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baseman posted:
VVP posted:


If he has been audited for 10 our of 12 years, then he is clean!!  It is not a sin to be audited by the IRS, this is part of their job!!

Get real!!  Stop fishing for shrimp!!

The IRS states that they are prohibited from continuously auditing a tax payer, unless what they find requires continuous monitoring.

Rubio and Cruz released their tax returns. What has Trump to hide?

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:

Make no mistakes, Republicans will rally around their Presidential Candidate.

African Americans may not turn up to vote in large numbers like they did for Obama.

Interesting times ahead.

Many prominent republicans came out on record today  that they will not support him. The Republicans will definitely have problems holding the senate with Trump.

And African Americans are turning out in high numbers for Hillary. If Trump is in the race they will turn out in in the high nineties for her. He will similarly lose the latin vote. similarly.

The people will decide, not the prominent "establishment"!

Afro Americans turning out for Hillary as a mitigation for "dumping" her for Obama might be too little too late.  The White blue-collar turn out for Trump will mitigate this!!

When it comes to brass tacks only the establishment exists because it is history, tradition, and culture that makes a nation whole. Those are the established views.  The idea that you can side step that is for idiots like you and the idiot vote that trump needs.

He has to win an astonishing percentage of the white vote. This nation is bifurcated evenly among whites between GOP and Dems. He has to poll 25 percent of dems to win if he discounts Hispanics and Blacks and run a race targeting the so called disaffected whites alone.

I believe everyone tacks back to the center in everything. If that happens he lose and some 10 to 16 points.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:
VVP posted:


If he has been audited for 10 our of 12 years, then he is clean!!  It is not a sin to be audited by the IRS, this is part of their job!!

Get real!!  Stop fishing for shrimp!!

The IRS states that they are prohibited from continuously auditing a tax payer, unless what they find requires continuous monitoring.

Rubio and Cruz released their tax returns. What has Trump to hide?

The IRS are guided by the laws of the land and the tax court rulings and precedents.  They cannot incessantly harass the public.  They are not there as an instrument of torture.  Remember, Obama tried with the TEA Party and it backfired.  This is not PNC Guyana we talking here!!

He will release his tax docs when it's appropriate and obliged!!

That a horrible lie! Obama did not do any such thing. It was a conservative republican tax auditor who targeted those 501 c3s for audits. The reality is these orgs habitually break tax  laws by being partisan. They are supposed to be completely non partisan to be truly tax compliant.

baseman posted:

The IRS are guided by the laws of the land and the tax court rulings and precedents.  They cannot incessantly harass the public.  They are not there as an instrument of torture.  Remember, Obama tried with the TEA Party and it backfired.  This is not PNC Guyana we talking here!!

He will release his tax docs when it's appropriate and obliged!!

This is true, so if Trump is audited every year its one of three things.

1. His tax accountants are sloppy.

2. He is an unscrupulous tax cheat, so must be continuously monitored.


3. He is lying, and is not audited every year.

in NONE of those scenarios does Trump look good.

Listen the Democrats already have info on him, which will be released in Sept.  True Hillary might be a liar, and dishonest, but then so is Trump.

So we are left with a woman who knows what she is doing, and a man who doesn't.

Quick.  What's Trump's plan to fix the economy.  "Bring" jobs back and start a trade war with China. Well Chinese companies produce under contract for US companies, because US companies wish to be globally competitive.  China did NOT take jobs from the USA.  US companies sent them there!

When foreign countries retaliate against US protectionist measures, and cease buying US products, or US companies lose market share (BOTH within the US qand globally, as their costs spike) what is Trump going to do? NOTHING except to attempt to arrest the media sources which reveal these facts.


WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite Donald Trump's string of Super Tuesday victories, the billionaire businessman must do better in upcoming contests to claim the Republican presidential nomination before the party's national convention this summer, an AP delegate count shows.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is emerging as the candidate who could stop him — with a little help from Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

While Trump has racked up 10 wins through the first 15 contests, he's won only 46 percent of the delegates that have been awarded since the voting began last month. It takes an outright majority of delegates to win the nomination.


