seignet posted:baseman posted:Trump all the way!!
I cannot recall any Presidential Candidate ever gotten so much opposition and yet rolls on forward.
He's not "rolling on forward, he's sliding on his slime.
seignet posted:baseman posted:Trump all the way!!
I cannot recall any Presidential Candidate ever gotten so much opposition and yet rolls on forward.
He's not "rolling on forward, he's sliding on his slime.
A case of loosers attracted to loosers.
Trump wants to force Apple to assemble all Apple products in the USA without explaining where the labour supply will come from to do this. He would have to put a door in the wall to let Mexicans in. Also, ignoring the increased cost and sourcing of components which are manufactured in China. Apple will simply move their HQ to another jurisdiction.
caribny posted:baseman posted:Nah!! don't make that your concern! I'm more concern someone looking like me getting in and creating mayhem and people look at me with fear and suspicion!!
Let me get more personal. If your were NOT a resident of Canada or the USA, under Trump you will NOT be able to enter the USA.
Are you a terrorist?
Well, you are saying that. I will not get into useless prattle. This is absolutely nonsense, I never heard him statement. He spoke o a temporary moratorium for Muslims from certain places and certain visa types until a better process is in place. I'm sure this will be limited to new applicants trying to enter for the first time, maybe a few others, not the businessman who has been coming here. And in anycase, I doubt he will actually follow through in full earnest! This is all red meat!!
caribny posted:baseman posted:Chief posted:Black folks will never I repeat will never turn to Trump.You really do not know Black folks.
Yes we do, skites banna, we from GUYANA!!! Well, naive Hillary found out the hard way in 2008!!
Anyway, the Black [relative] situation has not changed one iota under Obama, not one!!
And you have still NOT given us proof that Trump is NOT a black hating racist.
If he hates blacks, or is blind to the OVERT hostility that his goons display to blacks, EVEN THOSE WHO ARE PART OF THE GOP, then why will you think that blacks will support him?
In fact, aside from protestors, how many blacks do you see at the Trump (KKK) rallies. I will suggest to you that the vast majority of blacks will be TERRIFIED to attend a Trump event.
This is like proving having NO weapons on Mass Destruction!!
Blacks should support him if they think he will improve their economic fortunes and take on issues of concern to them. If not, then they vote Hillary, what does it matter to me?
It really don't matter to me, as under either, I will be perfectly fine!!
FC posted:A case of loosers attracted to loosers.
Trump wants to force Apple to assemble all Apple products in the USA without explaining where the labour supply will come from to do this. He would have to put a door in the wall to let Mexicans in. Also, ignoring the increased cost and sourcing of components which are manufactured in China. Apple will simply move their HQ to another jurisdiction.
He promised to have some nice big welcoming doors on that beautiful wall, he really did!! And only the right ones will be let in! Not the "rapists and murderers"!!
Now to the heart of the matter, Apple, or any such companies manufacturing in the US will employ totally different manufacturing processes and technology. I am trying to dig up a study which I read sometime back by some manufacturing Engineers estimated that an additional 8-10% on the FBMC of Apple products fully made in the US. However, the 500k workers in China will be 100k in the US on a highly automated, highly robotic factory floor!
However, quite frankly, you cannot force a company to do manfg here or there. You can create incentives (or disincentives) which make the value proposition case for here. This however, needs to be done within the context of existing bilateral, multilateral, various existing WTO, OECD etc trading rules! These cannot just be shredded!!
If Trump should win, his entire first term will be spent working on these frameworks before anyone can actually act on it. The gutting of America's manufacturing base was a 25 year process. It will not turn around overnight!! It's a real big tanker to turn around, but there is an iceberg out there!!
What Trump has done is expose the frustration and anger festering in the USA which, if not addressed, will one day explode, much to the peril of the entire nation!! I don't think anyone fully understood/believed this until he burst onto the scene!! The Trump locomotive is good for the nation, the GOP should not try shenanigans to thwart the voice of the people, for regardless of what we wish to hear, it is the voice of the people!
Take this in the context of "Black Lives Matter", it's the cry for help, to he heard, and issues to be addressed. Address Black and White livelihood and "Black Lives Matter" will not really matter!! Politicians should not trivialize either!!
Washington (CNN) Donald Trump pilloried Mitt Romney on his home turf on Friday, making his best appeal to the state's majority Mormon population and questioning whether Romney truly represented their faith.
