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VISHNU BANDHU: A passionate social and community worker


Very few persons are as committed to serving their fellowman as businessman Vishnu Bandhu, who believes that charity begins at home. A social and community worker all his life, he continues to put in his time and money to promote culture, peace, health and goodwill.


Bandhu currently owns a construction company by the name of V.B. New Approach General Construction Inc. in Guyana, but due to his earnest desire to serve others he is the President of the United Federation of Arts and Culture (U.F.A.C), the West Demerara Arya Samaj, the International President of Interstate Sigfa Health Organisation (ISHO) New York and has been recently appointed international co-coordinator of SIGFA Solutions India, Faridabad, (NCR Delhi).
Bandhu was born on December 4, 1951, at Windsor Forest a rice farming village on the West Coast Demerara. He attended the St. Anthony Anglican School. After school he worked as a counter clerk in Georgetown and was an Organising Secretary in the Windsor Forest Arya Samaj (Religious Movement).
He got married in 1971 and joined the Guyana Transport Services Ltd on the West Coast Demerara as a bus driver in the year 1974. In 1975 he organised the first Centenary Foundation Celebration of the Arya Samaj of the West Demerara Region which has grown today to be one of the largest celebrations of the Arya Samaj not only in Guyana but also in the United States of America and Canada.
That same year he migrated to Toronto, Canada. He joined Oscar’s Surplus Company in Toronto as a salesman, and his boss gave him the nick name “JOHN”. After one year of hard work he was promoted as General Manager for Oscar’s Carpet Company in Toronto. Two years later he started his own carpet business called JOHN’S CARPET on Queens Street West, Toronto. The following year he opened JOHNS INTERNATIONAL IMPORT EXPORT and JOHN’S INTERNATIONAL RECORDS COMPANY. He was the President for all these businesses. By this time he had helped to found the Toronto Arya Samaj and in the year 1978 he produced the first long playing Arya Samaj Record (LP) in the world name ATMA SHANTI, meaning “Peace for the Soul” with eight devotional songs.
In 1980 he returned to Guyana and was a member of the central Demerara Lions’ Club. In 1981 he migrated to the United States of America and became a founding member and the first president of the ARYA SAMAJ U.S.A which was for many years the nucleus of Arya Samaj activities in the U.S.
He then later joined a Manufacturing Picture Company in Long Island City, Queens, New York and became one of the first wholesale outdoor salesmen. Six months later he bought over one of the huge furniture stores he used to supply pictures to in Broadway, Brooklyn, N.Y. He then renamed the store EXPO DISTRUBUTOR where he sold furniture, carpet, and pictures and organised shipping to Guyana. Then in the year 1983 he started the first West Indian Cultural News Paper called CARRIBBEAN AWAKE.

