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Former Member

OK Folks:


In this thread we shall take a look at 3rd parties that have gained 1% or more of the votes in the 6 fair and free elections in Guyana since 1964.


Later in the thread we'll compare the Alliance for Change(AFC), which gained an impressive 10.3% of the votes in the 2011 election with the new Alliance For Cathy(AFC) which will be contesting the next election in 2016.





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10.3%...Alliance For Change(AFC)



In 2011 the PNC combined with Guyana action party, National front alliance and the WPA to form APNU.


The PPP and APNU combined for 89.45%----PPP 48.6%; APNU 40.83%


The Alliance for Change was quite impressive----they did not match the 12.4% another 3rd party---UF---received in 1964---but the AFC did well---10.3%





Now folks---go back above and take a look at the miniscule numbers 3rd parties have pulled in the 6 free and fair elections in Guyana's history.


The UF did remarkable well in 1964---they pulled 12.4%. And the AFC did well in 2011---they pulled 10.3%


But with the disintegration of the Alliance for Change(AFC), which received 10.3% in 2011----will the new All For Cathy(AFC) resonate with Guyanese voters who support 3rd parties---or will the All For Cathy(AFC)  perform like other ordinary 3rd parties we have seen in the 6 free and fair election in Guyana's history.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

gold toilet


PPP purchases fuh de airporte.

That's the best you can do redux ?


Listen! Do the math---calculate 10% of the final cost of the airport project---that's the amount that will end up in the pockets of PPP politicians.


But this thread is not about corruption!!!




And with the disintegration of the Alliance For Change----the new All for Cathy(AFC) party will pull nowhere near the 10.3% the Alliance for change pulled in 2011.




Donald Ramotar will easily be re-elected President in 2016.







Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The new proposed PPP HQ on Robb Street.




That's quite an impressive dildo---it's a most apt structure for the new PPP HQ, especially given the tens of millions PPP politicians have helped themselves to---they have royally F****d the Guyanese people.


But unlike the PNC which bankrupted the nation when they stole from the country, Guyana has prospered economically under the PPP and their gang of thieves.





Had the Alliance for Change stayed intact and had they formed a coalition with APNU before the 2016---that coalition may have stood a good chance of defeating the PPP.


But with the demise of the AFC----there is no force that will stop Donald Ramotar from winning a 2nd term in 2016.




You folks will lose in 2016---but have fun along the way.





The PPP has destroyed Guyana beyond anything the PNC could have dared to imagine. Those simply are the facts.


The PNC has educated more indians than any PPP government has, those are the facts and guess what they offered that for free.


The PNC built the demerara harbor bridge cost to cross 200 Dollars what did the PPP build in Berbice? how much it cost to cross? and in the process they bankrupted NIS and defrauded the pensioners of this country.


What did Lunchbox say today? NIS not sustainable, I thought a few months ago they were saying it was great?


PPP managed to bankrupt GuySuCo even the PNC was not able to do that.


PPP pays an incompetent ass Raj Singh 25K USD a month to do what?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP has destroyed Guyana beyond anything the PNC could have dared to imagine. Those simply are the facts.




If you were speaking to someone who just landed from Mars, you'd be quite convincing.


Listen! You might have blocked this out in your mind, but when the PNC left office, 96% of revenues was used to service debt; today under the PPP its only 4%.




There has been a stability in the exchange rate since 2007---exports have been up----and have contributed to overall growth and development in Guyana.


I can list numerous cases to prove that the PPP has been waaaay superior to the PNC in managing Guyana.


Now redux, here is a simple fact for you---the Guyanese people went to the polls just 2 years ago----the PPP received the most votes---48.6%; your beloved APNU received 40.83%; AFC 10.3%







Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What utter bullshit are you telling us reverse about debt?


The debt today is right back where the PNC had the debt in 1992, the PPP has been borrowing at a break neck pace. The PPP still cannot account for Billions of dollars missing from NICIL. Those are the facts.

TK you know that's not true. You backing the PNC but they gon put the squeeze on you. Them PNC boys gon use you and discard you. That's their way.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What utter bullshit are you telling us reverse about debt?


The debt today is right back where the PNC had the debt in 1992, the PPP has been borrowing at a break neck pace. The PPP still cannot account for Billions of dollars missing from NICIL. Those are the facts.


You need to improve your reading comprehension redux!




I wrote that back in 1992 under your beloved PNC 96% of revenues was used to service debt; today its 4% under the PPP.


You may be right about the debt being back to the level it was back in 1992---but just 4% of revenues today(maybe slightly higher) is used to service that debt.




Listen redux! Under your beloved PNC---the Guyana economy was broke, destitute, impoverished, and bankrupt.


Is that what you want for Guyana again ? Good luck backing that proven failure and loser Granger---Ramotar will trash him again in 2016.






Well I am glad that you brought up that salient point reverse. 


You see the PPP has employed what we call fuzzy math in this case it is Brazzy Math. As in the case of the Berbice bridge where the PPP defrauded the Guyanese people and bankrupted NIS by illegally removing the funds from the reserve.


The repayment that is supposed to be going to service that debt is actually going into the pockets of Rampoop and Brazzy et al. You with me so far?


The PPP has also been hiding and dodging a lot of the debts by using the Caricom Petro Caribe fund to handle some short falls here and there and they have also been using NICIL as their personal piggy bank where they are writing off debts to the government as part of their grand scheme of thievery.