The rally in Salt Lake City, coming one week after clashes between supporters and protesters forced Trump to cancel a Chicago event, was also marked by a couple hundred protesters outside the Infinity Event Center, some of whom at one point tried to rush into the event.
baseman posted:t. He spoke o a temporary moratorium for Muslims
He said MUSLIMS. he didn't say from where.
His goons aren't interested in whether one is ACTUALLY a Muslim or not.
An Asian Indian is selected as Miss America. She was bombarded with racist tweets denouncing her as a terrorist, despite the fact that she is most likely NOT a Muslim, and that India is NOT viewed as a terrorist threat to the USA.
baseman posted:Blacks should support him if they think he will improve their economic fortunes and take on issues of concern to them. If not, then they vote Hillary, what does it matter to me?
It really don't matter to me, as under either, I will be perfectly fine!!
Given that Trump's goons wish blacks to "go back to Africa", while Hillary sees them as an integral part of the USA, there is no doubt in who will get black support.
Given that blacks are an important swing vote in many swing states, that is something that Trump should worry about. Especially in light of his damning of Mexicans as rapists and drug dealers, which will trigger a massive Latino turn out in the western swing states.
Non whites are now 40% of the population, and 30% of the electorate. It makes no sense to alienate them and well meaning whites with this bigotry.
I already showed you that in 2012 Obama got 84% of the Asian Indian vote!
baseman posted:in the US on a highly automated, highly robotic factory floor!
In fact manufacturing is already returning to the USA, as Chinese aren't as cheap as they once were, and prior to the drop in oil prices, transportation had become costly.
Given that robotic factory floors cannot absorb people who might not even have high school education (Trump's core base), how does that help them.
Americans who don't have college degrees are among the LEAST educated in the OECD nations, with only those from Turkey, Mexico and a few other places doing worse.
Here is the irony. Relocating jobs back to the USA might necessitate importing South Koreans, given that Americans lack the skills!
baseman should chew on these facts.
Over the last six presidential elections, Democrats have won 16 states every time for a total of 242 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win. In those same six elections, Republican presidential candidates carried 13 states for 103 electoral votes. Hereâs another way to look at it: The last time a Republican presidential candidate won with enough votes to be declared the winner on Election Night was 1988.
In 1980, Ronald Reagan won 56 percent of white voters and won a landslide victory of 44 states. In 2012, Mitt Romney won 59 percent of whites and lost with 24 states. But itâs a frequent talking point that white voter enthusiasm was higher for Reagan and turnout down for Romney. Not so. In 1980, 59 percent of whites voted and in 2012, 64 percent of whites voted.
Romney won 17 percent of the non-white vote. Depending on white voter turnout, a Republican needs between 25 percent and 35 percent of the non-white vote to win.
Only 12 percent of Hispanics have a favorable view of Trump with 77 percent unfavorable. Even among Hispanic Republicans, he has a 60 percent unfavorable ranking. Among African Americans, 86 percent have an unfavorable view of Trump.
To have even a chance at winning a national election, a nominee must get 90-plus percent of their own party. But one out of every three Republicans view Trump unfavorably.
One of Hillary Clintonâs greatest weaknesses is her perceived lack of honesty and trust. Only 37 percent of Americans believe she is honest and trustworthy. That could be a devastating opportunity for an opponent to exploit. But only 27 percent of the public believes Donald Trump is honest.
Kari posted:
One of Hillary Clintonâs greatest weaknesses is her perceived lack of honesty and trust. Only 37 percent of Americans believe she is honest and trustworthy. That could be a devastating opportunity for an opponent to exploit. But only 27 percent of the public believes Donald Trump is honest.
This is actually more relevant than the rest of your commentary.
In 2012 FL, VA,OH, and CO all had Obama victories with 51.5% of the vote. A small swing the other way, and we have President Trump.
The person who gets their base out will win. As of now know one can say with confidence as to who will vote.
Hillary doesn't have the charisma of Obama, and there is a possibility that much of the Democratic base is bored. There is also a possibility that a Trump Democrat may emerge in places where the Reagan Democrat came.
While I believe that Hillary will win, to claim that a Trump defeat is assured is not prudent thinking. How many of us 9 months ago thought that Trump would still be around.
Of course if the GOP convention descends into a civil war then the inauguration of Hillary can occur in September.
The things that Trump spouts out about are not doable but they appeal to his supporters. Trump is playing out his reality TV personality in this election. Forcing Apple to assemble products cannot be done. Reversing corporate inversion such as the Pfizer Allergan merger and moving of HQ to Ireland is legal. His supporters do not understand this. They are caught up in the emotional rhetoric/Trump bravado of making America strong again.