After a few months the newspaper turned into a political mouth piece for Guyana. The same year he opened one of the first West Indian Night clubs on Hillside, Queens, New York called CARRIBBEAN CONNECTION. He then started a half hour radio programme and later opened a second furniture store in Jamaica, Queens, N.Y. In 1985, after continuing to hear the cries of the Guyanese people in the then Burnham (PNC) days, Vishnu Bandhu led a team of people to form a Political Party in March, 1985 called UNITED REPUBLICAN PARTY OF GUYANA (in New York) . In May 1986, in the name of the UNITED REPUBLICAN PARTY OF GUYANA he organised the first Guyana Beauty Pageant Cultural Evening at Brooklyn College in New York and also took the party to the first India Day Parade in 1987 in Manhattan, N.Y. where the party had its own UNITED REPUBLICAN PARTY OF GUYANA float, and was the first West Indian organisation to ever take part.
From 1985 to 1987 he and his party executives organised many groups across the United States of America and Toronto, Canada to conduct tremendous ground work, travelling to Washington to meet with members of the US Congress to lobby for restoration of democracy in Guyana. Two years later, in November 1987, the UNITED REPUBLICAN PARTY OF GUYANA was formally launched at 43 Croal Street, Stabroek, and Georgetown, Guyana. Vishnu Bandhu sold his business allowed hi children to stay in the U.S.A. and Canada and went to Guyana to take up residence at Vreed-en-Hoop on the West Coast Demerara, Guyana.
There he lived for another nine years working tirelessly and doing work in the political field. It was not easy – he was locked up many times for political reasons and on one occasion was even shot at, when he was at his residence. In 1989, a soldier vehicle crashed into his vehicle on the West Bank Demerara causing severe injuries to his body, which left him crippled for several months.
In 1990 he opened a business call EXPO MARKETING in Georgetown, Guyana, where he started importing MOLSON BEERS from the United States, sneakers from China and mattresses and food items from Trinidad. In 1993 he opened a Wholesale Retail business called “PEOPLE’S GENERAL STORE” at Vreed-en-Hoop on the West Coast Demerara. The business became very popular. At Christmas time he sponsored Santa Claus and other fun things for kids. During this time he also campaigned in the 1992 General Elections for free and fair elections.
In 1994 for Guyana Independence Day, he organised at the Vreed-en-Hoop Ferry Stelling one of the largest Cultural Evenings ever seen on that side, featuring fireworks by the Army. In the same year he started the construction of the Vreed-en-Hoop Arya Samaj Mandir which took him about 10 years to complete because of finance. He later returned to the United States of America and continued to be an independent individual who financed the completion of the project. Today the Mandir is a masterpiece on the West Coast Demerara. In 1994 he also started the National day of Prayer at the Joe Vera Park on the West Bank Demerara in Guyana. It was led by himself, Dr. Satish Prakash and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds with the help of the police, the army band and thousands of people who marched from the Park to the Vreed-en-Hoop Arya Samaj Mandir which is about three miles away. After that, in 1994, he contested the Best/Klien Pouderoyen Local Government elections where he won a seat. He has promoted various religious and cultural shows in Guyana such as stage shows, cultural fairs, signing competitions, Diwali Beauty Pageants, etc.
With the help of his wife Amelia, Bandhu has also been known to do other activities for the benefit of senior citizens and children. The couple organised government and private vehicles to transport senior citizens from their homes as far as Parika, East Bank Essequibo and Wales, Canal Polder on the West Bank Demerara to Vreed-en-Hoop Ferry Stelling for Christmas Parties and arranged with the army and private companies to prepare meals , entertainment and sharing of gifts. They also furnished and provided an educational programme which includes computers for a Computer School for the Community. In 1996, before returning to United States of America, he coordinated and promoted the Guyana Mashramani celebrations for the government throughout Guyana.
Life is not without setbacks and sometime around this period he returned to the United States of America penniless and he had to start his life all over again. Depressed and frustrated, he had no idea what to do and stayed out of public life. He took a security job, and then he started studies for different types of license – bus, CDL and yellow cab driver’s license. Soon he started driving a yellow cab for a period until he started a construction company called V.N.R. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION COOPERATION. After a few months into the construction company he started an Investment company called GUY AMERICA DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISES CORP, through which he started borrow money to purchase lands and construct houses. He became the first major developer in the East New York, Brooklyn area and in August 2005 he was featured in the New York Times special article for developing poor neighbourhoods in the Brooklyn Area.
In 2006 he invested in building condominiums in Dominican Republic. After that he became a licensed Realtor and he opened a Real Estate Mortgage Company in Brooklyn. He became the President of the UNITED ARYA SAMAJ FEDERATION which is the mother body of all the ARYA SAMAJ branches in the Tri state Area – New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
In 2008 he formed a company in Guyana call Guy America Investment Inc, Also I.T.S. Energy Services (Guyana) Inc which he is the President, he also has many other Investments in Guyana and at present he controls about 20 Million Dollars in Real Estate Investment.
Currently he is nurturing the principle of Sigfa healing Mantra in his own life and has started Sigfa health education classes. These classes tap into the healing current of God to heal and cure any kind of disease in the body, such as heart disease, blood pressure, Cholesterol, diabetes, Hepatitis-c. Cancer, etc., take place free of cost at a number of locations in Guyana, the principal one being the Vreed-en-hoop Arya Samaj Mandir every Sunday at 3.45 PM.
By Michelle Gonsalves

