Islam is stasis. It is the idea that all there is to know is known and all that can be known can be found and those who seek it has one source. They need to bend the knees and suffocate any inclination to wonder. They have to swallow whole cloth the prescriptions of the Koran as there is nothing else.

Last edited by Former Member

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