Dump Da Trump
FC posted:The things that Trump spouts out about are not doable but they appeal to his supporters. Trump is playing out his reality TV personality in this election. Forcing Apple to assemble products cannot be done. Reversing corporate inversion such as the Pfizer Allergan merger and moving of HQ to Ireland is legal. His supporters do not understand this. They are caught up in the emotional rhetoric/Trump bravado of making America strong again.
What Trump is saying is all directional. Nothing is doable to the degree any politician says. Neither him nor Hillary could get into the details of any proposal, not for the average person to even to begin to understand. As a leader he is saying where he believes we should go. Getting it done, that's another matter, and it's for policy-makers to formulate policy positions to get us there.
Trump is not only a TV personality but a very successful business tycoon with an empire spanning the globe! He understands the reality of actually getting things done, apart from just the brick and mortar aspects!
Trump cannot force any company to manufacture here or there, that will be determined by the business imperative of maximizing SH value. Govt's do have a role to play in ensuring a level playing field and that there are viable alternatives for displaced workers.
Corporate inversion is legal, yes and you just cannot make it illegal! There are measures a govt can take to make it less attractive. Also remember, Shkreli and Daraprim was fully legal!!
Again, regarding people understanding of the issues, true, not sure how many understand the intricacies of all the talking points of Hillary either! Remember, Obama promised to close Gitmo as soon as he takes office back in 2008! Low hanging fruit right? Right!! Both sides have their "red-meat" base which needs to be motivated to come out. It's that middle swing who will make the difference. And they tend to be more rational and questioning and objective!
I believe both will struggle here and Trump more so! Trump might just do a "deal" with the GOP, and he will says it's a "deal" for the American worker! He will have a list of agenda items, go public and ensure the compromise candidate incorporate and embrace these. I also believe we will get a partial wall and some other talking point issues and he will say "I won"!! Everyone will go home feeling great, and nothing will have really changed!
FC posted:The things that Trump spouts out about are not doable but they appeal to his supporters. Trump is playing out his reality TV personality in this election. Forcing Apple to assemble products cannot be done. Reversing corporate inversion such as the Pfizer Allergan merger and moving of HQ to Ireland is legal. His supporters do not understand this. They are caught up in the emotional rhetoric/Trump bravado of making America strong again.
Trump consistently makes absurd statements and promises to take extremist actions that his supporters laud, as incredulous as they are. If trump becomes the president then those supporters will expect him to deliver per his campaign promises, wall and all. That is how is happens everywhere, Guyana included.
He says it all on public fora over and over again and he no doubt is being taken literally by those masses of supporters that he has. I think it is risky to expect that he will tone down or partially deliver on what he promises to do.
A lot hinges on what will happen at the GOP convention.
baseman posted:susan posted:FC posted:The things that Trump spouts out about are not doable but they appeal to his supporters. Trump is playing out his reality TV personality in this election. Forcing Apple to assemble products cannot be done. Reversing corporate inversion such as the Pfizer Allergan merger and moving of HQ to Ireland is legal. His supporters do not understand this. They are caught up in the emotional rhetoric/Trump bravado of making America strong again.
Trump consistently makes absurd statements and promises to take extremist actions that his supporters laud, as incredulous as they are. If trump becomes the president then those supporters will expect him to deliver per his campaign promises, wall and all. That is how is happens everywhere, Guyana included.
He says it all on public fora over and over again and he no doubt is being taken literally by those masses of supporters that he has. I think it is risky to expect that he will tone down or partially deliver on what he promises to do.
A lot hinges on what will happen at the GOP convention.
Anyone who believes all the rhetoric in a campaign are naive. All the lofty goals of Obama, where are we? Even seemingly "simple" low hanging fruits like Gitmo still sits!! I don't blame him as on any campaign trail, statement come easy, no one expects endless details, however, the devil is in the details.
Trump is setting a "directional" policy agenda. How it will be done, that's another matter! The people like the direction!!
Well, what you deem the "Trump directional policy agenda" is frightening and absurd to say the very least. God Help America if he becomes President!
What will happen to you few myopic racists if you can't go back to Guyana because you see it as a Black dominated state and Trump makes life so hard for you that you cannot stay here. Not sure that Canada will take the likes of some of you if they see the hateful things you few say. Will you be the World's first persona non grata?!
Maybe not, I think you few trying to tone down just a bit, is it my imagination?!
baseman posted:susan posted:baseman posted:susan posted:FC posted:The things that Trump spouts out about are not doable but they appeal to his supporters. Trump is playing out his reality TV personality in this election. Forcing Apple to assemble products cannot be done. Reversing corporate inversion such as the Pfizer Allergan merger and moving of HQ to Ireland is legal. His supporters do not understand this. They are caught up in the emotional rhetoric/Trump bravado of making America strong again.
