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Originally Posted by baseman:

BTW, you are a racist.

What do I do which you consider racist.  I am about inclusivity and I blame both and sympathize with the suffering of both.  And so say all the time.


You peddle the myth of the black brutalizing the poor defenseless Indian.  Those who are old enough to recall the early 60s find that hilarious.


But on GNI if a black man does not peddle "the black brute and the defenseless Indian" he is a racist.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I [somewhat] agree with you.  If the PPP was smart enough to share the honey around some more, they would still be in power.  Nuff nuff Afros would have gone for the honey.  Honey talks, bullsh1t walks!

By 2006 when Corbin had given up and was settling for Jagdeo soup many other blacks would have joined.  They had lost hope of ever attaining any power again, and were resigned to Guyana being Indo dominated, with blacks as 2nd class citizens.


Problem is that the PPP and the Indo elite in general screamed "ahbe pan tap, black man time done", so even the poor dougla Mark B ended up turning against them.  If a hard core PPP soup licker was ignored by the PPP what chance did the average black man have?


This is why they turned out in their numbers, and celebrated their freedom, just like the blacks in South Africa did, when the coalition one.  Cries of "finally the slow holocaust is over", and "I can finally feel like a Guyanese again".  Much as Indians did in October 1992.


Baseman, many Afro Guyanese, and Afro Trinidadians, took note of how Indians behaved in Guyana in 1992, and in Trinidad in 1995, and began to realize that these people did perceive themselves to be excluded. I think attitudes towards Indo Caribbean culture by Afro Guyanese and Afro Trinidadians began to change.


How do many Indians respond when Africans express the same feelings in 2015?  A few like Freddie understood, and then they got lambasted as being self hating Indians.  From most, screams that we are racists for the mere suggestion that black endured 22 years of racism under the PPP regime, and not just from the PPP, but from Indo elites in general.  On this BOTH AFC and PPP Indians behave the SAME!  Mere mention of Indo racism is a sign of being a racist.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I [somewhat] agree with you.  If the PPP was smart enough to share the honey around some more, they would still be in power.  Nuff nuff Afros would have gone for the honey.  Honey talks, bullsh1t walks!

By 2006 when Corbin had given up and was settling for Jagdeo soup many other blacks would have joined.  They had lost hope of ever attaining any power again, and were resigned to Guyana being Indo dominated, with blacks as 2nd class citizens.


Problem is that the PPP and the Indo elite in general screamed "ahbe pan tap, black man time done", so even the poor dougla Mark B ended up turning against them.  If a hard core PPP soup licker was ignored by the PPP what chance did the average black man have?


This is why they turned out in their numbers, and celebrated their freedom, just like the blacks in South Africa did, when the coalition one.  Cries of "finally the slow holocaust is over", and "I can finally feel like a Guyanese again".  Much as Indians did in October 1992.


Baseman, many Afro Guyanese, and Afro Trinidadians, took note of how Indians behaved in Guyana in 1992, and in Trinidad in 1995, and began to realize that these people did perceive themselves tp be excluded.


How do many Indians respond when Africans express the same feelings in 2015?  A few like Freddie understood, and then they got lambasted as being self hating Indians.  From most, screams that we are racists for the mere suggestion that black endured 22 years of racism under the PPP regime, and not just from the PPP, but from Indo elites in general.  On this BOTH AFC and PPP Indians behave the SAME!  Mere mention of Indo racism is a sign of being a racist.

Why don't you shut yu rass CaribbJ


I cannot be a racist. The devil is at work all the time-ppl do terrible things. I juss point them out.


I truly believe Linden suffers because of their crimes.


And you may not believe that cooolie ppl were denied cutlasses due to racism. That is your right. I do not ever try to change your perceptions. 


But those things did happen. 

Originally Posted by baseman:


I waiting to c when Granger goes to Civil Society and choose a completely unknown highly talented EI for a key position in his inner circle.   

