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Baseman posted:

The Chinese and Bezos pissed off trump and look what happened!!  

Trump is bringing FAANG back to earth but something has to step up.  

Really foolish. Amazon will be the first trillion dollar company on the exchange. The few points down is a discount for buyers. Amazon has nothing to fear from the idiot in chief.


It is already well placed to run its own distribution outlets. At present the post office only does the last leg and they are competing with hundreds of independent contractors. Check who brings your amazon packages besides the PO.


The post office is losing business yearly and it needs businesses like Amazon to subsidize the non competitive side of its business which is around 60 percent and running at a loss.


The Chinese are holding 3 trillion us bonds. They do not care. American electronics manufacturers need their fab. Tariffs would be built into the product cost. It only squeezes the Walmart shoppers.

Europe is maintaining their trade relations and nations like GY will get benefits selling rice to Mexico over folks from Louisianan etc.

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

The Chinese and Bezos pissed off trump and look what happened!!  

Trump is bringing FAANG back to earth but something has to step up.  

Really foolish. Amazon will be the first trillion dollar company on the exchange. The few points down is a discount for buyers. Amazon has nothing to fear from the idiot in chief.


It is already well placed to run its own distribution outlets. At present the post office only does the last leg and they are competing with hundreds of independent contractors. Check who brings your amazon packages besides the PO.


The post office is losing business yearly and it needs businesses like Amazon to subsidize the non competitive side of its business which is around 60 percent and running at a loss.


The Chinese are holding 3 trillion us bonds. They do not care. American electronics manufacturers need their fab. Tariffs would be built into the product cost. It only squeezes the Walmart shoppers.

Europe is maintaining their trade relations and nations like GY will get benefits selling rice to Mexico over folks from Louisianan etc.

The Europeans were on holiday. Let’s see their reaction.  

Abu Jihad posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Apple announced that it will stop using Intel chips in its phones from 2020.  The cell phone giant will start using its own chips. Intel's stock is taking a beating. 

I dont think Intel chips are used in phones, must be computers.


iPhone chips are manufactured by Samsung and TSMC.

The A11 chip used in the latest iPhones are designed by Apple and Manufactured exclusively by TSMC.

Last edited by Mars
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jeff Bezos is the owner of The Washington Post that bashes Trump all day.  It was just a matter of time before Trump put him in his place.

Correct!  He use it for his anti-trump crusade.

Besides they do have to collect state sales taxes for FBA sales.  

I believe Amazon has bigger shocks to come given their valuation!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jeff Bezos is the owner of The Washington Post that bashes Trump all day.  It was just a matter of time before Trump put him in his place.

BULLSHIT! That is what a Third World DICTATOR do. Unfortunately, since Jan 2017, America has become a friggin DICTATORSHIP!!!!


This FOOL makes GADAHA looks like a Statesman!!!

Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jeff Bezos is the owner of The Washington Post that bashes Trump all day.  It was just a matter of time before Trump put him in his place.

BULLSHIT! That is what a Third World DICTATOR do. Unfortunately, since Jan 2017, America has become a friggin DICTATORSHIP!!!!


This FOOL makes GADAHA looks like a Statesman!!!

Maybe the shareholders should insist Bezos get out of politics.  Anyone who tangle with Trump lose out.  You saw what happened to Bannon. 

BTW, Trump has been prezzy since nov 2016 not Jan 2017. 

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jeff Bezos is the owner of The Washington Post that bashes Trump all day.  It was just a matter of time before Trump put him in his place.

BULLSHIT! That is what a Third World DICTATOR do. Unfortunately, since Jan 2017, America has become a friggin DICTATORSHIP!!!!


This FOOL makes GADAHA looks like a Statesman!!!

Hai bai. Stan quiet.  He making America Great Again.  There will be bumps in the road.  But watch what the ultimate outcome will be.  The Dems made China great by selling America out.  Trump is leveling the playing field.

Bibi Haniffa
Nehru posted:

Listen how stupid and DUMB the FOOL is, he said that the rumors about people coming to the Border, they will apply for DACA, the DUMB FOOL is NOT aware that you had to be here since 2007. Now how the hell can someone coming now apply for DACA? Unless this FOOL becomes an Immigration Officer!!!

That’s lil noise.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jeff Bezos is the owner of The Washington Post that bashes Trump all day.  It was just a matter of time before Trump put him in his place.

BULLSHIT! That is what a Third World DICTATOR do. Unfortunately, since Jan 2017, America has become a friggin DICTATORSHIP!!!!


This FOOL makes GADAHA looks like a Statesman!!!

Hai bai. Stan quiet.  He making America Great Again.  There will be bumps in the road.  But watch what the ultimate outcome will be.  The Dems made China great by selling America out.  Trump is leveling the playing field.

Nixon opened up the relationship between the US and China and subsequent administrations from both parties expanded trading between the two countries. No one party is to blame.

Trump is making himself and Putin great.

Last edited by Mars
kp posted:

If you have investment in the stock market you have to worry. I am taking a big hit and is all because of the twitter president.  He is attacking one man but it's affecting millions.

The stock market has a domino effect.  It was due for a correction for over a year now.  No one over age 55 should be heavily invested in the stock market.  You should diversify, diversify, diversify.  That said, I have tremendous respect for Jeff Bezos.  I bought Amazon stock in 1998.  I met Bezos in 2001 when the stock crashed and he assured me to hold on to the stock.  I bought even more in 2002.  Then I Sold it all in 2016. 

Bibi Haniffa
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jeff Bezos is the owner of The Washington Post that bashes Trump all day.  It was just a matter of time before Trump put him in his place.

BULLSHIT! That is what a Third World DICTATOR do. Unfortunately, since Jan 2017, America has become a friggin DICTATORSHIP!!!!


This FOOL makes GADAHA looks like a Statesman!!!

Hai bai. Stan quiet.  He making America Great Again.  There will be bumps in the road.  But watch what the ultimate outcome will be.  The Dems made China great by selling America out.  Trump is leveling the playing field.

Nixon opened up the relationship between the US and China and subsequent administrations from both parties expanded trading between the two countries. No one party is to blame.

Trump is making himself and Putin great.

True, but that was 1972.  I don’t think he ever thought we would give the a free run to forcing local partnerships who steal IP just to turn around and bootleg products.  

The chinese relationship is beneficial to both sides but some changes are in order!  Let’s hope the threats don’t become real.  I think they will resolve the matter.  No one wants a trade war.

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Prashad posted:

Trump right. Amazon is doing what Walmart did in the 1980s. They are killing brick and mortar small businesses.

Trump has killed many small businesses by not paying his construction workers and other trades men, he is also known for not paying lawyers. What a Scamp Man.

It’s not about trump but about amazon not collecting sales taxes on fba sales, using it as a commercial advantage over domicile bricks and mortar and robbing state treasuries of tax revenues.  That needs to be corrected.  On the post office, maybe maybe not!

Trump raised an issue that the states were complaining for several years.  It’s not new but has got big. 


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