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Leader of the United Republic Party (URP), Dr. Vishnu Bandhu

…Bandhu accuses the party of stealing his candidates

LEADER of the United Republic Party (URP), Dr. Vishnu Bandhu believes that many Guyanese are not politically educated and therefore continue to fall into the traps of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

On the Guyana Chronicle’s online programme, Vantage Point on Monday, the URP Head said much of his bad experiences came from the former Administration he once supported. Unlike other small parties contesting the elections, the URP has been around for quite some time, founded in 1985 and launched in Guyana in 1987. In 1992 and 2015 the URP contested the General and Regional Elections but, according to Dr. Bandhu, the party only received 1,800 and 1,100 votes respectively. Questioned why the party took a break from contesting between 1992 and 2015, the party leader stated that it was because it (the party) “trusted the PPP would do the right thing”.

He said that that meant addressing law and order, positively, in Guyana and respecting the constitution. There was also the view that Dr Cheddie Jagan was an “honest politician”.
“We thought that he (Dr Jagan) would do the right thing but his years in government, he didn’t even attempt to do those things that he promised he would do. In fact, after the elections, I personally went to him. I said ‘Doc, you said winner wouldn’t take all’. Do you know what his answer was to me? ‘Who do you think is PPP/Civic? PPP/Civic is PPP.’ It was only names they were playing with. Because of the wrong things that had been going on in Guyana under the 23 years of the PPP we thought it was unfair. So, the same party which we assisted to go in government, which was the PPP, we came back and are fighting against them,” he explained.

The URP is self-funded by Dr. Bandhu and he has vowed never to coalesce with the PPP/C despite the fact that Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo had contacted him about same. “The URP is not merging with no political party,” Bandhu told the newspaper earlier this month. “Other political parties have called and asked us to come together and we said no. PPP called me but I never went. Bharrat [Jagdeo] had called me personally, I never went. Badal’s party had called me…but we are going alone, we’re not merging with nobody.”

On Monday, he repeated the same stating that he believed that URP represents the only hope for Guyana with the true leadership to move the country forward. Dr. Bandhu said that he doesn’t believe that all the leaders of the country’s two main political parties are bad but said that they would need to dismantle themselves and join the URP if they really wanted some form of a joint effort.

Detailing areas in which he believed the PPP demonstrated mismanagement and poor leadership, the URP Head criticized the notorious $10,000 cash grant to school children which he admitted had been misused for years by parents and guardians for unintended purposes.

“I know people who never even looked at their children. They picked up five of their children, they carried them at the school and they say ‘these are five children’ and they never spent any money on their kids but they collected $50,000,” he said.

It is the same cash grant that presidential candidate of the PPP, Irfaan Ali, has been promoting to resuscitate during the party’s on-going elections campaign. Dr. Bandhu said that people in pro-PPP areas continue to be misled to the extent that they believe every utterance of their leaders without thinking for themselves. He detailed: “You will find some Indian areas where there is PPP support [and] the government built their roads now and you will hear the PPP go around and say ‘we de put in fuh build that road’. Five years ago you were in there and you couldn’t have built the road but the government built the road, what is fair is fair…you‘ve got to think for yourself. We have a budget every year; this year’s budget will be spent on next year’s projects. So, how will PPP who came out from office five years ago and five years ago they could have left money to build the road? Nonsense. It doesn’t work like that.”