Trump consistently makes absurd statements and promises to take extremist actions that his supporters laud, as incredulous as they are. If trump becomes the president then those supporters will expect him to deliver per his campaign promises, wall and all. That is how is happens everywhere, Guyana included.
He says it all on public fora over and over again and he no doubt is being taken literally by those masses of supporters that he has. I think it is risky to expect that he will tone down or partially deliver on what he promises to do.
A lot hinges on what will happen at the GOP convention.
Anyone who believes all the rhetoric in a campaign are naive. All the lofty goals of Obama, where are we? Even seemingly "simple" low hanging fruits like Gitmo still sits!! I don't blame him as on any campaign trail, statement come easy, no one expects endless details, however, the devil is in the details.
Trump is setting a "directional" policy agenda. How it will be done, that's another matter! The people like the direction!!
Well, what you deem the "Trump directional policy agenda" is frightening and absurd to say the very least. God Help America if he becomes President!
What will happen to you few myopic racists if you can't go back to Guyana because you see it as a Black dominated state and Trump makes life so hard for you that you cannot stay here. Not sure that Canada will take the likes of some of you if they see the hateful things you few say. Will you be the World's first persona non grata?!
Maybe not, I think you few trying to tone down just a bit, is it my imagination?!
Trump as president will be good for the USA. The dire predictions are similar to what the many dooms-dayers thought of Ronald Reagan!! Any leader who seeks to shift the paradigm will be divisive and frightening as people are uncomfortable with big shifts!! However, this "supertanker" is headed straight for the "iceberg"!!
I've always done well in the "White" world, even the "White of White", Swiss! Anyway, maybe a Trump presidency will reverse the coup d'etat which occurred in Guyana on May 11, 2015 and restore democracy!! Trump, Hillary, Obama, Bush, Clinton Bush, never affected the livelihood or anything regarding baseman!! The aim is to work hard, attain education and skills and be flexible, things do work themselves out!
I believe Obama is a good guy actually, but I don't think he was a good leader. He could not build coalitions and move the US forward. He preferred to remain aloof and self centered, and excused it as having young kids!
But I have to say, he seems a good person! When he does not get what he wants, he double-down with "rule by decree"!! That hardens opposition and he is blocked on everything! However, this attribute is what led to the opening with Cuba, so it's not all bad. Win some, lose some. But he lost more than he won!
And, I know it's difficult for you to envision, but baseman is a man of love for all!! No child, regardless of race, religion of sex should be deprived of a chance to make the most of life!!
Well boy if you and trump are as you say, you sure got a whole lot of people fooled! they would never believe it from what you spout in very public fora!
Kari posted:baseman posted:Kari're setting up yourself for some pain. Read my lips, er, blog.....NO PRESIDENT TRUMP. Ain't gonna happen.......but palava yourself for now. You have until November (he will be the GOP nominee and Hillary's drum to beat).
Hey lighten up, baseman fully understands the odds and what may or may not be. But his agenda will creep it's way into policy regardless who wins, that you can be sure.
All them days of [breaking the law] coming illegal and "regularizing" or living illegal without control done. You might even see a partial wall sometime. You will also see a more robust approach to handling the Islamist terrorist threat at home and abroad. There will be tougher trade agreement enforcement and harsher deals.
Regardless of the outcome, Trump will have accomplished his mission in or out of the White House. For this reason, the battle must go all the way to the Convention floor and down "Electric Avenue"!!
baseman, you just don't understand Americana or Pax Americana.
There will be no wall - it's un-American.
There will be no budget for Federal enforcement of illegal witch-hunting than you've had historically and of course local law enforcement wants none of that action.
There is no "robust" action beyond the strategy being employed now. There will no incarceration of Muslims in America like the "Japanese in the2nd world war, or increased surveillance or carpet bombing of some Middle East country (so 20th century) or American soldiers in a ground war.
Free Trade is not something that you can buck. It's progress. There is sufficient surveillance on unfair trade, dumping, unequal tariffs, bureaucratic barriers, etc. to make free trade stand up. The arguments about jobs lost in free trade misses the point about countries doing in the production stage what they're competitive about. For example America in high tech goods and farm products; china in plastic toys and India in cheap clothing.