Bai, me hear nuff Indians applying fuh jobs, Guysuco and others.  Granger now control the honey comb bai.  Everybody gon run daside now, C00lie and Blackman, Putagee and White man, Chinee and Buckman, all ahwe ah wan...when it comes to "honey".

Yes. All of those Indo elites, who chased black Guyanese professionals to find jobs in Barbados and Antigua, where they could finally feel "good to be black", and not the stigmatized scum that there were often viewed as in Guyana, will suddenly find competent black professionals.  In Guyana the government is a very important buyer of goods and services.


I expect black people this time around not to carry grudges.  Hopefully we learned that what goes around comes around again.  Ethnic revenge in 1966 and 1992 didnt work out too good.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Under the present conditions the GPF will never be balance. Just look at the recent issue. Two EI policemen dismissed for the torture while an EI commissioner promoted them.  

seignet, your regressive spewing of racist bile of late makes me despair for Guyana


but, what exactly is the point you are making above, eh?



I believe u r reading me wrong.


We cannot fool ourselves of racism in Guyana.


Burnham blacks were terrible. They demanded sexual favours for food.For a coolie man to have cutlass fr his farming he had to get a special permit signed by atleast 3 black person. His cutlass was considered a weapon. 


It is no wonder, vegetation took over the villages, town and city. And GT became a dutty place. Cause and effect . . .

delusionary nonsense beyond measure! . . . no need to read beyond your 1st couple of paragraphs


but wait, ther's more . . . check your profound 'economic' wisdom here a couple of days ago:


Seignet: "Bauxite had a limited market, suh when the prospects dried up. The choice was made for the government. Close it up. Besides, they [blackman] had to pay for their sins of beating up the cooolie people living among them."


ahmmm . . . nothing "racist here" nuh?


i use the term "regressive" because long, long ago i had reason to point out that "[Linden] has not suffered enough" was not the proper posture for a believing Christian man (you) reflecting on the destitution visited upon that community by the vindictive, not-so-benign neglect policies of a racist PPP regime


seignet, you are an educated man, albeit one whose core racism, freighted with perverted end-of-days evil and malign intent, is beyond cure or reason . . . so, for all the above and much much more, please do not insist on insulting everybady's intelligence with your silly protestations . . . arite?

The epitome of Burnham Black racism, one of his products "which" fell to the wayside trying to revive the "totenkopf" stormfront days.


The Indian psyche is born out of Afro racism as we know it.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Under the present conditions the GPF will never be balance. Just look at the recent issue. Two EI policemen dismissed for the torture while an EI commissioner promoted them.  

seignet, your regressive spewing of racist bile of late makes me despair for Guyana


but, what exactly is the point you are making above, eh?



I believe u r reading me wrong.


We cannot fool ourselves of racism in Guyana.


Burnham blacks were terrible. They demanded sexual favours for food.For a coolie man to have cutlass fr his farming he had to get a special permit signed by atleast 3 black person. His cutlass was considered a weapon. 


It is no wonder, vegetation took over the villages, town and city. And GT became a dutty place. Cause and effect . . .

delusionary nonsense beyond measure! . . . no need to read beyond your 1st couple of paragraphs


but wait, ther's more . . . check your profound 'economic' wisdom here a couple of days ago:


Seignet: "Bauxite had a limited market, suh when the prospects dried up. The choice was made for the government. Close it up. Besides, they [blackman] had to pay for their sins of beating up the cooolie people living among them."


ahmmm . . . nothing "racist here" nuh?


i use the term "regressive" because long, long ago i had reason to point out that "[Linden] has not suffered enough" was not the proper posture for a believing Christian man (you) reflecting on the destitution visited upon that community by the vindictive, not-so-benign neglect policies of a racist PPP regime


seignet, you are an educated man, albeit one whose core racism, freighted with perverted end-of-days evil and malign intent, is beyond cure or reason . . . so, for all the above and much much more, please do not insist on insulting everybady's intelligence with your silly protestations . . . arite?

