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Speaking to Guyanese in New York recently, President Donald Rabindranauth Ramotar said, "I am very pleased with the economic progress that our country has made over the past decade, but in order for Guyana to achieve her true potential we need a new, sustained and cost efficient source of electricity. And in my estimation, Hydro is the best source of electricity in the world, and as long as I am president I will never give up on our goals to develop hydroelectricity in Guyana."


Recently the American company Sithe Global pulled out of as project developer of the Amaila Falls Hydro. The Guyana opposition APNU was vehemently opposed to the financial structure of the Sithe proposal.


But President Ramotar had some good news for Guyanese. While in New York attending the 68th session of the United Nations general assembly, he met with president of the Inter American Development bank(IDB), Luis Alberto Moreno.


Mr. Moreno and the IDB indicated to president Ramotar that they were "enthusiastic about providing technical and financial support for reforming the energy in Guyana." The two officials agreed to have technical teams from Guyana and the IDB jointly explore alternative ways to upgrade and diversify the countryโ€™s energy matrix.


President Ramotar is highly confident that hydroelectricity will become a reality in Guyana. "We produce bauxite in Guyana. With a cheaper source of electricity, we can produce aluminum. We can also accommodate other industries involved in processing. Hydroelectricity will take Guyana onto a higher plateau economically."


The president was well received by Guyanese in New York. Many were pleased to hear about the plans the President has for Guyana.





There you have it folks! Donald "I will never give up on Hydro" Ramotar----New Yorkers were excited to listen to their beloved President.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

When Jagdeo done with Ramotar he gonna have hydroseed.



You appear to have an unhealthy obsession with the former president.


Listen, Jagdeo rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but no one can deny that the country made significant progress during his presidency.




He defeated your new hero David Granger in the 2011 elections and will whip him mercilessly in the 2016 election.





It's heartening to see that the are enthusiastic about helping improve the energy/electricity sector in Guyana.



Originally Posted by Observer:

Our charismatic leader wowed the NY crowd, after all he was named after Tagore.    

Miss Observer:


Day by day, Donald Rabindranauth is growing in stature---many Guyanese were not too enthused about him in 2011---but 2 years later---the man is well loved and respected.


Guyanese who matter---the ones who actually vote---they are pleased as punch  with the leadership their president has demonstrated and the great plans he has for their beloved country.








There is no difference between Ramotar and Jagdeo. Ramotar had a distinct and clear chance to distinguish himself from corrupt and petty Jagdeo.


Instead he has chosen to embrace Jagdeo as if it were his twin. Ramotar is another stooge of Jagdeo and just as corrupt. Contrary to what persons say about ramotar he is a mirror image of Jagdeo. In today's news he is out there defending Brassington.


Brassington is the most corrupt thiefin son of a beech out there.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Patriots? I heard when you look up Patriots in the communist party dictionary it gives the definition as  involving commercial fraud, cheating Guyanese, swindles, state treasury, embezzlement and other forms of dishonest business schemes.



That's a lame response. For a newspaper article writer you must do better.


Lemme help you out----this should have been your reply:


Hey Rev, you call Jagdeo and Ramotar patriots ? You obviously don't know what a true patriot is. Let me remind you esteemed Rev---"the duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government"---that was Thomas Paine---and by the way Mr. Rev---my beloved hero David Granger is a true patriot----he protected his country from the PPP government and that corrupt Sithe Hydro project.






That's a good one HM_Redux.






It looks like you are trying to derail this thread.


Lemme return to Guyana's esteemed president and his comments in the lead post.


Donald Rabindranauth is 100% correct. Because of its numerous advantages, lots of countries have hydro as the major source of electricity production, and so it is absolutely imperative that Guyana find ways to develop her hydro potential.


It's also heartening to see that the IDB has not given up on Guyana---they are determined to help develop the energy sector in Guyana.






derail? Ramotar has derailed his own legacy the man is nothing more than a sham.


The question? What is a President's legacy........


A legacy, or what a person leaves behind for others, is open to many interpretations. Historians and political scholars have attempted to assess the president's effectiveness as a leader, his accomplishments in office, and his contributions to society. As political scholar James McGregor Burns noted, "We want everything: a strong leader, a consensus builder, a good manager, a policy expert, a great communicator, an ethical model, a visionary, a negotiator." Although opinions differ, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt consistently rank as strong leaders and great presidents. By most accounts, these men defined or redefined the presidency, and strengthened the position as a national office. Theodore Roosevelt, Andrew Jackson, and Harry S. Truman generally receive strong appraisals and often rank just below the top presidents. At the other end of the spectrum, weak leaders whose administrations were riddled with scandal, such as Ulysses S. Grant and Warren G. Harding, or who proved ineffective, including James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson, are seen as far less successful. 


Where do you think Ramotar will end up? Dullard Duck or?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

derail? Ramotar has derailed his own legacy the man is nothing more than a sham.



Donald Rabindranauth Ramotar is only two years into his first term as President and you are braying about legacy ?


I now see why you don't have any followers in Guyana and can only write newspaper articles----YOU ARE BORING.


Listen HM_redux, when history is written Donald Ramotar's chief legacy will be honesty---there is no legacy so rich as honesty----that's how we shall all remember Ramotar---a man of remarkable honesty.


Now redux---go and lick Granger's balls----maybe you can write about his legacy---proven failure and loser.hahahaha



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

derail? Ramotar has derailed his own legacy the man is nothing more than a sham.



Donald Rabindranauth Ramotar is only two years into his first term as President and you are braying about legacy ?


I now see why you don't have any followers in Guyana and can only write newspaper articles----YOU ARE BORING.


