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Former Member

with Exxon drilling like a rass and finding OIL right next door!!

oh and . . . notice ANYTHING ODD about those two important dates

yessss . . . Robert Persaud and the PPP cabal smiling @ how dey gat dis wan lock

where is the howling for “CLAWBACK!!”??

4 years on . . . deafening SILENCE from the Gilbakkas on GNI at this tiefman outrage on STEROIDS

these GNI ‘purists’ prefer to sharpen their teeth and snarl @ Granger awarding 20-year lease to QUALIFIED blackman fuh farm coconut pan 700 acres

“CLAWBACK” very prominent in the foam dripping from their rabid, racialist stink mouths

nasty, nasty people

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

yuh tiefman er, tiefhoman mind @work

alyuh CORRUPT, IMMORAL ‘reasoning’

yesss . . . he also writing plenty plenty checks to QC i hear

and all the alumni clapping . . . i’m not

i don’t give respect to tiefman, foul-smelling sh!t money

yuh can’t argue against my FACTS

but swear y’all smart


Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

When his Negro Brothers thief billions he stay quiet. 
So much for this racist clown. 

Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

When his Negro Brothers thief billions he stay quiet. 

point to it banna . . . point to it

or shut the fvck up you ignorant donkey

ronan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

yuh tiefman er, tiefhoman mind @work

alyuh CORRUPT, IMMORAL ‘reasoning’

yesss . . . he also writing plenty plenty checks to QC i hear

and all the alumni clapping . . . i’m not

i don’t give respect to tiefman, foul-smelling sh!t money

yuh can’t argue against my FACTS

but swear y’all smart


Speaking of thief and looting. Tell us about the billions missing from Independence celebrations feasco, The Airport project ( half of the Airport delivered for the same price ) and they get expose trying to thief $18 M US signing bonus. Tell us about US $960 M that Trotman sign with Exxon as recovery cost and he said he’s following orders. 

ronan posted:
Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

When his Negro Brothers thief billions he stay quiet. 

point to it banna . . . point to it

or shut the fvck up you ignorant donkey

You should listen to yourself and you will know who’s the Ignorant donkey 

  • Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

yuh tiefman er, tiefhoman mind @work

alyuh CORRUPT, IMMORAL ‘reasoning’

yesss . . . he also writing plenty plenty checks to QC i hear

and all the alumni clapping . . . i’m not

i don’t give respect to tiefman, foul-smelling sh!t money

yuh can’t argue against my FACTS

but swear y’all smart


Speaking of thief and looting. Tell us about the billions missing from Independence celebrations feasco, The Airport project ( half of the Airport delivered for the same price )

please quote the $US billions (that’s what we are talking here, rite?) “missing” re the “independence celebrations fiasco” . . . thanks

and the airport project was a Jagdeo tiefman special the coalition Gov’t inherited . . . you didn’t know?

my bad . . . you dumb and borderline illiterate

never mind

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

It was insider dealing. It was corrupt. It was obscenely corrupt. That having been said, the Granger government in a caretaker capacity has no authority to lease the states land. That is illegal, corrupt and also in your face disrespect to the Guyanese people. He could have waited until after the elections.

ronan posted:
Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

When his Negro Brothers thief billions he stay quiet. 

point to it banna . . . point to it

or shut the fvck up you ignorant donkey

If someone should call you a name of a zoo animal, the Admin will go crazy and SUSPEND. So wah happen now, because you Black you get off!!!

 What you posted is a big LIE, show the Proof or shut up.

kp posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

When his Negro Brothers thief billions he stay quiet. 

point to it banna . . . point to it

or shut the fvck up you ignorant donkey

If someone should call you a name of a zoo animal, the Admin will go crazy and SUSPEND. So wah happen now, because you Black you get off!!!

 What you posted is a big LIE, show the Proof or shut up.

Ramotar did gift state lands to Dookie who does not have the finances or the knowledge to develop oil fields in deep water. There are only about five companies capable of doing it. This is for the only reason to re lease, use in stock issues to fill his pockets etc. It is a classic example of what crooked governments do in the give away of oil income to cronies. I have spoken out on this as far back as when it happened. The threads are still here. A point of note, Trotman was photographed with dookie approving the deal so this regime could have squashed or questioned the deal but did not 


Parliament is not dissolve, but there is no sitting since December 21st 2018, yet this illegal PNC goverment gave 700 acres of Wales land, put street light in Linden, give toilets to Sophia, made new appointments and many more. That is not RIGHT and should have NEVER done.

 Not because Congress Place tells you to post shit, you must listen.

Stormborn posted:
kp posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

When his Negro Brothers thief billions he stay quiet. 

point to it banna . . . point to it

or shut the fvck up you ignorant donkey

If someone should call you a name of a zoo animal, the Admin will go crazy and SUSPEND. So wah happen now, because you Black you get off!!!