The URP head also accused the PPP of attempting to steal its candidates by sizing up the URP’s lists posted for previous elections and randomly taking names and copying signatures. “In the Local Government [Elections] we had candidates who were leading our lists on the West Demerara where I’m from and he [this candidate] never signed for the PPP but when we submitted our lists they said his name was on the PPP [List]. So, he wrote them a letter, got it notarized and showed them and told them that he never, ever signed for the PPP and let them take his name immediately off that list,” Dr. Bandhu said. The URP is contesting the 2020 General and Regional Elections and hopes to gain several seats in the National Assembly despite the limited support received on previous attempts.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:

I think the man is a Doctor.  People just getting to fussy.

Dr. Bandhu has served the country and the Guyanese Diaspora with commitment, sacrifice and dedication; as a true patriot. He has been recognized for his service to humanity and the Guyanese Diaspora and has earned many accolades. Varied organizations in North America and Guyana have honored him with prestigious awards. He was also honored (humanitarian awards, special citations, Certificate of Recognition, etc.) by politicians. The New York State Senate as well as the Hudson County Executive in the USA have also acknowledged and rewarded him for his service to his community. He has served the Caribbean community.

He was honored with an Honorary Doctorate by a University in Florida (Samskrutham) for his service to humanity.

Vish M posted:

Just imagine, a man with a lengthy list of noble accomplishment, is getting berated on this forum


you should sanction the perps

I agree, and by many fat talk  Doolittle. I agree he should not lie, but he seems to have done a lot in Guyana. What has Shuman done for his people, much less the people?

Baseman posted:

That settles that.  He is a Dr just like Dr Jagdeo. Jagdeo, he is a honorary DR. 

Honorary dr do not walk around telling people they are doctors nor do they sign their names as DR. 

An honorary DR is not the same as a doctorate earned through dedicated research and publications and work in an academic setting. It is granted to a person who had made a significant contribution to make the world a better place. I suspect Jagdeo's honorary DR was given for his contribution towards making the environment a better place and protecting the earth...thus his recognition by the Europeans for preserving the rain forest (not sure exactly for what he was recognized).

Bandhu's honorary, I suspect, was given for the same reason. That university that granted him the recognition could have granted it to anyone of you folks here. Often the granting "institution" does that to bring focus and attention to themselves to promote their institutions.

Check this out to see how widespread it is:

I pick on Irfaan often, despite receiving his PhD from a reputable institution because his BA was received under questionable circumstances...under fraud. Then there is also the issue of when he spent time pursuing such an advanced degree. UWI does not offer online classes that leads towards a full degree. Besides, there are professionals today who sell their services for such things as writing a dissertation for people who can pay them to do so. This is why there is that shadow over Irfaan, who was granted a degree from UWI, though his degree is not considered honorary.

There are others I investigated like Peter Ramsaroop who also has a questionable advanced degree.

Now, Ramaya is in a different category by himself...he is what my uncle calls a "quack" or a "bush doctor". He adopted the title "dr" but he is a herbalist (I believe they call them "ayurvedic", according to my uncle). It is just that Guyanese are too gullible and uneducated to delve deeper into his background. 

If you want to see a legitimately earned PhD or doctorate, check out the bio of Ivelaw Griffith (whose contract with UG was not renewed). Now, compare these people to his education and publications. Better yet, check out that of Dr Walter Rodney. 

As a footnote...this information might be over the head of Dave, KP, Skeldon-Man and Nehru.


There are few Guyanese who have bona fide PhD degrees.  You can probably count them with your fingers and toes.  Coincidentally, the ones I know are from the PNC camp, including one PhD from Harvard, one from Yale, and one from Cambridge.

Bibi Haniffa


The heading of this thread edited ,it's misleading to state Mr.Vishnu Bandhu is FAKE.

The article posted ,stated differently . Mr. Bandhu will be renouncing his US Citizenship soon. I can recall remembering him as Tata bus driver on the West Coast of Demerara.