Listen HM_redux, when history is written Donald Ramotar's chief legacy will be honesty---there is no legacy so rich as honesty----that's how we shall all remember Ramotar---a man of remarkable honesty.


Now redux---go and lick Granger's balls----maybe you can write about his legacy---proven failure and loser.hahahaha



Meanwhile Rev Analy, you rent your mouth to Kwamee.

Originally Posted by Rev:

I Will Never Give Up On Hydroelectricity


Speaking to Guyanese in New York recently, President Donald Rabindranauth Ramotar said, ... in my estimation, Hydro is the best source of electricity in the world, and as long as I am president I will never give up on our goals to develop hydroelectricity in Guyana."

... and soon, hydroelectric power generation will indeed become a reality for Guyana.

Originally Posted by Rev:



Speaking to Guyanese in New York recently, President Donald Rabindranauth Ramotar said, "I am very pleased with the economic progress that our country has made over the past decade, but in order for Guyana to achieve her true potential we need a new, sustained and cost efficient source of electricity. And in my estimation, Hydro is the best source of electricity in the world, and as long as I am president I will never give up on our goals to develop hydroelectricity in Guyana."


Recently the American company Sithe Global pulled out of as project developer of the Amaila Falls Hydro. The Guyana opposition APNU was vehemently opposed to the financial structure of the Sithe proposal.


But President Ramotar had some good news for Guyanese. While in New York attending the 68th session of the United Nations general assembly, he met with president of the Inter American Development bank(IDB), Luis Alberto Moreno.


Mr. Moreno and the IDB indicated to president Ramotar that they were "enthusiastic about providing technical and financial support for reforming the energy in Guyana." The two officials agreed to have technical teams from Guyana and the IDB jointly explore alternative ways to upgrade and diversify the countryโ€™s energy matrix.


President Ramotar is highly confident that hydroelectricity will become a reality in Guyana. "We produce bauxite in Guyana. With a cheaper source of electricity, we can produce aluminum. We can also accommodate other industries involved in processing. Hydroelectricity will take Guyana onto a higher plateau economically."


The president was well received by Guyanese in New York. Many were pleased to hear about the plans the President has for Guyana.





There you have it folks! Donald "I will never give up on Hydro" Ramotar----New Yorkers were excited to listen to their beloved President.



Duz this man know what are the ingredients for making Aluminium? He thinks because Guyana has bauxite, one can just heat it up with hydroelectricity and wallah Aluminium just appears. 

Originally Posted by Rev:



It looks like you are trying to derail this thread.


Lemme return to Guyana's esteemed president and his comments in the lead post.


Donald Rabindranauth is 100% correct. Because of its numerous advantages, lots of countries have hydro as the major source of electricity production, and so it is absolutely imperative that Guyana find ways to develop her hydro potential.


It's also heartening to see that the IDB has not given up on Guyana---they are determined to help develop the energy sector in Guyana.





With fuel guzzlers.

Originally Posted by Rev:




There you have it folks! Donald "I will never give up on Hydro" Ramotar----New Yorkers were excited to listen to their beloved President.





Grandstanding and sententious bilge. No other person in GUyana is against Hydro electricity. They are however not into it as we have experienced with the berbice river bridge where the nation funds a PPP money leeching factory.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Milk and honey for the bicycle riding bottom house dwellers who did not have a pot to piss in.

You can complain, condemn and criticize the PPP from now until thy kingdom come---in 2016, the good people of Guyana will re-elect Donald Rabindranauth Ramotar by a majority, and your new hero, David Granger, will remain a proven failure and loser.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Pundit Mit,




Is that bloke really a pandit ?


The hindu religion ought to be abolished if their pundits are as nasty, profane, filthy, vulgar, and boorish as that character you mentioned. I wont even mention his name.





Rev Analy, pressure does meck pipe buss. Why do you kneel infront of Kwamee with such reverence.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Speaking to Guyanese in New York recently, President Donald Rabindranauth Ramotar said, "I am very pleased with the economic progress that our country has made over the past decade, but in order for Guyana to achieve her true potential we need a new, sustained and cost efficient source of electricity. And in my estimation, Hydro is the best source of electricity in the world, and as long as I am president I will never give up on our goals to develop hydroelectricity in Guyana.




There you have it folks! Donald "I will never give up on Hydro" Ramotar----New Yorkers were excited to listen to their beloved President.



Duz this man know what are the ingredients for making Aluminium?


He thinks because Guyana has bauxite, one can just heat it up with hydroelectricity and wallah Aluminium just appears. 

Similar to numerous others, he is aware of the issues.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Speaking to Guyanese in New York recently, President Donald Rabindranauth Ramotar said, "I am very pleased with the economic progress that our country has made over the past decade, but in order for Guyana to achieve her true potential we need a new, sustained and cost efficient source of electricity. And in my estimation, Hydro is the best source of electricity in the world, and as long as I am president I will never give up on our goals to develop hydroelectricity in Guyana.




There you have it folks! Donald "I will never give up on Hydro" Ramotar----New Yorkers were excited to listen to their beloved President.



Duz this man know what are the ingredients for making Aluminium?


He thinks because Guyana has bauxite, one can just heat it up with hydroelectricity and wallah Aluminium just appears. 

Similar to numerous others, he is aware of the issues.


Similar to numerous others, he is not aware of the issues.

Originally Posted by Danyael:


 Grandstanding and sententious bilge. No other person in GUyana is against Hydro electricity. They are however not into it as we have experienced with the berbice river bridge where the nation funds a PPP money leeching factory.

It must have deeply pained you to see the President of the IDB, Luis Moreno, showing great interest in Guyana's energy sector and enthusiastically extending a hand to support Guyana in her effort to improve the sector.




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