 What you posted is a big LIE, show the Proof or shut up.

Ramotar did gift state lands to Dookie who does not have the finances or the knowledge to develop oil fields in deep water. There are only about five companies capable of doing it. This is for the only reason to re lease, use in stock issues to fill his pockets etc. It is a classic example of what crooked governments do in the give away of oil income to cronies. I have spoken out on this as far back as when it happened. The threads are still here. A point of note, Trotman was photographed with dookie approving the deal so this regime could have squashed or questioned the deal but did not 

CGX/OYL is a Canadian company with many players including Dookie, and Dr.Suresh.

alena06 posted:

Ronan ain’t jail Ramotar as yet? It’s four years since his PNC in power.  He is slacking off.

That is plainly a stupid non thinking statements. Corruopt governments seldom are held to account globally. The people suffer from t heir indiscretions. Ramotar was a horribly crooked man who saw the demise of sugar and OMAI hollywood accounting in their mining that never earned a profit. He over saw the sale of Guymine assets to Omai for 4 million us which they later resold to t he Chinese for some 45 million. Guyana can never become prosperous with the caliber of people we have seeking or holding office. They are all grubby poor church mice with no honor and all seek to be fat cats in an instant. 

kp posted:
Stormborn posted:
kp posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

When his Negro Brothers thief billions he stay quiet. 

point to it banna . . . point to it

or shut the fvck up you ignorant donkey

If someone should call you a name of a zoo animal, the Admin will go crazy and SUSPEND. So wah happen now, because you Black you get off!!!

 What you posted is a big LIE, show the Proof or shut up.

Ramotar did gift state lands to Dookie who does not have the finances or the knowledge to develop oil fields in deep water. There are only about five companies capable of doing it. This is for the only reason to re lease, use in stock issues to fill his pockets etc. It is a classic example of what crooked governments do in the give away of oil income to cronies. I have spoken out on this as far back as when it happened. The threads are still here. A point of note, Trotman was photographed with dookie approving the deal so this regime could have squashed or questioned the deal but did not 

CGX/OYL is a Canadian company with many players including Dookie, and Dr.Suresh.

Which of those no name white people had the capacity to woo them coolies in Guyana. We know who are the front. BTW this is not CGX Ronan referencing but that is no less a squandering of our resources. Note they hardly have any stake in the claim these days having resold most of the assets.,

alena06 posted:

Ronan ain’t jail Ramotar as yet? It’s four years since his PNC in power.  He is slacking off.

Dumb asses do not know their head from their toes. Four years, Billions of Dollars(Clive Thomas pocketed most of it) and not 1 black Jill found! Talk about brainless Donkeys!!!

Nehru posted:
alena06 posted:

Ronan ain’t jail Ramotar as yet? It’s four years since his PNC in power.  He is slacking off.

Dumb asses do not know their head from their toes. Four years, Billions of Dollars(Clive Thomas pocketed most of it) and not 1 black Jill found! Talk about brainless Donkeys!!!

Thomas is a idealist and a dupe; he is being used to carry PNC water. Had he focused narrowly and were there a will to get to the bottom of our nations corrupt politicians some could have been jailed. He has too many cases going and no special prosecutor or court to manage the prosecution. It is not honest to say he stole anything


Stormy, he may not have stolen but he is getting all the benefits in the world and he has nothing to show!! He has disgraced himself to the point where he is as important as a plague!!

kp posted:

 What you posted is a big LIE

hmmmm . . . you sound desperate, pitiful, lost and stupid

point to the “big lie” i posted nah?

i essentially made 2 points and, critically, contextualized them on a timeline  before offering commentary

shouldn’t be too hard


Last edited by Former Member
[i] Nehru posted:

Billions of Dollars (Clive Thomas pocketed most of it)

[ii] Nehru posted:
he may not have stolen but he is getting all the benefits”

huh . . .???

a side gig selling bt in Richmond Hill must mean you can defecate wan extraordinary LIE and incoherence after another in the public space here without explanation

like a wild infant testing the limits of the allowable before benign see-no-evil ‘consensus’ collapses


Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

yall set the why you complaining when others do it now?

Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t tek Dookie worries and make it you happiness.  He is now the top financier of the coalition.  He and Grandhaw bruking bread at the same table.

When his Negro Brothers thief billions he stay quiet. 
So much for this racist clown. 


you better hope Carib sleeping and dont see this...

VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

It was wrong and that is why the PPP lost NOW the PNC doing the same TIME UP for the PNC!!

apparently you boys think it was ok to tief when the PPP did it

...ever heard the phrase "as thick as thieves"?? Means thieves always keep a tight circle. Good friends. Few expert teefman posting hay. One used to teef channa and dall from he Indian people dem when they try to pass thru customs.

Anodda wan used to knockabout Georgetown shaking down Indian businesses fuh lil fry rice or duck curry. Friday was he favorite day - free likka and fried rice! True story bai!