The epitome of Burnham Black racism, one of his products "which" fell to the wayside trying to revive the "totenkopf" stormfront days.


The Indian psyche is born out of Afro racism as we know it.

please address my post; point out where i lie, or shut your pus-leaking stink mouth



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


I waiting to c when Granger goes to Civil Society and choose a completely unknown highly talented EI for a key position in his inner circle.   

Bai, me hear nuff Indians applying fuh jobs, Guysuco and others.  Granger now control the honey comb bai.  Everybody gon run daside now, C00lie and Blackman, Putagee and White man, Chinee and Buckman, all ahwe ah wan...when it comes to "honey".

Yes. All of those Indo elites, who chased black Guyanese professionals to find jobs in Barbados and Antigua, where they could finally feel "good to be black, and not the stigmatized scum that there were often viewed as in Guyana, will suddenly find competent black professionals.  In Guyana the government is a very important buyer of goods and services.


Lucky black people this time around will not carry grudges.  Hopefully we learned that what goes around comes around again.

The first time around was blacks pan indians, then indians pan blacks.


So do you think we even now?


If u think we even then stop u stupidness. Good Lord, behave like u have a brain. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

I cannot be a racist. The devil is at work all the time-ppl do terrible things. I juss point them out.


I truly believe Linden suffers because of their crimes.


And you may not believe that cooolie ppl were denied cutlasses due to racism. That is your right. I do not ever try to change your perceptions. 


But those things did happen. 

I have no idea what you are babbling about.  Next time do not drink and write.


In 1964 there were TWO crimes.  Sun Chapman where several blacks died and the revenge attacks on Indians in Wismar.  Oddly only the revenge attacks are mentioned.  To also raise Sun Chapman is viewed as being racist.


Now thank your stars that the PNC president is going to do his best to save Guysuco, and not sell them to the Chinese as the PPP did to Guymine.

Originally Posted by seignet:
oes around comes around again.

The first time around was blacks pan indians, then indians pan blacks.


So do you think we even now?


If u think we even then stop u stupidness. Good Lord, behave like u have a brain. 

Siggy, which stupidness carib has to stop? Is nah you siding with Prashad saying you want your own indian state within Guyana? I used to enjoy reading some of your posts and at times I got a reasonable indian perspective on certain issues from you. Not denying your personal stories above, but why all the nonsense about indian terriotory and punishing blackman in Linden? It seems Green getting this order of Roraima made you go unhinged!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Under the present conditions the GPF will never be balance. Just look at the recent issue. Two EI policemen dismissed for the torture while an EI commissioner promoted them.  

seignet, your regressive spewing of racist bile of late makes me despair for Guyana


but, what exactly is the point you are making above, eh?



I believe u r reading me wrong.


We cannot fool ourselves of racism in Guyana.


Burnham blacks were terrible. They demanded sexual favours for food.For a coolie man to have cutlass fr his farming he had to get a special permit signed by atleast 3 black person. His cutlass was considered a weapon. 


It is no wonder, vegetation took over the villages, town and city. And GT became a dutty place. Cause and effect . . .

delusionary nonsense beyond measure! . . . no need to read beyond your 1st couple of paragraphs


but wait, ther's more . . . check your profound 'economic' wisdom here a couple of days ago:


Seignet: "Bauxite had a limited market, suh when the prospects dried up. The choice was made for the government. Close it up. Besides, they [blackman] had to pay for their sins of beating up the cooolie people living among them."


ahmmm . . . nothing "racist here" nuh?


i use the term "regressive" because long, long ago i had reason to point out that "[Linden] has not suffered enough" was not the proper posture for a believing Christian man (you) reflecting on the destitution visited upon that community by the vindictive, not-so-benign neglect policies of a racist PPP regime


seignet, you are an educated man, albeit one whose core racism, freighted with perverted end-of-days evil and malign intent, is beyond cure or reason . . . so, for all the above and much much more, please do not insist on insulting everybady's intelligence with your silly protestations . . . arite?