Stormborn posted:

When it comes to brass tacks only the establishment exists because it is history, tradition, and culture that makes a nation whole. Those are the established views.  The idea that you can side step that is for idiots like you and the idiot vote that trump needs.

He has to win an astonishing percentage of the white vote. This nation is bifurcated evenly among whites between GOP and Dems. He has to poll 25 percent of dems to win if he discounts Hispanics and Blacks and run a race targeting the so called disaffected whites alone.

I believe everyone tacks back to the center in everything. If that happens he lose and some 10 to 16 points.

The GOP has a problem.  They are about to elect a man who had to be forced to condemn the KKK, this after claiming that he didn't know what white supremacist ideologies are.

The same man condemned undocumented Mexicans as rapists and drug dealers, when in fact they are the most law abiding people living in the USA.  It is in fact the US born Mexican Americans who are more likely to engage in this activity, and even then, only a minority of them do.

The same man has also condemned China (and Chinese) as the font of all things evil.

The same man has made very misogynistic comments about women.

Record numbers of blacks, Hispanics and Asians will vote.  Hillary need only get 40% of the white vote. Given that the fastest growing part of the population are single women, and even married women and others are appalled at the man's crudity, buffoonery and emerging fascist tendencies, I will be shocked if Hillary doesn't win every where, except the South (NC, VA and FL excluded) and parts of the Mountain states.

Baseman will be screaming about how she rigged the election, just as he wails that Granger stole the election from Jagdeo.

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:

The IRS are guided by the laws of the land and the tax court rulings and precedents.  They cannot incessantly harass the public.  They are not there as an instrument of torture.  Remember, Obama tried with the TEA Party and it backfired.  This is not PNC Guyana we talking here!!

He will release his tax docs when it's appropriate and obliged!!

That a horrible lie! .

And it's a horrible lie, the PPP stole the nation dry.  Come with facts!!!

When folks whose only source of income is their salary suddenly become obscenely rich they have only one other wealth building plan....grift and graft.  That much is self evident.

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:

The IRS are guided by the laws of the land and the tax court rulings and precedents.  They cannot incessantly harass the public.  They are not there as an instrument of torture.  Remember, Obama tried with the TEA Party and it backfired.  This is not PNC Guyana we talking here!!

He will release his tax docs when it's appropriate and obliged!!

That a horrible lie! .

And it's a horrible lie, the PPP stole the nation dry.  Come with facts!!!

When folks whose only source of income is their salary suddenly become obscenely rich they have only one other wealth building plan....grift and graft.  That much is self evident.

Then audit them and prove it!

Those in office are trying to do just is up to them not me.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

The IRS are guided by the laws of the land and the tax court rulings and precedents.  They cannot incessantly harass the public.  They are not there as an instrument of torture.  Remember, Obama tried with the TEA Party and it backfired.  This is not PNC Guyana we talking here!!

He will release his tax docs when it's appropriate and obliged!!

This is true, so if Trump is audited every year its one of three things.

1. His tax accountants are sloppy.

2. He is an unscrupulous tax cheat, so must be continuously monitored.


3. He is lying, and is not audited every year.

in NONE of those scenarios does Trump look good.

Listen the Democrats already have info on him, which will be released in Sept.  True Hillary might be a liar, and dishonest, but then so is Trump.

So we are left with a woman who knows what she is doing, and a man who doesn't.

Quick.  What's Trump's plan to fix the economy.  "Bring" jobs back and start a trade war with China. Well Chinese companies produce under contract for US companies, because US companies wish to be globally competitive.  China did NOT take jobs from the USA.  US companies sent them there!

When foreign countries retaliate against US protectionist measures, and cease buying US products, or US companies lose market share (BOTH within the US qand globally, as their costs spike) what is Trump going to do? NOTHING except to attempt to arrest the media sources which reveal these facts.

No, usually when you are audited one year, you are automatically flagged for the next two.  