Speak with smarts. I'm willing to entertain anything that trump says but hey have to make sense. So far all he's doing is waht a smart politician will do - demolish the field by tapping in to what the Party voters express. For him, and you, unfortunately, not only do your arguments suck they are in the minority. that's the reality.
Just like Bernie?
baseman posted:susan posted:baseman posted:susan posted:Well, what you deem the "Trump directional policy agenda" is frightening and absurd to say the very least. God Help America if he becomes President!
What will happen to you few myopic racists if you can't go back to Guyana because you see it as a Black dominated state and Trump makes life so hard for you that you cannot stay here. Not sure that Canada will take the likes of some of you if they see the hateful things you few say. Will you be the World's first persona non grata?!
Maybe not, I think you few trying to tone down just a bit, is it my imagination?!
Trump as president will be good for the USA. The dire predictions are similar to what the many dooms-dayers thought of Ronald Reagan!! Any leader who seeks to shift the paradigm will be divisive and frightening as people are uncomfortable with big shifts!! However, this "supertanker" is headed straight for the "iceberg"!!
I've always done well in the "White" world, even the "White of White", Swiss! Anyway, maybe a Trump presidency will reverse the coup d'etat which occurred in Guyana on May 11, 2015 and restore democracy!! Trump, Hillary, Obama, Bush, Clinton Bush, never affected the livelihood or anything regarding baseman!! The aim is to work hard, attain education and skills and be flexible, things do work themselves out!
I believe Obama is a good guy actually, but I don't think he was a good leader. He could not build coalitions and move the US forward. He preferred to remain aloof and self centered, and excused it as having young kids!
But I have to say, he seems a good person! When he does not get what he wants, he double-down with "rule by decree"!! That hardens opposition and he is blocked on everything! However, this attribute is what led to the opening with Cuba, so it's not all bad. Win some, lose some. But he lost more than he won!
And, I know it's difficult for you to envision, but baseman is a man of love for all!! No child, regardless of race, religion of sex should be deprived of a chance to make the most of life!!
Well boy if you and trump are as you say, you sure got a whole lot of people fooled!
they would never believe it from what you spout in very public fora!
Don't be fooled by optics!! All that glitters is not Gold and the opposite is also true!!
True dat!
A really good friend, a gem of a man, used to say, something like "it is the biggest illusion to think that something that appears beautiful to the eye is also necessarily good".
I shall be hoping that you are right about The Trump!
susan posted:baseman posted:susan posted:baseman posted:susan posted:Well, what you deem the "Trump directional policy agenda" is frightening and absurd to say the very least. God Help America if he becomes President!
What will happen to you few myopic racists if you can't go back to Guyana because you see it as a Black dominated state and Trump makes life so hard for you that you cannot stay here. Not sure that Canada will take the likes of some of you if they see the hateful things you few say. Will you be the World's first persona non grata?!
Maybe not, I think you few trying to tone down just a bit, is it my imagination?!
Trump as president will be good for the USA. The dire predictions are similar to what the many dooms-dayers thought of Ronald Reagan!! Any leader who seeks to shift the paradigm will be divisive and frightening as people are uncomfortable with big shifts!! However, this "supertanker" is headed straight for the "iceberg"!!
I've always done well in the "White" world, even the "White of White", Swiss! Anyway, maybe a Trump presidency will reverse the coup d'etat which occurred in Guyana on May 11, 2015 and restore democracy!! Trump, Hillary, Obama, Bush, Clinton Bush, never affected the livelihood or anything regarding baseman!! The aim is to work hard, attain education and skills and be flexible, things do work themselves out!
I believe Obama is a good guy actually, but I don't think he was a good leader. He could not build coalitions and move the US forward. He preferred to remain aloof and self centered, and excused it as having young kids!
But I have to say, he seems a good person! When he does not get what he wants, he double-down with "rule by decree"!! That hardens opposition and he is blocked on everything! However, this attribute is what led to the opening with Cuba, so it's not all bad. Win some, lose some. But he lost more than he won!
And, I know it's difficult for you to envision, but baseman is a man of love for all!! No child, regardless of race, religion of sex should be deprived of a chance to make the most of life!!
Well boy if you and trump are as you say, you sure got a whole lot of people fooled!
they would never believe it from what you spout in very public fora!
Don't be fooled by optics!! All that glitters is not Gold and the opposite is also true!!
True dat!
A really good friend, a gem of a man, used to say, something like "it is the biggest illusion to think that something that appears beautiful to the eye is also necessarily good".
I shall be hoping that you are right about The Trump!
Have to add though, that I am still waiting to see the "glittering". What has been coming forth thus far seems rather dire and frightening.
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