URP Presidential Candidate to relinquish US citizenship

Vishnu Bandhu

January 16 ,2020

Presidential Candidate of the United Republican Party (URP) Dr Vishnu Bandhu has submitted his documents to the United States Embassy to relinquish his citizenship to that country, in order to remain on his party’s list of candidates for the March 2 polls.

He has written a letter to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) indicating his decision.

“I sent them a letter stating that I am withdrawing myself from US citizen as a Candidate in Guyana. I have been honest enough to let them know that.

“Next three weeks, the US embassy promised me that all the paperwork would finish and I would… not be a US citizen anymore,” Dr Bandhu said on Wednesday evening as his party launched its manifesto at Cara Lodge, Quamina Street, Georgetown.

The URP is among the 11 parties which have been approved to contest the General and Regional Elections.

Dr Bandhu is arguing that he never lied when he signed a declaration form on Friday last declaring that he is eligible to be selected as a member of the National Assembly.

The form was submitted to GECOM on Nominations Day along with the party’s lists of candidates.

“The news what they are saying that I lied by signing the declaration…I never lied,” he said.

According to article 155 of the Constitution of Guyana, to be qualified to be a Member of the National Assembly, you cannot swear allegiance to another state.

“No person shall be qualified for election as a member of the National Assembly who –is by virtue of his own act, under acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power or state…”

Dr Bandhu is arguing that he wants to be President and the President is not a member of the National Assembly.

“I signed a declaration called ‘Presidential Candidate’. Every political party has a ‘Presidential Candidate declaration’ and a Presidential Candidate is not sitting in the National Assembly in Guyana. They have their own office, but nevertheless, you should not be a dual citizen,” he said.

However, according to the GECOM declaration form signed in the presence of a Justice of Peace (JP) to contest the elections, you have to be qualified to be elected as a Member of the National Assembly.

Asked about the issue on Tuesday, GECOM Commissioner Vincent Alexander hinted that the Police may be called in to deal with the false declaration.

Dr Bandhu who has been contesting the General elections since 1992 and has not been able to capture a seat at these polls, however, he is confident that his party’s faith will change this time around.

The other parties contesting the election are A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC), People’s Progressive Party (PPP), The Citizenship Initiative (TCI), The New Movement (TNM), A New and United Guyana (ANUG), Change Guyana, the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), the Federal United Party (FedUP), Organisation for Victory of the People (OVP) and the People’s Republic Party (PRP).

Last edited by Django
Vish M posted:

Just imagine, a man with a lengthy list of noble accomplishment, is getting berated on this forum


you should sanction the perps

Its not about quantity but its about quality.

We respect his accomplishments...but as a public figure who want to represent Guyanese as their highest leader, people have a right to question his credentials. 

You know very well that Guyanese politicians  have a penchant for perpetuating a fraud. Why should he be any different, if the same level of criticism is leveled against Irfaan and Jagdeo, both with much greater visibility?


VishMahabir posted:
Vish M posted:

Just imagine, a man with a lengthy list of noble accomplishment, is getting berated on this forum


you should sanction the perps

Its not about quantity but its about quality.

We respect his accomplishments...but as a public figure who want to represent Guyanese as their highest leader, people have a right to question his credentials. 

You know very well that Guyanese politicians  have a penchant for perpetuating a fraud. Why should he be any different, if the same level of criticism is leveled against Irfaan and Jagdeo, both with much greater visibility?


If his name was Negro Waka Blackman, you would not question his credentials. 


I believe Dr Bandhu should be disqualify and charge he had enough time to relinquish his US citizenship. He also mislead GECOM, took a Oath in front of a JP and signed a declaration form knowing he has dual citizenship. 



@VishMahabir: As a footnote...this information might be over the head of Dave, KP, Skeldon-Man and Nehru.

Like you want fuh me mek wan trip fuh visit you or wah? Dis time you have fuh look fuh lion bukta.