Funny to watch dese old teefmen talk about "morals", "honesty", and criticize teefing by others.

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
[i] Nehru posted:

Billions of Dollars (Clive Thomas pocketed most of it)

[ii] Nehru posted:
he may not have stolen but he is getting all the benefits”

huh . . .???

a side gig selling bt in Richmond Hill must mean you can defecate wan extraordinary LIE and incoherence after another in the public space here without explanation

like a wild infant testing the limits of the allowable before benign see-no-evil ‘consensus’ collapses


Funny shit bai. And dis moron Nehru is the same one that lectures people like Django about "intelligence". LMAO. He's as dumb as a fking wall. Typical Rat man fan!


instructive to watch the “CLAWBACK” and “illegal govt” frenzy here on fake news about alleged tiefman blackman

while not one Indian posting here want to similarly discuss the million+ acre Canje Block Oilfield stolen from the people & given to Idris Dookie by the PPP AFTER Parliament was dissolved in 2015

uh huh

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

G/T choke and Robber on GNI , hide your wallet, hide your daughters, don't answer if them knock.

..and you are an Uivlugt Rob and Choke man. You visit de people business and ROB dem by demanding payment in fry rice or duck curry. Then you CHOKE pon de shit laced duck curry and fry rice. No shame whatsoever in you!

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
kp posted:

G/T choke and Robber on GNI , hide your wallet, hide your daughters, don't answer if them knock.

..and you are an Uivlugt Rob and Choke man. You visit de people business and ROB dem by demanding payment in fry rice or duck curry. Then you CHOKE pon de shit laced duck curry and fry rice. No shame whatsoever in you!

Black , fat, ugly Dutty Coolie boy prancing your naked ass on GNI looking for a Man.  I heard you tried suicide but failed I suggest you try again, worthless piece of disgrace  to human.

People should know that you begged me for a raise and you are forever angry because I turn you down. I don't deal with low life.

Iguana posted:
ronan posted:

instructive to watch the “CLAWBACK” and “illegal govt” frenzy here on fake news about alleged tiefman blackman

while not one Indian posting here want to similarly discuss the million+ acre Canje Block Oilfield stolen from the people & given to Idris Dookie by the PPP AFTER Parliament was dissolved in 2015

uh huh

....Baseman, who kno better, prefer to leh we tink is wan fat homan diggin she nails into he back, rather than offend he lawd and massa Rat man and forfeit he piece of de action.

Bai, wuh stupidness yuh talkings?  And she ain’t fat, but she gat nails fuh true!

ronan posted:

instructive to watch the “CLAWBACK” and “illegal govt” frenzy here on fake news about alleged tiefman blackman

while not one Indian posting here want to similarly discuss the million+ acre Canje Block Oilfield stolen from the people & given to Idris Dookie by the PPP AFTER Parliament was dissolved in 2015

uh huh

Idris Dookie is on very good terms with the PNC!  So what you fussing over, the PNC not!

kp posted:
Iguana posted:
kp posted:

G/T choke and Robber on GNI , hide your wallet, hide your daughters, don't answer if them knock.

..and you are an Uivlugt Rob and Choke man. You visit de people business and ROB dem by demanding payment in fry rice or duck curry. Then you CHOKE pon de shit laced duck curry and fry rice. No shame whatsoever in you!

Black , fat, ugly Dutty Coolie boy prancing your naked ass on GNI looking for a Man.  I heard you tried suicide but failed I suggest you try again, worthless piece of disgrace  to human.

People should know that you begged me for a raise and you are forever angry because I turn you down. I don't deal with low life.

LOL.....look how Gwana man mek yuh run off! Mekking up stories about me. Banna, I didn't live in a fowl pen in Uivlugt. You don't know me, unless you was one of the weed man we used to hire in GT fuh trim trees.

Doubtful though, those fellas were honest and had dignity. Didn't settle fuh free fried rice and shit laced duck curry!

BTW...who is this black, fat, Indian guy you talking about? This is some funny shit . You and Taliban boy in Florida leff mumbling and seeing ghosts like Sam Darnold. And I ain't done wid alyuh yet! lol

Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
ronan posted:

instructive to watch the “CLAWBACK” and “illegal govt” frenzy here on fake news about alleged tiefman blackman

while not one Indian posting here want to similarly discuss the million+ acre Canje Block Oilfield stolen from the people & given to Idris Dookie by the PPP AFTER Parliament was dissolved in 2015

uh huh

....Baseman, who kno better, prefer to leh we tink is wan fat homan diggin she nails into he back, rather than offend he lawd and massa Rat man and forfeit he piece of de action.

Bai, wuh stupidness yuh talkings?  And she ain’t fat, but she gat nails fuh true!

Tell e deh Base, she ain't fat she jus Pleasantly Plump, taraaaasss.


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