The epitome of Burnham Black racism, one of his products "which" fell to the wayside trying to revive the "totenkopf" stormfront days.


The Indian psyche is born out of Afro racism as we know it.

You are correct. But these two chaps are like 1 multiplied by 1. These same fool. 


Burnham Black Racist was like turned milk. Overnight dem rass became colllie haters.


That fool doan know that. If I continue with idiots, truths may be deemed racists against blacks. 


Originally Posted by seignet:

The first time around was blacks pan indians, then indians pan blacks.


So do you think we even now?


If u think we even then stop u stupidness. Good Lord, behave like u have a brain. 

Of course yu refuse to include the widespread racism which Janet poured out to blacks because they didnt kiss her toe the way that Indians did.


Here is how it goes.   PPP buse blacks, especially after 1961.  PNC engaged in revenge on Indians when they got power, especially after 1966.  PPP engaged in further revenge after 1992, and especially after 2000.


We can only hope that Guyanese have learned their lesson.  But until the narrative of "the black brute savaging the poor Indo" ends you will hear from me.  Dont like it, then tell your buddies to cease engaging in their own sided view of Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

I believe u r reading me wrong.


We cannot fool ourselves of racism in Guyana.


Burnham blacks were terrible. They demanded sexual favours for food.For a coolie man to have cutlass fr his farming he had to get a special permit signed by atleast 3 black person. His cutlass was considered a weapon. 


It is no wonder, vegetation took over the villages, town and city. And GT became a dutty place. Cause and effect . . .

delusionary nonsense beyond measure! . . . no need to read beyond your 1st couple of paragraphs


but wait, ther's more . . . check your profound 'economic' wisdom here a couple of days ago:


Seignet: "Bauxite had a limited market, suh when the prospects dried up. The choice was made for the government. Close it up. Besides, they [blackman] had to pay for their sins of beating up the cooolie people living among them."


ahmmm . . . nothing "racist here" nuh?


i use the term "regressive" because long, long ago i had reason to point out that "[Linden] has not suffered enough" was not the proper posture for a believing Christian man (you) reflecting on the destitution visited upon that community by the vindictive, not-so-benign neglect policies of a racist PPP regime


seignet, you are an educated man, albeit one whose core racism, freighted with perverted end-of-days evil and malign intent, is beyond cure or reason . . . so, for all the above and much much more, please do not insist on insulting everybady's intelligence with your silly protestations . . . arite?

The epitome of Burnham Black racism, one of his products "which" fell to the wayside trying to revive the "totenkopf" stormfront days.


The Indian psyche is born out of Afro racism as we know it.

please address my post; point out where i lie, or shut your pus-leaking stink mouth



Now, now, where did I ever accuse you of "lying"?  I would never do such a thing, you are a "true" reflection of the Burnham's old guard Totankopf Stromfront brigade!!  That status, I will never deny you of.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

I believe u r reading me wrong.


We cannot fool ourselves of racism in Guyana.


Burnham blacks were terrible. They demanded sexual favours for food.For a coolie man to have cutlass fr his farming he had to get a special permit signed by atleast 3 black person. His cutlass was considered a weapon. 


It is no wonder, vegetation took over the villages, town and city. And GT became a dutty place. Cause and effect . . .

delusionary nonsense beyond measure! . . . no need to read beyond your 1st couple of paragraphs


but wait, ther's more . . . check your profound 'economic' wisdom here a couple of days ago:


Seignet: "Bauxite had a limited market, suh when the prospects dried up. The choice was made for the government. Close it up. Besides, they [blackman] had to pay for their sins of beating up the cooolie people living among them."


ahmmm . . . nothing "racist here" nuh?


i use the term "regressive" because long, long ago i had reason to point out that "[Linden] has not suffered enough" was not the proper posture for a believing Christian man (you) reflecting on the destitution visited upon that community by the vindictive, not-so-benign neglect policies of a racist PPP regime


seignet, you are an educated man, albeit one whose core racism, freighted with perverted end-of-days evil and malign intent, is beyond cure or reason . . . so, for all the above and much much more, please do not insist on insulting everybady's intelligence with your silly protestations . . . arite?