Dave posted:

I believe Dr Bandhu should be disqualify and charge he had enough time to relinquish his US citizenship. He also mislead GECOM, took a Oath in front of a JP and signed a declaration form knowing he has dual citizenship.

There are fines for making false declarations ,let the LAW become applicable.

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Vish M posted:

Just imagine, a man with a lengthy list of noble accomplishment, is getting berated on this forum


you should sanction the perps

Its not about quantity but its about quality.

We respect his accomplishments...but as a public figure who want to represent Guyanese as their highest leader, people have a right to question his credentials. 

You know very well that Guyanese politicians  have a penchant for perpetuating a fraud. Why should he be any different, if the same level of criticism is leveled against Irfaan and Jagdeo, both with much greater visibility?


If his name was Negro Waka Blackman, you would not question his credentials. 

Not really, but...dat name would definitely be fake...nobody use the word "Negro" anymore...


Dave posted:

I believe Dr Bandhu should be disqualify and charge he had enough time to relinquish his US citizenship. He also mislead GECOM, took a Oath in front of a JP and signed a declaration form knowing he has dual citizenship. 



Guyana got people making too many accusations and very few people going to jail because the charges dont stick. 

Somebody has to pay the piper.

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Vish M posted:

Just imagine, a man with a lengthy list of noble accomplishment, is getting berated on this forum


you should sanction the perps

Its not about quantity but its about quality.

We respect his accomplishments...but as a public figure who want to represent Guyanese as their highest leader, people have a right to question his credentials. 

You know very well that Guyanese politicians  have a penchant for perpetuating a fraud. Why should he be any different, if the same level of criticism is leveled against Irfaan and Jagdeo, both with much greater visibility?


If his name was Negro Waka Blackman, you would not question his credentials. 

Not really, but...dat name would definitely be fake...nobody use the word "Negro" anymore...


You are right. They prefer to use the "N" instead.

Django posted:
Ray posted:

funny you call this man fake...but think Jagdeo is a real Dactah

We will have to take of the heading.

I disagree with your editing of the heading here Django. It seems that it was not kp's intent to highlight who or what Vishnu Persaud is. He focused directly on Persaud using the title Dr. when there is no evidence that he was ever bestowed with even an honorary doctorate. I don't know what the statement below means but it sounds as fake as Fip Motilall building roads in Florida. Everyone thins they can hide their sins in Florida's swamplands.  He was honored with an Honorary Doctorate by a University in Florida (Samskrutham) for his service to humanity.

You and Ray are two pokes. 

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:

funny you call this man fake...but think Jagdeo is a real Dactah

We will have to take of the heading.

I disagree with your editing of the heading here Django. It seems that it was not kp's intent to highlight who or what Vishnu Persaud is. He focused directly on Persaud using the title Dr. when there is no evidence that he was ever bestowed with even an honorary doctorate. I don't know what the statement below means but it sounds as fake as Fip Motilall building roads in Florida. Everyone thins they can hide their sins in Florida's swamplands.  He was honored with an Honorary Doctorate by a University in Florida (Samskrutham) for his service to humanity.

You and Ray are two pokes. 

It's Vishnu Bandhu ,where you get Persaud ?

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:

funny you call this man fake...but think Jagdeo is a real Dactah

We will have to take of the heading.

I disagree with your editing of the heading here Django. It seems that it was not kp's intent to highlight who or what Vishnu Persaud is. He focused directly on Persaud using the title Dr. when there is no evidence that he was ever bestowed with even an honorary doctorate. I don't know what the statement below means but it sounds as fake as Fip Motilall building roads in Florida. Everyone thins they can hide their sins in Florida's swamplands.  He was honored with an Honorary Doctorate by a University in Florida (Samskrutham) for his service to humanity.

You and Ray are two pokes. 

It's Vishnu Bandhu ,where you get Persaud ?

Sorry Sah. Meh mix up meh names deh. Iz Ray's fault. 


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