Let Ashni Singh tell us how much the debt is today, why is the PPP hiding these facts?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Let Ashni Singh tell us how much the debt is today, why is the PPP hiding these facts?



As you are quite aware, TK and the Rev had this exact discussion earlier this year.


Listen! You are absolutely correct---Ashni, the Brassington brothers, etc, etc, they have all been cooking the books.


By the way, you are intelligent enough to know that all the major corporations all over the world cook their books.




The Rev is not here to defend Ashni and the other crooks in the PPP----what I am telling you is you are engaging in a losing battle.


There is no way on god's earth the PNC/APNU can win a free and fair election in Guyana.


And their only hope of defeating the PPP was to form a coalition with the AFC---but the AFC has now disintegrated.


And so Donald Ramotar is 99.9% guaranteed to win re-election in 2016.







Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Let Ashni Singh tell us how much the debt is today, why is the PPP hiding these facts?



As you are quite aware, TK and the Rev had this exact discussion earlier this year.


Listen! You are absolutely correct---Ashni, the Brassington brothers, etc, etc, they have all been cooking the books.


By the way, you are intelligent enough to know that all the major corporations all over the world cook their books.




The Rev is not here to defend Ashni and the other crooks in the PPP----what I am telling you is you are engaging in a losing battle.


There is no way on god's earth the PNC/APNU can win a free and fair election in Guyana.


And their only hope of defeating the PPP was to form a coalition with the AFC---but the AFC has now disintegrated.


And so Donald Ramotar is 99.9% guaranteed to win re-election in 2016.








You are so pathetic Mr Rev. You are mentally damaged to believe everyone is Dr TK. I guess a career failure like you feel good to imagine you can match Dr TK. You must invent things to feel accomplished. Pathetic! 

Originally Posted by Rev:


The Rev has added the handle JB to the list of posters he has banned and will no longer respond to directly on GNI.


The banned list now comprises JB, Mitwah and Jalil.


Now when HM_Redux gets a chance he can respond to my post above--and not cowardly use an alter ego.




Mr Rev you are a pathetic career loser. You have to invent the ghost of Dr TK just to get a mental high. You're as little brat! 


I feel very inferior now like I have to live up to some kind of icon or something here.


These guys make it seem like TK is looking at them from around every pillar. This is scary that someone could have mentally tormented so many souls via a website.


There may be some interesting scientific / social science discovery to be made here. Someone should study what is going on here with these tortured persons.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I feel very inferior now like I have to live up to some kind of icon or something here.


These guys make it seem like TK is looking at them from around every pillar. This is scary that someone could have mentally tormented so many souls via a website.


There may be some interesting scientific / social science discovery to be made here. Someone should study what is going on here with these tortured persons.

TK how can you live up to some icon when nothing good has been said about you here. You jumped into the lap of Granger, remember. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I feel very inferior now like I have to live up to some kind of icon or something here.


These guys make it seem like TK is looking at them from around every pillar. This is scary that someone could have mentally tormented so many souls via a website.


There may be some interesting scientific / social science discovery to be made here. Someone should study what is going on here with these tortured persons.

TK how can you live up to some icon when nothing good has been said about you here. You jumped into the lap of Granger, remember. 



Originally Posted by Rev:


The Rev has added the handle JB to the list of posters he has banned and will no longer respond to directly on GNI.


The banned list now comprises JB, Mitwah and Jalil.


Now when HM_Redux gets a chance he can respond to my post above--and not cowardly use an alter ego(JB).




Good move Rev. Mitwah was banned from my list a long time ago. It is not worth wasting your time with vile and vulgar posters. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:


The Rev has added the handle JB to the list of posters he has banned and will no longer respond to directly on GNI.


The banned list now comprises JB, Mitwah and Jalil.


Now when HM_Redux gets a chance he can respond to my post above--and not cowardly use an alter ego(JB).




Good move Rev. Mitwah was banned from my list a long time ago. It is not worth wasting your time with vile and vulgar posters. 

 Mr Rev is now posting under his other handle Yuji. This is so funny. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What utter bullshit are you telling us reverse about debt?


The debt today is right back where the PNC had the debt in 1992, the PPP has been borrowing at a break neck pace. The PPP still cannot account for Billions of dollars missing from NICIL. Those are the facts.

TK you know that's not true. You backing the PNC but they gon put the squeeze on you. Them PNC boys gon use you and discard you. That's their way.

He want minista wuk.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Rev:


The Rev has added the handle JB to the list of posters he has banned and will no longer respond to directly on GNI.


The banned list now comprises JB, Mitwah and Jalil.


Now when HM_Redux gets a chance he can respond to my post above--and not cowardly use an alter ego.




Mr Rev you are a pathetic career loser. You have to invent the ghost of Dr TK just to get a mental high. You're as little brat! 

JB you posted here before as Mahen.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:


The Rev has added the handle JB to the list of posters he has banned and will no longer respond to directly on GNI.


The banned list now comprises JB, Mitwah and Jalil.


Now when HM_Redux gets a chance he can respond to my post above--and not cowardly use an alter ego(JB).




yuji: Good move Rev. Mitwah was banned from my list a long time ago. It is not worth wasting your time with vile and vulgar posters. 



There is an old saying---never argue with a fool---he brings you down to his gutter level and whips you.


Like you the Rev will no longer interact with vile, vulgar and boorish posters---I have banned them.




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