The epitome of Burnham Black racism, one of his products "which" fell to the wayside trying to revive the "totenkopf" stormfront days.


The Indian psyche is born out of Afro racism as we know it.

please address my post; point out where i lie, or shut your pus-leaking stink mouth



Now, now, where did I ever accuse you of "lying"? . . .

good . . . now find someplace else to squat, flash panty and fart

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by seignet:
oes around comes around again.

The first time around was blacks pan indians, then indians pan blacks.


So do you think we even now?


If u think we even then stop u stupidness. Good Lord, behave like u have a brain. 

Siggy, which stupidness carib has to stop? Is nah you siding with Prashad saying you want your own indian state within Guyana? I used to enjoy reading some of your posts and at times I got a reasonable indian perspective on certain issues from you. Not denying your personal stories above, but why all the nonsense about indian terriotory and punishing blackman in Linden? It seems Green getting this order of Roraima made you go unhinged!

You see what I mean. This is how good decent people get tarred with the wrong brush. I avoided those 2 chaps most of the time, But sometimes, dey overbearing.


Later tonight I discuss with you. Right now, if I doan go home, wife will be unforgiving. She has a dinner party.


Trust me, I am not a racist. And many Indians are not. Despite those 2 fella waht the dickens they think. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

The first time around was blacks pan indians, then indians pan blacks.


So do you think we even now?


If u think we even then stop u stupidness. Good Lord, behave like u have a brain. 

Of course yu refuse to include the widespread racism which Janet poured out to blacks because they didnt kiss her toe the way that Indians did.


Here is how it goes.   PPP buse blacks, especially after 1961.  PNC engaged in revenge on Indians when they got power, especially after 1966.  PPP engaged in further revenge after 1992, and especially after 2000.


We can only hope that Guyanese have learned their lesson.  But until the narrative of "the black brute savaging the poor Indo" ends you will hear from me.  Dont like it, then tell your buddies to cease engaging in their own sided view of Guyana.

Look here brother, I doan like the Jagans. Because dey gat us into al this shite. But you fooking lying on the woman. That is your racist shite hanging out. 


Keep you nonsense up. Truth and Reconciliation goan have happen RIGHT FRIGGING HERE.

 I gotta go know. maybe i will cool down by then.


Hey Bruddah, behave urself. Tell which part ofGuyana u from. Maybe I will understand ur racists take.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Under the present conditions the GPF will never be balance. Just look at the recent issue. Two EI policemen dismissed for the torture while an EI commissioner promoted them.  

seignet, your regressive spewing of racist bile of late makes me despair for Guyana


but, what exactly is the point you are making above, eh?



I believe u r reading me wrong.


We cannot fool ourselves of racism in Guyana.


Burnham blacks were terrible. They demanded sexual favours for food.For a coolie man to have cutlass fr his farming he had to get a special permit signed by atleast 3 black person. His cutlass was considered a weapon. 


It is no wonder, vegetation took over the villages, town and city. And GT became a dutty place. Cause and effect . . .

delusionary nonsense beyond measure! . . . no need to read beyond your 1st couple of paragraphs


but wait, ther's more . . . check your profound 'economic' wisdom here a couple of days ago:


Seignet: "Bauxite had a limited market, suh when the prospects dried up. The choice was made for the government. Close it up. Besides, they [blackman] had to pay for their sins of beating up the cooolie people living among them."


ahmmm . . . nothing "racist here" nuh?


i use the term "regressive" because long, long ago i had reason to point out that "[Linden] has not suffered enough" was not the proper posture for a believing Christian man (you) reflecting on the destitution visited upon that community by the vindictive, not-so-benign neglect policies of a racist PPP regime


seignet, you are an educated man, albeit one whose core racism, freighted with perverted end-of-days evil and malign intent, is beyond cure or reason . . . so, for all the above and much much more, please do not insist on insulting everybady's intelligence with your silly protestations . . . arite?