Trump claims that he has been audited for 12 years, so my comments stand.

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

That a horrible lie! .

And it's a horrible lie, the PPP stole the nation dry.  Come with facts!!!

When folks whose only source of income is their salary suddenly become obscenely rich they have only one other wealth building plan....grift and graft.  That much is self evident.

Then audit them and prove it!

Those in office are trying to do just is up to them not me.

Good, well stop babbling hot gas and let them do their job!  And you accept the outcome!!

Why should I when the crooks are before me? Do you ever prove the PNC stole anything or had fraudulent elections except by inference? Get real punk....

baseman posted:

Then audit them and prove it!

Little thief isn't going to audit the big thief.

You see all of those PNC were hungry belly in the Jagdeo  years, never thought that the PPP would lose, saw their retirement years being poverty stricken, given the meagerness of their pensions, and so took the couple of crumbs that Jagdeo dropped in their laps.  Ditto for those AFC lawyers.

So no one is going to jail until after 2020, because the guys are aged, and a new crop will replace them.

Look out for all of those guys who are running in the LGE.  If they win they will have 4 years experience by 2020, will not be tarnished by the PNC, and definitely would NOT have benefitted from Jagdeo's crumbs.

If the PPP can bring up a case that occurred 34 years ago then the 2020 regime will be able to bring up PPP corruption which occurred 6 years before, and the ethnic holocaust of the RK era as well.


A racist like you should note with alarm that Africans/mixed are seeking to be independent of the central gov't at the local level, while the Indians seem determined to be owned by Jagdeo. 

A new crop of African and mixed leaders (and among them also a few Indians) will emerge, independent, youthful and innovative, with nary of whiff of corruption.  The voters will demand that the APNU/AFC include some of them in 2020.

The PPP will remain the same old same, still screaming "blackman a kill ahbe", even as the Indo vote tumbles to less than 40%. Still stinking of the corruption of the Jagdeo era.

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

I believe this thread is dedicated to Donald Trump and American politics. Caribny should take note of this.

I take your screams as seriously as I did when you boasted that there is no way that the PPP could ever lose, and that Guyana will NEVER have another black president.

You are like Rev.  Any party that you support will definitely lose.


Cruz is a TEA Party nut job. Rubio is a wannabe who is running up a far right flag pole. Trump is a liberal in conservative clothing who does not believe in the nasty rhetoric he spews as political tactics.

Make your pick for the slaughter at the hands of the despised Lady on the other side.


Oh how the Obama days seem distant!

Kari posted:

Cruz is a TEA Party nut job. Rubio is a wannabe who is running up a far right flag pole. Trump is a liberal in conservative clothing who does not believe in the nasty rhetoric he spews as political tactics.

Make your pick for the slaughter at the hands of the despised Lady on the other side.


Oh how the Obama days seem distant!

I maintain that Trump isn't as bad as Cruz.  Cruz will turn the USA into Iran and force every one into church on Sunday.  He wants to push his religious zealotry on the rest of us, and will not stop until he succeeds.

Trump is crude, vulgar and a complete simpleton in matters of state, but he will not force his morality on us, as he doesn't have any.

The Iron Lady will deal with them.  She needs to get past Michigan, OH and IL with Barnie.  We will know what happens by March 15.

In the meantime the GOP Reality Show has us all glued and laughing. Chickens came home to roost while the peasants are in open rebellion against the country club.  Problem is the country club doesn't understand this.  If they mess with Trump it will backfire.


Carson defends Trump


While Carson wouldn't endorse any of the candidates, he later told reporters that all of the remaining Republican candidates could do the job of president.

And he defended Donald Trump to his critics -- adding that Mitt Romney's tear-down of Trump on Thursday would "destroy the unity in the party" and help Democrats.

"People who think Donald Trump would be the worst thing that ever happened ... you make a really big mistake by trying to thwart the will of the people," Carson said.

He added that Trump's biggest goal includes being "successful" and predicted a Trump presidency would not reflect all of his campaign rhetoric.



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