The epitome of Burnham Black racism, one of his products "which" fell to the wayside trying to revive the "totenkopf" stormfront days.


The Indian psyche is born out of Afro racism as we know it.

You are correct. But these two chaps are like 1 multiplied by 1. These same fool. 


Burnham Black Racist was like turned milk. Overnight dem rass became colllie haters.


That fool doan know that. If I continue with idiots, truths may be deemed racists against blacks. 


seignet, avoiding the obvious does u no good


when u scare up the courage to confront what i posted about your leprous ideas, people will at least respect u as a stand up guy, not a hypocrit, bible-thumping antiman

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Well said Sig. We East Indians of Guyana must always guard against racial hate towards us that comes in a disguised form. That is the reason why we must always keep the option on the table of an independent state for us Indians and our supporters.

sorry, in every instance where there is a claim for independence on ethnic claims there exists an primordial claim of ancestral lands. Indians can make no such claim here.

Just wondering who has a legitimate claim of ancestral land? The Amerindians? If so, I agree with you. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

Trust me, I am not a racist. And many Indians are not. Despite those 2 fella waht the dickens they think. 

You and basemen are members of teh same club.  Peddling the lie that only blacks in Guyana have been guilty of racism and only Indians are victims.


For every narrative you have about how you suffered because of blacks, other blacks can say the SAME about Indians.


So what is your point.


MY point is that blacks and Indians have BOTH been guilty of racism and BOTH blacks and Indians have suffered.  This you consider to be a Burnhamist racist statement.


Now you scream that Linden is suffering because of Wismar, ignoring of course Sun Chapman.  Should Rosehall now suffer because of atrocities commited by Indians against blacks.  In fact the FIRST interracial attack took place in Rose Hall when a black man was killed by a PPP supporter, this according to Eusi.   It is an African president who will determine the fate of Guysuco.

Originally Posted by seignet:

I cannot be a racist. The devil is at work all the time-ppl do terrible things. I juss point them out.


I truly believe Linden suffers because of their crimes.


And you may not believe that cooolie ppl were denied cutlasses due to racism. That is your right. I do not ever try to change your perceptions. 


But those things did happen. 

somehow i missed your riposte in all it's illogic and ignorance


lessee now . . . each of dem several thousand Guysuco cane cutters had to get vouched for by 3 burnhamite blackman before they were issued a 22" and certified to cut cane


doan even know whether to laugh or feel sorry for you


as to the Linden thing, i leave u to marinate in your ungodly reverie and allow the disease to take over . . . you are 70+ and hopefully will enter that hot place reserved for your kind soon

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

"It is an African president who will determine the fate of Guysuco."


You make Cde Granger look like a Dictator.


That will be a Cabinet and parliament decision.  Bro. Mose has oversight for agriculture.

Cabinet and parliament will recommend, and these recommendations will be taken into consideration.  Until the constitution changes it is the president who decides. 


If Cabinet says one thing, but Granger says another, you know full well whose view will be implemented.  NOT the cabinet.


BTW even in the USA the president can decide to veto, unless Congress has enough votes to over ride. This where legislative and executive arms of government are completely separate, and even a Democract can and will vote against Obama, with no consequences for doing so.


There is not that division between the legislature and executive in Guyana.  Do you think that APNU MPs will try to over ride Granger?  Or for that matter even AFC  MPs, unless they are ready to reinstall the PPP?


I suggest that you re read that Cummingsburg Accord.  Cabinet and the PM RECOMMEND.  Its the President who decides.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

Look here brother, I doan like the Jagans. Because dey gat us into al this shite.

And yet you scream that the ethnic oppression began with black people.


BOTH groups participated and BOTH groups suffered.  Yet your hysterical screams would lead one to ask why Canada and the USA refused to allow refugees status to Indians (when some tried to get it), based on some screams of ethnic genocidal acts under Burnham.

Originally Posted by seignet:
. Maybe I will understand ur racists take.

Help me out here. When I say that BOTH blacks and Indians are guilty of racism, and BOTH have suffered....that is racism


But when you bring down fire and damnation on Linden, and refuse to discuss the Lindeners who were murdered by the PYO on the Sun Chapman, and then you damn Afro Guyanese as being savages, and make no such claims of Indo racism, either in the 60s, or under the PPP regime just ended....that isnt racism.


I suggest that YOU cool down, and read what you wrote.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Trust me, I am not a racist. And many Indians are not. Despite those 2 fella waht the dickens they think. 

You and basemen are members of teh same club.  Peddling the lie that only blacks in Guyana have been guilty of racism and only Indians are victims.


For every narrative you have about how you suffered because of blacks, other blacks can say the SAME about Indians.


So what is your point.


MY point is that blacks and Indians have BOTH been guilty of racism and BOTH blacks and Indians have suffered.  This you consider to be a Burnhamist racist statement.


Now you scream that Linden is suffering because of Wismar, ignoring of course Sun Chapman.  Should Rosehall now suffer because of atrocities commited by Indians against blacks.  In fact the FIRST interracial attack took place in Rose Hall when a black man was killed by a PPP supporter, this according to Eusi.   It is an African president who will determine the fate of Guysuco.

All Guyanese

Believe David Granger 

it is the Guyanese President.


is Saying David Granger 

it is the AFRICAN President....


You cannot stop

A Black Racist Dog

from thinking like CaribJ...


All Guyanese

Believe Moses Nagamootoo 

it is the Guyanese Prime Minister.


Dem Coolie Crab Louse

will say Moses Nagamootoo 

it is the Coolieman Prime Minister....


You cannot stop

A Indian Racist Dog

from thinking like a

Coolie Crab Louse...


We all Know The Truth

Moses & Granger

spreading Love & Unity


Moses & Granger

spreading Peace & Harmony

CaribJ hate Coolieman

Dem Coolie Crab Louse

Hate Blackman

Both Moses & Granger

Say there is no place

for Coolie & Black Racism

in their Govt...

CaribJ cannot speak for





an African president 

will determine

the fate of Guysuco.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Someone must have stolen Sagga bai's handle. Or maybe his experiences are too great to overcome. I don't think it is anyone's right to deny him his experiences.

who's "deny[ing] him his experiences"?

Sorry. I miswrote it. I meant deny him his right to his experiences. Objecting to his rant is in my opinion, denying him his right to his experiences.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Someone must have stolen Sagga bai's handle. Or maybe his experiences are too great to overcome. I don't think it is anyone's right to deny him his experiences.

who's "deny[ing] him his experiences"?

Sorry. I miswrote it. I meant deny him his right to his experiences. Objecting to his rant is in my opinion, denying him his right to his experiences.



i suggest u step back and have someone competent hold yuh haan and assist u in thinking on dat wan a lil bit

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Someone must have stolen Sagga bai's handle. Or maybe his experiences are too great to overcome. I don't think it is anyone's right to deny him his experiences.

who's "deny[ing] him his experiences"?

Sorry. I miswrote it. I meant deny him his right to his experiences. Objecting to his rant is in my opinion, denying him his right to his experiences.



i suggest u step back and have someone competent hold yuh haan and assist u in thinking on dat wan a lil bit

That's fine. I am very comfortable thinking for myself.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Someone must have stolen Sagga bai's handle. Or maybe his experiences are too great to overcome. I don't think it is anyone's right to deny him his experiences.

who's "deny[ing] him his experiences"?

Sorry. I miswrote it. I meant deny him his right to his experiences. Objecting to his rant is in my opinion, denying him his right to his experiences.

Who Denying Faiuze & Kushial

their right to their Experience

of Picketing for loosers?


Dem loosers got Rights

to their Experience....


Moses tell Ramjattan

put them in a Cage .....

give them Police Protection....

and let them carry on smartly....


Ah want Faiuze & Kushial

go Protest in Brooklyn on Sunday....

If them is Man with Balls

Ksazma yuh think

dem gon hide dem Balls

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Look here brother, I doan like the Jagans. Because dey gat us into al this shite.

And yet you scream that the ethnic oppression began with black people.


BOTH groups participated and BOTH groups suffered.  Yet your hysterical screams would lead one to ask why Canada and the USA refused to allow refugees status to Indians (when some tried to get it), based on some screams of ethnic genocidal acts under Burnham.

somebody need to paint you with a different color,fool almost all Indians that apply for refuge status in Canada was successful you is a hateful n-igger 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by caribny:

And yet you scream that the ethnic oppression began with black people.


BOTH groups participated and BOTH groups suffered.  Yet your hysterical screams would lead one to ask why Canada and the USA refused to allow refugees status to Indians (when some tried to get it), based on some screams of ethnic genocidal acts under Burnham.

somebody need to paint you with a different color,fool almost all Indians that apply for refuge status in Canada was successful you is a hateful n-igger 

lord, what did you start!!  Wismar all over again!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by caribny:

And yet you scream that the ethnic oppression began with black people.


BOTH groups participated and BOTH groups suffered.  Yet your hysterical screams would lead one to ask why Canada and the USA refused to allow refugees status to Indians (when some tried to get it), based on some screams of ethnic genocidal acts under Burnham.

somebody need to paint you with a different color,fool almost all Indians that apply for refuge status in Canada was successful you is a hateful n-igger 

lord, what did you start!!  Wismar all over again!!

this man is a die hard racist 


Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Look here brother, I doan like the Jagans. Because dey gat us into al this shite.

And yet you scream that the ethnic oppression began with black people.


BOTH groups participated and BOTH groups suffered.  Yet your hysterical screams would lead one to ask why Canada and the USA refused to allow refugees status to Indians (when some tried to get it), based on some screams of ethnic genocidal acts under Burnham.

somebody need to paint you with a different color,fool almost all Indians that apply for refuge status in Canada was successful you is a hateful n-igger 

ahmmm . . . ok

Originally Posted by Prashad:
None of us on this board are racist

We all want a non racist Guyana. If we cannot get that then we have to seek alternatives.

you are so full of shit


i truly have only been on this BB since November 2009, and what i have seen here leading up to and since the coalition win is truly astonishing!

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by caribny:

And yet you scream that the ethnic oppression began with black people.


BOTH groups participated and BOTH groups suffered.  Yet your hysterical screams would lead one to ask why Canada and the USA refused to allow refugees status to Indians (when some tried to get it), based on some screams of ethnic genocidal acts under Burnham.

somebody need to paint you with a different color,fool almost all Indians that apply for refuge status in Canada was successful you is a hateful n-igger 

lord, what did you start!!  Wismar all over again!!

this man is a die hard racist 


The 10 or so years I've been here, the tune never changed.  Even baseman moderated and many times positively viewed certain aspects of the PNC rule and contributions of Afros to Guyana.  I have NEVER heard this banna say anything positive about "Indians" or the PPP and his criticism of the PNC was always "conditioned" on some past dead leader's indiscretion or bad judgement.


Give him the authority, he would apply the Idi Amin solution to Guyana.  You see his depiction of the AFC's Nagamootoo faction's contribution to putting the PNC over the top!  As far as he in concerned, our Indentureship contracts still running.


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